cle session 1 test ho 1-5-2014-0716

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  • 8/18/2019 CLE Session 1 Test HO 1-5-2014-0716





    15 July 2014

    A.  Encircle the letter of the best answer.

    1.  What is our invocation of the year?

    a)   “Our Father, who art in heaven”

    b)   “Our Father, Our Son, Our Holy Spirit”

    c)   “Our Father, may Your Kingdom come”

    d)   “Our Father, we pray to you”

    2.  The invocation of the year is taken from:

    a)  The “Glory Be” prayer

    b)  The sign of the cross

    c)  The Act of Contrition

    d)  The Lord’s Prayer or the “Our Father”

    3.  Ms. Maite Uribe is:

    a)  The President of Poveda

    b)  The President of the Teresian Association

    c)  The President of Manila

    d)  The Vice President of Argentina

    4.  In Ms. Uribe’s message for the year 2014, she invoked us

     “to enter deeply into prayer, only strength, to make

    spaces for prayer, share our faith, and to pray together

    the kingdom of God may to our world.” For us this year,

    this emphasizes the importance of:

    a)  Loving

    b)  Praying

    c)  Going to Mass



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    5.  The invocation of the year reminds me to always call to

    God, our Father, and to join the Christian community in

    prayer and in response to the call of:

    a)  Spirituality

    b)  Holiness

    c)  Generosity

    d)  Charity

    6.  In Romans 12:4-6 (New International Version (NIV)), we


    4 For just as each of us has one body with many

    members, and these members do not all have the

    same function, 5 so in Christ we, though many, form

    one body, and each member belongs to all the others. 6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given

    to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then

    prophesy in accordance with your faith; 

    In this passage, “one body” refers to:


    The Church

    b)  The body of Christ

    c)  The Host in Holy Communion

    d)  The Holy Mass

    7.  The theme of the year of the laity is:

    a)  Choose Jesus

    b)  Choose to be Good

    c)  Choose to have faith

    d)  Choose to be brave

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    B.  Read Luke 11:1-4 below.

    Luke 11:1-4 [New International Version (NIV)]

    Jesus’ Teaching on Prayer

    11 1One day Jesus was praying in a certain place.

    When he finished, one of his disciples said to him,

    “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his


    2 He said to them, “When you pray, say:

    “‘Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. 3

    Give us each day our daily bread. 4

    Forgive us our sins,  for we also forgive everyone who

    sins against us. And lead us not into temptation.’”

    Write T if the sentence is true and F if it is false. If false,

    provide the correct substitute word or phrase on the

    blank to make the sentence correct.

     __________ 1. 

    John asked Jesus to teach the disciples topray.

     __________ 2.  The “Our Father” is not a very popular prayer

    among Catholic Filipinos.

     __________ 3.  The “Our Father” is the prayer of the Church.

    It is a prayer proclaiming the Lord “until He


     __________ 4.  The “Our Father” identifies us as priestesses

    of Christ.

     __________ 5.  The “Our Father” identifies us as disciples of


     __________ 6.  To be disciples of Christ means we are

    followers of Christ.

     __________ 7.  Praying to God as “the Son” involves loving

    service of our fellow men and women, in

    working for the common good.

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     __________ 8.   “Kingdom of God” – signifies God’s reign

    over us.

     __________ 9. 

     “Kingdom of Mary” also means we

    experience the love, justice and peace of


     __________ 10.  Such a Kingdom is continually “coming” in

    the lives and hopes of the faithful. Thus St.

    Augustine comments, “it is the grace of living

    the right way that you ask for when you pray

     “thy Kingdom come!””

    C.  Fill in the blanks with the correct word or words. Choose

    from the words / phrases in the box below.







    nine (9)

    Year of the Laityholiness

    1.  The year 2014 is the ________________.

    2.  The ________________ are God’s people who do not

    belong to the priesthood or religious order.

    3.  In preparation for the ________________ anniversary of

    the arrival of Christianity in the Philippines in 2021, the

    Philippine Church has planned a series of evangelization


    4.  In preparation for this anniversary, the Philippine Church

    has planned ________________ years of evangelization

    efforts with a theme for each year.

    5.  The theme for 2014 is “Filipino Catholic Laity: Called to be

     ________________ …

    6.  … sent forth as ________________.

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    7.  The call to ________________ is not reserved to the

    priests and the religious.


    The call to holiness is made to ________________.

    9.  CBCP President Archbishop Villegas said, “You are called

    to be saints, you are sent forth as heroes. Take courage.

    Do not be afraid to be Catholics. Be ________________.”

    D.  Remember that everything about you is unique to you –

    no other person in the world is like you!

    You know why you are unique (Mom and Dad always tellyou so!). Now, think about a special friend of yours. In

    the space provided below, write a short letter to this

    person telling him or her why he or she is SPECIAL and


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    E.  Read Genesis 1:26-31 below.

    Genesis 1:26 31

     (New International Version (NIV))

    26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our

    likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and

    the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild

    animals, and over all the creatures that move along the


    27 So God created mankind in his own image,   in the image of

    God he created them;  male and female he created them.  

    28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and

    increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over

    the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every

    living creature that moves on the ground.”

    29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on

    the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with

    seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts

    of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures

    that move along the ground—everything that has the breath

    of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.

    31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And

    there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.

    Write down below in your own words at least 3 ways we

    are different / unique from other creations of God (like

    animals and plants).

    1.   ________________________________________

    2.   ________________________________________

    3.   ________________________________________

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    F.  True or False.

     ______ 1.  God made each of us unique and with special gifts.

     ______ 2.  We are unique because we are created in God’s

    image and likeness, yet we are each different from

    each other.

     ______ 3.  Because we are created in God’s image and

    likeness, we do not have any dignity.

     ______ 4.  We are the lowest form of God’s creation.

     ______ 5.  Since we are created in God’s image and likeness,

    we don’t need special gifts to distinguish us fromother creations of God.

     ______ 6.  One of the special gifts given to us by God is


     ______ 7.  Intellect is the inability to think, reason out, draw

    conclusions, and make plans for the future. This is

    why we need God so much.

     ______ 8.  One of the special gifts given to us by God is


     ______ 9.  Sentiments is the ability to express feelings of joy,

    love, sadness, compassion, anger and pity.

    (Feelings are never wrong!)

     ______ 10.  One of the special gifts given to us by God is FREE


     ______ 11.  Because we have free will, we can choose whether

    to act or do the plans of God. We can choose to be

    faithful to God or to do bad things.

     ______ 12.  It is in choosing to do good things that we become

    closer to God.

     ______ 13.  God gave us intellect so we do not have to seek to

    KNOW Him through loving and serving others.

     ______ 14.  God gave us sentiments so we can LOVE Him and

    his creation.

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     ______ 15.  God gave us free will so we can SERVE Him through

    loving and serving our fellow beings and other


     ______ 16.  You don’t need to use your gifts to know, love and

    serve God.

     ______ 17.  Having free will is a challenge because free will

    enables us to sin.

     ______ 18.  We must use our gifts to glorify and praise God.

     ______ 19.  God loves me because he made me special and


     ______ 20.  God doesn’t love my enemy because he/she is


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    G.  Read Genesis 2:18-23 below and answer the questions

    that follow.

    Genesis 2:18-23 (New International Version (NIV))

    18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.

    I will make a helper suitable for him.”

    19 Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the

    wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to

    the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the

    man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the

    man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and

    all the wild animals.

    But for Adam no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord

    God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he

    was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed

    up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman

    from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought

    her to the man.

    23 The man said,

    “This is now bone of my bones   and flesh of my flesh;  she

    shall be called ‘woman,’ 

    for she was taken out of man.” 

    Why did God create woman for man?





    Reflection: Would you be able to live alone?

    Without your parents, or friends, or family? Why

    or why not?






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    To which communities do you belong?





    Identify the four (4) basic relationships we have

    (to God, to Self, to Others, and to the Environment) 

    as symbolized by the cross. Write your answers

    in the appropriate boxes below.

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    H.  God created you to be a SOCIAL BEING, to relate with

    others, and to love them. Fill in the blanks below1 with

    the ways you can fulfill God’s purpose.

    1.  As a social being, I am called to treat others EQUALLY. This

    I can do by:



    2.  As a social being, I am called to RESPECT the rights of

    people. I can do this by:



    3.  As a social being, I am called to be SENSITIVE to the needs

    of my neighbors. I can do this by:



    4.  As a social being, I am called to show GOOD EXAMPLE all

    the time. I can do this by:



    5.  As a social being, I am called to LOVE my neighbors. I can

    do this by:



    6.  As a social being, I am called to promote HARMONIOUS

    RELATIONSHIPS among God’s creations (including animals).

    I can do this by:



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    I.  Encircle the letter of the best answer.

    1.  In Genesis 1:26, God made us stewards of all his creation

    when He said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our

    likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea

    and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the

    wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along

    the ground.”

    To be a “steward” of God’s creation means:

    a)  We must exploit all our natural resources which are

    God’s creation because they are abundant


    We are rulers of the earth and all of God’s creation andcan do as we please

    c)  We must protect and preserve God’s creation until His


    d)  We cannot use the talents that God has given us

    because we must reserve them for Heaven

    2.  Who said “The earth will not continue to offer its harvest,

    except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love

    the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by

    future generations”?

    a)  Pope Francis

    b)  Ms. Maite Uribe

    c)  Archbishop Villegas

    d)  Saint John Paul

    3.  Which of these statements is true?

    a)  God supplies us with whatever we need so we don’t

    have to conserve until He returns

    b)  God supplies us with whatever we need and it’s up to

    us to conserve them until He returns

    c)  God supplies us with whatever we need so we can

    exploit all our resources without care

    d)  God supplies us with whatever we need and will

    provide us more if we need more

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    4.  We are called to protect and preserve the earth because:

    a)  We are directly and automatically connected to

    creation as the crown of God’s creation

    b)  God gave us a mission as the lowliest of his creations

    c)  We are servants by nature

    d)  We are the weakest of all of God’s creations

    5.  God gave you many talents. As with any other resource

    God has given you, it is your duty as steward to:


    Take care of and manage your talents

    b)  Develop your talents so you can get better at them

    c)  Inspire others by showing them your talents

    d)  All of the above carry out God’s plan of perfecting the


    6.  The process of sorting, collecting, and processing

    discarded materials for use in creating new products is


    a)  Recycling

    b)  Repurposing

    c)  Redressing

    d)  Repeating

    7.  The process of making use of old things for a purpose it

    was not originally intended for is called:



    b)  Repurposing

    c)  Redressing

    d)  Repeating

    8.  To produce each week’s Sunday newspapers, 500,000 of

    these must be cut down:



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    b)  Telephone poles

    c)  Human hair

    d)  Trees

    9.  Recycled paper produces 73% less of this than if it was

    made from raw materials:

    a)  Air pollution

    b)  Noise pollution

    c)  Water pollution

    d)  Acid rain

    10. How many sea creatures are killed every year from

    throwing plastic bags and other plastic garbage into the


    a)  1,000

    b)  10,000

    c)  100,000

    d)  1,000,000

    11. How many years will it take to decompose or break down


    a)  50

    b)  100

    c)  350



    12. Plastic waste in seaside areas kills up to 1 million of these

    creatures who look for food along the beaches:

    a)  Dogs

    b)  cats

    c)  sea birds



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    13. By doing this simple thing, you can save up to 8 gallons of

    water per day. This is a savings of 240 gallons per month!


    Turning off the tap while brushing your teeth in the

    morning and before bedtime

    b)  Drinking water through a straw

    c)  Drinking soda like Coke or Pepsi instead of water

    d)  Swimming in the sea rather than in swimming pools

    14. A full bath tub uses 70 gallons of water. This uses 10-25

    gallons only

    a)  An hour-long shower

    b)  Going swimming in the pool for 30 minutes

    c)  a 5-minute shower

    d)  Having water for the bath tub delivered everyday

    15. Enough plastic bottles are thrown away in the United

    States each year to circle the Earth this many times.



    b)  3x

    c)  2x

    d)  1x

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    J.  Check the box before each statement which

    demonstrates responsible stewardship of God’s


    Anna used old kitchen towel rolls to display her Rainbow

    Loom collection.

    ! Rose threw away her old cellphone battery because it was

    no longer working.

    ! A shop in Podium repairs old telephones so they can be

    used again.

    Martina helps segregate trash at home so recyclablematerials can be recycled.

    To build a dam which would protect his farm from

    flooding, Mr. Parks cut down many trees.

    Because the garbage collectors did not collect the trash

    last Thursday, Raymund threw the trash bags into the

    nearby creek.

    ABC Corporation conducted a tree-planting activity in

    Batangas last week.

    Andee donated all the coins in her piggy bank to “Piso

    para sa Pasig”, a community drive to help clean up the

    Pasig River.

    ! Julia keeps the faucet running while brushing her teeth.

    Yvie found it tiresome to erase her writings when she

    made mistakes in writing her English composition. Every

    time she made a mistake, she promptly crumpled andthrew away the pad paper sheets she used.

    ! Martha used the back pages (which had no writings) ofher Mom’s discarded work papers to practice cross-


    When going to the supermarket, Ate Elvie brings eco bags

    to carry the groceries she buys.

    Elaine bathes in a bathtub every day.

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    ! Corinne uses a pail and dipper (tabo) when she bathes to

    save water.

    When using the toilet, Joel flushes twice.

    Marianna’s mom buys only food and drinks in containers

    that can be reused or recycled.