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Chronological Table 1554 1558 1564 1572 1578 1586 1587 1588 1590 1591 1593 1600 1603 1605 1609 1611 1616 1620 1621 1625 1629 Historical and political events Succession of Elizabeth I to throne(untill603). Drake begins voyage round the world (completed in 1580). Settlement of Raleigh colony in Virginia; execution of Mary Queen of Scots. Defeat of Spanish Armada. Charter granted to East India Company. Reign of james I (until 1625). Failure ofGunpowder Plot (to blow up parliament). Arrival of Pilgrim Fathers in Massachusetts. Reign ofCharles I (untill649). Dissolution of parliament (until 1640). 231 Literary and cultural events Sidney born. Shakespeare born. Donne born. Death of Sidney. Publication of Spenser's Faerie Queene (Books I-III). Publication of Sidney's Astrophel and Stella. Herbert born. Publication of Shakespeare's Sonnets. Publication of King James (Authorised) Version of Bible. Death of Shakespeare. Marvell born.

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Chronological Table

1554 1558

1564 1572 1578

1586 1587

1588 1590


1593 1600

1603 1605



1616 1620

1621 1625 1629

Historical and political events

Succession of Elizabeth I to throne(untill603).

Drake begins voyage round the world (completed in 1580).

Settlement of Raleigh colony in Virginia; execution of Mary Queen of Scots. Defeat of Spanish Armada.

Charter granted to East India Company. Reign of james I (until 1625). Failure ofGunpowder Plot (to blow up parliament).

Arrival of Pilgrim Fathers in Massachusetts.

Reign ofCharles I (untill649). Dissolution of parliament (until 1640).


Literary and cultural events

Sidney born.

Shakespeare born. Donne born.

Death of Sidney.

Publication of Spenser's Faerie Queene (Books I-III). Publication of Sidney's Astrophel and Stella. Herbert born.

Publication of Shakespeare's Sonnets. Publication of King James (Authorised) Version of Bible. Death of Shakespeare.

Marvell born.

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Historical and political events Literary and cultural events

1631 Death of Donne; birth of Dryden.

1633 Death of Herbert; publication of Donne's Poems and of Herbert's Temple.

1642 Start of Civil War. Closing of the theatres (until 1660).

1649 Execution of Charles I; abolition of monarchy; Protectorate of Cromwell.

1651 Publication of Hobbes's Leviathan.

1658 Death of Cromwell. 1660 The Restoration: monarchy of

Charles II (until 1685). 1662 Royal Society chartered. 1665 Great Plague of London. 1666 Fire of London. 1667 Publication of Milton's Paradise

Lost; Swift born. 1671 Publication of Milton's Samson

Agonistes. 1678 Death of Marvell; publication of

Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. 1681 Publication of Marvell's

Miscellaneous Poems. 1684 Publication of Dryden's 'To the

Memory of Mr Oldham'. 1685 Reign ofjames II (untill688);

Duke of Monmouth's rebellion crushed at Sedgemoor.

1688 Landing of William of Orange Pope born. in England; flight of james II.

1689 Joint accession of William and Mary to throne (until 1694).

1690 Defeat of james II's Irish army by William at Battle of the Boyne.

1694 Death of Queen Mary; reign of William III (until 1702).

1698 Publication of Collier's Short View of the English Stage; end of Restoration-drama revival.

1700 Death of Dryden. 1702 Reign of Queen Anne (until


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Chronological Table 233

Historical and political events Literary and cultural events

1707 Union ofScot1and and England. 1709 Publication of Swift's

'Description of the Morning'. 1713 Treaty ofU trech t, ending War of

Spanish Succession. 1714 Reign of George I (until 1727); Publication of Pope's Rape of the

start of Whig Oligarchy (until Lock. 1760).

1716 Gray born. 1721 Sir Robert Walpole's Prime

Ministership (until 1742). 1722 Publication of Defoe's Moll

Flanders. 1726 Publication of Swift's Gulliver's

Travels. 1727 Reign of George II (until 1760). 1740 Publication of Richardson's

Pamela. 1744 Death of Pope. 1745 Jacobite rebellion in Scotland, Death of Swift. 1746 stamped out at Culloden. 1749 Publication of Fielding's Tom

Jones. 1751 Publication of Gray's 'Elegy'. 1756 Start of Seven Years' War with

France. 1757 Clive's defeat of French in India. Blake born. 1759 Wolfe's victory over French at

Quebec. 1760 Reign of George III (until

1820). 1764 Discovery of steam power by

Watt; invention by Hargreaves of the spinning jenny.

1765 Publication of Johnson's Preface to Shakespeare.

1768 Cook's first voyage to Australia Foundation of Royal Academy and New Zealand. under Joshua Reynolds.

1770 Wordsworth born. 1771 Death of Gray. 1775 American War of Independence

(untill783). 1776 American Declaration of Publication of Volume I of

Independence. Gibbon's Decline and JJall of the Roman Empire.

1781 Publication of Rousseau's Confessions.

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Historical and political events Literary and cultural events

1788 Byron born. 1789 Start of French Revolution. Publication of Blake's Songs of

Innocence. 1792 Shelley born. 1793 Louis XVI of France executed;

start of Reign of Terror; France and Britain at war.

1794 Fall of Robes pierre and end of Publication of Blake's Songs of Reign ofT error. Experience.

1795 Keats born. 1798 Publication of Lyrical Ballads (by

Wordsworth and Coleridge). 1799 Pitt's Combination Acts,

banning trades unions. 1801 Union of Great Britain and

Ireland. 1802 Publication of Wordsworth's

Preface to Lyrical Ballads. 1804 Napoleon declared Emperor of

France. 1805 Defeat of French navy by Nelson

at Trafalgar. 1807 Slave trade abolished. End of Wordsworth's 'fertile'

period. 1809 Tennyson born. 1811 George III declared insane;

Prince George's regency (until 1820).

1812 Publication of Cantos I and II of Byron's Chi/de Harold's Pilgrimage; Browning born.

1813 Publication of jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.

1815 Defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo; Holy Alliance agreed among reactionary powers of Europe.

1816 Publication of Coleridge's 'Kubla Khan'.

1817 Publication of Coleridge's Biographia Literaria and Keats's 'Chapman's Homer' sonnet.

1819 'Peterloo' massacre in Keats's 'miraculous year' of Manchester. poetic creation; Shelley's

'England in 1819', 'Ode to the West Wind' and Act III of Prometheus Unbound written.

1820 Reign ofGeorge IV (until 1830).

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1821 1822

1823 1824 1825

1827 1830





1840 1842

1844 1845 1846 1847


1850 1851


1857 1859


1865 1867

Historical and political events

Stockton and Darlington railway opened.

Reign of William IV (until 1837). First Reform Act passed, extending vote among middle classes. Slavery abolished; Oxford Movement launched by Keble, Newman and Pusey. Reign of Queen Victoria (until 1901). Chartists' petition rejected by parliament.

Great Famine in Ireland. Repeal of Corn Laws.

Opening of Great Exhibition in London. Start of Crimean War against Russia (until 1856). Indian Mutiny.

Unification ofl taly.

Second Reform Act passed, extending vote to urban working classes; Dominion of Canada established.

Chronological Table 235

Literary and cultural events

Death of Keats in Rome. Death of Shelley in Italy; Arnold born. Publication of Byron's Don juan. Death of Byron in Greece.

Death of Blake.

First part of Tennyson's In Memoriam written.

Publication of Dickens's Oliver Twist.

Hardy born. Publication of Browning's 'My Last Duchess'. Hopkins born.

Publication of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights and Marx's Communist Manifesto.

Arnold's 'To Marguerite­Continued' written. Death of Wordsworth.

Publication of Darwin's Origin of Species. Publication of Dickens's Great Expectations. Yeats born. Publication of Marx's Das Kapital.

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Historical and political events

1868 Gladstone's reforming ministry (until 1874).

1870 Forster's Education Act passed, providing primary education for all.


1874 Work of social reform continued by Disraeli's ministry (until 1880).

1876 Designation of Victoria as Empress of India.

Literary and cultural events

Publication of George Eliot's Middlemarch.

1877 Hopkins's 'God's Grandeur'

1884 Third Reform Act passed, enfranchising working classes.




1892 1893 1896 1897 Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. 1899 Boer War in South Africa (until

1902). 1900 Foundation of Labour Party.

1901 Reign of Edward VII (until 1910); Commonwealth of Australia established.


Death of Arnold; T. S. Eliot born. Publication of Tennyson's 'Crossing the Bar'; deaths of Browning and Hopkins. Publication of Hardy's Tess of the d' U rbervilles. Death of Tennyson. Owen born. Wilde imprisoned.

Hardy's 'The Darkling Thrush' written; Freud's Interpretation of Dreams published.

1902 Publication of Conrad's Heart ~f Darkness.

1904 Entente cordiale between Britain and France.

1905 Rise to prominence of Mrs Pankhurst's Suffragette movement.

1906 Liberals in power (until 1915), laying foundations of Welfare State.

1907 Anglo-Russian Entente.

Einstein's Theory of Relativity propounded.

Auden born.

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Chronological Table 237

Historical and political events Literary and cultural events

1910 Reign of George V (untill936); Union of South Africa set up.

1913 Publication of Lawrence's Sons and Lovers.

1914 Start of First World War. 1916 Dadaism launched in Zurich. 1917 Russian Revolution. Publication of Eliot's 'Prufrock'. 1918 Universal franchise enacted;

November Armistice signed, ending First World War. Owen killed in France.

1919 Treaty of Versailles signed, demanding heavy war reparations from Germany.

1920 League of Nations founded. Publication of Owen's Collected Poems.

1921 Eliot's The Waste Land written. 1922 Partition of Ireland effected; rise Joyce's Ulysses published;

to power ofMussolini in Italy. regular broadcasts on BBC begun.

1924 First Labour government (under Publication of Forster's Passage Ramsay MacDonald); death of to India and Andre Breton's Lenin. 'Manifeste du surrealisme'.

1926 General Strike. Yeats's 'Sailing to Byzantium' written and A Vision published.

1927 Publication of Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse.

1928 Death of Hardy. 1929 Collapse of New York Stock

Exchange. 1930 Ted Hughes born. 1931 Start of Great Depression;

'National' coalition government formed.

1933 Hitler's rise to Chancellorship of Germany.

1936 Accession of Edward VIII followed by his abdication; reign of George VI (until 1952); start of Spanish Civil War (until 1939).

1938 Germany's invasion of Austria; Auden's 'Musee des Beaux Arts' Chamberlain's 'agreement' with written. Hitler at Munich.

1939 Nazi-Soviet Pact; Hitler's Death ofYeats. invasion of Poland, initiating Second World War (untill945).

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Historical and political events Literary and cultural events

1940 Frustration of Hitler's invasion plans by Battle of Britain.

1942 Beveridge Report produced, drawing blueprint for comprehensive National Insurance.

1944 Butler's Education Act passed, expanding opportunities of secondary education.

1945 Atom bombs dropped on Publication of Orwell's Animal Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Farm. commitment of Attlee's Labour government to widespread social welfare and nationalisation policies.

1947 Independence granted to India. 1948 Gandhi assassinated; blockade

by Russia of\<Vest Berlin. 1950 Start of Korean War (until

1953). 1952 Start of reign of Elizabeth II. 1953 Beckett's Waitingfor Godot

performed in Paris. 1956 Anglo-French invasion of Egypt Osborne's Look Back in Anger

aborted; Hungarian uprising performed in London. crushed by Russian troops.

1957 Replacement of Eden by Macmillan as leader of Tory government.

1958 Race riots in Notting Hill, London.

1961 Departure of South Africa from Commonwealth.

1963 Assassination of President Kennedy.

1964 Election victory of Wilson's Publication of Larkin's Whitsun Labour government. Weddings.

1965 Death of Eliot. 1968 Theatre censorship abolished. 1969 Start of 'troubles' in Northern

Ireland; landing of Americans on the Moon.

1970 Heath's Conservative government elected; death of de Gaulle.

1971 Publication of Hughes's Crow.

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Historical and political events

1973 Entry of Britain into Common Market.

1974 Heath government brought down by miner's strike; resignation of President Nixon after Watergate.

1979 Election victory for Conservatives under Margaret Thatcher; 'intervention' of Russia in Afghanistan.

1984 Miner's strike (defeated after one year).

Chronological Table 239

Literary and cultural events

Death of Auden.

1985 Hughes nominated Poet Laureate. Death of Larkin.

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Select Bibliography

The works of the major British poets are available in complete standard editions or comprehensive selections, such as Oxford Standard Authors (Oxford University Press) and Penguin English Poets (Penguin Books). The following is a list of background and critical material for suggested further reading. Most of these books contain bibliographies useful for those who wish to extend their studies.


BARBER, CHARLES, Poetry in English (Macmillan, 1983). BATESON, F. w., English Poetry (Longmans, 1950). BOULTON, MARJORIE, Anatomy of Poetry (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1953). BROOKS, c. and WARREN, R.P., Understanding Poetry (Henry Holt, 1938).

All of these books offer useful introductory guidance in poetry analysis. Barber combines a study of technique and genres with a historical perspective.


TREVELYAN, G. M., A Shortened History of England (Penguin, 1959).

Trevelyan's book is a useful chronological account but necessarily summary. For more detailed information in specific areas The Oxford History of England (15 vols, Clarendon, 1936-65), editor Sir George Clark, is authoritative.


FORD, BORIS (ed.), The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, 8 vols (Penguin, 1983).


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Select Bibliography 241

JEFFAREs, A. NORMAN (ed.), The Macmillan History of Literature, 13 vols (Macmillan, 1982-85). Titles as follows:

MICHAEL ALEXANDER, Old English Literature HARRY BLAMIRES, Twentieth-Century English Literature DEREK BREWER, English Gothic Literature KEN GOODWIN, A History of Australian Literature A. NORMAN JEFF ARES, Anglo-Irish Literature DECLAN KIBERD, A History of Literature in the Irish Language BRUCE KING, Seventeenth-Century English Literature ALISTAIR NIVEN, Commonwealth Literature MAXIMILIAN NOVAK, Eighteenth-Century English Literature MURRAY ROTS ON, Sixteenth- Century English Literature MARGARET STONYK, Nineteenth-Century English Literature MARSHALL wALKER, The Literature of the United States RORY WATSON, The Literature of Scotland

Each of these series offers comprehensive coverage of the major writers in the various epochs, together with studies of the cultural and intellectual backgrounds. The recently produced Macmillan series includes volumes on American, Anglo-Irish, Scottish and Commonwealth literatures; the Pelican has been recently updated and incorporates essays on children's literature, Commonwealth writers and British opera.


BOOTH, STEPHEN, An Essay on Shakespeare's Sonnets (Yale U.P., 1969). FULLER, JOHN, The Sonnet, No. 26 of The Critical Idiom (former editor John D.

Jump) (Methuen, 1972). KALSTONE, DAVID, Sidney's Poetry: Contexts and Interpretations (Harvard U.P.,

1965). LEVER, J. w., The Elizabethan Love Sonnet (Methuen, 1966). LEWIS, c. s., English Literature in the Sixteenth-Century, excluding Drama (Oxford

U.P., 1954). LOVEJOY, ARTHUR o., The Great Chain of Being (Harvard U.P., 1936). TILL YARD, E. M. w., The Elizabethan World Picture (Chatto & Windus, 1943).

Lewis, Lovejoy and Tillyard, though somewhat 'ancient' now, offer insights into the period that continue to be of value.


ALVAREZ, ALFRED, The School of Donne (Chatto & Windus, 1961). BENNETT, JOAN, Five Metaphysical Poets (Cambridge U .P., 1963). ELIOT, T. s., Selected Essays (Faber, 1932). LEISHMAN, J. B., The Monarch of Wit (Hutchinson, 1951 ).

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POLLARD, ARTHUR (ed.), Andrew Marvell: Poems. A Casebook (Macmillan, 1980).

SUMMERS, JOSEPH H., George Herbert: His Religion and Art (Chatto & Wind us, 1954).

TUVE, ROSAMUND, Elizabethan and Metaphysical Imagery (University of Chicago Press, 194 7).

WILLEY, BASIL, The Seventeenth Century Background (Chatto & Windus, 1934).

Willey's book is a basic background study; Eliot's and Bennett's appraisals of metaphysical poetry have been influential; Summers provides a conscientious study of Herbert; Leishman examines cerebral qualities in Donne; Pollard covers Marvell comprehensively.


BROWER, REUBEN A., Alexander Pope: The Poetry of Allusion (Oxford U.P., 1959). CLIFFORD, JAMES L. ( ed.), Eighteenth Century English Literature: Modern Essays in

Criticism (Oxford U.P., 1959). DOBREE, BONAMY, English Literature in the Early Eighteenth Century, 1700-1740

(Clarendon, 1959). HILLES, F. W. and BLOOM, HAROLD, (eds.), From Sensibility to Romanticism (Yale

U.P., 1965). HUMPHREYS, A. R., The Augustan World: Life and Letters in Eighteenth-Century

England (Methuen, 1954). MINER, EARL, Dryden's Poetry (Indiana U.P., 1967). POLLARD, ARTHUR, Satire. No. 7 of The Critical Idiom (former editor John D.

Jump) (Methuen, 1970). WILLEY, BASIL, The Eighteenth Century Background (Chatto & Windus, 1940).

Again, Willey supplies fundamental material on the spirit of the age. Clifford's essay collection examines various aspects of the time through its main literary figures; Humphreys explores the cross-fertilisation ofliterature and society.


ABRAMS, M. H., Natural Supernaturalism: Tradition and Revolution in Romantic Literature (Oxford U.P., 1971).

BLACKSTONE, BERNARD, English Blake (Archon, 1966). BLUNDEN, EDMUND, Shelley: A Life Story (Collins, 1946). BOWRA, c. M., The Romantic Imagination (Oxford U.P., 1950). BROOKS, CLEANTH, The Well Wrought Urn (Dobson, 1949). FRYE, NORTHROP (ed.), Romanticism Reconsidered (Columbia U.P., 1963). FURST, LILIAN R., Romanticism. No.2 of The Critical Idiom, (former editor John

D.Jump) (Methuen, 1969). JONES, JOHN, The Egotistical Sublime: A History of Wordsworth's Imagination

(Chatto & Windus, 1954). KNIGHT, G. WILSON, Lord Byron: Christian Virtues (Oxford U.P., 1953).

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Select Bibliography 243

WARD, AILEEN, john Keats: The Making of a Poet (Seeker & Warburg, 1963).

Furst outlines the contours of a rich terrain; Bowra and Brooks explore deeper. The books by Blackstone, Blunden, Jones, Knight and Ward are examples among the many hundreds of studies on the individual poets.


BLOOM, HAROLD and MUNICH, ADRIENNE (eds.), Robert Browning (Prentice Hall, 1981).

BUCKLEY, J· H., Tennyson: The Growth of a Poet (Harvard U.P., 1961). The Victorian Temper: .4 Stu4y in Literary Culture (Allen & Unwin,

1952). DAVIE, DONALD, Thomas Har4Y and British Poetry (Routledge & Kegan Paul,

1973). JOHNSON, E. D. H., The Alien Vision of Victorian Poetry: Sources of the Poetic

Imagination in Tennyson, Browning and Arnold (Archon, 1952). LANGBAUM, ROBERT, The Poetry of Experience: The Dramatic Monologue in A1odern

Literary Tradition (Chatto & Windus, 1957). PEARSALL, RONALD, The Worm in the Bud: The World of Victorian Sexuality

(Penguin, 1971). PICK, JOHN, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Priest and Poet (Oxford U.P., 1949). TRILLING, LIONEL, Matthew Arnold (Allen & Unwin, 1949). WILLEY, BASIL, Nineteenth Centu~y Studies (Chatto & Windus, 1949). WILLIAMS, RAYMOND, Culture and Society, 178~1950 (Penguin, 1961).

Pearsall exposes some of the repressions in Victorian society and their diversion into literature; Williams concentrates on the economic factors behind literary creation. Langbaum examines Browning's perfection of the dramatic monologue, and Davie considers Hardy's contribution to modernism.


BERGONZI, BERNARD (ed.), The Twentieth Century, Vol. 7 of Sphere History of Literature in the English Language (Sphere, 1970).

GARDNER, HELEN, The Art ofT. S. Eliot (Cresset, 1949). GIFFORD, TERRY and ROBERTS, NEIL, Ted Hughes: A Critical Stu4Y (Faber, 1981). JEFFARES, A. NORMAN, W. B. Yeats: Man and Poet (Routledge & Kegan Paul,

1949; rev. ed. 1962). SILKIN, JON, Out of Battle: The Poetry of the Great War (Oxford U.P., 1972). SISSON, c. H., English Poetry 190~1950: An Assessment (Methuen, 1981). SPEARS, MONROE K., The Poetry ofW. H. Auden: The Disenchanted Island (Oxford

U.P., 1963). STEAD, c. K., The New Poetic (Hutchinson, 1964). WELLAND, D. s. R., Wilfred Owen: A Critical Stu4Y (Chatto & Windus, 1960).

Jeffares' and Gardner's studies of Yeats and Eliot are seminal; Bergonzi provides a brisk sweep through all the literary fields of the period; Sisson traces the germination of modern poetry from some 19th-century seeds.

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Alexandrine 78 alliteration 16, 29, 30-1, 36-7 Anglo-Saxon poetry 2, 31, 170,

174, 175 Arnold, Matthew 5, 145-52, 154,

187,214, 218 Culture and Anarchy 145 'Dover Beach' 5, 186 'Isolation. To Marguerite' 147,

!50 The Function of Criticism 145 'To Marguerite- Continued'

146-52 Arnold, Thomas 145 assonance 16, 29, 30-1, 36-7 Auden, Wystan Hugh 153, 190,

215-23 'Consider This and in Our

Time' 218 '1st September 1939' 198, 217-

218, 221 'Musee des Beaux Arts' 218-23 'Their Lonely Betters' 216 'The Sea and the Mirror' 216-

217 Augustan age 71, 95, 103, I 05,

106, 116 Augustan poetry 26-7, 74, 129,

167 Austen,Jane 4, 82, 105

Baudelaire, Charles 187, 190 Bentham, Jere my 144 Beowulf 2, 5, 34 Berg-onzi, Bernard 196

Blake, William 3, 103, 106, 107-115, 117, 134, 140, 171, 196, 201, 227 'Auguries oflnnocence' 114-15 'Holy Thursday' 109-12 Songs of Experience 112-14 Songs of Innocence 104 'The Garden of Love' 112-14 'The School Boy' 104 'The Tiger' 14, 17, 18

blank verse 24, 95 Breton, Andre 189 Bridges, Robert 172, 175 Brooke, Rupert 192-3, 213 Browning, Robert 43, 161-9

Dramatic Lyrics 163 'Fra Lippo Lippi' 163-4 'My Last Duchess' 164-9 'Pauline' 161, 163 'Pippa Passes' 25

Brueghel, Pieter 219 Burke, Edmund 80 Byron, George Gordon, Lord 104,

127, 129-33, 224 Childe Harold's Pilgrimage 105,

129 Donjuan 132-3 English Bards and Scotch Reviewers

129 'She Walks in Beauty' 130-3 The Vision of judgement 129

Byronic hero 129-30

caesura 23, 37, 78,140, 176 carpe diem 6 7


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Chapman, George 125 Charles I 61 Charles II 62, 70 Chartism 136 Chaucer, Geoffrey 2-3, 145

The Canterbury Tales 3, 5, 162 Troilus and Criseyde 88

Civil War 61-3, 70 cliche 14 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 105,

108, 141 Biographia Literaria I 03-4 'Christabel' 36 'Kubla Khan' 21, 32-3 'The Rime of the Ancient

Mariner' 5, 21, 141 collective unconscious !52 colonialism 85-6 conservatism 81, 94, 190 con so nan ts 34 continental influences 3, 4, 28, 49 Copernicus 49 couplet 30, 31-2,41, 44, 166-7,

195 heroic 71, 72-3, 75, 81-2, 89, 95

Cromwell, Oliver 61-2, 63, 72 Cummings, E. E.

'Portrait' 19-20, 33

Dadaism 189 Dali, Salvador 190 Darwin, Charles 35, 147 Denham, Sir John 72-3 dichotomy 205 Dickens, Charles 5, 108, 143,

214 diction 18-22, 42, 60, 84, 120-1,

169, 174 archaic 182 poetic 18, 115

Disraeli, Benjamin 108 Donne, John 49-55, 56, 63, 150,

175 'A Valediction Forbidding

Mourning' 51 Holy Sonnet X 25, 51-5

dramatic monologue 163-4

Index 245

Dryden, john 3, 72-9,82, 153 'To the Memory of Mr

Oldham' 74-9 Duns Scot us I 71, I 72

Education Acts 145, 193 Egerton, Sir Thomas 50 elegy 73-4,97, 100 Eliot, Thomas Stearns 43, 51, 154,

163, 191, 192-199,214, 215 'Gerontion' 114, 164, 188-9 'Sweeney Agonistes' 208 'The Love Song of J. Alfred

Prufrock' 13-14, 35-6, 164, 193-199, 200

The Waste Land 159, 176, 190, 193

epic 19, 20 epiphany 119-20 evolutionism 147, 153 Existentialism 192

First World War 33-5, 185, 190, 192, 193, 214

Forster, W. E. 145 free verse 33 French Revolution 71, 80, 94,

108-9, 135 Freud, Sigmund 108, 156-7, 187 Frost, Robert

'Fire and Ice' 11-13 'The Road Not Taken' 146

Futurism 187

Gascoyne, David 192 Gaskell, Elizabeth 108 George III 129,138 George IV 138 Gifford, Emma I 79-80 Ginsberg, Allen 18 Gladstone, William Ewart 144 Gonne, Maud 201 Gothic novels 4, 94, 102, 103, 129 Gray, Thomas

'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard' 96-102, 106

Great Chain of Being 71, 81 Gunn, Thorn 224

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Haggard, H. Rider 132 Hallam, Arthur Henry 154 Hanoverian monarchy 138 Hardy, Thomas 177-84, 214

'Channel Firing' 184, 186 'God-Forgotten' 179 Jude the Obscure 1 77 'Neutral Tones' 180 'The Darkling Thrush' 180-4

Herbert, George 56-60, 63, I 70 'Jordan (I)' 56 'Love (III)' 58-60 'Sin's Round' 57-8 'The Collar' 57

Hogarth, William 90 Homer 76, 124, 126, 127 Hopkins, Gerard Manley 170-7,

198 'Binsey Poplars' I 72-3 'God's Grandeur' 173-7 'I Wake and Feel the Fell of

Dark' 23, I 70 'No Worst, There Is None' 173 'That Nature Is a Heraclitean

Fire' 120 Horace

Ars Poetica 89 Housman, Alfred Edward 213 Hughes, Ted 179, 225-30

Crow 226-30 Hulme, T. E. 188

imagery. 13-18, 22, 41, 44, 46-8, 53-5, 121

Imagism 188--91 individuation 149 Industrial Revolution 107-8, 142-

143, 148, 176-7 irony 8, 35-6, 41-2, 88, 207, 211-2

Jacobite rebellions 80 James II 70 jingoism 161 Johnson, Samuel 73, 82, 88, 95,

96, 102, 135, 221 Joyce,James 163 Jung, Carl Gustav 132, 152, 186 Juvenal 73

Keats, John 16, 67, 98, 99, 105-7, 123-8, 170, 179, 193, 224 'Addressed to Haydon' 106 'Hyperion' 182 'I Stood Tip-toe' 22 'Lamia' 16 'Ode on a Grecian Urn' 123-4,

126 'Ode to a Nightingale' 14--16,

21, 36, 140-1, 182, 184, 225 'On First Looking into

Chapman's Homer' 124--8 'To Autumn' 4, 36, 123, 188 'The Eve of St Agnes' 15 'The Fall ofHyperion' 201

kennings 1 70 Kingsley, Charles 108 Kipling, Rudyard 186

Lafargue, Jules 193 Langland, William 2 Larkin, Philip 224 Lawrence, David Herbert 23, 145,

176, 191 Lewis, M.G. 'Monk' 102 Lewis, Wyndham 187 Livingstone, David 144

MacNeice, Louis 191 Marcuse, Herbert 156-7 Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso

187 Marvell, Andrew 61-9, 70, 72

'An Horatian Ode' 62, 63 'The Nymph Complaining for

the Death of Her Fawn' 63 'To His Coy Mistress' 63-9

Marx, Karl 35 Masefield, John

'Sea-Fever' 151 melodrama 164, 167 metaphor 17, 55, 59, 76, 77, 125 metaphysical poetry 49--50, 51,

56 metre 16, 22-7, 42, 52, 53-4, 55,

60, 66, 67, 77, 78, 97, 114, 121 ballad 110, 181

Mill, john Stuart 161

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Milton, john 18, 62, 72 Paradise Lost 9, 13, 18-19, 20,

24, 25-6, 169, 223, 225 Samson Agonistes 71

mock-heroic verse 84, 87-8 Modernism 187-8 More, Ann SO

Napoleon I 135 Napoleonic Wars 136 Nashe, Thomas 127 Newman, John Henry 145 Nicholson, Harold 153

objective correlative 188 Oldham,John 75-9 onomatopoeia 16, 29, 36, 156 Orwell, George 35 Ovid 73 Owen, Wilfred 193, 224

'Anthem for Doomed Youth' 7-8,10-11,28-30,37

'Dulce et Decorum Est' 214 'Strange Meeting' 33-4

paradox 55 pastoral idyll 91-2 pathetic fallacy 99 Patmore, Coventry 143 patriotic poetry 78, 181, 183, 186 persona 42-3, 63, 68, 163-4, 206 personification 4 7, I 0 I 'Peterloo' massacre 136-7, 139 Petrarch 38, 39, 5 I, 65, 66, 88 Plath, Sylvia 224 Platonic love 43, 228-9 Pope, Alexander I, 16, 81-8, 89,

94,95,96, 103,128,129 An Essay on Man 81 The Dunciad 83, 88 The Rape of the Lock 83-8, 89, 90

Pound, Ezra 188 pre-Romantic poetry 98-9, 102 Ptolemy 41-2, 49 pun 52, 67 Puritanism 62, 80, 142, 144

quatrain 31, 32, 44-5, 46-8

Index 247

Radcliffe, Ann 102, I OS, 129 Reeve, Clara 94 Reform Acts 136, 144 Renaissance poetry 3, 38 Restoration 62, 70, 72, 73, 80 Revolution Settlement 70-1,80,81 rhetoric 69, 7 5 rhetorical questions 41 rhyme 30-4, 35, 73, 166 rhythm 22-7, 34, 42, 53, 114, 125,

130, 152, 156 sprung 174

Romantic poetry 71, 94-6, 98, 99, 102, 103-41, 163, 192, 200,201 childhood in 103-4, 108, 109-

115,116-17 nature in 98-9, 115-16, 118-20,

182 politics in 134-40

Rosenberg, Isaac 193

Sassoon, Siegfried 193 satire 73, 76, 77-8, 81-93, 129 scansion 22-3, 174-5 Schwitters, Kurt 189 Shakespeare William 1, 24, 31, 5 I,

95, 221 Hamlet 21, 32, 47, 96, 158, 187 Henry V 4 King Lear 4, 227 Othello 24, 35 Richard II 5, ISO Romeo and juliet 88 sonnets 38-9, 43-8, 49 Twelfth Night 4, 131

Shelley, Harriet 135 Shelley, Mary 129, 135 Shelley, Percy Bysshe 105, 133-40,

141 'England in 1819' 137-40 'Queen Mab' 134, 135 'Song to the Men of England' 135

Sidney, Sir Philip 38-43, 49, 5 I Astrophel and Stella 39-43

simile 17 sonnet 3, 28-30, 38-48, SO, 124-8,

137-40, 174--7 sound effects 30-4

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Southey, Robert 129 Spenser, Edmund 225, 226, 228 structure 27-30, 46, 64-5, 181-2 Stuart monarchy 62, 80 Surrealism 189-91 Surrey, Henry Howard Earl of 38 Swift,Jonathan 88-93, 103, 133

'A Description of the Morning' 89-93

Gulliver's Travels 83, 88, 89 Swinburne, Algernon 187 syllogistic argument 65, 68 Symbolism 187, 190, 193

Tennyson, Alfred Lord 152-60, 161, 171, 181, 185, 192, 205, 214, 218 'Crossing the Bar' 15 7-60, 170-1 In Memoriam 34, 154, 155, !56 'Locksley Hall' 23, 152, 191 'Locksley Hall Sixty Years

After' 155, 156 'The Charge of the Light

Brigade' 24, 153, 155 'The Lady ofShalott' !56 'The Lotos-Eaters' !56 'Ulysses' 157

'The Seafarer' 2 'The Wanderer' 2, 3 theme 7-9, 10, 26, 41, 44, 174, 181 Theocri tus 91 Thomas, Dylan 176 Thomson, James 94 Thoreau, Henry 204 tone 9-13, 29, 41 Tory party 72 Tzara, Tristan 189

Utilitarianism 144

Victoria, Queen 142, 144 Diamond Jubilee 186

Victorian age 142-5, 164, 181, 183, 185, 214

Virgil 76-7 Vorticism 187 vowels 34

Waller, Edmund 73 Walpole, Horace 94 Warren, Austin 170 Waugh, Evelyn 191 Wellington, Duke of 135 Wessex 178 Wilde, Oscar 187, 214 William and Mary 70, 80 wit 78 Wordsworth, Dorothy 9, 10, 121 Wordsworth, William 96, 98, 104,

105, 106, 108, 115-22, 129, 152, 178, 202, 214 'A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal'

122 'Composed upon Westminster

Bridge' 9-11 'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud'

17-18, 118-20 'Lines Composed a Few Miles

Above Tin tern Abbey' II 7 Lyrical Ballads 106, 115, 120 'My Heart Leaps Up' 116 'Ode: Intimations of

Immortality' I 05, 120, 204 'She Dwelt Among the

Untrodden Ways' 22, 25, 120-2

The Prelude 95, 115 'The Ruined Cottage' 116

Wyatt, Sir Thomas 38 Wycherley, William 4

Yeats, William Butler 162, 190, 200-12 'Crazy Jane Talks with the

Bishop' 201 'Politics' 202 'Sailing to Byzantium' 205-12 'The Circus Animals' Desertion'

212 'The Lake Isle of Innisfree'

202-4, 206, 207 'The Man and the Echo' 215 'The Second Coming' 185 'The Spur' 208

Young, Edward 94