chris killian

Chris Killian Document started Saturday, 3/1/2014 I will remember that YOU said "one day I will be in a position where I can promote you" and what you did for me, and too me (3 things for not getting promoted). What you did for me was nothing, what you did too me was horrible and personally destructive. Leroy Gott talked to Tom Smith, who then talked to YOU, and YOU believed it to support our Lab Head. I never had a chance working with YOU. YOU have finally made VP just like your father did at Exxon. YOU practically destroyed my life, worked me like a slave, treated me lees than human and never followed through with what YOU said YOU would do for me. But, YOU did get one incapable woman promoted into the UPP level. The easy road for her, and YOU. I hope your Bible is the same as mine. One day YOU will see the truth, I hope and Pray. I also Pray that your daughters are never put through in a work or employment situation like what you put me through. Prayers your way for YOU and your family. "It takes more than hard work" but, you never told me what that is. I let YOU look at my resume and, YOU threw it back down on my desk saying "well, I see you getting it (promoted) this year unless you fall flat on your face". Then YOU continued to work me harder for that year and then showed me a piece of paper that had the 3 things that I did wrong to keep me from getting promoted that year, which I feel Tom Smith told you to do. I can tell YOU how to not make a mistake, do nothing (the Minga way). I will Pray for YOU and your family. James 5:7-8 (NIV) 7 Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. 8 You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near. I Pray for you every day. The Prayer order is as follows: The Prayer order is as follows: Mike Edwards, Leroy Gott, Tom Smith (I know you two talked about me), Chris Killian, Peter Mackenzie (screamed at me because of you), Clay Pearson, Tim Dawsey, Bob Maleski, Guy Stienmetz, Shawn Daugherty, Nancy Kinkade, Mark Stewart, Ron Sheppard, Dan Bolton and a few others depending on my daily thoughts on Eastman Chemical

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Chris KillianDocument started Saturday, 3/1/2014

I will remember that YOU said "one day I will be in a position where I can promote you" and what you did for me, and too me (3 things for not getting promoted). What you did for me was nothing, what you did too me was horrible and personally destructive. Leroy Gott talked to Tom Smith, who then talked to YOU, and YOU believed it to support our Lab Head. I never had a chance working with YOU.YOU have finally made VP just like your father did at Exxon. YOU practically destroyed my life, worked me like a slave, treated me lees than human and never followed through with what YOU said YOU would do for me. But, YOU did get one incapable woman promoted into the UPP level. The easy road for her, and YOU. I hope your Bible is the same as mine. One day YOU will see the truth, I hope and Pray. I also Pray that your daughters are never put through in a work or employment situation like what you put me through. Prayers your way for YOU and your family."It takes more than hard work" but, you never told me what that is. I let YOU look at my resume and, YOU threw it back down on my desk saying "well, I see you getting it (promoted) this year unless you fall flat on your face". Then YOU continued to work me harder for that year and then showed me a piece of paper that had the 3 things that I did wrong to keep me from getting promoted that year, which I feel Tom Smith told you to do. I can tell YOU how to not make a mistake, do nothing (the Minga way). I will Pray for YOU and your family.James 5:7-8 (NIV)7 Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. 8 You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near.I Pray for you every day. The Prayer order is as follows: The Prayer order is as follows: Mike Edwards, Leroy Gott, Tom Smith (I know you two talked about me), Chris Killian, Peter Mackenzie (screamed at me because of you), Clay Pearson, Tim Dawsey, Bob Maleski, Guy Stienmetz, Shawn Daugherty, Nancy Kinkade, Mark Stewart, Ron Sheppard, Dan Bolton and a few others depending on my daily thoughts on Eastman Chemical Company situations I was lied and subjected to while employed there. "I can't do anything for you now but, I will be in a position one day that I can". "Here are the three things you did wrong last year to keep you from getting promoted". Your God and mine knows what you did to me. That is why I pray for you, many times a week."You can attract more bees with honey than you can with vinegar", I hope YOU remember saying this to me one day while I was working with YOU? And, I am glad that YOU showed me YOUR honey approach. Still praying for YOU.I remember talking to you about some issues about my career and YOU always took the conversation around to something like "well, I know two people that I went to graduate school with that have lost their positions". Prayers your way this Friday.Are YOU a power player in the room now? Sunday prayers 4-26-15 for YOU.Have a great Monday 5-11-15 and I am still praying for YOU Chris Killian.Praying for you this Saturday 5-16-15, Tom Smith, Peter Mackenzie, Clay Pearson and others.

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I do know that you spoke to Allan Jones about me saying, "Greg (King) is already doing things that will hurt his career". Why would you not let me know what those things were. Do you think that is discrimination and poor communication for someone with the educational background that you have? I am still praying for you today, Tuesday 5-19-15. My end of May prayers for you this Sunday 5-31-15. Monday, 6-8-15 and I am praying very hard for you today.In a conversation with Brian King one day at lunch in the B-150 cafeteria when I told him how you were treating me in the lab and at work, Brian lost his temper and told me to say something bad to YOU about our work together. But, I did not because of YOUR promise to me about doing something for my work future at Eastman Chemical Company. I will never hold back again because of YOU giving me PTSD (Clay Pearson, helped also). I am praying for YOU today Monday, 6-15-15.Communication is the key for all employees to work together successfully and fairly, no matter where YOU went to school or YOUR father worked and how far HE got promoted without a college degree. I am praying for YOU today Thursday, June 18th 2015. Why did YOU not use YOUR communication skills to me and not talk about me behind my back to Dr. Allan Jones, YOUR shooting friend? I am praying hard for you this Friday, 6-26-2015.I will remember YOU and I'm praying for you today 7-9-15. TGIF 7-10-15 and, I am praying for you to have a weekend. Tuesday turn around and I pray for you Chris, 7-14-15 and hope that YOUR Bible will one day show YOU the way."Well, there's this passage I've got memorized that sort of fits this occasion. Ezekiel 25:17. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of the evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and goodwill, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper, and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee!"I pray for YOU most every day and, wish that one day my prayers come true for YOU.

Sunday prayers are coming your way today 7-26-15. Doing the wrong thing to the right people is cruel and, doing the right thing to the wrong people is sucking up. Praying for you this Friday, 7-31-15. A new month and new prayers for YOU every single day and I think of YOU often and, how YOU treated ME along with YOUR lies and communications about ME to other people behind MY back. Today is Saturday, 8-8-2015 and MY prayer for YOU is for YOUR removal of the narcissistic behavior that YOU showed to ME on several occasions and, that a Christian GOD show YOU a better way. Chris, I will pray for YOU every day until one of us (YOU or I) are dead. Prayers YOUR way today Wednesday, 8-11-15. I am praying for YOU to have a TGIF all day long today on this Friday, 8-14-15 and for YOU to one day see the destruction YOUR lie after reading my resume caused ME. "Well, I see you getting promoted this year unless you fall flat on your face." I have said my prayer for YOU this Sunday, 8-23-15. Today is throwback Thursday, 8-27-2015 for Me and, my prayer for your wife and daughters is that no person ever lies or treats them the way YOU treated me. Even on Saturdays I pray for you. Twice already today 9-5-2015. I hope that both our prayers are answered one day. The ones you pray for me and the ones I pray for YOU this Wednesday, 9-16-2015. The stress, anxiety and overall treatment that YOU brought into my life is unforgiveable by those with a caring loving heart and mind for others to think with. I do know that YOUR Bible and mine are the same. "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all

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ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness" (Romans 1:18). I'm trying real hard to pray for YOU today this Saturday, 9-19-2015. This is Thursday, 10-01-2015 and I wanted YOU to know that I pray for YOU every day and this is a prayer YOU should know; "Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them - every day begin the task anew." -- Saint Francis de Sales.

Today is Thursday, 10-08-2015 and I am praying extra hard for YOU today. Because I know that YOU lied to me about doing something for me when YOU got in a position to do that and YOU did not. But, I am also praying for Leroy Gott, Tom Smith, Peter Mackenzie along with YOU. Because I saw YOU read YOUR Bible at YOUR desk and I know our GOD is the same and Karma will work. Along with MY prayers, OUR GOD, YOUR lies to ME. My hope and faith will come true and all truths will be seen in the end. Thought for YOU to Ponder . . .Self-righteousness is a loud din raised to drown the voice of guilt within us. Prayers YOUR way this Tuesday, 11/10/2015 all day long Chris Killian, PhD from UNC and now VP at ECC in Kingsport, TN. Thanks for dinner and the lies from you. It is the highest form of self-respect to admit mistakes and to make amends for them. Do YOU think that YOU could do that? Today is Sunday, 12/20/2015 and I am praying for a Holiday Season for YOU and YOUR family. Please read The Epistle of James in YOUR Bible, thanks. I will pray that YOUR 2016 brings YOU everything that YOU deserve based on YOUR opinions and past behaviors. I will try to be unruffled, no matter what happens. I will keep my emotions in check, although others about me are letting theirs go. I will keep calm in the face of disturbance, keep that deep, inner calm through all the experiences of the day. In the rush of work and worry, the deep, inner silence is necessary to keep me on an even keel. I must learn to take the calm with me into the most hurried days. TGIF 3/11/2016 and I do want YOU to know that YOU helped me lose hope and faith with all of YOUR unfulfilled promises and lies. But, I still pray for YOU and YOUR FAMILY every day. I see YOU getting what YOU want one day unless YOU fall flat on YOUR face. I would really like to have an honest talk with the man who worked with YOU before I did. He left Eastman Chemical Company to go meet his wife somewhere else. I just wonder if YOU treated him like me or fair at all. Does this sound like YOU? It does describe YOU from my view; Narcissistic personality disorder. Symptoms include an excessive need for admiration, disregard for others' feelings, an inability to handle any criticism, and a sense of entitlement. On this April 1, 2016 I am still praying for YOU and thinking we have the same Bible. I do hope that YOU remember the promises that YOU made to me one day. Narcissistic abuse may also occur in adult-to-adult relationships, where the narcissistic person tends to seek out a successful (independent, educated, and attractive) and empathic partner in order to gain admiration of own attributes - narcissistic supply. The narcissist creates a dynamic abuser and victim relationship through a cycle of abuse resulting in traumatic bonding that makes it hard for their partner to leave the increasingly abusive relationship. The narcissists' relationships are characterized by a period of intense involvement and idealization of their partner, followed by devaluation, and a rapid discarding of the partner.[26] At the beginning of a relationship with a narcissist, the partner is only shown the ideal self of the narcissist, which includes pseudo-empathy, kindness, and charm. Once the partner has committed to the relationship (e.g., through marriage or a business partnership), the true self of the narcissist will begin to emerge. The initial narcissistic abuse begins with belittling comments and grows to contempt, ignoring behavior, adultery, sabotage, and, at times, physical abuse.[24] At the core of a narcissist is a combination of entitlement and low self-esteem. These feelings of inadequacy are projected onto the victim. If the narcissistic person is feeling unattractive they will belittle their romantic partner's appearance. If the narcissist makes an error, this error becomes the partner's fault.[27] Narcissists also engage in insidious, manipulative abuse by giving subtle hints and comments that result in the victim questioning their own behavior and thoughts. This is termed gaslighting.[28] Any slight

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criticism of the narcissist, whether actual or perceived, often triggers narcissistic rage and full blown annihilation from the narcissistic person. This can take the form of screaming tirades or quiet sabotage (setting traps, hiding belongings, spreading rumors, etc.). The discard phase can be swift and occurs once the narcissistic supply is obtained elsewhere. In romantic relationships, the narcissistic supply can be acquired by having affairs. The new partner is in the idealization phase and only witnesses the ideal self; thus once again the cycle of narcissistic abuse begins. Narcissists do not take responsibility for relationship difficulties and exhibit no feelings of remorse. Instead they believe themselves to be the victim in the relationship.

Research shows there are a large number of narcissists who become leaders. If you’re unlucky enough to have one of these people as a manager, it may be no consolation that you’re in good company. So how do you stay sane? What’s the best way to reduce the impact of your boss’s self-centered behavior?What the Experts SayIt’s easy to be fooled by a narcissist—at least at first, says Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, the CEO of Hogan Assessment Systems, a professor of business psychology at University College London, and a faculty member at Columbia University. “A narcissist comes across as charming, charismatic, and confident,” he says. “He seems like the kind of person you want to work for—it’s only later that you see the dark side.” And the dark side isn’t pretty, says Michael Maccoby, president of The Maccoby Group and author, most recently, of Strategic Intelligence: Conceptual Tools for Leading Change. Narcissists have an exaggerated sense of entitlement and require constant admiration. They are quick to claim credit for others’ achievements and blame colleagues for their own failures. They care only about their own success, and they’re willing to take advantage of others to get what they need. In short, they’re incredibly difficult to work for. If you’re stuck with one of these bosses, here are some strategies that might help.

Weigh the pros and cons of stayingEven if you successfully employ the above tactics, chances are that working for a narcissist will take a toll on your satisfaction at work. Carefully consider whether you want to continue working for this person. Of course, quitting your job or getting a new boss isn’t always possible—or the answer. “It’s a personal decision, and some people are more tolerant than others,” says Chamorro-Premuzic. If you’re otherwise engaged in your job, find the work stimulating, and see the possibility of advancement within two or three years, it might be worth “the sacrifice” to stay, he adds. But if you find you’re working for a “narcissist with a destructive philosophy of domination and control,” Maccoby has one piece of advice, “Get out!” If you remember, I had you look at my resume and you said "I see you getting promoted unless you fall flat on your face." So, you will know, promoted /verb/ advance or raise (someone) to a higher position or rank. Mental anguish is an element of non-economic damages usually sought in personal injury cases, medical malpractice and sometimes defamation cases. Generally, "mental anguish" translates to certain types of suffering that may include distress, anxiety, fright, depression, grief, or trauma.

1/5/2017, Narcissistic and Emotional Abuse --