colling media - advanced advertising solutions

Advertising Solutions PRESENTED BY

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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Advertising Solutions


About Us

Colling Media specializes in connecting our clients with the most effective media strategies.


Our mission is to increase client revenue through custom marketing solutions.

Television Television and Cable networks represent an enormous potential in advertising if you can properly navigate the variety of programming. At Colling Media, we maximize the value of your advertising campaign by identifying the niche markets that will help you thrive.

Radio Radio Broadcasting sources continue to change and evolve but its versatility remains constant. The ability to advertise to large, specific audiences can be

great for building product and service recognition.

Outdoor advertising has always been a great method for establishing your brand. There are a variety of outdoor advertising options such as static billboards,

electronic billboards, vehicles, and even projections onto buildings.


Driving New Traffic With Display Ads Display Advertising offers track able, interactive, rich media ads that can be delivered at scale to highly targeted audiences. Colling Media uses some of the world’s best designers, most effective targeting solutions, and the most advanced media buying platforms to deliver our clients’ value

propositions to their ideal customers across all of their online devices.

Your Value Proposition

Your Ad



Find the right person, at the right time and the right place

Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC)

Colling Media helps increase client revenue through PPC by finding and managing 5 to 10 certified optimizers who compete to develop the best possible campaigns for our clients.

Colling Media’s process of “Optimizer Matching” utilizes technology that ensures only the most qualified paid search experts are working on your campaign.

Save time and money while your team of Google Certified Optimizers

find the best strategies for driving new business to your company

Optimizers are paid only for performance to ensure that their goals are aligned with the clients


Target $2.00 $15.00

Achieved $1.90 $14.00

Difference $0.10 $1.00

Optimizer $0.075 $0.75

Colling Media $0.025 $0.25

Display Network Reach Using virtually every ad network, various demand side platforms, and many publisher partnerships, Colling Media enables our clients to deliver their ads

across 98% of the internet with unparalleled precision and efficiency.

Site Re-Marketing Most websites’ visitors will leave without making a purchase or even making it past the homepage. Colling Media’s clients can increase sales and conversion rates through Site Re-Marketing. Site Re-Marketing gives Colling Media’s clients the ability to deliver their

ads directly to the people who have already expressed interest by visiting their site.

•  Awareness •  Credibility •  Interest •  Engagement •  Conversions •  Loyalty

“Bring Them Back”

Your ad

Your ad

Your ad

Search Re-Marketing Deliver your ads to the people who have expressed interest in your product or service at the keyword level of intent with Search Re-Marketing. Leave your competitors behind on the Google Search page

and deliver your messages and offers to your potential customers on the sites they like to visit.

It’s Like Adwords… but with Branding •  Cheaper Cost Per Clicks •  Interactive Ads •  Competitor Keyword Bidding •  Extensive Reach •  Keyword level targeting

Content Re-Marketing Content Re-Marketing allows advertisers to place their ads on sites that have content

related to your product or services. Targeting content online at the keyword level, not just broad categories, ensures that your ads are showing up in the right places while your

audiences are actively engaged in the discovery/buying process.

Sometimes people skip Google, and maybe they don’t know about your company yet… But they don’t need to find you when you can find them!

Related Content Your Ads

Consumer Household re-Marketing Talk to your current leads and customer database through online display ads in the same way you communicate with them through email and direct mail. Send your messaging to

specific households, city blocks, zip codes, cities, states, or nation wide and make sure your audience sees your messages whether they’re offline or online.

Thank You



Your Message

Find your customers online and keep your messaging strategy consistent across multiple channels while reducing steps in the sales process.

E-mail Re-Marketing Increase sales and conversion rates by delivering ads to the people who open your email messages. Colling Media’s clients can also place their messages and offers within other publishers’ email campaigns for increased exposure.

3. Increase Sales 1. E-mail your subscribers 2. Serve your Display ads

Your ad

Mobile Websites Companies that do not have a mobile site are simply losing business to

their competitors who are more accessible and easier to buy from.

1.  Over 50% of your customers will search for you on a mobile device

2.  Increase Calls to your business 3.  Increase Content Sharing 4.  Make it easy for your customers to

locate your store and get direction 5.  Increase Reservations

and other types of conversion rates

Mobile Search Re-Marketing In addition to leveraging Google and Publisher data, our partners power 70% of search technology and data across all mobile platforms. This allows us to hyper-target your core audience on the apps and devices that they like to use at the exact time and location that your messages are most relevant to them.

of mobile users look up local businesses 95%

Called the business

Visited the business

As a result of the mobile search:

Made a purchase in store

Made a purchase online

61% 59% 36% 22%

Mobile Network Reach Using Demand Side Platforms, Ad Networks, and Publishing partners, Colling Media can deliver

targeted search and display ads across any device. Use over 30 consumer data points and search data to profile your ideal customer and deliver rich media, location-based, contextually relevant

ads directly to them on the mobile websites and apps they like to use.

150 Million use Mobile Web 80 Million US consumers use apps 79% use mobile devices to shop 49% locate retailers after a search

Digital Radio Digital Radio combines the power of traditional media, such as radio and TV advertising, with the tracking, targeting, and interactive capabilities of digital media. Unlike conventional radio advertising, you can ensure your messages reach your target audience while they are listening.

•  80% Males •  20% Females •  Age 18-34 •  in Phoenix •  Country Music •  Mon – Fri •  6am – 8pm

I Want To Target:

Online Video Advertising Online advertising is no longer limited to static or animated banners. Colling Media enables

its clients to deliver video commercials at scale to their ideal customers on the sites they visit.

84% •  Powerful Messaging •  Premium Inventory •  Engage Your Audience •  Extensive Reach •  Scalable Targeting •  Transparent Reporting

of internet users watch videos online

Social Media

ENGAGE with YOUR AUDIENCE Across all of your social channels

•  Full-time Account Manager •  Increase Customer Service •  Build Trust and Loyalty •  Build Your Community •  Viral Content Distribution

Social media is essential in today’s Marketing. We optimize and fully manage your social media channels to maximize your fan and brand engagement.

Reputation Management

Bad Reviews Can Be Good…

•  Trust •  Appreciation •  Credibility •  Engagement •  Approval

Instantly Create:

Proactively monitor the entire web for any positive or negative mentions of your company and respond immediately.

1. Define Goals

2. Build 1st Page

3. Drive Traffic

4. Get Feedback

5. Create Hypothesis

6. Test Hypothesis

7. Learn and Adapt

Conversion Rate Optimization

One of the most critical and overlooked ways to increase bottom line revenue is through conversion rate optimization. Colling Media’s MECLABS certified optimizers can help businesses increase sales by implementing scientific “A/B Split” and “Multivariate” online testing procedures that identify and

eliminate friction and anxiety throughout the entire online marketing-sales process.

“There are no expert marketers. There are only experienced marketers and expert testers.” - Dr. Flint McGlaughlin

!  Increase traffic !  Increase customer engagement !  Reduce customer anxiety and bounce rates !  Shorten the sales cycle !  Drive higher quality leads and conversions !  Maximize potential revenue !  Lower your CPA across all marketing channels

Contact Us [email protected]
