coaching model feb 2011

Coaching is safe term process unlocking potential to enhance learning and performance, through personal attention which challenges challenges , , stimulates stimulates and guides guides ongoing ongoing growth. Coaching, in its purest Coaching, in its purest form, is NOT…. form, is NOT…. SABEC SABEC

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Page 1: Coaching Model Feb 2011

Coaching is safe term process unlocking potential to enhance learning and performance, through personal attention which challengeschallenges, ,

stimulatesstimulates and guidesguides ongoing ongoing growth.

Coaching, in its purest form, is NOT….Coaching, in its purest form, is NOT….Mentoring, Counselling, Consulting, Training or Therapy


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““Coaching is…“a combination of skills combined”Coaching is…“a combination of skills combined”

•a skill that requires understanding & practice

•is both curative and preventative

•a supportive and confidential relationship that improves performance & develops the individual

•an intervention that builds self-belief resulting in staggering improvements

•a 1-on-1 developmental, outcome-based processSABECSABEC

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Coaching falls between Consulting and Counselling, and deals with both the Business Context and Personal Life


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For both For both individualsindividuals and and groupsgroups:

• Creates a trusting, respectful, non-judgmental and confidential coaching environment to enhance learning and performance

• Clarifies values, beliefs, purpose• Identifies and promotes key roles, life balance and

high work performance• Orientates to results, and locates emergent

developmental tasks• Deepens personal life and professional integrity SABECSABEC

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Cont :Cont :– –

For both For both individualsindividuals and and groupsgroups:

• Unlocks personal potential • Promotes visionary plans• Reinforces self-reliance, responsibility, resilience & risk-

taking• Develops the ability to identify & resolve problems• Opens new perspectives • Designs practices which elevate the level of performance


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• Create a safe platform for receptive interactions

• Clarify needs and goals

• Facilitate continuity and change

• Identify and promote topics for enhanced performance

• Orientate to results and locate emergent developmental tasks

• Assist in resolving complex issues and “stuckness”

• Partner with coachee, and aid in inventing and maintaining a continuous vital learning agenda. SABECSABEC

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• use various techniques/tools to unlock talent - they are process facilitators.

Everything learnt is in the sub-conscious – a coach helps to unlock those thoughts and ideas.

• are catalysts: they evoke resilience, energy and improve performance.

They anchor people to their own internal strengths, and inspire individuals to dream and to stretch.

• coaches create a safe space for you to explore your own inner sense of worth.

They observe confidentiality, help remove internal obstacles to enhance performance, and liberate the individual’s natural developmental ability.


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• seek deep results, explore new directions, link inner purpose to outer work

• questions the status quo and challenges coachees

• fosters energising scenarios and assist in understanding and managing change.

• have conviction, and the ability to detach

• have professional coaching skills, including personal and business qualities.

• assist managers to think and operate as leaders SABECSABEC

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Various coaching methodologies and tools are applied in the coaching

sessions, all applicable and relevant to the coachee and his/her current reality.

Slides of the various coaching methodologies are available at the end. SABECSABEC

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Self-Awareness / assessment Profiling your personalityProfiling your personality Identifying your strengths and weaknessesIdentifying your strengths and weaknesses What drives youWhat drives you DISC – Behaviour ProfilingDISC – Behaviour Profiling 360° Feedback360° Feedback Diamond of GreatnessDiamond of Greatness Social StyleSocial Style

Assists in understanding your unique attributes are fundamental to any assessment of your true potential. SABECSABEC

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Identifying career goals.

Creating a long-term vision for lifeCreating a long-term vision for life

Creating an integrated career and life planCreating an integrated career and life plan

Creating projects to produce satisfaction in all areasCreating projects to produce satisfaction in all areas

Career planningCareer planning

SMART Goal SettingSMART Goal Setting

Career and life planning provides a proven structure for a satisfying life, supportive to what you want to achieve.


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Sharing your vision with others creates a sense of commitment.

The core conditions for effective communicationThe core conditions for effective communicationUnderstanding passive and aggressive behaviourUnderstanding passive and aggressive behaviourHow to avoid unassertive behaviourHow to avoid unassertive behaviourHow to negotiate effectivelyHow to negotiate effectivelyDeveloping good listening skills and practicesDeveloping good listening skills and practicesGiving and receiving feedback constructivelyGiving and receiving feedback constructivelySaying ‘no’ and non-verbal communicationSaying ‘no’ and non-verbal communication

Allowing total participation creates open and clear communication.


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Confidence may be seen as a process in which you first behavebehave it, and then developdevelop into believingbelieving it, and finally beingbeing it.

Identifying your organisation’s cultureIdentifying your organisation’s culture Changing the culture to a performance-based cultureChanging the culture to a performance-based culture Developing confidence – (Affirmation through Self-mastery Developing confidence – (Affirmation through Self-mastery

and cognitive psychology)and cognitive psychology) Managing Interpersonal Relationships Skills (ClearManaging Interpersonal Relationships Skills (Clear)) NetworkingNetworking Identifying and finding a mentorIdentifying and finding a mentor Coaching subordinatesCoaching subordinates

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Tackling a problem from an unexpected direction can be truly advantageous.

Team building exercisesTeam building exercises

Strategic WorkshopsStrategic Workshops


Creative visualisationCreative visualisation

Authentic RelatingAuthentic Relating

““Belief System”Belief System”

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“It generally takes me three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.”

(Mark Twain)

Managing your nervousnessManaging your nervousness

Preparing a verbal presentationPreparing a verbal presentation

Preparing written presentationsPreparing written presentations

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Make the purpose of any meeting dynamic and positive.

What is a meetingWhat is a meeting



Who should attend and when?Who should attend and when?

Chairing meetingsChairing meetings

Creating time boundariesCreating time boundaries

Minutes or action notesMinutes or action notes

Continually improving your meetingsContinually improving your meetings


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“Writers’ blockWriters’ block” or “PainPain” is something that one experiences, and is as relevant in business and personal development.

The difficulty in implementationThe difficulty in implementation

Creating a structure for implementationCreating a structure for implementation

Dealing with difficultiesDealing with difficulties

Decision makingDecision making

Problem solvingProblem solving

How to deal with procrastinationHow to deal with procrastinationSABECSABEC

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“Men are disturbed not by events, but by the view they take of them.” (Epictetus)

Defining stressDefining stress

Understanding vulnerability to stressUnderstanding vulnerability to stress

Gaining relief from the pressuresGaining relief from the pressures

Managing the psychological aspects of stressManaging the psychological aspects of stress

Time ManagementTime Management

Life Balance (Work/Personal)Life Balance (Work/Personal)SABECSABEC

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Emotional maturity or ‘character’ has been recognised as valuable in all organisations.

However, it is almost impossible to measure and largely been left to chance in the recruitment procedures.

What is emotional maturityWhat is emotional maturity

Aligning emotions for future successAligning emotions for future success

Developing optimismDeveloping optimism

Managing your emotions appropriatelyManaging your emotions appropriately

Living more comfortably with changeLiving more comfortably with changeSABECSABEC

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A simple definition of management is “achieving tasks achieving tasks through others.through others.”

Developing leadership qualities Developing leadership qualities Developing the teamDeveloping the team Empowerment (Care and Growth Model)Empowerment (Care and Growth Model) Motivation (investment in excellence)Motivation (investment in excellence) Delegation and Managing ConflictDelegation and Managing Conflict Coaching and counselling othersCoaching and counselling others Recruitment – finding new members of your teamRecruitment – finding new members of your team Appraisals, Training and developmentAppraisals, Training and development SABECSABEC

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1.1. AcceptanceAcceptance – not struggling against the moment, but accepting people, situations and events as they occur.

2.2. ResponsibilityResponsibility – not blaming anyone or anything for the situation, including yourself.

3.3. DefencelessnessDefencelessness – give up the need to convince or persuade others of your point of view and at the same time gain access to the huge amounts of energy that you are wasting in defending your point of view.

offers three thoughts in “the law of least effortthe law of least effort”.


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Future RealityFuture Reality

Current RealityCurrent Reality

Reticular Activating


Reticular Activating


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These are the characteristics (i.e. Knowledge, Skills and Attitude) that contribute to outstanding performance and career success.


Competencies should describe the “inputsinputs” which people bring to the organisation to produce the desired “outputsoutputs” of the organisation.

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Maintain Maintain Self EsteemSelf Esteem

Determine Determine GoGoalsals

Empathic Empathic ResponsesResponses

Ask for Ask for AssistanceAssistance

Establish Establish RapportRapport

ClarifyListen & RespondExploreActionReview

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Be honest, work hard & you will experience Be honest, work hard & you will experience success, security, happiness & progresssuccess, security, happiness & progress

External challenges:External challenges:• Dreams & Plans• Accomplishment

• Decline & Discard

Internal RenewalInternal Renewal• Healing

• New goals & proposals• Training

New New BeginningBeginning EndingEnding

A new life chapter

Life transition between chapters

2. Steady State

Adulthood Elderhood


2. Continuous Cycle

Childhood Adulthood

Work hard to arrive at a steady state platform Work hard to arrive at a steady state platform in adulthood.


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3. Outward - In3. Outward - In 3. Inside - Out3. Inside - Out







Voluntary groupsVoluntary groupsProf. AssociationsProf. Associations

National RolesNational Roles


Global RolesGlobal RolesCitizenshipCitizenship

4. Learning is for Kids. Learning is for Kids 4. Learning is for Everyone4. Learning is for Everyone


Learning is for children and young adults in order to Learning is for children and young adults in order to “launch” into adulthood. Adults shift from “launch” to “launch” into adulthood. Adults shift from “launch” to


Adult LearningAdult LearningConsciousnessConsciousness

Knowledge & Information Human Skills

Values & LeadershipProfessional Skills



Voluntary groupsVoluntary groupsProf. AssociationsProf. Associations

National RolesNational Roles

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The Renewal CycleThe Renewal Cycle






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Observable "data" and experiences(As videotape recorder might capture it)

I select "data" from what I observe

I add meanings(Cultural and personal)

I make assumptions based on the meanings I added

I adopt beliefs about the world

I take actions based on my beliefs

I draw conclusions

Links of Reasoning Links of Reasoning

• A fact, no matter how obvious it seems, is not really substantiated until it is verified independently - by more than one person's observation, or by a technological record (a tape recorder or a photograph).

• To make our thinking processes visible, to see what the differences are in our perceptions and what we have in common

Using the Ladder of InferenceUsing the Ladder of Inference

You cannot live your life without adding meaning or drawing conclusions - it would be an inefficient, tedious way to live.

But you CANCAN improve your communications through reflection, and by using the Ladder of Inference in three ways:

•Becoming more aware of your own thinking and reasoning (reflection)•Making your thinking and reasoning more visible to others (advocacy)•Inquiring into others thinking and reasoning (enquiry)

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Having no illusions


Having no illusions

EthicsEthicsValues, Being of service

EthicsEthicsValues, Being of service

“Whether we’re talking about companies, teams or our own lives, the central themes of leadership are based on a foundation of ethics, vision, courage and reality”

1 ŀ 2 ŀ 3 ŀ 4 ŀ 5 ŀ 6 ŀ 7 ŀ 8 ŀ 9 ŀ1010 ŀ 9 ŀ 8 ŀ 7 ŀ 6 ŀ 5 ŀ 4 ŀ 3 ŀ 2 ŀ1 ŀ

10 ŀ 9 ŀ 8 ŀ 7 ŀ 6 ŀ 5 ŀ 4 ŀ 3 ŀ 2 ŀ 1 ŀ1 ŀ 2 ŀ 3 ŀ 4 ŀ 5 ŀ 6 ŀ 7 ŀ 8 ŀ 9 ŀ 10

VisionVisionImagination, Thinking

Big and New

VisionVisionImagination, Thinking

Big and New

CourageCourageWill, Acting with sustained initiative

CourageCourageWill, Acting with sustained initiative

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ETHICSETHICS refers to the importance of people and integrity. It means caring about people; being sensitive and of service to them; and behaving in accordance with moral principles..• • Valuing and developing teamwork; • Striving for meaningful work; • Prioritizing good communication and mature commitment; • Acting with integrity and in accordance with your principles

VISIONVISION means applying analytical skills, thinking big; looking at situations in new ways; and being inspirational.l.• Exercising abstract reasoning; • Cultivating a strategic and systemic perspective – providing direction and seeing the interrelationships; within the big picture; Engaging your creativity; • Practicing reflection

COURAGE COURAGE is defined as taking charge; using power wisely; acting with sustained initiative; managing anxiety; and being free and responsible.• Advocating and standing for something; • Being willing to stand alone; • Constructively experiencing anxiety; • Taking responsibility for your choices and accept being free

REALITY REALITY refers to a no-nonsense approach to facing life without illusions; relying on data that is factual rather than emotional; and being tough, task-oriented and results-focused. It also means being able to understand other people's perceptions of what is actually true.• Paying attention to bureaucratic detail; • Being objective and well-informed; • Doing what it takes to survive; • Seeking shared reality

(The four preceding paragraphs are quoted from Koestenbaum’s website: four preceding paragraphs are quoted from Koestenbaum’s website: