co organized by : supported by : sponsored by : icdesa · democratisation in southeast asia co...

ICDeSA 1 st International Conference on Democratisation in Southeast Asia Co Organized by : Supported by : ILMU PEMERINTAHAN FISIP UNTIRTA In CollaboraƟon with CSEAS KYOTO UNIVERSITY International Conference Serang, 4th - 5th September 2019 - Local PoliƟcs and DecentralizaƟon in South East Countries - Digital Governance and CiƟzenship - PoliƟcal Party and ElecƟon in South East Asian Countries - Conflict and ReconciliaƟon in South East Asian Countries - Sustainable Development Goals in South East Asian Countries - CorrupƟon and Clientelism - EducaƟon and Social Change TOPICS & SCOPES TOPICS & SCOPES TOPICS & SCOPES Authors should submit 300 words abstract in English to the Organizing CommiƩee by They Should also May 31, 2019. explain: aim of study, research method, findings, and implicaƟon of the study. Authors of the selected abstracts should provide a full paper (4,000 - 5,000 words) of the study also in English and must be submiƩed before . An July 30, 2019 author can only submit one paper as main author, but can be co-author in more than one paper. All accepted papers will be submiƩed for review to a Thomson Reuters indexed publisher and will be published in conference proceeding. selected papers also have opportunity to be published in Souteast Asian Studies Journal CSEAS Kyoto University (Q3). NOTES NOTES NOTES Prof. Yoko Hayami, Ph.D (Director CSEAS Kyoto University) Prof. Okamoto Masaaki, Ph.D (CSEAS Kyoto University) Prof. Jayum Anak Jawan, Ph.D (UniversiƟ Putra Malaysia) Prof Firman Noor, Ph.D (Kepala Pusat PeneliƟan PoliƟk LIPI) Prof. Janet Mclntyre-Mills (Flinders University Australia Honorary Professor The University of South Africa) Prof. Dr. Alan Hao Yang (ExecuƟve Director CSEAS NaƟonal Chengci University Taiwan) Nakanishi Yoshihiro, Ph.D (CSEAS Kyoto University) Dr. Phill, Hermin Indah Wahyuni (PSSAT Gadjah Mada University) KEYNOTE SPEAKERS KEYNOTE SPEAKERS KEYNOTE SPEAKERS REGISTRATION FEE REGISTRATION FEE REGISTRATION FEE - Early-Bird Presenter (Local) Rp. 2.000.000,- (non-student) Rp. 1.500.000,- (Student) RP. 1.700.000,- (UnƟrta Lecturer) Accompany (Local) Rp. 600.000,- (non-student & Student) Presenter (InternaƟonal) $ 200,- (non-student) $ 100,- (Student) Accompany (InternaƟonal) $ 50,- (non-student) $ 30,- (Student) - Reguler Presenter (Local) Rp. 2.250.000,- (non-student) Rp. 1.700.000,- (Student) Rp. 1.700.000,- (UnƟrta Lecturer) Accompany (Local) Rp. 600.000,- (non-student & Student) Presenter (InternaƟonal) $ 225,- (non-student) $ 150,- (Student) Accompany (InternaƟonal) $ 50,- (non-student) $ 30,- (Student) “Early Bird 31st May - 30th July, 2019 PAYMENT METHOD PAYMENT METHOD PAYMENT METHOD “Democratisation and Social Change in Southeast Asia” icdesa.unƟ icdesa.2019@unƟ / Sponsored by : Contact Person : +62 857 4701 4100 (Ika Arinia Indryany), +62 812 8496 3876 (M. Dian Hikmawan) INSTEPS 2nd Call For Papers

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Page 1: Co Organized by : Supported by : Sponsored by : ICDeSA · Democratisation in Southeast Asia Co Organized by : Supported by : ILMU PEMERINTAHAN FISIP UNTIRTA In Collaboraon with CSEAS

ICDeSA1 st International Conference on

Democratisation in Southeast Asia

Co Organized by : Supported by :


CSEAS KYOTO UNIVERSITY International Conference

Serang, 4th - 5th September 2019- Local Poli�cs and Decentraliza�on in South East Countries - Digital Governance and Ci�zenship

- Poli�cal Party and Elec�on in South East Asian Countries- Conflict and Reconcilia�on in South East Asian Countries

- Sustainable Development Goals in South East Asian Countries - Corrup�on and Clientelism- Educa�on and Social Change


Authors should submit 300 words abstract in English to the Organizing Commi�ee by They Should also May 31, 2019.explain: aim of study, research method, findings, and implica�on of the study. Authors of the selected abstracts should provide a full paper (4,000 - 5,000 words) of the study also in English and must be submi�ed before . An July 30, 2019author can only submit one paper as main author, but can be co-author in more than one paper. All accepted papers will be submi�ed for review to a Thomson Reuters indexed publisher and will be published in conference proceeding. selected papers also have opportunity to be published in Souteast Asian Studies Journal CSEAS Kyoto University (Q3).


Prof. Yoko Hayami, Ph.D(Director CSEAS Kyoto University)

Prof. Okamoto Masaaki, Ph.D (CSEAS Kyoto University)

Prof. Jayum Anak Jawan, Ph.D (Universi� Putra Malaysia)

Prof Firman Noor, Ph.D(Kepala Pusat Peneli�an Poli�k LIPI)

Prof. Janet Mclntyre-Mills (Flinders University Australia

Honorary Professor The University of South Africa)

Prof. Dr. Alan Hao Yang (Execu�ve Director CSEAS Na�onal

Chengci University Taiwan)

Nakanishi Yoshihiro, Ph.D (CSEAS Kyoto University)

Dr. Phill, Hermin Indah Wahyuni (PSSAT Gadjah Mada University)


REGISTRATION FEEREGISTRATION FEEREGISTRATION FEE- Early-Bird Presenter (Local) Rp. 2.000.000,- (non-student) Rp. 1.500.000,- (Student) RP. 1.700.000,- (Un�rta Lecturer) Accompany (Local) Rp. 600.000,- (non-student & Student)

Presenter (Interna�onal) $ 200,- (non-student) $ 100,- (Student) Accompany (Interna�onal) $ 50,- (non-student) $ 30,- (Student)

- Reguler Presenter (Local) Rp. 2.250.000,- (non-student) Rp. 1.700.000,- (Student) Rp. 1.700.000,- (Un�rta Lecturer) Accompany (Local) Rp. 600.000,- (non-student & Student)

Presenter (Interna�onal) $ 225,- (non-student) $ 150,- (Student) Accompany (Interna�onal) $ 50,- (non-student) $ 30,- (Student)

“Early Bird 31st May - 30th July, 2019


“Democratisation and Social Change in Southeast Asia”

icdesa.un�� /

Sponsored by :

Contact Person : +62 857 4701 4100 (Ika Arinia Indryany), +62 812 8496 3876 (M. Dian Hikmawan)


2nd Call For Papers