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Reptile – Circle Of Doom Page 1 Once at Riverstone Castle… Griswould: I cannot follow you! Page 2 Griswould: I cannot follow you for the god’s sake, Xevon. You know, that I am a… cautious person, so even you should see the imminent danger that is upon us. Xevon: What danger is that, Griswould? Griswould: The danger that is coming from these abominations! Yes!! The reptilians… these accursed beasts! Ten years ago their race faced extinction, but we… we sheltered them. And now their numbers are growing again. Occupying the lands like a plague. They should be KILLED! What do you mean? Xevon: No! Griswould: WHAT? Do you think it will always be so quiet like recently? They can’t be trusted! Remember my son! Xevon: Griswould… Page 3 Xevon: You’re worrying too much. You seem to be consumed by unreasonable hatred. We both know, that the reptilians had nothing to do with your son’s disappearence. You had a fight with him and he ran away. Griswould: No! Well… maybe we had an argument but I saw the lizards! It doesn’t matter anyway. I just have one favor to ask: Give me some of your royal guard and we will banish this threat from our beloved country!! Xevon: Oh well… since I cannot see any threat I do not understand your issues. Griswould: But…

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Page 1: Circle Of Doom -  · Web viewPage 1. Once at Riverstone Castle… Griswould: I cannot follow you! Page 2. Griswould:

Reptile – Circle Of Doom

Page 1

Once at Riverstone Castle…Griswould: I cannot follow you!

Page 2

Griswould: I cannot follow you for the god’s sake, Xevon. You know, that I am a… cautious person, so even you should see the imminent danger that is upon us.Xevon: What danger is that, Griswould?Griswould: The danger that is coming from these abominations! Yes!! The reptilians… these accursed beasts! Ten years ago their race faced extinction, but we… we sheltered them. And now their numbers are growing again. Occupying the lands like a plague. They should be KILLED! What do you mean?Xevon: No!Griswould: WHAT? Do you think it will always be so quiet like recently? They can’t be trusted! Remember my son!Xevon: Griswould…

Page 3

Xevon: You’re worrying too much. You seem to be consumed by unreasonable hatred. We both know, that the reptilians had nothing to do with your son’s disappearence. You had a fight with him and he ran away.Griswould: No! Well… maybe we had an argument but I saw the lizards! It doesn’t matter anyway. I just have one favor to ask: Give me some of your royal guard and we will banish this threat from our beloved country!!Xevon: Oh well… since I cannot see any threat I do not understand your issues.Griswould: But…Xevon: No! This is my last word. You will not receive any royal support!

Page 4

Griswould: Very well then. I leave!! Guess I have to handle this my way. Somehow I expected the old fart to reject me. But I always have plans with options! In the Riverstone Catacombs I found this ancient scroll. With it I might be able to summon the powerful being bound by the spell, that is contained in this scroll. Perhaps I get what I want this way. Xevon is going to be thankful to me. I rid the lands from this ancient threat. Humans and reptilians, side by side… this cannot work. No!!! Only a superior race can reign over this world: And that is man! There is no coexistance of our races. I cannot follow Xevon… How can he put his only son under the tutelage of a reptilian. I cannot imagine the horrors the child has to watch…Kyle: IAAAAH!

Page 2: Circle Of Doom -  · Web viewPage 1. Once at Riverstone Castle… Griswould: I cannot follow you! Page 2. Griswould:

Page 5

Reptile: Well… I guess you have to improve your battlecry, Kyle!

Page 6

Kyle: *Sigh*. I will never be as good as you, Reptile. Just with your roar you can make enemies flee, but what can I do? Nothing!Reptile: Do not worry. You will become a great warrior in time. Kyle: And until then…?Reptile: I will protect you with my life, young prince! Against all odds! Very well then… let us try it one more time!Soldier: FORWARD!!!Reptile: Hey, that was pretty good!Kyle: That wasn’t me, Reptile. Look, down there!Reptile: WHAT! This can’t be possible…Soldier: Forward! Move your lazy bones, you worthless cattle! Move on, I say!

Page 7

Kyle: Reptile! What are these soldiers doing? Aren’t the reptilians our friends?Soldier: STAND UP!Kyle: Come on, Reptile! We hurry to my father. We tell him what happened and he will do something about it!Soldier: MOVE!Kyle: What are you planning to do?Reptile: Impeding them! Stay where you are, Kyle. I’ll be allright.Soldier: HEY! Eh, who, what…?Reptile: Hello there! You want to see what happens if you are unkind to my people? Take a look…Soldier: AHHHGNN!Reptile: Bring it on!Fat Soldier: Watch out! One of them lizards is going nuts!

Page 8

Soldier: GET HIM!Reptile: Poor fools! You are no match for me! Kyle? Kyle! Where are you? Hey… Kyle! Come here! What the hell is going on?Lancier: Well, scalehead! How does that taste? Is it good?Reptile: AAAIIE!

Page 9:

Reptile: Yeahrgh! I’m loving it! Here, take my thanks!Lancier: OUUHH!Reptile: Oh, gods… aargh… HAARH! AAOUCH! There… are more of these madmen! And the reptilians are gone… Kyle is gone! Arh… The soldiers have the odds on their side… I better hurry to Riverstone Castle. Xevon has to know

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what is going on here! Oh, poor Kyle! I hope he is well. I wonder what is going on. These are tandronian uniforms, Griswould’s troops! Something is awfully wrong here. And the reptilians… what did they wrong? I take this bokkoh. With it I will get very fast to Tyros!Soldier 1: Damn it! He is getting away with one of our bokkohs! THERE, after him!Soldier 2: No, that is of no use. That beast’s too fast… and I know where he is heading. Come! The duke will take care of him! He, he, he!

Page 10:

Meanwhile in Griswould’s stronghold. The duke of Tandron, lusting for power, is preparing an unholy ritual.Griswould: gao mie kantr po stzar von rtis…He found the scroll, but he had no idea of it’s true power…He is on the verge of putting the entire world in grave danger…Griswould: So it is written! No all I need is a small amount of blood… then it is done!He strifed for vengeance! He wanted absolute power!! He better should have thought about it… he should have watched out what to wish. Sometimes wishes and dreams become reality. And sometimes dreams turn into nightmares.Ra’Kroth: hahahaHAHAHA…

Page 11:

Ra’Kroth: At last… I… am… FREE!!!Griswould had achieved it… Ra’Kroth was unleashed!Griswould: Yessss…

Page 12:

Ra’Kroth: At last… Griswould: Hey, listen up!! Do not forget: It was I who set you free and you will obey my orders. Is that clear?Ra’Kroth: Of course… my master! Poor fool. You have no idea…Griswould: Yes. That is good! Exactly, I am your master. You will do well as my slave!Griswould: Yes! Well… Fist I wish for a new armor. A magical armor! One that give me powers suitable for my plans!Ra’Kroth: Your wish is my command! The armor will enhance your strength and magical powers. The blue orb contains some of my energy. It can alter the reality and give illusions to others.Griswould: Perfect! That will do just fine! Now, take me to Riverstone Castle!!!

Page 13:

Meanwhile Reptile is approaching Riverstone Castle. He has no clue about the recent events and the danger that he is heading into…Reptile: Aargh… thankfully I am almost there…

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He hurries to the throneroom. He can hear the voices of Xevon, Griswould an others from the outside. Just one door between him and the throneroom… and between his fate.

Page 14:

Reptile: Xevon! Hurry… I have to tell you something terrible!Griswould: Help him!Soldier: Come on!Griswould: Get him here!Xevon: So then – what happened, Reptile? And where is Kyle?Reptile: It’s terrible! I was in the woods with Kyle, as we saw, that some reptilians from Ghalan were abducted by tandronian soldiers. I tried to stop them but I lost Kyle while I was fighting!Griswould: HA! He is lying. I myself saw how he brutally slaughtered my men, which I sent to get you son into safety, away from this beast, your majesty!Reptile: WHAT?!?Griswould: I knew that he would seize the oppurtunity while being alone with your son, your majesty! I bet my duchy that HE abducted the prince in order to blackmail you!

Page 15:

Reptile: This… this is nonsense! Why would I abduct Kyle? Xevon has been my best friend for years! He made me a family member, he is like a father to me! Why would I hurt him so grave and abduct his only son? I love the prince like a brother! Damn it, Xevon! You’re belivieving me… right?Xevon: Reptile… You have been my friend for so long; I trusted you, but now I am uncertain. I do not know what to believe. Well… it is a fact that you have come here, bloodsoaked and wihtout my son, after killing some of Griswould’s tandronian soldiers, which have served us well since the dawn of Aktes!Reptile: Well, then that is history. I had to stop them, because they tried to abduct the repti… mmpf!Griswould: Yeah, yeah! Nothing but petty exscuses! Allow me to proove that I am right, your majesty, although it might be a terrible truth. My magical orb, which I have obtained recently, will show you what truly happened.Xevon: Well, I can hardly wait…Kyle: This is fun! Are we plaing hide and seek?Reptile: Exactly… and you have to seek!Kyle: Where are we going?Reptile: You will see soon enough!Reptile: Here, take him far away!Female: Of course!Reptile: The king is going to pay a vast amount of gold for his son! Ha, ha, HA!Xevon: This cannot be true! I would have never expected this from you, Reptile! Griswould, I think you were right about the reptilians! How could I be so blind?Reptile: But… this ain’t true! I didn’t abduct Kyle, please!!

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Page 16:

Xevon: Enough! I… I am sorry, Reptile! All these years I trusted you and now all my trust is gone! I, the butcher of Aktes who killed so many reptilians during the great war, have trusted a reptilian with all my heart. I know that you reptilians are intelligent. But this treachery is beyond anything I could imagine. After all I have done for you… unbelievable…Reptile: NO! I WOULD NEVER… LISTEN TO ME!Xevon: I always believed in the good inside you. I did not listen to Griswould and that is why I lost my son to you reptiles. I will correct this mistake…Reptile: YOU ARE MAKING A BIG MISTAKE, XEVON! I DID’NT DO ANYTHING! SET ME FREE!Xevon: … I will punish all reptilians across the land. How could I be so blind? Pray for your soul that Kyle is safe!!Reptile: PLEASSEEE.!Xevon: Griswould, it were your men that were killed. I leave him to your custody. Do as you wish.Griswould: Yes, your majesty! (I’ll take him to the others!)TYROS – capital of Aktes

Page 17:

The soldiers took Reptile far away from the realm of Aktes… With every mile the landscape grew more desert…The night was short and morning came early…Like it wanted Reptile to suffer, too…The cycle of torture continued…The sand burned like fire…Nothing to eat – nothing to drink…Night came again and along with it a few cool hours…Reptile had plenty of time to think…But it was just one question, which bogged his mind…He thought about it night and day:What did the reptilians do wrong? And where were taken?Now he could see it, because he had arrived at the same place…

Page 20:

Reptile: Unbelievable! So here are all the reptilians…Soldier: Exactly! You wanna take a closer look? GO ON!Reptile: Waahh… don’t… YIAAAH!Soldier: Have a nice flight!Reptile: AHHR! I’ve got to try to soften the fall! Ah, ouch! UAFF!Valeris: Hello Reptile. You need a hand?Reptile: W-what? Who…

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Reptile: Valeris! So you’re here too? But why are you here? You’re a tribal queen! How could the soldiers capture you? Didn’t you try…

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Valeris: … to persist? We had that in mind but I thought it would be wiser to wait and see what’s going on. I did not want to start another war, so I tried to find out about all thisReptile: And what is going on?Valeris: First you tell me why you’re here!Reptile: I don’t really know for sure. Well… I lost Kyle!Valeris: The king’s son?Reptile: Yeah! Xevon was very mad!Valeris: Well, I don’t know what this might have to do with us but something is awfully wrong here! We didn’t provoke anything but nevertheless troops came and abducted us! A few days ago they broke into our houses and took us prisoner. They said it was royal order! Without any chance of discussing they brought us into this crater! Since then we work day and night, digging deeper into the earth without knowing what we are searching for. Those who persisted were brutally punished!

Page 22

Valeris: This is madness! First 200 years of total war, then peace with King Xevon and now slavery again! We… we cannot bear this any longer! *Sigh* We didn’t do anything… Well, at least not this time!Reptile: You are right…! Once Xevon enforced peace across the lands and know he is utterly insane!Valeris: Because of his son, I presume?Reptile: Yeah, that’s right! But… if you’re here longer than the recent abduction of the prince then something doesn’t quite fit! Soldier: HEY! No talking, digging! There!Valeris: You better do what they want.Reptile: Allright, allright! Argh, this is humiliating! Those bastards… wait a minute, I GOT IT!Valeris: Better watch your head. It might explode because of all this thinking!Reptile: But now I know! Everything is clear! All of these troops are Tandronians, Griswould’s soldiers!Valeris: Who is the latter?Reptile: He is the duke of Tandron. You cannot know for you are not as much at the royal court as I am. He is Xevon’s friend!Valeris: A nice friend! He sends his troops to catch us instead bothering the royal guard!Reptile: But what if Xevon didn’t know anything about this?Valeris: You mean the duke is working behind the king’s back?Reptile: Yes, in order to execute his crusade against us. I once visited Tandron. It’s citizens suffered the worst during the great war and they cannot stand reptilians to this very day. Maybe the duke is amd that there is peace at last between our races. His troops abducted Kyle and the duke said that it was my fault!

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Page 23

Meanwhile, far away from the reptilans, a lonely, royal pair suffers…Xevon: Oh, my dearest Moira. What should we do? The gods are against us. First we loose our daughter and then Reptile betrays me! Now our son is gone too! How could Reptile disappoint me that deeply…Moira: You did the right thing, Xevon!Xevon: But… Kyle is still missing! Oh, what’s that? That is Griswould’s staff! He forgot to take it with him… Wait a minute… I want to see it again… I want to see what happened in the woods! Magical orb!! Show me the truth! Where is my son?Kyle: Please, set me free!Griswould: Ha, ha! You twerp!Xevon: NO! Reptile was… innocent! What have I done? Moira, inform the royal guard! All of them! I am in need of fighting power…Moira: But… where are you going?Xevon: I am going to pay an old friend a visit!!

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Page 25

At an unknown place…Griswould: HA, HA! Everything is going as planned!Kyle: What are you planning, Griswould? Why did you imprison me?Griswould: Well… it’s just for your own safety!Kyle: For my safety? Why do I need protection?Griswould: Because of these cruel reptilians, of course! Especially because of Reptile!Kyle: That’s nonsense! Reptile’s my friend!Griswould: Oh, really? You’ve seen what he did to my soldiers? If it weren’t for my guards, who knows what he might have done to you?Kyle: No! You’re lying! You… have turned evil! Reptile would never harm me!Griswould: Believe me, he changed! In order to protect you, your father send him to prison! All reptilians of the land are now gathered here! You are safe where you are! And if someone wants to rescue you… Ra’Kroth, what can you see?Ra’Kroth: The king is on his way! He found your staff and discovered the truth!Griswould: That does not matter. I have what I wanted!Kyle: LET ME OUT!Griswould: Not yet! I want to make sure Xevon gets what he deserves!Ra’Kroth: We will kill him! Then the throne is all yours, my master!

Page 26

Ra’Kroth: Nevertheless, it was very careless of you leaving the staff behind! Xevon will…

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Griswould: Xevon will find us easily, I know! That is according to plan. He was going to remain in Riverstone Castle until we established this unconquerable base! And about the staff… I am going to get it back when I defeated Xevon and claimed the throne of Aktes! Until then you will make sure that he stands no chance against us, don’t you? You can rot in hell once I have risen to power!

Page 27

Griswould: Yeah, this is life. Xevon should have never opposed me!Ra’Kroth: Maybe I should seize the castle…Griswould: What? Why?Ra’Kroth: Riverstone Castle is without a king or guard and easily seized. If everything fails, we could retire to this heavily fortified stronghold. Then no one could oppose you! Do not worry – there are enough troops here in the crater for your protection, I could seize the fortress of Tyros by myself.Griswould: Is that so? Well, then get it done!Ra’Kroth: Thank you, my leech!Griswould: And gone. Oh well…Ra’Kroth: Ah, Riverstone Castle! And unguarded, just as I thought! Soon this will be my stronghold! Soon I will be invincible!

Page 28

At the reptilians restroom…Valeris: Reptile… you sleeping?Reptile: I tried but I have grown accustomed to a warm and safe bed… and this is not exactly what I had in mind!Valeris: What are you thinking?Reptile: I think that I am no longer going to stay here! I will get to Xevon and convince him of the truth!Valeris: This could be harder than you might think! Anyone who tried to escape was captured and killed. I wanted to flee but none of my companions was brave enough to come with me. So I gave up!Reptile: Well, no I am with you! We both will get out of here. Maybe there might be some reptilians who could help us…Elder: You’re right… I am over here!

Page 29:

Reptile: Who are you?Elder: I am one of the elders from Valeris’ clan. I could provide you with wisdom and knowledge of various kind.Reptile: Well, keep talking.Elder: Yeah, yeah… I advice you go to the reptilian mongrels that are held imprisoned in this crater, too! Reptile: Who are those mongrels?Elder: During the great war the humans broke into our houses and raped our wifes and daughters. The mongrels were the result of this gruesome act! They were never accepted by the tribes. But hey can help you whatsoever, because they have something we lack…Reptile: What is this?

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Elder: Human logic and intellect!! I’m not saying we are dumb but they think the way humans do and might be able to… identify vacancies in the human plans, which might help you on your way out!Valeris: Very well, we’re going to ask the mongrels for help but how do we get to them?Reptile: Hmm… I have an idea…Valeris: Look who’s thinking. You heard the old man… we lack intellect!Reptile: I have a great idea!

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Reptile: Valeris, awaken every reptilian in here and tell them to make noise! While the guards try to calm them down we slip out of here!Valeris: I will see what I can do!Later…Valeris: Allright. Get ready!The sudden noise alerts the guards…Guard 1: WHAT? What’s that noise??Guard 2: Hurry, the beasts in tent one are going nuts. Let’s get them quiet!Reptile and Valeris seize the oppurtunity and slip out of the tent.Guard 1: You stop all this screaming…?

Page 31:

The entire night Xevon and his royal guard were on their way, searching for the truth. He was deeply concerned…Not only about his son but about his friend Reptile, who spoke the truth back in the throneroom.And HE delivered Reptile into the talons of the duke!One thought was keeping him company: Who abducted and Kyle and why all this confusion? One name circled thorugh the king’s mind and did not let him find rest…Xevon: WHERE IS GRISWOULD?

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Servant: Who?Xevon: YOU! Speak, worm or I will make sure that you are going to clean the floor with you blood!Servant: Th… the duke? Well… eh… he disappeared… few hours ago! Along with… with his companion and a small boy!Xevon: Where did they go?!?Servant: They… ah, to the castle! The stranger wanted to show something to the duke! Please, my leech…Xevon: Damned! He slipped through my fingers! And now I got to get back to Tyros… but before that, this place shall taste my wrath!

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Meanwhile in Riverstone Castle…Griswould: So, Ra’Kroth… what is it you wanted to show me?Ra’Kroth: Look upon the proof of my absolute power: I have transformed an already formidable stronghold into an invincible fortress, no being can conquer! A magical forcefield is surrounding these old stones and everything is controlled from my throneroom.Griswould: Quite impressive, but… why is it your throneroom? I am the one in charge here and naturally this will be my throne! Ahh, after all these long years… at last I rule over this realm! WHAT??Ra’Kroth: WRONG… you are dismissed!!

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Ra’Kroth: You heard it. You are no longer needed!Griswould: But… why?Ra’Kroth: FOOL! Your presence were obsolete since the very moment you released me from my prison! However, you helped me starting a war between Tyros and Tandron! Their armies are going ti wipe out each other and I can do as I please with nobody opposing me! And if Xevon tries to free his little brat, he will be destroyed too and the realm of Aktes will be mine! And in time… the whole world!Griswould: What have I done…?Ra’Kroth: There are still preperations to make. I guess soon there will be some visitors here!

Page 35:

Guard 1: Quite a long night. *Yawn*Guard 2: *Cough* You bet on it…Guard 1: I’m bored to death!Guard 2: Yeah… really boring.Reptile: Ha, ha. I was faster than you! Getting old, are we not?Valeris: This is not funny, Reptile! Let’s find the mongrels!Reptile: Hello, anybody in here?? My name is reptile and I’m trying to escape… but I need help with that. Hey… anybody there?Mongrel: Yes, somebody is here, idiot! Don’t scream so much or the whole crater will be alarmed!Reptile: Yeah, yeah. Settle down. Eh, are… you the… the…Mongrel: Yes, we are!

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Mongrel: Wait! I make some light…Reptile: Nice… but won’t the guards be suspicious?Mongrel: No, we often make light even during the night. So, what do you want?Reptile: I’ve been deceived and was imprisoned here. But all the reptilians shouldn’t be here! Well… our elder said you might find a way for Valeris and me to escape from this crater!

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Mongrel: Maybe you can get out of here through the tunnel we find during digging a few days ago! This crater is full of holes and subterraneous passages, so naturally everything is very unstable.Reptile: A tunnel? For real? But why didn’t you flee?Smart Mongrel: You’re not very bright, are you? Every morning they count our numbers and if just one of us would be missing everyone would be alerted. No, to flee would be far to risky for us!Mongrel: And like I said before the passages are very unstable. They could collapse the very instant you walk through them!Reptile: But I need to get to Tyros! No matter the price! The duke has to be stopped!Mongrel: Then try the tunnel. It right over there, you cannot miss it!Reptile: Thank you! I’ll be back for you once I settle things! Promise!Mongrel: Go! Good luck!

Page 37:

Reptile: I think I’m going insane!Valeris: Hurry up, Reptile! Dig faster!Reptile: Well why don’t you help me instead of just standing there? Everthing’s messed up here…Valeris: And where do we go from here?

Page 38 & 39:

Guard: Oh, no! Something’s coming to get us… I have to alarm everyone… Xevon: ATTACK!The battle for the crater has begun… and Xevon is willed to be the victor!

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Xevon: Slaughter them!Guard: To… to arms… AAH!Brock: How do you like my axe? HAR! She’s bloodthirsty! As am I!Guard: Stop him!

Page 41:

Brock: You allright, Aurelia?Aurelia: I’m fine! Consider this: For every strike of yours you’ll get two from me! For sure these softies here know women only from cookers or beds! I will teach them not to underestimate me! Ha… missed me! Soldier: Come on, you bitch! I’m going to tear you apart!Aurelia: That is no way to talk to a dame!Soldier: AARGH! You… you damn whore! Get her… AND KILL HER!Aurelia: Guess I have to teach you some manners… if you can be lectured…Royal Guard: Thanks…

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Royal Guard: Oh, another tandronian… HA! Sweet dreams!Aurelia: HEY! Marcus! And Eloculius! Watch the reinforcements, those maniacs with axes! UGN!Soldier: Haar… if it weren’t for the element of surprise you wouldn’t stand a chance against us… ACK!Aurelia: There you have it! Life’s full of surprises! Thank you, Fara!

Page 43:

Xevon: Sulus… how could you support this war?Sulus: That talk from you? The great commander? It is war and I am a soldier. So I fight. It’s that simple!Xevon: This is no war, this is madness! The reptilians didn’t do anything…Sulus: Aww, stop that! We are alike! Nobody could ever measure your reptilian bodycount! HA, I knew it! You… are no different! Maybe the truth is too cruel for you?Xevon: Don’t you dare comparing me to you! You’re going to pay for your … ACK!Sulus: As you wish! If you are not with us, you are against us!

Page 44:

Sulus: HAAAR! I’m going to kill you with my bare hands!Xevon: I think you’re missing the point…Sulus: Is that so?Xevon: HERE! I’m the king of Aktes and you are going to need a weapon to kill me!Sulus: AHRGH! You’re dead meat!Xevon: Speak for yourself…

Page 45:

Xevon: Oh, well…Sulus: AARG… nothing is lost…yet…Xevon: I believe otherwise…! Stop it, Sulus! I’m giving you the chance to surrender.Sulus: Never…Xevon: Damn…IT IS ENOUGH! The killing has to stop!Aurelia: It is over! Victory is ours!Natalia: The enemy’s lines are broken. Our troops are freeing the reptilians right this moment!Xevon: Victory? I… don’t know…

Page 46:

Xevon: The release of the reptilians is the only victory here! This bloody battle was unnecessary… When we’re done here, we head back to Riverstone Castle. I think Griswould has to give me some answers… and to give me my son back!

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Xevon: I am sick of this scheming play! Griswould, once my loyal advisor, has abducted my son and tricked our armies into war! But why all this? He has to confess even if I have to drag the truth out of him! Hm… oh… and then I’m going to search for Reptile… and to beg him for forgiveness because of everything I have done to him! I’ve trusted my duke, who is greedy for power, and betrayed my best friend without consideration! Griswould, you will rot in the deepest depths of the netherworld, for what you did to us! LISTEN UP! The fight is not over yet! Let’s return to Riverstone Castle!

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While Xevon is on his way back to Tyros, Reptile and Valeris pass a strange and mysterious landscapeReptile: I’m beat… I’m tired… I’m hungry… and thirsty…Valeris: Stop complaining! Phew! We’re wandering thtough an interisting place like this and you’re just thinking with your stomach! This would look beautiful as a necklace…Reptile: I don’t care! You know how long I haven’t drank? I am no cactus! Well… even these crystals got more water inside them than me! You even know where we are? He…Valeris: Yeah, I know! And I bet you’re going to remember too!Reptile: Well… yeah, oh yeah! We were here before! I think my stomach will be fine…

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Valeris: This sight makes me remember and wonder. You remember the night when we loved us in the pale moonshine?Reptile: WHAT? Valeris, as far as I can recall we didn’t do anything!Valeris: Well, who knows… it was ten years ago! Maybe you only have forgotten…Reptile: NAWT! Nonsense… Wow, nature’s pretty lively down here… like in a paradise! Now, where’s the food? Valeris: Over there are some bushes with berrys. Bah!Reptile: I don’t care. I need food!Valeris: BAAHH… How can you eat that?Reptile: Why… this tastes good! UAARGH! But bitter and not juicy!Tracus: Hello, you! You wanna taste?Reptile: HMBL?

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Valeris: Hey, little fella! What’s your name? Did you get lost or something?Tracus: I’m not lost!Valeris: So, you live here?Tracus: Yeah, with my parents and my big brother! We live in this cavern since I can remember! Now and then we go outside, but I’ve never seen another reptilian… by the way, my name is Tracus!Valeris: I am Valeris. The nutshell over there is Reptile!

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Reptile: Wherry phannie, Falerish!Valeris: You mustn’t be afraid of us! Please guide os to your parents…Yirrck: TRACUS! Where are you? Answer me!Tracus: Oh, my brother’s searching for me!Yirrck: Hm, I see you have found someone lost on their way!#Valeris: Well, rather on the run.Yirrck: Yeah? From whom?Reptile: We escaped from torturing slavery and now try to stop a tyrant, who wants to seize the power over the land.

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Valeris: Thank you, Reptile… you can explain this so much better than me. By the way… you missed a spot…Reptile: Oh! Hm, so you’re the brother of the little one? How is that possible?Yirrck: It would be the best if you come to our home. We can talk there at rest.Reptile: But we gotta hurry!Yirrck: There’s food, too!Reptile: What are we waiting for?Valeris: Now that was obvious. When Reptile hears “food” there is no stopping him!Reptile: You wanna some?

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At Yirrcks home Reptile told the whole story… he told them about the reptilians from Ghalan, their imprisonment, his own banishment by the king and about the crater… he spoke of his and Valeris’ escape and of his plan to get to Riverstone Castle in order to stop the duke. When he was finsihed Yirrck had only one question:Yirrck: What was the duke’s name?Reptile: Griswould, duke of Tandron. You know him?Yirrck: Yes, because he is my father!Reptile: WHAT? YOUR FATHER?Yirrck: Exactly. I am Yirrck, the prince of Tandron and lost son of Griswould! Eight Years ago I had an intense argument with my father. We were in the hills and I fell into a hole. I broke my leg but the reptilians Erack and Lusia safed and nursed me. For sure my father thought they intended to kill me, so he fled and never returned. But I didn’t care for the reptilians gave me more love than my father in my entire life. So I stayed. Now you know everything!Valeris: Reptile, we should hurry or the battle is long over when we arrive.Reptile: You’re right, Valeris. Eh… thanks for the food but we have to get to the capital.Yirrck: Stop! I am going with you! Maybe I can turn my father to good and also… I have got a very good transport for you! We’re going to be at the castle in no time! Follow me!

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On the backs of the mighty dragons, Reptile, Valeris and Yirrck fly through the realm of Aktes and leave the desert of Tarrakis behind them. After a few hours they finally reach Tyros… and Riverstone Castle!

Page 57:

Reptile: Hey, look! Xevon’s already here!Valeris: Well, I guess he has to set some things right!Reptile: Gosh… your castle changed!Xevon: Oh, Reptile! You are alive! How wonderful! I… am sorry for everything!!Reptile: Say that you had no idea.Xevon: I am deeply sorry! Reptile, I condemned you although you were innocent! It was all Griswould’s doing!Reptile: Yeah, I figured that too!Xevon: This bastard abducted my son… and I thought he was my friend. But you were my BEST friend! Please forgive me.Reptile: It’s okay, Xevon! We have no time to spare. Griswould has to be stopped or everything is lost! To the throneroom!Xevon: YES!Reptile: Hm… I wonder how Griswould could achieve this much power! All this magic in this place… he never showed any signs of being capable of such might! And we were never suspicious…

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Ra’Kroth: It was I, who did all this! You pitiful attempts at imprison me for eternity have all failed because your friend, the duke lent me a hand! Too bad he cannot be here to laugh at your faces!Reptile: Who are you? What have you done? What are your plans?Ra’Kroth: So many questions? May I introduce myself? I am Ra’Kroth, ruler of this fortress, this realm and soon of this world!Reptile: But Xevon is the ruler of Aktes…Ra’Kroth: How pathetic… you can never be sure of anything. Even you thought that Xevon was your friend but he condemned you to a hell of slavery. Things are going to change and they are going to change big this time! Watch…

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Ra’Kroth: HA! What are you planning to do, “king”?Xevon: ARGH! I cannot…Fara: Take this, you bigmouthed…Xevon: Fara, don’t!!Ra’Kroth: A heroine! I love courageous women! But, maybe next time! See you!Fara: AIIEEH!Reptile: EEHH… this is going to be bad… phew, close!

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Ra’Kroth: And now to you: Who will be killed first… tough choice! Maybe, you Xevon?Reptile: Gotta… stop him…Ra’Kroth: Yes, I think you might be a good start…Reptile: Don’t you dare!!

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Reptile: Or I’ll crush you!

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Ra’Kroth: What? You are still alive? You annoying lizard…Reptile: That’s right! And I advice you going back to where you came from or I will personally make sure you get there!Ra’Kroth: HAHAHAHA! You threaten me? ARGH… not bad, even I felt that strike! But no matter how agile you are now you are going to die! DAMNED! Don’t make it this hard for you! I want to kill you swiftly… Stop there!Reptile: You wish! Catch me if you can!

Page 62:

Reptile: Better watch out or I will catch you! And… how do you feel, mighty Ra’Kroth? So you started this whole mess? I think… you’re going to pay for that!Ra’Kroth: Argh… you, argh! FOOL! You truly belive this is my true form? This weak human body? I have absolute power and can shapeshift at will! How… do… you like this form? Just because of you!

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Ra’Kroth: So… got you! What do you say now?Reptile: HGNN!Ra’Kroth: Sadly I cannot understand you! Speak articulately… HA, HA, HA! RAAH! Watch this!

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Ra’Kroth: So, let us be honest to each other: Do you think I will defeat you? I might kill you but you and your race will be defeated by the humans! Your race is deemed to doom! Since the dawn of time humans and reptilians lived in this world, side by side but there were never peace between you! The humans have and will wage war against your people, you will be nearly extinct and the last remnants will live in exile… then when your people are numerous again there will be another war and so on! A man like Xevon made only a temporary peace. Whole towns and citys filled with reptilians under the protection of Aktes - humans and reptilians along each other in harmony… a dream! Nothing more! Just a man like Griswould is needed and your homes become prisons! Again I

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might add. HA! This is your fate: Your eternal CIRCLE OF DOOM! But you will not see the end of this… any last wishes? You wanted to see my true form, right? I will grant you that wish…

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Ra’Kroth: Look upon me… I AM YOUR DOOM!

Page 68:

Ra’Kroth: Time to perish!Griswould: Reptile… can you hear me?Reptile: Griswould…?Griswould: Listen to me… before I freed Ra’Kroth I read in the scroll that his power can be broken if the red ruby is torn from his chest while the imprisonating words are chanted. If you manage to pull the gem out, I will shout the spell! You understand? It is our only chance to stop this nightmare!Reptile: Ouch… if that’s so…

Page 69:

Ra’Kroth: NOOO! You bastard! I’ll be baAAHHHHH!Reptile: It is done…

Page 70:

Xevon: Hey, the magical shackles disappear! I think Reptile was victorious! Ha, and my castle is back to it’s normal shape!Reptile: ARGH! I’m sick of all this climbing! I wanna go home and sleep for three days… OURK! My back… my belly… and my goddamned arm! Phew, made it! I think I’m going to take the week off! Hey, you’re allright?

Page 71:

Xevon: Reptile, you did it! You are a hero! You might look like *youknow* but you’ve defeated the fiend all by yourself! That’s great! I am going to give the greatest party this world has ever seen, so everyone can thank you for saving the realm!Aurelia: After all this Griswould turned to the good side after all… but he has suffered severe wounds…Reptile: BUARG! Thank you, Xevon! Too much praising! Aurelia is right… If it weren’t for Griswould I wouldn’t have won this fight! Well… what about the reptilians? And the mongrels… what happened to them, Valeris?Valeris: Do not worry. All reptilians were freed and they already have returned to their tribes... and the bastards are free too! We… are going to give them a new home!Reptile: Phew… that’s great! So it is finally over… Where is Griswould?

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Page 72:

Reptile: Kyle, my boy! I am so glad you’re alive and safe. Did Griswould anything to you?Kyle: He put me into a cage!Reptile: Now that was mean! Well, it is over now.Kyle: Reptile, you look like sh**!Reptile: He, he, he…Yirrck: Father? So… this is what you wanted? Griswould: Yirrck… my dear son! I thought… that the reptilians abducted you! I… was wrong and paid for it! Life has left my body and my sight is gone! I cannot even see you… my only son! In my grief over you I tried to achieve something with powers I could not control. Praised be the gods, that I had the chance to redeem myself by helping Reptile! I am so sorry! But… I am glad that I can feel your touch. What other things can an old man pray for?Yirrck: Father, you were deluded. The reptilians gave me more love than you ever did! But… you are my father. I am going to take you to my family. I think they might be able to help you!Griswould: Thank you my son!Yirrck: Xevon, I take my father to my family in the crater. We would like to visit you someday…Xevon: I am looking forward to it… You’re all invited to Riverstone Castle. Farewell!Royal Guard: Your majesty!! Listen to this: I have just received word that all of the tandronian troops are alive! They have no memory of the battle whatsoever… Shall we take them into custody?Xevon: No! Looks like that without the presence of Ra’Kroth peace has found it’s way back into our realm. Let’s keep it that way. They can attend the celebration tommorow and will return to their old assignments after that. They are aktesian soldiers after all! And you will be brought to a physician, Reptile! You must be fixed when you are celebrated tommorow!

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The next morning comes as if nothing happened… but Reptile still has something important to do.Xevon: Reptile… are you coming? The celebration has already started!Reptile: I’m on my way!

Page 74:

Xevon was right: the celebration had started. Nearly all of Tyros’ citizens and it’s surrounding towns have gathered at Riverstone Castle and were waiting for the king to speak…Xevon: Dear people of Aktes! By this day the war that waged through our beloved realm is over! The duke of Tandron was tricked by an evil sorceror and together they threatened the peace between humans and reptilians. But we stood united against the duke and his armies and against the sorceror and we defeated him and restored peace. In the end it was only one person, who killed the magician: My good friend, Sir Reptile! A few days ago I condemned him for

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something he didn’t do and put him in miserable imprisonment! Right now I am asking for forgiveness, in front of all of you! I am sorry!!

Page 75:

Xevon: Maybe it was the god’s doing that nearly 30 years ago Reptile safed me from Devon’s soldiers! Back then we dreamt of a peace throughout the lands of Aktes! We knew it would be hard… but Reptile did not give up and has earned my trust yet again! There are difficult times ahead of us but we are having a good start now! And now: Let’s celebrate!So the tale ended well. The celebration lasted the whole day… and the cheering crowd was heard in all of Tyros!

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During the next days Reptile often visited one of his favorite places and gazed at the sea. His wounds were healed but here were wounds one could not see: He thought about the “circle of doom” Ra’Kroth spoke of and Reptile knew that the peace they had now was very fragile and had to be taken care of… but he would fight for it nonetheless; he would never surrender and protect all those who shared his cause… after all, he was a knight!