comfort hbr

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone: A Guide for the Terrified by Andy Molinsky | 11:00 AM December 31, 2013 Comments (0) No one likes to move beyond his or her comfort zone, but that’s really where the magic happens. It’s where we can grow, learn, and develop in a way that expands our horizons beyond what we thought was possible. Also, it’s terrifying. For me, operating beyond my comfort zone was participating in classroom discussions in college. Early in my career, it was public lecturing and participating in departmental meetings. I knew I had things to say, but was very unsure if they were worth saying. And you know what? I didn’t say a word in nearly all of my undergraduate classes, and uttered very little in professional meetings at for a long time. From talking with others about their own unique fears and challenges, I’m sure I’m not alone. Fast forward 20 years, and I am now in the interesting position of teaching and coaching others to operate outside their comfort zones. So in this new year, how can we get the courage to take this leap — and develop the skill and ability to actually pull it off? Tip 1: Recognize When You’re Tricking Yourself When I was afraid of participating in meetings or in class, I would rationalize away my discomfort. I’d tell myself quite convincingly that, “Participating just isn’t that important.” Now, in my position helping others to operate outside their comfort zones, especially outside of their cultural comfort zones , I hear similar rationalizations: “Networking isn’t that important; it’s the quality of your work,” or “People who network are slimy or full of themselves, and I’m not like that.”

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Get Out of Your Comfort Zone: A Guide for the Terrifiedby Andy Molinsky| 11:00 AM December 31, 2013 Comments (0)

No one likes to move beyond his or her comfort zone, but thats really where the magic happens. Its where we can grow, learn, and develop in a way that expands our horizons beyond what we thought was possible.Also, its terrifying.For me, operating beyond my comfort zone was participating in classroom discussions in college. Early in my career, it was public lecturing and participating in departmental meetings. I knew I had things to say, but was very unsure if they were worth saying.And you know what? I didnt say a word in nearly all of my undergraduate classes, and uttered very little in professional meetings at for a long time. From talking with others about their own unique fears and challenges, Im sure Im not alone.Fast forward 20 years, and I am now in the interesting position of teaching and coaching others to operate outside their comfort zones. So in this new year, how can we get the courage to take this leap and develop the skill and ability to actually pull it off?Tip 1: Recognize When Youre Tricking YourselfWhen I was afraid of participating in meetings or in class, I would rationalize away my discomfort. Id tell myself quite convincingly that, Participating just isnt that important. Now, in my position helping others to operate outside their comfort zones, especially outside of theircultural comfort zones, I hear similar rationalizations: Networking isnt that important; its the quality of your work, or People who network are slimy or full of themselves, and Im not like that.These statements may be true, but they also may be masking the reality of the situation: that you are afraid of networking or public speaking and cant get yourself to admit it.So ask yourself this question: If you didnt experience any anxiety at all in your chosen situation if it were completely comfortable and stress free would it be something youd like to be able to do? Would it be exciting? Would it help your career? If the answer is yes (and be honest!), its probably fear that youre grappling with and thats OK. In fact, its great to recognize that so you can move onto the next step in the process, which is to use your power of rationalizationforinstead of against you.Instead of rationalizing why the behavior is something not worth performing, actively brainstorm all the reasons why it is worth performing. How can taking the leap and starting to work on performing this tough, but key behavior advance your career, give you chances to grow and learn in exciting ways, or whatever other goals you happen to care about?Answering these questions honestly will actually give you great fodder for moving forward. Understanding why you want to take this leap and whats in it for you is a wonderful motivator.Tip 2: Construct a Plan Thats Unique to Your SituationTaking a leap without a plan is bold, but unwise. And without a strategy for how you are going to actually make this change, youll likely end up just where you started. So what kind of strategy should you use?In my work helping people move outside their comfort zones, I help people clearly and specifically identify what is most challenging for them in a particular situation, and then I provide a set of tools to help them develop a solution for overcoming these particular challenges.The system I use in scary situations is predicated on the idea that there is no single perfect way to perform the particular behavior youre working on, be it networking, participating at a meeting, or simply learning to make small talk. Rather, in most situations, you can find a way tocustomize or personalize your behaviorso you are effective in the new situation while not feeling like youre losing yourself in the process.Lets say, for example, that youre an introvert who simply dreads the idea of schmoozing with a group of strangers at a networking event. In fact, youd rather skip the event altogether. I know many people in this situation (myself included) and my advice to them which is similar to the advice Susan Cain gives in herpath breaking work empowering introverts to thrive in an extraverted world is to resist the idea that there is one single way to perform at these events. Yes, for some people its natural to do classic, prototypical networking behavior. But for others its not. And if thats you in whatever situation youre working on, tweak the situation to your liking.So, in the networking context: instead of feeling pressured to meet everyone in the room, focus on one or two people you seem to hit it off with, and actually try to get to know them. Or, if this type of conversation isnt for you, especially in a noisy, crowded room, focus instead to making initial contacts at the event with the ultimate goal of arranging follow-up conversations in a more comfortable setting, like over coffee or even on the phone.The point is that instead of being overwhelmed by the situation, you can take control of it and make it your own. Thats the power of customization.Tip 3: Find a Mentor or CoachEven with a solid plan and a revitalized sense of purpose, a good source of help, courage, inspiration, and feedback can seal the deal. It can be a professional coach, but doesnt have to. A thoughtful and encouraging colleague or friend can also do the trick.For example, a mentor can help you identify gaps between how youd naturally and comfortably behave and how you need to behave in the new situation to be effective. A mentor can also then help you customize your behavior to find that sweet spot blending effectiveness and authenticity. Finally, a compassionate and encouraging mentor can help you persevere when the going is tough and when youre operating outside your comfort zone, in situations that really matter, thats almost inevitably going to be the case.So when it comes to getting outside your comfort zone, dont mistake magical outcomes for magical processes. Adaptation takes time, effort, strategy, and determination. But with a solid plan in place and the courage to take it forward, your results can be extraordinary.More blog posts byAndy MolinskyMore on:Managing yourself,Personal effectiveness

ANDY MOLINSKYAndy Molinsky is an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Brandeis International Business School. He is the author of the bookGlobal Dexterity: How to Adapt Your Behavior across Cultures without Losing Yourself in the Process(HBR Press, 2013). Follow Andy on twitter at@andymolinsky.

10 Easy Ways to Start Something GreatBob had a big idea for the Dallas community, yet his first step was just asking a few people to meet to talk about it. Allen wanted to start a new business and he began by setting up coffees and lunches every day with those who could help him learn. Cynthias first step in changing the culture of the call center she worked in was setting aside time each day to walk around and listen. As a nurse, Lindsays first step in changing procedures in her neonatal ICU unit was bringing new information to her team meetings.None of these first steps are daunting. Its because the first step wasnt the end game. It was just a way to get started and move. In my research for my book,Make Waves: Be the One to Start Change at Work and in Life,Ive learned that those who start change are incrementalists. They know that progress happens and grows, but you have to start first even if the first step is small.I have had many conversations with others about their idea for a change-- or what I calla wave. I always encourage exploring and learning to find the first step. Getting started is the hardest part.Whats your wave? How can you get started?Here are some simple ideas that may help you create the right first step for you:1.Schedule three meetings with smart people.Talk to those with knowledge about what you want to do. Ask questions. Listen. Dont go in with a set plan yet. Good discussions can help you create yours.2.Read a few books that push your thinking. Dont view a book as the bible on your topic, but to spur ideas. Menlo Innovations was first envisioned after Rich Sheridan started reading books about the new ways of leading a business and on design. A new idea emerged.3.Invite knowledgeable experts over for a discussion. Create a time for a conversation about your ideas and ask those who could contribute for an hour or two of time.4.Start an ideas notebook.Begin to research and collect ideas and interesting examples for your new business, product or non-profit. Writing down your thoughts and creating a file for inspiration can help your ideas emerge and grow. Share what you have learned with someone you trust.5.Binge watch YouTube.Between TED Talks and thousands of other speeches you can listen to almost any speaker on almost any topic. Create your own personal viewing station. Take notes and write down important points that can help you develop out your plans. Determine how to translate your key points into action.6.Set up a shadow day. If you are interested in starting a business or expanding a non-profit, find someone who has done it and ask if you can join them for a day to better understand what their work is like.7.Create the vision and impact you hope to have.Answer what will be happening when you realize your change?. What will the impact be? Dont worry if you dont know the goals and specifics yet. You shouldnt its too early. You should know your why though.8.Find one small experiment. Find one small way to dabble in your idea. If you have a new product idea, try creating a few examples to see how it works. If you want to write a book, start a blog to try writing more and explore new topics. A good experiment answers questions so identify those upfront. Let your experiment guide your longer term decisions.9.Write down your must haves including financials.I find that this is the step most often overlooked. Your must haves create boundaries for you. Questions like can you invest in the business? or what are your minimum earnings required and for how long? make sure you know you your minimum requirements for your idea.10.Create an options matrix. On the left column list out all of your must haves. Across the top row write out all of the viable options you have developed for getting started. Rate each option against your must haves.While this wont give you the answer, it will help you compare one against the other and rule out choices that just dont get you where you want to go. Pick the one that is the best place to start and begin.When you are starting a wave, it hasnt been before in quite this way. So, expect surprises and that you wont have all of the answers upfront. Find your way to get started and move forward.As Brett Hurt, the co-creator of Bazaarvoice said, Motion creates motion. Momentum creates momentum.Whats your first step?Patti JohnsonPatti Johnson is a career and workplace expert and the CEO of PeopleResults, a change and human resources consulting firm she founded in 2004. Previously, Johnson was a Senior Executive at Accenture. Johnson has been recently featured as an expert inThe Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, NBC, Money MagazineandWorking Mother. Patti is also an instructor for SMU Executive Education and a keynote speaker on Leading Change. Johnson's first book,Make Waves: Be the One to Start Change at Work & in Lifewill hit shelves in May of 2014. Visit her website See more at:

25 Books for SuccessRead these, achieve more.

Erin Casey- See more at: of hundreds, the editors of SUCCESS have narrowed our list to 25 must-read books for achievers. The task wasn't easy, although our criteria were simple. These are books we've read, liked and that made a difference in our lives. We chose books that take a comprehensive approach to money, life and personal development because we know that one-dimensional success really isn't success at all. You might wonder why your favorite book didn't make the list. Well, we could've filled the magazine with dozens more books. Our top 25 are by no stretch of the imagination the only books you should read. To the contrary, we know reading about and applying techniques and success strategies are the best ways to discover and stay focused on your life's journey. We hope our list opens your eyes to something new, inspires you to pick up that volume you've always meant to read or to re-read a favorite classic. If you have suggestions on what we didn't include, we want to hear from you. We encourage you to find a book that interests you and carve out a few minutes every day to read at least a few pages. You'll be amazed at the difference it will make in your journey toward success! How to Win Friends & Influence People Dale Carnegie (Pocket Books, 1998) First published in 1937, How to Win Friends and Influence People was an overnight success with staying power. Today, this book is regarded as one of the all-time best for its lessons on dealing with people. The chapter titles seem, at first, a little manipulative: "Six ways to make people like you," "12 ways to win people to your way of thinking." But the reality of Carnegie's teachings is that none will work if the intent is manipulation. The word "genuine" appears repeatedly throughout the book. Only with authenticity and honesty will Carnegie's methods work consistently. How to Win Friends and Influence People is packed with anecdotes from historical leaders and lessons learned or taught by some of history's greatest businessmen, making the read as interesting as it is enlightening. And the methods--calling a person by his or her name or looking at the situation from the other's point of view--work in business and in personal life with family and friends. Carnegie's book is a classic. Though he credits many people for inspiring his ideas, his methods are the foundation for many of today's personal-development and business-management books. (Read more about Dale Carnegie's life in "Winning Friends and Influencing People" on The Richest Man in Babylon George S. Clason (BNP Books, 2007) Too often, life doesn't turn out as expected. And money, or the lack of money, plays a large role in people's ability to handle life's ups and downs. Perhaps that's why, in the 1920s, banks and insurance companies decided to distribute short parables written to educate people on important financial principles. The Richest Man in Babylon began in 1926 as a series of pamphlets, the most famous ones later compiled into one of the best-loved money guides of all time. The book begins with two men realizing that, while they lived a meager existence, one of their childhood friends had become known as the wealthiest man in Babylon. Despite growing up in similar circumstances, their friend seemed to have created a life of gold while they barely scratched out a living. The situation is all too familiar even today. And like the men who'd come to the realization that they'd failed to think beyond the day at hand, readers have the opportunity to sit at the feet of the richest man in Babylon and learn how to build wealth. They learn how to plan for the future, make wise investments and how to view money as a tool rather than a measure of success. With time-tested principles and an engaging format, The Richest Man in Babylon is an excellent introduction to finance, and a classic. (Read more about George S. Clason in "Voice of Reason" on Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill (Aventine Press, 2004) Napoleon Hill, inspired by business legend Andrew Carnegie, spent 20 years of his life studying the lives of some of history's most successful people. The culmination of his research was the in-depth series, The Laws of Success. In 1937, Hill published another book, Think and Grow Rich, founded on the same philosophies of success. This book condensed the wealth of knowledge he's accumulated into 13 principles for successful living. Shorter and perhaps easier to get through than its multivolume predecessor, Think and Grow Rich is as applicable today as it was when it was first released. The title's principles are founded on Hill's belief in the power of the mind, and his famous quotes, such as, "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve," have changed the way millions of people view their lives. When read in its entirety and its principles put into action, Think and Grow Rich not only helps people change their views on life, but also the way they behave and, ultimately, their reality. More than 30 million copies of Think and Grow Rich have been bought by business students, entrepreneurs and goal-setters around the world. When it was re-released in 2004, it rocketed once again to the top, holding a place on BusinessWeek's Best Seller list for paperback business books for more than 20 months. Think and Grow Rich is a timeless classic that should be read by everyone interested in improving their lives and reaching their goals. Read more about Napoleon Hill's life on The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom Suze Orman (Crown, 1997) As a financial expert, Suze Orman offers advice on the nuts and bolts of managing money. But whether you're watching her on television or reading her advice in O, The Oprah Magazine, or in one of her best-selling books, such as 9 Steps to Financial Freedom, her message is clear: Wealth is an attitude and money isn't the key to acquiring true financial freedom. In this acclaimed book, Orman challenges readers to face their financial fears and acknowledge the importance of planning for the future. With a three-pronged approach, Orman tackles the mental, physical and spiritual issues that keep people from reaching financial freedom. Also available in audio format, 9 Steps to Financial Freedom encourages personal growth while offering the education necessary to begin the process of building a rich life. Again, it's the total approach to financial success that sets this and the other financial books on this list apart. Acquiring wealth isn't as simple as piling up the green stuff. Your beliefs about money, yourself and the world around you have as much to do with wealth as do the riches you acquire. Read more about Suze Orman in "Success From the Ground Up" on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen R. Covey (Free Press, 1989) While Stephen Covey wasn't the first to write a book on becoming a better, more effective person, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People marked the beginning of a revitalized interest in personal development. With a 15th anniversary edition released in 2004 and more than 15 million copies sold, this book has helped millions change their perspective and their lives. Unlike many authors of books in this genre, Covey doesn't promise a simple, quick fix for creating a better life. In fact, mastering the seven habits he outlines could take a lifetime. But as with many personal-development efforts, it's what you learn as you work toward becoming a truly effective person that matters. See the Rest of the 25 Best Books The habits are divided into three sections: Private Victory, Public Victory and Renewal. Private Victory focuses on the individual's view of himself. The first three habits are: becoming proactive, beginning with the end in mind, and putting first things first. These habits will challenge you to take responsibility for your thoughts, beliefs and actions. The Public Victory section focuses on creating meaningful, mutually beneficial relationships. And because being effective requires energy and focus, the seventh habit, "Sharpening the Saw," encourages you to engage in activities that promote mental and physical renewal. Covey says that when our behavior contradicts our beliefs or when our relationships consistently fail, any successes we achieve feel hollow. This book takes a total approach to success and encourages growth and maturity beginning with self, which leads to stronger relationships and greater success at home and at work.Read more about Stephen Covey's 7 habits and his follow-up book,The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness. Also, find the The 8th Habit at the SUCCESS Store. The Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives Dan Millman (HJ Kramer, 2006) The first of Dan Millman's writings, this book is an inspirational story based largely on his college years. The book delves into the notion that a person can be accomplished and successful without feeling alive or genuinely happy. Millman learns "the way of the peaceful warrior" from a mysterious old man he names Socrates. His mentor leads him through a journey of self-discovery. The lessons the young man endures and later accepts are applicable for anyone searching for greater meaning in life. Laws of Success Napoleon Hill (Combined Registry Co., 1966) Twenty-six years of research, including interviews with more than 500 self-made millionaires, laid the foundation for this massive collection. After studying the methods and accomplishments of masterminds such as Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Theodore Roosevelt and Alexander Graham Bell, Napoleon Hill compiled what he learned, offering it to the world as the Laws of Success. More than theories for a book, Hill applied the precepts to his life and discovered immeasurable success. The book's size might seem intimidating, but Hill wrote so it could be taught to high school students, keeping the text rich but easy to understand. This personal-development guru paves the road to success with timeless wisdom. Acres of Diamonds Russell H. Conwell (Filiquarian, 2007) Opportunities for success, wealth and happiness often lie under foot and yet go unnoticed. This little book, originally a speech by Russell Conwell, serves as a reminder not to overlook the abundance right on our doorstep. This timeless work is freely available online, in both written and audio formats, and addresses the myth that fame and fortune are waiting somewhere "out there." He also dispels the notion that men and women of integrity shouldn't desire money or wealth. "Money is power, and you ought to be reasonably ambitious to have it. You ought because you can do more good with it than you could without it," Conwell said. And to that end, he advises readers to begin searching for the diamonds in their lives at home. As a Man Thinketh James Allen (Filiquarian, 2007) Published in 1902, "This little volume" as James Allen refers to it, has been a source of inspiration for millions and has influenced the work of many respected personal-development leaders. And with statements such as, "The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors, that which it loves, and also that which it fears," Allen paved the way for many contemporary philosophers. At its core is the belief that "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Allen uses eloquent period language to bring readers to the realization that thoughts and character are inseparably intertwined. Equally as important is the lesson of personal responsibility taking precedence over thoughts and actions. He prescribes focused time to reflect and discover yourself and your dreams, and to put forth energy and time to make those dreams reality. This book, now in the public domain and freely accessible on the Internet, should be in every achiever's library. Maximum Achievement Brian Tracy (Simon & Schuster, 1995) As suggested by this book's subtitle, "Strategies and skills that will unlock your hidden powers to succeed," it's likely you already possess what's required to create success in your life. Those who apply these strategies provided by Brian Tracy can make changes that quickly produce results. Learn how to create success that encompasses every area of life-health, personal and professional happiness, relationships and wealth. Whether you're already on the road to success or just getting started on your success journey, the principles outlined in the book will help you realize your true potential. Build the life you want and attain the peace of mind that comes with the knowledge that you control your destiny. The Seasons of Life Jim Rohn & Ronald Reynolds (Jim Rohn International, 1981) In The Seasons of Life, Jim Rohn and Ronald Reynolds draw parallels between life and the changing seasons. When you learn that change is the only guarantee, you can make the most of each season as it comes into your life. It's possible to learn and grow from every experience. The authors help readers understand that every season is necessary and valuable-even winter, when life seems harsh and your actions unfruitful. See You at the Top Zig Ziglar (Pelican Publishing Company, 2000) There's room for you at the top! Zig Ziglar's message has inspired millions to change their lives by helping them do, be and have more than they dared dream possible. Ziglar offers a nuts-and-bolts approach to developing the self-image, attitudes and habits that make people successful. Learn how to set and achieve goals, how to create momentum that propels you forward in life and why being focused on others is a critical aspect of success. This step-by-step guide will help you excel in every area of life. The Magic of Thinking Big David J. Schwartz (Pocket Books, 1995) Thinking big separates the achievers from the average. In this best-selling classic, David Schwartz suggests that it's not necessarily intelligence or work ethic that move people up the ladder of success, but the personal choice people make to believe that something bigger and better is possible. Make time to reflect on your life's goals and expand them. Once you have a clear picture of what you want, focus your energy on achieving that goal. Keep your eyes fixed on your goal and do not allow the small thinking of the world around you to cloud your vision. Schwartz offers practical advice for putting the magic of thinking big to work in your life. The Power of Positive Thinking Norman Vincent Peale (Fireside, 2007) The belief that positive thoughts lead to a positive reality isn't a new phenomenon. Decades before The Secret, Norman Vincent Peale wrote The Power of Positive Thinking. The book teaches readers that focused, intentional and unyielding belief is required before they can achieve the lives they desire. The philosophies from this best-selling book have helped millions reach their personal, financial, spiritual and relationship goals. Learn to replace negative thoughts with positive beliefs and to break the worry habit by cultivating a character that isn't swayed by circumstances. Awaken the Giant Within Anthony Robbins (Free Press, 1992) Within each person is a sleeping giant of greatness. With this book, motivational coach Anthony Robbins seeks to help you "take immediate control of mental, emotional, physical and financial destiny." Not one to do things in a small way, Robbins found huge success, lost it all and then, using the techniques outlined in this book, took control of his life and his success. This personal-development classic delves into the specifics of goal-setting, achieving success in relationships, talking to yourself and discovering your true potential. Developing the Leader Within You John C. Maxwell (Thomas Nelson, 2005) Developing the Leader Within You makes the theories of leadership personal. For those struggling to take the next step in their careers or who doubt their leadership abilities, the book offers practical methods for developing leadership skills. Recognizing that some people have innate leadership-personality traits, the book provides direction for becoming more effective. But John Maxwell's book debunks the myth that only an exclusive few are born to be leaders. Instead, he suggests that everyone benefits from learning self-discipline, seeking mentors and adding to their skills through training. Maxwell defines leadership as influence and points out that a management title isn't a prerequisite. Regardless of your career, position or personality, learn how to become an effective leader. The One Minute Manager Kenneth Blanchard (HarperCollins Business, 2000) Apply the principals taught in The One Minute Manager and watch your team's productivity and job satisfaction grow. This allegorical tale pulls together the wisdom gained through experience, allowing readers to prosper without making their predecessors' mistakes. The One Minute management style allows leaders to be efficient and effective with their time. The short chapters in this easy read focus on interaction between managers and their teams. By setting goals that encourage, redirecting, reprimanding and praising appropriately, leaders can get more from their teams while earning their respect. Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't Jim Collins (Collins, 2001) If good is the enemy of great, can good companies become great? And if so, how is that transition made with lasting effect? These are some of the questions central to the research that led to the publication of Good to Great. Five years of investigation uncovered the characteristics that made uncommonly great companies outshine their competition and earn significantly higher profits. Comparing the differentiating traits of good companies and their great counterparts, Jim Collins and his research team learned that, among other things, leaders who willingly work with their heads and hearts, rather than their egos, are required to take a company from good to great. Such leaders create the foundation for the culture and sustainable results that propel an organization to excellence. The Automatic Millionaire David Bach (Broadway, 2003) Who wouldn't want to become a millionaire automatically? The truths related in this book, as in Bach's Finish Rich series, are that nothing great is accomplished without forethought. But with a little planning and by putting many aspects of your finances on autopilot, you can be on the road to wealth. The automatic aspect plan allows readers to save time while saving money. And though many of the principles aren't new, Bach's easy-to-understand approach helps the reader understand them in a new way. Some of the highlights include principles such as paying yourself first, and advice about why and how to save for retirement-even if you're hard-pressed to make ends meet now. Bach also provides advice for accomplishing short-term savings goals and explains that giving is an important part of wealth. Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert T. Kiyosaki (Time Warner Paperbacks, 2002) The paradigm shift related to work, employment and entrepreneurship has been a long time coming. In one of his most-read books, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki reveals the value of taking control of your financial destiny through entrepreneurship and investing. In Rich Dad Poor Dad, Kiyosaki contrasts the differences between what the rich and the poor or middle classes teach their children. As a young man, Kiyosaki was taught by his "poor dad" to follow the path of least resistance: Get an education, get a job and work hard. His "rich dad," his friend's dad, mentored him to do the opposite. The book acknowledges education is important but it isn't always best received in a formal learning environment. Lessons include the value of self-employment, how to be self-employed without limiting yourself to the constraints of an employee, and how to create and take advantage of residual-income opportunities. Instead of working hard for money, use the principles in this book to make money work for you. The Greatest Salesman in the World Og Mandino (Frederick Fell Publishers, 2001) Ten ancient scrolls hold the key to wealth and happiness in this classic parable. A young camel boy wishing to improve his station in life takes his master's words to heart: "No other trade or profession has more opportunity for one to rise from poverty to great wealth than that of a salesman." Desiring success and wealth, the young man sets out to become the greatest salesman in the world. This pocket-sized book can be read easily in an hour, but it's packed with wisdom for those pursuing a career in sales. Far more than a how-to book on closing the sale, the story encourages the reader to contribute to society and to grow in peace of mind and in heart. Those who apply the principles in the scrolls will learn how to overcome the challenges of sales, how to persist through trials and, ultimately, how to succeed. The Sales Bible Jeffrey Gitomer (Wiley, 2003) Jeffrey Gitomer has an extremely low tolerance for lamenting salespeople and that comes through in the bold and fast-paced tone of his books. The Sales Bible puts more than 100 sales facts, tips and solutions at your disposal to help you "make sales while others are whining!" This book magnifies the details of every aspect of sales. Learn the basics and understand how recent changes in selling affect you and your pitch. Discover the keys to setting yourself apart from the competition and finding your prospect's button. The table of contents is designed to help you quickly identify specific topics. Or just start reading from cover to cover for an excellent education from someone who knows the profession from the inside out. Who Moved My Cheese? Dr. Spencer Johnson (Vermilion, 2002) For many people, change can be challenging. It can cause fear, anger and the feeling of being out of control. This popular parable examines change and what happens to those who choose not to embrace it. "If you do not change, you can become extinct," is one of the many truisms the characters learn in Who Moved My Cheese? What's holding you back? Are you taking note of small changes that could lead to more significant changes in the future? In the maze of life, it's possible to successfully deal with change if and when you clear your mind of expectations and understand that while your comfort zone may be cozy, it's not necessarily the safest place to live. Chicken Soup for the Soul series Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, with other contributors (Health Communications Inc., 1993-2008) Need inspiration? The phenomenal success of Chicken Soup for the Soul offers inspiration on many levels. From the tenacity it took to get the first Chicken Soup for the Soul published (Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen were rejected by 140 publishers and their book agent before finding a publisher willing to take a chance on their idea) to the thousands of touching and thought-provoking stories, these books will warm your heart and may help you view life from a new perspective. The original Chicken Soup for the Soul went to the top of the best-seller list in less than a year. Today, one or more of the Chicken Soup books is consistently listed on the New York Times and other major best-sellers lists. As an entrepreneur, parent or business leader, staying at the top or your game requires regular jolts of passion and healthy doses of laughter. Find both by picking up a copy on a topic that interests you. With more than 170 titles in the series, you're sure to find one that inspires you. Success through a Positive Mental Attitude Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone (Pocket Books, 1991) Success through a Positive Mental Attitude was first published in 1960, written by two of history's greatest personal-development leaders, Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone. For almost half a century, this book has been the launching point for those who want to change the direction of their lives. Hill and Stone recognize that each person has their own definition of success. But whether your desire is to build great wealth, own profitable organizations or be a world-renowned artist, the authors point out, "You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by trying. Success is achieved and maintained by those who keep trying with a [positive mental attitude]." This book addresses all areas of life. From getting the job you want to building better relationships with those around you to living healthier longer (Stone lived to be 100 years old!), this book takes an inclusive approach to success, beginning with your state of mind. Why a must-read? When you're looking for advice on how to create a successful and rewarding life, why not get the answers from those who have "been there, done that?" These thought leaders and business experts used the principles of positive mental attitude and experienced a lifetime of rewards.

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