color, texture and figure ground studio 3

Sara Gray Advanced Computer Graphics Product 3 Color, Texture and Figure Ground COLOR *Red green and yellow are complementing colors. Red is on the opposite side of the color wheel than yellow and green.Yellow and green are right next to each other. My four year old son loves and recognizes color, that is why he loves this toy. *This is a birthday gift bag from my sons room. The back ground of the bag is blue and all the colors on top of it are primary colors. They are pure and can't be mixed with other 1. Complementing Colors 2. Primary Colors

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Page 1: Color, Texture and Figure Ground Studio 3

Sara Gray Advanced Computer Graphics Product 3 Color, Texture and Figure Ground

COLOR *Red green and yellow are complementing colors. Red is on the opposite side of the color wheel than yellow and green. Yellow and green are right next to each other. My four year old son loves

and recognizes color, that is why he loves this toy.

*This is a birthday gift bag from my sons room. The back ground of the bag is blue and all the colors on top of it are primary colors. They are pure and can't be mixed with other

1. Complementing Colors

2. Primary Colors

Page 2: Color, Texture and Figure Ground Studio 3

*This crest toothpaste tube is made of analogous colors because red and blue are right next to each other on the color wheel. They grab your attention and work well together. (Sorry it's upside down) *This is a great example of secondary colors. It is two primary colors mixed using blue green and orange. This is a kids menu from chili's. it does make me hungry.

*This is another great example of primary colors. The main colors used on this kid ride is yellow and red which are both primary colors and work well together because they are both strong colors.

3. Analogous Colors

4. Secondary Colors

5. Primary Colors

Page 3: Color, Texture and Figure Ground Studio 3


*This is my daughter pink snow boots. They have an amazing texture to them feeling rough and scaly like a snake.

*This is a stuffed animal at my home that has the softest best texture ever! I can hold it or even lay my head on it for relaxation. My favorite texture is soft.

1. Rough Scaly Texture

2. Softest Dog Ever!

Page 4: Color, Texture and Figure Ground Studio 3

*This is the carpet at my town house. The feeling of it is soft and rough at the same time. I can lay my head on it but its way for firm that the stuffed animal dog. Very nice texture photo.

*This is my son's dart board that he throws his mini darts at. The spiky texture was interesting to see and feel while hanging on the wall. The little plastic parts are not sharp and they hold the dart in place.

*These flowers were the most interesting feeling as the days past. The pedals were very soft and smooth the first couple of days and then became rough and hard.

3. Carpet!

4. Dart Board

5. Soft flowers

Page 5: Color, Texture and Figure Ground Studio 3

Figure Ground *This face is clearly seen through the tree branches over this beautiful lake. Great Figure Ground Shot. *This is a specific game of chest. It between the two peices it is a silhouette of two men or women facing each other. It neat to see space create art.

*These two flip flops on the can make the perfect coke bottle in the middle. It represents the Coke product effectively with a bit of an eye trick. Very Interesting.

The Face


The Coke Bottle