coast defense in the circle of society strongly urged … · f if 4 the washington times ratoday...

f if THE WASHINGTON TIMES RATODAY DECEMBER 8 1900 4 V f COAST DEFENSE STRONGLY URGED BY WESTERNERS > Is Possible Prepare- Is Cry From the Slope STAFF PLANS CAMPAIGN Special Bill Covering Situa tions Needs Will Go to Congress at Once Eresemen from California are ap ptraLns to the War Department and to rcr fellow legislators from other r tlr defense of San Francisco and in rr l the Pacific Coast against attack- i r of possible hostilities with Japan It h s developed that the General Staff 11 secretly on a I oompreheniiive- I of Improved defense with the result tLat Congress will be strongly urged at v i early date to take favorable action t r en the report of the board on ccit defense which wee submitted i o President last March Stafi Mapping Campaign fs rtcommendation will be par- t u irly pushed by officials of the Corps backed up by both the fccrcur of War and the President IIe Hi General Staff in the mean TIIC termined not to be caught s quietly mapping out a plan oC c nraigri- TlJi tines not necessarily mean that Jto War Department officials actually t t trouble It is simply in line with t c villknown policy ot the General t ft to in time of peace prepare for v i It was on this policy that addl t Tial troops were sent to the Philippines J viritfr and military officers secretly t t to Thina to be prepared in ease possible uprising it the carrying ci tnia policy that made the r army- r Td to land quickly In Cuba when t i Sorretary ot War called for troope t rlnns having been secretly worked i rx weeks before Secretary Taft r rteil for Havana Philippines Undefended principal worry of the officials 1 njw is the total lack ol defense of Philippines and the easiness with vl1 ci an army could be landed by a for r ile rjwer those Island There i at a mounted gun or artilleryman in ail of tin Pacific insular possessions the iKljmes Guam or the Hawaiian Isl- rntK Having failed to obtain action i tt last session officials of the Ar t try Corps hope the present incident ili Jiran may bring Congress to a r ar ration of the danger at the back t xr of the United States so to speak A tpcial bill covering these require rr ts is now Being prepared to to sicsa at an early date wlil likely T rrcontfd by Representative Hull 1 iiririn of the House Committee Defense who has had a number of rrrfereiiies with the War Department II al3 during the last few days Examined the Coast io report of the joint army and navy t irJ known a the Taft board on coast dfrnsr was made after long delibera t rr The board was composed of Sec- retary Taft president Lieutenant Gen rl Chaff ee retired Lieutenant Gen- eral Bates then Chief of Staff Rear Admiral Charles M Thomas Mal Gen J P Story retired MaJ Gen A W Grcij then Chief Signal Officer Brig General Croxler Chief of Ordnance- I rg lien A Mackenzie Chief of En S r MaJ Gen Samuel M Mills jotrva tliin Chief of Artillery and Rear Adirrul f S Sperry Tiio wrakeet point on the coast is the Puect Sound region The board eaU that it would require 6000000 to i E3r lrto its defense It recommended tho mounting of seven 14inch guns ITfts of entirely new caliber and the Vsgest guns ever mounted Guns sizo are needed it was held be- t aS8 of the broadness of the sound Backing Up Frisco To board recommended the strength- ening of the defenses at San the cost of 000000 and recommend c1 the expenditure of 1090000 on de frrso of the Columbia river These recommendations call for prac- t rally doubling the strength of the Trcacrit Pacific coast defenses The ar- tillery corps has only onethird enough ncn properly man the defenses as t cy are now which means that there jorc only onesixth enough artillerymen i tho coast at present to man such forts as are deemed necessary by the T ft board The artillery officials will urge upon Oorgress the right to increase the corps tram men as at present to 56000 Dud a still larger number would be nec to man all the forts recommend J for nIl the insular possession as T 11 as on the Gulf and Atlantic coasts Would Spend 25000000 The board recommended that I2SOOOCO- Ott appropriated by Congress for de f iee of the Philippines and other isl- ands in the Pacific and the Panama tana The artillery officials will also strongly the passage as early as possible bill for torpedo defenses which was T i rted by the Senate at the last see Snn Fully 5000 additional men would tt required to man these defenses iirprc scntatlve Kahn in his call upon N Taft urged the necessity of a rpcuo planter for the harbor of San Yai Isca so that torpedoes may be M sickly in cas of danger arc Pope said to be Georgetowns cMcst colored resident died on Thurs iln at his X 0 street Borth tfter an itlneos of several weeks- I rath was due to aliments incident to- M ij He wag etgkty three years of jr arid had redded in the End Tlie funeral will be held Monday iMwson Happen white twentyseven rs of age of White Plains Mont f iu TV County Maryland died sudden f about 8 oclock on anal dredging boat near the Chain- i on which he was employed iompteined of being ill about ifcTi minutes after he started i work- s iv told by his employer to lie vn About eX work i asn tried to arotfs nlof ftwind him Var J States- I Worklr r Tart 1 np- r rC oC- t was c 1 in f i o t i r tc d of- t IR Franol co- t t rgc ot- c planted GEORGETOWN NEWS cst West 1 h or age af- t n fn sttr a H a uE1J to- t Ar- t IL o 4 on- t tic 14 iOU try rEt L3 i hoses c e was seventea years < I url anti ¬ < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > < ¬ < > < If Japs Should Come San Francisco Is Puget Sound Is weaker Philippines at tholr mercy Therefore California wants Uncle Sftra To Increase const artillery from 14000 to 55900 To spend 3000000 at San Francisco mount worlds aaven larg- est guns at ontranco to sound To rush 5000 extra men for torpedo defenses To spend 26000000 making island possessions Impregnable CRITICALLY VIEW School Heads Absence Dur- ing Session Arouses Association Members of the Citizens Northwest Suburban Association are much exercis- ed over the absence from the city of Superintendent of Public Schools Chan cellor Their displeasure took the form of a resolution presented last night at their regular meeting in Tenleytown condemning the action of Superintendent Chancellor for making an Inspection tour of the colored schools of the South during the session of the Washington schools The resolution was supplemented by the suggestion that if Dr Chancellor would remain at home and con- scientiously discharge his duties to the public schools over which he presides he would commend himself more fav- orably to the fairminded citizens and gl 0 better assurance of his desire to discharge the duties required of his oilier Resolutions were also offered favoring the passage ot a bill which now be fore Congress for the election of two Representatives from the District and for the appointment of a committee to appear before the Appropriation Com- mittees of to advocate the passage of bills providing for nurove meats asked for in recommendations to Congress and the Commissioners Washington has heard Rosenthai and has fallen at his feet The pianist gave- a recital In Washington yesterday ater noon m the National Theater Rosenthal is1 unquestionably the great est piano technician in the world Yes- terdays audience was a large one but was not enthusiastic until the close of the program The flrst number was Beethovens great Sonata Opus lOW which was played with great depth The profound sentiment which he infused into the last movement left a deep hnprewion In the Chopin Sonata Opus ft which followed Mr Rosenthal really got down to his regulation brllHancs and aroused the musicians to real enthusi asmHis next great feat was the laying of the Chopin waltz In D IUt which in Itself is a simple enough little but played as did it was a gigantic accomplishment He played at a lightning tempo in thirds and In the simple melodious second part he interwove the running flrst p rt At the end he transformed the long run Into a chromatic in thirds which was like streak of lightning The same brilliant feats were accent plished with his own Humoreske and Fugato on Strauss themes when he worked himself into such tempos ard excitement that he appeared to have forty hands and two brains at work all together and at times played four themes at once His own composition Papillona Butterflies is a gem and played as he played it carried out its title to the letter Mr Rosenthals playing has tho addi tional charm of no mannerisms no af- fections and no apparent effort He simply gets down to work puts lila brains and lingers and his whole atten tion to the thing before him He hears nothing and sees nothing but the keys until his work is done and done as no one else could do it NEW YORK Dec has cut- off his wonderful moustache Charles Uenry Meltaer aya the tenor is going to sing a role that requires a smooth face No one can tell whether that Is the right answer or not and goes around looking moumteL They wouldnt know him at the monkey house nowadays GORKEYS PLAY BARRED BY PREFECT OF NAPLES NAPLES Dec 8 Maxim Gorkys lat- est play has been placed under the hen by the prefect of police on the ground that it is dangerous to order and Its production in Naples prohibited Gorky IS disgusted with the stand taken the prefect and will here im- mediately weak To I CHANCELLORS TRIP t ROSENTHAL PLAYS AND WINS TRIUMPH composi- tion Rosenthal a and CARUSO SMOOTH FACED MOURNS MOUSTACHE SCaruso Car lea e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ IN THE CIRCLE OF SOCIETY Senator and Wife Entertain Party of Friends Last Evening The President and Mrs Roosevelt last night attended a dinner party given y Senator and Mrs Lodge The Washington Club presented an attractive scone this afternoon at the debut tea at which Mrs Harrison How- ell Dodge presented her youngest daughter Miss Mary HXeanor Vernon Dodge The club was decorated in scarlet and white antI the table was banked in the center with red poinsetta Mrs Soaton Schroeder wife of Capt Soatou Schroed or USN presided at one end and at the other end of thin table to serve frappe was Sanger wife of Gen- eral Sanger U S A Mrs Dodge handsomely attired in a becoming toilette of silvery gray brocade effectively trimmed with gray chiffon and silver passementerie with yoke and sleeves of duchesac lace and the debutante was exceptionally pretty and girlish In a white radium silk gown trimmed with Irish point lace Assisting the debutante and her moth- er in receiving a number of the members of the younger sot of society and the buds of the season They were Miss Miriam Terry Cros- by Miss Deborah Hulaey Miss Gladys Mackay Smith of Philadelphia who came over for tho occasion Miss Caro- line Huff Mrs Fleming Newbold Mrs Hugh McLean Walker the married sis- ter of the debutante Miss Joanna Schroeder Miss Laura Wells Miss Frederica Morgan Miss Frances Golds borough Miss Carl Crawford Miss Marion Leutsse Miss Margaretta Sy mores Miss Evelyn Chew Miss Esther Denny Miss Katherine Jennings Miss Ruth Tanner Katherine Clabough and Miss Mary Bowell Dodge aunt of the debutante Mrs Albert Clifford Barney has re- turned to her home on Circle for the winter aftei a summer spent in the South Her many friends will be gratified to learn that her health is now entirely re stored and she ho es to take an active part in the seasons festivities In spite of her social Mrs Barney finds time to accomplish an immense amount of work in the field of phil anthropy and is never so MS when in charitable enterprises Both the Misses Barney are abroad winter Mrs Robert Hinckley has Issued cards fcr a luncheon to debutante on the 17th instant and will be the hostess of a tea on the afternoon of th ISt which will be in the nature of a hou imlng to which a large company been in- vited Bernard Green chief engineer or the for a months The homo of Mrs Reginald Fendall was the scene of an interesting gath ering Thursday evening the occasion being an of a new method Of culture Mrs M Landou Reed Refreshments were served Dr and Mrs Wallace Radcliffe will receive members and adherents of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church Monday evening from 8 until 11 oclock OFFICERS MOVEMENTS IN HOSPITAL SERVICE The United States and Marine Hospi- tal Service has announced the follow- ing list of changes of station and duties of commissioned and noncommissioned officers for the seven days ending S Surgeon A C Smith granted leave of absence for three days beginning De- cember 2 Passed Assistant Surgeon M J Rose nau detailed to represent the sonice at the meeting of the Society of American Bacteriologists to be held in New YorV city December 27S8 1 06 Passed Assistant Surgeon S B Grubbs granted one day extension leave of ab- sence December 3 1908 Passed Assistant Surgeon II B Parker ranted leave of absence for twelve days November 17 on account of sick- ness Passed Assistant Surgeon T B Mc Clintlc relieved from temporary duty on Revenue Cutter McCullough trout duty at the San Francisco Quarantine Station and directed to proceed to Ma- nila P I reporting to the quar antine officer for duty Passed Assistant Surgeon C W Wllle granted leave ot absence for two months beginning December 9 1906 Passed Assistant Surgeon George W McCoy leave of absence for two months beginning October 4 1905 amended so as to read for one month and twentythree days only Assistant Surgeon E M Stager grant ed leave of absence for three from November 24 on account ot sickness Assistant Surgeon Joseph Pettyjohn relieved from temporary duty on the Revenue Cutter Thetis and from duty at San Francisco Cal and directed to proceed to Manila r I reporting to the chief quarantine otUcer for duty Assistant Surgeon M C Guthrie tem- porarily relieved from duty at Kills Isl and Y find directed to proceed to Washington D C for temporary duty at the Government Hospital for the In- sane Acting Assistant Surgeon W Barnes granted leave of absence for twentyone viays beginning December 10 1905 Acting Assistant Surgeon E S Clark granted leave of obstnce for two dnys from November 21 Acting Assistant Surgeon B G Grib ble granted leave of absence for seven days under paragraph 210 of the regula- tions from November 26 1906 Pharmacist F S Goodman relieved from duty at Norfolk Va and directed to re port to the medical officer in command Cape Charles Quarantine Station for auty and assignment to quarters Pharmacist GJ C Allen leave of ab- sence granted for two months without pity from September 23 amended so that said leave shall terminate November 15 ISC Pharmacist E B Scott relieved from duty at Baltimore Md and directed to proceed to Norfolk Va reporting to the medical officer in command for assign- ment to duty Pharmacist L P Hall leave of all pence for seven days from November 21 amended to read for five lays only Pharmacist Carl Stlor grunted of absence for twentyseven beginning December 5 1SOO PRESIDENT DINES WITH THE LODGES Mrs was were 1 Sheridan tor- t Congressional Library ett on the De- cember from leave s Miss L Iu5 Is ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < the Full Cures a Cold inOne pay Crip in 2 Days on every ber 1 LaxatiVe b Itox 3S Name romo < Mrs Lawton and Mrs Lis cum Here First Time in Several Years Mrs John A Logan will entertain at on Tuesday afternoon December 11 The guests are asked to meet Mrs Law ton widow of General Lawton whose death in the Philippines Is still deeply deplored and Mrs Liscum widow of General whose death m Pekln- a few years ago was equally sad These Interesting and charming women are making their first visit to Washing- ton since they were thrown Into mourn- ing Mrs Logan has confined her list of guests to the army and naY circles Both Mrs Lawton and Mrs Liscum are house guests of Mrs Logan Mrs Raymond Patterson entertained informally at luncheon today Hor guests among whom was Mrs Fair- banks were asked to meet Mrs Daws wife of the former Comptroller of tho Currency who arrived In Washington yesterday with Mr Daws to be the guests of Mr Justice and Mrs Day Goneral and Mrs Date entertained dinner last evening Senator and Mrs ChauMeoy Dopew were hosts at a small dinner last even- ing Mr Justice and Mrs Harlan have cards out for a reception on December 3 from 4 to C to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary Mr and Mrs Henry Cleveland was hostess at last evening complimentary to Mrs Flora Louise and Capt Sydney Amos Clo man U S A whose marriage will take place December 18 Among the to meet this muck feted and entertained couple were Col and Mrs Hither Lieu- tenant Commander and Mrs Key Miss Risrgs Mr Jennings and Miss Jennings Mr and Mrs James Plnchot had a small company at dinner last evening The guests were M AnatOle la Bras of Paris Captain Fournler Mr and d Blanpre Mrs Joseph Hobson Mrs Wood worth of New York Mr and Mrs Gilbert Fahnestock also of New York and the son ot the house Gifford Pinchot the dinner hosts last evening the Colombian Minister and Mme Cortes who had as their guests the American minister to Colombia John Barrett the Minister from Ecuador and Mme Carbo the Minister from Bolivia and Mme Calderon the Minister from Peru Mr and Mrs Yanes of the Bu- reau of American Republics the charge daffaires from Chill Mr and Mme Guzman former Governor Francis and Mr and Mrs Izqulerdo An interesting luncheon of Thursday WHS that of the Charge dAffaires of Spain and Mme Pastor in honor of the American Minister to Spain and in this country Invited to meet were Gen and Mrs John Foster Miss Hagn r Senor Pulldo and the Hon James G Whlteley foreman of the Printing Omen bindery Harry F Ashlon was last night vindicates by the Bookbinders Union The action of the union in de- clining to sustain the charges brought against acting foreman Ashlon by book binder Alvin J Tanner was greeted with applause and after the vote which ac of his union oath he was warmly congratulated the men satisfaction at the result of the investigation of the charges The charges grew out of the action of the acting foreman in suspending Tanner last August on the charge of loafing In the Investigation of the charges preferred against Ashkm by Tanner the testimony taken made a record of fifty thousand words The meeting last night was held In Union Veterans Hall and it took fully three hours to deliver the arguments The prosecution was represented by Joseph McManus while Aahion was de- fended by Messrs McCarty and Hyde HE ASKS 25000 Mary B Klinehanse today sued the Capital Traction Company to recover J26COO as damages for alleged personal Injuries She explains to the court that March 12 last while alighting from a car of the defendant at and C streets southwest she was thrown through the rear door and out upon the platform and severely and permanently injured I Cox are named as counsel for the plaintiff TEA TO HOUSE GUESTS Li cum to at Irs Amon Secretary of the olomb1an legation Mrs them V ASH ION VINDICATED AT UNION MEETINGA- cting ing Tan- ner FROM GAR COMPANY = ItIRSI OGAS tea Per- kins the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Will Be Presented at Dinner Dance in Chevy Chase Club The last debutante of the wHIt Miss Helen Wilson daughter of William James Wilson will make her debut in a novel and delightful manner when her sister Miss Wilson will her at a charmingly arranged din- ner nee in the Chevy Chase Club Mr and Mrs W A Slater have sent out cards today for the debut recep- tion of their daughter Miss Eleanor Slater December 15 from 10 to 12 The Bannockburn Golf Club gave a military last evening In the home of MisS Sanger president of the organization 1220 Connecticut avenue The house was decorated with American flags gracefully arranged around the walls About eighty members of the club and Invited guesta were present Fort Moultrie captured the largest num- ber of pennants th prise winners be- ing Miss Julia Xilard Miss Cecilia Ni land and H G Porter and Daton S- Ward The club has frequent gatherings of a social nature its object being to en- courage sociability as well as love of outdoor exorcise among Its members The links are right near Chevy Chase Circle Miss Middlekauff is treasurer arid Dr John R De Farges secretary of the organization Interest Is being taken ac usual In the gentlemens sale which will open on Monday in the Scottish Rites G street at 30 oclock A luncheon will be served dally from 12 to I oclock prices IS and SI cents and tea will be served at S oclock Admis- sion will ba free and there will be every kind of useful article for sale Mrs Joseph Abel and son Itave re- turned to the city after visiting rela- tives In PUtsburg Pa Miss Joannotto Cohen and Miss Lillian Cohen have returned to the city after a visit to Miss Hotly Abrams at the National Farm School near Philadel- phia N Meyer accompanied by his granddaughter Miss Ernestine Stern are the truest for a week or ten days of Mr and Mm Ned Meyer of New York city Samuel Strauss ha returned to Brook- lyn N Y after a short visit with friends here Mrs S DIrmfeid has returned from a to her stet In New York city Wednesdays at the Nolando 141X T street Sydney Hess has returned to the city after a few days stay in HAVE JOLLY FEAST Rarely in Its history has the Society- of Oldest Inhabitants had a jollier time than last night when the thirtyfourth annual banquet was held The enter- tainment took place in Freunds 815 Tenth street northwest and front the time the first course made its appear ance until tho coffee was served nearly a hundred members of the society join- ed in happy reminiscences and the slag tag of patriotic songs the President chant- ing tho praise of the United States and an atmosphere of cheer and on the whole world made up the program and a merrier group of men young or old would have been hard to find Dr Starr Was Star President Allison Nallor presided and ected as toastmaster The moat dis- tinguished guest was Dr William M Starr who is ninetyeight years old and who was the first to lead the cheering the fir t to get up on his feet in re- sponse to a toast and the first to break into song when a song was called for The banquet b3gan at Stt oclock and In order uot to prolong the entertain- ment speeches were made between courses The Hon H B F Macfarland president of the Board of District Com- missioners was the principal speaker of the evening and said that although he was probably one of the youngest In years present he felt sure that the r al young man of The gathering was Dr Starr The Hon Frank Hackett former as- sistant Secretary of the Navy was an other speake and responded to the toast Our Army and Mr Hackett said a lot of complimentary things about both tranches of the ser viceThe ether toasts were as follows The Press Thomas C Noyes Our Police Major Richard Sylvester and Our Association John P McCarthy During the evening President Nailor read letters of regret from Lieut Gen Nelson A Miles Admiral Schley Gen L and Commissioner John Blddle DEBUT TONIGHT I OF MISS WILSON I pre- sent euchre S I visit and be at home this month on Norfolk Va INHABITANTS I John N Co ttenr r West to- night will durin hap- piness Wilson ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Trade Mark A Sound Tooth- Is of More Value Than a Diamond 1 Dr Bells SCIENTIFIC Tooth Powder Will Cleanse Beautify and Strengthen tile Teeth Preventing- the GUIIlS from Receding and Bleeding and the Teeth from becoming Loose Will Preserve the Gums and Teeth in Firm Healthy and Sanitary Condition 25CI- I i u t1 I i I Dr Bells Mouth Elixir is a highly fra- grant R ing nothing It POB- 4tively Tightens Luo Teeth II e Mouth- Wash 25cTwosheISOc ¬ This Powder represents years of study and research by DR VICTOR C BELL the Authority on Teeth Lecturer on Hygiene of the Mouth Author of the works on The Care of the Teeth used by the various Boards of Education as text books in schools and colleges throucbout the country American Dentifrice Co Now York AD DDS 80t1 ETerywber Avoid Imitations None Genuine with outour Trademark The Belie on the Bell f t w AWiTtliOB1IL- U k NUS1 AN1 6OLP That there is an extensive field in for- eign countries for the sale of all types of ears but mostly for commercial uses is attested by the following extracts train the daily consular and trade re- ports Consul Goneral D F AVllber writing from Singapore states that there are a number of automobile agencies in the metropolis of the Straits Settlements alt of which are foreign houses pushing the sale of motor cars manufaotured in their own countries the only American machine having an agency there being the Oldsmobile Mr Wilber continues We have two other American firms who might be Induced to take the agency of motor cars for pleasure pas- senger and freight purposes I think- it would be practically useless to form connection with foreign houses as they will not American when having agencies of those manufactured In their own country An American mechanical engineer here furnishes me with the following information- As to condition in Singapore the Straits Settlements Federated Malay States and the islands of Sumatra Java and Borneo the motor car trade Is yet in Infancy In Singapore there are at present about sixty passenger machines and some fifteen to twenty freightcarrying lorries There are but two cars on the market here The balance are entirely Rngllsh and French in manufacture This is ap parently a fault of American manufac- turers because their deliveries are so uncertain while with European com etitors they are most prompt a cable followed by shipment by the first boat out Then again freight rates are too high from the manufacturers Impossibility to enter the market until something has been done to lower rates In the city and the cars are all owned doctors professional and some few motor and the interest in motor trade grows daily The field practically for many years It has as yet been thoroughly gone over nor have the ma- jority of the right people been ap- proached for the sale of motor cars The demand for motor cars Is Increas- ing and aside from Singapore It is growing extensively in the Federated Malay States and in Sumatra and the other islands In this vicinity The Chi- nese and nattves take to motoring kindly their chief interest being cen- tered in the decorations and color of ability or workmanship ef the engine Of course It is needless to comment upon the tastes of Europeans there of the English and French to drive nothing but their own manufao The worst difficulty in this part of the globe is th constant heat which by the way the writer can vouch is in no way more oppressive than the beat summer Tub causes constant tire troubles and white the majority of cars are equipped with pneumatic tires they are now putting on clincher tires the risk of to the engine and car In preference to constant of new On this automobile question an house has prepared l r me the fol- lowing statement Among the rich Chinese who have taken to automobiles- one at Kuala Dumpur four French cars There is hardly room for great extension of for pleasure purposes in Singapore for the island is mall and there are no opportunities for making runs The roads are practically all over the island but mo rather monotonous in a limit of or forty miles There Is a field tom automobiles for freight These have been op In the could be used more generally in Singapore One firm has four of motors in use in Sin- gapore for delivering goods in cases and it is only a question of a very time other concerns will suit Once the foreign makers are apt to be outstripped Even now they seem to be lagging in respect to the shaft drive and sixcylinder models Even England is ahead of respect to the latter The Na have discarded all else for the sixcylinder but the French makers have not success with them It is even said that the Panhard six Is forward only tentatively Those who are the active guiding spirits of the American Automobile As sedation are girding themselves for an aggressive campaign in 1907 The or NEW YORK APPLES 200 bbl Choice Potatoes 20c pck 6c bu Yellow Onions 25c pk 74o bu J T D PYLES STORES Including 948 La Ave Delicious Sausages assured you order this com panys famous products of the tianet and choicest 3ir t supervision of U S Government In- spectors id Ask yonr dealer for those sausages N AXJTH PROVISION CO 62529 Street S W All Markets I Printing as Ordered When Ordered I Phone Main GLOBE PRINTING CO j Printers Engravers Bookbinders 1 14th antI 33 Streets N W f I ts being sent rush telivery usually standpoInt and It Is practically an rot being the bOdy ot the ear rather than In the I being sort nAtionAl pride on the turnl care In York and Chicago In the early Amer- Ican I Ion lrtyftve and sort o rae Fro mel put 20c pek Malt D i t T I 4811- i i 1 i lJ veil a Of New tak- Ing purchas- Ing owns orated wary successfully Feder- ated Malay States tel are when the 1 i I se ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + gantzatfon Is really in a con- dition and new ef activity are be in planned which are booed to mako it the strongest automobile body in Calling a new device a freak and prophesying its failure I a mighty per- ilous but several novdttes in at UH show of the Automobile provoked ex- perts to remark Thats wont do Sometimes things freaks standards but few venturesome enough nowadays to buy a radical departure In the automobile and the row of innovator U a bard one to hoe unleee it happens that the prestige of a big and reputable flrnt is innovation a matter of candid fact the at the found considerable junk an stuff among the new comer Col George Pope who la chairman of the show committee of the iModnfimi of Licensed Automobile Manufacturers- and owns an unknown number of motor cars rides a bicycle every day that U clear Foreigners Tricky While the Europeans are pretty free at talking about the automobile not bands at passing the lemon This Ones discovered when they inspect- ed the 1M7 models of imported oars at the Automobile Club show In New York It is a deal to ask them to Imvo 1907 in before he show but it not to here at least in name One way for buyers to protect themselves from this sort of thing Is to b familiar with the changes in design another keep track and know how high are the current factory numerals The real 1W7 models of foreign cars are shipped alter the Paris in time for regular Madison Square show in January as they will This year has witnessed a surprising number of new firms entering the mobile industry Some are well backed financially and will no doubt make first elass cars but of a new automobile factory Is a ctous creature To others the stan query where do you get off would seem o be immediately appropriate They would be hard put to it if was made upon to show the fac- tory the Queer but true that to protect them selves the Stanley steamer are buying back their own patents frem the Company Detroit Hustling Detroit manufacturers who wttl ex- hibit at the New York aatomoMte show to be held in Madison Square Garden n January are preparing to spread themselves in the presentation of cars of luxurious appointment Detroit so quickly grown to be the moot im- portant automobile manufacturing eu tel of the United States that its auto mobile producers probablY are intent on making it synonomous with motor- car quality Headed by the Packard the Detroit representation of limousines and highpower runabouts as well aa standard touring cars will bo In some instances however the cars will not be surprises as for ex- ample in the case of the Packard which has already made Its debut The Packard Motor Car Company began de- livering its new model about tne 1st of and is now well along with the production and delivery of its en- tire output for the season The entire tOO cars will be in on the road by the 1st of July word Indulge debt cane the low goo Yank fog Set fat Par to bee Gel edo v a 1 the bind Loc mobtle ban Impres- sive use lines the be- come seem line the wise year ant ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Give Something Thats UsefulH- ere are a few GIrt SugeatioitB TB t article listed Is reasonably priced and Icily Tool Chests Empty Tool Cheats Tool Cbesto J Kilted with tools 2po Stag Handle Carving 8U HW Spc Handle Carving S U fi50 case Six White Handle Table Kntv e JUT8 Pocket Knives guaranteed tSc He and Jt The Celebrated QtlUXto Sueiy Razors C Guaranteed Razors Si JOHN B ESPEY Hardware 1010 Pa Ave I guaranteed to to 0 mutt Stag lie a US I n nIce I > < Trade Mark If youro font of Oysters youll nronouaco the oysters yon better than any you Lave ever tasted All oysters shucked with the patent Sanitary Oyster Knife Served raw steamed or cooked- in the way you like them beat SANITARY OYSTER HOUSE 1 22 FcBnaylvaui Aventu Edward O CoKsrd Prop Phone fl 21 4 m i- Tbe famous HOOIVIAfCER PENN RYE Ten yew ole 125 Order by phone 15he Shoemaker Co Established 1858X- XXI B lit 5f W rbona Main UillS I f here I II t 1 I I <

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Is Possible Prepare-Is Cry From the



Special Bill Covering Situations Needs Will Go to

Congress at Once

Eresemen from California are apptraLns to the War Department and torcr fellow legislators from otherr tlr defense of San Francisco and inrr l the Pacific Coast against attack-

ir of possible hostilities with JapanIt h s developed that the General Staff

11 secretly on aI

oompreheniiive-I of Improved defense with the result

tLat Congress will be strongly urged atv i early date to take favorable actiont r en the report of the board onccit defense which wee submittedi o President last March

Stafi Mapping Campaign

fs rtcommendation will be par-t u irly pushed by officials of the

Corps backed up by both thefccrcur of War and the President

IIe Hi General Staff in the meanTIIC termined not to be caught

s quietly mapping out a plan oC

c nraigri-TlJi tines not necessarily mean that

Jto War Department officials actuallyt t trouble It is simply in line witht c villknown policy ot the Generalt ft to in time of peace prepare forv i It was on this policy that addlt Tial troops were sent to the PhilippinesJ viritfr and military officers secretlyt t to Thina to be prepared in ease

possible uprising it the carryingci tnia policy that made the


rTd to land quickly In Cuba whent i Sorretary ot War called for troopet rlnns having been secretly workedi r x weeks before Secretary Taftr rteil for Havana

Philippines Undefendedprincipal worry of the officials

1 njw is the total lack ol defense ofPhilippines and the easiness with

vl1 ci an army could be landed by a forr ile rjwer those Island There

i at a mounted gun or artilleryman inail of tin Pacific insular possessions the

iKljmes Guam or the Hawaiian Isl-

rntK Having failed to obtain actioni t t last session officials of the Art try Corps hope the present incident

ili Jiran may bring Congress to ar ar ration of the danger at the backt xr of the United States so to speakA tpcial bill covering these requirerr ts is now Being prepared to to

sicsa at an early date wlil likelyT rrcontfd by Representative Hull1 iiririn of the House Committee

Defense who has had a number ofrrrfereiiies with the War Department

II al3 during the last few daysExamined the Coast

io report of the joint army and navyt irJ known a the Taft board on coastdfrnsr was made after long deliberat rr The board was composed of Sec-retary Taft president Lieutenant Gen

r l Chaff ee retired Lieutenant Gen-

eral Bates then Chief of Staff RearAdmiral Charles M Thomas Mal GenJ P Story retired MaJ Gen A WGrcij then Chief Signal Officer Brig

General Croxler Chief of Ordnance-I rg lien A Mackenzie Chief of EnS r MaJ Gen Samuel M Millsjotrva tliin Chief of Artillery and RearAdirrul f S Sperry

Tiio wrakeet point on the coast is thePuect Sound region The board eaU

that it would require 6000000 toi E3r lrto its defense It recommendedtho mounting of seven 14inch gunsITfts of entirely new caliber and theVsgest guns ever mounted Guns

sizo are needed it was held be-t aS8 of the broadness of the sound

Backing Up FriscoTo board recommended the strength-

ening of the defenses at Santhe cost of 000000 and recommend

c1 the expenditure of 1090000 on defrrso of the Columbia river

These recommendations call for prac-t rally doubling the strength of theTrcacrit Pacific coast defenses The ar-tillery corps has only onethird enoughncn properly man the defenses ast cy are now which means that therejorc only onesixth enough artillerymeni tho coast at present to man such

forts as are deemed necessary by theT ft board

The artillery officials will urge uponOorgress the right to increase the corpstram men as at present to 56000Dud a still larger number would be nec

to man all the forts recommendJ for nIl the insular possession as

T 11 as on the Gulf and Atlantic coastsWould Spend 25000000

The board recommended that I2SOOOCO-Ott appropriated by Congress for def iee of the Philippines and other isl-

ands in the Pacific and the Panamatana

The artillery officials will also stronglythe passage as early as possible

bill for torpedo defenses which wasT i rted by the Senate at the last seeSnn Fully 5000 additional men wouldtt required to man these defensesiirprc scntatlve Kahn in his call uponN Taft urged the necessity of a

rpcuo planter for the harbor of SanYai Isca so that torpedoes may be

M sickly in cas of danger

arc Pope said to be GeorgetownscMcst colored resident died on Thursiln at his X 0 street Borth

tfter an itlneos of several weeks-I rath was due to aliments incident to-

M ij He wag etgkty three years ofjr arid had redded in the End

Tlie funeral will be held Monday

iMwson Happen white twentysevenrs of age of White Plains Mont

f iu TV County Maryland died suddenf about 8 oclock onanal dredging boat near the Chain-

i on which he was employediompteined of being ill about

ifcTi minutes after he startedi

work-siv told by his employer to lie

vn About eX worki asn tried to arotfs nlof ftwind him










t was








r tc d

of-t IR



rgc ot-





West1 h or age

af-t n fn

sttr a











14 iOU


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c e was seventea years


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IfJaps Should Come

San Francisco IsPuget Sound Is weakerPhilippines at tholr mercy

ThereforeCalifornia wants Uncle SftraTo Increase const artillery

from 14000 to 55900To spend 3000000 at San

Franciscomount worlds aaven larg-

est guns at ontranco to soundTo rush 5000 extra men for

torpedo defensesTo spend 26000000 making

island possessions Impregnable


School Heads Absence Dur-

ing Session ArousesAssociation

Members of the Citizens NorthwestSuburban Association are much exercis-ed over the absence from the city ofSuperintendent of Public Schools Chancellor Their displeasure took the formof a resolution presented last night attheir regular meeting in Tenleytowncondemning the action of SuperintendentChancellor for making an Inspectiontour of the colored schools of the Southduring the session of the Washingtonschools

The resolution was supplemented bythe suggestion that if Dr Chancellorwould remain at home and con-scientiously discharge his duties to thepublic schools over which he presideshe would commend himself more fav-orably to the fairminded citizens andgl 0 better assurance of his desire todischarge the duties required of hisoilier

Resolutions were also offered favoringthe passage ot a bill which now before Congress for the election of twoRepresentatives from the District andfor the appointment of a committee toappear before the Appropriation Com-mittees of to advocate thepassage of bills providing for nurovemeats asked for in recommendations toCongress and the Commissioners

Washington has heard Rosenthai andhas fallen at his feet The pianist gave-a recital In Washington yesterday aternoon m the National Theater

Rosenthal is1 unquestionably the greatest piano technician in the world Yes-terdays audience was a large one butwas not enthusiastic until the close ofthe program

The flrst number was Beethovensgreat Sonata Opus lOW which wasplayed with great depth The profoundsentiment which he infused into thelast movement left a deep hnprewionIn the Chopin Sonata Opus ft whichfollowed Mr Rosenthal really gotdown to his regulation brllHancs andaroused the musicians to real enthusiasmHis next great feat was the layingof the Chopin waltz In D IUt which inItself is a simple enough little

but played as did itwas a gigantic accomplishment Heplayed at a lightning tempo in thirdsand In the simple melodious second parthe interwove the running flrst p rt Atthe end he transformed the long runInto a chromatic in thirds which waslike streak of lightning

The same brilliant feats were accentplished with his own Humoreske andFugato on Strauss themes when heworked himself into such tempos ardexcitement that he appeared to haveforty hands and two brains at work alltogether and at times played fourthemes at once His own composition

Papillona Butterflies is a gem andplayed as he played it carried out itstitle to the letter

Mr Rosenthals playing has tho additional charm of no mannerisms no af-fections and no apparent effort Hesimply gets down to work puts lilabrains and lingers and his whole attention to the thing before him He hearsnothing and sees nothing but the keysuntil his work is done and done as noone else could do it

NEW YORK Dec has cut-off his wonderful moustache

Charles Uenry Meltaer aya the tenoris going to sing a role that requires asmooth face

No one can tell whether that Is theright answer or not and goesaround looking moumteL

They wouldnt know him at themonkey house nowadays


NAPLES Dec 8 Maxim Gorkys lat-est play has been placed under the henby the prefect of police on the groundthat it is dangerous to order andIts production in Naples prohibitedGorky IS disgusted with the stand taken

the prefect and will here im-mediately








composi-tion Rosenthal







lea e

















Senator and Wife EntertainParty of Friends Last


The President and Mrs Roosevelt lastnight attended a dinner party given ySenator and Mrs Lodge

The Washington Club presented anattractive scone this afternoon at thedebut tea at which Mrs Harrison How-ell Dodge presented her youngestdaughter Miss Mary HXeanor VernonDodge

The club was decorated in scarlet andwhite antI the table was banked in thecenter with red poinsetta Mrs SoatonSchroeder wife of Capt Soatou Schroedor USN presided at one end and atthe other end of thin table to servefrappe was Sanger wife of Gen-

eral Sanger U S AMrs Dodge handsomely attired

in a becoming toilette of silvery graybrocade effectively trimmed with graychiffon and silver passementerie withyoke and sleeves of duchesac lace andthe debutante was exceptionally prettyand girlish In a white radium silk gowntrimmed with Irish point lace

Assisting the debutante and her moth-er in receiving a number of themembers of the younger sot of societyand the buds of the season

They were Miss Miriam Terry Cros-by Miss Deborah Hulaey Miss GladysMackay Smith of Philadelphia whocame over for tho occasion Miss Caro-line Huff Mrs Fleming Newbold MrsHugh McLean Walker the married sis-

ter of the debutante Miss JoannaSchroeder Miss Laura Wells MissFrederica Morgan Miss Frances Goldsborough Miss Carl Crawford MissMarion Leutsse Miss Margaretta Symores Miss Evelyn Chew Miss EstherDenny Miss Katherine Jennings MissRuth Tanner Katherine Claboughand Miss Mary Bowell Dodge aunt ofthe debutante

Mrs Albert Clifford Barney has re-

turned to her home on Circlefor the winter aftei a summer spent inthe South

Her many friends will be gratified tolearn that her health is now entirely restored and she ho es to take an activepart in the seasons festivities In spiteof her social Mrs Barneyfinds time to accomplish an immenseamount of work in the field of philanthropy and is never so MS

when in charitable enterprisesBoth the Misses Barney are abroad

winterMrs Robert Hinckley has Issued cards

fcr a luncheon to debutante on the 17thinstant and will be the hostess of a teaon the afternoon of th ISt which willbe in the nature of a hou imlng towhich a large company been in-


Bernard Green chief engineer or the

for a monthsThe homo of Mrs Reginald Fendall

was the scene of an interesting gathering Thursday evening the occasionbeing an of a new methodOf culture Mrs M LandouReed Refreshments were served

Dr and Mrs Wallace Radcliffe willreceive members and adherents ofthe New York Avenue PresbyterianChurch Monday evening from 8 until 11




The United States and Marine Hospi-tal Service has announced the follow-ing list of changes of station and dutiesof commissioned and noncommissionedofficers for the seven days ending

SSurgeon A C Smith granted leave of

absence for three days beginning De-

cember 2Passed Assistant Surgeon M J Rose

nau detailed to represent the sonice atthe meeting of the Society of AmericanBacteriologists to be held in New YorVcity December 27S8 1 06

Passed Assistant Surgeon S B Grubbsgranted one day extension leave of ab-

sence December 3 1908Passed Assistant Surgeon II B Parkerranted leave of absence for twelve days

November 17 on account of sick-ness

Passed Assistant Surgeon T B McClintlc relieved from temporary duty onRevenue Cutter McCullough troutduty at the San Francisco QuarantineStation and directed to proceed to Ma-nila P I reporting to the quarantine officer for duty

Passed Assistant Surgeon C W Wlllegranted leave ot absence for two monthsbeginning December 9 1906

Passed Assistant Surgeon George WMcCoy leave of absence for two monthsbeginning October 4 1905 amended so asto read for one month and twentythreedays only

Assistant Surgeon E M Stager granted leave of absence for three fromNovember 24 on account ot sickness

Assistant Surgeon Joseph Pettyjohnrelieved from temporary duty on theRevenue Cutter Thetis and from dutyat San Francisco Cal and directed toproceed to Manila r I reporting to thechief quarantine otUcer for duty

Assistant Surgeon M C Guthrie tem-porarily relieved from duty at Kills Island Y find directed to proceed toWashington D C for temporary dutyat the Government Hospital for the In-sane

Acting Assistant Surgeon W Barnesgranted leave of absence for twentyoneviays beginning December 10 1905

Acting Assistant Surgeon E S Clarkgranted leave of obstnce for two dnysfrom November 21

Acting Assistant Surgeon B G Gribble granted leave of absence for sevendays under paragraph 210 of the regula-tions from November 26 1906

Pharmacist F S Goodman relieved fromduty at Norfolk Va and directed to report to the medical officer in commandCape Charles Quarantine Station forauty and assignment to quarters

Pharmacist GJ C Allen leave of ab-sence granted for two months withoutpity from September 23 amended so thatsaid leave shall terminate November 15ISC

Pharmacist E B Scott relieved fromduty at Baltimore Md and directed toproceed to Norfolk Va reporting to themedical officer in command for assign-ment to duty

Pharmacist L P Hall leave of allpence for seven days from November 21amended to read for five lays only

Pharmacist Carl Stlor grunted ofabsence for twentyseven beginningDecember 5 1SOO









Congressional Library ett on


































the Full

Cures a Cold inOne pay Crip in 2 Dayson every

ber 1

LaxatiVe bItox 3S

Nameromo <

Mrs Lawton and Mrs Liscum Here First Time in

Several Years

Mrs John A Logan will entertain aton Tuesday afternoon December 11

The guests are asked to meet Mrs Lawton widow of General Lawton whosedeath in the Philippines Is still deeplydeplored and Mrs Liscum widow ofGeneral whose death m Pekln-a few years ago was equally sad These

Interesting and charming womenare making their first visit to Washing-ton since they were thrown Into mourn-ing Mrs Logan has confined her listof guests to the army and naY circles

Both Mrs Lawton and Mrs Liscumare house guests of Mrs Logan

Mrs Raymond Patterson entertainedinformally at luncheon today Horguests among whom was Mrs Fair-banks were asked to meet Mrs Dawswife of the former Comptroller of thoCurrency who arrived In Washingtonyesterday with Mr Daws to be theguests of Mr Justice and Mrs Day

Goneral and Mrs Date entertaineddinner last evening

Senator and Mrs ChauMeoy Dopewwere hosts at a small dinner last even-ing

Mr Justice and Mrs Harlan havecards out for a reception on December3 from 4 to C to celebrate their goldenwedding anniversary

Mr and Mrs Henry Clevelandwas hostess at last evening

complimentary to Mrs Flora Louiseand Capt Sydney Amos Clo

man U S A whose marriage will takeplace December 18 Among theto meet this muck feted and entertainedcouple were Col and Mrs Hither Lieu-tenant Commander and Mrs Key MissRisrgs Mr Jennings and Miss Jennings

Mr and Mrs James Plnchot had asmall company at dinner last eveningThe guests were M AnatOle la Bras ofParis Captain Fournler Mr andd Blanpre Mrs Joseph Hobson MrsWood worth of New York Mr and MrsGilbert Fahnestock also of New Yorkand the son ot the house GiffordPinchot

the dinner hosts last eveningthe Colombian Minister and MmeCortes who had as their guests theAmerican minister to Colombia JohnBarrett the Minister from Ecuador andMme Carbo the Minister from Boliviaand Mme Calderon the Minister fromPeru Mr and Mrs Yanes of the Bu-reau of American Republics the chargedaffaires from Chill Mr

and Mme Guzman former GovernorFrancis and Mr and Mrs Izqulerdo

An interesting luncheon of ThursdayWHS that of the Charge dAffaires ofSpain and Mme Pastor in honor of theAmerican Minister to Spain and

in this country Invited tomeet were Gen and Mrs JohnFoster Miss Hagn r Senor Pulldo andthe Hon James G Whlteley

foreman of the Printing Omenbindery Harry F Ashlon was lastnight vindicates by the BookbindersUnion The action of the union in de-

clining to sustain the charges broughtagainst acting foreman Ashlon by bookbinder Alvin J Tanner was greeted withapplause and after the vote which ac

of his unionoath he was warmly congratulatedthe men satisfaction at theresult of the investigation of the

chargesThe charges grew out of the action

of the acting foreman in suspendingTanner last August on the charge ofloafing

In the Investigation of the chargespreferred against Ashkm by Tanner thetestimony taken made a record of fiftythousand words

The meeting last night was held InUnion Veterans Hall and it took fullythree hours to deliver the argumentsThe prosecution was represented byJoseph McManus while Aahion was de-fended by Messrs McCarty and Hyde

HE ASKS 25000

Mary B Klinehanse today sued theCapital Traction Company to recoverJ26COO as damages for alleged personalInjuries She explains to the court thatMarch 12 last while alighting from acar of the defendant at and Cstreets southwest she was thrownthrough the rear door and out upon theplatform and severely and permanentlyinjured I Cox arenamed as counsel for the plaintiff








Secretary of the olomb1an legation


them V























Will Be Presented at DinnerDance in Chevy Chase


The last debutante of the wHIt MissHelen Wilson daughter of WilliamJames Wilson will make her debut

in a novel and delightful mannerwhen her sister Miss Wilson will

her at a charmingly arranged din-ner nee in the Chevy Chase Club

Mr and Mrs W A Slater have sentout cards today for the debut recep-tion of their daughter Miss EleanorSlater December 15 from 10 to 12

The Bannockburn Golf Club gave amilitary last evening In thehome of MisS Sanger president of theorganization 1220 Connecticut avenueThe house was decorated with Americanflags gracefully arranged around thewalls About eighty members of theclub and Invited guesta were presentFort Moultrie captured the largest num-ber of pennants th prise winners be-ing Miss Julia Xilard Miss Cecilia Niland and H G Porter and Daton S-

WardThe club has frequent gatherings of a

social nature its object being to en-courage sociability as well as love ofoutdoor exorcise among Its membersThe links are right near Chevy ChaseCircle Miss Middlekauff is treasurerarid Dr John R De Farges secretary ofthe organization

Interest Is being taken ac usual Inthe gentlemens sale which will openon Monday in the Scottish Rites

G street at 30 oclock Aluncheon will be served dally from 12to I oclock prices IS and SI cents andtea will be served at S oclock Admis-sion will ba free and there will beevery kind of useful article for sale

Mrs Joseph Abel and son Itave re-turned to the city after visiting rela-tives In PUtsburg Pa

Miss Joannotto Cohen and Miss LillianCohen have returned to the city aftera visit to Miss Hotly Abrams at theNational Farm School near Philadel-phia

N Meyer accompanied by hisgranddaughter Miss Ernestine Sternare the truest for a week or ten daysof Mr and Mm Ned Meyer of NewYork city

Samuel Strauss ha returned to Brook-lyn N Y after a short visit withfriends here

Mrs S DIrmfeid has returned from ato her stet In New York city

Wednesdays at the Nolando 141X Tstreet

Sydney Hess has returned to the cityafter a few days stay in


Rarely in Its history has the Society-of Oldest Inhabitants had a jollier timethan last night when the thirtyfourthannual banquet was held The enter-tainment took place in Freunds 815

Tenth street northwest and front thetime the first course made its appearance until tho coffee was served nearlya hundred members of the society join-ed in happy reminiscences and the slagtag of patriotic songs

the President chant-ing tho praise of the United States and

an atmosphere of cheer andon the whole world made up the

program and a merrier group of menyoung or old would have been hard tofind

Dr Starr Was StarPresident Allison Nallor presided and

ected as toastmaster The moat dis-tinguished guest was Dr William MStarr who is ninetyeight years old andwho was the first to lead the cheeringthe fir t to get up on his feet in re-sponse to a toast and the first to breakinto song when a song was called for

The banquet b3gan at Stt oclock andIn order uot to prolong the entertain-ment speeches were made betweencourses The Hon H B F Macfarlandpresident of the Board of District Com-missioners was the principal speaker ofthe evening and said that although hewas probably one of the youngest Inyears present he felt sure that the r alyoung man of The gathering was DrStarr

The Hon Frank Hackett former as-sistant Secretary of the Navy was another speake and responded to thetoast Our Army and MrHackett said a lot of complimentarythings about both tranches of the serviceThe ether toasts were as follows

The Press Thomas C Noyes OurPolice Major Richard Sylvester and

Our Association John P McCarthyDuring the evening President Nailorread letters of regret from Lieut GenNelson A Miles Admiral Schley Gen

L and Commissioner John Blddle








visit andbe at home this month on

Norfolk Va



John N Co ttenr r




will durin
























Trade Mark

A Sound Tooth-Is of More Value Than a Diamond 1


Tooth PowderWill Cleanse Beautify and Strengthen tile Teeth Preventing-the GUIIlS from Receding and Bleeding and the Teeth frombecoming Loose Will Preserve the Gums and Teeth in FirmHealthy and Sanitary Condition






I i


Dr BellsMouth Elixir

is a highly fra-grant R ingnothing

It POB-4tively TightensLuo Teeth

II eMouth-




This Powder represents years of studyand research by

DR VICTOR C BELLthe Authority on Teeth

Lecturer on Hygiene of the MouthAuthor of the works on The Care ofthe Teeth used by the various Boardsof Education as text books in schools andcolleges throucbout the country

American Dentifrice CoNow York


80t1 ETerywber


None Genuine withoutour Trademark

TheBelieon theBell





That there is an extensive field in for-eign countries for the sale of all typesof ears but mostly for commercial usesis attested by the following extractstrain the daily consular and trade re-ports

Consul Goneral D F AVllber writingfrom Singapore states that there are anumber of automobile agencies in themetropolis of the Straits Settlementsalt of which are foreign houses pushingthe sale of motor cars manufaotured intheir own countries the only Americanmachine having an agency there beingthe Oldsmobile Mr Wilber continues

We have two other American firmswho might be Induced to take theagency of motor cars for pleasure pas-senger and freight purposes I think-it would be practically useless to formconnection with foreign houses as theywill not American whenhaving agencies of those manufacturedIn their own country An Americanmechanical engineer here furnishes mewith the following information-

As to condition in Singapore theStraits Settlements Federated MalayStates and the islands of SumatraJava and Borneo the motor car tradeIs yet in Infancy In Singapore thereare at present about sixty passengermachines and some fifteen to twentyfreightcarrying lorries There are buttwo cars on the markethere The balance are entirely Rngllshand French in manufacture This is apparently a fault of American manufac-turers because their deliveries are souncertain while with European com

etitors they are most prompt a cable

followed by shipment by the first boatout Then again freight rates aretoo high from the manufacturers

Impossibility to enter the marketuntil something has been done to lowerrates

In the city and the cars areall owned doctors professionaland some few motor andthe interest in motor trade grows dailyThe field practicallyfor many years It has as yet beenthoroughly gone over nor have the ma-jority of the right people been ap-

proached for the sale of motor cars

The demand for motor cars Is Increas-ing and aside from Singapore It isgrowing extensively in the FederatedMalay States and in Sumatra and theother islands In this vicinity The Chi-

nese and nattves take to motoringkindly their chief interest being cen-

tered in the decorations and color of

ability or workmanship ef the engineOf course It is needless to commentupon the tastes of Europeans there

of the English and French todrive nothing but their own manufao

The worst difficulty in this part ofthe globe is th constant heat whichby the way the writer can vouch is inno way more oppressive than the beat

summer Tub causes constant tiretroubles and white the majority of carsare equipped with pneumatic tires theyare now putting on clincher tires

the risk of to the engine andcar In preference to constant

of new

On this automobile question anhouse has prepared l r me the fol-

lowing statement Among the richChinese who have taken to automobiles-one at Kuala Dumpur four Frenchcars There is hardly room for greatextension of for pleasurepurposes in Singapore for the island ismall and there are no opportunities for

making runs The roads arepractically all over the island but mo

rather monotonous in alimit of or forty miles

There Is a field tom automobiles forfreight These have been op

In thecould be used

more generally in Singapore One firmhas four of motors in use in Sin-gapore for delivering goods in casesand it is only a question of a verytime other concerns willsuit

Once the foreign makers areapt to be outstripped Evennow they seem to be lagging in respectto the shaft drive and sixcylindermodels Even England is ahead of

respect to the latter The Nahave discarded all else for

the sixcylinder but the Frenchmakers have not success withthem It is even said that the Panhardsix Is forward only tentatively

Those who are the active guidingspirits of the American Automobile Assedation are girding themselves for anaggressive campaign in 1907 The or


Choice Potatoes 20c pck 6c buYellow Onions 25c pk 74o bu

J T D PYLES STORESIncluding 948 La Ave

Delicious Sausagesassured you order this companys famous products of thetianet and choicest

3ir t supervision of U S Government In-spectors

id Ask yonr dealer for those sausagesN AXJTH PROVISION CO

62529 Street S W All Markets

I Printing as Ordered

When Ordered I

Phone Main

GLOBE PRINTING CO jPrinters Engravers Bookbinders

1 14th antI 33 Streets N W f



being sent rush telivery usually

standpoInt and It Is practicallyan


the bOdy ot the ear rather than In theI

being sort nAtionAl pride on the

turnl care

In York and Chicago In the early







o rae



20c pek






I 4811-i i



l J


a Of


tak-Ing purchas-Ing


orated wary successfully Feder-ated Malay States


are when

























gantzatfon Is really in a con-dition and new ef activity are bein planned which are booed to makoit the strongest automobile body in

Calling a new device a freak andprophesying its failure I a mighty per-

ilous but several novdttesin at UH show ofthe Automobile provoked ex-perts to remark Thats wont doSometimes things freaks

standards but fewventuresome enough nowadays to buy aradical departure In the automobileand the row of innovator U a bardone to hoe unleee it happens that theprestige of a big and reputable flrnt is

innovation a matter ofcandid fact the at thefound considerable junk an

stuff among the new comer

Col George Pope who la chairman ofthe show committee of the iModnfimiof Licensed Automobile Manufacturers-and owns an unknown number of motorcars rides a bicycle every day that Uclear

Foreigners TrickyWhile the Europeans are pretty free at

talking about theautomobile notbands at passing the lemon This

Ones discovered when they inspect-ed the 1M7 models of imported oarsat the Automobile Club show In NewYork It is a deal to ask them toImvo 1907 in before he

show but it not tohere at least in name One

way for buyers to protect themselvesfrom this sort of thing Is to b familiarwith the changes in design another

keep track and know how high arethe current factory numerals The real1W7 models of foreign cars are shipped

alter the Paris in time forregular Madison Square

show in January as they will

This year has witnessed a surprisingnumber of new firms entering themobile industry Some are well backedfinancially and will no doubtmake first elass cars butof a new automobile factory Is actous creature To others the stanquery where do you get off wouldseem o be immediately appropriateThey would be hard put to it ifwas made upon to show the fac-tory the

Queer but true that to protect themselves the Stanley steamer arebuying back their own patents frem the


Detroit HustlingDetroit manufacturers who wttl ex-

hibit at the New York aatomoMte showto be held in Madison Square Garden nJanuary are preparing to spreadthemselves in the presentation of carsof luxurious appointment Detroitso quickly grown to be the moot im-portant automobile manufacturing eutel of the United States that its automobile producers probablY are intent onmaking it synonomous with motor-car quality Headed by the Packardthe Detroit representation of limousinesand highpower runabouts as well aastandard touring cars will bo

In some instances however thecars will not be surprises as for ex-ample in the case of the Packardwhich has already made Its debut ThePackard Motor Car Company began de-livering its new model about tne 1st of

and is now well along withthe production and delivery of its en-

tire output for the season The entiretOO cars will be in on the road bythe 1st of July






Yank fog

Set fatPar


bee Gel

edov a









be-come seem


















Give SomethingThats UsefulH-ere are a few GIrt SugeatioitB TB t

article listed Is reasonably priced and Icily

Tool ChestsEmpty Tool CheatsTool Cbesto J

Kilted with tools2po Stag Handle Carving 8 U HWSpc Handle Carving S U fi50

caseSix White Handle Table Kntv e JUT8Pocket Knives guaranteed tSc He

and JtThe Celebrated QtlUXto Sueiy Razors C

Guaranteed Razors Si

JOHN B ESPEYHardware 1010 Pa Ave



toto 0







n nIce




Trade Mark

If youro font of Oysters youllnronouaco the oysters yon

better than any you Laveever tasted

All oysters shucked with thepatent Sanitary Oyster KnifeServed raw steamed or cooked-in the way you like them beat

SANITARY OYSTER HOUSE1 22 FcBnaylvaui Aventu

Edward O CoKsrd Prop Phone fl 21 4




PENN RYETen yew ole 125Order by phone

15he Shoemaker CoEstablished 1858X-

XXI B lit 5f W rbona Main UillS

I f





