cisco packet tracer 6.0.1 overview presentation.ppt

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  • 5/28/2018 Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 Overview Presentation.ppt


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    Cisco Packet TracerOverview

    May 2!"

  • 5/28/2018 Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 Overview Presentation.ppt

    2/37# 2!" Cisco and$or its affiliates% &ll ri'hts reserved% Cisco Confidential 2


    ( Cisco Packet Tracer Overview

    ( Packet Tracker )ey Features

    ( Packet Tracer *%%!

    ( Packet Tracer )ey +enefits

    ( Summary

  • 5/28/2018 Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 Overview Presentation.ppt

    3/37Cisco Confidential# 2!" Cisco and$or its affiliates% &ll ri'hts reserved% "

    Packet Tracer Overview

  • 5/28/2018 Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 Overview Presentation.ppt

    4/37# 2!" Cisco and$or its affiliates% &ll ri'hts reserved% Cisco Confidential ,

    -hat is Cisco Packet Tracer.

    ( Com/rehensive networkin' technolo'y teachin' and learnin'software develo/ed 0y Cisco 1etworkin' &cademy

    ( Offers a uniue com0ination of realistic simulation and

    visuali3ation ex/eriences4 com/lex assessment and activity

  • 5/28/2018 Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 Overview Presentation.ppt

    5/37# 2!" Cisco and$or its affiliates% &ll ri'hts reserved% Cisco Confidential 5

    Packet Tracer Simulation6+ased Learnin'

    ( 7nnovative features hel/ students andteachers colla0orate4 solve /ro0lems4

    and learn conce/ts in an en'a'in' and

    dynamic social environment

    ( Su//orts lectures4 'rou/ and individualla0s4 homework4 exams4 'ames4

    colla0orations and com/etitions

    ( &llows instructors to easily teach and

    demonstrate com/lex technical

    conce/ts and networkin' systems


    ( 8el/s students develo/ im/ortant 2!stcentury skills

  • 5/28/2018 Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 Overview Presentation.ppt

    6/37# 2!" Cisco and$or its affiliates% &ll ri'hts reserved% Cisco Confidential *

    +enefits of Simulation6+ased Learnin'

    ( Students who ex/lore and ex/eriment usin' Packet Tracer develo/intellectual curiosity and critical thinkin' skills%

    ( Packet Tracer9s visually rich simulation environment facilitates

    com/rehension of com/lex technolo'y conce/ts%

    ( Students who trou0leshoot networks usin' Packet Tracer develo/

    /ro0lem solvin' skills%

    ( Students who desi'n and 0uild virtual networks usin' Packet Tracer

    im/rove their innovation and creativity skills%

    ( Students who ex/lore conce/ts at their own /ace in Packet Tracer9s

    safe4 virtual environment 'ain confidence in their decision makin' skills

    and a0ilities%

    ( :sin Packet Tracer for team colla0oration and com etition activities

  • 5/28/2018 Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 Overview Presentation.ppt

    7/37Cisco Confidential# 2!" Cisco and$or its affiliates% &ll ri'hts reserved% ;

    Packet Tracer )eyFeatures

  • 5/28/2018 Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 Overview Presentation.ppt

    8/37# 2!" Cisco and$or its affiliates% &ll ri'hts reserved% Cisco Confidential

    Packet Tracer *%%! 8i'hli'hts

    ( 7OS !5 6 Models new devices and7OS licensin'

    ( 7Pv* 6 7Pv* deskto/ confi'% 7Pv*

    Tunnel over 7Pv,4 C+&Cv*

    ( 8SEP6 8ot Stand0y Eoutin'


    ( Braded Circlin' Tool 6 Model the

    key classroom interaction of

    circlin' as/ects of networks

    ( 7somor/hs6 7somor/hs with

    varyin' 7P addresses4 devicenames4 G to olo orientations

  • 5/28/2018 Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 Overview Presentation.ppt


    # 2!" Cisco and$or its affiliates% &ll ri'hts reserved% Cisco Confidential 2

    Packet Tracer *%%! Features @! of "A

    !e$ Features Descri%tion &ene#its

    7Pv* ?nhancements 7Pv* deskto/ confi'uration7Pv* Tunnel over 7Pv,Context6+ased &ccess Control@C+&CA

    :/6to6date /ractice4 feed0ack4assessment4 and 'amin' for &LLlearners as the world moves to the 7Pv*vision of an internet of Thin's

    Su//ort Cisco 7SE !>,!42>!4 2>!! and 7OS !5

    1ew Cisco devices1ew 7OS licensin' mechanism

    ?nhance o//ortunities to /ractice on newCisco /roducts and new 7OS licensin'mechanism

    8SEP @8ot Stand0yEoutin' ProtocolA

    8i'h availa0ility 'ateways andload 0alancin'

    ?nhance o//ortunities to /ractice withredundancy

    ?nhanced modelin' of

    hands6on la0environments

    PC firewall H terminal server H

    async octal ca0le H server with 217Cs H &CL Seuence num0er

    ?na0le increased com/arison and

    contrast of the simulated Packet Tracerenvironment to the hands6on la0environments

    ?nhance learnin' 0y modelin'

  • 5/28/2018 Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 Overview Presentation.ppt


    # 2!" Cisco and$or its affiliates% &ll ri'hts reserved% Cisco Confidential 2!

    Packet Tracer *%%! Features @2 of "A

    !e$ Features Descri%tion &ene#its

    1ext BenerationPerformance ?xams

    7somor/hs with varyin' 7Paddresses4 device names andto/olo'y orientations

    Pro0lem inection G eventfeed0ack

    =aria0le Mana'er

    &ddress exam security 0y creatin' tasksat the same level6of6difficulty with varysurface features

    ?na0les a wide variety of /ractice4feed0ack4 intelli'ent tutorin'4 and 'ame6like ex/eriences

    Braded Circlin' Tool &0ility to annotate the to/olo'yand have them 'raded as the

    authors s/ecify

    Model the key classroom interaction ofcirclin' as/ects of networks like

    collision and 0roadcast domains4 7Psu0nets4 =L&1s4 OSPF areas4 etc%

    Save as CommonCartrid'e

    PT file o/erations now su//ortmetadata @we0 /a'e info4 ta'sA

    ?na0le LT7$CC intero/era0ility in futuretechnolo'y /hases

  • 5/28/2018 Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 Overview Presentation.ppt


    # 2!" Cisco and$or its affiliates% &ll ri'hts reserved% Cisco Confidential 22

    Packet Tracer *%%! Features @" of "A

    !e$ Features Descri%tion &ene#its

    :nder the 8ood Code7m/rovements

    7ncreased use of Coverity Code&nalysis

    More of model ex/osed via &P7

    Scri/t Module ?nhancements

    More efficiently runnin' code for users

    7m/roved 0u' identification

    More /owerful PT ?cosystem /roductsthat use the &P7 and Scri/t Modulefeatures

  • 5/28/2018 Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 Overview Presentation.ppt


    # 2!" Cisco and$or its affiliates% &ll ri'hts reserved% Cisco Confidential 2"

    7Pv* ?nhancements

  • 5/28/2018 Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 Overview Presentation.ppt


    # 2!" Cisco and$or its affiliates% &ll ri'hts reserved% Cisco Confidential 2,

    Su//ort Cisco 7SE !>,!4 2>!4 2>!! and 7OS !5

  • 5/28/2018 Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 Overview Presentation.ppt


    # 2!" Cisco and$or its affiliates% &ll ri'hts reserved% Cisco Confidential 25

    Braded Circlin' Tool

  • 5/28/2018 Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 Overview Presentation.ppt


    # 2!" Cisco and$or its affiliates% &ll ri'hts reserved% Cisco Confidential 2*

    L&1 Multiuser &'ent

  • 5/28/2018 Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 Overview Presentation.ppt


    # 2!" Cisco and$or its affiliates% &ll ri'hts reserved% Cisco Confidential 2;

    Other Features

    8ost +ased


    Server with 2 17Cs


  • 5/28/2018 Cisco Packet Tracer 6.0.1 Overview Presentation.ppt


    Cisco Confidential# 2!" Cisco and$or its affiliates% &ll ri'hts reserved% 2