church in an age of spectacle magnolia - clover...

November 2012 Magnolia "Every person - a place to serve and a place to belong." Baptist Church 720 S. Magnolia Anaheim, CA 92804 The Messenger This past summer I watched Meredith Viera interview Danny Boyle, this year’s Olympic Opening Ceremony director. Viera posed a difficult question to Boyle: She inquired how Boyle’s ceremonies could ever supersede the Opening Ceremonies from Beijing in 2008. Boyle’s answer was wise. He replied that, in essence, it was impossible to top the Beijing ceremonies, so he would simply attempt to create an Opening Ceremony that was faithful to the heritage and contribution of the United Kingdom. It was, I think, the perfect answer. But then the Opening Ceremonies began. If you watched the Opening Ceremonies this year, you understand Boyle’s project was hardly a model of understatement. It was a celebration of the highest order featuring Queen Elizabeth, James Bond, Mr. Bean and a legion of Mary Poppins battling He-Who- Shall-Not-Be-Named. Perhaps Boyle believed he could not compete with the Beijing ceremonies. But he was, at the end of the day, creating an event that can only be described as spectacle. Of course, spectacle is the steady diet of those who exist in the 21st century. We fill our time with the most recent Internet memes, the most outlandish stunts and the “biggest and the best” of whatever our endeavor is. Over against the society enamored with spectacle, the Church has been given something completely different. The Church possesses the Gospel of God become human, living and serving among us, dying a sacrificial death on a cross, being resurrected to new life and giving the gift of His Spirit. On its own terms— God became human!—this truth supersedes any sort of spectacle we might hope to generate of our own effort. But, in practicality, even those of us in the Church seem to believe we need a bit of spectacle. The spectacle of the Church focuses on service, hiddenness, the washing of feet and self-sacrifice. This is exactly opposite of what most of us are used to. And so we are caught in a dilemma. Each week where both believers and non-believers sit—ready to varying degrees—to hear the good news, people gather, but instead of seeking an encounter with the living God. We gather to experience music that moves us, preaching that inspires us, and community that connects us. But what we really want is spectacle. We long to see something great and

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"Every person -a place to serve anda place to belong."

Baptist Church

720 S. MagnoliaAnaheim, CA


The MessengerChurch in an Age of Spectacle

This past summer I watched Meredith Viera interview Danny Boyle, this year’s Olympic Opening Ceremony director. Viera posed a difficult question to Boyle: She inquired how Boyle’s ceremonies could ever supersede the Opening Ceremonies from Beijing in 2008.

Boyle’s answer was wise. He replied that, in essence, it was impossible to top the Beijing ceremonies, so he would simply attempt to create an Opening Ceremony that was faithful to the heritage and contribution of the United Kingdom.

It was, I think, the perfect answer.

But then the Opening Ceremonies began. If you watched the Opening Ceremonies this year, you understand Boyle’s project was hardly a model of understatement.

It was a celebration of the highest order featuring Queen Elizabeth, James Bond, Mr. Bean and a legion of Mary Poppins battling He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named. Perhaps Boyle believed he could not compete with the Beijing ceremonies. But he was, at the end of the day, creating an event that can only be described as spectacle.

Of course, spectacle is the steady diet of those who exist in the 21st century.

We fill our time with the most recent

Internet memes, the most outlandish stunts and the “biggest and the best” of whatever our endeavor is.

Over against the society enamored with spectacle, the Church has been given something completely different.

The Church possesses the Gospel of God become human, living and serving among us, dying a sacrificial death on a cross, being resurrected to new life and giving the gift of His Spirit. On its own terms—God became human!—this truth supersedes any sort of spectacle we might hope to generate of our own effort.

But, in practicality, even those of us in the Church seem to believe we need a bit of spectacle. The spectacle of the Church focuses on service, hiddenness, the washing of feet and self-sacrifice. This is exactly opposite of what most of us are used to.

And so we are caught in a dilemma.

Each week where both believers and non-believers sit—ready to varying degrees—to hear the good news, people gather, but instead of seeking an encounter with the living God. We gather to experience music that moves us, preaching that inspires us, and community that connects us. But what we really want is spectacle.

We long to see something great and

In Magnolia Baptist’s early years WMF was known as the Women’s Missionary Society, and consisted of several circles named after missionaries currently supported by the North American Baptist Conference. Now they are known as the Women’s Missionary Fellowship, one group of ladies meeting at Sue Frenzel’s home for over 25 years. One thing that has never changed is the White Cross work of rolling bandages from strips of sheets donated by the congregation. These bandages are sent to Cameroons & Nigeria for use in clinics & hospitals there.They meet on the second Thursday morning, October through May.

Women’s Missionary Fellowship - MBCContact Person: Lesley Steenbergen

[email protected]


To subscribe to Jeremy Bratcher’s sermons on ITunes, type Magnolia Messenger Live in the Itunes search box and then click on subscribe to podcast.

Have you filled a shoebox before? It’s not too late to do one this year! We are even providing the boxes for you. Just visit our display table in the courtyard for gift ideas and your “How to Pack a Shoe Box” brochure.

Then grab a box, fill it, use the label “Boy” or “Girl” and mark the appropriate age level. Samaritan’s Purse suggests a gift of $7.00 per box for shipping. Thank you so much for your participation!


Any questions, contact: Carol Sundman(714) 828-3452

Eye GlassCollectionDriveFind out how youcan make a difference...

We are collecting READING GLASSES in various strengths for two separate mission ministries -- Nicaragua and the Indian Reservations. If you would like to participate, all you need to do is buy a pair (or several!) and drop them off at the Welcome Booth in the collection box on Sundays. Contact Denise Mitchell (714 620-6232 or [email protected]) with any questions.

often fail to miss the call of Jesus to be something great. We long for spectacle, yet we miss that the church might be the greatest spectacle on earth!

Matthew 5:13 thru 16 reads

“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the

same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

The church, with all of its problems that people bring, is not a freak show at which people point and stare, but rather is a grand spectacle for the world to see the truth, power and love of Jesus Christ.

Let your light shine that others see your good works and glorify God. Be the spectacle the world longs to experience.

Glad to be your pastor,Glad to be your pastor,


Women’s Missionary Fellowship - MBCContact Person: Lesley Steenbergen

[email protected]


The meetings consist of White Cross work, devotional and prayer time, followed by lunch. This group has existed since the very beginning of Magnolia in 1956.

Prayer requests include the health of several of their members with chronic problems (Sue Frenzel, Marilyn Miller, Helen Gibbs), God’s blessings on those in Cameroons & Nigeria who receive the bandages rolled during the meetings, and that the Lord will use the ministries for His glory that are listed in the GO Partners handout as WMF focuses on them during each meeting’s prayer time.

To subscribe to Jeremy Bratcher’s sermons on ITunes, type Magnolia Messenger Live in the Itunes search box and then click on subscribe to podcast.

1 Lesley Steenbergen1 Jake Sawyer3 Andrew Samp3 Carol Compher4 Adam DeClercq5 Jo Bicknell6 Frances Moore6 Lisa Conway7 Ernie Ledesma8 Charlotte Spahr8 Jerry King8 Joanna Zug8 Joanne Barker8 Joseph Keleher9 Roger Tsuda9 Haley Borg10 Jean Hansen13 Leonard Johnson13 Mike Steenbergen13 Richard Steenbergen13 Werhner Orilla14 Lea Bell14 Steve Spykerman15 Glenda Ledesma15 Krista Keleher15 Mary McGunigale19 Sarah La Counte20 Joni Kiker20 Jonathan Taylor20 Raylynn Borg22 Judi Raper23 Michelle Whelen25 Jose Avila26 Dan Gustavson27 Jan Carlo Viray30 Patti King

3 Steve & Julie Spykerman6 John & Lisa Conway7 Rob & Jeri Hipp14 Lindsey & Gina Climer16 Ray & Jean Hansen17 Darin & Staci Myers18 Larry & Bev Soeltz22 Wendell & Yolanda Newsome24 Noel & Jocelyn Sicat28 Corey & Brenda Wylde28 Byron & Correen La Counte29 John & Julie Showalter29 John & Julie Showalter29 John & Julie Showalter29 Adrian & Sandra Lopez29 Adrian & Sandra Lopez29 Adrian & Sandra Lopez29 Adrian & Sandra Lopez29 Adrian & Sandra Lopez29 Adrian & Sandra Lopez



Women's MinistryWomen's MinistryWomen's MinistryWomen's MinistryWomen's MinistryWomen's MinistryWomen's MinistryWomen's MinistryWomen's MinistryWomen's MinistryWomen's MinistryWomen's MinistryWomen's MinistryWomen's MinistryWomen's MinistryWomen's MinistryWomen's MinistryWomen's MinistryWomen's MinistryWomen's MinistryWomen's Ministry

Ladies’ Retreat: Ladies’ Retreat: Ladies’ Retreat: January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013January 18-20, 2013

[email protected] [email protected]


Save the Date

Women's Christmas Breakfast

with the girlswith the girlsSaturday

December 8th9:00am

Start your day off right...Enjoy breakfast, music and

a fun time with your friends.

Check the bulletin and the church website for

more information

SScrooge's crooge's CChristmashristmasA Musical Christmas Treat for the Whole Family

Friday, November 30th - 7:30pm, Saturday, December 1st 7:00pmSunday December 2nd 10:30am