com - welcome to the psc web site - florida public service ... · pdf filebefore the florida...

F=PL. VIA HAND DELIVERY Ms. Carlotta S. Stauffer Maria J. Moncada Senior Attorney Florida Power & Light Company 700 Universe Boulevard Juno Beach, FL 33408-0420 (561) 304-5795 (561) 691-7135 (Facsimile) E-mail: [email protected] March 30, 2017 Division of the Commission Clerk and Administrative Services Florida Public Service Commission 2540 Shumard Oak Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0850 R e: Docket No. 170002-EG Dear Ms. Stauffer: ("") 0 o::I: 13: rrl- ;r; Cf> 0 :z: ......:> = -.j ::X 0 :Po rn :::0 v.> < C> m 0 " -{, ::Jt -u ':? (/) CJ1 0 Enclosed for filing in the above docket is Florida Power & Light Company's ("FPL's") Third Request for Extension of Confidential Classification of Materials Provided Pursuant to Audit No. 11-005-4-4. The request includes Second Revised Exhibits A, B (two copies), C and Third Revised Exhibit D. Second Revised Exhibit A consists of the confidential documents, and all the information that FPL asserts is entitled to confidential treatment has been highlighted. Second Revised Exhibit B is an edited version of Second Revised Exhibit A, in which the information FPL asserts is confidential has been redacted. Second Revised Exhibit C is a justification table in support of FPL 's Third Request for Extension of Confidential Classification. Third Revised Exhibit D contains the declarations in support offPL's Request. Please contact me if you or your Staff has any questions regarding this filing. Enclosure cc: Counsel for Parties of Record (w/ copy of FP L' s Third Request for Extension of Confidential Classification) REDACTED 5857815 COM __ AFD APA @-4--t- ENG __ _ GCL __ _ IDM TEL CLK

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• F=PL.

VIA HAND DELIVERY Ms. Carlotta S. Stauffer

Maria J. Moncada Senior Attorney Florida Power & Light Company 700 Universe Boulevard Juno Beach, FL 33408-0420 (561) 304-5795 (561) 691-7135 (Facsimile) E-mail: [email protected]

March 30, 2017

Division of the Commission Clerk and Administrative Services Florida Public Service Commission 2540 Shumard Oak Blvd. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0850

Re: Docket No. 170002-EG

Dear Ms. Stauffer:


0 o::I: 13: rrl-;r; Cf> ~Cf>

0 :z:


~ = -.j

::X 0 :Po rn :::0

v.> < C> m

0 " -{, ::Jt

-u ':? (/) CJ1 0 ~

Enclosed for filing in the above docket is Florida Power & Light Company's ("FPL's") Third Request for Extension of Confidential Classification of Materials Provided Pursuant to Audit No. 11-005-4-4. The request includes Second Revised Exhibits A, B (two copies), C and Third Revised Exhibit D.

Second Revised Exhibit A consists of the confidential documents, and all the information that FPL asserts is entitled to confidential treatment has been highlighted. Second Revised Exhibit B is an edited version of Second Revised Exhibit A, in which the information FPL asserts is confidential has been redacted. Second Revised Exhibit C is a justification table in support of FPL's Third Request for Extension of Confidential Classification. Third Revised Exhibit D contains the declarations in support offPL's Request.

Please contact me if you or your Staff has any questions regarding this filing.

Enclosure cc: Counsel for Parties of Record ( w/ copy of FPL' s Third Request for Extension of

Confidential Classification)

REDACTED 5857815

COM __



@-4--t-ENG __ _

GCL __ _




FPSC Commission Clerk
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In re: Energy Conservation Cost Recovery Clause

Docket No: 170002-EG

Date: March 30, 2017



Pursuant to Section 366.093, Florida Statutes ("Section 366.093"), and Rule 25-22.006,

Florida Administrative Code, Florida Power & Light Company ("FPL") hereby submits its Third

Request for Extension of Confidential Classification of Information Provided Pursuant to Audit

No. 11-005-4-4("Confidential Information"). In support ofthis request, FPL states as follows:

1. On July 1, 2011, FPL filed a Request for Confidential Classification of the

Confidential Information, which included Exhibits A, B, C and D ("July 1, 2011 Request"). By

- Order No. PSC-11-0539-CFO-EG, dated November 18, 2011 ("Order 0539"), the Commission

granted FPL's July 1, 2011 Request. FPL adopts and incorporates by reference the July 1, 2011

Request and Order 0539.

2. By Order No. PSC-13-0475-CFO-EG, dated October 15, 2013 the Commission

granted FPL' s First Request for Extension of Confidential Classification.

3. On March 11, 2015, FPL filed its Second Request for Extension of Confidential

Classification, which included Second Revised Exhibit D ("March 11, 2015 Request"). By

Order No. PSC-15-0481-CFO-EG, dated October 15, 2015 ("Order 0481"), the Commission

granted FPL's March 11, 2015 Request. FPL adopts and incorporates by reference the March

11, 2015 Request and Order 0481.

4. The period of confidential treatment granted by Order 0481 will soon expire.

Some ofthe Confidential Information that was the subject ofFPL's March 11, 2015 Request and

Order 0481 warrants continued treatment as proprietary and confidential business information


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within the meaning of Section 366.093(3). Accordingly, FPL hereby submits its Third Request

for Extension of Confidential Classification.

5. Included with this Request are Second Revised Exhibit A, Second Revised

Exhibit B, together with Second Revised Exhibit C to reduce the confidential designations. Also

included is Third Revised Exhibit D.

6. Second Revised Exhibits A and B consist of highlighted and redacted copies of

the specific working papers where FPL has determined that a portion of the information

previously designated as confidential requires continued confidential treatment. Where entire

pages of a working paper are confidential, FPL has included only identifying cover pages in

Second Revised Exhibit B.

7. Second Revised Exhibit C is a table that identifies the specific pages, lines or

columns that remain confidential. The table also references the specific statutory bases for

confidentiality and the declarants who support the requested classification.

8. Third Revised Exhibit D consists of the declarations of Antonio Maceo and Anita

Sharma in support of this request.

9. The Confidential Information is intended to be and has been treated by FPL as

private, its confidentiality has been maintained, and its disclosure would cause harm to FPL and

its customers. Pursuant to Section 366.093, such materials are entitled to confidential treatment

and are exempt from the disclosure provisions of the public records law. Thus, once the

Commission determines that the information in question is proprietary confidential business

information, the Commission is not required to engage in any further analysis or review such as

weighing the harm of disclosure against the public interest in access to the information.

10. As more fully described in the declarations included in Third Revised Exhibit D,

certain documents provided by FPL contain information regarding internal auditing controls,


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reports or notes of internal auditors, or information relating to internal audit reports. This

information is protected by Section 366.093(3)(b), Fla. Stat.

11. Additionally, certain information in these documents and materials concern FPL's

competitive interests and would place FPL at a disadvantage when coupled with the other

information that is publicly available. This information is protected by Section 366.093(3)(e),

Fla. Stat.

12. Upon a finding by the Commission that the Confidential Information remains

proprietary and confidential business information, the information should not be declassified for

at least an additional eighteen (18) month period and should be returned to FPL as soon as it is

no longer necessary for the Commission to conduct its business. See § 366.093( 4), Fla. Stat.

WHEREFORE, for the above and foregoing reasons, as more fu lly set forth in the

supporting materials and affidavits included herewith, Florida Power & Light Company

respectfully requests that its Third Request for Extension of Confidential Classification be


Respectfully submitted,

John T. Butler Assistant General Counsel- Regulatory Maria J. Moncada Senior Attorney Florida Power & Light Company 700 Universe Boulevard Juno Beach, FL 33408 Telephone: (561) 30 -5795 Facsimile: (561) 1- 135 Email: cad


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I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Third Request for

Extension of Confidential Classification* has been furnished by electronic service on this 30th

day of March 2017 to the following:

Stephanie Cuello Esq. Theresa Tan, Esq. Office of General Counsel Florida Public Service Commission 2540 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0850 [email protected] ltan@psc. state. fl. us

Jeffrey Stone, Esq. Russell Badders, Esq. Steven Griffin, Esq. Beggs & Lane Law Firm Attorneys for Gulf Power Company P.O. Box 12950 Pensacola, FL 32591 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

James W. Brew, Esq. Laura A. Wynn, Esq. Attorneys for PCS Phosphate - White Springs Agricultural Chemicals, Inc. Stone Mattheis Xenopoulos & Brew, PC 1025 Thomas Jefferson St., NW Eighth Floor, West Tower Washington, DC 20007 [email protected] [email protected]


J. R. Kelly, Esq. Patricia Ann Christensen, Esq. Charles Rehwinkel, Esq. Office of Public Counsel c/o The Florida Legislature 111 West Madison St., Room 812 Tallahassee, FL 32399-1400 [email protected] christensen. [email protected]. us rehwinkel.charles@leg. state.fl. us

James D. Beasley, Esq J. Jeffrey Wahlen, Esq. Ausley & McMullen Attorneys for Tampa Electric P.O. Box 391 Tallahassee, FL 32302 jbeasley@ausley .com jwahlen@ausley .com

Jon C. Moyle, Jr., Esq. Moyle Law Firm, P.A. Attorneys for Florida Industrial Power Users Groups (FIPUG) 118 North Gadsden Street Tallahassee, FL 32301 [email protected]

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Beth Keating, Esq. Gunster Firm Attorneys for Florida Public Utilities Company 215 So. Monroe St., Suite 618 Tallahassee, FL 32301- 1804 [email protected]

Matthew R. Bernier Duke Energy Florida, Inc. 106 East College A venue Suite 800 Tallahassee, FL 32301 Matthew. bernier@duke-energy .com

Robett L. McGee, Jr. Regulatory and Pricing Manager Gulf Power Company One Energy Place Pensacola, FL 32520 [email protected]

Dianne Triplett, Esq. Duke Energy Florida, Inc. 299 First A venue North St. Petersburg, FL 33701 [email protected]

Mike Cassel Director/Regulatory and Governmental

Affairs Florida Public Utilities Company 1750 SW 14th Street, Suite 200 Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 [email protected]

Paula K. Brown Manager, Regulatory Coordination Tampa Electric Company P.O. Box Ill Tampa, FL 33601 regdept@tecoen gy. om

*The exhibits to this Request are not included with the service copies, but copies of Second Revised Exhibits Band C and Third Revised Exhibit Dare available upon request.



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1. PS- Transmission 2009 SOX Report FPL


2. ISC - FPL 2009 SOX Report Energy Conservation Cost Recovery Dkt# 11 0002-EG, Audit# 11-005-4-4

TYE 12/31/2010

3. t>SBN ":' ERC-Proc~s Review Title lAS-!- ,.f Avclits

*- 4.

5. Options _Library Implementation

6. IM- Wireless Technologies

V FIN Account Reconciliation Process Audit

8. Executive Expense Report Audit

* 9.


10. IM --Operating System Standards

11. NUC- PTN - Excellence Program Audit

@ IA - 2010 IA Code of Conduct Survey

13. ROE and EPS Growth Anaiysis for FPL Group Financial Performance Matrix


14. EMT --System Implementation Consultation -Tariff Compliance

A 15. EMT-_Mark to Market Implementat!on

16. CS -·Cancel and Replace (CARP) Transaction Review·

17. NUC-A

18. Remote Access I VPN


@ Review of Streetlights Survey and Reconciliation Process Foll~w-up

21. DSBN-

22. NUC- Extended Power Uprate - 2009 Expenditures Review

23. E&C- New Nuclear Projects- 2009 Expenditures Review-


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24. EMT Mandatory Vacation Policy

@ PS- Distribution-


26. Review of Smart Mobile Controls Over Time Reporting

27. IM -~Post-Implementation .R:eview

29. DSBN - Review of Fleet Services

30. . FIN- XBRL Audit

31. IM - EDI Follow-up

(~~~') CS- Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Review ·.1.., -·"··~

* 33 ..

34. NE~C _CIP Sustainability Review System Control Center (SCC)

. -35. IM - SOX GCC 2010 Planning/ Admin

~ Review of Undocumented Meter Conditions Black Belt Project

37. PS - Payroll Accounting Audit ·

38. T&S- NERC_CIP Sustainability:.. TSO

39. IM- SAP GRC Access Control RAR & SPM Implementation Review

40. IM -NAMS, PTN at:~d PSL Implementation

41. EMT.- FERC Natural Gas P~ice Rep.ortjng

42. PGD - NERC CIP Sustainability

@~) cs - DSM Testing and Data Conversion Phase

44.. FPL Retirement and Severance Termination Process

45. Corporate Security- NEI<C CIP Sustainability


46\ HR- Time Entry Audit- Accuracy and Completeness of Non-Productive Time ...... --~

2 1-\ f'Z-

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47. IM- NERC CIP Sustainability

@) FIN- Account Reconciliation Follow-Vp


0"..0 Contract Administration Review of Demand Side· Management Programs (HVAC and Building Envelope)

50. ·.rM·- SAP GRC Access Control CUP ~mplementatian Review

51. NERC CIP Sustainability - Corporate Compliance

52. Cable p.nd Wire Issuance Process Review ·

53. IM- SOX Support (Contractor)

®. Energy Smart Florida Grant Billing Pro'cess Review

55. IM- SAP Financial Business Process Review

56. IM - Network Printer Security and NPI

57. E&C 2010 SOX Report

5$. NUC - Outage Scope and Budget Process Review

59. IM - Database M~nitoring Review

60. Customer.Service 2010 SOX Report

61. ~istribution 2010 SOX Report

62. Review of AMI NV RAM Error Conditiqn

63. -64. EMT Trading 2010·sox Report- Accounting

65. EMT- Trading 2010 SOX Report- .Risk-Manageme~t

66. Legal - Documen{Reten.tion ~olicy Audit

67. IM- SAP One Project Review 1 (Phase II,- Finance and SCM)

68. South Broward Service Center


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Conservation Audit Workpaper Number 9-1/1

[Pages 1 through 4]

Internal Audit Report Notes

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I '2.

Florida Power & L.ight Co. Pension and Welfare Recal TYE 12/31/2010 B Maitre

Ace No.

Regular Payroll Overtime Payroll Total Payroll


Pension, Welfare, Taxas & lnsuranc;e Per Staff 926.211 Pension, Welfare, Taxes & Insurance Per Ledger {WP 12)


Included in Base Rates: FICA FUTA SLIT A Amt Included in Base Rates Per Staff

926.230 Amt Included in Base Rates Per Ledger (WP 12) Difference

WP 44-1/1-1 Rates

2009 2010

(A) For PWTl Posted in Jan 2010: 2009 Rates on Dec 2009 Payroll

Source: Req 5 and 1

Staff traced the 2010 Monthly P&Wschedule to the Summary of Payortl for System schedules on WP 44-1/1 and rates to the PWTl rates on WP 44-1/1-1. Next. staff recomputed Jan to Dec's PWTI and Base Rate Adjustment amounts. Staff compared the amount to the ledger and

Payroll Payroll Dec-09 Jan-10 Posting Posting Jan-10 Feb-10

(A) 1,085,557 1,521,729

15.719 8,759 1,101,276 1,530,487

171,799 297,680 171,799 297,680

0 (0)

~~ ~

WP· Payroll Payroll • Payroll Payroll ~

Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 ~ Posting Posting Posting Posting ~ Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 ~

--~ 1,519,867 3,181,116 1,552,622 1,552,170 ;..., =:::.;; 10,299 8,632 7,124 5,722 .,.,!&"Jl:!,

1,530,186 3,189,750 1,559,746 1,557,892 r~-297,621 620,406 303,371 303,010 297,621 620,406 303,371 303,010

(0) 0 (0) (OJ


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Florida Power & Light Co. Pension and Welfare Reca! TIE 12/31/201 0 B Maitre

Ace No.

Regular Payroll Overtime Payroll Total Payroll


Pension, Welfare, Taxes & Insurance Per Staff 926.211 Pension, Welfar'i', Taxes & Insurance Per L.edger (WP-12)


Included in Base Rates: FICA FUTA SUTA Amt Included in Base Rates Per Staff

926.230 Amt Included in Base Rates Per Ledger (WP 12) Difference

~ ~ WP44-1/1·1

Rates 2009 2010

(A) For PWTI Posted in Jan 2010: 2009 Rates on Dec 2009 Payroll

Source: Req 5 and 1

Staff traced the 201 o Monthly P&W schedule to the Summary of PayorD for System schedules on WP 44-1/1 and rates to the PWTl rates on WP 44-1/1-1. Next, staff recomputed Jan to Dec's P.WTI and Base Rate Adjustment amounts. Staff compered the amount to the ledger and

44-1/1 Payroll Payroll Jun-10 Jul-10 Posting Posting Jul-10 Aug-10

1,630,635 1,416,667 9,148 16,332

1,639,763 1,433,199 318,938 276,757 318,938 278,757

(0) (0)

Payroll Payroll Aug-10 Sep-10 Posting Posting Sep-10 Oct-10

2,263,349 1,478,566 33,632 49,267

2,296,981 1,527,834 446,763 297,164 446,763 297,164

(0) (0)

Payroll Oc;t-10 Posting Nov-10

1,688,675 31,714

1,620,589 316,205 315,205


Payroll Nov-10 Posting Dec·10

1,508,662 21.316

1,529,977 297,581 297,581



3,948,294 3,948,294


WP2-3 Filing Diff

(1 ,445,356) (0)

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1.) ?. j tp

t. ~

"'Q n>

l. -1=: <j: .!! ....

"' t ~

"' 1\ I' t)

l' s. ~ 0....

20_1 0 FPSC Au'dit Request No. 5 Item No: 1

I z

CONFIDENT~Al P&W %: Factor LBR %:

January 2010

3 r .s=

(based on 2009 factor) · · · · ~ Colom~ A+ B . • ~ 0.43397435S = 0.0677 Al.1560

Feb-Dec2010 ~- Feb-Dec2010: 4-

. Columns A+ 8 .. p. 0.36298·2005 = 0.0706/0.1945

7 8

Month '( 'i"t~I/J N z.

Dec-09 I"' $

A 8

Regular Overtime Payroll Payroll

1,085,557.17 $ 15,719.3f

~ .1,4.


TOTAL Month P&W Posting EAC760

$ 1,101,276.48 c~" 1-:2-

1 """"" . Jan-10 'f'"<- $ 1 ,521 ,728.87 $ 8,758.62 $ 1,530,487.49 Jan-10 $ Fl 171,799.13) ~ Feb-10 f.:!> $ 1 ,519;886.74 $ 10,299.08 $ 1 ,530 '185.82 Feb-10 $ e"J, 297,679.82

It ·Mar-10 {"-1 $ 3,181 '118.16 $ 8,631.95, $ 3,189,750.11 Mar-10 $ f'3>297,621.14 Apr-10 f'S $ 1 ,552,622.30 $ 7,123.73 $ 1,559,746.03 o $ f"i 620,406.40

D I r~ ti ~ 1


! ill f

· May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10

Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10


ec. $

'f'1 $ y'if $ ('<t $

r $ II $

fit. $


1 ,552,170.43 $ 5,721.96 $ 1 ,557,892.39 May-1 o $ p ~ 303,370.60 1,630,635.14 $ 9,148.23 $ 1,639,783.37 Jun-1 0 $ (>~ 303,010.07 1,416,867.26 $ 16,331.68 $ 1 ,433,198.94. Jul-10 $ @'1318,937.87 2,263,349.08 $ 33,631.85 $ 2,296,980.93 Aug-10 $ 1?11' 278,757.19 1,478,566.10 $ 49,267.40 $ 1,527,833.50 Sep-10 $ f~446,762.79 1,588,875.15 $. 31,714;17 $ 1 ,620,58!!1.32 Oct-10 $ -ero297,163.62 1,508,661.75 $ 21,315.53 $ 1,529,977.28 Nov-10 $ ['>11315,204.62

Dec-10 $ ojll"t297,580.58

1,085,557.17 $ 2. Jan-Nov Payroll for

15,719.31 $ 1 '1 01 ,276.48

P&W $ 19,214,480.98 $ 201,944.20 $ 19,416,425.18 Jan $ 171,799.13 Feb-Dec 3,776,494.70

TOTAL2010 $ 3.948 293.83


January 2010 P&W calculation: Column A+ Column 8 1 ~ January 201 o formula for Less Base· Rates Amounts: )( EAC 760

Pr ·1

l.fLi- I Feb- December 2010 P&W calculation: Column A+ Column 8 * - ·· · ~ Feb - December 201 0 formula for Less B"'e.Rates Amounf>' 7 .06/19A5 X EAC 760 ® December: '09 fs shown as memo only for verification of PW amount to be recovered in Jan '1 o.

~ ~

Less: Base R?.tes

$ (74,556.42) $ (1 08,052.42) $ "(108,031.12) $ (225, 196.;36) $ (110,118.07)

D~ (1 09,987.20) $ (115,768.71) $ (1 01 '183.85) $ (162,166.85) $ (1 07,865.05) $ (114,413.61) $ . (1 08,016.40)

$ (7 4,556.42) .$ (1 ,370,799.62)

$ (~4) '-r?>-t

~ ~ ~ 0

c: js:

t ~


~ J I~


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Lima, Angie I


From: Qian, Jie FPL Sent: r.o:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010 2:12 PI Energy Conservation Cost Recovery Adams, Rob; Allain, Tom; Ameeral Dkt# 110002-EG, Audit# 11_005_4_4 V; Cairns, Mike; C~nway, ~im; Coto, J~se; Cr~nmeJ TYE 1113112010 tu, David; Daly, Stma; Davtclson, Marvm; Davts, Gh . p Y.!. Jinghaus, Todd; Fairfax, Marcia; Fuentes, E:lizabeth, Title "w lla..-ks , Herlong, David


L; Isabella, Fran I<; Kalin, Judy; Koch, Tom; Korpi, Linda; Kreitz, Joseph W; Kunde, Darlene; Kvarda, Ken; Ladd, Melanie;" Lasaga, Miguel; Lima, Angie; Lloret, Carlos; Lowery, Sandra; Maslin, Eric; Middleton, Alan; Miranda, Jose; Moralejo, Cary; Nasby, T 0; Niebla, Eleida; Oliver, Timothy; Olowin, Michael; Osweiler, Phillip; Ousdahl, Kimberly; Perez, Rosalia; .Powers, Winnie; Prince, Sharon; Quintana, Leo; Reilly, Dan; Remer, .Ron; Rivera, Jose; Rojas, Marietta; Ruano, Gladys; Sample, Byron A; Sanchez, Rudy; Sands, Jill; Sarmiento, Jose; Sonnelitter, Pam; Spaulding, Brian; Spoor, Mil<e G; STAMM, SOL; Suarez, Juan; Suder, Laura; Tavarez, Luis; Tejedor, Fabian J; TEMP, MAIL5; Thomas, Dawn M; Toledo, Marina; Trout, David; Velasco, Scott; Watson, Jill; Webber, Michelle; Yanez, R{ck; Zavertnil<, Joe Z Randell, Christine; Lopez, Gloria; Cuba, Tony

Subject: 2010 Overhead Rates, PWTI Payroll Loading Rates Notification


For your use and information below are the 2010 Pension, Welfare, Payroll Taxes and Workers Compensation Insurance Payroll Loading Rates. · Rates are shown with the corresponding rate for 2009 for reference purposes. Please advise me if you no longer need to receive thi.s infonnati9n or if you know of someone who should be added to the distribution list. ·


The "TOTAL" rate includes the pension credit and all retiree medical costs. The ~'CURRENT" rate includes benefit costs for Active employees and certain post employment benefit' costs Rates are applied to regular and overtime payroll EACs as ha~ been done since 2004.

Florida Power 81 Light Company Pension, Welfare; Taxes & Insurance Rate Comparison for Years Ended 2009 & 2010

"TQTAL" (lntemal) Rate . A-I Code I Description

Pension & Welfare · FPW Funded Pension & Welfare

• UPW Unfunded Pension & Welfare Total P & W

Taxes & Insurance ~1"1 ~ f t FICA Social Security & Medicare (FICA) :...:-;---( FUTA Federal Unemployment l9 SUT A State Unemployment · 1 JCIP Worl<ers' Compensation 2. Total T & I

2010 2009



® -'-1- If- I . r~( fl


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~ Florida Powe1· & Light Company J Pension, Welfare, Taxes & insurance Rate f. Comparison fo1· Years Ended 2009 & 2010 - "CURRENT" (External) Rate

~ I Code I Description

'· Pension & Welfare ~ · FPW Funded Pension & Welfare i UPVV Unfunded Pension & Welfare 0 ·Total P & W

' Taxes & Insurance 'l. FICA Social Security & Medicare (FICA) ; FUTA ·Federal Unemployment r/ SUTA State Unemployment r WCIP Workers' Compensation


t ______ ~To~t~al~T~&~I ____________________ __

Thanks very much,

l .Jie Qian Accountant f, Cost Measurement 1!f. Allocation 'Florida Power & Light ACG/GO Ph: 305-552-'3455 Fax: 305-552-4375

·CONfiDENTIAl 2009 .



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Energy ·C,onservation Summary of Payro'll for System

FOR DEC/2009


--~ .


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-\-.c:: \...C. ~ I -

t:l · \._;Onservauon SummarY" ~f Payroll for System

FOR J~Nl201 0 on 02/13/2010 at 03:27:17

P&W Jan 201 o Payroll


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Value :0.1945

-\.-C. ,...r:. 9..J I

Energy Conservation Summary of Payroll for System

FOR FEB/2010 on 03/17/2010 at 11 :09:30AM


P&W Feb 2010 payroll



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Value :0.1945 Energy Conservation

Summary of Payroll for System FOR APR/201 0

on 05/20/2010 at 08:39:02AM

pw 042010 post 05 2010.xls


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EnGtyrolt:onservation Summary of Payroll for System

FOR MAY/2010 on 06/23/2010 at 08:15:25AM


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P&W May2D10 Payroll

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t:nergy l ::H VC:ILlUII

Summary of Payroll for System

FOR jUNJ201 0 07/2.3/2010 at 10:13:5BAM


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Value :0.1945 Energy Conservation

Summary of Payroll for System FORJUU2010

on 08/25/201 0 at 08:07:57 AM

pw 07 2010 post 08 201 O.xls


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Enel-gy Conserv21tion Summary of Payroll for System

FORAUG/2010. on 09/16/2010 at 03:22:00

Aug 2010 PW Post Sept 2010


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Value :0.1945 Energy Conservation

Summary of Payroll for System FOR SEP/201 0

on ·[0/21/2010 at 12:04:25

Sep 2010 PW Post Oct2010

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E1. Conservation Summarj"of Payroll for System

FORDCT/2010 on 11/16/2010 at 01:20:40 FPL-FPLREGULAR OVERTIME

PAYROLL PAYROLL .. -•i· $ 248,061.22 $ 3,473.66 $ 48,923.53 $ 20,080.50 $ 774.14 $ 4,056.23 $ 91,065.07 $ 8,422.91 $ 19,350.41

$ $ $

DUCT SYSTEM TESTING/REPAIR PGM $ 64,038.25 $ 1,281.45 $ 12,704.68 $ RES. A/C PGM. $ . 82,306.96 $ 2,501.93 $ 16,495.33 $ BUlLDSMART PGM. $ 33,465.55 $' - $ 6,509.05 $ l:.OW INCOME PRJ. $ 1,861.77 $ - $ 362.11 $ BUSINESS ON CALL $ . 14,174.00 .$ 122.15 $ 2,780.60 $ COGEN & SM POWER PROO $ 35,527.04 $ 181.19 $ 6,945.25 . $ BS. EfFICiENT LIGHTING $ 4,690.09 $ 166.67 $ 944.64 $ C/1 LOAD CONTROL $ 23,305.65 $ 241.80 $ 4,579.98 $ Cl DEMAND REDCTN. $ 9,558.8~ $ 59.41 $ 1,870.74 $ BEE/BUSINESS ENERGY EVALTN $ 1·50,'972.77 .$ 8,054.37 $ 30,930.78 $ BUSINESS HVAC $ 60,726.25 $ 585.47 $ 11,925.13 $ BUSINESS CUSTOM INCENTIVE $ 2,620.93 $ - $ 509.77 $ BS. BUILDING ENVELOPE $ 13,995.32 $ 350.26 $ 2,790.22 $

• BS. WATER HEATING $ 234.22 $ 15.90 ·$ 48.65 $ BS. REFRIGERATION $ 970.24 $ 15.89 $ 191.80 $ CONSERVATION R&D $ 2,340.64 $ - $ 455.25 $ ADMINISTRATION $ 728,879.87 $ 5,466.97 $ 142,830.46 $

TOTAL (' 44-f/f '\ $ 1,588,875.15 $ 31,714.17 $ 315,204.62 $ $

V.a "'\ "'Base R.ates Amount= !~J

"'Formula: ($114,413.61) (' ~N-t/1 ~ " (a) FICAIFUTAISUTA components ' (b) Total PWTI Rate


G:\Angie_Lima\Reconciliation 2010\pw 10 2010 post 11 2010.xls


300,458.41 24,910.87

118,838.39 78,024.38

1,01 ,304.22 39,974.60

2,223.88 17,076.75 42,653.48

5,801.40 28,127.43 1'1 ,488.96

189,957.92 73,236.85

3,130.70 17,135.80

298.77 1,177.93 2,795:89


1,935,793.94 1,935,793.94

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Energy Conse_rvation

Summary of Payroll for System FOR NOV/201 0

on 12110/2010 at 05:3.2:.28


Nov Z01 0 PW post Dec 2010



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Florida Power & Light Company List of Confidential Workpapers FPL, Energy Conservation Cost Recovery 11-005-4-4 170002-EG March 30, 2017

Bold denotes revision to reduce the amount of confidential classification previously requested

Workpaper Descript ion No. of Conf Line No./Column No. Florida No. Pages Y/N Statute

366.093 (3) Subsection

9-1 Internal Audit List 3 y Pg. 1, Lns.4,9, 10A, 14A, (b) 15A, 17A, 19, 21A

Pg. 2, Lns. 25A, 27 A, 28, 33

Pg. 3, Line 63

9-1/1 Internal Audit 4 y ALL (b) Report Notes

41-2/2-1 Rate Code 11 , 70 1 N and 168 Bill Test

41 -4 Bill Test 4 N 43-1/1 Monthly Program 36 N

Cost Breakdown 43-2/1-1/1 Item #56 2 N

43-2/3 Payroll Sample 10 N 43-2/3-1 Payroll Test 2 N 43-2/3-1/1 Item #163 3 N 44-1 2010 P&W 2 y Pg. 1, Cols. A & B, Lns 1, 4- (e)

Recalculation 8

Pg. 2, Col. A & B, Lns 1, 5-9

44-1/1 2010 P&W 1 y Lns. 3a,5a, 24a, 26a (e) Summary Schedule

44-1/1-1 P&W Rates 2 y Pg. 1, Col. A, Line 5 (e) Cols. B & C, Lns. 1-8 Col. D, Line 5

Pg. 2, Cols. A & B, Lns. 1, 8-10, 12-17

44-111-2 P&W Schedules: 12 y Pg. 1, Line 25a (e) Jan to Dec

Pgs. 2-12, Line 24a

45-1 Monthly Proformas 12 N Schedules

45-1/1 Incentive True-ups 8 N @ June and Dec 2010

Page 1 of l


A. Maceo

A. Maceo

A Sharma

A Sharma

A Sharma

A. Sharma

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ln re: Energy Conservation Cost Recovery Clause

Docket No: 170002-EG


1. My name is Antonio Maceo. I am currently employed by FLorida Power & Light Company ("FPL") as Manager, Internal Auditing. 1 have personal knowledge of the matters stated in this declaration.

2. I have reviewed the documents referenced and incorporated in FPL's Third Request for Extension of Confidential Classification oflnformation Obtained in Connection with Audit No. 11-005-4-4 for which 1 am identified as the declarant. The documents or materials contain or constitute competitively sensitive information, the disclosure of which could impair the competitive business of the provider of the information. Specifically, some of the information contain or constitute internal auditing controls. reports or notes of internal auditors, or information relating to internal auditing reports issued in 20 I I. Full and frank disclosure of information to the Internal Auditing department is essential for the department to fulfill its role, and the confidential status of internal auditing scope, process, findings, and reports supports such disclosure. The release of information related to reports of internal auditors would be ham1ful to FPL and its customers because it may affect the effectiveness of the Intemal Auditing department itself. To the best of my knowledge, FPL has maintained the confidentiality of these documents and materials.

3. Nothing has occuned since the issuance of Order No. PSC-15-0481-CFO-EG to render the information stale or public, such that continued confidential treatment would not be appropriate. Therefore, the information should remain confidential for a period of at least an additional eighteen (18) months. In addition, they should be returned to FPL as soon as the information is no longer necessary for the Commission to conduct its business so that FPL can continue to maintain the confidentiality of these documents.

4. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing declaration and that the facts stated in it are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Date: __ ]+\~-'{-+' -''------


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In re: Energy Conservation Cost Recovery Clause

Docket No: 170002-EG


1. My name is Anita Sharma. I am currently employed by Florida Power & Light Company ("FPL") as Manager, Demand Side Management Cost and Performance. I have personal knowledge of the matters stated in this declaration.

2. I have reviewed the documents referenced and incorporated in FPL's Third Request for Extension of Confidential Classification of Information Obtained in Connection with Audit No. 11-005-4-4. The documents or materials that I have reviewed and which are asserted by FPL to be proprietary confidential business information contain or constitute contractual competitively sensitive data, the disclosure of which could impair the competitive business of the provider of the information. In particular, the sensitive data consists of confidential terms pertaining to pension and welfare rates. Some documents contain customer-specific account information, which if disclosed would impair FPL's competitive interests or those of its vendors. It is FPL's corporate policy not to disclose customer-specific information. This policy includes, but is not limited to: customer names, addresses, telephone numbers, account numbers, rates, billing determinants (kW and kWh usage), conservation savings in kW, kWh and bills. FPL treats such information as confidential and does not disclose it, except as required by law to entities or persons other than the customer absent the customer's consent. To the best of my knowledge, FPL has maintained the confidentiality of these documents and materials.

3. Nothing has occurred since the issuance of Order No. PSC-15-0481-CFO-EG to render the information stale or public, such that continued confidential treatment would not be appropriate. Therefore, the information should remain confidential for a period of at least an additional eighteen (18) months. In addition, they should be returned to FPL as soon as the information is no longer necessary for the Commission to conduct its business so that FPL can continue to maintain the confidentiality of these documents.

4. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing declaration and that the facts stated in it are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Date: 3 } <iS I d-e \ '"i- ·