cmr first-pass perfusion for suspected inducible ... · cmr against invasive angiography. jaarsma...

CMR First-Pass Perfusion for Suspected Inducible Myocardial Ischemia Robert C. Hendel, MD, a Matthias G. Friedrich, MD, b,c,d,e Jeanette Schulz-Menger, MD, f Claudia Zemmrich, MD, g Frank Bengel, MD, h Daniel S. Berman, MD, i Paolo G. Camici, MD, j Scott D. Flamm, MD, k Dominique Le Guludec, MD, PHD, l Raymond Kim, MD, m Massimo Lombardi, MD, n John Mahmarian, MD, o Udo Sechtem, MD, p Eike Nagel, MD, PHD q ABSTRACT Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) has evolved from a pioneering research tool to an established noninvasive imaging method for detecting inducible myocardial perfusion decits. In this consensus document, experts of different imaging techniques summarize the existing body of evidence regarding CMR perfusion as a viable complement to other established noninvasive tools for the assessment of perfusion and discuss the advantages and pitfalls of the technique. A rapid, standardized CMR perfusion protocol is described, which is safe, clinically feasible, and cost-effective for centers with contemporary magnetic resonance equipment. CMR perfusion can be recommended as a routine diagnostic tool to identify inducible myocardial ischemia. (J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2016;9:133848) © 2016 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation. C ardiovascular disease remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with coronary artery disease (CAD) being the most prevalent condition. Effective diagnosis and risk assessment are essential, and the presence and extent of myocardial ischemia, scar, and viability as well as the volumes and function of the left ventricle (LV) are key parameters in guiding care. Recent data have demonstrated that primary angiographic assessment of patients with suspected coronary artery stenosis is often insufcient for therapeutic decision making. The detection of sub- stantial areas of inducible ischemia is increasingly mandated to justify revascularization and provide a clinical benet (14). Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is established as a well-validated, highly standardized technique, but still remains underutilized for ischemic heart disease for a number of reasons. Among referring cardiologists and family care physi- cians, CMR is perceived as a highly complex research tool of limited availability, which requires specialized From the a Cardiovascular Division, University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, Miami, Florida; b Departments of Medicine and Radiology, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Canada; c Department of Medicine, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany; d Department of Radiology, Université de Montreal, Montreal, Canada; e Departments of Cardiac Sciences and Radiology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada; f Charité Campus Buch, ECRC a Joint Institution of Universitätsmedizin Berlin and MDC and HELIOS Klinikum Berlin-Buch, Klinik und Poliklinik für Kardiologie und Nephrologie, Berlin, Germany; g Institute for Pharmacology and Preventive Medicine, Mahlow, Germany; h Klinik für Nuklearmedizin, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Hannover, Germany; i Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, West Hollywood, California; j Vita Salute University and San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy; k Imaging, and Heart and Vascular Institutes, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio; l Department of Nuclear Medicine, Bichat Hospital, AP-HP and DHU FIRE, Paris Diderot University, INSERM U1148, Paris, France; m Duke Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Center at Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina; n Multimodality Cardiac Imaging Section, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, Milan, Italy; o Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas; p Abteilung für Kardiologie, Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany; and the q Institute for Experimental and Translational Cardiovascular Imaging, University Hospital Frankfurt/Main, DZHK Centre for Cardiovascular Imaging, Frankfurt, Germany. This paper was funded by an unrestricted grant by Bayer Pharma AG. Drs. Hendel, Schulz- Menger, Zemmrich, and Nagel have received consultancy fees, attended advisory boards, and have held lectures for a number of pharmaceutical companies including Bayer HealthCare. Dr. Friedrich is a board member, advisor, and shareholder of and has received consultancy fees from Circle Cardiovascular Imaging Inc., a company that develops software for CMR image evaluation. Dr. Flamm has served as a consultant to Bayer HealthCare. Dr. Mahmarian has served on the Speakers Bureau of and as a consultant for Astellas. Dr. Nagel has received grant support from Siemens Healthcare, Bayer HealthCare, TomTec, CVI42, MEDIS, and Philips Healthcare. Manuscript received May 31, 2016; revised manuscript received August 26, 2016, accepted September 8, 2016. JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING VOL. 9, NO. 11, 2016 ª 2016 BY THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY FOUNDATION PUBLISHED BY ELSEVIER ISSN 1936-878X/$36.00

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  • J A C C : C A R D I O V A S C U L A R I M A G I N G VO L . 9 , N O . 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

    ª 2 0 1 6 B Y T H E A M E R I C A N C O L L E G E O F C A R D I O L O G Y F O U N D A T I O N

    P U B L I S H E D B Y E L S E V I E R

    I S S N 1 9 3 6 - 8 7 8 X / $ 3 6 . 0 0

    h t t p : / / d x . d o i . o r g / 1 0 . 1 0 1 6 / j . j c m g . 2 0 1 6 . 0 9 . 0 1 0

    CMR First-Pass Perfusion for SuspectedInducible Myocardial Ischemia

    Robert C. Hendel, MD,a Matthias G. Friedrich, MD,b,c,d,e Jeanette Schulz-Menger, MD,f Claudia Zemmrich, MD,g

    Frank Bengel, MD,h Daniel S. Berman, MD,i Paolo G. Camici, MD,j Scott D. Flamm, MD,k

    Dominique Le Guludec, MD, PHD,l Raymond Kim, MD,m Massimo Lombardi, MD,n John Mahmarian, MD,o

    Udo Sechtem, MD,p Eike Nagel, MD, PHDq




















    Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) has evolved from a pioneering research tool to an established noninvasive

    imaging method for detecting inducible myocardial perfusion deficits. In this consensus document, experts of different

    imaging techniques summarize the existing body of evidence regarding CMR perfusion as a viable complement to other

    established noninvasive tools for the assessment of perfusion and discuss the advantages and pitfalls of the technique. A

    rapid, standardized CMR perfusion protocol is described, which is safe, clinically feasible, and cost-effective for centers

    with contemporary magnetic resonance equipment. CMR perfusion can be recommended as a routine diagnostic tool to

    identify inducible myocardial ischemia. (J Am Coll Cardiol Img 2016;9:1338–48) © 2016 by the American College of

    Cardiology Foundation.

    C ardiovascular disease remains a leadingcause of morbidity and mortality worldwide,with coronary artery disease (CAD) being themost prevalent condition. Effective diagnosis and riskassessment are essential, and the presence and extentof myocardial ischemia, scar, and viability as well asthe volumes and function of the left ventricle (LV)are key parameters in guiding care.

    Recent data have demonstrated that primaryangiographic assessment of patients with suspectedcoronary artery stenosis is often insufficient for

    m the aCardiovascular Division, University of Miami, Miller School of Med

    diology, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Canada; cDepartme

    rmany; dDepartment of Radiology, Université de Montreal, Montreal

    diology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada; fCharité Campus Buch

    rlin and MDC and HELIOS Klinikum Berlin-Buch, Klinik und Poliklinik

    stitute for Pharmacology and Preventive Medicine, Mahlow, Germ

    chschule Hannover, Hannover, Germany; iCedars-Sinai Medical Center,

    d San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy; kImaging, and Heart and Vasc

    partment of Nuclear Medicine, Bichat Hospital, AP-HP and DHU FIR

    nce; mDuke Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Center at Duke Un

    ultimodality Cardiac Imaging Section, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, M

    xas; pAbteilung für Kardiologie, Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus Stuttga

    perimental and Translational Cardiovascular Imaging, University Hospit

    aging, Frankfurt, Germany. This paper was funded by an unrestricted

    nger, Zemmrich, and Nagel have received consultancy fees, attended ad

    pharmaceutical companies including Bayer HealthCare. Dr. Friedrich is

    s received consultancy fees from Circle Cardiovascular Imaging Inc., a

    aluation. Dr. Flamm has served as a consultant to Bayer HealthCare. Dr

    d as a consultant for Astellas. Dr. Nagel has received grant support fro

    I42, MEDIS, and Philips Healthcare.

    nuscript received May 31, 2016; revised manuscript received August 26, 2

    therapeutic decision making. The detection of sub-stantial areas of inducible ischemia is increasinglymandated to justify revascularization and provide aclinical benefit (1–4).

    Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) isestablished as a well-validated, highly standardizedtechnique, but still remains underutilized forischemic heart disease for a number of reasons.Among referring cardiologists and family care physi-cians, CMR is perceived as a highly complex researchtool of limited availability, which requires specialized

    icine, Miami, Florida; bDepartments of Medicine and

    nt of Medicine, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg,

    , Canada; eDepartments of Cardiac Sciences and

    , ECRC a Joint Institution of Universitätsmedizin

    für Kardiologie und Nephrologie, Berlin, Germany;

    any; hKlinik für Nuklearmedizin, Medizinische

    West Hollywood, California; jVita Salute University

    ular Institutes, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio;

    E, Paris Diderot University, INSERM U1148, Paris,

    iversity Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina;

    ilan, Italy; oHouston Methodist Hospital, Houston,

    rt, Stuttgart, Germany; and the qInstitute for

    al Frankfurt/Main, DZHK Centre for Cardiovascular

    grant by Bayer Pharma AG. Drs. Hendel, Schulz-

    visory boards, and have held lectures for a number

    a board member, advisor, and shareholder of and

    company that develops software for CMR image

    . Mahmarian has served on the Speakers Bureau of

    m Siemens Healthcare, Bayer HealthCare, TomTec,

    016, accepted September 8, 2016.

  • AB BR E V I A T I O N S


    CAD = coronary artery disease

    CMR = cardiovascular magnetic


    LV = left ventricle

    SPECT = single-photon

    emission computed


    PET = positron emission


    J A C C : C A R D I O V A S C U L A R I M A G I N G , V O L . 9 , N O . 1 1 , 2 0 1 6 Hendel et al.N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 6 : 1 3 3 8 – 4 8 CMR Perfusion in Inducible Ischemia


    training of physicians and technicians. It is consid-ered useful mostly for providing scientific data athigh costs with long scan times rather than deliveringessential clinical data with acceptable effort. In somehealth systems, CMR is insufficiently reimbursed ordifficult to access, and there are not enoughadequately trained imagers.

    The basis of this paper is consensus of imagingspecialists with various backgrounds. Consensus wasreached by: 1) a face-to-face meeting; 2) a writtenproposal from the core writing group (R.H., M.F.,J.S.-M., C.Z., and E.N.); and 3) iterative integration ofany comment from the other authors. We summarizethe existing body of evidence on the diagnosticaccuracy, prognostic value, and resource- and time-effectiveness of contemporary first-pass perfusionCMR for the assessment of ischemic heart disease. Wedescribe an efficient CMR perfusion protocol that al-lows guiding on subsequent patient management.Magnetic resonance (MR) coronary angiography ormethods on the basis of other modalities (single-photon emission computed tomography [SPECT],positron emission tomography [PET], computed to-mography perfusion, or stress echocardiography)will not be addressed in this paper. Dobutaminestress CMR will only be included as far as some ofthe published data does not discriminate betweenthe 2 methods, although it is a highly attractivealternative in patients with contraindications tovasodilator stress. This review closes a knowledgegap between the guidelines and more recent evi-dence provided by clinical trials, and it merges thesedata with the extensive clinical practice withindifferent settings reflected by a group of imagingspecialists.


    Current guidelines may not fully reflect the mostrecent scientific evidence on CMR due to newevidence that has been obtained since theirpublication.

    In general, all recent guidelines provide a Class I orIIa recommendation for the use of ischemia imagingbefore invasive angiography in symptomatic patientswith an intermediate pre-test likelihood between 15%and 85% (5–9). The choice of imaging modality(SPECT, CMR, echocardiography, or PET) is usuallyleft to local conditions, physician or patient prefer-ence, and specific considerations.

    The latest American College of Cardiology Foun-dation appropriate use criteria consider CMRappropriate for a large number of indications,including the diagnosis of ischemic heart disease with

    increasing strength at higher individual riskprofiles (Table 1) (10).



    The evidence for the utility of perfusionCMR is considerable, including validationstudies in animals against microspheres(11–13), single-center studies in selected pa-tient populations, examination of interstudyreproducibility (14,15), and large, prospective

    randomized trials (16,17). CMR combines a numberof favorable characteristics: 1) very good spatialresolution, allowing for the assessment of sub-endocardial ischemia; 2) robust image quality, inde-pendent of body habitus; 3) good temporalresolution, allowing the wash-in of the contrastagent to be visualized; 4) complementary informa-tion on LV volume, function, and morphology; and5) tissue characterization (e.g., myocardial edema,scar, and infiltration). Additionally, CMR is notassociated with ionizing radiation and possesses fewcontraindications and limitations, such as severearrhythmia, severe or acute renal dysfunction, orincompatible devices (Table 2).

    Table 3 provides a summary of the evidence from 6large meta-analyses comparing first-pass perfusionCMR against invasive angiography. Jaarsma et al. (18)compared perfusion CMR, SPECT, and PET and foundsimilar accuracies for CMR and PET, which were bothsuperior to SPECT (Figure 1). de Jong et al. (19)compared first-pass perfusion CMR, SPECT, andstress echocardiography and found a superior accu-racy of perfusion CMR versus both latter methods,which did not differ. More recently, 2 meta-analysesof noninvasive imaging versus invasive hemody-namics (fractional flow reserve) were published(20,21), and similarly demonstrated better diagnosticperformance of perfusion CMR and PET versus SPECTand perfusion computed tomography (Figure 2).

    The 2 largest studies comparing the accuracy ofCMR and SPECT for the detection of CAD areMR-IMPACT II (Magnetic Resonance Imaging forMyocardial Perfusion Assessment in Coronary arterydisease Trial II) (17) and CE-MARC (Clinical Evalua-tion of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in CoronaryHeart Disease 2) (16,22). In both studies, patients wereassessed with CMR, SPECT, and invasive angiog-raphy. The MR-IMPACT II trial (17) recruited 533 pa-tients in 33 European and U.S. centers using coronaryangiography as the standard of reference. Using a pre-defined criterion for positivity of 1 segment with“black or dark gray” appearance and neglecting all

  • TABLE 1 Appropriate Use Criteria for the Use of CMR for Detection and Risk Assessment

    in Suspected CAD

    Appropriate Symptomatic patients� With at least medium to high pre-test probability of CAD

    and/or inability to exercise and/or a noninterpretableECG

    May be appropriate Symptomatic patients� With low pre-test probability of CAD who are unable to

    exercise or who have an uninterpretable ECG� With intermediate pre-test probability of CAD who are

    able to exercise and who have an interpretable ECG

    Asymptomatic individuals� With high risk regardless of ECG interpretability and

    ability to exercise

    Rarely appropriate Symptomatic patients� With low or intermediate risk with interpretable ECG and

    able to exercise

    Asymptomatic individuals� With low or intermediate risk regardless of ECG inter-

    pretability and ability to exercise

    Modified with permission from Wolk et al. (10)

    CAD ¼ coronary artery disease; CMR ¼ cardiac magnetic resonance; ECG ¼ electrocardiogram.

    TABLE 2 Advantage

    Ionizing radiation

    Image resolution

    Full LV coverage

    Underlying mechanism

    Renal dysfunction






    Patient characteristics

    3D ¼ 3-dimensional; CMRfractional flow reserve; ICsystemic fibrosis; PVC ¼tomography.

    Hendel et al. J A C C : C A R D I O V A S C U L A R I M A G I N G , V O L . 9 , N O . 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

    CMR Perfusion in Inducible Ischemia N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 6 : 1 3 3 8 – 4 81340

    clinical data as well as CMR information on thebasis of late gadolinium enhancement, the sensi-tivity of first-pass perfusion CMR to detect coronaryartery stenosis was superior (0.67 vs. 0.59), whereasspecificity was inferior to SPECT (0.61 vs. 0.72).The primary endpoint of the study was reached,demonstrating noninferiority of CMR versus SPECT

    s and Limitations of CMR and SPECT for Perfusion Imaging


    None Yes (1–15 mSv)

    60%: invasive coronary angiography). Impor-tantly, outcome (major adverse cardiovascular events)after 1 year was similar in the 3 groups (24). Furtherevidence is expected in the near future from anotherlarge-scale multicenter trial, which has finishedrecruitment and is awaiting patient outcome data (25).

    PROGNOSTIC VALUE OF CMR. Several studies onvasodilator or dobutamine stress CMR have demon-strated an excellent prognostic value (26–31). The5-year follow-up of the CE-MARC study showed thatCMR, but not SPECT, added to risk stratification ofpatients with suspected CAD beyond classic riskfactors (32). A recent meta-analysis of 19 studies(14 with vasodilatory agents, 4 with dobutamine,and 1 combined) found a higher incidence ofmyocardial infarction (odds ratio [OR]: 7.7), cardio-vascular death (OR: 7.0), and both endpointscombined (OR: 6.5) for an abnormal stress test duringa mean follow-up of 32 months. The combinedoutcome (annualized event) rates were 4.9% for anabnormal versus 0.8% for normal stress CMR(Figure 3) (33). A similar prognostic value has beendemonstrated in patients with known CAD (34). Morerecently, Heydari et al. (35) have shown the value of

  • TABLE 3 Diagnostic Performance of Perfusion CMR for the Detection of Significant

    Coronary Artery Stenosis

    First Author, Year (Ref. #) Studies, n Sensitivity (95% CI) Specificity (95% CI)

    Nandalur et al.,* 2007 (61) 37 91 (88–94) 81 (77–85)

    Hamon et al.,* 2010 (62) 26 89 (88–91) 80 (78–83)

    Jaarsma et al.,* 2012 (18) 37 89 (88–91) 76 (73–78)

    de Jong et al.,* 2012 (19) 28 91 (88–93) 80 (76–83)

    Li et al.,* 2013 (20) 14 90 (86–93) 87 (82–90)

    Takx et al.,† 2015 (21) 15 87 (84–90) 91 (89–92)

    Greenwood et al.,‡ 2012 (16) Single center 87 (82–90) 83 (80–87)

    Schwitter et al.,* 2013 (17) Multicenter 67% 61%

    Data obtained from meta-analyses on a patient basis as well as from the 2 largest published studies. *At least50% diameter stenosis in coronary angiography; †against fractional flow reserve as reference standard; ‡at least70% ($50% left main stem) diameter stenosis in coronary angiography.

    CI ¼ confidence interval.

    FIGURE 1 Diagnostic Performance of SPECT, Perfusion CMR, and PET for Detecting

    Coronary Artery Disease on a Patient-Based Level
















    0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


    Fitted receiver-operating characteristic curves for direct comparison of single-photon

    emission computed tomography (SPECT) (green), cardiovascular magnetic resonance

    (CMR) (blue), and positron emission tomography (PET) (pink). Reprinted with permission

    from Jaarsma et al. (18).

    J A C C : C A R D I O V A S C U L A R I M A G I N G , V O L . 9 , N O . 1 1 , 2 0 1 6 Hendel et al.N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 6 : 1 3 3 8 – 4 8 CMR Perfusion in Inducible Ischemia


    vasodilatory stress perfusion CMR for risk stratifica-tion and patients with diabetes and found a yearlyevent rate of 0.5% for cardiac death or myocardialinfarction in patients without scar or inducibleischemia, whereas those with inducible ischemia hadan event rate of 8.2% (35). In addition, there are strongdata on scar imaging using late gadolinium enhance-ment as an independent and additional marker foroutcome. This is of specific importance as ischemicscars can be found in 17% (95% confidence interval:14% to 19%) of older patients without other signs onprevious myocardial infarction in their history, echo-cardiogram, or electrocardiogram (36).

    SAFETY OF CMR. Large registry studies in well over30,000 patients worldwide have demonstrated theexcellent safety of the CMR procedure. The EuroCMRregistry enrolled more than 27,000 consecutive pa-tients. Mild complications were detected in 994 pa-tients (3.6%), with most events (e.g., dyspnea, chestpain, extra systoles, and so on) occurring duringdobutamine or adenosine infusion. Only a total of 7(0.026%) severe complications were encountered(2 nonsustained ventricular tachycardia and 1 ven-tricular fibrillation during dobutamine infusion,2 overt heart failures, 1 unstable angina, and 1anaphylactic shock in the setting of adenosine stress)with no deaths reported. Procedural safety was notdependent on age or sex of the patient, or on thecountry or center where the scan had been performed(37). A retrospective analysis of 5,782 consecutiveCanadian CMR patients recorded moderate to severecomplications after contrast agent administration in9 (0.16%) contrast-enhanced studies, characterizedby nausea and vomiting in 6 (0.12%) and by symp-toms of an acute systemic allergic reaction in 2(0.04%). None of the patients required hospitaliza-tion. Transient, asymptomatic atrioventricular blockwas not systematically recorded, but was observedin 5% of adenosine scans (38).

    A study looking specifically at the safety of contrastagents found that the gadolinium chelate contrastagents are generally well-tolerated, with rare allergicreactions (0.12%) (39). In addition, gadolinium che-lates cause no kidney damage at commonly useddoses. However, the occurrence of nephrotic systemicfibrosis, a debilitating disease due to irreversiblefibrosis of various tissues, after application of highdoses of gadolinium-containing contrast agentsin patients with reduced renal function have ledto a more careful application of these agents. Healthauthorities (U.S. Food and Drug Administrationand European Medicines Agency) classify contrastagents as high-risk (gadoversetamide, OptiMARK

    [Mallinckrodt Inc., Dublin, Ireland]; gadodiamide,Omniscan [GE Healthcare, Chicago, Illinois]; gado-pentetic acid, Magnevist [Bayer Pharma AG, Berlin,Germany]), medium-risk (gadobenic acid, MultiHance[Bracco S.p.A., Milan, Italy]), or low-risk (gadotericacid, Dotarem [Guerbet, Roissy CdG Cedex, France];gadoteridol, Prohance [Bracco S.p.A]; gadobutrol,Gadavist [Bayer Pharma AG]), and regard the high-risk agents as contraindicated in severely reducedkidney function (estimated glomerular filtrationrate

  • FIGURE 2 Diagnostic Accuracy of Vasodilation Perfusion CMR Compared With Invasive Coronary Angiography With Fractional Flow Reserve
















    Summary ROC CurveA

    0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


    AUC = 0.95s.e. (AUC) = 0.01Q* = 0.87s.e. (Q*) = 0.01


    AUC = 0.95s.e. (AUC) = 0.02Q* = 0.89s.e. (Q*) = 0.03


    AUC = 0.83s.e. (AUC) = 0.08Q* = 0.76s.e. (Q*) = 0.07


    AUC = 0.91s.e. (AUC) = 0.03Q* = 0.85s.e. (Q*) = 0.03
















    Summary ROC CurveB

    0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


    AUC = 0.94s.e. (AUC) = 0.01Q* = 0.88s.e. (Q*) = 0.01


    AUC = 0.82s.e. (AUC) = 0.04Q* = 0.75s.e. (Q*) = 0.04


    AUC = 0.93s.e. (AUC) = NAQ* = 0.87s.e. (Q*) = NA

    AUC = 0.93s.e. (AUC) = 0.02Q* = 0.87s.e. (Q*) = 0.02


    AUC = 0.83s.e. (AUC) = 0.05Q* = 0.76s.e. (Q*) = 0.04


    Summary receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve plotting the true positive rate (sensitivity) against the false-positive rate (1 � specificity) for per-vessel (A)and per-patient analysis (B). Each symbol represents an individual study in the meta-analysis, with the size of the symbol proportional to the sample size of the study.

    The Q* statistic represents the point where sensitivity and specificity are equal. Reprinted with permission from Takx et al. (21). AUC ¼ area under the summaryreceiver-operating characteristics curve; CT ¼ computed tomography; MRI ¼ magnetic resonance imaging; s.e. ¼ standard error; other abbreviations as in Figure 1.

    Hendel et al. J A C C : C A R D I O V A S C U L A R I M A G I N G , V O L . 9 , N O . 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

    CMR Perfusion in Inducible Ischemia N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 6 : 1 3 3 8 – 4 81342

    macrocyclic agents (Dotarem, Guerbet; or Gadavist,Bayer) is recommended in patients with reducedkidney function (estimated glomerular filtrationrate 83%) forthe presence of significant CAD warrants the use ofinvasive coronary angiography (ICA) as the first test,whereas lower pre-test likelihoods are in favor of

  • FIGURE 3 Annualized Event Rate of Cardiovascular Death, All-Cause Mortality, or Nonfatal MI in Case of Abnormal and Normal Perfusion CMR

    or Positive and Negative LGE











    ed E


    t R



    Cardiovascular Death


    All Patients

    P < 0.001





    P < 0.001




    No CAD

    P < 0.001











    ed E


    t R



    All-cause Mortality


    All Patients

    P < 0.001




    P < 0.001




    No CAD

    P < 0.001




    Normal stress CMRAbnormal stress CMR

    Normal stress CMRAbnormal stress CMR










    ed E


    t R






    P < 0.0001{P < 0.0001{




    P < 0.0005{










    ed E


    t R




    DP < 0.03{

    P < 0.04{

    P < 0.008{

    Negative LGEPositive LGE

    Annualized event rates are shown for (A) cardiovascular death, (B) all-cause mortality, and (C) nonfatal MI in abnormal and normal perfusion CMR, and for (D) positive

    and negative LGE. (A and B) Modified with permission from Shah et al. (34). (C and D) Modified with permission from Lipinski et al. (33). CAD ¼ coronary artery disease;CMR ¼ cardiac magnetic resonance; LGE ¼ late gadolinium enhancement; MI ¼ myocardial infarction.

    J A C C : C A R D I O V A S C U L A R I M A G I N G , V O L . 9 , N O . 1 1 , 2 0 1 6 Hendel et al.N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 6 : 1 3 3 8 – 4 8 CMR Perfusion in Inducible Ischemia


    noninvasive strategies. No explicit data are availablefor cost-effectiveness calculation of patient pop-ulations with low to intermediate pre-test likelihoodsusing CMR. However, data from intermediate to highpre-test likelihood groups support the use of CMR as afirst line technique.

    The European CMR registry compared the costs of a“CMR first” strategy (assessment of myocardialischemia by CMR, followed by ICA as second step ifthe index CMR was positive) with an “ICA only”strategy (45). In the public sectors of the German,United Kingdom, and Swiss health care systems, costsavings from a CMR-first–driven strategy were 50%,25%, and 23%, respectively, versus outpatient ICA.If ICA was carried out as an inpatient procedure,

    cost savings were 46%, 50%, and 48%, respectively.In the United States, costs were reduced by 51% whencompared with inpatient ICA, but increased by 8% forCMR versus outpatient ICA (45). More recently, acalculation for “CMR first” versus ICA supported byfractional flow reserve demonstrated superior costeffectiveness for the CMR-driven strategy in groupswith 62% to 83% CAD prevalence (depending on thecountry, highest for the United States) and equality ingroups with a prevalence >83% (46).

    A cost-effectiveness analysis of the CE-MARCstudy used a decision analytic model to compare 8strategies for the diagnosis of CAD in outpatientsreferred to cardiologists for further evaluationof angina pectoris (47). Different combinations of

  • CENTRAL ILLUSTRATION Recommended CMR Protocol for Stable CAD

    Hendel, R.C. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol Img. 2016;9(11):1338–48.

    ED ¼ end-diastolic; ES ¼ end-systolic; Gd ¼ gadolinium; IV ¼ intravenous; LAX ¼ long-axis view; LV ¼ left ventricular; SAX ¼ short-axis view; other abbreviations as inFigure 3.

    Hendel et al. J A C C : C A R D I O V A S C U L A R I M A G I N G , V O L . 9 , N O . 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

    CMR Perfusion in Inducible Ischemia N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 6 : 1 3 3 8 – 4 81344

    exercise treadmill testing, SPECT, CMR, and ICAwere considered. Only 2 strategies were cost-effective for the diagnosis of CAD: 1) exercisetreadmill testing followed by CMR if positive orinconclusive, followed by ICA if abnormal or incon-clusive; and 2) CMR followed by ICA if inconclusive.The use of SPECT was not cost-effective in thissingle-center study.



    PERFUSION CMR. Perfusion CMR is usually per-formed during pharmacological vasodilation with

    agents such as dipyridamole, adenosine, and, morerecently, regadenoson (48). When administeredintravenously, the subsequent vasodilation increasescoronary blood flow approximately 2- to 4-fold.This results in visible differences between the bloodflow in myocardium subtended by normal coronaryarteries as opposed to coronary arteries with signifi-cant stenosis. CMR uses an intravenous bolus of anMR contrast agent, typically 0.05 to 0.1 mmol/kg bodyweight of a gadolinium-based agent, for detectingthese flow differences. Signal intensity is relatedto contrast concentration, and analysis can be per-formed in a quantitative, semiquantitative, or quali-tative fashion (49,50). Current recommendations

  • J A C C : C A R D I O V A S C U L A R I M A G I N G , V O L . 9 , N O . 1 1 , 2 0 1 6 Hendel et al.N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 6 : 1 3 3 8 – 4 8 CMR Perfusion in Inducible Ischemia


    from the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Reso-nance recommend a qualitative assessment in clin-ical routine, identifying visually apparent delays andreductions of contrast inflow (51). Larger defects areprognostically more important (52). Semiquantitativeanalysis of the upslope of the input functions ispossible and also provides clinically useful infor-mation regarding microvascular function (53).

    Full quantification of CMR perfusion is becomingpossible (11,54,55) but requires certain technical ap-proaches exceeding usual routine scanning, whichare not discussed in the current paper. It is of interestto note, though, that quantification of myocardialperfusion reserve for the assessment of microvasculardysfunction is increasingly demonstrating clinicallyimportant findings (56).

    LATE GADOLINIUM ENHANCEMENT. In clinicalpractice, almost every CMR first-pass perfusion scanis followed by contrast-enhanced CMR images, typi-cally performed 10 to 15 min after contrast injection(late gadolinium enhancement). The first pass of thecontrast agent through the myocardium is used forperfusion imaging. The contrast agent then diffusesfreely into the interstitial space (but remains outsideof the cells), which allows demarcating areas whereinterstitial space is increased (e.g., scar tissue aftermyocardial infarction).

    Scar imaging has become a standard procedure as arobust, well-validated, and accurate tool for thedetection of myocardial necrosis. Even though theenhanced signal is not specific for an ischemic etiol-ogy of a scar, the regional distribution patterns ofabnormal areas allow differentiation of ischemic fromnonischemic injury. Ischemic scars involve the sub-endocardial layer and usually follow the territoriesdefined by coronary anatomy. Scars due to myocar-ditis or cardiomyopathy show a distinctly differentdistribution pattern. Validation in animals and clin-ical studies demonstrate a significantly higherdetection rate of subendocardial scar by CMR incomparison to SPECT imaging due to the higherspatial resolution (36).

    CINE CMR IMAGING OF LV FUNCTION. Electrocardio-gram-gated dynamic cine CMR sequences provide anoninvasive, accurate, and reproducible measure-ment of ventricular volumes, function, and regionalwall motion. The heart is typically covered by a seriesof short- and long-axis views for volumetric andfunctional ventricular analysis. This may eithercomprise a complete short-axis stack with additionallong-axis views or a combination of short- and long-axis views. Data on LV morphology, mass, volumes,and function can be acquired in 2 breath-holds (51),

    and modern approaches to data compression (e.g.,compressed sensing) make real-time or single breath-hold 3-dimensional acquisitions a reality (57). End-diastolic or -systolic volumes, stroke volume, ejec-tion fraction, and myocardial mass can be determinedwith high accuracy (58,59). Advantageous for cineCMR is the independence for any imaging windowsas well as the excellent contrast between bloodand myocardium for all segments, leading to excel-lent precision for the assessment of volumes andmass (60).


    Advances in CMR technology permit standardizedshort and simple protocols, resulting in time-efficient, user- and patient-friendly examinations.The protocol for the assessment of ischemic heartdisease with vasodilator stress was discussed andagreed between all authors as a consensus and can beadapted for specific local environments or circum-stances. It is used routinely in most of the centers ofthe writing group, but has only partially been scien-tifically explored. Further studies are required tosystematically assess its value and potential forfurther improvement. The proposed protocol maybe performed in a single 25- to 30-min session(Central Illustration). Dependent on local preferences,various stress agents (adenosine, dipyridamole, orregadenoson) may be used. Adenosine has a shorthalf-life of

  • Hendel et al. J A C C : C A R D I O V A S C U L A R I M A G I N G , V O L . 9 , N O . 1 1 , 2 0 1 6

    CMR Perfusion in Inducible Ischemia N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 6 : 1 3 3 8 – 4 81346

    performed before the stress scan. In this protocol thevasodilatory effects of the regadenoson can bereversed (e.g., with aminophylline), or the examina-tion time can be prolonged to allow the stress towean off. A physician must be available to readthe stress images prior to the patient leavingthe department. It should be noted that the use ofall vasodilators (dipyridamole, adenosine, and rega-denoson) for CMR perfusion imaging currently con-stitutes an off-label usage.


    During the last decade, CMR perfusion imaging hasmoved from an innovative research tool to wide-spread clinical applicability. However, the adoptionof this technique has been largely limited to majorcenters, although an excellent safety profile andhigh diagnostic and prognostic value has been well

    demonstrated. CMR provides outstanding character-ization of scar and ischemia, and improvements inhardware and software now enable this method to beperformed in a timely and cost-efficient manner. Thedevelopment of a focused, standardized protocolpermits a rapid learning curve and patient-friendlyexamination using current scanners. Optimizationof standardized CMR protocols now places thismethod as a potential first-line modality for theassessment of known or suspected ischemic heartdisease.

    REPRINT REQUESTS AND CORRESPONDENCE: Prof.Eike Nagel, Institute for Experimental and Trans-lational Cardiovascular Imaging, DZHK Centre forCardiovascular Imaging, University Hospital Frank-furt, 60590 Frankfurt, Germany. E-mail: [email protected].


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    KEY WORDS cardiac MRI, diagnosis,ischemic heart disease

    CMR First-Pass Perfusion for Suspected Inducible Myocardial IschemiaCMR In Current GuidelinesCMR PerfusionSummary of current scientific evidencePrognostic Value Of CMRSafety Of CMRCost-Effectiveness Of CMR

    CMR Procedures InIschemic Heart DiseasePerfusion CMRLate gadolinium enhancementCine CMR Imaging Of LV Function

    Recommended CMR Protocol For CADSummaryReferences