collective and single-particle degrees of freedom in ...scription of deformed nuclei is the...

Draft Collective and Single-Particle Degrees of Freedom in Rotating Nuclei Journal: Canadian Journal of Chemistry Manuscript ID cjc-2017-0275.R1 Manuscript Type: Article Date Submitted by the Author: 22-Jun-2017 Complete List of Authors: Verma, Anish; Simon Fraser University, Physics Starosta, Krzysztof; Simon Fraser University, Chemistry Is the invited manuscript for consideration in a Special Issue?: SFU Keyword: Particle Rotor Model, Nuclear Delta Force, Quadrupole Deformation, Cerium, Pair Breaking Canadian Journal of Chemistry

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    Collective and Single-Particle Degrees of Freedom in

    Rotating Nuclei

    Journal: Canadian Journal of Chemistry

    Manuscript ID cjc-2017-0275.R1

    Manuscript Type: Article

    Date Submitted by the Author: 22-Jun-2017

    Complete List of Authors: Verma, Anish; Simon Fraser University, Physics Starosta, Krzysztof; Simon Fraser University, Chemistry

    Is the invited manuscript for consideration in a Special

    Issue?: SFU

    Keyword: Particle Rotor Model, Nuclear Delta Force, Quadrupole Deformation,

    Cerium, Pair Breaking

    Canadian Journal of Chemistry

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    Collective and Single-Particle Degrees of Freedom

    in Rotating Nuclei

    Anish Verma and Krzysztof Starosta

    Abstract: In 1937, Hermann Jahn and Edward Teller published their research describing a mechanism of symmetry

    breaking in nonlinear polyatomic molecules resulting in a lifting of orbital degeneracy of an electronic state (Proc. Roy.

    Soc. Lond. A. 1937, 161, 220-235), yielding insight into molecular structure. The impact of symmetry breaking on the

    energy and structure of quantum states is not unique to molecules and may be applied to nuclei, involving degenerate

    nucleon states as opposed to electronic states. Otten and Reinhard showed that the nuclear Jahn-Teller effect provides

    a mechanism applicable to describe the commonly observed collective quadrupole surface motion (Nuc. Phys. A. 1984,

    420, 173-192). In order to take into account single-particle effects, it is important to properly model the valence nucleons,

    especially those occupying large angular momenta orbitals near the Fermi level. In this work, a model has been developed

    in which two valence nucleons of the same kind are coupled to an axially symmetric quadrupole deformed rotor of the

    D2 symmetry, and interact through the nuclear delta force. To test this model, the band of the lowest energy state at a

    given spin for 126Ce is reproduced. The resultant wavefunctions are then used to calculate the g-factor, reduced electric

    quadrupole transition probability, and spectroscopic quadrupole moment all as a function of spin. This method lays the

    groundwork to explore higher order symmetries following the multipole expansion.

    Key words: Particle Rotor Model, Nuclear Delta Force, Quadrupole Deformation, Cerium, Pair Breaking.

    PACS Nos.: 1234


    The Jahn-Teller Effect plays a crucial role in chemistry, yield-ing insight into molecular shape through the corresponding ex-citation spectra, the understanding of which may be widelyapplied in other disciplines. Otten and Reinhard showed thatthe nuclear Jahn-Teller effect provides a mechanism applica-ble for the description of the surface motion of a deformednucleus and subsequent impact on the regularities and patternsof excited state energies (Reinhard (1984)). This mechanismhas also been used to address nuclear phenomena includingthe odd-even staggering of binding energies (Satula (1998)).The purpose of the presented work is to investigate the impactof the nuclear Jahn-Teller effect on the collective and single-particle degrees of freedom in atomic nuclei. This is done byuse of a toy-model in which certain parameters are fit to avail-able data to obtain a wavefunctions that may be used to pre-dict observables as a function of spin. The strong interplay ofcollective and single particle degrees of freedom is unique toatomic nuclei where valence nucleon orbitals can contributeangular momenta vectors whose magnitude is on the order ofsix units of ~, which is comparable to the collective rotationalangular momentum. Nuclear deformation follows a multipoleexpansion. The deformation addressed in this work correspondsto the leading-term quadrupole deformation belonging to theD2 symmetry group.

    A first-principles approach that may be applied in the de-scription of deformed nuclei is the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov

    Anish Verma and Krzysztof Starosta.1 Department of Chem-istry, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby,BC, Canada, V5A 1S6

    1 Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]).

    (HFB) cranking model. This model is well described in theliterature and has seen large improvements since early workdone by Inglis (1956). This includes theoretical advances inrelativistic Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations as noted byLong (2010). However, as discussed by Hamamoto (1976),the cranking model may suffer from inaccuracies where bandcrossing occurs, like in the phenomena of pair-breaking.

    The simplest alternative model to the HFB cranking modelthat may address pair-breaking phenomenon is the particle-rotor model (Frauendorf (1997)) which is extended here toallow for coupling of a pair of valence nucleon of the sameflavour: either a proton-proton or a neutron-neutron pair. Thispair of nucleons occupying the same nuclear mean-field orbitalis then coupled to a collective rotor core of the D2 symmetry.There are different pairing interactions that may be used, someof which are explored by Yadav (1977) in a similar model tothe one presented here. In this work, the pairing interaction be-tween valence nucleons is achieved through the attractive nu-clear delta force, which results in energetic contribution whenthe two valence nucleons occupy the same spatial coordinates.A comparison to the data for 126Ce is presented and discussed.The wavefunctions from this model are then used to calculateg-factors, electric quadrupole transition probabilities, and elec-tric quadrupole moments all as a function of spin, where theresult of the pair-breaking is observed.

    Theory and Methods

    Collective Rotation of Nucleons

    Through the nuclear Jahn-Teller effect and spontaneous sym-metry breaking, the nuclear mean field may deviate from aspherical shape and take on a deformed shape at a lower to-tal energy. The surface of the deformed state may be described

    unknown 99: 1–10 (2017) DOI: 10.1139/Zxx-xxx Published by NRC Research Press

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    Fig. 1. The two coordinate frames are pictured, where the

    intrinsic frame has its axes denoted by 1, 2, and 3, while the lab

    frame has its axes denoted by x, y, and z. Note that the intrinsic

    frame is fixed to a body and is free to rotate about the origin

    shared between the two coordinate systems.

    through a multipole expansion. It is seen that the lowest or-der deformation beyond the spherical shape corresponds to thequadrupole term, not the monopole or dipole terms, as theycorrespond to spherical compression/expansion or a center ofmass shift respectively. Using a linear combination of spheri-cal harmonics, the surface of the quadrupole deformed nucleusis described by


    R(β, γ, θ, φ) = Ro


    1 + β cos(γ)Y2,0(θ, φ)+

    1√2β sin(γ) [Y2,2(θ, φ) + Y2,−2(θ, φ)]



    where γ and β are deformation parameters (Bohr (1975)). Forthe case of γ = 0, Eq. [1] simplifies to

    [2] R(β, γ, θ, φ) = Ro


    1 + βY2,0(θ, φ)]


    which represents the axially symmetric quadrupole-deformedsurface. Making use of axial symmetry, a right handed coor-dinate system may be defined such that the symmetry axis ofthe deformed shape lies along the 3 axis, while two semi axes,equal in length, lie along the 1 and 2 axes. This intrinsic coor-dinate system is at rest with respect to the deformed shape. Inorder to describe rotations, a second right handed coordinatesystem called the lab frame may be defined, whose axes aredenoted as x, y, and z, in which the deformed shape is free torotate. Using these two coordinate systems rotations are char-acterized employing a set of Euler angles (φE , θE , ψE), wherethe convention here is shared with Bohr (1969).

    For the axially symmetric rotor, the semi-classical Hamilto-nian takes the form

    [3] H =R̂212I11




    where R̂k is the kth component of angular momentumR of the

    rotor, and Ikk is the corresponding moment of inertia in the in-trinsic principal-axes frame. The moments of inertia here will

    be taken to be irrotational flow moments of inertia, as opposedto rigid body moments of inertia. This choice is to correspondto microscopic theories of the nucleus and to be consistent withthe previous work in Bohr (1975). From this, the moments ofinertia take the form

    Ikk = I0 sin2


    γ − k × 2π3


    , k = 1, 2, 3,[4]

    I0 = 4Bβ2,

    where B is a mass parameter, and k once again correspondsto the intrinsic coordinate system’s axes. For the case of theaxial rotor and γ = 0, it is seen that I33 is 0, which implies

    that R̂3 = 0, as otherwise the solution of Eq. [3] leads to in-finity. This cannot be the case as the energies resultant fromthe Hamiltonian must be finite to be physical. Similarly, alongthe semi-axes, the moments of inertia are I11 = I22 =



    Incorporating this, the Hamiltonian becomes

    [5] H =2







    where now the numerator becomes the total angular momen-tum squared for the deformed nucleus. Thus, a wavefunctionthat describes the rotor may be chosen to be an eigenfunctionof the squared angular momentum operator, so the Hamilto-nian is diagonal in this basis. This naturally leads to the WignerDRMK(φE , θE , ψE) function-a function of the Euler angles, re-lating the lab frame to the intrinsic frame. The quantum num-bers R, M , and K correspond to the total rotor angular mo-mentum, its projection onto the z axis in the lab frame, and itsprojection onto the 3 axis in the intrinsic frame, respectively.

    It is important to note, however, that the Wigner functionsalone do not in general reflect the symmetry of the shape de-fined by Eq. [2]. Note that for an axially symmetric rotor withirrotational flow moment of inertia, the total angular momen-tum is perpendicular to the symmetry axis. As a result, the es-

    sential symmetries are the R̂(e1, π) invariance under a π ro-tation about the 1 axis, selected as the axis of rotation, andinvariance under the identity operation I. These two symme-try operations form a group, which is a subgroup of the D2symmetry group for a general quadrupole-deformed rotor. Thestates belonging to the fully symmetric representation of thissubgroup are constructed using

    [6] Ŝ = I+ R̂(e1, π).

    The operator Ŝ applied to the Wigner DRMK functions yieldsthe wavefunctions for the physical states of the rotor which,when normalized, are

    [7]|RMK〉 = 1√

    1 + δK,0

    2R+ 1



    DRMK + (−1)RDRMK̄)


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    Fig. 2. (Colour online) A comparison of energies of the lowest-

    energy state at a given spin measured in 126Ce (red crosses) and

    calculated using axial rotor predictions of Eq. [5] (blue circles).

    The parameter of Bβ2 =5.9 ~2/MeV was extracted from the

    energy of the first excited state as given by Eq. [10].

    But, as discussed above, I33 = 0 implies K = 0, thus thewavefunction of Eq. [7] simplifies to

    [8]|RM0〉 = 1 + (−1)



    2R+ 1


    =1√2πYRM (φE , θE) , R-even.

    The eigenvalues ER of the Hamiltonian of Eq. [5] are

    ER = R(R+ 1)2~2



    6Bβ2R(R+ 1),[9]

    which yields for the first excited state of R = 2 the energy of

    E2 =~2


    This rotor model describes well the low lying excited states innuclei of certain deformed mass regions, far from the closednuclear shells in which the spherical shell model tends to fail.However in comparing to the data available (Katura (2016)),it is evident that this model begins to fail for excited statesof high angular momenta. A specific example is presented inFig. 2 which compares energies of the lowest-energy state ata given spin measured in 126Ce to the axial rotor predictionsof Eq. [5]. The parameter Bβ2 for the comparison in Fig. 2 isextracted from the energy of the first excited state according toEq. [10]. While the experimental and calculated trend in exci-tation energy as a function of spin is in reasonable agreementup to spin R∼8, the deviation at higher spins is evident. Thisdeviation indicates missing degrees of freedom in the collec-tive rotor model discussed so far.

    Single Particle Degrees of FreedomThe purpose of this section is to introduce tools for handling

    single-particle degrees of freedom which may provide a wayto address the shortcomings of the collective rotor model dis-cussed above.

    Spherical Mean FieldAs a starting point we assume existence of shell structure in

    a spherical nuclear mean field with strong spin-orbit coupling.In this potential the subshells are formed by coupling the or-bital angular momentum substates of nucleon i, |limli〉, to itsspin substates, |simsi〉, yielding the total angular momentumsubstates |jiΩi〉, explicitly as

    [11] |jiΩi〉 =∑



    where 〈limlisimsi|jiΩi〉 is the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient, tak-ing nonzero values for when Ωi = mli + msi. All of thesequantum numbers follow the convention taken in Bohr (1969),indexed according to the nucleon to which it corresponds.

    Pair of Valence NucleonsNext we consider a pair of valence nucleons outside a closed

    shell. In this scenario, all nucleons other than the valence nu-cleons occupy full shells, and play no role other than to form aspherical mean field in which the two valence nucleons inhabitand may interact only with each other. In other words, the coreis non-interacting, and only the pair of valence nucleons abovethe Fermi level may interact.

    The wavefunction of a pair of nucleons must then be con-structed by noting it is the coupled wavefunction of two nucle-ons, each with their own quantum numbers. The wavefunctionfor this pair must satisfy the Pauli exclusion principle, and thusmust be anti-symmetric under the exchange of indices. In orderto accomplish this, first consider the coupled wavefunction

    [12] |JΩ〉 =∑



    An antisymmetrized wavefunction may be constructed usingthe symmetry properties of the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients(Varshalovich (1988)) as

    [13] |ΨJΩ〉 = 1− (−1)j1+j2−J


    It is important to note here that due to the antisymmetrizationof the wavefunction, only even values of total angular momen-tum J are permitted for j1 = j2 = j0, namely two nucle-ons of the same kind occupying the same subshell. Indeed forj1 = j2 = j0 the first term of Eq. [13] takes values of 0 forodd values of J , and 1 for even values of J . Explicitly, this isresultant from the fact that the quantum numbers j1 and j2 arehalf odd integers while J is a whole integer value.

    Nuclear Delta ForceThe nuclear delta force models the interactions of two nu-

    cleons as a contact force, for when the nucleons occupy thesame spatial coordinates in analogy to two colliding points thatotherwise have no interaction. This is realized through the fol-lowing functional form of the Hamiltonian

    [14] Hδ = Vδδ(r1 − r2),

    where δ(r1 − r2) is the Dirac delta function over all spacialcoordinates. Here, ri corresponds to the position of nucleon i,

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    Fig. 3. A schematic diagram of the nuclear delta force and its

    energetic contribution for when two nucleons occupy the same

    spacial coordinates. Here, the spherical nucleus was chosen, as

    the core is non interacting, and proves a good example in which

    to build a framework and study this contact force to be used later

    in the two-particle rotor model.

    and Vδ is the magnitude of the interaction potential. The sumof the spherical mean field and the interaction energy is thuspurported to be able to model the excited states in nuclei with avalence pair outside a closed proton and neutron shells throughthe Hamiltonian

    [15] H = HSMF +Hδ,

    where HSMF is the spherical mean field Hamiltonian. Apply-ing separation of variables for the Dirac delta in spherical co-ordinates, the matrix elements of the Hamiltonian of Eq. [15]

    〈ΨJ ′Ω′|H|ΨJΩ〉 =[16]〈ΨJ ′Ω′|HSMF |ΨJΩ〉+ 〈ΨJ ′Ω′|Hδ|ΨJΩ〉,

    may be found, as

    〈ΨJ ′Ω′|H|ΨJΩ〉 =[17](E1 + E2)δJ ′JδΩ′Ωδj′

    1j1δj′2j2 +

    1− (−1)j1+j2−J2

    1− (−1)j′1+j′2−J ′

    χδ〈J ′Ω′|δ(θ1 − θ2)δ(φ1 − φ2)|JΩ〉,where χδ is the radial term determined by the coupled radialwavefunction |R〉, and scaled by Vδ[18] χδ = Vδ〈R′|δ(r1 − r2)|R〉.The first term in the right-hand side of Eq. [17] is simply thesum of single particle energies of the nucleon pair in the spher-ical mean field. Below, we consider two nucleons occupyingthe same subshell, thus j′1 = j1 = j

    2 = j2 = j0 which impliesE1+E2 = 2E0. The goal is to predict energies of excited statesrelative to the ground state; since 2E0 is a constant which doesnot influence these predictions it can be set to zero.

    Next, the angular delta functions may be expanded in termsof spherical harmonics (Kay (1969)) as


    δ(θ1 − θ2)δ(φ1−φ2) =∞∑




    Yλµ(θ1, φ1)Y∗

    λµ(θ2, φ2).

    Fig. 4. (Colour online) Excitation energy with respect to the

    ground state for two valence protons in the 1g7/2 shell in134Te

    as measured (red crosses) and predicted (blue circles) by the

    spherical mean field plus a contact force model. The coupling

    constant of Eq. 18 was fit to the experimental data using the least

    squares method yielding χδ = −5.6 MeV.

    The separation of the angular delta function into the sum ofproducts of two spherical harmonics, with each harmonic de-pendent on variables specific to a single nucleon of the pair,allows the matrix element of the second term in the right handside of Eq. [17] to be evaluated using multipole moments of|jΩ〉 single-particle orbitals in the spherical mean field. Theangular momentum algebra, arising from applying Eq. [19] toEq. [17] results in the matrix element being fully diagonal inthe pair basis of Eq. [13].

    The prediction from the above model is compared in Fig.4 to experimental data (Songzogni (2016)) on low-energy ex-cited states in 134Te which is a nucleus with two protons out-side the closed proton shell at Z = 50 and closed neutron shellat N = 82. The constant parameter χδ for this comparisonwas fitted using the least squares method. It is seen that onlyeven values of total angular momentum J are predicted witha decreasing energy gap between successive excited states, ingeneral agreement with the data. One should note that thereare no Coulombic effects involved in this simple model. Thisapproximation comes from the fact that the Coulomb interac-tion within a nucleus is significantly weaker than the strongforce interaction modelled by the spherical mean field and thecontact force, and thus negligible for the purposes of currentwork.

    Deformed Mean FieldNext, let us consider the consequences of deformation of the

    mean field starting with examining the impact on a single va-lence nucleon and progressing to the analysis of the impact ona pair of nucleons. In order to model single particle motion in adeformed mean field, a term proportional to the deformed den-sity may be added on to the spherical mean field Hamiltonian,

    [20] H = HSMF +Hβ .

    Here the Hamiltonian Hβ is defined by the density profile, as-suming the validity of density functional theory. The Hamilto-

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    Fig. 5. The energies resultant from the diagonalization of Hβin the basis of Eq. [13] for two nucleons in the h11/2 shell as a

    function of the coupling constant βχβ . For β > 0, positive βχβcorresponds to particle character for the valence pair and negative

    βχβ corresponds to hole character for the valence pair.

    nian Hβ for quadrupole deformation of Eq. [1] takes the form


    Hβ =βχβ


    cos(γ)Y2,0(θ, φ)+

    1√2sin(γ)[Y2,2(θ, φ) + Y2,−2(θ, φ)]



    with χβ denoting the product of the radial matrix element anda new coupling constant scaling the interactions between thevalence nucleon and the deformed core. Further, if χβ > 0, thevalence nucleon is of particle character, while if χβ < 0, it isof hole character. For the axially symmetric shape of γ = 0,Eq. [21] simplifies to

    [22] Hβ = βχβY2,0(θ, φ).

    For two identical valence nucleons, Eq. [22] must be of bothspacial coordinates, yielding

    [23] Hβ = βχβ [Y2,0(θ1, φ1) + Y2,0(θ2, φ2)] .

    In this work, the rotor is taken to be axially symmetric andprolate-deformed with β > 0. As a result, the positive or neg-ative sign of βχβ is determined by whether the nucleon is ofparticle or hole character, respectively. The energies resultantfrom diagonalizing Hβ in the basis of Eq. [13] for two nucle-ons in the h11/2 shell are plotted as a function of βχβ in Fig. 5.Note that Hβ is diagonal in Ω but is not diagonal in J , whichresults in the energies having contributions from different basisstates. The presence of the deformed mean field splits the en-ergies, where the gap between these split levels is determinedby the magnitude of βχβ .

    Deformed Mean Field with the Nuclear Delta ForceIt is of interest to explore the effect of the nuclear delta force

    with the deformed mean field on a pair of identical valence nu-cleons. This is achieved by the diagonalization of the Hamil-tonian Hβ +Hδ in the basis of Eq. [13] as a function of βχβ ,with χδ = −8.0 MeV, as plotted in Fig. 6. In this figure, the

    Fig. 6. The energies resultant from the diagonalization of

    Hβ + Hδ in the basis of Eq. [13] for two nucleons in the h11/2shell as a function of the coupling constant βχβ , with χδ = −8.0

    MeV. The energies are labeled based on the dominant amplitudes

    in the wavefunctions resultant from the diagonalization.

    energies have contributions from basis states with different val-ues of J , Ω, because Hβ +Hδ is non-diagonal in the basis ofEq. [13]. By examining the wavefunctions obtained from thediagonalization, the energies are labeled in Fig. 6 according tothe basis states with the dominant amplitudes. It is seen thatHδ has the action of separating the energetic contributions byangular momentum J as was seen in Fig. 4 for 134Te, and thatthe splitting of levels from Hβ is present. It is evident that thenuclear delta force plays the dominant role when compared tothe deformed mean field, given that the gap between each ofJ is significantly greater than the splitting due to the deformedmean field. As well, the J = 0 state is significantly lower inenergy than the other states. The latter result becomes very im-portant in the particle-rotor model, which couples a nucleonpair to a deformed rotor, as it changes the energy required tokeep the pair coupled to spin J = 0. Since the J = 0 stateis lowest in energy, it is important to consider as the lowestenergy band is addressed by the calculations developed in thispaper. The above results imply that energy is needed to decou-ple the pair from J = 0.

    Pair-Rotor Coupling ModelIn this section, a model is developed for two identical nu-

    cleons coupled to an axially symmetric quadrupole deformedrotor with the intention to remedy the deviations observed inFig. 2 between the experimental data and the pure axial rotormodel. This deviation was understood previously as a conse-quence of single-particle degrees of freedom missing in thepure axial rotor model. Both, single-particle and collective de-grees of freedom are included in the model discussed in thecurrent section.

    The total angular momentum I for the rotor plus a pair is

    [24]I = R+ J ,

    J = j1 + j2.

    The transformation between the lab and the intrinsic coordi-

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    nate systems is again given by the Wigner D function, butnow an important distinction is made. Instead of the rotor’sangular momentum quantum number R defining the order ofthe Wigner-D function, the total angular momentum quantumnumber, I , must take its place. This is due to R not being con-served when the rotor is coupled to two particles with angularmomenta j1 and j2 respectively. However, the total angularmomentum I is conserved and defines the transformation be-tween coordinate systems of interest.

    The model wavefunctions include the direct products of theaforementioned WignerD functions and pair wavefunctions ofEq. [13]. These products need to be properly symmetrized toaccount for symmetries of the rotating deformed mean field.For the collective rotor alone, the symmetry operator of Eq.

    [6] was fully defined by the identity and the R̂(e1, π) rota-tion. Given that the current model adds two extra particles, thesymmetry operators must be modified based on the substitu-tion R = I−J , resultant from Eq. [24]. The rotation operatorwill rotate the pair and the rotor by π, while simultaneouslyrotating the pair by −π, yielding[25] R̂R(e1, π) = R̂

    I(e1, π)R̂J(e1,−π),

    where the superscript indicates on which part of the systemthe rotation is acting. Applying the symmetry operator to theproduct wavefunction and normalizing the result yields for themodel wavefunction


    |IMKj1j2JΩ〉 =1− (−1)j1+j2−J

    2I + 1

    16π2(1 + δΩ,0)×


    DIMK |JΩ〉+ (−1)I−JDIMK̄ |JΩ̄〉]


    with Ω ∈ [−J, J ] andK ∈ [−I, I]. Equation [26] is effectivelythe wavefunction of a rotor coupled to a single ’super’ particlewith quantum numbers J and Ω, with the restriction on even Jfor j1 = j2 that arises from antisymmetrization.

    Subsequently, the rotor Hamiltonian must be modified toincorporate the two valence nucleons, by explicitly using thesubstitution of Eq. [24] which yields

    [27] HRot =


    Î1 − Ĵ1]2



    Î2 − Ĵ2]2



    Î3 − Ĵ3]2


    The special case of the irrotational flow moment of inertia foraxial symmetry at γ = 0 with I11 = I22 =


    4I0 and I33 =

    0 implies for physical solutions Î3 = Ĵ3 which reduces Eq.[27] to

    [28] HRot =2


    [ [

    Î1 − Ĵ1]2


    Î2 − Ĵ2]2 ]


    Furthermore, the Î3 = Ĵ3 condition implies for wavefunctionsof Eq. [26] that Ω = K yielding for j1 = j2 = j0 the modelwavefunction of

    |IMj0j0JΩ〉 =√

    2I + 1

    16π2(1 + δΩ,0)×[29]


    DIMΩ|JΩ〉+ (−1)I−JDIMΩ̄|JΩ̄〉]

    , J-even.

    Fig. 7. (Colour online) A comparison of energies of the lowest-

    energy state at a given spin measured in 126Ce (red crosses) and

    calculated using the Hamiltonian of Eq. [32]. The valence nucleon

    pair is assumed to occupy the h11/2 proton subshell. The fitted

    model parameters are βχβ =0.2 MeV, χδ = −8.0. MeV, and

    Bβ2 =8.9 ~2/MeV.

    Expanding and simplifying, the model Hamiltonian becomes


    HRot =2~2



    Î2 − Î23 + Ĵ2 − Ĵ23]





    Î+1Ĵ−1 + Î−1Ĵ+1



    Here, the first term in the right hand side of Eq. [30] is com-pletely diagonal in the basis of wavefunctions of Eq. [29], whilethe second term is not. This second term is the Coriolis cou-pling term (Rekstad (1980)) to which an ad-hoc attenuationterm is sometimes applied in the literature, to better agree withthe data for a wider range of total angular momentum. Thus,the Hamiltonian may be written as

    [31] HRot = HDiagonal +HCoriolis.

    Pair-Rotor Coupling Model for Interacting NucleonsThe Hamiltonian incorporating the interaction of the valence

    pair with the deformed mean field and the contact interactionsbetween valence nucleons takes the form

    [32] H = HDiagonal +HCoriolis +Hβ +Hδ,

    with Hβ being the deformed mean field Hamiltonian and Hδbeing the delta force Hamiltonian, with all terms of Eq. [32]discussed in the previous sections of this paper. The Hamil-tonian of Eq. [32] is diagonalized numerically in the basis ofwavefunctions of Eq. [29]. A set of lowest-energy states at agiven spin for the axially deformed nucleus of 126Ce is chosenand compared to the model calculations. The results are shownin Fig. 7. The three model parameters are: the parameter for themoment of inertiaBβ2, the deformed mean field coupling con-stant βχβ , and the delta force Hamiltonian coupling constantχδ . These three parameters were adjusted via the least squares

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    Fig. 8. (Colour online) From the theoretical model predictions,

    the two parabolic bands, pink and purple circles respectively, are

    plotted. Note that there is a band crossing between I = 14 and

    I = 16, the location of the pair-breaking between the valence


    minimization technique to fit the experimental data. The fit pa-rameters are given in caption of Fig. 7, and specifically for thedelta force Hamiltonian χδ=-8.0 MeV, agreeing with the rangeparameters found for the delta force in the spherical nucleus.The mass parameter for the moment of inertia is larger thanwhat is expected from a pure rotor model of Eq. [10]. Now,note that for Fig. 7 predicted trends are with good agreementwith the data but deviate from the parabolic trend expected fora pure collective rotor. Specifically, a distinct second parabolictrend is observed at higher values of total angular momentumat and above I = 16. This is the result of the Coriolis force act-ing on the valence particles, as the total angular momentum ofthe system increases. This Coriolis force favours the alignmentof the angular momentum of the nucleons along the rotor angu-lar momentum, that is the axis perpendicular to the symmetryaxis of the mean field. This eventually leads to pair breaking,decoupling the pair from J = 0. However, this effect is weakat low values of the total angular momentum, and cannot alignthe angular momentum of the pair for low spin states. It is forthis reason, that pair breaking appears only at higher valuesof angular momentum. Recall that the Coriolis force acts toalign the angular momentum of the pair with the axis of ro-tation, effectively decoupling the pair from J = 0. However,the dominant force that acts to keep the pair coupled to spinJ = 0 is the nuclear delta force, given that the the couplingconstant χδ is significantly larger than the deformed mean fieldcoupling constant βχβ . Effectively, this contact force acts as apair coupling force that lowers the energy of the system for theJ = 0 coupling, such that energy is required to decouple thepair from spin J = 0. By means of incorporating these singleparticle effects into the model, a good agreement with the datais achieved.

    Using the model predictions, the two parabolic trends thatmeet between I = 14 and I = 16 are expanded in Fig. 8. Eachof these parabolas may be viewed as bands arising from the dif-ferent degrees of freedom. By examining these band energies

    Fig. 9. (Colour online) The two bands shown in Fig. 8 are now

    taken relative to the parabolic trend in energy from the collective

    rotation of the nucleus based on Eq. [33]. It is seen that the band

    marked by purple circles is near zero for all values of I , implying

    that the dominant energetic contribution comes from the collective

    degree of freedom, while the band marked by pink circles has

    a significant contribution from both collective and single-particle

    degrees of freedom. The experimental data is also plotted (red

    crosses) for the lowest energy state for a given spin, showing

    agreement with the trends of the predicted bands.

    E relative to the collective parabolic trend as

    [33] ∆E = E − 2~2

    3I0I(I + 1),

    these contributing degrees of freedom can be probed. Note thatthe second term in Eq. [33] comes from the collective rotationof the nucleus based on Eq. [9]. Plotting this relative energyin Fig. 9, it is seen that for the purple band ∆E roughly equalto zero for all values of I , implying that the dominant contri-bution is from the collective degree of freedom. While for thepink band, there is a significant contribution from both single-particle and collective degrees of freedom.

    From the diagonalization of Eq. [32] the wavefunctions ofthe lowest energy state for a given spin are obtained and maybe expanded in terms of the basis states as

    [34] |ΨIM〉 =∑



    where the probability of being in a given basis state is foundthrough the square of the amplitude aIJΩ as

    [35] Probability = aIJΩ2.

    Of interest are the distributions of probabilities at I = 14 andI = 16, the region at which the pair break occurs. It is seen inFig. 10 that for I = 14 and below, most of the probability liesin the J = 0, Ω = 0 state. However, for I = 16 and abovethe probability lies over higher angular momentum states. Thissudden shift in the probability distribution is further indica-tive of the pair-breaking effect discussed above. Recall that theCoriolis force decouples the pair from the J = 0 state, favour-ing higher angular momentum states, as seen in Fig. 10.

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    Fig. 10. From the model wavefunctions, the probability

    distributions are shown for I = 2 (top left), I = 14 (top right),

    I = 16 (bottom left), and I = 36 (bottom right). For I = 14 and

    below most of the probability is with the J = 0, Ω = 0 state,

    while for I = 16 and above, the probability is distributed more

    about the higher angular momentum states. This is indicative of

    the pair breaking occurring between these two spins.

    The g-FactorThe magnetic moment is known to be proportional to the

    angular momentum of the system (Hamilton (1975)), scaledby the gyromagnetic factor, or g-factor. For the pair of valencenucleons coupled to the axially symmetric rotor, the relevantangular momentum vectors are I , J , and R, which followthe vector addition relation in Eq. [24]. Subsequently, the ob-servable of the g-factor depends on the orientation of the an-gular momentum vectors in the system . This observable canbe measured in nuclei via time-differential perturbed-angular-distribution (Nakai (1971)). The g-factor is related to the diag-onal matrix element of the M1 operator (Bohr (1969)). Note,that there are no M1 transitions and off-diagonal matrix ele-ments of M1 since the states differ by 2 in spin and the selec-tion rule requiring ∆I = 0, ±1 eliminates the M1 transitions.But the diagonal M1 matrix element is nonvanishing and is anobservable.

    First, we begin with the relation

    [36] µ = gµN~


    which can be expressed in terms of the expectation values ofoperators as

    g =〈 ~µN µ · I〉

    〈I2〉 ,[37]


    µNµ = gRR+ g1j1 + g2j2,[38]

    where µ is the vector of the magnetic moment, µN is the nu-clear magneton, gR is the gyromagnetic factor for the core ro-tation, g1 and g2 are gyromagnetic factors for the particles.

    The parameters gR, g1, and g2 can be found from experi-ment. In crude approximation gR = (Z − 2)/(A− 2) (Caurier(1995)) where Z is the atomic number of the nucleus and Ais its mass number. Next, g1 and g2 are gi = a × gfree where

    Fig. 11. Using the model wavefunctions resultant from the

    diagonalization of Eq [32], the g-factor is calculated from Eq.

    [41] using Z = 58, A = 126, a = 0.65, and gfree = 5.6. Note that

    after the pair-break, the g-factor changes its trend significantly,

    due to the realignment in angular moment vectors.

    gfree is the g-factor for the valence nucleon, and a is an attenua-tion factor related to the impact of the medium on the magneticmoment of a free nucleon, which may also be extracted fromexperiment.

    Next, using the substitution R = I − J and noting that foridentical valence protons, g1 = g2 = gp,

    [39] g1j1 + g2j2 = gpJ .

    This simplifies Eq. [37], yielding

    [40] g =gR〈I ·R〉+ gp〈I · J〉

    〈I2〉 ,

    equivalent to

    g =gR〈I2〉+ (gp − gR)〈I · J〉


    = gR + (gp − gR)〈I · J〉〈I2〉 .

    For 126Ce, the g-factor is calculated and plotted in Fig. 11,using Z = 58, A = 126, a = 0.65, and gfree = 5.6 andthe wavefunctions from the diagonalization of Eq [32], as afunction of I . It is seen that for I ≤ 14 the predicted g-factoris roughly constant with a value of g = 0.45. However, forI ≥ 16, the g-factor takes on a different trend as seen in Fig.11. This is a result of the pair-breaking effect, in which theangular momentum vectors in the system realign. Effectively,this realignment changes the value of I · J which is used tocalculate g, defined in Eq. [41]. From the probability distribu-tions in Fig. 10, it is seen that for I ≤ 14 the dominant state isof J = 0, Ω = 0, meaning that 〈I · J〉 ∼ 0, and g ∼ gR re-sulting in a constant trend over I . Similarly, as the probabilitydistribution shifts to favour larger values of J , Ω at I ≥ 16, the〈I · J〉 term becomes significantly larger than zero, changingthe behaviour of g as a function of I .

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    Fig. 12. (Colour online) The B(E2) values between states of

    different I are plotted in units of e 2Q02. Here, the blue circles

    are calculated for the axial rotor model using the rotor-only

    wavefunction of Eq. [8] and the red circles are for the pair-rotor

    coupling model for interacting nucleons using Eq. [34].

    Reduced Electric Quadrupole Transition ProbabilityIn order to calculate the reduced electric quadrupole transi-

    tion probability from state Ii to If , B(E2;Ii → If ), the electricquadrupole tensor needs to be calculated. In the intrinsic frame,the electric quadrupole tensor Q2ν takes the form

    Q2ν =√




    where the charge density ρ is taken to be a constant over thevolume of the axially deformed rotor, the radius of which isparametrized through Eq. [2]. For the deformed rotor in thepair-rotor model, when then charge density is integrated overthe volume of the body,


    ρdV = (Z − 2)e,

    because there are Z − 2 protons in the deformed rotor. How-ever, this tensor in the intrinsic frame needs to be transformedinto the lab frame by use of the Wigner-D function through thetransformation

    [44] Q2µ =∑


    D2µνQ2ν .

    Making use of Eqs. [42] - [44]

    Q2µ = eQ0D2µ0,[45]

    Q0 =3(Z − 2)R20β√


    With the quadrupole moment expressed in this way, the B(E2)values may be derived. The reduced transition probability B(E2)takes the form


    B(E2; Ii →If ) =5

    16π(2I + 1)×

    µ, M ′, M

    |〈ΨI ′fM ′|Q2µ|ΨIiM〉|2,

    Fig. 13. The quadrupole moment for the axial rotor with

    interacting valence nucleons is calculated as a function of I using

    Eq. [48] in units of Q0. Here the change in the trend of Q as a

    function of I after the pair-break is less pronounced than for the


    which by use of the Wigner-Eckhart Theorem becomes

    [47]B(E2; Ii → If ) =


    16π(2I + 1)×

    |〈ΨI ′f ||Q2||ΨIi〉|2,

    in analogue to the result derived by Davydov (1958). Notethat in this calculation the valence pair’s contribution to thequadrupole tensor is not included as an approximation, yield-ing a simplified matrix element. This approximation is jus-tified, because when calculated the pair’s contribution to thequadrupole tensor is negligible compared to the rotor’s contri-bution to the quadrupole tensor.

    In Fig. 12 the B(E2) calculation for the pair of interactingvalence nucleons coupled to the axial rotor using Eq. [34] iscompared to the B(E2) using the rotor-only wavefunction ofEq. [8]. Up to the I = 14 → I = 12 transition, the B(E2) forthe rotor matches the B(E2) for the rotor plus the valence pair,which is expected as the valence pair is coupled to the J = 0,Ω = 0 state, based on the probability distributions in Fig. 10.At the transition from I = 16 to I = 14, the B(E2) for the ro-tor plus the pair is nearly zero, in contrast to the smooth trendfor the rotor-only B(E2). This is because at the pair-breaking,the angular momentum jumps from favouring J = 0, Ω = 0to favouring the J = 8 and J = 10 states, an angular momen-tum difference greater than 2. However, the E2 selection rulesallow for a change in angular momentum up to 2, meaning thecontribution to the I = 16 → I = 14 transition from the basisstates with the greatest amplitude is zero. After this transition,the trend becomes smooth approaching the rotor-only calcula-tion for increasing I . This behaviour is a result of the rotor’sangular momentum R having a larger relative contribution tothe total angular momentum I as I increases.

    Spectroscopic Quadrupole MomentAnother observable calculable from the model wavefunc-

    tions as a function of I is the spectroscopic electric quadrupole

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    moment. The spectroscopic quadrupole moment Q is equiv-alent to the diagonal element of the quadrupole operator dis-cussed above. In the preceding section, it was the off-diagonalmatrix elements that were involved in electric quadrupole tran-sitions. This diagonal moment takes the form

    [48] Q = 〈ΨI M = I|Q20|ΨI M = I〉.

    Once again the valence pair’s negligible contribution to thequadrupole moment is not included in the calculation. PlottingQ as a function of I in Fig. 13, it is evident there is a distinctchange in the trend of this observable as a function of I , despitebeing a diagonal matrix element of the quadrupole momentoperator. However, in contrast to the other observables calcu-lated above, the change in trend is not as pronounced. Again,the changing trend in Q as a function of spin results from thechange in probability distributions about the pair-breaking be-tween I = 14 and I = 16, as shown in Fig. 10.

    Summary and Future Work

    126Ce was modelled as an axially deformed rotor coupled toa pair of valence nucleons of the same kind to explore the im-pact of the nuclear Jahn-Teller effect on the single-particle andcollective degrees of freedom in atomic nuclei. As expected,the spontaneous breaking of spherical symmetry in atomic nu-clei has an impact on single particle degrees of freedom throughinteractions of valence nucleons with the deformed mean fieldand through the contact nucleon-nucleon interactions, whilethe collective degrees of freedom are impacted through themagnitude of the moment of inertia. The coupling betweenthe single-particle and collective degrees of freedom is bestmanifested through the Coriolis interactions of the angular mo-menta of the valence pair and the rotor. Encapsulated in this toymodel are the two opposing driving forces for the single par-ticles: the pair breaking Coriolis force and the pairing nucleardelta force. Modelling both of these opposing forces allowsagreement with the data.

    The two opposing forces acting on the valence pair of nu-cleons, the Coriolis force and the nuclear delta force, are ofcomparable magnitude, and both make a significant impacton the state of the system near the pair breaking. This phe-nomenon is unique when compared to other quantum systems,like molecules, since it is only in nuclei where occupation ofhigh-spin nucleon states like h11/2 is allowed. A pair of h11/2nucleons can couple to J between 0 and 10. For a given angu-lar momentum, this pair interacts at an energy scale compara-ble to that of the collective rotation of the nucleus. This is verydifferent than in molecules, where the collective rotation of themolecule as a whole dominates the angular momentum and theenergy scale associated with the rearrangement of electrons invalence shells is a minute effect in comparison.

    Using the model wavefunction observables including the g-factor, the reduced electric quadrupole transition probability,and the spectroscopic quadrupole moment were calculated asa function of spin. In each case, the pair-breaking played a roleresulting in a distinct change in the trend of predicted values asfunctions of spin. Due to the lack of data for these observables,chiefly at the region of the pair breaking, these calculationsserve as a prediction to be tested experimentally.

    In future studies, a similar analysis will be carried out for thetriaxial quadrupole deformed rotor in order to reproduce thedata and probe and understand the relevant physical systems.The rotor-pair coupling model may also be extended to en-compass higher order deviations from the spherical shape, andtested by the same procedure as outlined here for the axially-symmetric quadrupole deformation.


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