cle 10 s1t rev by kirsten t angeles.pdf

 CLE 10 S1T re viewe r By Kir s te n T. Ange le s S. Y. ’1 5-’ 16 The Bible FYI - 50-150 AD -  Jewish revolt against Ro me —> 66-70 AD (destruction of the temple) -  W ord of mouth —> 30 AD - evangelists: 2nd generation Christians - Paul wrote 7 Proto-Pauline letters Words Criteria for reading & interpreting the Scripture - The Scripture is one: St. Augustine “New T estament is concealed in the old, Old Testament revealed in the new” - Church’s tradition: always read the Scripture in the Church’s context  - Interpretation of the Church: our interpretations shouldn’t contradict the script The Scripture is divine - Bible is human & God’s work  - “Inspired”: “God breathed” - Inerrancy: Bible is free from error What to remember reading the bible - Literature: look for literary clues - Ancient: the meanings are in an ancient POV  - Religious: everything was b ound together by religion  T anak the Hebrew bible T orah law  Nebi’im former & latter prophets Ketubim poetic books - 5 megalith (scrolls) Canon rules/standards Shamar caretaker  - it was Adam’s role Mashal Genesis as a riddle berith covenant evangelion good news apocryphal hidden books

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Post on 03-Nov-2015




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  • CLE 10 S1T reviewer By Kirsten T. Angeles S.Y. 15-16

    The Bible FYI - 50-150 AD - Jewish revolt against Rome > 66-70 AD (destruction of the temple) - Word of mouth > 30 AD - evangelists: 2nd generation Christians - Paul wrote 7 Proto-Pauline letters Words

    Criteria for reading & interpreting the Scripture- The Scripture is one: St. Augustine New Testament is concealed in the old, Old Testament revealed in the new- Churchs tradition: always read the Scripture in the Churchs context - Interpretation of the Church: our interpretations shouldnt contradict the script

    The Scripture is divine - Bible is human & Gods work- Inspired: God breathed- Inerrancy: Bible is free from error

    What to remember reading the bible - Literature: look for literary clues- Ancient: the meanings are in an ancient POV- Religious: everything was bound together by religion

    Tanak the Hebrew bible

    Torah law

    Nebiim former & latter prophets

    Ketubim poetic books - 5 megalith (scrolls)

    Canon rules/standards

    Shamar caretaker - it was Adams role

    Mashal Genesis as a riddle

    berith covenant

    evangelion good news

    apocryphal hidden books

  • Gods revelation of the Word

    Salvation History - Gods covenant with the people Covenant

    - not a contract, but an oath- a way to extend Gods family- exchange of personsBiblical Covenants

    1. Creative word: formless - Just from the Creation

    2. Calling word: barrenness - From the people of God: Israel

    3. Word made flesh - Virgin; sacred tradition- Way of life, worship, laws - Sacred scripture by the power of the holy spirit- Revelation: priests, bishops, pope, magisterium

    Mediator Mediators role



    Sign Form Gods family took

    Adam husband fruitful union, offspring will fill the earth

    dont eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil (or they will die)

    the Sabbath Marriage

    Noah father the world wont be destroyed by flood anymore

    not to drink animal blood & shed human blood

    rainbow domestic household; an extended family

    Abraham chieftain great land & to bless descendants

    must have circumcision

    mark of circumcision


    Moses judge & liberator of Israel

    Israelites will be Gods precious & chosen people

    keep Gods law & commandments

    Passover holy nation; kingdom of priests

  • Jesus as the New & Everlasting Covenant

    David king Davids son will be Gods son

    there will be a punishment if he does wrong (but throne will never be taken away)

    throne & temple royal empire; a national kingdom

    Jesus a royal high priest FULFILLS ALL PROMISES

    Church: Israel & Jermeiah

    prophets - men & women believe in Jesus, be baptized, eat & drink the Eucharist, live by all He taught

    the Eucharist A Catholic worldwide kingdom: Church

    Mediator Mediators role



    Sign Form Gods family took

    Event Old Testament New Testament

    Annunciation & Visitation - God promises to David that his son will be Gods son

    - God promises to Abraham descendants will be blessed

    - a horn of salvation

    - Angel Gabriel tells Mary that God will make Jesus rule

    - Mary proclaims Jesus is Gods answer to Israels prayers

    - Zechariah declares God has brought salvation

    Nativity & the temple - David was born in Bethlehem - Isaiah foretold a virgin having a

    child called Emmanuel - Davids kingdom was promised an

    international empire - Solomon built a temple for God

    - Joseph & Mary went to Bethlehem - Mary will have a child called

    Emmanuel - Simeon sees Jesus; salvation for all - Jesus will build a temple for God

    Baptizing the beloved Son - Moses was Gods son; will rule the nations

    - Pharaoh orders Hebrew baby boys to be killed

    - Rescued by relative brought to Egypt

    - Goes back to birthplace - Moses liberated the Israelites

    - Jesus was declared Gods son - Herod kills Hebrew male children

    on Jesus birth - Jesus brought by Joseph to Egypt - Jesus goes back to his birthplace - Jesus is baptized, making a new


  • Tempting the new Moses - Israel was to grumble against God - Israel underwent temptation - Israel created a golden calf - Moses explains Israels supposed


    - Jesus faces 3 temptations - Satan tests Jesus - Tempted to worship a false God - Jesus answers each temptation w/

    an Old Temptation quote

    Blessings of the Kingdom - Moses fasts - law for promised land - Davids kingdom was promised a

    kingdom covenant made in salt - Isaiah says restored kingdom will be

    a light to the nations

    - Jesus fasts 40 days & nights - law for heaven - gives hints that the kingdom will be

    the one promised to Davids kingdom

    - Matthew says new people of God will be the light of the world

    The Good Sheperd - David was a shepherd - Good shepherd promised by

    Ezekiel, etc

    - Jesus as a shepherd to Israel - Good shepherd will nourish his


    Keys to the kingdom - Solomon appointed 12 officers - Solomon built a temple on a large

    stone - Davidic kingdom is Isaiahs

    prophecy: keys is mentioned

    - Jesus appoints 12 apostles as leaders

    - Simon was a special post; rock for the Church

    - Gives Peter keys of heaven & power to bind & losen

    With Moses & Elijah - Exodus of Israelites in Egypt - Israel was liberated from Pharaoh

    - Jesus speaks with Moses & Elijah about exodus he will accomplish in Jerusalem

    - Jesus will be the exodus

    Making a kings entrance - Solomon is crowned as king - Solomon rode Davids mule - Crowd rejoices

    - Jesus enters Jerusalem; proclaimed as the son of David

    - Rides a colt to town - Crowd greets Jesus spreading cloaks

    on the ground

    Passover - Recalls Gods plague of the firstborn - Israelites had to sacrifice an

    unblemished lamb & eat roasted flesh

    - Moses said this is the blood of the covenant which the Lord has made with you

    - Last supper: passover meal - Jesus tells apostles bread & wine are

    his body & blood - Quotes Moses new covenant - People must eat his flesh - Eucharist: Memorial; new passing


    Event Old Testament New Testament

  • The Beauty of Christ - St. Augustine of Hippo talks about the beauty of Christ - Psalm 45 says Christ is beautiful everywhere - St. Thomas Aquinas & Jacques Martain says beauty comes from 3 things:

    1. Integrity/Perfection2. Proportion/Harmony3. Clarity

    - Beauty is something we fall in love with - Beauty is not only lasting but total - There is a beauty beyond what we can sense - St. Gregory of Nyssa: God is the very essence & archetype of beauty - glory of God; his presence is radiant; powerful

    1. Jesus is born - shepherds, Simeon & Anna rejoice - we were overwhelmed with joy- even our Christmas carols pick up the joy- Christs beauty is mirrored in Marys beauty

    2. Jesus in his ministry- Jesus is inviting- People flock to hima. transfiguration > divine glory gleamedb. bridegroom > people had to be prepared for him

    3. Pieta (a sculpture)- there are many versions- shows Jesus dead with Mary grieving- depicts the spiritual, inner & divine beauty of suffering

    4. Good Shepherd- Jesus is the beautiful shepherd; knows his own- beautiful in laying down his life & taking it up again- Christ communicates Gods beauty & loving goodness- Jesus is Gods love & beauty in person

    5. In heaven- Dostoevsky in The Idiot It is beauty that will save the world- Door to Christ could be his beauty- Beauty is a gift to us- Let the impact of his beauty shape our whole existence now & forever