cogon treasury suite cts en€¦ · cogon treasury suite cts – advantages at a glance: drill...


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Page 1: cogon Treasury Suite CTS EN€¦ · cogon treasury suite cts – advantages at a gLance: Drill downs provide detailed informati-on about forecasts and bank statement items. The Cash



cogon treasury suite cts

Page 2: cogon Treasury Suite CTS EN€¦ · cogon treasury suite cts – advantages at a gLance: Drill downs provide detailed informati-on about forecasts and bank statement items. The Cash


Page 3: cogon Treasury Suite CTS EN€¦ · cogon treasury suite cts – advantages at a gLance: Drill downs provide detailed informati-on about forecasts and bank statement items. The Cash


cogon Treasury Suite CTS enables an efficient Financial Supply Chain Ma-nagement in your organization. Cash and liquidity management as the key elements of the treasury are the starting points for the extensive optimizati-on of your working capital.

FinanceThe Finance module of the cogon Treasury Suite serves as the basis for an optimal level of the internal and external financing of your organization. The Finance module gives you the opportunity to centrally import all bank data (national and internatio-nal). You can retrieve intra-day bank postings several times a day from the connected banks.

With Real-Time-Connectors (RTC) to ERP systems such as SAP®, all operative cash flows can be considered. The module also enables the automated as well as the ma-nual processing of national and international payments. All future cash flows have to be integrated into the planning and have to be prepared in an optimized manner. The cogon Treasury Suite supports you with flexible planning horizons, a feature for continuous plan/actual analyses and the integration of different corporate plans.

You can display the group-wide liquidity in the central Cash Position Worksheet. With this interactive platform, you can control all cash management and liquidity planning processes – such as forecast generation, account reconciliation or cash pooling. Con-sequently, you gain access to a dynamic cash management position.

You can select how the data should be displayed and apply the display type flexibly to the different organizational units. With cogon Treasury Suite you achieve an effective intra-group communication and can control forecasts and planning elements for your holding. You can easily check your group-wide forecasts for completeness and make sound decisions for your cash management.

cogon treasury suite ctsYouR CASh, LiquidiTY & TREASuRY MAnAgEMEnT CAn bE So EASY And RELiAbLE!

advantages finance

• Automated and manual execution of both domestic/foreign payment transactions

• Planning accuracy and transparency through a cash flow-based liquidity planning

• Flexibly definable, rolling planning periods provide a new flexibility that allows you to decide how accurate your plan analyses need to be, incl. plan-plan integration

• Future cash flows are planned in considerati-on of corresponding plan groups in this fully integrated system

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advantages WeB-Based appLication

• Management of master data

• Entry of plan figures

• Daily cash management

• Transfer of bank statement data

• Account reconciliation

• Cash pooling

• Short-term planning

• National and international payment transac-tions

The Finance module supports you in calculating dif-ferent balance sheet ratios (e.g., dSo – days Sales outstanding, dPo – days Payable outstanding, etc.).

Web-based Application – global data Consolidation and Central Analysis

being able to deliver complete financial informati-on is becoming increasingly important due to rising legal requirements.

The architecture of the cogon Treasury Suite actively supports you in gathering the relevant data by con-necting all affiliated organizations around the globe. With this technology, you can enter plan data on a local level. So that the head office always has access to up-to-date, standardized information about the local cash flow situations.

Cash management short-term planning

Liquidity forecast medium-term

Liquidity planning long-term

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Page 5: cogon Treasury Suite CTS EN€¦ · cogon treasury suite cts – advantages at a gLance: Drill downs provide detailed informati-on about forecasts and bank statement items. The Cash



The treasury department of a company performs nu-merous financial transactions daily on the basis of the current cash management position. The Treasu-ry module of the cogon Treasury Suite supports you in managing financial products and provides you with a dynamic cash management position.

if you trade a product, it is verified online against a current line and limit utilization so that you minimi-ze the risk of violating your investment/borrowing strategy.

benefit also from the feature for automatically relea-sing any lines and limits, should a transaction not be approved within a certain definable period of time and saved as such in the database.

All entries are made taking into account the mini-mum requirements for trading transactions (Mah). This is ensured through a consistent authorization management at company level and within the pro-cess structure.

The trading platform of the module is the starting point for trading spots and forwards, derivatives and structured instruments. A trading partner can be a corporate entity, a bank or any external organiza-tion. The intuitive entry masks enable a quick and easy entry of contract data. Thanks to the efficient handling, the module is highly user-friendly.

With the Treasury module of the cogon Treasury Suite you can enter, process and value numerous common financial transactions.

Spot / Forward• Bonds (straight bond, zero bond, floater)• Loans (annuity loans, instalment loans, fixed-rate

loan)• Overnight deposits, time deposits• FRA• SWAP• FX transactions• Cross-currency SWAP• Stock and fund transactions Derivatives• CAP/Floor, Collar/Corridor, Swaption• Plain Vanilla, exotic options• Forex

Leasing & Guarantees

advantages treasury

• Current market data from Reuters, etc. inclu-ding real-time transfer and valuation, conti-nuous updating

• Management of interest instruments, Forex and money market trading transactions, loans, guarantees, derivatives

• Dealing standardized Forex transactions

• Analysis of remaining credit periods: analysis of loans remaining by credit periods with an average interest rate based on different effec-tive interest rate methods

• Collateral ranks / investment objects: de-fining investment objects for a credit with defined collateral ranks

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Modern Technology

The cogon Treasury Suite CTS is a software solution that is built on the latest technology and thus pro-vides maximum efficiency, flexibility and security. A central installation of the browser-based software ensures optimum data security since your data are saved securely on your servers. For smooth opera-tions, you can perfectly integrate your external enti-

Liquidity Planning

Risk Management

Treasurybusiness Processes


ties, e.g., via intranet, extranet or internet. This not only gives you a group-wide overview, but you can also rely on a future-proof solution.

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our Solutions

our customers‘ diverse and complex process requi-rements always demand suitable and efficient solu-tions that, on the one hand, mirror their specific or-ganizational structure and, on the other hand, have a manageable scope of investment and time frame.

in each of our solutions, the expertise of more than 10 years development and optimization of solutions for finance and accounting can be found. due to this experience, we are in the position to take the diffe-rent aspects and requirements of an organization in terms of finance and accounting into account and to provide the best possible solution. This customized approach is supported by the modular structure of our system solutions.

You select the products and modules that match your organization‘s requirements, we provide the consul-ting and support from the start with our banking and technical know-how. The result is an optimized solu-tion, perfectly tailored to your organization‘s needs. The quick and easy integration of our solutions into your existing system landscape is a given.

• Cash Management

• in-house banking

• netting

• Liquidity Management

• Treasury Management

• Reconciliation of bank Statements

• Reconciliation of Remittance Advices

• Reconciliation of Foreign Exchange information

• Electronic banking

• national and international Payment Transactions

• bank Communication

• Conversion of Payment Formats

• SEPA Mandate Manage-mentCas

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cogon treasury suite cts – advantages at a gLance:

Drill downs provide detailed informati-on about forecasts and bank statement items.

The Cash Position Worksheet simplifies the balance forecasting and is a dynamic, interactive platform for controlling the cash management process. You can access the in-dividual applications via drill down. You can highlight specific events by using different colours.

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• Optimization of working capital along the financi-al supply chain

• Group-wide consolidation of finance processes

• Daily control of your cash flows

• Transparency of all financial data

• Audit-proof

• Compliance and documentation of processes according to SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act)

Plan data: In the entry screen for the manual planning you can distribute and adjust planning data without having to edit each specific line. This allows you to simulate scenarios or make adjustments to a plan within only a few steps.

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© Copyright 05/2014 cogon GmbH. All rights reserved. SAP® is a registered trademark of SAP® SE.

The cogon gmbh is one of the leading software pro-viders of financial solutions in germany. With a clear focus on the optimization and professionalization of the entire financial process chain we have been creating tangible added values for our customers for more than 10 years. A holistic approach is central to our products and services – from the development of innovative software solutions to banking and technical consultancy. Renowned customers from all industry sectors benefit from our comprehensive iT services that are based on the extensive know-how of our development, consultancy and project teams.

The success and the innovative strength of cogon are based on the expertise of our employees which positively influences the consistent further develop-ment of our solutions – a guarantee for best practi-ces and highest quality. As we develop the solutions

cogon gmbh

oldesloer Straße 63 22457 hamburg Germany

Tel: +49 (0)40 / 51 48 08 - 0 Fax: +49 (0)40 / 51 48 08 - 188

Email: [email protected]

ourselves, customers can rely on our know-how for an optimal project implementation, a professional support service and consultancy throughout the entire project. Flexibility due to a modular and ex-tendable service offer, fast and seamless integration in existing system landscapes, pioneering technolo-gies – this is what makes our solutions stand out in the market. With this we have not only convinced our customers, but also independent expert com-mittees. Several awards confirm the innovative qua-lity of our solutions.

our products are always developed on the basis of up-to-date standard technologies so that our custo-mers benefit from numerous advantages. You obtain highly efficient tools that are easy to use and put into operation quickly. They can also be installed quickly and easily. Moreover, maintainability and scalability are positively influenced.

Your Partner for Innovation: cogon

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Since 2014, hanse orga has united the three enti-ties hanse orga Ag, cogon gmbh and Symq gmbh under one umbrella: the Hanse Orga Group. Alrea-dy today, more than 1,000 customers benefit from our leading and specialized solutions and services. As hanse orga group we are a one-stop shop for your financial supply chain management. We offer specialized SAP® add-ons in form of the hanse orga FinanceSuite modules, innovative and ERP-indepen-dent financial solutions of cogon and a competent SAP® treasury consultancy by Symq. With our inte-grated approach of modular software solutions and

The integrated and SAP®-certified solutions of the han-se orga Ag offer companies a very useful add-on to their existing SAP® landscapes. They help significantly enhan-ce efficiency in the areas of ac-count reconciliation, cash ma-nagement, liquidity planning, treasury management, pay-ment factory and electronic bank account management.

The particular focus of cogon gmbh is on innovative and ERP-independent financial solutions for payments, cash application as well as cash, liquidity and treasury manage-ment. Flexibility, an extendab-le service offer and the easy in-tegration into existing systems mark out our solutions.

From global player to medium-sized companies – companies can significantly benefit from the competent SAP® consul-tancy of Symq for the areas of finance and treasury. The con-sultancy approach ranges from strategy development and solution design via the imple-mentation to the continuous process optimization in SAP®.

Hanse orga group A hoLiSTiC APPRoACh FoR YouR FinAnCiAL PRoCESSES

specialized SAP® consultancy we are able to create added value for our customers. Since 1984 we have been developing modern financial solutions always having our finger on the pulse of the time. With a dedicated focus on the end-user experience, our technology is developed and continuously impro-ved by financial professionals for financial professi-onals. our customer-centric approach has resulted in technically sophisticated and economically elabo-rate systems. Coupled with high-level advocacy this is a proven recipe for best practices and sustainable quality.

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cogon gmbh

oldesloer Straße 63 22457 hamburg Germany

Tel: +49 (0)40 / 51 48 08 - 0 Fax: +49 (0)40 / 51 48 08 - 188

Email: [email protected]