classification of cephalosporin antibiotics.doc

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  • 8/18/2019 Classification of Cephalosporin Antibiotics.doc


    Classification of Cephalosporin Antibiotics

    Cephalosporin drugs are beta lactam antibiotics that inhibit the cell wall of bacteria.

    Cephalosporin C was first isolated from a fungus named as Cephalosporium acremonium by Dr.Abraham in 1948. These are bactericidalantibiotics as they kill the micro organisms when used at

    therapeutic dose.

    Mode of Action:

    The mechanism of action of cephalosporin drugs is similar to penicillin. They inhibit the

    en!ymes that are necessary for the synthesis of cell wall of bacteria by combing with penicillin

    binding proteins "#$#%. &emember their bactericidal acti'itydoes not depend upon the

    concentration of drug.

    Classification of Cephalosporin:

    Cephalosporins can be classified by different ways such as classification based upon(



    Chemical structure

    &esistance to beta lactamases

    Clinical pharmacology

    $ut most renowned type of classification is based on generation. Cephalosporin drugs are di'ided

    into different generations depending upon their microbialspectrum.

    1. +irst generation

    ,. )econd generation

    -. Third generation

    4. +ourth generation

    . +ifth generation

  • 8/18/2019 Classification of Cephalosporin Antibiotics.doc


    First Generation:

    The optimum acti'ity of all first generation cephalosporin drugs is against gram positi'e

    bacteria such as staphylococci and streptococci. They also ha'e little gram

    negati'e spectrum.

    The list of drugs is as follows.

    Cephalosporin Dose RouteDosing

    IntervalSpectrum Renal

    1 st Generation ( arro! Spectrum"

    Cefa!olin 1 ,gm /0 /2 8



    aureus. c


    Cephalothin 1 ,gm /0 /2 4 3 yes

    Cephapirin . 1gm /0 /2 4 3 yes

    Cephale5in , mg#6 3 yes

    Cefadro5il mg #6 1, yes

    Cephradine, mg

    7 mg





    Second Generation:

    The drugs that come under second generation ha'e more spectra against gram negati'e

    bacteria " aemophilus influen!ae: ;nterobacter aerogenes% in comparison to the first

    generation. Their gram positi'e spectrum is less than thefirst generation.

    Cephalosporin Dose RouteDosing

    IntervalSpectrum Renal

    #nd Generation (Intermediate Spectrum"

    Cefamandole 1 ,gm /0 /2 4 3 ;scherichia coli:

  • 8/18/2019 Classification of Cephalosporin Antibiotics.doc


  • 8/18/2019 Classification of Cephalosporin Antibiotics.doc
