client vpn/broadband troubleshooting roosevelt cooper | training manager, c3i inc. lisa oliver |...

Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc.

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Page 1: Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc

Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting

Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc.

Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc.

Page 2: Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc

– 2 –© 2003 C3i, Inc.


• Icebreaker – The Magic Wand

• What is High Speed Access?

• What is VPN?

• Why is Client implementing VPN?

• Requesting High Speed Access

• Installation Process

• Testing Your Connection

• Connecting with High Speed Access

• Frequently Asked Questions

• Router Installation Call – Installation Walkthrough

• Fishbowl Scenario – Installation Walkthrough

• Troubleshooting Router/High Speed Access - DSL

• Router Installation Call – DSL Troubleshooting

• Roleplay Scenario – Installation Troubleshooting

• Troubleshooting Router/High Speed Access – Cable

• Router Installation Call – Cable Troubleshooting

• Roleplay Scenario – Installation Troubleshooting

• Broadband Jeopardy

• Broadband Quiz

Page 3: Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc

– 3 –© 2003 C3i, Inc.

Icebreaker – The Magic Wand

• You have just found a magic wand that allows you to change three work related activities.

• You may change anything you want.

• What would you change and why?> Yourself?

> Your job?

> Your boss?

> Coworkers?

> An important project?

> Other?

Page 4: Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc

– 4 –© 2003 C3i, Inc.

What Is High Speed Access?

High Speed Access (Broadband) is a type of data transmission in which a single medium (wire) can carry several channels at once. Cable TV, for example, uses broadband transmission.

Broadband is significantly faster then dial up and now that it is being made available in most parts of the country, many companies are implementing initiatives to move their remote employees to a High Speed solution. Some of our clients, (I.E. Client 1, Client 2 and Client 3) have already rolled out High Speed Access to their field based reps.

Page 5: Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc

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What is a Virtual Private Network?

A VPN is a private network that uses the Internet to securely connect remote sites or users together. Instead of using a dedicated, real-world connection such as a leased line, a VPN uses a “virtual” connection routed through the Internet.

From the user’s perspective, a VPN operates transparently, giving remote users the same look and feel as if working at the office. E-mail, databases, Intranets, Voice over IP, or any other application can pass through a VPN connection.

Page 6: Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc

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Why is Client Implementing VPN?

• Increased Productivity

Faster synchronization times allow the reps to complete additional tasks.

Reps will spend less time working on their personal time.

• Decreased Cost

How does VPN cost less when you have to pay a high monthly fee?

Wyeth has to pay rep phone bills and monthly charges for dial up numbers and 800 numbers. VPN eliminates these costs.

Page 7: Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc

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• High Speed Methods> Cable Access – Provides high speed access over cable lines.

> DSL Access – Provides high speed access over phone lines

• Requesting High Speed Access Steps> Arrange for high speed access to be installed in the home

> Fill out the HSIF Form and e-mail it to

[email protected]

> Receive router from C3i

> Download VPN Software via One Touch

> Install router & connect components

> Connect with VPN software

Requesting High Speed Access

HSIF – is an acronym for High

Speed Information

Form. It is also called a BIF,

which stands for Broadband Information

Form. The HSIF (or BIF) is a form that is released to the field by Wyeth’s Home

Office. It contains

information a prospective

broadband user must document, before a router can be shipped

to them from C3i, such as, ISP name, ISP

Support Number, DHCP

information, PPPoE

information, etc.

Page 8: Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc

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• Router KIT> After the HSIF form is complete, the reps will receive their Router.

(This is the default router used by Wyeth. No wireless routers are currently provided by Wyeth. If a user has questions relating to wireless routers inform the customer that these routers are not supported and that they should only use the router provided to them by Wyeth)

• VPN Software> VPN Software will be sent down to the reps via Synchronization session

> When One-Touch detects the broadband connection and the rep runs it, One-Touch will launch the Client VPN Client. This client allows the sales representative to log into Client’s Virtual Private Network

Requesting High Speed Access - Continued

Router – a device which

forwards packets between

networks. In Wyeth’s case,

the router will be forwarding

packets received from the cable or DSL modem to the computers hooked up to it.

WAN – Wide Area Network. A communications

network that uses such devices as

telephone lines, satellite dishes,

or radio waves to span a larger

geographic area than can be

covered by a LAN (Local Area Network)

Ethernet – a type of networking technology for local area networks; originally developed by Xerox Corporation; coaxial cable carries radio

frequency signals between computers at a rate of 10 megabits per second.

Page 9: Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc

– 9 –© 2003 C3i, Inc.

Installation Process

• Setting Up The Software> Go to the Start menu, and select Programs, Comm Software, Remote Login,

and Install High Speed Access Software. You may need to click to view menu options.

> The software installation will take approximately 2 minutes. When the install completes, please shutdown your laptop.

Page 10: Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc

– 10 –© 2003 C3i, Inc.

Installation Process - Continued

• Setting Up The Hardware> Make sure that all devices are powered OFF, including your laptop,

Cable/DSL Modem, and the Linksys router.

> If you haven’t already done so, connect your Cable or DSL modem to its proper connection—the coaxial jack for cable (Figure A1), or the phone jack for DSL (Figure A2). (Follow the instructions from your Cable or DSL modem’s installation guide if needed.)

Page 11: Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc

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Installation Process - Continued

• Setting Up The Hardware

> Using the supplied Ethernet cable from your Cable or DSL provider, connect the LAN or Ethernet port of your cable or DSL modem to the WAN port of the Linksys router.

Connect to the Ethernet (RJ-45) connection on the back of your DSL or Cable modem

Connect to port marked WAN

Page 12: Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc

– 12 –© 2003 C3i, Inc.

Installation Process - Continued

• Setting Up The Hardware

> Connect the second supplied Ethernet cable (included in your Self-Installation kit) to your laptop’s Ethernet adapter. Connect the other end of the cable to one of the LAN ports on the back of the Linksys router. LAN ports are labeled, 1-4, select a port .

Select one of the numbered ports (1-4). The status lights on the front of the Router will coincide with the port number you selected here. DO NOT use the port marked Uplink.

Locate the RJ-45 Plug on the left side of your laptop

Page 13: Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc

– 13 –© 2003 C3i, Inc.

Installation Process - Continued

• Setting Up The Hardware

> Connect the power adapter to the Linksys router and to an electrical outlet .

Turn power on in the following order:

> 1.      Cable/DSL Modem (Allow 2 minutes before performing step 2, this will allow time to establish a connection with your service provider.)

> 2.      Linksys Router

> 3.      Laptop Note: The Linksys router does not have a power switch, so it will be necessary to remove the

power cord from the router. The same may apply to your cable/DSL modem.  Once your laptop has started you will want to perform a test to make sure the high speed

Internet connection is working before moving on to the next step. The best way to do this is to try to visit a site on the Internet via your browser.

Connect power here. Connect the other end to your electrical outlet

Page 14: Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc

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Testing Your Connection

To do this, open Internet Explorer. If your homepage is set to an internal website such as, you will receive a ‘page cannot be displayed’ or ‘can’t find web page’ error. This is normal, see example below. This website is only available when you are connected to the Wyeth network. You will be able to access the website after establishing a connection with your SecurID.


To test your connectivity, enter an Internet website in the Address line, an example would be or any other Internet web page. Hit <enter>, or click GO and see if your browser displays that page. You will also want to click your browser’s ‘refresh’

button to make sure you are not receiving an offline copy of the web page.

This step verifies you are actually connected to the Internet. If you are unable to connect to an Internet site, please verify your setup by repeating steps A-D, beginning on page 3. If problems persist, we must troubleshoot the connection – We will cover that later

Page 15: Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc

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Connecting With High Speed Access

The following steps assume Internet access has been confirmed. All equipment is connected correctly and turned on.


When you are ready to connect to Client, follow these steps:


1.      Complete normal logon procedure to access your laptop. Ensure the Ethernet cable is connected to the network port on the left side of your laptop. Also make sure that the phone line is unplugged from the RJ-11 port.


2.      Run OneTouch


3.      Select a profile and click Run.

Page 16: Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc

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Connecting With High Speed Access - Continued

4. OneTouch will automatically detect your Internet connection and startup the VPN Client.

5.   Enter your User Name, this is your GroupWise ID (e.g. smithj).

6.  Enter your 4-digit PIN number.

7. Enter the number shown on your SecurID token.

Step 6:Enter your 4 Digit SecurID PIN

Step 5:Enter your UserID

Step 7: Enter the 6 digits displayed on your SecurID Token

Page 17: Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc

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Connecting With High Speed Access - Continued

8. Click Save. Once saved, you will not need to retype your User Name.


9.   Click Connect.


10. While OneTouch begins synchronizing, you will receive the following message confirming your connection. Click the checkbox and click OK to disable this message in the future.

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Connecting With High Speed Access - Continued

11. After One Touch completes, you can select to Stay Online or Disconnect. Disconnect will shutdown your connection to Client.

12.   When connected to Client, a small icon is displayed in the lower right corner of your desktop. To disconnect later, run the “Disconnect” option from OneTouch .


Page 19: Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc

– 19 –© 2003 C3i, Inc.

Frequently Asked Questions


• Should I turn the Cable/DSL modem and Linksys Router off when I’m not using it?

• Can I connect with PAL?

• Can I utilize High Speed Access from a Hotel?

• Can I browse the Internet while disconnected from the corporate network?

Page 20: Client VPN/Broadband Troubleshooting Roosevelt Cooper | Training Manager, C3i Inc. Lisa Oliver | Training Analyst, C3i Inc

– 20 –© 2003 C3i, Inc.

Router Installation Call – Installation Walkthrough

Listen to the following call. Make notes about the following:

• Inquiry of the customer

• Steps taken by the technician

• End result

• Application of Quality Assurance Skills