classroom language 2

CLASSROOM LANGUAGE SAYING HELLO SAYING GOOD BYE Good morning (everybody). Good bye. / Bye bye. Good evening. Good night. Good afternoon. See you later / tomorrow / on Sunday / next week /, etc. Hello. / Hi (everybody). Have a nice day / Have a nice weekend How are you today! / How are you! "ine, thank you. / "ine. / #ot bad. IN THE CLASSROOM Teacher Student $ake out your notebook% / book% / a &iece of &a&er /a &en. How do you %ay ''' in ngli%h! rite down the ''' How do you %&ell '''! *e&eat after me. / +lea%e, re&eat. hat doe% ''' mean! +lea%e, o&en your book% to &age '''. xcu%e me, can you re&eat that, &lea%e. heck your an%wer%. / -et % check homework. m %orry, don t under%tand. $urn to &age ''' +lea%e, can you %&eak more %lowly! ork in &air%. / ork in grou&%. m %orry, m late. Get together in grou&% of 0. 1ay come in! Sit face to face for &air work. an go to the bathroom! Go to the board. an you re&eat, &lea%e! *ai%e your hand to an%wer. How do you &ronounce thi% word! +lea%e, %&eak louder. cannot hear you. +lea%e, give an exam&le. Stand u&. /Sit down. need more time. *ead aloud, &lea%e. need hel&. -i%ten to me. / -i%ten to the conver%ation. % thi% correct! -i%ten carefully. / -i%ten and &ractice. +lea%e, don t era%e the board. 2re you ready! / *eady! #ot yet. / 3u%t a moment, &lea%e. lo%e your book% / notebook%. +lea%e, tell me the di4erence between 2 and B. +ut your thing% away. hat &age! "orhomework, ''' an borrow a &en! have a 5ue%tion for you. an we move our de%k%! an you %&ell it! an o&en the door! / the window! ho i% ab%ent today! an clo%e the door! / the window! hat date i% today! an turn o4 the fan! 6nce more. / 6nce again. Say it again. *elax. Same or di4erent! *ight / 7ou re right ell done / 8ery well done Great 9 Good :ob xcellent -et % continue. Go ahead. m %orry xcu%e me. $hank you. 7ou re welcome. +lea%e

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Post on 07-Oct-2015




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Todo sobre como utilizar English en el aula de clase con sus alumnos



Good morning (everybody).Good bye. / Bye bye.

Good evening.Good night.

Good afternoon.See you later / tomorrow / on Sunday / next week /, etc.

Hello. / Hi (everybody).Have a nice day! / Have a nice weekend!

How are you today? / How are you?Fine, thank you. / Fine. / Not bad.



Take out your notebooks / books / a piece of paper /a pen.How do you say ___ in English?

Write down the ___How do you spell ___?

Repeat after me. / Please, repeat. What does ___ mean?

Please, open your books to page ___.Excuse me, can you repeat that, please.

Check your answers. / Lets check homework.Im sorry, I dont understand.

Turn to page ___Please, can you speak more slowly?

Work in pairs. / Work in groups.Im sorry, Im late.

Get together in groups of 4.May I come in?

Sit face to face for pair work.Can I go to the bathroom?

Go to the board.Can you repeat, please?

Raise your hand to answer.How do you pronounce this word?

Please, speak louder. I cannot hear you.Please, give an example.

Stand up. / Sit down.I need more time.

Read aloud, please.I need help.

Listen to me. / Listen to the conversation.Is this correct?

Listen carefully. / Listen and practice.Please, dont erase the board.

Are you ready? / Ready?Not yet. / Just a moment, please.

Close your books / notebooks.Please, tell me the difference between A and B.

Put your things away.What page?

For homework, ___Can I borrow a pen?

I have a question for you.Can we move our desks?

Can you spell it?Can I open the door? / the window?

Who is absent today?Can I close the door? / the window?

What date is today?Can I turn off the fan?

Once more. / Once again.

Say it again.


Same or different?

Right! / Youre right!

Well done! / Very well done!

Great Good job!


Lets continue.

Go ahead.

Im sorry!

Excuse me.

Thank you.

Youre welcome.
