chinese herbal medicine (chm) poisoning author dr tse man li august, 2013 hkcem college tutorial

Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

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Page 1: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM)


AUTHORDr Tse Man LiAugust, 2013

HKCEM College Tutorial

Page 2: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial


• A 55 year old lady with no significant past medical health history

• Complained of numbness first affecting her face then progressed to her hands and feet since 1 hour ago

• And nausea, vomiting and dizziness

• Her vitals• GCS 15/15, BP80/50, P45, RR18/min., SpO2 98% (Rm Air)

• H’stix 7 mmol/L

Page 3: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial


Page 4: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

Hyperventilation Unlikely

▪ Hypotension, bradycardia

▪ RR18 without respiratory complain

▪ Precipitating factor present?

Page 5: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

What will you do?

Page 6: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

▪Manage in resuscitation room

▪ IV fluid

▪ ECG and electrolytes +/- ABG

Page 7: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

What history will you ask?

Page 8: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

Food intake Hx

• Puffer fish

• Big coral fishes: Ciguatera poisoning

• Shellfish: neurotoxic, paralytic

• Pesticide contaminationOthers•Mad honey (Grayanotoxin)•Sodium monoglutamate

Page 9: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

Herb Intake Hx

Others (less likely)

•Gelsemium elegans ( 斷腸草 )

•Rhododendron flower ( 鬧羊花 )

•Veratrum spp. root & rhizoma( 黎蘆 )

•Sophora flavescens root ( 苦蔘 )

•Sophora tonkinensis root ( 山頭根 )

• Aconite root ( 烏頭 )

• Natural cardioactive steroid containing herbs

Page 10: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial


▪ The patient had taken some Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) dispensed from a herb shop 2 hour ago.

▪ The numbness and nausea onset 30 minutes after the intake.

▪ ECG monitor: (next slide)

Page 11: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

▪ ECG tracing:

▪ Junctional bradycardia

▪ Frequent VEBs

▪ Possible triplet or short run VT?

Page 12: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

What will you do?

Page 13: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial


▪ IV fluid

▪ Anti-arrhythmics: ­ Amiodarone­ Magnesium

▪ Correct any electrolyte abnormalities

Page 14: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

What else?

Page 15: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

▪ Collect the following and send to HA Toxicology Reference Lab for analysis if possible:- Biological samples (urine and blood)- Herb remnants - Unused herbs

▪ Trace the CHM formula and consult HKPIC for interpretation

Page 16: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

The Formula

熟附子 1 兩半 烏梅 1 兩 雞內金三錢

Page 17: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

What is the likely cause of her signs and symptoms?

Page 18: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

Clinical Features of Aconite Poisoning

• Typical clinical triads of – GI symptoms• Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea

– Numbness• Paresthesia, weakness(rarely)

– Cardiovascular effect• Hypotension, • AV blockage,,• ventricular ectopics , ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation• Prolong QT, Torsade de pointes

• Overdose of Fuzi ( 熟 ) 附子 – 一両半 (15 錢 ) = 45g– Recommended dose <15g

Page 19: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

What is Aconite ?

Page 20: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

Aconite Poisoning• Aconite is a plant genus that contain toxic aconite alkaloids

e.g. aconitine, mesaconitine, yunaconitine….

• Aconite alkaloids are sodium channel effectors that are neurotoxic and highly cardiotoxic

• Their roots are used in Chinese Herbal Medicine usually after curing( 炮掣 ):–川烏 , 草烏 , 附子 , 附片 , 雪上一枝蒿

• Aconite poisoning is the commonest acute Chinese Herbal Medicine related poisoning in Hong Kong and China. ~10 cases are reported annually.

• Aconite poisoning is usually severe and can be fatal

Page 21: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

3 commonest causes of poisoning

• The commonest causes are:- Overdose

Suggested ceiling dose in Chinese Pharmacopeia 2010 Ed:•川烏 Radix Aconiti /草烏 Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii : 一錢(3g)•附子 Radix Aconiti Lateralis : 五錢 (15g)

• Improper curing/boiling

• Contamination of benign herb by plant parts of aconite spp (hidden aconite poisoning)

Page 22: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial


• Activated Charcoal is presented early

• Supportive: - IV fluid, atropine for bradycardia, inotroph e.g.


• Anti-arrhythmics:- Amiodarone, - Magnesium

• Charcoal haemoperfusion in resistant case

• Cardiopulmonary bypass

Page 23: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial


▪ Potential public interest- Call HKPIC / Notify Department of Health- Outbreak control may be needed particularly for

hidden aconite poisoning

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Other common acute poisonings associated with CHM

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Gelsemium elegans ( 斷腸草 )

• Gelsemine and related toxins

• Causes bulbar and extra-ocular muscle weakness

• Coma and respiratory failure if severe

• Management is supportive

• Common Causes - Contamination of benign herb e.g. 五指毛桃 fruit of Focus plant- Mis-identfication- Intake of parasitic plant growing on Gelsemium elegans

Page 26: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

Cardioactive Steroid-containing Herbs & Plants

▪ Naturally occurring cardioactive steroids acts on the Na+/K+ ATPase of cardiocyte, e.g. digitotoxin in Digitalis plants.

▪ Poisoning resembles Digoxin overdose

▪ Present in Chinese herbs:- Toad venom (蟾酥 ), - Tupistra chinensis (川七 or 開口箭 )

▪ Also in toxic plants found in HK: - Nerium orleander ( 紅花甲竹桃 ), Thevetia perviana ( 黃花甲竹桃 ),

Strophanthus divaricatus ( 羊角拗 ), Cerbera manghas ( 海芒果 )

▪ Poisoning resembles digoxin overdose

▪ Cross-react with some digoxin essay in HA Labs

▪ Digoxin antibody is useful

Page 27: Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) Poisoning AUTHOR Dr Tse Man Li August, 2013 HKCEM College Tutorial

Anti-cholinergic Poisoning▪ Typically presents as confusion, delirium, visual hallucination

within a few hours after CHM use

▪ Some presents with partial anti-cholinergic toxidrome:- Dilated pupils (blindness)- Dry mucous membrane and skin (dryness)- Urinary retention (fullness)- Red hot skin +/- fever (redness & hotness)- Delirium (madness)- Tachycardia, GI symptoms

▪ Solanaceae or tropane alkaloids e.g. atropine, hyocyamine, scopolamine

▪ Commonest cause:- Substitution of benign herb by Datura flower( 洋金花 )- Contamination of other benign herb by other unidentified toxic

Solanaceae plants

▪ Physostigmine is a effective antidote

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