cinderella drama script

CINDERELLA DRAMA SCRIPT Once upon a time, there was a pretty lady. Her named Cinderella. She lived with her steps family. But, her steps family pretended her like a servant. Alice : Cinderella…, Cinderella…, Cinderella…! Cinderella : Wait, I’m coming. Why do you call me? Alice : look at that. The floor is dirty. Clean it quickly. Julie : no, no, no, Cinderella. I’m hungry now, cook some food first. Alice : Julie, the floor is dirty. Julie : Alice, I’m hungry Alice : I don’t care, the floor is dirty Cinderella : May I say some things? Steps sister : NO!! Step mother : What’s happen in here? Step sister : No, mom. No thing. Julie : Look at that, that’s rat, rat… Step mother : Kill it now! Cinderella : Don’t touch it. Let it go away Step mother : Cinderella, are you sure…. Cinderella : I’m sure mom. If we let it go, it won’t come back to here. Step mother : What do you talking about? I wouldn’t say it. I would say ‘are you sure want to get new punish? Cinderella : a…, a…, a…

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Page 1: Cinderella Drama Script


Once upon a time, there was a pretty lady. Her named Cinderella. She lived with her steps family. But, her steps family pretended her like a servant.

Alice : Cinderella…, Cinderella…, Cinderella…!

Cinderella : Wait, I’m coming. Why do you call me?

Alice : look at that. The floor is dirty. Clean it quickly.

Julie : no, no, no, Cinderella. I’m hungry now, cook some food first.

Alice : Julie, the floor is dirty.

Julie : Alice, I’m hungry

Alice : I don’t care, the floor is dirty

Cinderella : May I say some things?

Steps sister : NO!!

Step mother : What’s happen in here?

Step sister : No, mom. No thing.

Julie : Look at that, that’s rat, rat…

Step mother : Kill it now!

Cinderella : Don’t touch it. Let it go away

Step mother : Cinderella, are you sure….

Cinderella : I’m sure mom. If we let it go, it won’t come back to here.

Step mother : What do you talking about? I wouldn’t say it. I would say ‘are you sure want to get new punish?

Cinderella : a…, a…, a…

Step mother : Okay, let it go away. Then clean the floor and cook some food quickly. And you can’t dinner tonight

Cinderella : okay, mom.

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It usually happen everyday. Cinderella got big punishes everyday. One day, in the other side, in the castle, there was a charming prince. His named Prince. His parents wanted him to marry quickly, But he always disagree.

King : Prince, What do you want? You want to this country be bad?

Prince : No, dad. But I want to enjoy with my life now. And if my time to marry comes, I’ll marry, dad.

Queen : When will it come? Prince, your father has been old, and you are the regeneration of your dad.

King : Your mom rights, Prince

Prince : I have known it, dad. But I’m still confusing about it.

King : Actually, it is easy for you, Prince.

Prince : Okay. But give me time to think about it again, please.

Queen : Two weeks for you, Prince. After this, no time for you anymore and we need your answer on time. Do you understand?

Prince : Thanks, mom and dad.

After two weeks, Prince had found his answer. He had been ready to married. And his parents had found a way to find Prince’s wife.

Prince : Dad, I agree with you. I agree to marry. But….

Queen : Why? What is wrong?

Prince : No. every things is rights. I just want to say I don’t know with whom I have to marry, mom

King : ha…ha…ha…, don’t be nervous. We have thought it. We will make a party for all ladies in this country. Then, you can choose one of them to be your wife.

Queen : That’s right. Do you agree about it?

Prince ; I agree, mom

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After that, the Castle Guard spread that party to all houses in that country. Every lady could come to that party, then, the Guard had come to the Cinderella’s house.

The Guard 1 : Attention, for all ladies in this country. Prince invited you to come to his dance party. Every lady can come. That party will be at Saturday night this week. Thanks for your attention.

Cinderella wanted to come to that party. Unluckily, her step mother didn’t give her permission to go there and always gave her heavy tasks and punishes.

At the time for party, Cinderella felt very sad. She wanted come there, but she couldn’t do it. Her step mother didn’t let her went there.

Cinderella : Mom, I have finished to wish the dashes and clean the floor.

Step mother : Alright…, now, clean the window.

Cinderella : But I have done last three hours, mom

Step mother : Oh…, DO IT AGAIN!!

Cinderella felt very sad by do the task. Suddenly, a kind fairy came to her. The Fairy wanted to help Cinderella.

Cinderella : Oh, God. I want to come to that party. But I can’t. I have to finish it first. Hey, what is that? W-who a-are y-you?

Fairy : Don’t be afraid. I’m just a fairy. I come to help you.

Cinderella : Thank you.

Fairy : Now, wish your face.

Cinderella ; Okay

Fairy : Then, this…

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Fairy : Now, you can go there. But, remember, my magic just can until twelve o’clock this midnight. So, you have to go home before the bells ring.

Cinderella : Okay, Miss. But how about my task and punishes?

Fairy : Don’t worry. I will have done when you go.

Cinderella1 : Thank you.

Fairy : You’re welcome. Let’s wear it! I’m in here. Then, you can go there.

Cinderella went to the party. In that party, the Prince bored. All ladies invited Prince to dance with them. But the Prince didn’t want to do it. Then, When Cinderella came lately; the Prince surprised with her and felt falling in love to her. But, no one knew if she was Cinderella, except Cinderella, God and the Fairy. Cinderella looked very beautiful. She looked like a beautiful Princess from the Castle in other Country.

Alice : Will you dance with me?

Prince : I’m sorry, but I can’t. Thanks for your invitation.

Alice : Don’t worry. I can dance with my friends.

Julie : Look at me! He will dance with me!.

Alice : That’s impossible. I’m more beautiful than you, but he didn’t want with me.

Julie : What do you say? You are more beautiful than me. I think I’m prettier than you. So, look at me carefully!!

Julie : excuse me, Charming Prince, Will you dance with me?

Prince : I’m sorry, but I can’t. Thanks for your invitation.

Julie : But why are you feeling you can’t? Maybe I can help you?

Prince : Thanks, but, I can’t dance now. Thanks for your Participations.

Julie : You’re welcome.

Alice : Look at your self. Prince didn’t want with you!

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Julie : But I can talk with him longer than you!

Alice : Yes, But he just say Thanks…, I’m sorry…, then thanks… again!

Julie : SHUT UP!

Cinderella : Sorry, I’m late.

The Guard 2 : Don’t worry. Come on, lets in to the party room

Cinderella : Thank you.

The Guard 2 : You’re welcome.

Prince : Oh, God. Thanks. You give me a pretty woman.

Prince : Hi, lady. Will you dance with me?

Cinderella : Sure

Cinderella and the prince danced romantically and her step sister was jealous to them. Suddenly, the bell rang.

Alice : Look at that. Actually, we can like that with the Prince

Julie : What do you say, we, I think it just me?

Alice : huh, look at your self. You are ugly.

Julie : But I’m more beautiful than you.

Alice : It is wrong!!!

Julie ; No it is true.

Alice : No

Julie : Look at that.

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King : Look at your son. I feel he is falling in love with her lady.

Queen : What do you say “my son”. He is your son.

King : No, mom. He’s yours.

Queen : yours, dad.

King : Not mine. He is yours, mom.

Queen : Okay, dad. I lose. How about “us”?

King : That sounds good.

Prince : Lady, you look beautiful. May I ask some things?

Cinderella : Sure.

Prince : May I know your name

Cinderella : Of course. My name is….

(The bells rang)

Cinderella : Oh, sorry Prince. I must go home now.

Prince : No, lady. Stay in here, please.

Cinderella : I’m sorry, Prince.

Prince : Lady, don’t leaf me. Lady…lady…lady…

Cinderella went home quickly. But the Prince felt sad. And luckily, Cinderella’s glass shoe left when she run away.

The Guard 2 : Don’t be sad, Prince. You can get her. Look at that. Her shoe left. You can find the owner.

Prince : Brilliant, Thank you. Stop this party and we will look for the owner tomorrow. Do you understand?”

The Guards : Yes, sir.

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In the next day, Prince and his guards looked for the owner of that glass shoe. But, no one can use that shoe. Then they came to the Cinderella’s house.

The Guard 1 : Excuse me….excuse me…excuse me.

Step mother : wait…wait… I’m coming. Oh, Prince why are you come here?

The Guard 2 : Prince will look for the owner of it. Prince will marry with the owner. Did your daughter come to the party last night?

Step mother : Oh, yes. They came to that party

The Guard 1 : Call them now.

Step mother : Alice…, Julie…, come here!

Step Sister : Why do you call me, Mom? Oh, Prince.

The Guard 1 : Okay, try it.

Julie : Oh, yah. I’m first, Alice.

(Julie couldn’t use it)

Alice : Look at you. The princess is me.

(Alice couldn’t use it, too.)

(Some thing felt in the kitchen)

Prince : What is that? Let me check it.

Prince : Hey, who are you?

Cinderella : I’m Cinderella.

Prince : Who is she?

Step mother : ‘A… just a servant

Prince : Try it.

Step mother : But, Prince, she just a servant.

Prince : I don’t care.

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(Cinderella could use it)

The Guard 2 : Wonderful!!

The Guard 1 : Prince, she is your lady.

Prince : Cinderella, will you marry me?

Cinderella : Sure.

Prince : Okay. Lets we go to the castle!

Cinderella : yah, but….

Prince : hmm. Okay. If in your depend it’s good for you, why not?

Cinderella : Thanks, Prince.

Prince : I’ll do anything for you.

Step mother : a…., Cinderella. Now you can live happily with him and live in the castle. So, we’re sorry for our pretended to you.

Alice : Yes, Cinderella. I and Julie are sorry, we have been jealous to you.

Cinderella : Don’t worry. I have forgiven you in the first time. And I want you to live in the castle with us.

Julie : Oh, Cinderella. You are a perfect lady. Thank you very much, Cinderella.

Cinderella : You’re Welcome.

Prince : Cinderella! Let’s go.

Cinderella : Yes, Prince.

Cinderella and Prince went to the castle. Prince remembered, if he had found his lady, he had to meet his parents with her lady before they married. So, Prince went to the castle quickly.

Prince : Dad, she is my lady. I will marry with her.

King : Who is she?

Prince : She is Cinderella. But….

Queen : why?

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Prince : She just a servant.

King : What? She is a servant?

Prince : Sorry, mom, dad but I love her, mom and dad. I hope you agree with me?

King : Who have said we disagree? I’m proud of you. You choose a lady from her heart and you always believe yourself.

Queen : Yes, Prince. You are my best son.

King : Hey…hey…hey…, Prince is my son.

Queen : I am his mother, dad. So, He is my son.

King : No, mom. He is my son.

Queen : Dad, why do you always disagree with me? I’m sorry, I must go…

King : Oh sorry, mom. I’m just kidding mom. Don’t go from here, mom.

Queen : I’m really sorry, dad. But I must go… to the toilet now.


Prince : So, dad. Do you agree with me?

King : Yes, of course.

Queen : Prince, you have to marry with her quickly. We hope next week you have been ready to marry.

Prince : Thanks, dad, mom. Cinderella, do you agree with my parents?

Cinderella : Yes, Prince.

Finally, Cinderella and Prince married. Cinderella’s steps family lived with them in the castle. They didn’t pretended Cinderella like a servant anymore. And they lived happily ever after in the castle.

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Once upon a time there were two powerful families. They were Uciha and Hyuga. They had been enemy each other for years. And Lord Uciha’s son, Romeo, was a handsome young man. He he had a bestfriend, Mercutio and he loved a lady, Rosaline.

Mercutio : Look, that is Rosaline, Let’s do it now

Romeo : Hi, Rosaline. Congratulations, you do your exam perfectly.

Rosaline : Thanks…See you…

Romeo : Rosaline, the lovers of you is me!

Rosaline : What are you talking about?

Romeo : I love you, Rosaline…

Rosaline : I’m sorry Romeo, But I don’t love you, let me go home…

Romeo : Rosaline…See you.

Mercutio : Romeo, Does she love you?

Romeo : No, But don’t worry it will be okay. One day, She will make me her true love.

Mercutio : Oh, Tomorrow night Hyuga will make a party. I’m sure that Rosaline will be invited; do you want to go there?

Romeo : how? it will dangerous for me.

Mercutio : enjoy. Listen to me.

Romeo : that is good idea. But don’t tell anyone about it

Romeo camouflaged himself into the party. Once inside, his attention was stolen by Juliet. Romeo fallen instantly in love. But he was so surprised when he found that Juliet is a Hyuga, and so did Juliet.

Juliet : Hey, what are you doing?

Romeo : I’m sorry, I didn’t see you…

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Juliet : I’m Juliet.

Lawrence : I’m Lawrence and you are…

Romeo : Romeo

Juliet : Don’t worry about it.

Mother : JULIET! Come here please!

Juliet : Wait, Mom.

Romeo : Hyuga?

Juliet : What?

Romeo : Oh, No. nothing.

Juliet : Come on, enjoy the party, Romeo.

Romeo : Thanks, Juliet.

Mother : don’t talk with that man anymore.

Juliet : why, Mom?

Mother : look at his eyes. Just Ucihas who have that sharingan?

Juliet : …

Tybalt : hey, who are you?

Romeo : I’m Romeo.

Tybalt : What do you want, Uciha?

This sword will make you answer my question!

Romeo : I don’t want to fight with you, HYUGA!!!

Tybalt : okay, one day I will kill you. Get out here or I will kill you.

In the next day, Romeo, Juliet and Mercutio were meeting each other. Suddenly, Tybalt, Cousin of Juliet came to them.

Romeo : Juliet? What are you doing here?

Juliet : Just walking around. And you?

Romeo : Nothing…

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I want to say…

I love you, Juliet

Will you be my Princess?

Juliet : Emm…..I…

Tybalt : Where is Romeo?

Mercutio : Why you look for him?

Tybalt : I’ve promised to him. I’m Tybalt.

Romeo : Mercutio! Go away from here now…

Mercutio : But…Romeo…

Romeo : Move. He wants me, Mercutio

Your enemy is me. I will fight with you right now!

Tybalt : That is I want to do.

[Tybalt Died]

Juliet : Tybalt……

Romeo : I’m Sorry Juliet, I didn’t mean it… I’m sorry…

Juliet : I will lose two of you… My family will kill you… you must run away…

Mercutio : Juliet’s right romeo, we have to run away..

Romeo : But…

Mercutio : Come on…

Romeo : Julieeeeeettt…..

Romeo had to leave Juliet, his love. All of them were sad. When Juliet cried in her bedroom, suddenly his mother came with surprised news.

Mother : Juliet. Paris wants to meet you

Juliet : What for, mom?

Mother : Paris wants to marry you.

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Juliet : What?

Mother : You have to agree it!

Paris : Hi, nice to meet you. You look more beautiful everyday.

Juliet : Thanks.

Paris : Juliet, you have to know, we can make our better and perfect

Juliet : what is it mean?

Paris : Will you marry me?

Juliet : I’m sorry… but let me think it for a few days

Paris : Up to you… I will wait it… See you, in the wedding, Juliet

Lawrence : Juliet. What happen?

Juliet : My mom wants me to marry Paris..

Lawrence : Paris? That cute man… you are lucky you know!

Juliet : I love Romeo.

Lawrence : Okay, I have an idea for you. Listen to me!

Juliet : I understand.

Lawrence : I get it, Juliet. This…

Juliet : Okay. Let’s do it?

Lawrence : EM…Juliet, Are you sure want to do it?

Juliet : Very sure. Why?

Lawrence : Nothing. What are you waiting for? Do it know

Lawrence did the next step in that plan. She had to give Romeo the plan letter.

Lawrence : Romeo…Romeo…Romeo…Where are you Romeo?

Come on, Romeo. You have to know the plan, Romeo.

I let this letter here Romeo. I hope you find it, Romeo.

Mercutio : Romeo….Juliet, Romeo.

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Romeo : Why about Juliet?

Mercutio : She died, yesterday.

Romeo : W…W…What? Juliet Die? You must be lie, isn’t it? xxx


Mercutio : Where are you going

Romeo : Find and follow my love

Juliet died. Romeo heard it and ran quickly to go to Juliet’s House. He wanted to meet and followed his true love, Juliet.

Romeo : Juliet you are here. I come back here Juliet. This heart Just for you Juliet.

Please, wake up Juliet!!(2x) JULIEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh GOD!!!!! Give me back my Juliet! I can’t alive without you, Juliet!!!!

Juliet, why do you leave me? This is true love Juliet! I will die for you too.

Juliet : Romeo…

Romeo… I’m not die…wake up! wake up Romeo!

Romeo… You die? ROMEOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Romeo… I can’t live without you. If you die I will die.

Finally, Romeo and Juliet died. But their love will alive and happy forever. Because of that, Hyugas and Uciha become close and they didn’t be enemy of each other.

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Narrator:Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom known as Andalasia, there lived an evil queen.

Selfish and cruel, she lived in fear that one day her stepson would marry, and she would lose her throne forever.

And so, she did all in her power to prevent the prince from ever meeting the one special maiden with whom he would share true love's kiss.

Birds:Giselle, Giselle,how about this for your statue?

Giselle: Oh, this will be perfect. Thank you.

Birds: You're welcome.

Pip:Come on! OK, you mookses, move it!We have got a face to put together here while it's still ingrained in her subcranium.

Giselle: Oh, Pip, it was such a lovely dream. We were holding hands and dancing, and... - Oh!-

And these for the eyes.

Giselle:Blue? Oh, how did you know? And they sparkle just like his. Mm! OK. There we go. - Yes! That's it!-

Pip: OK. Yeah, yeah. - Floor's yours, honey.-

Giselle:Presenting my one true love. My prince. My dream come true.

Giselle:Oh, my goodness!

Pip: Whoa, whoa. What? What's the problem?-

Giselle:I didn't give him any lips. -


Bird:Does he have to have lips?

Giselle:Of course.

Giselle(sings)When you meet the someone who is meant for you

Before two can become one There's something you must do

Rabbit:Do you pull each other's tails?-

Bird:Do you feed each other seeds?

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Giselle(sings)There is something sweeter Everybody needs.

I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss And a prince I'm hoping comes with this

That's what brings Ever-afterings so happy

And that's the reason we need lips so much

For lips are the only things that touch

So to spend A life of endless bliss

Just find who you love Through true love's kiss

Giselle(Speaks):If we're going to find a perfect pair of lips, we're going to need a lot more help.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh(out the window)

Animals together: She's been dreaming of a true love's kiss

And a prince she's hoping comes with this That's what brings ever-afterings - So happy- So happy

That's the reason we need lips so much For lips are the only things that touch


Giselle(sings):So to spend a life Of endless bliss

Just find who you love

Through true love's kiss

Edward: Look out below! Look out below!

Nathanial: Amazing, sire. Your tenth troll this month.

Nathanial: Oh, I love hunting trolls. Big trolls, little trolls.Trolls, trolls, trolls... -

Nathanial: Sorry.-

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Troll: Oh, that's OK.

Edward:Ah, trolls are fine to pass the time, Nathaniel, but... but my heart longs to be joined in song.

Edward (sings):I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss -

Edward (sings):/Giselle(sings):And a...- ... prince I'm hoping - Comes with this-

Edward (sings):/Do you hear that, Nathaniel?

Nathanial: Me? No.No, I hear nothing.

Nathanial: Nothing. -

Edward :Oh!- I must find the maiden - that belongs to that sweet voice.-

Nathanial: Oh, no! Come back, sire. -

Nathanial No, you're hallucinating!-

Edward :Ride, Destiny!

Nathanial :Oh! Oh, pooh. Oh, no.No. This isn't good.

All these years of troll chasing, trying to keep him from ever meeting a girl.

Oh, the queen.No, she's not going to like this.

Troll:True love's kiss

Edward (sings):True love's kiss

Edward :Oh, you shall not prevail, foul troll.That maiden is mine!

Pip:Honey, do you really think your dream boy exists?

Giselle:Oh, Pip. I know he's out there somewhere.

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Animals:Eye! Eye! Eye-Eye. -

Giselle:I... I what?-

Troll: I eat you now.

Pip:Everybody, scatter!

Troll:Gotcha. Huh?

Troll:Hey! That's cheating! I supposed to eat you.

Pip:Oh, no you don't,you big lug.

Giselle:Oh? Oh! Ah!

Pip:Wow, I got to lay off the nuts.

Troll:Girl yummy.

Edward:Fear not, fair maiden.I am here. -

Pip: Whoa!- Gotcha! Whoa!

Troll:Uh-oh. Woo! (ejects off the tree branch).

Giselle:Oh! Pip!

Pip:Just hang on, honey.I'm going to...

Giselle:Ow! Ow! Ow!!

Giselle:Oh, my gosh. - It's you.-

Edward:Yes, it's me. -And you are?-


Edward:Oh! Giselle! We shall be married in the morning.

Edward(sings):You're the fairest maid

I've ever met - You were made...-

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Giselle:To finish your duet

Edward/Giselle together:And in years to come we'll reminisce

Edward: How we came to love

Giselle:And grew and grew love

Giselle:Since first we knew love Both:Through true love's kiss

Narissa:Oh, so this is the little forest rat who thinks she can steal my throne. Never!

Giselle:Oh! Excuse me.I am so sorry. - Oh! Am I late?-

Nathanial:No, miss. Giselle: I do hope I'm not late.

Nathanial:Just in time.

Giselle:Oh, thank goodness.

Pip: Hey, honey, wait up! - We ain't done with you yet.-

Nathanial:No! Ahoy! -

Giselle(all excited)Oh! Thank you.-

2 Birds:You're welcome, Giselle.

Animals:You're getting married!

Pip:(to the animals) Oh, and what do we look like, garbage? - Close the door on me!-

Nathanial:If you'll allow me...

Giselle(all happy): To think that in a few moments that Edward

and I... -

Nathanial:Yes, yes.-

Giselle:That he and me...

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Giselle:That we... Oh, my.(looks at the ugly hag)

Old hag aka Narisa:Oh, what a lovely bride.

Giselle(a little worried) That's very kind of you, - but I really...-

Old hag:No, no! - Granny has a wedding gift for you.-

Giselle: Thank you. But I really should be going.You see, I'm going...

Old hag:'Tis a wishing well, dear.

Giselle:Oh! But all my wishes are about to come true.

Pip:(on Nathanial)If I ever see that fat mook'sface again, I'm gonna...

Giselle:I really do have to go.

Old hag:But a wish on your wedding day.

That's the most magical of all.

Just close your eyes,my darling, and make your wish.

That's right. That's right.Lean in close. -

Are you wishing for something?-

Giselle: Yes, I am. And they both lived happily ever aft... (old hag pushes her into the enchanted well).Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Pip(shouts):Help! Edward!Prince Edward, we need help!

Narissa:(transforms back)Speciosus, formosus, praeclarus!

Nathanial:Where, my most adored queen,where did you send her?

Narissa:To a place where there are no "happily ever afters." (Laughs)

Giselle(screams)Oh! Oh. Oh! What is this? Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

Giselle is in NY in human form.Coming out of the manhole.Looks around ,gets up from the hole.

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Giselle(tumbles over dress)Oh! Oh! -

Man: Get out of the street!-

Giselle:(Blinded from the lights /runs across the other side of the street)Oh! - Oh!-

Man at stand:Whoa! Lady! Are you crazy? Now you have to pay for all of this.

Giselle:(all worried)I'm sorry. Excuse me.I was wondering if one of you kind people might direct me to the castle?


Small man:Hey, watch it, will you? -

Giselle(in excitement)Grumpy!-

Small man:Jeez, lady. Are you for real?

Giselle:(goes after man)I think so. Oh, wait! Wait! Where are you going?

Giselle:Please, if you could just point me to the castle? Where are you going?

Please, if you could just point me to the castle?

I'm supposed to be at the ball to wed my true love, Prince Ed... Oh! Edward! Edward? Oh! (Giselle shouts as she is going down the subway.


Giselle(quietly): Edward? Oh, no.

Giselle:(spots a homeless man) Oh! Hello, old man!

Oh! Hello. May I sit with you? Oh!

I'm very tired, and I'm scared. I've never been this far away from home before, and I'm not sure at all where I am.

If somebody could show me just a bit of kindness, a friendly "hello" or even a smile, I'm sure that would lift my spirits so much.

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Oh. You have a lovely smile(old man takes her tiara from her head) Oh! Where are you going?

That's mine!Bring that back here! You! Come back here!I need that! Oh! Please?

Giselle:(shouts after the old man/angry tone)You... ...are not a very nice old man! *:(all Giselle above)

Phoebe:(angry)No way you're getting him,Ethan. -

You want him because I want him.- I'm not letting you have him! - Forget it.

Ethan:Hank is coming with me.-

Man at table:Wait a minute, guys. - I'm getting confused.

Who is Hank?-

Man 2:Hank Aaron. Milwaukee Braves? His 1954 rookie card.

Robert:A baseball card? That's what this gets down to is a baseball card?

Phoebe:You never loved Hank like me. - You never loved me like Hank!-

Ethan:How did I make you so angry?

Sam: Robert?-


Sam: It's time.

Phoebe:Ask what you didn't do. - It's a longer list!- What would you do if you...?

Robert: I have to pick up my daughter.Can we do this around 9:00? -

Man:9:00 sounds good.-

Robert:Great. I'll see you then.

Phoebe, I'll see you in the morning, OK?

Phoebe:You're just afraid I don't need you! -

I need a vacation!-

Robert:Thank you.

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Sam: After a whole day of that,you still want to get engaged?

Robert:Those people got married on a crazy romantic whim. It's not like that with Nancy and I.

Sam:Right. None of that crazy romantic stuff for you, huh?

Robert: Oh, come on. I mean, we're rational.

We understand each other's strengths and weaknesses.

Sam:Sounds like building a bridge.

Sam:Have you told your daughter?

Robert:No, I haven't. Not yet. I'm going to tonight.

Robert:I got a present to ease her into it.

Sam:With news like this, I hope you got her a Shetland pony.

Robert(turns at Sam with a smirk on his face) No. Something much better than that.

Morgan:A book?-

Robert:Oh, come on. Don't give me that look.

I know it's not that fairy tale book you wanted, but this is better.

Look at this. See?Rosa Parks. Madame Curie.

She was a remarkable woman who dedicated her life to research... ...until she died from... ...radiation poisoning.-

Morgan:She... died?

Robert:I wonder who that is.

Yeah, hi. Tomorrow morning would be great. 7:30?

- With her now?- Yes, let me call you later. All right. Bye-bye.

It was Nancy.

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Morgan/Robert:Mm-hmm?- Mm-hmm.

Robert:She's a lot like the women in your book.

Sweetie... ...I'm going to ask her to marry me. (tells his daughter)

Morgan: What?-

Robert: Yeah, you like her, don't you? We all get along. -

Morgan:Where's she going to live?-

Robert:She's going to live with us.

Morgan:Do I have to give up my bedroom?

Robert: No, you don't have to give up your bedroom. No. Come on, it's going to be great.I promise. It's not like she's gonna try and be your mother.

Morgan: Stepmother.

Robert:She's gonna be a nice stepmother. She's gonna take you to school tomorrow, just you and her, for some grown-up girl-bonding time.

Morgan:I'm only six.

Robert:You won't always be.

Giselle:Hello! It's me, Giselle, from Andalusia. Hello! Hello! Is there anybody home?

Hello, please open the door.

It's very cold out here.

Morgan:Daddy, why is there a princess on the castle billboard?

Robert:It's an advertisement.It's a mannequin. -

Morgan:She's really there!-

Robert:No, she's not. What are you doing? Get back in here! Stop!

- Morgan! Stop!- Hey! -


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Robert:(shouts)Morgan! -

Don't you ever do that again!-

Morgan:(points at woman)Look! Look!

Giselle:Is anybody there?

Do you know Edward? -

Robert:Stay here.-

Giselle:Oh, please be home! -

Robert:(shouts up above to her) Hey, lady!-

Giselle:(turns to Robert)Oh, hello. I was wondering if maybe you...Whoa!(loses her balance on the billboard)

Robert:(shouts) Hang on! -


Robert:Don't let go!

Robert:Wait! - Just hang on!-

Giselle:(grabs onto the bar) Oh, no! (loses her balance and falls)

Morgan:Catch her, Daddy! -

Robert/Giselle:(after she fell ontop of him)Oh!- Ow! -

Robert: You OK?-

Giselle;I'm fine. -

Morgan: Are you OK?-

Giselle: I'm fine. -

Morgan;What were you doing up there?-

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Giselle;I was looking for some help. You see, I've been wandering very far and long tonight, and I'm afraid nobody's been nice to me.

Robert(looks up above shaking his right hand)Yeah, well, welcome to New York.

Giselle:Thank you.

Robert:Right. OK,you sure you're all right? -

Giselle;Oh, yes.-

Robert;You need me to call somebody for you?

Giselle;Well, I don't think they'd hear you from here.

Robert; What? (starts to rain)

Morgan, show her the way, please.

Giselle;And then the old hag told me to... (dress stuck in elevator)Oh! ...look into the well and wish for my heart's desire.

But I must have looked very far because I fell,down, down, down.

And then I climbed out of this big, round hole and I got very lost,until I fell off of the castle. -

And now here I am with you!-

Robert: Is this a big habit of yours? Falling off stuff?

Giselle;Well, usually someone catches me. But, not to worry, I'm certain that Edward is already searching for me.

No doubt by morning he'll come and rescue me from this strange land.

Take me home, and the two of us can share in true love's kiss.

Robert;True love's kiss?

Giselle;It's the most powerful thing in the world.

Robert:(looks at Giselle as if she's cracked)Right.

Giselle:Now if I could only find a place to rest my head for the night. -

Robert;What kind of place?-

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Giselle;Oh, I don't know. Maybe a nearby meadow or a hollow tree.

Robert: A hollow tree?

Giselle: Or a house full of dwarves.I hear they're very hospitable.

Robert:All I can do is let you in for a minute.Dry off, use the phone if you want to.

We have our own bedtime to stick to. Let's go.

Giselle; That's very kind of you. -

Robert;What is it with this dress of yours?-

Giselle;Oh. Do you like it? -

Robert;No, it's just...-

Gisele;I gathered the silk from my silkworms and I spun it into thread on my spinning wheel. -

Morgan;You made it all by yourself?-

Giselle;Well, the mice and rabbits did help with the sewing.

-Morgan: They're good!-

Gisele:(Robert pushes her into the apartment/rod falls off dress as she tumbles) Oh! Whoa!

Robert;Why don't we see about getting you a car. -

Morgan: Couldn't she sleep here, Daddy?-

Robert:No. That's a big no. -

Morgan:Are you really a princess?-

Giselle: Not yet. But.(yawns).. ...I will be soon.(falls asleep on the sofa)

Morgan:Wow, Dad.She's really sleepy.

Robert:Oh, no.That's not acceptable. No.

Morgan:You're not really gonna make her go, are you, Daddy?

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Robert;I want you to go to bed.

Morgan;But I think she might be a real princess.

Robert;Morgan, just because she has on a funny dress, doesn't mean she's a princess.

She is a seriously confused woman who's fallen into our laps. -

Morgan;So we're not going to let her stay?-

Robert:No. Put on your nightgown and go to sleep.(kisses Morgan on the forehead)

Good night, OK?

Robert:(on phone) Hi. I need a car at 116th and Riverside, please. -

Woman :Hold, please.-

Robert:Thank you.

Woman:Hello, sir.Destination, please. Sir? -(Robert hangs up and smiles at Giselle asleep)

Robert: Morgan.-

Morgan: What?

Robert:I want you to sleep in my room tonight.

Morgan: Why?-

Robert;Just come on.

Morgan;All right.

Edward:(enters real world)Fear not, Giselle!I will rescue you!

Pip:Yeah, but who's gonna rescue me? -

Arty:All right, let's close it up.-


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- Hey, buddy! You ain't...

Edward: Silence!

Arty:Guys, I got it.

Edward:Your name, peasant! Quickly!-


Edward:Are you in league with the wicked old hag who sent my poor Giselle to this foul place, Arty?

Is this man party to this evil plot, chipmunk?

Pip:(in NY)- Uh-oh.-

Edward:Aw, poor chipmunk. Speechless in my presence. What say you, sir?Don't try my patience.

Arty;What are you talking about?-

Edward;I seek a beautiful girl. My other half,my one coquette, the answer to my love's duet.

Arty;I'd like to find one of them too.

Edward;Then keep a wary eye out, Arty. - Come along, Pip.-

Worker:Are you OK?

Man in car:Hey! Hey! Get off the car, you nut!

Man:Did you see that chipmunk?

Giselle:(looks at the state of the place) Oh, my.

This just won't do.

AHHHHHHAHHAAHAAAAAHAAAH(Shouts out the window).Animals come.

Giselle(at bird who fell into the window)Whoa!

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Oh, my goodness.

Are you all right?

Giselle:(looks at animals)Oh Hello.

Oh... Well, it's always nice to make new friends.

All right, everyone,let's tidy things up.

Giselle sings HAPPY WORKING SONG) Come, my little friends as we all singa happy little working song

Merry little voices

Clear and strong

Come and roll your sleeves up so to speak

And pitch in cleaning crud up in the kitchen

As we sing along Trill a cheery tune in the tub as you scrub a stubborn mildew stain

Pluck a hairball from the shower drain

To that gay refrain of a happy working song

We'll keep singing without fail

Otherwise we'd spoil it

Hosing down the garbage pail and scrubbing up the toilet

How we all enjoy letting loose with a little "la da dum dum dum"

While we're emptying the vacuum um It's such fun -

To hum a happy working song-

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Ooh A happy working song

Oh, how strange a place to be

Till Edward comes for me

My heart is sighing

Still, as long as I am here

I guess a new experience

Could be worth trying (Speaks/sings) Hey, keep drying

You can do a lot when you've got such

A happy working tune to hum

While you're sponging in the soapy scum

We adore each filthy chore that we determine

So, friends even though you're vermin

We're a happy working throng

Singing as we fetch the detergent box (Morgan sees all the animals with Giselle)

For the smelly shirts and the stinky socks

Sing along

If you cannot sing

Then hum along

As we're finishing our happy working song

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Giselle:(speaks)Ah. Wasn't this fun? -

Morgan:Wake up, wake up!-

Robert:What? -

Morgan:Wake up!-

Robert:What is it?

Morgan: Come, you have to come see!-

Robert:What is it?

Morgan;I can't tell you. You have to come see!

Robert;What's wrong? Are you OK? -

Yes. What is it, Morgan?-


Robert;(shocked)Oh, my gosh. Get out! Out!

Morgan: What do I do with them?-

Robert;Get them outside. -

Get rid of them.-

Morgan:Put them back?

Robert:Put them outside!

Don't put them back. Open the door!

Good! Watch out!(Closes the door quickly)

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Robert(heres Giselle huming) Stay there.-

Morgan;But, Dad.

Robert;Shh....Stay there.

(knocks at door)Hello.-

Giselle: Come in! -

Robert(looks at two birds & nearly seen Giselle naked) Yeah, can I...

Giselle: Oh. Good morning, Robert.

Oh! That's too thoughtful of you. Thank you!

Oh, I hope you had nice dreams.

Robert; I think I'm still in one.-

Giselle; This is a magical room. Where does the water come from?

Robert;Uh, well, the water comes from the pipes.

Giselle;And where do the pipes get it?-

Robert;Uh, I don't know. From... ...wherever the pipes get it.-

Giselle:Oh. .......It is magical.

Knock at door,Morgan opens door)

Nancy: Hey, girlfriend.-

Morgan;Hi, Nancy.

Nancy:What do you say,you ready to kick it?

Morgan:Kick what?

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Nancy;Why do you still have your PJ's on?

Morgan;It's been pretty busy around here.

Nancy(looks at how clean the apt is)Wow. It's really neat in here. -

Did you guys get a maid?-

Morgan;No. Not exactly.

Giselle;Don't worry...My friends will do that.

Robert:Oh! - Nancy?-

Giselle:Oh, hello!

Nancy:Who is this?

Robert;This is nothing.

Giselle; I'm Giselle!-

Robert; This is nobody.

Giselle; I was on my way to the castle to get married... -

Nancy; She's married?-

Robert: No, she's not. - Not yet!-

Nancy; What does that mean, "yet"?

Robert;She was lost. I was trying to help.-

Nancy;With finding the shower?

Giselle;The shower.The shower is wonderful, Nancy. -

Nancy;(sarcastic tone)I'm sure it is.-

Robert;That's enough. Thank you. ...Calm down. Please, let's talk.-

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Nancy;Talk about what, Robert? ..How I never stay the night?

Because we both agreed,Morgan's here, and you have to maintain boundaries and I thought,"I'm so lucky. He's sensitive!" I didn't realize you were worried about crowd control.

Robert;We'll talk later-

Nancy;Don't bet on it.

Robert; What about taking Morgan? Some grown-up girl-bonding time.

Nancy;What, so you can have some grown-up girl-bonding time? ..... I don't think so.(looks at Giselle in a sacastic way)

Robert;But... just...

Nancy; Goodbye!

Giselle; Oh, she is lovely.

Robert;Get dressed, please.For school. Just... Please.

Robert(shouts across the street to Nancy):Nancy!

Nancy;Thirty-eight and Seventh.

Robert;Nancy, wait!

Knocks at the bathroom door (Robert)


Robert;You got to go. ...I don't know what your deal is,if you're waiting for Prince Charming...

Giselle;Prince Edward!

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Robert;Whatever. I'll get you to a bus,a train, a plane, wherever, and then that's it!I can't get involved after that.

What is this? - (looks at the new dress)

Where did you get that?-

Giselle;I made it..Do you like it? You're unhappy.

Robert(looks at his turquoise curtains ruined): You made a dress out of my curtains?

Giselle; Oh, you are unhappy.I am so sorry.

Robert(angry toned);I'm not unhappy, I'm angry.-

Giselle(confused): Angry?

Robert;(Angry)It's an unpleasant emotion.Ever heard of it? -

Giselle;(still confused)I have heard of it, but I...-

Robert;You have created a completely unnecessary problem with Nancy that I now have to resolve.

See, the fact is,I was just getting ready to take a very serious step forward.

A proposal, actually.-

Giselle;Oh!(in excitement)

Robert;Well, now she's got it in her mind that you and I... -


Robert;(lifts his head up as if his annoyed)Yeah, something like that.

Giselle;Oh, no.. You should sing to her!-

Robert;Sing to her?

Giselle;And maybe that would reassure her of your affections!

You need to rush to her side and hold her in your arms and then pour your heart out in a beautiful ballad. And then she'll know for sure. (all excited) -

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(worried)Giselle;Why are you staring at me?-

Robert;I don't know. It's like you escaped froma Hallmark card or something.

Giselle;Is that a bad thing?

Robert;School! We're late!We've got to run!

Narissa(in Andalasia)Oh! Oh, wouldn't she just love to come crawling back here and steal my crown! Cast me aside like so much royal rubbish! What? (shouts @ Nathanial)

Nathanial;Perhaps Prince Edward won't find her. -

Narissa);Perhaps he will!.Oh! Oh, dear. Oh... Oh! I do wish there was someone who cared enough for me to go after him.

Oh, a man like that,strong and brave, I'd do anything for him.

Nathanial;Never fear, my queen. I will stop him!(jumps into well)

Arty;- What now?-Another one? Whoa! Get him out of there.

Let's go. Get in there. Where are these people coming from?

- Come on!- Upsy-daisy. Get him up.

- Hey, pal.-

Yow! Let me guess. You're, uh,looking for a beautiful girl too.

Nathanial;No. I'm looking for a prince, actually.


Edward(on bus):You've met your match,you foul bellowing beast!

Bus driver;Everybody, stay on the bus.-

Edward;Giselle? My love? Drat! The steel beast is dead, peasants.I set you all free. -

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Man 1:Move that bus!-

Man 2:Come on, already!

-Man 3: Get that bus out of there!-

Bus driver; Are you crazy? Nobody stabs my bus!I'll tear you apart! Do you hear me? -

You get down here!-(Edward points the finger at himself)

Nathanial;If you'll allow me... -

Edward;Nathaniel, old friend!-

Nathanial;Sire, may I suggest that you...

Bus Driver;You? A friend of his? Crazy tight-wearing... Come here and mess up my route?I'll tear you both apart!

Don't you roll your eyes at me!

A rat!Get it away from me! (pip on her head)

Edward; Well, strictly speaking,he's a chipmunk.

Nathanial;Sire, may I suggest we seek elsewhere for your bride? -

Robert:(To Giselle)What are you looking at?-

Giselle(about the statue)She's beautiful.

Robert;It's just a statue!

Come quickly. Quickly. (to Giselle as he drags her to the reciption to Sam)

Sam? Sam, please don't tell me Mrs. Banks is already here. -

Sam;Mrs. Banks is here.-

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Sam:With Mr. Banks and his lawyer.

Robert; Perfect, how long?-

Sam;Do you want to know?

Robert;No, I don't. I need you to handle something for me,


Robert; See this girl?-

Sam; Who is she?

Robert; No idea. .

I'm pretty sure she's from out of town. -

Sam:What do I do?-

Robert;Find out where she's from, and get her there.And make sure it's cheap.

If Nancy calls me,I need to talk to her.

Giselle? Don't drink that, OK? (has a fish in her mouth) I have a meeting.Sam is gonna get you home. Sam? This is Giselle.

Giselle, this is Sam. -

Sam:Yes? Hi.-

Robert;Stay out of trouble. Oh... Oh. -

Giselle(Spits fish into Sam's glass/Smiles @ Sam):It's nice to meet you.-

Sam;It's nice to meet you too.

(Narrisa sees Giselle from fish tank)

Nathanial:Your Majesty.

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Narrisa:(Shouts) - Nathaniel!-

Nathanial: Your Majesty?

Narrisa;Nathaniel, here! Nathaniel! Finally.

Finally.I'm boiling in here. -

Have you found her yet?-

Nathanial;I'm afraid I haven't, My Lady.

Narrisa; Time is of the essence. We can't risk my stepson bringing the girl back.

Nathanial;He shan't, Your Majesty!I swear it!

Narissa;No, he shan't. I intend to make absolutely certain of that.

Nathanial;But, Your Majesty,how exactly did you...? (sees a chef who thinks his crazy)...ever end up tasting so...Mmm... delicious?

Poisoned apples, My Lady. -

You want me to...?-

Narrisa; Don't you see, my darling?

If there's ever going to bea happily ever after for us... - Hmm?-

Nathanial; Happily... ...ever after? Oh, My Lady. Mmm, yes.

Narissa;It won't be difficult.

It's just one bite.That's all it takes.

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One small bite to drag her down into a deep and troubled sleep.

And when the hands of the clock strike 12, that precious little pretender to my throne will be gone!

Nathanial;It shall be done, My Lady. - I swear it.-

Narissa;Yes. You'll find the girl at Columbus Circle...

Nathanial; Your Majesty?

Pip: Hello.

Nathanial:You little... Whoa! Hey!

-Edward: Pip!-

Nathanial;Sire! Sire, please. I beg of you.

Don't listen to that insane little vermin.

He's probably eaten some bad nuts.

We should put him down for his own good.

Edward;Nathaniel, please.Let him speak.

Nathanial:But, sire! No. He's delirious.He came to tell all sorts of...

Edward;Go ahead, Pip. What is it you want to say?

Pip;(Coughs)You watch me. OK? Nathaniel?


Pip;Uh-huh. Nathaniel... -

Edward(guesses Pip):Nathaniel's glad to have me near.-

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Pip: No, no, no. Hmm...

Edward; Oh! Oh, oh, oh!I know this.

Pip: - Uh...- Apple? No, thank you. It's good. Oh, OK. Ta-da!

Edward(guesses for the last):You feel you'd die without me here.

Robert;Yes. Here we go. Good.

Well, I have to say,I really think that went well. There's no reason not to be reasonable.

Phoebe?:Great. We might be in the neighborhood of a settlement.

Robert;Excuse me. I'm gonna check on your cars for a second. - Sorry.- What? What?

Sam;She has no driver's license.No passport. Can't find this place she comes from. -

Robert;What place?-

Sam(says it incorrectly)Andalusia. -

Robert(corrects her)Andalasia.-

Sam: Whatever. I've called every travel agent.

I don't know if it's a country or a city. -

Robert;It can't be a state.-

Sam;More like a state of mind. She told me it's justbeyond the Meadows of Joy and the Valley of Contentment.

What is that all about?

Giselle(after twirling around spots Phoebe):Oh, my goodness.Your hair is lovely.

- You're beautiful.-

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Phoebe:Well, thank you.

Giselle;The man who holds your heart is a lucky fellow indeed.

Phoebe;You try telling him that.

Giselle;- I'm certain he already knows.

-Phoebe(gets angry): Excuse me?-

Giselle(spots Ethan): Are you him? (smiles) You are very lucky. Just look at the way her eyes sparkle. (all loveable) -

It's no wonder you're in love.-

Sam hits Robert on the arm)

Robert: I got it! Excuse me. I'm sorry.Giselle? Please? It's not like that, all right?

They're not together anymore.

Giselle:(Confused at what Robert means)I don't understand.-

Robert:(smiles to the right where Phoebe is)They're getting a divorce. -

Separating from each other.-

Giselle:(shocked)Separating? -


Giselle:(shocked)For how long? -


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Giselle:(shocked)Forever and ever?

Robert(sarcastic/whisper) Shh. Yes. -

Giselle(starts getting worked up)Oh, no.-

Robert:What are you doing? -Don't cry.-

Ethan:Are you crying? -

Robert(to Ethan)She's not.-

Giselle(sits down crying) I'm sorry. I can't help it. -

Ethan (again)Is she actually crying?-

Giselle;(upset) It's just so sad.

Ethan/Phoebe:What kind of an operation are you running here?

Phoebe:This is so unprofessional.

Carl:Good morning, Phoebe.How are you? It's good to...

Phoebe:If you guys are trying to manipulate us, you can throw this whole deal out. What is going on here?

Carl :(to Robert)Who's she?

Robert:(looks @Giselle then Carl)Uh, a friend. No, she's an acquaintance, actually.

Carl:You begged me to put you on the case,and this is what I get for it? I walk in here and find everybody upset? And some girl is crying like we're on Oprah.

Robert:I'll take care of it.Carl, it's gonna be fine.

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Robert:(angry)- What is wrong with you?-

Giselle(still upset)Me?

Robert:Yes, you. This whole Kumbaya,Up With People routine.

- Those people are in real pain.-

Giselle:Of course they're in pain. They're separated forever.

Married one day and the next they're not.

- What sort of awful place is this?-

Robert(pushes the down key on the elevator):It's reality.

Giselle;Well, I think I'd prefer to be in Andalasia.

Robert; I think I'd prefer that too.- ...Get in, please.

Nathanial:I wonder if we might cover more ground separately, sire.

Uh, you by yourself,and me with it.

Edward;An inspired plan, Nathaniel. Where do you suppose I should look?

Nathanial;Look, sire! Over there!

Edward;Ah! Giselle!

Nathanial; Run to her, sire! Hurry!Not a moment to lose!


Robert;I try to do the right thing.

Giselle;Oh, you've been very nice to me.

Robert;Severely punished for it.OK, look, Giselle? -

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I can't help you anymore. OK?-


Robert; Here's some money. I want you to take it. Call your prince. Have him pick you up,bring his horse. Because I honestly,I just can't handle it. -

Giselle(interupts Robert): Robert?-

Robert;Just go.

Giselle;I'm so sorry. You have been a very kind friend to me when I had none. And I would never want to make you unhappy or cause you any trouble, so... ...I'll go. I wish you every happiness.

Giselle smiles and walks off.

Giselle:( talks to woman on bench)You have lovely friends.

Woman on bench;Would you like to feed the birds? Just a dollar a bag.

Giselle: Certainly.

By chance,have you seen my prince? He was here. - Do you really think so?-

Oh, yes. -


Robert:Giselle? What are you doing? -

Giselle:(excited to see him again)Robert! This is Clara.-

Robert;Mm-hmm. -

Giselle;She saw Edward.-

Robert; Oh.

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Clara;He was on the bus this morning. He tried to kill me!-

Robert;Great. Wonderful. Thank you. (walks off with Giselle along Central Park)

-Giselle; Oh!-

Robert;What are you thinking? - You can't just give people money.

Giselle; You gave me money.

Robert; That's not the point.-

Giselle; And she was very helpful.

Robert;So, what's the deal,this prince of yours? How long you two been together?-

Giselle;Oh, about a day.

Robert;You mean it feels like a daybecause you're so in love? -

Giselle; No. It's been a day.-

Robert;(smiles) You're kidding me. A day? One day?-

Giselle;Yes... And tomorrow will be two days.-

Robert;; You're joking. -

Giselle(all happy) No. I'm not.-

Robert;(still not believing her)Yeah, you are.

Giselle;But I'm not.

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Robert(stops walking and looks at Giselle):You're gonna marry somebody after a day because you fell in love with him?

Giselle;Yes. Yes!(smiles and drags Robert who's smiling) Oh! Ooh!(eats a hot dog)

Robert;I don't get it. How can you talk about loving some guy you don't even know?-

Giselle(talks with her mouth open as she still eating the hot dog)Well, I know what's in his heart.

Robert;Oh, OK. Great.

Giselle(on the hot dog,Robert got her): This was so yummy. I didn't know that food could taste like this. -

Robert;You all done?

Gisele;OK.- Mmm! -

Robert;(takes hot dog off her and throws it in the bin)Let me put that out for you.-

Giselle;What about you? How long have you known your Nancy?-

Robert;Uh, it's five years. -

Giselle(surprised);And you haven't proposed?-

Robert;Well, no. I...

Giselle; Well, no wonder she's angry.

Nathanial:(fake american accent) Hello, nice lady. You want juicy,sweet caramel apple, maybe?

Giselle ; Mm.

Nathanial: (fake american accent)

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No charge for the beautiful young woman.

Robert; Oh, really. It's free?-

Nathanial: (fake american accent)Of course! Today is free caramel apple day. Tomorrow is free beef... jerky.

Giselle;Thank you very much, kind sir.

Nathanial;(fake american accent)You're welcome, miss.......(to Pip)You... Shut up.

Robert:Most normal people get to knoweach other before they get married. They date. -


Robert;Yeah. You know, date. You go some place special.You know, like a restaurant, or a movie, a museum. Or you just hang out and you talk.

-Giselle; What do you talk about?-

Robert;About each other. About yourself.About your interests. Your likes, your dislikes.You talk! (smiles)

Giselle;(smiles) You have such strange ideas about love.

Robert;Maybe we should do what you would do.You meet, have lunch, and get married.

Giselle;Oh! You forgot about happily ever after.

Robert; Forget "happily ever after."It doesn't exist.

Giselle(throws poison apple away/lands on cyclists head); Well, of course it does.Oh! Oh!

Robert;I hate to disagree,but marriages are a success if they manage not to end. - Forget about happiness.

Giselle;- What about you and Nancy? You know that you will live happily ever after.

Robert; I don't know if I'll make it through today, let alone a lifetime. That's what I'm trying to tell you.It's complicated.

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Giselle;But it doesn't have to be. -

Not if she knows.-

Robert; Knows what? -

Giselle; How much you really love her.-

Robert;Of course she does. We just don't talk about it every minuteof the day, but she knows.

Giselle;- How?-

Robert; What do you mean, "how?"

Giselle sings THATS HOW YOU KNOW

How does she know - You love her?-

Robert; No. Don't. -

Giselle(sings) How does she know-

Robert;People looking. -

Giselle(sings)She's yours?-

Robert;Don't sing. It's OK. Let's just walk.Can we walk? OK? -

Giselle; Well, does she?- Robert; Yeah.

Man :(sings) How does she know that you love her?

Giselle;- Oh.-

Robert(confused) He knows the song too?

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Giselle(sings)How do you show her you love her?

Man/Giselle(sings)How does she know that you really - Really, truly love her?-

Robert;I've never heard this song.

Giselle(sings/man)How does she know that you love her? - How do you show her you love her?-

Robert;Really nice work. -

Giselle(sings) How does she know that you really-

Robert;That's it. OK. -

Giselle(sings)Truly love her?-

RobertLet's go.

Giselle(sings)It's not enough to take the one you love for granted .You must remind her or she'll be inclined to say(drags Robert by the arm)

Giselle(sings)/man:How do I know He loves me? How do I know He's mine? Well, does he leave a little note to tell you You are on his mind?

Send you yellow flowers when the sky is gray? Hey, he'll finda new way to show you A little bit every day That's how you know That's how you know he's your love

-Giselle:(speaks) See?-

Robert;I've seen quite enough. Let's go.

-Giselle: A ball?-

Robert; Yeah. -

Giselle;That would be fun!-

Robert;That would not be fun.

Man:(sings)You got to show her you need her

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Don't treat her like a mind reader

Each day do something to lead her

To believe you love her (robert/Giselle on boat)

Giselle(sings); Everybody wants to live happily ever after Everybody wants to know their true love is true How do you know he loves you? How do you know he's yours? Well, does he take you out dancing just so he can hold you close?

Robert;(embarresed)I don't dance.

Giselle(sings) Dedicate a song with words meant just for you? Ooh -

Robert; And I really don't sing.-

Giselle(sings);He'll find his own way to tell you With the little things he'll do That's how you know That's how you knowhe's your love He's your love

Edward(hears Gisele's voice);Giselle!(jumps off bridge)

Sings: I've been dreaming... (cyclists run over him with bikes).

Giselle summons 2 doves :

Giselle: Take these flowers to Nancy, please?

Robert;What are you crazy? They're birds.They don't know where she lives.

Giselle(sings)That's how you know

Skate guy;Yeah

Giselle(sings); He loves you That's how you know It's true Because he'll wear your favorite color Just so he can match your eyes Plan a private picnic By the fire's glow, oh

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His heart'll be yours forever Something every daywill show That's how you know That's how you know That's how you know That's how you know That's how you know That's how you know He's your love That's how she knows that you love her That's how you show her you love her -

That's how you know- You've got to show her you need her (man sings with Giselle for the last time) That's how you know He's your love


Giselle: Thank you. Thank you. So much. Thank you. -

Robert(on the phone); Nancy?-

Nancy(on phone); Thank you so much for the flowers.

Robert;Well, you're welcome.No, I'm glad you liked them. -She got the flowers.-

Nancy; Catch you at a bad time?

Robert;Yeah. You wouldn't believe where I am right now.

Nathanial:(sees Edward on ground) Sire! Oh dear, oh dear.

- You've fallen on your royal...-

Edward(gets up /has a pain in his leg); I know. Ah! -

Nancy;(kisses Robert)I love them so much.-

Robert; Really?

Nancy;Usually you send those e-mail cards with the digital flowers. These are exquisite. Where do you find live doves in New York City?

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Robert(smiles);- Oh, it's a long story.-

Nancy;And these? Oh! - We're going to a ball?-

Robert; You don't have to.

Nancy;Are you kidding me? It's so romantic. So spontaneous!-

Robert; Good. -

Nancy; I can't wait.-

Robert;Good. Great. And... far as Giselle's concerned,I'm just trying to help her. - Nothing's...-

Nancy;(interupts him)You know what? If you say nothing happened,nothing happened. I trust you.

Robert; So tomorrow night, then.-

Nancy;This is so unlike you. (kisses & hugs him) ...

(ON TV @ the hotel) middle of Times Square with that bus driver who was ambushed earlier today

Edward;It appears this odd little box controls the magic mirror.

Bus driver;They were dressed all freaky. Then this chipmunk...

(Edward switches channel)I've always been in love with you. Don't you have any self-respect?

I don't need self-respect. I just need your lips against mine. (Edward changes channel again)

Nathanial: Wait, sire!Go back! Go back! Please! (turns back station)

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ON Soap opera: How could I love a man who doesn't even like himself? Get away from me, Jerry!You disgust me! I can't help my feelings for you, Angela. It's love that makes meact this crazy.

This isn't love.This is infatuation.

Pip;Shh, shh, shh.

Edward;Oh. Shh. ......(Pip imitates Giselle poisonedNathaniel likes the way I leap? I'm handsome even when I sleep?

Nathanial;Sad little chipmunk. Aw, deranged from exhaustion. Aw. Maybe you'd like to snuggle in a nice little nook for the night, eh? Night-night. Sleep tight. I think I need some air, sire.

ON TV I don't like them sad endings.

Nathanial;Sire. Do you... yourself?

Edward; What's not to like?

Pip escapes from the wardrobe

Pip;Where'd he go?

Music(Thats Amore//When the moon hits your eye Like a big pizza pie).

Robert ;(shows Giselle a magic trick)Oh, yeah. Here.Watch this. Watch very carefully. I'm gonna put it in this hand like that.

Gisele(all happy/claps hands)Oh, do it again! Show me!That's wonderful. Show me again!-

Robert;All right. Last time. There you go. There it is. And look. (still smiling at Giselle)

Giselle; You're a wizard!

Robert;Yeah(laughs @ Giselle as well as her laughing @ him) What?

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Giselle: This is a very nice place.

Robert;- Yeah.

Giselle(quizzes Robert) And we're eating dinner?-

Robert; Yeah.

Giselle(smiles) This is a date.-

Robert(smiles/realises his mistake)Yeah. No! No! No, no. We're just... We're just friends. Besides, people don't usually bring their children on dates.

Giselle;(looks at Morgan with woman)That's too bad. Morgan's a lovely girl.She's very kind and very sweet.

Robert;(on his daughter)Yeah. She's great. - What?-

Gisele;(0n Morgans Mom)Does she miss her terribly? -

Robert;Miss who?-

Giselle; Her mother.

Robert; Um...(on his wife) Well, we just...

Giselle;- What? -

Robert;We don't talk about it.-

Giselle;(apologises) Oh. I'm very sorry.I didn't mean to pry.

Robert;No, no. It's OK.It's just... I don't talk about Morgan or to anybody. -

Giselle;Because it was very sad?-

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Robert;Not at first. -

Giselle; You were in love.

Robert; Yeah. Yeah. - That was the problem.

Giselle;- How could that be a problem?

Robert;Because love... The lovey-dovey version that you talk about? It's fantasy. And one day,you have to wake up and...'re in the real world.

Giselle; What made you wake up?

Robert(0n the wife)Well... ...she left. -

Giselle;I'm so sorry for you both.-

Robert;It's OK. I'm a big boy.I can handle it. It's her I worry about, though. I know she's shy. I know she doesn't have very many friends.

I just want her to be strong,you know? To be able to face the world for what it is. That's why I don'tencourage the fairy tales.

I don't want to set her up to believe in this"dreams come true" nonsense.

Giselle;But dreams do come true. And maybe something wonderful will happen.

Robert;Yeah, well, I forgot who I was talking to.

Giselle;Well, I hope you don't forget. I like talking to you.

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Nathanial(fake italian accent);For the nice lady.

From a secret admirer.

Robert(looks at Nathanial suspcious)Secret admirer How come people keep giving you free stuff?

Giselle; What is it?-

Nathanial(fake italian accent)It's an apple martini, miss.

Giselle;Apple mar... Ooh!It looks yummy.

Robert; Be careful. It's poisonous.

Giselle;- You're joking.-

Robert(laughs/smiles) Yeah. They'll creep up on you....I'd be careful. -

Giselle;Well, I'll just have one sip.-

Nathanial:(fake italian accent) A sip is all it takes.

Giselle;Oh. -

Pip;(out of nowhere) Hi-yah!-


Nathanial;You miserable...

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Robert;shouts)There's a rodent on the table!Can we get some help here? He's telling me something!

Giselle;Pip, you're here! Oh!

Woman on table;- It's chewing off her face!-

Morgan;A chipmunk!

Robert;Careful sweetie..That thing's loaded with disease.

Giselle;Edward is here! -

Nathanial:(fake italian accent)I'll save you, miss!

Giselle;Oh, my! Pip?

Nathanial;fake italian accent) Okey-dokey.-

Robert;(shouts@Giselle)Duck! Let me see your face.(looks at Giselle’s face to see has she anything on it )

Giselle;;I'm fine!Pip wouldn't scratch me! No! - Where's Pip? Where is he?-

Morgan;The pizza's breathing!

Giselle;(happy)Oh! Pip!

Nathanial takes the pizza from their table and throws it at the fire

Giselle(worried voice/almost crying again);Oh, no. Pip.

Robert(tries to comfort her):What's wrong? Are you OK? Morgan(Robert kissing her forehead as she is upset too);Oh, Daddy.

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Edward talking to the TV;Tell me magic mirror,what is this awful place? Why is everything so difficult? Will I ever find my heart's duet?

Woman on TV;Preliminary search of the pizza oven did not reveal any rodent remains. This animal's still out there. Joining us is the woman who was attacked - by this chipmunk.-

Edward (sees Giselle on TV);Giselle!

Woman on TV::Tell us, how does it feel knowing this dangerous animal is most likely still alive?

Giselle (in delight) Wonderful! ..Pip is my very best friend, and...

Robert (interrupts Giselle talking to the woman on TV);Giselle, why don't we go home?

Giselle ;I wasn't finished..One more question, please.

Edward (gets up from the bed pointing the sword to the TV):What villainy is this?

Woman on TV;Is this unprovoked attack part of some new trend? ..Is rodent rage on the rise?-

Edward ;Magic mirror, I beg you.Tell me where she is!-

Woman on TV: From 116th and Broadway...

Edward;;116th and Broadway!Thank you, mirror. ...

Woman on TV; I'm Mary Ilene Caselotti.

Giselle sits on Morgan’s bed Giselle : to Morgan) My goodness. We sure had a lot of excitement tonight. - Were you scared earlier?-

Morgan;A little bit. But do you think Pip will be OK?

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Giselle :Oh, I wouldn't worry about Pip. (Giselle tells Morgan a story of her version of The Little Red Riding Hood) He is very brave. I remember this one time when the poor wolf was being chased by Little Red Riding Hood around his grandmother's houseand she had an axe.


And if Pip hadn't been walking by to help, I don't knowwhat would've happened.

Morgan(On story )I don't really remember that version.

Giselle:Well, that's because Red tells it a little differently.

Robert is watching Morgan kiss Giselle on the cheek and is quite happy)

Morgan:Good night, Giselle..And thank you for the nice story.

Giselle:Good night, Morgan.

Man to woman with the dog: Ma'am! You cannot let your dog do that here! Edward looks at the Belle Notte sign and runs off in search of Giselle. On his way the dog pisses on his shoe. He quickly checks behind him in case the man at the door spots him. He makes his way to the revolting doors, First time he tries to go into the door he goes out again, second time round he finally enters the apartment building

Pregnant woman with the three kids:You're too late.

Edward:My apologies. He knocks on three other doors. One where you hear a cat, with the Chinese man the other with the dog barking, finally the gay biker who smiles at Edward)

Oh, Giselle!

Giselle is reading a book and Robert comes out wearing a robe)

Robert: Look, uh, Giselle. That was a nice story aboutyour chipmunk friend and all.

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Robert:I know what it's like when someone disappoints you. It's tempting to see things the way you wish - instead of how they are.-

Giselle;I don't wish that he's coming, Robert. He is.

Robert(im a sarcastic way):Right....Because the chipmunk told you.

Giselle; Yes. Pip actually said...

Robert; Know what? I don't know if you're kidding or being ironic,because chipmunks don't talk.

Giselle(starting to get cranky):Well, not here they don't.

Robert;So in lieu of taking advice from a forest rodent, I just wanted to say that, uh... ...if it did work out and youdecided to stay in New York, I'd like to help.-

Giselle: That's very kind of you, Robert.But Edward is coming for me.-

Robert: (worried that Edward won’t come);But what if he doesn't?

Giselle:(Starts to get mad):Why do you keep saying that?

Robert( kneels down and confronts Giselle on Edward):Because I deal with this every day. If a relationship has issues at the beginning, it doesn't get any better.

Giselle(with her wide eye expression):He is coming!

Robert:Giselle, I don't think so. No.

Giselle(starts getting all mad and rolls her eyes all over Robert as if she is saying who do you think you are mood):Yes!

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Robert(stares at Giselle and says in an angry toned voice): I have to disagree. No. -



Giselle( stands up from sofa and starts to get very stubborn and angry):Is that the only word that you know? No? -

Robert(gets up from floor and shouts): No!-

Giselle( a little bit mad):Oh, yeah?

Robert (shouts at Giselle and tries to calm her down):No,No. I mean, no.-

Giselle(very angry she turns her back on Robert and starts yelling out with her hands moving): No! No! Over and over again! Every word out of your mouthis "no"! It makes me so... -

Sometimes you make me so...-

Robert(stops shouting and says in a calm voice): I make you so what?

Giselle(shouts for the last time):You make me so... So... ...angry! -

Giselle starts laughing

Giselle:I'm angry!-

Robert tries to comfort her

Robert:Are you all right?

Giselle (still laughing) - I'm angry. I'm angry!-

Robert: Are you OK?

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Giselle (calms down and starts laughing as she is happy):I'm... I'm wonderful.

Robert: Are you sure?

Giselle (feels his chest hair): Yes. I'm... I'm fine..I'm... as a fiddle.

Robert (almost kisses her but turns away): OK. Good night.

Giselle falls on her chair realising that she is in falling in love with him

Giselle(quietly says):Oh, my.

Robert does the same thing in bed covers up his chest and sighs to himself. Next morning he sees Morgan’s rug ruined and smiles as he is in love with Giselle. Meanwhile in the kitchen Giselle is making breakfast and we see her with the coffee jar and pours out Coffee for Robert and smiles at Morgan to thank her for helping her make the breakfast.

Robert: Good morning.-

Morgan(to dad and smiles at Giselle):Morning, Daddy.

Robert: Good morning.-

Giselle: Morning.

Robert (sits on chair and smiles): Made breakfast.Great.

Morgan (hears the door and get it):I'll get it.

Robert:Thank you. -

Robert(on Giselle’s dress and smiles): That's a nice dress.-

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Giselle: Thank you.

Edward:It is I! Prince Edward of Andalasia, come to rescue my lovely bride,the fair Giselle!

Giselle(Shocked tone in voice):: He's here.-

Robert:Gets up from chair and is a little surprised) Apparently.

Giselle: (all worked up):Oh, my. Oh, my goodness. - Oh, um, how do I look?-

Robert:Slightly stunned. -

Giselle:(on her appearance to Robert)No. I mean, how do I look?-

Robert(looks at her and says):You look... ...beautiful. -


Giselle: Edward!


(Lifts Giselle up in the air. Robert comes along as he thinks Edward is a bit weird)

Robert: Could you...? I'm sorry.But could you just be...? . Could you just be careful?-

Edward:(Gets mad)You!

- Robert:What?-

Edward (points sword to Robert as he is covering up his face )

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You're the one who's been holding my Giselle captive!-

Robert(runs over to the sofa):Let's stay calm.

Giselle(shouts at Edward): No! -

Edward: Any last words before I dispatch you?-

Robert(looks at Edward as if his crazy):You have got to be kidding me.

Edward:Strange words.

Giselle: No! No! No. These are my friends.-


Giselle;This is Morgan.And Robert. This is Edward.

Edward starts singing a reprised version of True Love’s Kiss

Edward: I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss

Robert(to Giselle): He sings too.

Edward(still singing): And a miss I have begun to miss Pure and sweet waiting to complete My love song

Yes, somewhere there's a maid I've never met Who was made Who was made

Edward (wants Giselle to sing but she doesn’t join him):

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To finish -

Giselle:What's wrong?-

Edward:You're not singing.

Giselle:Oh. I'm not. Well, I'm sorry. - I was thinking.-


Giselle:Before we leave, there's onething I would love to do.

Edward(kneels down in front of Giselle):Name it, my love,and it is done. -

Giselle: I want to go on a date.-

Edward(confused about dating):A date! What's a date?

Giselle(looks at Robert as he tells her to go on and explain to Edward what a date in tails) Well... ...we go out to dinner. And we talk about ourselves. Our likes and our dislikes.Our interests. A date.

Giselle: And remember that you guys can come and visit Andalasia anytime.

Robert: Sure. And if you ever come to town, we should all get together for dinner.

Giselle:That would be lovely.

Robert:We'll see each other soon. It's not like we're talking about, you know, forever.-

Giselle:And ever.

Robert(turns to Morgan ,then back at Giselle): So, uh... ...good luck on your date.

Giselle:Oh, and you with Nancy. (to Morgan):

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And you. It was so nice spending time with you. I'll never forget you.You know that. Yeah?

Edward(to Robert and Morgan before going off with Giselle):Thank you for taking care of my bride, peasants.

Morgan(with a sad face on her):I'm going to really miss her.

Robert(in an emotional way):Me, too, sweetheart. Me too.

Narrisa spies on Edward with Giselle and is very angry. Giselle turns back at Morgan and Robert and walks off with Edward.

Nathanial;I don't know how they found each other, Your Majesty. - I really don't.-

Narissa(in an angry toned voice):You idiot! -

Nathanial: But, Your Majesty...

Narissa(angry); I sent you to kill her, not save her. - Can't you get that straight?-

Nathanial;I realize you're upset, madam. But if you could find a way to give me one more chance.

Narissa(angry);Another chance? Do you think poison apples grow on trees? There's only one left!You are out of chances! -

Nathanial; But, Your Majesty, please!-

Narissa(still angry):No, forget it! I'm coming there! And I will kill the little wretch myself!(screams until the cocktail glass breaks which pip was in)

Nathanial;Oh, pooh. Pip comes out from glass and farts.

Ethan Banks:I was just thinking about what that girl said about Phoebe's eyes sparkling. I mean, it's the first thing I noticed when we met. -

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Phoebe banks: It's true.

Robert(deep sigh)- Mm. -

Ethan Banks:Her eyes really do sparkle.-

:Phoebe Banks(all lovey doupy with her soon to be ex husband):Ethan.

Robert (tries to explain the consequences on their marriage crisis):OK, look. Look. As your attorney, Phoebe, you can't let a chance encounterwith someone...

Phoebe Banks:What if it wasn't chance? What if it was no accident,us meeting her. -

Robert(tries to tell Phoebe about her marriage problems): You guys had problems.-

Phoebe Banks: Everybody has problems. Everybody has bad times. Do we sacrifice all of the goodtimes because of them?


Looks into each others eyes and kiss. Robert smiles .

Giselle(on the hot dog she bought Edward):

How did you like your hot dog? Oh! It's not really a dog. They just call it a hot dog here.

-Edward: It's quite excellent.-


Edward:Well! This has been a splendid date. - Shall we go?-

Giselle:Go where?

Edward;Back to Andalasia, of course.To be married. To live happily ever after forever and ever.

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Giselle(kinda worried)Oh. Well, we don't have to go right away.

Edward;How long do these dates usually last?

Giselle;Oh, well... They can go as long as you want, really. They can just keep going and going, just so long as you keep thinking about activities that you can do.

-Edward(in a quizzy kind of way on his face expressions) Activities?-

Giselle;We could go to the museum. Or to the theater? - Or there's this ball.- (when she said ball she wanted Edward to bring her there)

Edward: A ball?

Giselle;Yes. There's dancing and music. - You like that.-

Edward;Well, I suppose.

Giselle(in an optimistic kind of way):Oh, wonderful.We should go then.

-Edward(rushes to Giselle and wonders): Giselle?-

Giselle(Child like voice):Yes? -

Edward;And then home to Andalasia?-

Giselle(promises to Edward on Andalasia even though she loves Robert):Of course. The moment it's over.

Edward smiles at Giselle. She enters Morgan’s bedroom with a smile on her face so glad to see her again.

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Morgan (when she saw Giselle’s reflection in the mirror, she runs over to her as Giselle gives her a great big hug): Giselle! You're back!You're back!

Giselle(hugs Morgan and looks at her with her wide eyed face expression);Oh, Morgan. Oh! Morgan, I need your help.

(Giselle wants Morgan to help her get ready for tonight’s ball where Robert is going with his girlfriend)

Giselle: I'm going to the ball, and I'm not sure what to do, or what I should wear. I don't know where to find a fairy godmother at this late hour.

Morgan(with a surprised look on her face):I have something better than a fairy godmother

(She opens her father’s drawer) Daddy says it's only for emergencies.

(shows Giselle his credit card)

This is definitely an emergency.

Giselle and Morgan go shopping. Ever Ever After theme is played in the background)

Woman in shop: Here you go,you get to carry the bag. -

Giselle/Morgan;Bye.- Bye.

Giselle (to Morgan):


Man in shop: Miss?-(Gives Giselle the bags)

Giselle(thanks man): Oh. Thank you.

Man at shop:

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Have a good day.

We see bags at the hairdressers belonging to Giselle and Giselle is listening to Morgan’s advice on guys .

Morgan: And when you go out, you don't want to wear too much makeup. 'Cause otherwise the boys get the wrong idea. And you know how they are. They're only after one thing. -

Giselle (with her wide eyed expression to Morgan):What's that?-

Morgan;I don't know. Nobody will tell me.

Giselle; Oh.

Morgan: So is this what it's like? -

Giselle;What, sweetie?-

Morgan:Going shopping with your mother?

Giselle; Oh, I don't know. I've never been shopping with my mother.

Morgan;Me either. -

Giselle;But I like it.-

Morgan: Me too.

Giselle(on Nancy)And just think.Soon, you'll have a new mother.

Morgan;You mean stepmother.

Giselle: It's not true what they say. I have met so many kind and wonderful stepmothers. Edward has a stepmother. I've never met her,but I hear she's just lovely.

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Narrisa comes out of manhole and looks around her.

Woman on Radio: Mr. N is on the line telling us his sweetie pie is acting distant. You were saying, Mr. N?

Nathanial:I've always treated her like a queen, but lately I'm starting to feel there's this whole other side to her,like I don't even know her anymore.

Woman on radio;I think you need to take her aside and find out how she really feels about you.

Narissa walks and zaps the taxi cars .

Narissa(to Nathanial):

Hello, worthless.Miss me?

Narissa says a spell. She sees a sign saying kings and Queens Ball, and Giselle all done up with her hair straight opposite Edward who is waiting for the elevator along with her)

Reperio lemma miha!


Robert lifts Nancy up and dances with her, he turns to his right along with other dancers who are at the ball. As he is finshed dancing with Nancy ,he spots Giselle coming with Edward. His eyes lit up with surprise as he is falling madly in love with her. Giselle smiles at Robert as he smiled at her and she looks at him in a flirty way . He claps hands and hugs Nancy.

Nancy spots Giselle with Edward

Nancy (to Robert): What is she doing here?-

Robert(to Nancy as he is smiling at Giselle): I have no idea.

Robert(to Giselle who is smiling at him as he is smiling at her): I'm surprised to see you here.-

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Giselle (happy to see Robert):I'm surprised. - You said you couldn't dance.-

Robert (Explains to Giselle):I said I didn't. I never said I couldn't.

Giselle;Oh. This is Edward.He's my, um... ...prince.-

Robert(smiles)And this is Nancy. She's... Well, she's...

Nancy(interupts Robert):We're together.-

Robert(smiles and him and Nancy laugh):Yes.

Edward(on Giselle):And this beautiful lady is Giselle, the love of my life. -

My heart's true desire.-

Nancy (surprised):Wow.

Edward; Is something wrong?-

Nancy;Just the way you said that.

So straightforward.Not a hint of irony. It's very... romantic.

Edward;Well, thank you.