christmas eve (saturday 24th december 2011) 11.00 pm

Vicar: Fr John Mathes Telephone: 0417 407 768 or 9379 2770 AMONTHLY NEWSLETTER FROM THE ANGLICAN PARISH OF CHRIST CHURCH ESSENDON DECEMBER 2011 Advent 2 (Sunday 4th December 2011) 8.00 am Eucharist 9.30 am Sung Eucharist Advent 3 (Sunday 11th December 2011) 8.00 am Eucharist 9.30 am Sung Eucharist Advent 4 (Sunday 18th December 2011) 8.00 am Eucharist 9.30 am Sung Eucharist Advent 4 (Sunday 18th December 2011) 7.00 pm 9 Lessons and Carols CHRISTMAS EVE (Saturday 24th December 2011) 11.00 pm Carols 11.30 pm Christmas Eve Mass CHRISTMAS DAY (Sunday 25th December 2011) 9.00 am Christmas Day Mass

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Vicar: Fr John Mathes Telephone: 0417 407 768 or 9379 2770



Advent 2 (Sunday 4th December 2011)8.00 am Eucharist9.30 am Sung Eucharist

Advent 3 (Sunday 11th December 2011)8.00 am Eucharist9.30 am Sung Eucharist

Advent 4 (Sunday 18th December 2011)8.00 am Eucharist9.30 am Sung Eucharist

Advent 4 (Sunday 18th December 2011)7.00 pm 9 Lessons and Carols

CHRISTMAS EVE(Saturday 24th December 2011)

11.00 pm Carols11.30 pm Christmas Eve Mass

CHRISTMAS DAY(Sunday 25th December 2011)9.00 am Christmas Day Mass

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Starting in February 2012 on the first Monday of the month,

Rev’d Fred Cook will be running in our Church a Healing Service

from 7.30 pm for an 8.00 pm start. There will be music, bible

readings, testimonies, teaching, prayer and ministry. All



The OpShop will close for the Christmas break on Wednesday 21st December at 4.00

pm and will reopen on Tuesday 17th January at 10.00 am. Thank you to all who work

hard in the OpShop.


Thank you to all who attended the Annual Meeting. The following are the results of

the elections.

Churchwardens: Elected: Alan Wilson, Bill Howard

Appointed by Fr John: Margaret Elsey

Members of the Vestry:

Elected: Sue Adams, Vera Burrows, Jamie Lingard & Sue MacMillan

Appointed by Fr John: Katherine Anderson & Tony Clayton

Retiring: Corrinn Dekker & Christine Robins

Lay representatives to the parish Incumbency Committee

Elected: Jamie Lingard, Alan Wilson

Appointed by Wardens: Margaret Elsey

Lay representatives to EssACC

Elected: Chris Angus and Sue MacMillan

Secretary: Appointed by Vestry: Alan Wilson

Treasurer: Appointed by Wardens: Margaret Elsey

We thank Corrinn Dekker and Christine Robins for their contribution to Vestry.

Copies of the Annual Report can found in the Narthex of our church or can be down-

loaded from our web site at

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Like Easter, Christmas is an important festival in the Christian Calendar and it is

important that all Christians be in Church during the Christmas Season. We would

not miss Christmas parties and even New Year’s Eve parties and yet sadly many do

not make it a priority to worship the Christ Child at Christmas. We would love to see

you during this holy time...


Fr John, Carolyn, Jillian and Trudy wish everyone associated with the Parish a holy

Christmas and a healthy new year.

SOMETHING TO PONDER - The Christmas Gift

The great American short story expert, O. Henry, wrote a famous Christmas story.

It is about a young married couple who were very much in love. Christmas was

approaching and they wanted to give a present to one another. But they were very

poor and had no money for presents. So each one, without telling the other, decided

to sell his or her most precious possession.

The girl prized above all else her long golden hair. She went to a hairdresser and

had it cut off. She then sold it to buy a lovely watch chain for her husband's watch.

He, in the meantime, went to a jeweller and sold the only watch he had to buy two

beautiful combs for his beloved's hair.

On Christmas, they exchanged their gifts. At first they cried, then they laughed.

There was no hair for the comb, and no watch for the watch chain. But there was

something more precious and that was the idea behind their gifts: each had

deprived self of the best to give to the other...

A gift is no gift if it does not cost us something, if it does not contain a part of


The Lord be with you...

Your Vicar

Fr John.

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SUE MacMILLAN is active in the OpShopand on Vestry as well as assisting in theChoir and the Sanctuary. She is anexperienced hockey player and has 3grown up children and one granddaughter. Fr John recently asked her 10questions...

FJ Where were you born?Sue: Essex, England

FJ Where do you live?Sue: North Essendon

FJ Career in life?Sue: Physical Education teacher

FJ If you could change something what would it be?

Sue : Remove the emotion ofanger

FJ Favourite holidaydestination?

Sue: Thorpeness in SuffolkEngland

FJ Favourite colour?Sue: Blue

FJ Favourite food?Sue: Thai food

FJ AFL Football TeamSue: Carlton

FJ What is one thing you wantto do before you die?

Sue: Visit Scandinavia

FJ Past and presentinvolvement at ChristChurch?

Sue: OpShop, Vestry, Choir,Flowers, Lay Minister,Have been a Warden,Sacristan in the past.

FJ Thank you Sue...

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Christ & Christmas

For centuries, the Russians told a legend about a young prince called Alexis.He lived in a gigantic ornate palace, while all around him lived hundreds ofpoor peasants in filthy hovels. The prince was moved to better their lot. So hebegan to visit them. But he could not make any real contact with them. Theyalways treated him with high respect, and felt ill-at-ease with him.

Then he thought things over and one day came out to the people dressed asa rough and ready young doctor who wanted to devote his life to the poor.He started by renting a rat-ridden shack on a back street. He wore old tornclothes, just like the people. He lived on the plainest food. Often he did notknow where his next meal would come from. He made no money because hetreated everyone free and gave away his medicines. Before long, he won thelove and respect of all the people. As Prince Alexis, he had never succeeded indoing that.

Little by little, he transformed the whole spirit ofthe place: settling quarrels, reconciling enemies,helping people to live decent lives.

No one guessed that this young doctor was infact the Prince himself, who had abandoned hispalace and gone down among his people tobecome one of them.

That is a parallel to the story of Christ and Christmas Day.

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The Straw in the

Christmas Crib

When the shepherds of Bethlehem visitedthe Infant Jesus, one of the younger boystook along some straw from the crib."What have you got there in your hand?"asked one of the shepherds."Just some straw from the crib where thebaby was sleeping." "Straw?" laughed theothers. "That's just rubbish. Throw itaway." The little boy shook his head andsaid, "No. I'm keeping it. These pieces ofstraw remind me of that baby, and whatthe angels said about him."The next day the shepherds asked theboy, "Do you still have those pieces ofstraw? You do? Look! Why don't youthrow away that worthless stuff?" " No, itis not worthless," said the little shepherd."God's baby has slept on it." "So what?"the others answered. "It's the baby that isimportant and not the straw.""That's where you're all wrong," explainedthe little shepherd. "This straw IS worthsomething. If there were no straw in thecrib, what could the poor baby have slepton? No, this handful of straw tells mesomething. It tells me that God makes useof small worthless things. God needs us,little people, to help him do his work."

Too Busy to Wake Up

As we enter Advent it is very easy to getcaught up in the world’s view of theseason; parties, presents, bustle andrush. Use this prayer and actionperiodically during Advent to wake youup to God’s presence.

Prayer:Too easily, Lord of Light, we curry theconvenient slumber of consumerism. Werush headlong in a hurry to entertainourselves. Wake us gently, gracious God,a little more each day, that with all yoursaints we might live our lives spirituallyalert, more fully aware of your sustainingand guiding presence.

Action:Wear your watch or your favouritebracelet on your opposite hand today (or,if you are very brave, wear mismatchedsocks or something outrageouslygarish). The point, of course, is toawaken you spiritually, to remind youthat every moment the eternal intersectsthe temporal. When you do notice yoursubtle (or outlandish) “act of devotion,”recite this simple sentence prayer: “Lord,awaken me to your loving presence.”

Advent and Christmas Wisdom from G KChesterton, Liguori, 2007

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Did you know that a recent survey foundthat at least 45% of church goers have notread the bible in its entirety. We would liketo make a positive change in this area andencourage you to take up the 2012 BibleChallenge. To know God well, we mustknow his Word.

Fr John has organised 3 different readingplans to choose from to read the bible in12 months. It means setting aside eachday 15-20 minutes (sometimes less).

As you read a section each day you cantick the box to say you have read it andsee your progress through the year.

There are three different reading plans inthe Narthex or can be obtained from FrJohn to pick from:-1. Variety: - where each week we read onMonday from the letters of Paul, PeterJames and John (Epistles). Tuesday fromthe books of the Law. Wednesday fromthe History books telling the story of theancient kings of Israel including KingDavid and Solomon. Thursday from thePsalms, the early hymn book of thetemple worship. Friday from the Poetry

and wisdom books. On Saturday fromProphesy and the stories of the prophets.Lastly on Sundays we read the Gospelsand the book of Acts telling the story ofthe early Christian Church.

2. Canonical : - where we read the biblefrom cover to cover starting with Genesisin the Old Testament and concluding withthe book of Revelation in the New Testa-ment.

3. Chronological: - where using recenthistorical research, we read the bible inthe order the events in the Bible occurred.

Fr John challenges all to join him and thisis something important to do at least oncein your life. 2012 is the time.

It is important to use a moderntranslation of the bible that is easy to read.If you do not have a modern translation ofthe bible please talk to Fr John and he canassist you.

It is also important to spend time quietlyreflecting and praying after you havefinished the readings.

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St NICHOLAS OF MYRANicholas was a native of thewestern part of what is nowAsiatic Turkey. He becameBishop of Myra in the fourthcentury, and there are manystories of his love for God andfor his neighbour.The best-known story involvesa man with three unmarrieddaughters, and not enoughmoney to provide them withsuitable dowries. This meantthat they could not marry, andwere likely to end up asprostitutes. Nicholas walked bythe man's house on threesuccessive nights, and eachtime threw a bag of gold inthrough a window. Thus, thedaughters were saved from alife of shame, and all gotmarried and lived happily everafter.Because of this and similarstories, Nicholas became as ymbo l o f anonymousgift-giving.

Pictures of Nicholas often show three bags of gold nextto him. Nicholas became the patron of an Italian citycalled Bari, which is where his body is now buried. Bariwas a centre of the pawnbroking business, and hencea pawnbroking shop traditionally advertises bydisplaying three gold balls over its front.There is a story of a wicked innkeeper who murderedthree boys and salted their bodies to serve to hisguests, to save on the butcher's bill. Nicholas visitedthe inn and confronted the innkeeper, who confessedhis crime, whereupon Nicholas prayed over the brine-tub and the three boys leaped out unharmed.Other stories have him saving the lives of threeinnocent men who had been condemned to death.Still other stories have him coming to the rescue ofdrowning sailors.Nicholas has always been popular with children,mariners and pawnbrokers.In many countries, Nicholas visits children on his feastday, 6th December, and brings them gifts then. Inthese countries, there is usually no exchange ofChristmas presents, but there may be gifts again onJanuary 6th, the feast of the coming of the Wise Men,who brought gifts to the Holy Child of gold,frankincense, and myrrh. In America and Australia, itmay be thought necessary to yield to outside pressureand let Nicholas distribute gifts on December 25th.We are told, but it is uncertain, that Nicholas wasimprisoned for his faith before the accession ofConstantine, and that he was present at the Council ofNicea in 325.

We may note inpassing that thepicture of himas roly-poly is alater develop-ment. Earlystories indicatethat he wasgenerous toothers, but notgiven to self-indulgence.

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Ask ten people what they mean by ‘prayer’and the chances are that the majority willindicate something which meanspersuading God to do something which hewould otherwise not be inclined to do, orfor some reason he needed to be remindedabout. As we pray the Lord’s Prayer wehopefully see prayer differently. Prayer israther a means by which we engage withGod in the work of his kingdom, or assomebody once said ‘conspiring with Godtowards the healing of creation.’Prayer is a readiness to rest in thepresence of God trying to look at lifethrough his eyes, bringing our activitiesunder his sovereign will.These reflections are about the Lord’sPrayer and I hope that it will help us all aswe think about prayer in general, what it isand why we do it.Clearly Jesus thought prayer wasimportant; he prayed often and he spoke

with God as he struggled with importantissues in his life to try to discover God’s willfor him. Luke and Mark in particular showshow Jesus prayed often and especiallyprayer occurred at all the major points ofhis ministry. Think of the prayer in theGarden of Gethsemane. The Gethsemaneprayer of Jesus is helpful, it demonstratesthat, for Jesus, prayer was a means bywhich he was enable to put his life ontrack, so that he was able to be obedient toGod and follow his ways.Whilst the Lord’s Prayer has been likenedto the opening of the Kaddish prayer of theSynagogue and other Jewish prayers, it isunique in its finished form. Jesus uses theprayer to encourage his disciples to followhis example of spending time talking toGod, seeking God’s will and followingpatterns of prayer.In the Lord’s Prayer Jesus recognises thattrue spirituality is not something etherealand removed from daily life. Actually it isabout committing ourselves to live byGod’s ways in our ordinary daily living.For the record perhaps a glimpse of whatJesus considered to be good ‘spirituality’can be seen in the Gospel of Luke Chapter10:25 where we read of a man who comesto Jesus and asks what he must do toinherit eternal life. Jesus agrees that theman is correct when he says,‘Love the Lord your God with all your heartand with all your soul and with all yourstrength and with all your mind' ; and, 'Loveyour neighbour as yourself.'"Then of course Jesus goes on to speak ofthe parable of the Good Samaritan. Themessage is simple and yet remarkablyhard, it is this: The spiritual path to eternallife is about how we show love to God andothers. The truly spiritually enlightened arethose who love God and who demonstratethis by putting the needs of others beforetheir own.

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At the recentOpShop

Annual Meting& Luncheon,

Sue MacMillanpresented

flowers andpaid tribute toJoyce Tattam

who hadfaithfully

assisted in theOpShop and onthe Committeefor many years.

OUR DOOR IS OPEN is an new theme on our web page— do you recognise anyone inthe picture...

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JANUARY 2012Tues 17th Jan 10.00 am OPSHOP reopens

FEBRUARY 2012Sunday 12th VestryWed 15th 4.00 pm OpShop Info

afternoon tea for volunteersWed 15th EssACC Committee at

Strathmore at 7.30 pmSun 19th EssACC BBQ@

Aberfeldie 11.30 amBring salad & drink.Meat provided

Tues 21st Shrove TuesdayWed 22nd Ash WednesdayMon 27th 9.00 am OpShop Committee

MARCH 2012Sun 18 (3rd Sun) Warden’s Meeting

APRIL 2012Sunday 1st Palm SundayThursday 5th Maundy ThursdayFriday 6th Good FridaySaturday 7th Easter VigilSunday 8th Easter SundaySun 15th (3rd Sun) VestryMon 23rd 9.00 am OpShop Committee

MAY 2012Sun 13th NO Warden’s MeetingWed 16th EssACC Committee at

Aberfeldie at 7.30 pmSunday 27th EssACC Service (Pentecost)

9.30 am at StrathmoreMonday 28th Musical Luncheon

JUNE 2012Sun 10th VestryMon 25th 9.00 am OpShop Committee

JULY 2012Sun 8th Warden’s MeetingDate to be confirmed EssACC social night(can be indoor bowls or something else)

Organised by Strathmore

AUGUST 2012Wed 8th EssACC Committee

at Essendon at 7.30 pmSunday 12th VestryDate to be confirmedEssACC Dinner

Organized by EssendonMon 27th 9.00 am Op Shop Committee

SEPTEMBER 2012Sun 9th Warden’s MeetingSun 23rd (OS 23 B ) EssACC Service

9.30 am at Aberfeldie

OCTOBER 2012Sun 14th VestryMon 22nd OpShop AGM

NOVEMBER 2012Sun 11th Warden’s MeetingMon 19th 9.00 am Op Shop CommitteeWed 21st EssACC Committee at

StrathmoreSun 25th Christ the King

9.00 am Eucharist,10.00 am cuppa,10.45 am Annual Meeting.12.30 pm Parish Luncheon

DECEMBER 2012Sun 9th VestrySun 23rd 9 lessons & carolsMon 24th Christmas EveTues 25th Christmas Day



Ladies @ Leisure and Men’s Dinner Group

dates coming

Film night is always 1st Friday in month.

Craft is Tuesdays mornings in Tern time.

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Essendon Combined CharitiesCard Shop

now open

Location: Uniting Church North Essendon,132 Keilor Road, North Essendon.(next to Primary School)

Hours - Thursday: 9.30 am — 4.00 pmFriday: 9.30 am — 4.00 pmSaturday: 9.30 am — 12.30 pm

Shop will close on Friday December 16th.

Please support the shop again thisyear.

16 charities represented includingAnglicare.


The Parish Archives are now stored in 3cupboards in the back office in the ParishCentre. If you have any parish historicaldocuments at home—could you give them toFr John to be stored.

Fr John is also collecting photos of pastvicars. If you have a good clear photo of aprevious vicar could you let him borrow thephoto to scan and he will return the photo toyou. We are in particular wanting pics of PaulFortè, Dick Pidgeon ...

Reverse Christmas TreeThank you to all who have providedgifts for children to decorate ourChristmas Tree.

All the gifts will be given to Anglicareand they will be collecting the gifts onMonday 12th December to distribute tothe children at their Christmas Party.




9 LESSONS & CAROLSSunday 18th December

5.00 pm BBQ in Parish CentreMeat provided

Bring a salad or desertPut name on sheet in Narthex

7.00 pm 9 Lessons and CarolsTheme:Luke’s story

assisted by Melbourne Women’s Choirplus Katherine Anderson’s

Flute ensembleAll welcome

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Act for Peace is part of the AustralianCouncil of Churches and organises eachyear the Christmas Bowl Appeal to raisemoney to combat poverty. Envelopes arein the Narthex and we encourage you tosupport this worthy cause...

OPPORTUNITY SHOPwill close for the Christmas break onWednesday 21st December at 4.00 pmand will reopen on Tuesday 17th Januaryat 10.00 am.

HEALING SERVICEStarting on Monday 6th February 2012,Rev’d Fred Cook will be running in ourChurch a Healing Service from 7.30 pmfor 8.00 pm start.There will be music, bible readings,testimonies, teaching, prayer and ministry.All welcomeThis service will continue on the firstMonday of each Month.


HOLY LANDCarolyn and Fr John are organising withInner Faith Travel, a once in a life timetrip to the Holy Land to walk in the stepsof Jesus. This will be a specialopportunity to travel with a friendly groupof people with an experienced local tourguide who will safely guide us throughIsrael as we walk in the steps of Jesus.As well as planning to have a lot of funand laughter, we also hope this tour willbe spiritually encouraging and an upliftingexperience.

Please see Fr John or Carolynfor a brochure with a lot ofadditional details. They arehappy to answer all yourquestions and to provide moreinformation.Come with us and visit Caesarea Philippi,Mt Carmel, Nazareth, Lake Galilee,Capernaum, Dead Sea, Jordan River,Jerusalem and Bethlehem and manyother sites. We will sail of Lake Galilee,walk around Jerusalem (the golden city)and see the birth place of our Lord.

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Come and check out the goldmine of items available in theCHRIST CHURCH OP SHOP

Tuesday to Friday 10 am-4 pmSaturday 9.30 am to 12.30 pm

INTERESTING WEB PAGES Australian Poetry Library is nowavailable to the public, it containstens of thousands of poems fromhundreds of Australian poets, all freefor you to view...


The Anglican Parish of Christ Church,Essendon is found on the corner of

Mt Alexander Rd and Marco Polo Street,Essendon. (Melway Page 28 F2)


Vicar : Fr John MathesTelephone: 9379 2770

or 0417 407 768email: [email protected]: [email protected]

Churchwardens:Margaret Elsey 9390-9234Bill Howard 9325-4070Alan Wilson 9326-4314

Reach Out Publisher:Margaret Elsey 9390 9234

mobile: 0414 858549Email: [email protected]

Items for inclusion in Reach Out need to bewith the Editor no later than the 15th of themonth of publication.

Opinions expressed in the Reach Outbelong entirely to the person writing thearticle, and are not necessarily the opinionof the parish, vicar, editor or parishrepresentatives.


Do you love them? If so, perhaps youcould help. The Op Shop has dozens anddoes not like to sell them unless they areALL complete. It is no use just countingthe pieces. The puzzle has to becompleted before we sell it.

Please contact Sue Mac (9374 2110) andshe will deliver a puzzle to you.

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SUNDAY 4th– Advent 28.00 am Eucharist9.30 am Sung Eucharist

Monday 5th - Vicar’s day off

Tuesday 6th

9.30 am Craft Break-up

Wednesday 7th

10.00 am Healing Mass

SUNDAY 11th – Advent 38.00 am Eucharist9.30 am Sung Eucharist

11.30 am Vestry

Monday 12th - Vicar’s day off

Tuesday 13th

Wednesday 14th

10.00 am Chant Mass

SUNDAY 18th Advent 48.00 am Eucharist9.30 am Sung Eucharist

followed by Morning tea5.00 pm BBQ Christmas Gathering.

See notice in Parish Centre7.00 pm 9 Lessons & Carols

Monday 19th - Vicar’s day off

Wednesday 21st

10.00 am Eucharist1.15 pm Essendon Nursing Home2.00 pm Trevi Court Mass3.00 pm Ardmillan Place Mass4.00 pm OpShop closes for Christmas

Thursday 22nd

1.00 pm Home Communions

SATURDAY 24th – CHRISTMAS EVE11.00 pm Carols11.30 pm Christmass Eve Eucharist

SUNDAY 25th – CHRISTMAS DAY9.00 am Sung Eucharist

Monday 26th - Vicar’s day offBoxing Day

Wednesday 28th – Holy Innocents10.00 am Mass

SUNDAY 1st – Holy Family8.00 am Eucharist9.30 am Sung Eucharist

Please see weekly pew sheet for anychanges in parish diary.

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SUNDAY 1st – Holy Family8.00 am Eucharist9.30 am Sung Eucharist

Monday 2nd - Vicar’s day off

Tuesday 3rd

Wednesday 4th

10.00 am Healing Mass

SUNDAY 8th – Epiphany8.00 am Eucharist9.30 am Sung Eucharist

Monday 9th - Vicar’s day off10.00 am OpShop working bee

Tuesday 10th

Wednesday 11th

10.00 am Chant Mass10.00 am OpShop working bee

SUNDAY 15th Baptism of Jesus8.00 am Eucharist9.30 am Sung Eucharist

followed by Morning tea

Monday 16th - Vicar’s day off10.00 am OpShop working bee

Tuesday 17th

10.00 am OpShop re-opens

Wednesday 18th – Conversion of Paul10.00 am Eucharist

SUNDAY 22nd – OS 38.00 am Eucharist9.30 am Sung Eucharist

Monday 23rd - Vicar’s day off

Tuesday 24th

9.30 am Craft Planning Day

Wednesday 25th

10.00 am Eucharist

SUNDAY 29th – OS 48.00 am Eucharist9.30 am Sung Eucharist

Monday 30th - Vicar’s day off

Wednesday 1st February10.00 am Healing Mass

Friday 3rd

7.30 pm Film Night

SUNDAY 5th – Candlemass8.00 am Eucharist9.30 am Sung Eucharist

Please see weekly pew sheet for anychanges in parish diary.