coming of age · commerce...

Annu$1 Ratnchmen•e. Oamp Educc;ationa[ t1 :30 ll""m. el K .. S.a!bRs etnu •. 'llA'· Ruidoso r-- -- , . ·OA the $id. · .. ; ... . 7_,;:t f Council will meet 'l'he Ruidoso Village Council will meet at 9 a.m. Friday, July Hi, in council chambers at Ruidoso Municipal Administrative Center. The special meeting has been called to approve the 1992-93 fiscal year budget, review the Chamber of Commerce advertising plan for the next year, discuss policies for using the Ruidoso Civic Events Center and approve the specifications fur the request for proposal for at- torney servicef The meeting is open to the pub- !J c. A horseshoeing demonstration to be conducted by area resident Sally Canning on Tuesday was cancelled at the last minute when she found out that her partner would be un- able to shoe up for the event. No other time for the demonstra- tion has been set. Chamber art festival to unfold next week The Ruidoso Valley Chamber uf Commerce will be hosting the 22nd Annual Art Festival Frid!},y, July through Sunday, July 26, at the Ruidoso Civic Events Center. The festival will feature more than 125 accomplished, profes- sional artists displaying paintings, drawings, photographs, glass, por- celain, woodwork, metalwork, jewelry, batik, pottery, weaving, fabric, leather and sculpture. The festival is traditionally the Chamber's largest fundraiser of the year. New mayor to keep daiUy office hours· Starting next week Mayor Jerry Shaw will have regularly scheduled office hours from 11 a.m. to noon in her office at village hall. Shaw said she will field prob- lems or answer qurstions by thr citizens. Shaw said if that bme IS not con- venient<, res.iden ts may call her at her home or schedule a time to meet with her at their convenience. The Shaws are to anoth- er home in Ruidoso, and the new telephone number was not avrul- able at press time weather - - - ..._ ado Builders overwork dumpsters by DIANNE STALLINGS Ruidoso News Staff Writer Relying · on contractors to voluntarily comply with the ban against disposing of building debris at residential garbage dumpsters hasn't worked. The daily violations with con- tractors illegally dumping their building materials are causing big headaches for the Lincoln County Solid Waste Authority. "A lot of sites have turned into construction dumping sites for con- tractors," authority general man- ager Joe Lewandowski told mem- bers during their Monday meeting. Builders are supposed to either contract with a commercial collec- tor to haul the debris away or keep it on site until it can be taken more than 20 miles to the Capitan land- filL But instead, many builders deposit their messe8 deep in the forest, in arroyos, drop them around residential garbage dump- ster sites or stuff the material in- side the dumpsters. That leaves little room, no room, for residents to leave their sacks of garbage. Garbage sacks lying next to dumpsters or holding lids ajar are invitations to bears and raccoons to scavenge. That results in spoiled food, used paper good and other un- sightly B.nd odoriferous discards being strewn around the containers and spilling onto the road or into the forest. Members of the authority were asked by a reporter with The Ruidoso NewB when they would crack down on violators by tying compliance to the issuance of build- Ing pennits. The county commis- sion and each governing board of the municipalities would have to t>stablish individuRl regulations. Please see Builders, page 2A Mescalero Apache maidens Tanya Keene, day wearing handmade. buckskin dresses 16, (at left), Nova Enjady, 14, and Frances while other dancers will perform the Dance Klnzhuma. 14, pose for the camera as of the Mountain Gods after dark. The they walt for their upcoming coming of age dancing, feasting and celebration marks rites.· Keene and Enjady will have their the journey into womanhood for the girls. rites today, white Klnzhuma wiU walt until Six other girls went through the celebration July The girls will dance through the over the fourth of July weekend. coming of age ceremonies Three young women, . Frances, Tanya ID!i.btG and Nn\YA Exijady, will the tribe's tra· ditional ' ·- coming of age ceremDniea this month. The umt ceremony will in· elude Enjady and Xeene on July ).5. The celebratiDn is scheduled to start .from !lb()ut. 7 '.' w·i(J 11-ln. and wtn lfist. all day. 'l'h.o cetemony W..11 /he in Harley Ofi. tliif.Mescalero Apache · The secotii:f l',Pmclnv the weekend of July 22 through 25 for Kinthuma. It will also be at Harley. Enjady attends Ruidoso Mid· dle SchoJ)l and is 14 years old. Sbe the daughter of Patrice Enjady of Mescalero. Keene, a cousin of Enjady, is 16 and goes to school in Tularosa. She is the gQ.ut5hter of Gus Keene of Albuquerque and Laura Williams of Mas· calero. Kin.zhurna is 14 and will be attending Ruidoso High School in the fall as a freshman. She is the daughter of Lenora Kinzhuma and the late Ashley Kinzhuma. Her grandparents were the late Marcy and Stathan Kinzhuma. Her great- grandfather was Carrizo Gal- lerito, lmown as "Crook Neck". Preparation for the events has beert going on for more than a year, according to the family. Everyone is invited to attend these rituals. New council vow to protect local businesses by CHARLES STALLINGS Rufdoso News St aft Writer Ruidoso's new village counnl sent a clear message to leadets Tuesday that future prog ress in Ruidoso is a top priority. Two tough issues regarding arts and crafts shows at the C1vic Events Center, as well as a new downtown building drew a standing-room-only crowd to the first meeting of Mayor Jerry Shaw and councilors Frank Potter and Joe Gomez. The Civic Events Center's recent arts and crafts fairs were charac- terized by a number of business leaders as unfair competition. Teri Sodd, owner of the Mountain Arts Gallery, said the council should not allow events in the center that are not bringing money into the village and are in direct competition with local lodges, restaurants and merchants. She asl,ed for a of the center. Bernadine Bridges, a Midt<Jwn business owner and operator, said a letter to the editor in the newspa- per stated that merchants should buy a booth if they want to com- pete. "We've been renting a booth in downtown Ruidoso for 18 years, and we're trying to eompeto," Bridges said. "We've been paying bills year round, paying our insur· "Fair competition is one thing. If you to open a store llllexll: to mine an.dl compete with me, that's fair. But to come ill1lto town onDy on tlhe good weekends and then take you11r part and! leave is not fair." Midtown busnnes owner ancr and laxes. Fair cnmpetition is one thmg If you want w open a store next to mine and compete with mr, that's frur. But to come into town only on the good weekends and then take your part and leave is not fair." She said the money raised by several fairs sponsored by local clubs stays within the community and those fairs are to be supported. Bridges, who owns and operates the Timbers Mall, several shops and a restaurant, said mer- chants have been buying their mer- chanclise from the same wholesalers at the same prices the wholesalers are selling from booths at the center. "There is no way we can compete if we had a booth ri_ght next to them," Bridges said."If we have to pay them the same thing that they are selling it for out there." She said merchants have to add costs for bills, employees and other overhead She said merchants cannot afford to have this type of business come in during the four good sales out of lhe year and lake the money away. Bus:inessman Radziewicz !'laid he is concerned that all the gross receipts tax is not being col- lected during the fairs. He said people are being wid if money is sent directly to the merchandiser, no sales tax would be necessary. He said random audits should be made to avoid losing this sales tax. Severa 1 businessmen com pi ai ned of the arts and crafts signs along the median strips that are in viola- tion of the sign ordinance. Councilor J.D. James said the initial concept of the center was not to throw it into a competitive mode against local businesses. Although James had pushed for a smaller meetings and convention center, other councilors on the board at the time were for f!nlarg- ing the center specifically for trade shows. They concluded it would bring in people to the trade shows who would filter out among the vil- lage's stores. James said in no way would the village council allow the center to be n housa where people could come m, take the money and leave Councilor Frank Pottvr srnd he had met with Board of Realtors president Cindy Lynch earlier m the day about group meetings A motion was passed unani- mously to tackle and solve the prob- lem at a special meeting scheduled for 9 a.m. Friday, July 16. at village hall. The first council agenda item concerned a zoning appeal by resi- dent Charles Rennick. He asked to council to overturn a Planning and Zoning Commission decision that allowed construction of a New Mex- ico Human Services building off Sudderth Drive on Fifth Street. The appeal was denied by a 4-2 vote. Rennick and Gary Lynch Realty, who handled the sale of the lot, both submitted petitions. Rennick, who lives in that neigh- borhood, protested the construction of a 5,400 square feet government building in the area. Other residents living in the area said they are not against con- Please see New mayor, page 2A ... ,. ..... .., ' ,...,. ' J': 1 .... State rep calls for 0 a rev1ew by CHARLES STALLINGS Ruidoso News Staff Writer Statr Representative H. John Underwood has called for an inves- tigation into the leasing procedurP.s of the state Human Services De- partment (HSD). HSD awarded a lease bid con- tract to Don Elwell of Roswell that was about $100,000 over the second bid which was submitted by Hazel Haynsworth of Ruidoso. Although the award was made about a year ago, HSD refused to make public the details of the bid until the lease is signed. "''ve been contacted regarding the bid process used in this mat- ter,"' said Underwood, [l two-term Ruidoso Democrat. "I have today contacted thr depdy secretary of the Department of Human Services and re4uested a review and inwstigation oft 'w bid process. The bid that was accepted was approximately $100,000 over the low bid. "lt appears to me at this particu- lar time, when we're al1 try) ng to make do with the taxpayers money the best we can, there needs to be a certainty and justification for bids higher than lower. '"I reviewed the bidding sheet that was sent out by the admmis- trator and thr bidding proces::; shows 100 points on a point pos- s:ible on a HFP (request for proposal), which 1" normaL How- ewr, the amount cJlowed for cost was only 15 percent. It appe! about 60 percent of the procPss was very subjective, and 40 pHu·nt nh- Jecbve "As of 4 p m th1s aftt·rn<,un, I have askrd for 11 rt·view nnd mvt-:'· ligation of the m;tttt•r l1y th1· !'tall-' to see if the ll: nr- der and 1f. 1 n L.ct. !J,. •·xt $100,000 1r. cost frc m th•· is justl fi ed." Last Th•.Jrsd:1v The Ruidoso News contacted !ISD adm1m,;tra· tor Paull\ Maglione fr;r a C<;pv of the RFP Maglione said not bf t"" 1, signed Monday. The :'>iews ,t,ta.:.ed d copy of thr RFP from anr1thrr source The document rP\"Pals El- well had submittPd a lease bid of about $70,000 a year for a bUJldmg he would construct. Haynsworth submitted a bid of about $50,000. Both bids were over the budgeted $37,2RO, and both bidders were asked to final best of- fers which were essentially the same. The original bid was for six years. Elwell extended his bid to eight years. Haynsworth said she was not given an opportunity to bid on eight years. Elwell's bid over eight year-. would be about $550,000 guaran- teed. On the points rating system, El- well was awarded 48 points out of a possible 50 points for such categori- es as quality of atmosphere, spatial relationship lllld geographic desig- nation. Cost was weighted at 15 points with low bidder Haynsworth being awarded three points. On spatial relationships, ElweU received a perfect score of 20 points, while Haynsworth was dls- Please see State rep, page 2A

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5~~~ Annu$1 N~~·~ M~(1a Ratnchmen•e. Oamp UVPI¢t1un~l

Educc;ationa[ R~~,urees t1 :30 ll""m. el K .. S.a!bRs

etnu •. ~h;a··· Ki·d~r~K,~l~rr$n ~~u$1~ruQSlD·-O·ays 'llA'· Ruidoso

---~- ~ ~~-- r-- ~- -- ~-~"-_..._____,.-.-- -~

, . ·OA the $id. · .. ; It~, ... ~ . 7_,;:t f -"'-~ '"""'·_..11<~-'·-'~'"J~

Council will meet 'l'he Ruidoso Village Council will

meet at 9 a.m. Friday, July Hi, in council chambers at Ruidoso Municipal Administrative Center.

The special meeting has been called to approve the 1992-93 fiscal year budget, review the Chamber of Commerce advertising plan for the next year, discuss policies for using the Ruidoso Civic Events Center and approve the specifications fur the request for proposal for at­torney servicef

The meeting is open to the pub­!J c.

A horseshoeing demonstration to be conducted by area resident Sally Canning on Tuesday was cancelled at the last minute when she found out that her partner would be un­able to shoe up for the event.

No other time for the demonstra­tion has been set.

Chamber art festival to unfold next week

The Ruidoso Valley Chamber uf Commerce will be hosting the 22nd Annual Art Festival Frid!},y, July ~3, through Sunday, July 26, at the Ruidoso Civic Events Center.

The festival will feature more than 125 accomplished, profes­sional artists displaying paintings, drawings, photographs, glass, por­celain, woodwork, metalwork, jewelry, batik, pottery, weaving, fabric, leather and sculpture.

The festival is traditionally the Chamber's largest fundraiser of the year.

New mayor to keep daiUy office hours·

Starting next week Mayor Jerry Shaw will have regularly scheduled office hours from 11 a.m. to noon in her office at village hall.

Shaw said she will field prob­lems or answer qurstions by thr citizens.

Shaw said if that bme IS not con­venient<, res.iden ts may call her at her home or schedule a time to meet with her at their convenience.

The Shaws are movin~ to anoth­er home in Ruidoso, and the new telephone number was not avrul­able at press time

• weather - -- ..._ ado ~

Builders overwork dumpsters by DIANNE STALLINGS Ruidoso News Staff Writer

Relying · on contractors to voluntarily comply with the ban against disposing of building debris at residential garbage dumpsters hasn't worked.

The daily violations with con­tractors illegally dumping their building materials are causing big headaches for the Lincoln County Solid Waste Authority.

"A lot of sites have turned into construction dumping sites for con­tractors," authority general man­ager Joe Lewandowski told mem­bers during their Monday meeting.

Builders are supposed to either contract with a commercial collec­tor to haul the debris away or keep it on site until it can be taken more than 20 miles to the Capitan land­filL

But instead, many builders deposit their messe8 deep in the forest, in arroyos, drop them around residential garbage dump­ster sites or stuff the material in­side the dumpsters. That leaves little room, som~mes no room, for residents to leave their sacks of garbage.

Garbage sacks lying next to dumpsters or holding lids ajar are invitations to bears and raccoons to scavenge. That results in spoiled food, used paper good and other un­sightly B.nd odoriferous discards being strewn around the containers and spilling onto the road or into the forest.

Members of the authority were asked by a reporter with The Ruidoso NewB when they would crack down on violators by tying compliance to the issuance of build­Ing pennits. The county commis­sion and each governing board of the municipalities would have to t>stablish individuRl regulations.

Please see Builders, page 2A

Mescalero Apache maidens Tanya Keene, day wearing handmade. buckskin dresses 16, (at left), Nova Enjady, 14, and Frances while other dancers will perform the Dance Klnzhuma. 14, pose for the camera as of the Mountain Gods after dark. The they walt for their upcoming coming of age dancing, feasting and celebration marks rites.· Keene and Enjady will have their the journey into womanhood for the girls. rites today, white Klnzhuma wiU walt until Six other girls went through the celebration July 22~25. The girls will dance through the over the fourth of July weekend.

coming of age ceremonies Three young M~~itCalel'o

women, . Frances, Tanya ID!i.btG and Nn\YA Exijady, will patticipa~in the tribe's tra· ditional ' ·- coming of age ceremDniea this month.

The umt ceremony will in· elude Enjady and Xeene on July ).5. The celebratiDn is scheduled to start Mlt\Vlt~e .from !lb()ut. 7

'.' w·i(J 11-ln. and wtn lfist. all day. 'l'h.o cetemony W..11 /he in Harley Ofi. tliif.Mescalero Apache Reservatiott~ ·

The secotii:f l',Pmclnv

the weekend of July 22 through 25 for Kinthuma. It will also be at Harley.

Enjady attends Ruidoso Mid· dle SchoJ)l and is 14 years old. Sbe i~ the daughter of Patrice Enjady of Mescalero.

Keene, a cousin of Enjady, is 16 and goes to school in Tularosa. She is the gQ.ut5hter of Gus Keene Jr~ of Albuquerque and Laura Williams of Mas· calero.

Kin.zhurna is 14 and will be

attending Ruidoso High School in the fall as a freshman. She is the daughter of Lenora Kinzhuma and the late Ashley Kinzhuma. Her grandparents were the late Marcy and Stathan Kinzhuma. Her great­grandfather was Carrizo Gal­lerito, lmown as "Crook Neck".

Preparation for the events has beert going on for more than a year, according to the family.

Everyone is invited to attend these rituals.

New n1ayor~ council vow to protect local businesses by CHARLES STALLINGS Rufdoso News St aft Writer

Ruidoso's new village counnl sent a clear message to busme~!'l leadets Tuesday that future prog ress in Ruidoso is a top priority.

Two tough issues regarding arts and crafts shows at the C1vic Events Center, as well as a new downtown building drew a standing-room-only crowd to the first meeting of Mayor Jerry Shaw and councilors Frank Potter and Joe Gomez.

The Civic Events Center's recent arts and crafts fairs were charac­terized by a number of business leaders as unfair competition.

Teri Sodd, owner of the Mountain Arts Gallery, said the council should not allow events in the center that are not bringing money into the village and are in direct competition with local lodges, restaurants and merchants.

She asl,ed for a re~organization of the center.

Bernadine Bridges, a Midt<Jwn business owner and operator, said a letter to the editor in the newspa­per stated that merchants should buy a booth if they want to com­pete.

"We've been renting a booth in downtown Ruidoso for 18 years, and we're trying to eompeto," Bridges said. "We've been paying bills year round, paying our insur·

"Fair competition is one thing. If you v\.:~u1t to open a store llllexll: to mine an.dl compete with me, that's fair. But to come ill1lto town onDy on tlhe good weekends and then take you11r part and! leave is not fair." Midtown busnnes owner

ancr and laxes. Fair cnmpetition is one thmg If you want w open a store next to mine and compete with mr, that's frur. But to come into town only on the good weekends and then take your part and leave is not fair."

She said the money raised by several fairs sponsored by local clubs stays within the community and those fairs are to be supported.

Bridges, who owns and operates the Timbers Mall, several shops and a restaurant, said l~cal mer­chants have been buying their mer­chanclise from the same wholesalers at the same prices the wholesalers are selling from booths at the center.

"There is no way we can compete if we had a booth ri_ght next to them," Bridges said."If we have to pay them the same thing that they are selling it for out there."

She said th~ merchants have to add costs for bills, employees and other overhead expense!~. She said merchants cannot afford to have this type of business come in during the four good sales mo~ths out of

lhe year and lake the money away. Bus:inessman Mik~ Radziewicz

!'laid he is concerned that all the gross receipts tax is not being col­lected during the fairs. He said people are being wid if money is sent directly to the merchandiser, no sales tax would be necessary. He said random audits should be made to avoid losing this sales tax.

Severa 1 businessmen com pi ai ned of the arts and crafts signs along the median strips that are in viola­tion of the sign ordinance.

Councilor J.D. James said the initial concept of the center was not to throw it into a competitive mode against local businesses.

Although James had pushed for a smaller meetings and convention center, other councilors on the board at the time were for f!nlarg­ing the center specifically for trade shows. They concluded it would bring in people to the trade shows who would filter out among the vil­lage's stores.

James said in no way would the village council allow the center to be n housa where people could come

m, take the money and leave Councilor Frank Pottvr srnd he

had met with Board of Realtors president Cindy Lynch earlier m the day about group meetings

A motion was passed unani­mously to tackle and solve the prob­lem at a special meeting scheduled for 9 a.m. Friday, July 16. at village hall.

The first council agenda item concerned a zoning appeal by resi­dent Charles Rennick. He asked to council to overturn a Planning and Zoning Commission decision that allowed construction of a New Mex­ico Human Services building off Sudderth Drive on Fifth Street. The appeal was denied by a 4-2 vote.

Rennick and Gary Lynch Realty, who handled the sale of the lot, both submitted petitions.

Rennick, who lives in that neigh­borhood, protested the construction of a 5,400 square feet government building in the area.

Other residents living in the area said they are not against con-

Please see New mayor, page 2A

... ,. ..... • .., ' -~ ,...,. ' -~,.. J': 1 ....

State rep calls for


a rev1ew by CHARLES STALLINGS Ruidoso News Staff Writer

Statr Representative H. John Underwood has called for an inves­tigation into the leasing procedurP.s of the state Human Services De­partment (HSD).

HSD awarded a lease bid con­tract to Don Elwell of Roswell that was about $100,000 over the second bid which was submitted by Hazel Haynsworth of Ruidoso.

Although the award was made about a year ago, HSD refused to make public the details of the bid until the lease is signed.

"''ve been contacted regarding the bid process used in this mat­ter,"' said Underwood, [l two-term Ruidoso Democrat.

"I have today contacted thr depdy secretary of the Department of Human Services and re4uested a review and inwstigation oft 'w bid process. The bid that was accepted was approximately $100,000 over the low bid.

"lt appears to me at this particu­lar time, when we're al1 try) ng to make do with the taxpayers money the best we can, there needs to be a certainty and justification for bids higher than lower.

'"I reviewed the bidding sheet that was sent out by the admmis­trator and thr bidding proces::; shows 100 points on a point pos­s:ible ~ystem on a HFP (request for proposal), which 1" normaL How­ewr, the amount cJlowed for cost was only 15 percent. It appe! about 60 percent of the procPss was very subjective, and 40 pHu·nt nh­Jecbve

"As of 4 p m th1s aftt·rn<,un, I have askrd for 11 rt·view nnd mvt-:'· ligation of the m;tttt•r l1y th1· !'tall-' to see if the b1ddtn~ proce~~:, ll: nr­der and 1f. 1 n L.ct. ~ !J,. •·xt r~1 $100,000 1r. cost frc m th•· t:up.1yer~ is justl fi ed."

Last Th•.Jrsd:1v The Ruidoso News contacted !ISD adm1m,;tra· tor Paull\ Maglione fr;r a C<;pv of the RFP

Maglione said mfonna~:or. :•,'J~d not bf relra~Pd ~mti; t"" l~>:tse 1,


Monday. The :'>iews ,t,ta.:.ed d

copy of thr RFP from anr1thrr source The document rP\"Pals El­well had submittPd a lease bid of about $70,000 a year for a bUJldmg he would construct.

Haynsworth submitted a bid of about $50,000.

Both bids were over the budgeted $37,2RO, and both bidders were asked to ~ubm1t final best of­fers which were essentially the same.

The original bid was for six years. Elwell extended his bid to eight years. Haynsworth said she was not given an opportunity to bid on eight years.

Elwell's bid over eight year-. would be about $550,000 guaran­teed.

On the points rating system, El­well was awarded 48 points out of a possible 50 points for such categori­es as quality of atmosphere, spatial relationship lllld geographic desig­nation.

Cost was weighted at 15 points with low bidder Haynsworth being awarded three points.

On spatial relationships, ElweU received a perfect score of 20 points, while Haynsworth was dls-

Please see State rep, page 2A

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2A/The Ruidoso N&Ws/Thursday, July 15, 1993 •• -· . . " ,,._ ".:,;> · .. :·.

IF'11lirmm<err vBHN&11ge ~road! §Uperintendent enters a guilty pl~a on'ratketee:rf}ig; ' A former Village of Ruido~ road

superintendent, embroiled in a series of legal problems in Curry County, hns pleaded guilty to rack­eteering and agreed to cooperate in an investigation of that county's ronJ depar-tment.

,Jnck LaMny, 51:1, Curry County road superintendent from 1989 un­til Apt·il of 1993, also worked as Ru1doso ~treet Department super­intendent from June lf::i, 1977, until SeptPmber 1, 1986.

LuMay is accused of bid-rigging and receiving more than $20,000 in hribes and kickbacks.

According to Associated Press reports, LaMay's guilty plea on the racketeering charge could lead to as much as a 12-year prison sentence

New mayor Continued from page 1A

struct.ion, but contend the size of the building proposed and its park· ing urea would cause the rewoval of too many giant Ponderosa pines and would not be compatible with nearby retail store~.

Attorney David Wilson, representing builder Don Elwell, said the property was commercially dE!signated nnd that there is no way tu de\'elop the property in a com­tm·rcial manner without removing trees.

Wihlon said the office usage by human services would require less parking spate than other retail typt• businesst>s.

lie said the trees are substan­tially 'h~ww-;,·d with dwarf mist­ll'tot•.

Ht·nnirk said he Hlso is nut o)J­pu.~ed tu construction in thP area, but th!.! construction of a human st:rvin•s building is contrary to the comprPhensiw plun, which sup­ports elust1•rs of like businesses. I Ie also qut'stwned thl' degn•p of dwarf mist!Ptol' infestation g-Jvtm as JUstificatwn for trl'l' removal. Ht• said l'Xflt'rts from the forpst servicl' nutt•d that several of the 200-foot

and fines and restitution payments up to $20,000.

LaMay agreed to cooperate with the state in its ongoing investiga­tion of the county's road depart­ment, and in all federal investiga­tions, said his plea and disposltion agreement that was approved Tues­day by state District Judge Stephen Quinn.

Prosecutors agreed not to bring charges of solicitation of bribes, receiving kickbacks, fraud in excess of $2,500, criminal conspiracy, rriminal solicitation and submit­ting false public vouchers, accord­ing to the agreement.

The investigation of alleged wrongdoing in the road department began April 22. LaMay was

high trees were valuable as seed producers.

Resident Murdell Holbert said she is concerned if proper drainage could be accomplished on a street prone to flooding.

Many business leaders, includ­ing MainStreet director Don MJller, were there for the civic events cen­ter issue. None chose to speak on the appeal.

The council voted to back the P&Z approval to allow a commer­cial building on the heavily wooded C-2lot.

Although eouncilors did not ex­plain the reasons for their vote, most said after the meeting that trees were not an Issue. '!'hey said the owner of a C-2 lot has the right to build within that C-2 designa­tion.

Most agreed that the village often has deviated from the compre­htmsive plan drafted in the mid­eighties.

Mayor Shaw, who in her new position was not allowed to vote for the first time sincf' being elected to the council, said that she would have voted to allow the building be­cause of the C-2 classification.

Councilors James, Gomez, Potter

demoted April 6 from superinten­dent to construction foreman, and he resigned May 25.

"There are many other aspects of the investigation that have to be addressed," Jim Skinner, chief in­vestigator for the District At­torney's Office in Clovis, said Wed­nesday.

Smith said a Curry County grand jury was empaneled Tues­day, and prosecutors will present evidence.

County records show the road department was $1.14 million over budget during the time LaMay ran the department.

Skinner said in a criminal com· plaint that LaMay was associated with Questionable acts including

and Cummins voted against the ap­peal. Councilors Karn and Duff voted to uphold the appeal.

In other business, the village al­lowed Susan Merrill to create a plan to be accepted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and vil­lage planning commission to im­prove her bridge on Shol't Street.

Attorney Dan Bryant said the bridge had been constructed in 1979 after a flood. Prior access to the property was by a road along the Rio Ruidoso from Eagle Drive. The flood obliterated the road and forked at the Merrill property.

According to village records, Merri11 asked the village for permission to build a bridge that consists of the steel framework of a flatbed trailer topped with wood planks.

Bryant said Mrs. Merrill is prepared to improve the structure and appearance of the bridge.

Bryant said planner Cleatus Richards wanted the bridge to com­ply with an ordinance passed b~· the village in 1982. He said compliance may not be necessary because of the bridge's age, but Mrs. Merrill wants to improve the bridge at a reasonable cost.

"misuse of public monies in build­ing caliche roads, unauthori.zed use of county road equipment, alleged procurement eode violations and other procedures committed within the Curry County Road Depart­ment."

LaMay had "confessed that he had committed .several felony crimes, including rigging bids with certain vendors for equipment sales in Curry County ... ," the complaint said.

He also admitted to soliciting bribes and receiving kickbacks and writing equipment and service bids to ensure that certain contractors were awarded contracts, the com­plaint said.

In a related matter. the Ctll'l"Y

"I have been advised by Mr. Richards today, that he has changed his mind," Bryant said. "He wants to recommend that we go back to an idea we discussed in April of a low water crossing ... with a cost of$14,000."

Bryant said the bottom of the bridge is about a foot above the level of the creek bank. He said the proposal to the corps would be to raise the bottom of the bridge an­other foot to elevate the bridge sig­nificantly· higher than the level of the bank on the north side.

Bryant asked the council not to change the definition of the plan again as Richards suggested, but allow a plan to be submitted to the corps of engineers.

Councilor Barbara Duff asked about the comments of the P&Z Commission.

"This has not been through plan­ning and zoning," Bryant said. "This all got started when Mr, Richards wrote a letter to the Mer­rills and we came before the city counciJ with respect to that letter, because he had a deadline (for the bridge's removal) about 10 days away that we couldn't possibly meet."

Co~nty Commission su~d two wer~ awardell;¥Jon~~r lt!it<IU Oll in· bu&nesses 'Y•dnesday. to ':@COUp :fllrmlltiOll·P!'OVl.4\'d}>Y,!,Pll'fllf· . , losses stenumng &otn the activities (!eneva'Coopor, CO!i:ll1iY:mlln~r •. of LaMay. said It is count)i. po1i"'' for·depatt'

. ~· lawsuit was !ilsd in state mont bead•tb proylde lihli IIJ)ecljioa. Distnct Court agmnst Pioneer tions for bide, which are thlln pub· Truck Sales and Salvage Inc. of AJ. lished and later awarded. buquerque, Miller Trucking of Ros- The lawsuit said LaMay drafted well and its incorporators, Duane the bid for used equipment ·to Miller and Quin Miller, said ensure the bid was awarded to County Attorney Warren Fr .. t. Pioneer.

Accordilllf to Frost, tlie law Ill· . The recorda !ilso rellect $598,794 lows the county to recoup three p(Wl'Mill8r Trucking company over times the amount proven to have a thre·e-year period. been taken illegally, but Frost said The lawsuit said that LaMay the ~ount of money hasn~ been hed received Uleglj] kickbacks "oris· deternuned. ing out of LaMay's effort to secure

The county had made two pur- payments &om the comity to the chases from Pioneer, said the law- Millers tbr hauqwork not actual·, suit and county recorda. The bide ly performed.'' · ·

Shaw asked Richards if he wanted to comment.

Although he rejected Mrs. Mer­rill's efll'lier request for a low water

· crossing, he now said it was the most viable solution. It also was one of the costlier- solutions.

Richards said he would not be satisfied even though the corps may approve a bridge plan, because it still would be in conflict with the ordinance.

Councilor Bill Kern said the property would be in the heart of the river walk area and the issue would he brought up again. He said the village may need the bridge ap­proved because of the river walk.

A riverside restaurant currently is under construction near the Mer­riH's property.

When the river walk is con­structed, her property will he worth substantially more than it is at the present time.

Mayor Shaw asked Richards what brought this problem to his attention initially.

He said there have been a num­ber of complaints in that area, but he was not specific. He said the bridge was in total disrepair and the deck is completely eroded.

'····· ·,

A reporter for The Ruidoso News reporter, in checking the bridge earlier in the day, drove acroSB the eroded deck.

Short Street is an isolated street · that dead ends next'to the Merrill property. The Merrills a,re the sole users of the bridge and without lt, they would be landlocked.

'Ihe council pUsed a motion to allow Bryant to work out an· agree­ment with the Army Corps of Engineers and the village Planning and Zoning Commission.

Other agenda items included: ~MainStreet Ruidoso annual

agreement approval. -approval of the New Mexico

Certificate cf Public Convenience and Necessity for all tOwing/ businesses.

-approval of a revised mini-· mum standards agreement for the airport,

-approval of a lease with !lido Enterprises

-approval of a lease with United Helicopter.

Refreshments for the council's first meeting were donated by Ruidoso State Bank. Bank vice president Bob Rostro nrlcroWaved the huge cake .

....... 1~8:10

Builders--------------------------------------------------------'·------Conttnued from page 1 A

"Wt· rwed H good alternative (he­ton· taking that stf'pl, mem· hf'r \\'tlton HowPll. who also is a county commtsstnnf'r.

",Jut> has some plans to ust' ont• Df tht• old tran:-~fer stations·

· [t ':-; hard to l'nforc1· if thPrP an· tH• optton.'i !t·xn•pt tlnvwg a!\ tlw way tt• thP C'aprtan construction ddn1~ landfill•." Lt·wandowski ~aid. !'vt• l'IJ!!t>ct('{l all ,,f tht· ~olid waste

un!Jr,:ttll'PS of tlw nwmhPr~ 1 th(• Cr>tmty and thl' munJcipalitif's Yo1thll\ 1t~ h·•undanP:c; to see !how ~o Jill Iudt· o1 nt>w ru:t• and E'nsure tb·v' a:: an .1.-::form

A:1d ~ht·r. J .,..,11 bf' i:·•:ng ttJ Pnrh r:-:~:,·rr:.t: a:~ -,em! t' br ahlP to nf.rr:. wht·n· tr,f' l!·1rbage rs

.: "r....: Jr~ .•. ,n;P !ar,_.-,. nta•s. tlwy atf' re­

'i·•:rPd tD hdVP a rLrmpstf'r rm SltP, ~:ud A .. JungP, a rr;rmPr a11thonty m1•n:t.1·r .,.,.h(, attF>:-df'd thf' ffiPP~tng

El PHso has :J rf'qulrf'mPnt that

the material be confined at the building site and that proof of dis­posal IS provided," Lewandowski said.

"It has to he tied to the building perrrllt, so there is a front end and bark Pnd check," authority attorney ,J Hobert Beauvais said.

"Yes, written right on the permits," Lewandowski agreed.

A roll-off truck, which also could be used as a wrecker or to haul gar· Lage, might be an answer, he said.

"We don't have the market to support a large piece of equipment."

Member Bt\1 Schwettmann, a rounty commissloner, said con· tractors who build in the Alto vil­lage subdivisions are charged a $200 clean-up fPe.

If they don't keep it clean, we wrm't givP them another permit. It works, but you have to get hard nosed, he sard.

"And we will havP. to give them some mformation first," Lewandowslu added.

Member Bill Allen suggested Lewandowski visit the county home builders association to talk about the situ~tion.

But even if the professional con­tractors and their workers comply, "we have people come up from Houston and they want to tear off a patio. There is nothing on the dumpsters to tell them they can't do that and they're not familiar with our ordinance," Allen said.

Lewandowski said stickers are being created that will be affixed to dumpsters outlining prohibited trash and who may use the con­tainers. He also plans to have a proposal ready by the next meeting on how to handle the problem of construction waste.

Howell said he had noticed an employee of the authority illegally dumping building material into a residential dumpster.

"Our own employees need to fol­low the line too," he said. ··ou own

employees are disposing of con­struction waste (improperly). We'll talk about that in executive session (which is closed to the public)."

Meanwhile, Lewandowski said he is trying to collect s:ix days a week at mtes that are especially abused.

The county sheriff also has to be convinced it's enough of a priority to cite contractors caught illegally dumping, Beauvais said. A few heavy fines might spark compliance in others.

"Our problems didn't ge.t to be problems overnight. They built up," said vice chainnan Ron Wicke-r, who also is Ruidoso village man· ager.

"It was gratifying to me that I didn't have complaints ove-r the Fourth. Joe seems to have a handle on the operation."

Lewandowski said that the pre~ vious manager apparently would not allow overtime.

"You can't do that, not with 30,000 to 40,000 people coming into this area over the Fourth," he said.

In other business, the authority board:

-heard a report by Lewandowski in which he mUd he intended to create a separate ac­count to allow him to put aside money to cove-r payments to mem­bers for equipment sold to the authority. The environmentsl gross receipts previously used for repay~ ment will be pledged toward con­struction of a regionalland1ill.

"Effective November 1, we have to be able to loose those funds. be­cause the first payment will fall due in April," Beauvais said. "The opening of the (regional) landfill (in Otero County) still is on track for mid-January, but at a substantia] increase in tipping (dumping) fees (to the authority)."

Lewandowski also will establish a separate account for repair and

replacement of equipment. ~ -approved -another year on a

three-year contract with B'lfluvais for attorney Serv.ices.

-agreed with Lewsndowski that the cabins in the Nazarene Camp­ground at the Bonito Lake turnoff should be treated as Individual residential units, not as one com­mercial account.

"I~s not commercial V(ith the terms of the leases for 99 years," he said. "I know it will be harder to collect, but I still feel we should stick to the residential charge in the county of $5.25 per residence, even if they don't own the land un­derneath."

-reviewed and agreed with a policy instituted by Lewandowski on employees and gratuities. Any items, cash or gifts must be se'nt through the eentral authoril.), whera it can be noJ;ed in the etn· ~ei>'s file. Tliay should not be ac­cepted directly by the employees just tbr dolng.their jobs.

State rep------------------------------------------------------------Contmued from page 1 A

t <JUnt 1•d b~caus1• her restrooms wPn• not !ocnt1·d near the front of tln· fanlity

Hayn!'lworth disagref's, saying hPr restrooms art> m the front of hPr burldtng, Plaza d'Oros, located on US. Highway 70.

Under spatial rP:lationship, it was notf"d that Haynsworth's exist­ing has "a patio off ·the lounge which 1s a desirable amenity."

ElwPJI's con!'ltruction plan tn·

cludf"s, ·a patio off the employee loungE' which is a niCE' amenjty."

UndPr 'natural lighting,' human servicPs wanted 825 usable square feet of open window. Elwell receive-d five points for providing 162 square feet. Haynsworth rece;ved one point for 173 square feet, because her lighting was in the wrong area.

Elwell's attorney David Wilson told the council Tuesday that the time for raising the issue of appeal by any unsuccessful opponent has long since passed and was 11

months late. Haynsworth said, to date, she has never been told by hu­man services that she was low bid· der or given information on the RFP.

The News tried to reach Maglione Monday, but was told she wouldn't be back at her office until Thursday. Her boss, John Scanlon of HSD, confinned that Maglione could not release the RFP figures until the lease is signed.

Scanlon was asked how un­successful bidders can file protests if they are not given details of the RFP necessary to fonn a basis for protest.

"You should probably be asking that of the General Services De­partment," Scanlon said. "Those are their regulations."

If after the bids are opened, would a person be told if he or she was the low bidder?

"Not until the lease is signed. those our General Service's Depart­ment regulations," Scanlon said.

Asked if a protest was upheld after the lease was signed, would

not the person awarded the bid have a possible law suit against the state.

"It's a legal question that Gener­al Service!~ needs to respond to," said Scanlon. 'We have to follow their requirements."

Scanlon said the general ser­vices department signs all leases and those oftici~s know how many leases Elwell holds with the state.

After talking to Scanlon, The News contacted Art Armijo, direc­tor of the property control division with the General Sentices Depart­ment.

"Generally speaking, if there has been an award letter to the success­ful bidder, at that point all of the information given beeom;Jublic;" Armijo said. "Heck, it · t take six months to sign a lease."

Once the successful bidder has been notified, at that point i~ bt­ public, Armijo said.

Armijo said the procurement cede suggests lease awatdlo be spread out among bidders. .

Told that Scaillon and Maglione

refused to give out the public in· formation, Armijo said he would pull the RFP and get back to The News within an hour.

After repeated attempts to con­tact Armijo again, on Wednosday, The News learned that Armijo was called to an emergency . border meeting and will not be in until the following Monday. His calls were directed to deputy director Pat McHenry.

McHenry was asked how many leases Elwell has with the state and the current status of the bid lease that Underwood said ha wants reviewed and inwstigated.

McHenry said she was un· familiar with the project, although Armijo did have her checl< itminor­ity weighti~ was applicshle on the RFP. She.lfUid it was not.

David Ortiz. She said all the papers were in order, hui as of that mo­ment the lease had not been signed.

She said tlie information on El· well's other leases from the state would be available on written re· quest.

Asked if human slll'Nices should have made the RFP material avail­able to the public when requeatod, McHenry said the departnlejlt had a policy that she cannot apeak With a reporter until s)le speaks \'ill:h her. cabinet secretary's office. ·

i&Sk£$QU ilf4.Pif ;w if" ..,..,.,..,..,.,,..'f.t\ -'•·11'1, i)'il'fl'?'ilfVIJOE,. (jil "*'ll!(""<ltl'!'!'"'_"'!""M~11!"'1'1~«':fNiR'·If'.-'"';'"~~~"i"fi4li .4".'"'!¥)'(11 . .l!f"ffi"'':'i'"i>'...-;'*· ...,.,.,.~~~~-~·'":!"";_~:..,-'.": ·"!_~;:-::.~:-~"""":'"":'· ... -·.·;o-;;·:~.;•"7"''-~""'"-·:--~'·"r"'T'"~." ~. ::7~c ..-.·~---··Y'• • ";·,.,-----:··7r~;"'"'·~ --·-··::,-:r;;·,· .. ,.,~..., :'"::·~ ~·. _-'i"~ ~~:·· ,,.. ·..-·---·~r"" ··~:'':"""' .'f'_;"'···~:~-~·-· ·"';:· ":"~::1<

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Garbage grtr\.lp liep~atsits .duective ag~~ttl~ilJ~g'a~tJlbtitY <i~~~t~rs'I.GS . ''if: you ,1(Qie to. tho\1!' :counll!ha1itdheoJlP~t.ytogc>to who ~~~~110 to· be setting tho RuldOSQ lii.e~~iift.Wrlter · · ·· . · remliiled>. 't 'lill» "ll~ it to~;·,.: Anot,hel! cafloctoi'; The .boiU'\1, ftae .ptlo)itiee "·h' sa!li ..

M81llbers OJ:~· opuntVa gilt bliP LewandoJW~ ~)itd;"Jl .not, we ooult! $!lid j£ .~ WIIJ!t '1U>' serY!pe, the "1\Wbl ht hiUJ lllore IIDpol'tant colleotion oooilition .·I!"" UP Mond_ay follow ~1""'"',~(~t'Ungjf, thl!t · .ccil!>r-Wij) be '!,lill'orm• ···. . probl!!l.llll out tller~ than oolO<s. stuck by th,eir d0<;1mon to reqwre the mo!IG)occ'W;ltl'li.i>''lultl:l!t' usOII • ·· ;''"l'DDIl,l>t.a~!!!faV~ted at Jo~. ~· Let's lbave. tht soc~ plltl (the all. dumpsters to bt painted a wbi!J'8repsltf!im'!h\d." . lli$appolntlldln'thop£1'eAAI!·In ~ tillling)t\l.thellll!n,get.' unifOl'DI.color. He said ti·•~et was one of country, when a bolll1<l takes action, "TI,.ril was no tlme set In the . .But they •J.s•. dooidtd that tho. about fOur ·!iiil!im~~· 'a\ aceounto itshOllldbot'ollawt!lthrouchon;" · mdti<>n;" said member. • Bill

timing of ·roptU!'ting should bolllft whore .thoJ>irunlld 1\ c~nform and . He ill<Ucated that· som' )lO!Itd Sehwettnumn, a. oounty com·· to the discretion of tho general that ali1Wo\i(c[]illve. be haulad in inembiOtS 'inay hav~ tried to Ct\n· · mlftsionors. "Let the manager mllllljger ae PJ!l't flf .tho rou~ and ~"<~liairito~ 'l.',he oost of thaHf· Vlhee I<t\ to ignore the manogQ." . ·. maint6J!ance eshedu).e. . • ~ WIMd bs llbout $50 each, he poliey until a chanee fill' 'Bill>ther < "I don't want t<> get involved in

Th~ II!SUO came to light for tl!C!' :;; said, .... , ·, · . . vote. That :lihow, of weakness .won't m~nt," HoWell said. "'.thin!< lirst. tune last reu When a ·l'!lllll · .; :.f:ln$i!1' , . • lUI . adVJSDl'y play well wheJt )SSU~S Of C,Ontention tho mo$t Ulls'ightly WlOf' litO at the 88!lery owrun: propos~d that.~ !li~dqm &om 1011thority at- cl!lne up wit!> OIOr(l ~M!Jlty ·ove~ SChool." · pm~t dumpsters Wlth deCIJIIative , fO<!lW'if·•Aohert Beauvais, thet all . the cobstruoti~~· fiiU!I!"'lllt tnd BP' MeJllber Dave Dale qu~st!oned scenea Ol'p~tterns. ·. . · , non•e~>Jit~nR.acoounta oihouldbe oration oftbtJomtreg>onallp.ndjill, whethOI' bO!Itd meJllbers or county

. At the.t j;\me, tho ~coin Cl!\lllo/ ~ea!Qd thO IJIDI!:~ 01: tl)l! ll,l;ol!P could ha said. . .. . . oominlll$ioners 1101 'Ill the b~ Sofld W!!SIJ. Ai,!.tbprit.y b®!!d,~t~ p;iW!lfllp to a: laWB!!it, Ill81ll,ber "They'll run off W)th the rBlllS 1f oihould pt pmonally jll\'01~ m diiWn:·the'·PI'l!P~rM~mhe~ s.aid ROn Wicker ~Bit~1hilt means eon- (they think) the manager call ~ issues, .j:ef...-lng t<> Howell and the. bins should all be one col~ or. tl!iners wqulil. have to be pulled P!'l'suaded to dezy tho bolltd, QQilllllissi'lll Chairman Monroy mamtenanco 'l'lOwd baeomp•.mght- &6m !MJ)onaldt, the ro:"' track, Howell said.. MonteS' v.ilDI; to'the fruit market. mare. and the lltlhool district. . Lewandowski denied thot any. . Montee said when tho m~~tket

The gallery owner later pur- 'Member Joe Hayhurs~ who alao onoonthobO!Itdapproaehedhim. ownerput.adwrtieements on radio chaeed the bin she had painted as • is muyor of Jt)Ud~so Down$, said . "It was my idea," he sail!. "I was asking ·people to· call ""!"· demqnetration · modol. . Joe tho vola the preVJblls month wae hired to firulsolutions. mlssionetil, because the authOJ'lty Lewandowski, new gmeral · man· not directed toWard one business. "When the board seea all the wu picking on him, Montes had a eger of the. authority, said he. wiD "We ~d ·'all,~ he remlOOad facts, meJllbers hove a riRht to right .to eonfront the man as com·

·attempt .to buy' back the dumpster· members. 1change .their minds." mission cltail'1ruin. LO.t · inonth, six days aftsr Beauvais explolned that his let:- Member Frank Cummins, a "I would never trr to cirewnvent ·

Lewandowski wae hired, the bolltd tor simply was to.advise members Ruidoso village councilor, pointed the pi'Qcess," he smd. "I went out again voted that a uniform color that route drivers should inventory out that the b011td already has not to inlluenee this b'oilrd .... but should be used. This time, the issue containers for non-compliance, voted :twice. - when I have someone challenge :me, came up because a market owner "whether 60 or 200, we nead to haul "It concerns me that the policy 1 will ge~ in his face." wanted to keep containers he had them all in ead repaint them." · hae not been followed," ha llldd. He addad that a good bolltd . painted red, white and blue. ' . Howell said in his oplniOii tho · "What do ·we do, keep voting ~ i~ meJllber hae an obligation to check

The board directed bolltd was more in llengtr of being until tho JIU\iority changes? . out situations personally ead then Lewandowski to replace the bright;.. sued if tho manager didn't follow its ' "'f we voted, then follow report back to tha board. ' 1y colored dumpsters on U.S. 70 in polioies,· · through .. It it's no~ working, we "I thjnk when (your bolltd) is Ruidoso Downs with ·the light ton Beauvaissaidhewasn't1111gg0st-' changeit(later)." challeng~>d, you have to reepond to units or the authority. ing the policy not be followed, only "Pm just saying that our atten- tho comlllunit.y," he said.

But by Monda.v's meeting, the queetioning the ~eedure. '!ring· tion oihould be first on tho dump· In othe• business, the authority duinpsters 81111 were In position at ing 1111 of them m immediately · . . b. ad ha do h ·to boanl:. . the market. could coet $5,000, he llldd. sters m s pe, or we ave -heard thot although a contract

"I'm nof de""'"~ thot' the bOlita . •<L d . do 100 thot are in better shape . dr 'th th -,~a.oo "The question is wh~ei' to o 1t than the others?" Lewandowski for service was awn up Wl • e gave me direction, bv:t at the l~t on 8 routine basis as maintena'nce Ruidoso Downs Race Track and 1ts meeting I bad only heen here mx orasaone .. hotdealtobring·eVery· as~-t's

8 different queetion, provisions .~~tt being followed, it

days and I handed out a proposed • to ·u· at the s-· uw -- '"-ed. noli one Jn comp ance -cuuo whether it needS to be done rl.ght was n. .......... ao ... p cy . in -- mid-meeting.'' time,• he-said. now," Cummins replied. Beauvais explained that former Lewandowski said. The policy . , h 'ck 1 manager Gene Green was handling would allow some, individually "I aeeu~ you that"!""" eflowed We ong t to eti ~0 one 00 or that job personally. Lewandowski painted dumpeters for commercial .to .be pam~ are m .nee~ of imd !don't think we should very," saidhewantstoWorkoutaslightly accounts under certain .circum- mamtenanee, Howell smd. "Tqe Hayhurst agreed. different system to ensU'I"S the etances and wlth.his approval. · high school is an example. (T,lle Wicker agree that since the authority dof\Sil't lose money when

He said now that b011td mem· dum,, pster) is ;"•I ~pretty. · board. already hae voted, the units it collect' garbage from that here had time to consider all the in· Th~.reehssue IB not.tht color or should be repainted. customer · . formation, he wanted to tey again. tho' dumpsters. Commercial . ac- "But I also think Joe is the one ·


~o~u:a· nieetsat 4 . lUVM'Walk pllllls wiU be unve\l~d during Thura(l'" f!II!Ulu IJ\eet­

iug of the l'llllinStt'est Rwdooo ~oard at 4 p.m. tciday <Thursday) at Ruidoso St!lte Bank; · . . · · . · · · Th~ pla!ls 11t0 scheduled to be ptesenled by board presidtnt '1'ou! Battin and sxecutive director Oon Miller. ,

Also on tho ageada 19r the meeting will ·he the discussion and ap· proval of the group's financial reports ead an approval of an •!!"ee· mont with the Villl!P ofRul.doao. ·

'Chamber of Commerce """cutive director Joan Bailey ead Village Couoilor Frank Potter !Itt also on the agende. U: the bo~~td apes,

·the pair wiD bo added as now board members, filling the boards two vacancii)S. ·

Bingaman staff to visit in Carrizozo, Capitan, Ruidoso

$te.ff meJllbers frl!lll Stnatln' Jeff Bingatilan's otlice will have of· fico .llours on WednesdoY, · ~uly 21, in Carrizozo, Capitan tad RuidoSo~ . ' . : ;'

Joe Sandoval will be availal>le from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Carrizozo SOI!ior Ciloizen Center Oftice at 406 Central Avenue.

From 1:30 to 2:30.p.m., he wJ11 be at the Caplton Town Hell at 114 Lincoln Street. · ·

Frl!ln 4 to 5 p.m., Ssndoval wiD be at the Ruidoso Senior Citi-Oftice at 501112 Junction Road. .

Residents from throughout Lincoln and Otero counties ere inv!ted .to stop by tnd. meet .with Sandoval if they have any questions regarding matters involving the federali!OVOl'JllllOnt. .

MeJllbers of Seliator Bingaman's New Mexico etaf!' m~ also be reached toll free at (1•800) #13·8658 ..

Buckle up or pay a big fine! . You'd better buckle 11p, warns State. Police Sergeant Bill Hanson or tho Ruidoso otliee. . .

Hanson said the State.. Police is running a seatbelt enforcement. progrem that will inclade remlndera, warnings and roadblocks.

"Mainly, weTe going to .start writing a lot of tickets," said ~~. whose local polls indicate a hjgber than· average •ate of seathslt ueage In the Ruidoeo ~~tea- 79 .percent in town and 611 percent out­side the village. The national averi.Jil! is tlO to 115 perceJI\.

Hanson said his otlicers will be concentrating on ·eeatbelt linl'orce· ment for the neXt few months and his advice to _·people is, "bucklt~~ up!"

")fyou've got a few cents, buckle up tad save them."

Cree Meadows board meets Cree Meadows· Country Club conducted ita annual shlltOh~dera

meeting recent.ljr and elected S~sie Ber~ ~ its ~w preSident. M.D. Gunetream is the new VJce premdent With Ginger Huband elected secretary and Bob Ellison, treasurer. .

Four new board members were £l]eeted. They are Bill Baucum, GunStream Huband and Hal Betty. The four join Bergeron, Ellieon, Bill Carrig,;,., Stormy Edwarde and N.C. Hester on the nine-member board. •. ·


Adult Size Sunbelt Tee shirts


The Ru'ldoso · ·News wants to make cor­rections In news co1nte'nt I as quickly ~!I possii:)!lf, . and endeav«;~rs to dt11hat. In the next edlll911.

can ertors '·to the atten· tlon of editor "Man•

. .


Short Sleeve


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·-> 4Niba:RUidoll!l\llsw<itl'ln!r!ldl!li,4~1)i;1G;~o~s . .. .. • . • . · .... : ·.· · .. . . · •. · .. · . ·,. : ;. · ,·. ·.. .

.con~tn:~t~t;iQ!J p~fmit~. hi.t $2:mil1ton .m··•·• ~=~~~~~!'~g b.,2'~~:e~!~f~~4~l! ::1~t~~!«~t~: ·· ·· · .· took on a little bi1' more. steam In (SFD), $1GO 000: ·· · ·. · · .. · In Ga'lilen Can)'QJI, Glivllan ··\:Jan- . ~"'9!~1!11' S~~ June when the Vlllage •ssued 67 ~Ed~ K'r<l!ne, A.D. Powers, yon, ""shingl~. $1!4ij; · • . ,,· permits totaling $2,101,148. . . Lot 17 Dlo.ok. 6 AltO Lakes Golf & -D. Colligan, owner, J.iot.e ~&6

That's almost double June Country Club #2, 204 French, SFD, Blook 2 Ponil,erusa Heights 111, lOB · • ~=';.c 1992's total of $1,180,790 end $212,000; · Aspen Circle, rlllllace diiok, ~1,300: , $311,418 OVer May's . total of -Bill . & Colleen ~cott, Jim -Lynn Menaenhall, JIWllllr, ·z.ot $1,755,985. In May of this yoar the Walter Homos Inc E;W/4 NE/4 See 2 Blook 8 La Jl!nta, Sun VaUey 'lillage issued 54 permits. 27 TUB R13E, B58 River Troll RoOd daok addition, $700; ·

June's big tot~! brings the year- SFD, $76,000; ' -Oanii>l & Jeres Bumson, JilFC to-date construction ,to $8,091,878, -Links at Sierra Blanca, Sierra Generl)} Coatraetor, Lot. 27 Dlook well over June 1992 s yelll'to-date Blanca Construction, Tract in Sec iA Little C.....k Hills, Little Creek, of$5,298.?86. . . 15 TUB RlSE, 107 Sierra Blanca SFD, $89,000; ·

~•cording to. the V•llage of Drive, eommerelal deck addiiion, · -,-Roger. & Mary Parker, EFC . iioo, R":'d?so . Planrung Dep":"tment, $16,000; .General contractor, Lot 1 .Block 1 RJ;~~:~;;~~~~~r!:C~·~~ bwlding 1s up 53 percent m 1998 -George Stalling, Gaorge. Stall· Coyote Mesa, SFD, $140,366.81; _ -..,Tomtey . over 1992. . . lng, Lot 2A Blook 11 C....e Meadows ~ohn Van Tuss<!lbroek, owner, Lol,reshingl"'

In. June th~ VIllage ••sued 12 Cou11try Club, 805 PoiT, reshingle, Lot 128 Deer l'afk Wl!ods #2, 102 -Ross &; Dingman, P.ernnts. t~tahng $1,695,767, for $1,600; . BuckDrive,SFD,$171,857.20; . Sion;l Mirada, 6 Block 21 mngle fmruly h~es .. Last Y•.ar, -Fred Calderon, Aspen Dovel· ~ames.& Mona .Barr, owner, Poll\l'pa Height.e #3, 209 Brady J~ 1992,, the vdloge ••sue~ rune opmont, Lot 17 Block 13 Alto Lokca Lot 10 Block.B High Mesa #2, SFD, Canyon, a<ldl'tion, $10,447; mngle fannly rOSldence peruuts at Golf & Country Club #4, 121 $133,000; ..;.Charles Senolba, owner, Lot 4 $740,159. . . Forest. enclose dack, $15,000; ~an• §peneer, Jim Woods. Lot Illook 4 Parac1ise Canyon, 826 Pata· . Lust '!'•nth, .m May, t~e VIllage -Roger D. Moore, lot 8 Block 9 9 Block 8 High Mesa #1, 71711igh dise Canyon, dtck addition, $1,543; 1ssued ~ght smgl~ family home Palmer Gateway, 398 Suddarth. Mesa, ...,.bing!~, $4,200; -Larry & Helen Roberts, Sierra

' .--' ._·--'/ . ·. '· ,,·,' '

construction penruts valued at commercial reshingle, $5,500; -Ludwick Construction, Unit Miracle, Lot 2 mock 11 High Mesa · ·., $1,801,609.51. . . .....charles Beene, Aspen Dovel· #50 lnnsbrook Village . #50 #$33,,020010; Stable, repair foundation, D'ow· n· s tru· .· . . ste·e· s·· .···. m· ; :;.:;;.·.\•1,;;... e . . ROSldential additio~ and alte~a- opmen~ Jots 16·19 Block 3 Paradise Grenoble, Tepair drive, $2,500; ~

tions numbered 39 this June, ~th 'Canyon fJ2, Phillips Circle, SFD~ --M.Tad Haynes, o~r.- Lot 2 -James M .. Dudley, owner, Lot a dollar value of $264,613; Wlth $100,000; · Block 2 Ponderoee Heights #5, 204 6 Block 22 Peaderosa Heights #8 " k o· k f a· g· en'; d· a that cate~ry at 50 wOTth $332,196 -Robert B. Houston, owner, Lot GroV., reshingle, $~0; .. 825 Brady Canyon, replacs deck qutc W r 0 .. . . . ... last year m June. . . . 18 Block 18 P....,diac Canyon, -Tommy & Rita Sheen, Mul· floor, $300; . 0~ new. eom~ernal bui!ding Scenic Drive, finish Interior of !lean Construction, Lot 4 Block 18 ~uan R. Solis, owner,. Lot 21 by GARY CAMPBELL liale, a uiemlier ·of the Downs

pernut. was lSsued m June, Wlth a ·house, $5,500; Alto Lakes Golf.& Country Club #4, Blook 1 Ponderosa Hpights #1, 112 Ruidoso N$W$ Stall Wr-er Auxiliary, was lJ<>Ognized for the valuation of$110,000. ~aek MeLaughlin, Ludwick SFD, $135,663j Birch, dack addition, $1,500; ' . The Ruidoso Downs Board .of time she has put in w:ith the

Bob Dolge';"'r "!' ~agle Creek Construction, Lot 1Q Block 9 Bleck -D.O. & Kathryn Coyle, owner, -Buddy Da'lis, :Shechey Con• Trustees ·meeting Monday was Ruidbse Downe senior center. ·· C:onstruction 1~ building commer· F....,.t, 107 Buckingham, repair Lot 3 Block 1 Fawn ·Ridge #1, 117 stru.tion, Lot 6 Bleck 1 Country short but e!Teetive, as usual. . A!se on the agenda was the oal storage uruts at 1107 Mechem footings $8 500· B k •-· . $3 OOO· Club Heights, 303 Hull, Interior The .board went through its racogniiion ofvlllage employee Tom Dri 1 1 I ro en n.r.:svW, rQPBJZ'S, 1 1 $ • h ' d ' 'ust 2fi • Arm is l ch ve. . -Kathryn Olvera, owner, Lot 19 -Mike & p .J. Schuster, owner, remodel, 12,000; mg t-1tem agen a lh J over Amistrong. . strong n arge

Last year:sal June mc.Juded no Block 8 Crca Meadows Subdi'liolon, Lot 10 Block 14 Palmer Gateway -Crucis Art Bronze, Walter minutes. · . of animal control and coda enfore,.. new co~ero . construction. 202 Buckner, interior remodel, 105 Meander, remodel, $38,000; · ' Rawlay, Lots 45, 45 .Block l·A Pal· .First of all the group •approved mont; but now has the job of 'lillage


. The ~!!age 1ssued fi';"' comm~r· $5,000; -W.S. Barrow, owner, Lot 24 mer Gateway, 524 Sudllerth Drive, the monthly reports from the vari· buildinglnSpec'tor. Clal addition ~d alteration penruts ~ohn & Lorraine Rayas, Block 17 Ponderosa Heights 113, 3~ eommercial....ahingle, $1, 750; OUs Ruidoso Downs depaitments. Armstr.,Qg oompie!cd the proper I et $30,750 this June. That category .owner, Lots 3&4 Block 8 Ruidoso Brady Canyon deeks $1440· ~erry Bell, ownllr, Lot 16 The bo~ ap~':"d the reports training lot the pooltion and was was at seven Wlth a dollar figure of . . a1' B.rlJl ' Bloi:k 20 Ponderosa Helgbts #8, 187 for the police, muruopal court, tire, hired by tha \lillage. . · $58 436lest June Springs, 136 Roswell, repmr foun· -Sun V ley er, owSner, Bra•·• Canyon, enlarge dack, aad maint,enanes deparlmants. "Anytime Blirneone Wllllts to

Th• V'JJ 'f R 'do . daiion $12 000· Lot 70 Doer Park Woods 112, FD, "' •~ . a! b . th b ard . .• I age. o w so lss~es -B' . • d 'Malone Sturgeon $826,000; $2,000; . "' gener wnness e o build 81J111.ething in the downs, they

bwlding pernnts for construction Constr:O Lot 8 Biock 4 Glen -Marion Mills, Mack-Wayne, approved a request from Art . have to ge 'through Tom," said vii· value_d at $500 .or mo...,. T!'ose Grove l04 H ,_~ additi Lot 16 Block 2 Sunny Slopes White -Bob Dc!gener, Eagle Creak, Reagen to fence off a public alley !age Clerk Lcsnn Weihbrecht. · pernuts are reqwred for proJects • o..,...,, room on, · • SFD $6 8 'o· · Lot 16 Block 1 Airport West, 1107 behind his property. Armstrong's duties will Include within the Village of Ruidoso, and $13,000: . Mountain Roa~, ' 6• 0 ' Mechem, commerciel storage units; Reagen said that with the alley i:f,'ns seting buildlngs and issuing

'thin th th .1 1 . d -Peter Rlxon owner Tr. P & -Ned Cantwell, Howden· hi . 4 ,_ dal WI e ree~rru e P a.n.mng an • ' 2 S d B dy L t 1 Bl k 1 G If c -Wayne Brazeal, owner, Lot 2 open, s properf;y 18 o.~....u~. van - · ding p-ermits. . I tting · · di"" _ that · • Lot 16 Palmar Gateway, 13 u • un , . o oe o ourse d . d

P a Juns •wOn m ddi · E t t 201 B J d k, Block 10 Wingfield Homestea #2, ••e · . · The fire .· depattment's new elude~ Alto and~aFria. . ;~~~o(ommercial bridge~ tion, $~.:9~~· ercus, rep ace ee 103 Shadow Lane, room addition, "I'D m.ake the moiion·as jeng as bylaws were alSo approved at the

B"!lding penmts for the Vi1lage '-Howden-Bundy, Lot 21 Block -Charles MaQuire, Aspen De· $5,000; everybody (public utilities) who meeting. · of Rwdoso. nowns ...., handled by 1 Country Club 111 103 Nogal velopment, Lot 25 Block F White -Mary Austin, Mac-Wayne, Lot needs to get In there can," said . According to Mayor Joe th~ s~ate. smce that village has no Placs, resblngle, $3AlW; Fir, 914 Main, 'repair ol!ling, 1 Block 1 West Cedar Creek, Trustee Charlotte Craig'. Hayhutst, and newly-elected inter-bwlding msp~r. . . .....chandler lir~ QliPaolol $l,OOO; . ...medal, $7 ,aoo; 'J'!le board· voted to allow t~.e iJ!l. ~ clli.l!t1'. Mike Waltet'l!,• tile

Be!"": are listed all b?'lding Hannony Valley Lot 12 Block G ~.B. Boker, All Amariean, Lot -Jim & Carol Hess, Blaney En- fO!Ulllig. changes ad [little more thiut a pemnts ~ssued m June of this year White Fir, 946 ' Main, reshingle, 14A Innsbrook Village, 212 Metz, terprlses, Lot 25 Block 2 Cree The board also awarded plaques change in semantics. by the V>llage of Ruidoso. They are $ commercial interior ••model Meadow Heighte #8, 105 Kirkman of reoogniiion to Da'lid Palmer of As an informational item, Mayor listed by property. ~wner, con-

8•37~;.y & Kitty Sharbutt, owner, $6,000; . ' Circl"' SFD, $98,660; the tire dapartment arra.,. to Ida Hayhurllt announced. that"tbo Vii· tractor, lotlblock!addition, address, Lot 1 Blook 1 White ·Mountain ..;.Dan Sosa, C.B. Smith & Sons -Grant' St.epben"' J.F. Con· Hale. .· ; ·• !age ol'l.!utcloso will a meeting typeofconstructionandcost. Estatss H4, 220 White Mountain inc.,Lot2Block2PinecliffUnitl, ·struotion, Lot 4 Block 1 l»rest . Palmer. was ,..p'd fOi' his on,August4tadiseulls.~dlng·the

JUNE 1993 Meadows, storage addition, $BOP; 100 Chaparral, replace dack, Heights, 108 Olympia, roinn addi· time put lhto :llghflng fltoa In the oebllty'<o meal program to tha head L 1 $10 "00 tioil, $15,000, Downs. · , · • · · Ruicloso senli>r eon. tsr. -Ronald E. Bastie/A.D. Powers, -Bonnie Coo, Am>w , ot ov :






2553 SUDDERTH DR. 257-4428 FOR DE~lLS


,-·: ·.


. ,- •. '

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• 0

Nl!iw MEXIco - . •> . - •



The following graph shows how ll'llch you would have to save annually, beginning at variOUa.ages, to accumulate: $500,000, $1,000,000, $2,000,000. The chart assui!Kis an aftertax rate of ratum ol8%

. ' -. ·.,, ; . . . , .

"" ..... i .... .-:._· . -w • ... - li>·.·.

on yout Investments.

.. ·,' . . • •


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Nob Hill Elementary. Secretary Deborah Thompson (left), left) Paulle Saenz,. supervisor Chris janitors Mary Ann ·Aimager and Luis Telles LaCounte, Arnie Baca and Nell Jaramillo. (above) and. cafeierla staff (at right; from keep things running smoothly at Nob Hill.

~1·•• , , .. ,--. ..,.!1·- • .'II:,'" '" • ; • •· . ' · ·

·WJi~te''Mtiunmifi Elerileiinif'Y · .. . " ,, ' '' ' ' ... \ . .. '

Double duty OverseelnJ:J the day-to-day routines at · Cheryl Elder and janitors Franklin Rodela White Mountain are (from left) secretary and Josey Herrera. These cafeteria workers serve students kitchen are (from left) Ramona Urban,

from both White Mountain Elementary and Gaby Kenmore, Lou Boyer, Bella Chavez, Intermediate schools. Pictured In their Juan Lopez, Lela Baca and Catrina Judd.

Ruidoso .High School Cafeteria staff at RHS Includes (above,

. from left} Jeanne Walker, Sherry Latta, su­pervisor Chris LaCounte .and Francis Pin­nell. RHS j!lnltors Include (top picture at

· right, from eft} Judy Miller, Ed Branch and Donn.a Marshall. RHS secretaries are (bot· ·

·tom picture at right, from left) Shay Mobley anctJealllittll Oar:y. ·

White Mountain Intermediate

. ' •, ·, ... ., -


On ·the job at White Mountain are (from left) Janitors Christopher Rodela and

RONNIE L. HEMPHiLL, CPA f~ pleased to announce his association

· · · with . ·· .· ······ ,;;:, .. iDAN AUSTIN.'·OP~. ·.

. . .· , . •'...,. ' '·" .. .;_._- .. ~ ·. . ~ .,. -- .-,_. >-- ·,. -... ,._·- ~· ';~;-.:·.'~. -.::-.'i· ·¥:---.::;;.~.--- ,:,,: .. _;:'). :i;, ·• ..

··: ........ ·. ;·s• . · ·. •·.Th'e new·firm : ·· · . . . . . . . ' . ~- ' . . ., . . . . - . '

·,·.··: .·. HEMPHirt.l:.& .AUS:f{l\t,,.P(), .. ·cpA~S ... ·· . • · • .,· · \ '\'. · .. ' : . . ·· ·.· :it wlll .be . .l(Z)O$~c;f~f ; . ' . ·: ·· :: · .


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Bengemln Rodriquez and secretary Linda Autrey.

·. \:.' ..... · .·· · : ~ d$6· MEOHJif\tf:Of11\IE, ,_ . ·~

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.Alto ladies. association tees off in President's Cup golf tourney ·

Lady golfers turned out in force at Alto Lakes Golf and Country Club for the Annual President's Cup Golf Tournament. ·

The tournament is sponsored every. year by the president of the Alto Ladies Golf AssociQtion. This years host and president is Joyce Vanlandingham.· ·

Here are this year's winners: Doris Meadows was the overall


In the . championship !light, Joyce McBride finished with the first low net score, Betty Barrett came jn with the second low net score, in third was Becky Austin while Maxine Mitchell finished fourth.

Iri the low gross category Karon Petty finished first . for the

championship !light, Kaki Scbwettmarin finished second, Joyce Vanlandilliiham came in third while C..-ole Wall came in fourth.

For the first flight, Julia Wensel had tho first low net soon;, Jane Rankin ~ame . iil second, i:ibirley Klaus had the third low net willie Pat Hershe~ tCBille in fourth.

Eve .BaJtless had the tirst low gross score til the first flight, Kathy Crane.-was second, Wanda HoPkins was third and Polly Seamster was fourth.

In the second !light Jean Gil· liland had the first low net score, Peggy Wheaton was second, Marvel­McKinley was third, and Elaine Cannop W8.$ fourth.

Norma Cash had the first l!>w gross score in tile second l!lght, while Betty Woo®rd was SEcond, !Men McDaniel Was third and Joy Seiler was fourth.

The overall low net score for the nine holers wAs put in by .!lonnie Curtis. ·

In the firet flight of the ni11o holers, Pat Bainett had first low gross while Pat Raczynski -vias ·sec-­o.nd.. .Lee Monroe had the low net score while Phylti0 Long was sec· ond. " .

In the second flight· of the nine holers, Priscella Thompson had the first low gross, while Jean Monroe was seco~d. Dean Myatt had the first low net score and Lucille Yeager had the second low net -score.

• . ' -- " : .. -:._

;. ,. ,. ''·' '· ' •: --;-' ., __

Ruidoso All-Star team 11 ~'~~tni~~· Mon~ay. li.wasa Escalante slides into seco'hd . . during. · clos.:fcall/but E was called out.

All-Star team comes up shortinb' tourney The Ruidoso Little League All

Star team its best, but still came up short, ,

The team los~ its s~cond game on Monday, 7·1 to Valley, ond was knocked li-om the regional Little League tournament RuidosQ was hosting. . · ., . ··

. didn't !list long. In the top of the third inning, a

Valley .player found the pitch that he wanted and hit it long out qf the park. That gave Vallay a 2-1lead.

By the fifth inning, the Valley team had gained the 7-1lead.

Even though the team came up. short · in ·its quest for a champi@ship, all the plaYer& had a good time.-

Although the Ruidoso team is out of ·the tournament, five teams &till remain as of Thureday. Games will be played Thureday, July 15, at 5:30 and 7:30. p.m, July 16 at 7 p.m., July 17 at 7 p.m., tmd the championship game will be played July 19 at. 7 p.m.

If the .team from the losers braaket ii>i.ns. that game, an addi­tional game will be played on July

"'Those kids gave '100~ percent," said Doug SiddenS, the team'~ man­ager· and cosch.-''But, you just don't q}ways wih." -- . · . ·

Thli . team got an early lead in the seeond inning at 1·0 but it

"That was probaply one of tho funnest things I've eVer \loxie,'' $aid Siddens. ""Tho!Qde were just great.""

20 at 7 p.m. so that the le!UJl from ;· the winners- bracket will have their fair chanee to get their two !ossa: . " .

Tee or tea time Senior golfer Gib Munro tees off during the New Mexico Seniors golf tournament held this week. Munro was one of 112 golfers in the tourney. Wives of the golfers (below)

have a luncheon and style show at Cree Meadows during the tournament. More than took part in the luncheon

. ........ . . - . -- '. . . ..

Non-Smoking • Non-A/coho/ia AttnOSph9f8 Tues. thru Thura. 11 - 2 & B • 12

Fri. & Sa1. 11-2 & 6-4 2814 SUdderth • Plnetree Square

ThtlrtJ<tay Showcase "Jsmes & liB Br>IYin•" July 15th • 9pm- 12 midnight

"CRIME OF THE WEEK" • The Ruldoso-unooln Oounty Clime $t)ppEIIJ'8 Wlll pay .. up to $1,000 for lnformatlon rhat reads to the arrest and Grand Jury h'idlctment or Magistrate Court Blndover of tht;t par.on -or pe~ WhiP <XJmmitted this crime or any ather uns.olved felony cdrn& 'Iii; Lld¢Gih OOqnty"o 1

Lerswoiktogether.tocallastop10crl~e. - .. , · ·

pllblom by, feadstothe

Phone :257~4545

All-Star· pitcher Adrian Herrera tries his best to. Pl/1 a .strike rlg!;rt across the plate during his. team's game against Valley.

Herrsra played In center field until he was called up to the mound by the teams coaches.

Attention Junior Golfers

~ Ioohor\\/'\l!o11'1ouilf'IH( l\f/<11 \,/lUI ......

4~ NAPA AUTO PARTS 4!2.• The Links

Summer Camp for JuniQrs .:, , July 19-23 • 8-11 y~r olds ·

August 9-l2 • 12-16 year olds 8 am -10am dairy •

cos.t of $50 per child Includes:· , Range Balls Oaily

PGA Professional lnst'ructton .Hotdog and SoftOrink Each Day

Classes Limited to First 20 pald 'students . . . ' . .

' - .. ·

f"i!"' '"':~""*:"''"~~;"'~:'"':7''·':ot'"'!:~::~~··77:~""""r.~~·~~~-"f!!.'~"'""'·-.,.,.'~;'f!"'"""''W*'_~·~-."'.~:""'":.:~·-':'l·:~~:·--r~::~'77'::7;·':·~··:7··:~:~7:-~~-:-:_,?_., ~~r~-:-,·-~_,-.. ~·:·~ :·r,:_;o··~··;::-J:" :~~~'""'7:"'~.~...--::":.-'""":~._ ~--~~--~·-._-r:""-r-·"'!·_:·'"7'·"'l"'~-~ -:·-·.· , ... -;·.•.:.' . .,. ._.-- /' _, . . ·,:- ·.;_ .•.

• .

-,;· .... , . ,_ ' ... , .

Gored at 8\.111 rider 'carp<;tnter almast. gets the b\.111 by the horns as he struggles to get away. L\Joky for Carpenter, the b\.111 was hornless and witho\Jt ·a deadly weapon. Miraculously Carpenter gOt 1.1p and . walked away from the lncl!lent. Carpenter came In third overall In the b\.111 riding at Mescalero.·

STAGE SHOW * Musk * CclnMdr

(Jdy Show of lt'l Tnle Wfttllf~MIUDUII

State of the Art Sound & IJSiltJng * County * Rock

* Pop * Gospel * BluqrU! * SO's

10\ BtoiidWII)' * Polkas ·Sh-TUJM!s

* Spankti * TU-Me:lt OPEH!HG MAY t6 ShCWiffme 7:3-f PM JUM • n..s,. • sat.

July • AilS • Man. • Sat.



. Chased after

' ' ' '

carperit~r looks for a way o1.1t .as the bull·.oharges on.

• All the while, rodeo• olowns and others were t,Ylng to get the bull's attention away from it's form!tr rider.

Photo Series by

Gary Campbell

.0 aehievmg statel!Qod In 1912; set · to aside cerl!dn sections of a township or to enhance the trust lands it bad al­

. -r~aily established as a territory. Ml riiti!R Tl!ust loads" awarded ti-om tho ied­

. er.l ~ll)~!lt totalled more then· ·1llln!llien•..,..ut sur!ac:e andJI. 7 5 mlllioit .aonia ol' Ji)inerl!l ~·~Jl\1lj!ll,

·"""''~ . '.'11bia amounf .jnoJ.i,;dQs • a19,600 :Outface aoras in Lincc>ln County. · ,',l'ru!lllands .have also been set BBl~·.lit three iltate parks, City of RockS nm Silver City, Bottomless

· Lakeo !)ear Roswell and Oasis near P-"-1 , .

U!-'JIIU0S:. ' ' . • .

Tlie land was set aside to pro­vide funds to ·edl)cate the children MlNewMexico, and each·acre has a ~ecillc ,beneficiary. Benf)tlciarles

the State include Canie Tingley .Hospital, agreement. that Eastern f\Jew Mexico University, hU-nWrs and anglers to . use the Las Vegas Medical Center, Minets' trust lands during established sea- Colfax Medical Center, New Mexico sons ~well. · Boys' School, New Mexico

-Pleas Glenn, assistant ~om- Highlands University, New Mexico missioner of the public lands office, Institute of Mining and Technology; asid in !>as~ years a $7 fee had been New Mexico. Military Institute, cbargsdperdeyandthepersonhad New Mexico· State University, to gb !o a field Qt'lice to get the Northam New Mexico Community permit, stating specifically what College, Scllool for the Deaf, School the person intended to do. For area for the Visually Handicapped, residents that would have meant a Western New ·-Mexico University trip to Moriarty for a daily permit. and University oi New Mexico

The fee was set at $25 to be com- among others. parable to the National Parks Gold- People may apply for a recrea­en Pass_port, which: allows people to tional access permit for state trust visit allnati.onal parks. . lands by Writing the Commissioner

The Enabling Act of 1910, which of Public Lands, P.O. Box 1148, made the condi.tions for New Mexi- Santa Fe 87504-1148.

Remember: trees get thirsty, too AB the mercury rises past the

100-degree mark, trees ·and shrubs are thlrsting Cor more water more often, said aNew Mexico State Uni­versity (NMSU) horticulturist.

El¢reme heat accounts' for a tree's hiih water- loss and could

'cause some to die of thirst if neglected, said Esteban Herrera, with NMSU's Cooperativ:e Exten­sion Service.

. .

For example, a mature, estab­lished pecan tree :requires about 200 gallons ofweterdW!y in the hot summer months. That's 45 minutes of watering per day with a standard outdoor faucet opened one-quarter tum. or about three hours every three or four days.

"That same tree only needs half that amount or water in April," Herrera said.


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' · Racing

After that pot of gold Sticky N Picky dominates his Rainbow Futurity trial division with a two and a half length win to post the fastest qualifying time of :19.77, last week at Ruidoso Downs. The Texas-bred filly by Sticks An Stones under jockey Luke Miles Is tralnecj

by Dwayne "Sleepy" Gilbreath and owned by Scarlet Hill Farm of Weatherford, Texas. The filly will make her next start in the Grade I $554,084 Rainbow Futurity on Sunday, July 25, at Ruidoso Oowns Race Track.

Lightly-raced colts get top billing in the main event Friday, July 16

Personal Profit, the fast-closing third place finisher behind Power Connection in the $12,000 Jockey Club Handicap on July 3, swings back into action in the $4,200 al­lowance feature Friday at Ruidoso Downs. The 5 112-flll'long sprint is open to 3- and 4-year-olds.

Owned by Phillip Mote and Frank Richardson, Personal Profit has run consistently in all six of his career outings. The 3-year-old Kentucky-bred colt by Greinton was unraced as a 2-year-old and earned his first victory against maidens on June 6.

In his next outing against $16,000 claimers, Personal Profit broke very slowly frOm the gates, but rallied to get up for the show position.

The Fred Danley-trainee was · dismissed at odds of 13·1 in the

Jockey Club Handicap and ran very lowance field on June 19, resulted well considering it was his first · in a half-length triumph. start against- stakes caliber horses. Friday's co-feature showcases a The colt trailed early on in the 7 classy group of older fillies. and 112-furlong route, but made a big mares sprinting 5 112-furlongs. The move in the turn for home to get Cliff Lambert-trained miss· First withiil. one-length of pacesetter Spring had a three-race win streak Power Connection. ln the stretch, snapped by Leapin N Wizzy iii the Personal Pr<#it tired slightly to fin- $30,000 Sweetheart Handicap July

. ish only 2 lf2-lengths behind the 11 but should return to form Fri· . . . . Wlre-to-wtre wmner. day. Metro Maven, another tough

competitor traine~ by Buechler, Margaret Turner's The Conn comes. off a fast-closing 314-length

Era is undefeated in two career score agtrlnst allowance company starts for trainer Simon Buechler and also must be respected. and commands much~_ ~ct in Eri-:"~ The entire nine-rac;e c~. frO!ll -day's feature. The 4'. ''O)!l"N'e{il>!:H6llywood'Park will be·lllm'oilcl!llt Mexico-bred colt by cdhn has Fridey night bl!ginning at 8 p.m. in scored both his wins at ths 5 112- the Turf Club. Admission is free furlong distance. The Conn Era was and tii.fectas are offered on every a 39-1 outside'r in his June 3 debut, race. Only one more "Hollywood but surprised his foes 'with an im· Nights'' program remains before pressive 2 1/4-length victory. His the Los Angeles-area track cloaes next outing versus a tough al- on July 26.

870-yard veterans to clash in the '93 $10,000 Master Salls 'cap Saturday

Hustle And Hum, Raise In Class The 7-year-old quarter horse in the six furlong Mescalero Apache

:-._;· . -· ,.,. JockeY (!Jon 'Murp)ly; _who· tied.

the Ruido110 D.ownil' t.Cilrd' f'9r most wins in a seasoii wlt)l ~03 in,;L99l, J;>lans ;·On '"~~ _ to , tho mO\Illtruntop olll\t m late ci!ulf,_ to rids the r""lllnder of the lll.llat. . . . The 25-year'old -El. Paso 11ative

118$ been plying hls tr~de at .Louise !ana Downs .in Bossier City this summer~ but came back to ·Ruidoso s.piday to . ride in t)le . :$.110,000 Sweethea,tt Handicap. , . , · ..

Although hls mount linlsll!>d out · ·of tho money-in the' Sweetheart, hls , hom&eoming was su;cCesBful as lie rode three winnet'lf in sil< ono""ts. His good showing seemed to make , him even more anxious to retum to Ruidoso full-time in a few weeks after fulfilling some riding obliga- ' tiona in Louisiana.

"It's been ~long summer and I'm ready to come home," said Murphy. ''My mom is· here and everybody seO!Ils to be my family here. You don't find closeness like that any-where else."- ~ ·

Murphy grew . up .on the racetracks of New Mexico and be­gan his career Bs a 12~ye~U"·old. ex­ercise rider for trainer Doyal Roberts. He got his firot jockey's !i­ceD'!!' at 16 and quickly began to make a name for himself .as one of the top reinsmen on the New Mexi· co ci,rcuit. In 1991. he swept the riding titles at both Ruidoso and Sunland Park, After achieving that goal, Murp)ly decided to take on new challenges elsewhere.

Murphy rode the last few months of 1992 at Ruidoso and ranked fourth in the standings with 34 wins in 230 mounts.

Instead of following the circuit to Sunland Park when Ruidoso closed, he moved his tack to Turf Paradise in Phoenix and was ranked second in the standings with 16 wi,ns be· {ore ~_p!1!Jf,i'lg lll..,J1aud in '~J..

Murphy left Plu!enix f<ir Reming­ton Park in Oklahoma City where he had a very successful meet. He won 22 races in 246 mounts and also notched two stakes victories aboard the classy turf hcirse Snake Eyes. One of thoSe wins was in the $28,000 Nonnan Stakes going a mile. Snake Eyes Went on to beat some of the top turf runners in the M;dwost in the Grade III Round Table Handicap at Arlington Park in Chicago last weekend.

When Remington's Spring Me&t­ing ended in May, Murphy ac-

and Pollastreak, the first three fin- gelding by Raise Your Glass, broke ishers from the 870-yard Fine Loom on the lead from the #1 post and Handicap on May 23, all return to clung to a narrow advantage at the face each other once again in the top of the lane, only to be out­$10,000-added Master Salls Hand· finished by Hustle And Hum in leap, Saturday. deep stretch. Trained by Larry

Handicap here in May. He also won ,...-----.-------, the 5 112-furlong Pass The Tab Read

The 870-yard sprint for 3-year- Keiter and owned by the U.S. Mar­olds and upward attracted a quality shall Service. Raise In Class has group of nine quarter horses and run consistently a~nst top 870 thoroughbreds. competition the last two years.

Dale Crafton's Hustle And Hum . M;ke Levi's Pollastreak, last upset 4·5 favorite Pullastreak. in year's Distance Quarter Horse of the Fine Loom with a solid one· the Meet, ran gallantly in the Fine length score. The 4·year-old quarter Loom Handicap which was his .first horse by Hustling Hand was a 21·1 start in 1993. The 6-year-old longshot in the handicap, but closed Streakin Six golding dominated the strongly in the stretch under jockey 870 and 1000-yard handicap clivi­Thomas Lane to edge early leader sion in reeent years with six stakes Raise In Class at the wire. The wins in seven tries. time for the 870 yards was a quick The Arnold Simmons-trainee :45_90. Hustle And Hum, from the most recently ran third in "'longh Leo Wood barn, has won four of his allowance contest, but should be in last six starts going the "hook" and top form Saturday. drew the favorable #6 post for Sat- C.M. Bogle's Way Cool is one of urday's race. the speediest thori>Ughbteds on the

Raise In Class wss also dis- ' grouds also must be give a look in missed at long odds in the Fine the M.!ster Salls. The CHI!' Loom and nearly stole the race in Lambert-charge nut a close second wire-to-wire fashion. belrind the dominant Lest Don B.

Stakes in Albuquerque.

The Ruidoso The final two races on Satur-

day's program are simulcasts from News Hollywood Park_ The Grade II $15o,ooo Bel Air Handicap for 3- for!d."d up, going 1llls miles Racing Results

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Successful jockey Glerr ·Murphy· cui his teeth at Ruidoso , Downs Race Track, arid he's back to bum up the mountain oval once more atop ·soma of the fastest· horses on the j track_ - _ 1

companied trainer Stexe Hobby to well," said Murphy. "I watch Borel· Lolrlaiaua Downs, which is a step moStly) He's very patient an4 very up in class from the Oklahoma smooth and be seams to gst track. through on everybody."

Murphy found that he although Turf racing was another of the he was-well respected in New Mexi· many new challenges Murphy en· co, he hQ.d to -start all over again in countered since leaving New Maxi-Louisiana. · co.

-"I l<n&w it would be a struggle, "The turns are a lot tighter and but I did it to go with Steve Hobby. you nsild to move a lot faster," said The trainers make you pay Your Murphy. dues before givin~ you a shot ,j~I!., 0 . .,~Ul!b. :Mun!\>.h~lwl..i!lr•EW one of t~r horses.~~ " ' r :;') ~ ltidf.d tn111ifiummdr,'thl•bits

"It's a meet worth going to," said_ found time to 01\iOl' ·s01no of the Murphy. "I rode a bUnch and amenities ofthollayoti-SI;!ite. · -learned a lot and made some good "The food is really gi)oil, ai'ld the contacts." pa~lnre lllltra fri$ndly;". · · . One of his mentors at the Louis- 'My bUSiness Is p!Q)!ing up, but 1ana track is Calvin Borel who rode I'm just biding my tline until Rockamundo to victory in the Romington starts again in Soptem-Arkansas Derby and also started in ber." silid Murphy. . tha Kentucky Derby. Jfhls plirformance on Sundey Is

"l'he riders there make you-con- any indication, August and Septem· tinuously concentrate on what bar could end up bsing a great you'rs doing. They teach you about chance for Murp)ly to display -all how aggressive you can and can't the new skills he's. learned in front be and to keep you're composure of the racing fans he grew uirtliler­even when things aren't going tpining,



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· Sandra--N· lvE~r: . Mem~Ol .m..ces for SandrA

Myers, 64, - soll.ecluled. for u a.m. saturday, July 17, at the ~ttleton CJn:i$\ian Churcll in Littl~. {)q}CJn!do. • --

. Mym Willi born NOVOIIIbar 26; 198~, at HqlldJlYB Ci>ve, West-Vir­. ' to 1\o!!ert snc!., Mins Bueh-

ofRuidoso nowns. . ers ·. leaves-- · her husband

HareM of Lakewood,· CqJorade; her two eOn&, Kevin and Ronald of Lakewc!od; . her brother Lee Bueh·

- hagen of Ruidoso; two daughter&-

,, -~

-.- •,

. .': · · l!i dry Jun; -\,pe wesfuer s¢1'iis __ gave ll)e a a~e gift - a birthday !)reSent in Jurur byQiiuslng two and a h11lfl~ches of rain .•. ill the Valt. • . . , ~The ..-~Vole took on nsw life. The ro~

began ijlelr :t<dn 81Jng11. of ~oieing, ·.Mother Jillli'th was bringing a hymn of thanke and the

· · . vi!I'Y hillS tliems~l"es were singing for joy. . ' : · 'JlliOn. the -muntli of .June settled baek into · & 'droughty ways; and the mountain world ·. p~ntly began lookjng forward to the Fourth_

'of July taillll- They were a' little late, though moat welcome - arriving in Ruidoso end Ruidoso .Downs with shaWI!rS that brought the river up a little as it flowed by Storm's Cross-inB- . . . · Once on the seventh and again on the eighth the creek came down colored orangs red - a m011sage that rain was falling in the high

eeun~ Y.~ there ware only sprinkles here at the place. Then on the ninth, you could see black and purple clouds Oil to the west; and jagged BTcl\wliY• ,of}ightolng flashad all across tliii valley from -hilltop to -hilltop snd the tl>under.l'llillbled snd rumbled.

I was up l<>.Wn in tb\il downpour; and as I . ; drove h\JIIUl, the driving rain. followed me with

'its lightning andloilcl thunder. What a joy to • -> • . '

· m-law, Claudia ana Eleanor; two L . tb. ·. · .. · -E . . griilideblldroJ1o Anilrea an.d Mat-. u . er . vans thew; sistei"in.Ja\Y Anita· Bueh· < 1\t!g&ll,ofRuido~o; hor ni._ea&tby, Luther Eviu, lilvM!! of RQidoso ~and Doni!~~ otAlb\iquerque died Sunday, ._July 5, at tbe and IJ<lJ()an Of kuidoso; lind a Veteran's Hospital In Albuquerque . n-'hew Brent Buchhagen of He 71 · R··""d: - . wss • , · m oso. - Funeral servicOs ware ..nducted

MyQrs wae preceded in death by Wednseday, July 7, at the Ballard . her brothers, Robert and Perry. Chapel. Robart Teagae, minister of

. The lluni!Y is :g that all the W~st Alameda Church- of donations go to Lu an Hospice Christ officiated _the service. Inter-Care,'. J!300 • W. 38th Ave., ment followed at the South Park Wheatridge, CO 80033. Cemetery with military graveside

rites provided by theloeal Vetsran's

be driving home in thie rain and to .find the rain ruling In the Vale. . . ·

Whon I got home, the power. was off, yet it was soon back on through the .fait)lful \Vork -of Buddie Gqthrie and his helpers; as he calls tlWtn.t ·~~boys." .

. The rain ;sprinkled on into the night, snd the llllXt morning the meadows and: trees were a wonderland ofrain jewalry, and alHha birds were l!inging tb&it eongs oftbanks for the rain.

. CloudS Moving tn 1. Now it is late afternoon of JlJ}y 11, a day

that has been .eeoled by clouds overhead and a fresh eastern· breeze with a temperature of 78 .degrees.

Wln1e our rieighbors up in the middle west are having their troubles with flooding and heavy. rains, and the folks .in the eastern states are battling the record h~at, we can be grateful we live in a region where we are glad to see the rain and where the summeTS are cooled by these welcome mouutain rains.

At the same time, we hope and we prey that the flooding mey subside and the ·w.ather cool off on.the east coast aild that help will be extonded to these folks, from all sources, in

t&ei~ hour of 1\ee~t; .:rhe brigb~ sl<le. to these. . weath~ troubles l!J the helPful and caring

·· · spi)it obawn by sll those olHhey ll!ln to 'helif. This is trl!e America.

1\s:.I said a few words back, the clouds are 'IIIOving Itt as the SUI! moves toWJU'd the west­ern .liiJI .. and the turtle dove is Oin!Png his song ofweleome to-the rain.

. 'l'h!>.Moimtllln·Wc>rld !.t\l$pon,ds to the Rain

Tbis·i~ being sent to you •li~e before high no'"" on July ~. and a few drops are still fall. ing from a sky ot1ight clouds aftar sn all-night gentle rain. · ·

_The rain oloudo have found their way down the- valley· now, from the goQd showers up in

· Ruidi>SO snd Ruidoso Downe. · The meadows and hillsides are turning

greenar by the day, with new varieties of grass ·sprou9ilJ up; and inid-aumm~ ft_owers that have bald back, are now eonnng mto bloom. The wayside is colored with the gold of the black-eyed Susan, the sunlight yeilow of the morning primrose, snd the purple of the wild verbena. And- the eeol moiet air is fragrant with the perfume of the" wild morning glory and the pink wild sweet pea. .

The orange end blaek grossbeak sends his chime-like notes through the Vale, and the robin warbles· his welcome to the rai!l)' season.

The rains of July have arrived, snd the mountai~ world responds with new flowers, bird eongs and rainbows all in celebration of glorious early summer. · _ Let us thank the Good Lord for all the charms o_f our mountain wonderland and all our other many blessings .

June12 Cryetal Stogdan and

Baby Abrianna Maria Avila 6 pourids 11 Ounces 20 inches

Juue13 Wanda Herrera and

Baby William Isaac Herrera . 7 pounds 7.8 ounces 19 inches

June19 Troy and Sonia Herd and Baby Brandon Troy Herd

ClydeD;Meatley .. _ .... ~ .. ~~?~o<i\III>i!l-''!i, 1921, in New. Mexico to Fred Her­bert and Leota Viola (Colline)


8 pounds 9. ouneeo 20.5 inehes

Clyde B: Hec>tley of Capitan died Juljr,. 8 at Li!>qoln County Medical Canter ili-Ruidbso. He was 75~ • . .

:A memoiial sem•• -:wiU be eon­ducteil at_ll a.Jn. l\';!llif!IY, JUly. !_a, at· the f'apitiili' . ;Cemetcii'Y ill Capitan. .

Olllciati11g the semee will be tha Revarsnd Jerry W'mdsi>r . of the First Presbytelian Church in

. Portales. Gravesids ritss -will be CO!lclueted by American Legion Post #57 of Capitan. ·

Heatly Willi born Jurle 80, 1918, at Magnum, OkiOboma, to Jessie and Herbert Heatly who both precede him in death. He moved to Lincoln County five yeartj ago from Pi>rtales. ·

He was.a member of the Amer­ican Legion Post #57 in Capitan and the Retired Offieare Associa­tion. Htuerved in the Artny for 20 ,_. &lld retired as a major. He

· semrd durillg World War II and the . ' .

Korean COIIflict and earnoo the foJ. Jqwillg medals: the Army i>efense Service Medal. the Artny Common· dation Medal, the World War II Victory Medal, tlle Asian Pacific . Comb!lt Medal, thti Kort>an. &rvice Medal. the United Nati:Oiis Sin-vice Medal, the Armed Forces 1\oserve Medal, the National Defense Ser­Vice Medal and the Meritorious Unit Cqmmand Medal.

Heatly is survived by lils daughter, Yolanda Cline of Capitan; his two bothers, Roy Heat­ly of Callfornia and Leytoo Heatly of OkiOhoma; aild his cousin, R.O. Heatly of OkiOhoma. Heatly was preoeded in death by his wife, Katheryn Heatly, in 1986.

The fami!y suggests· memorials to tha Amorlcim Diabetes Associa-tion. ·

Ariangemente are under the direction . of LaGrons Funeral Chapel of Ruidoso.

,,.- ·Door. -· ...

During World War II, Evans served in the U.S. Artny, stationed in Italy with the lOth Mountain Division .

Evans was a resident of Ruidoso and Chaves counties where he was il farmer and raneher. He was of the Church of Christ faith end was an avid· outdoorsman and elijoyed huntii!Jl.

Soaking wet

_ June23 Geraldine Baca and

Boby James Darius Caje 6 pounds 11.2 ouncss 18.5 inches

June24 Robert and Denine Priddy and Baby Robert Eugene Priddy ill 6 pounds 14.8 ounces 19 inches

Jnne25 Bernadette Prudencio and Boby · Felicia Alyssa Anne Chavez 7 pounds 12.6 ounces 20 inches


His survivors include a son, Frederick E. Evens, of Ruidoso; a daughter, Suzilee Pule of Califor­nia; a hratlisr, Aubray Evans of Roswell; two sisters, Waunita

. Evans and Lillian Lyles, beth of Amarillo, Texas; five grand­children, Amy Lynn Evans of Tokyo, Japan, Eric J. Evans, Thea R. Evans and Bkylarr E. Evans, all of.Ruidoso and Jackson Puis of Cal­ifornia; and a great-grandson, Bradley M. Evans of Tokyo, Japan.

Jockey Melinda Clark doesn't let wet weather dampen her spirits as she completes a race on a sloppy track the weekend of July 4. The weekend skies quickly dried up and tumed sunny in time for racing fans to trek to the track In record numbers. Racing action continues today with flrst post 1 p.m. Photo by Unda Wallace.

Gabriel and Kathy Palomarez end Baby Alicia Polomarez

7 pounds 6. 7 ounces 19.5 inches

Score to Date Boys-52 Girls-59

. eo: £~·If;., .. ·· . .--~ . ~ .. - ·&'_·.· ... ; ·.

' . ' . . - . ' - . ,,.,

is simulcast on t360 AM and 93.5 FM (KWES) . .. . .. $1'Vfnt1 Chaves, Otero and I.JI'Idoln Counties.

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Trustees ··seek I1e.w . by DIANNE STALLINGS Ruidoso News Staff Writer .

In a 3·2 vote Monday, the. Capitan Board ofTrustaes accepted the resignation of Lance Zink. as village police officer.

Zink stood up during the regular open meeting of the board to tell members he had submitted his resignation last Thursday to be ef­feetive at 6 a.m. Tueeday.

"It's been a pleasure serving you and 1 regret leaving the village's employment," he said.

Local businessman Steve Reich said hS was concerned about the village losing "a good man like Lance."

The board immediately voted to discuss personnel in an executive session, which is closed to the pub~ lie.

When the trustees emerged about 45 minutes la~r, ·Mayor Frank Warth, and members L.C. Cozzens and -Gordon Ross voted to accept Zink's resignation. Members Leroy Montes and Gilbert Montoya voted to reject it.

Hearing the decision, Blue Door Gallery owner and fanner trustee candidate David Pasley began voic~ ing his objections.

"You're out of order," Warth told him.

"fm out of order and rm out of here." Pasley said, leaving village hall.

The board then unanimously agreed to advertise to fill the posi~ tiona of police chief and . police of· fleer.

After the meeting, Montes said, "l wanted to keep Lance Zink and pay him more money. But when I saw that wasn't going to go, I in· sisted we get a police chief in com~ pliance with (certification require­ments-)."

Zink told The Ruidoso News he had a job offer in Southern

Col~ado; but would p~der. to stay in the Capitan ar811. . HoweVer, whO!' an ~Jncertltled . otlicer was hired about one month !\110 to. back up Zinlt, who is certified, the rate of pay was neerly the same. .

That officer, E.J. ·Fouratt, ean only work ~ne year ·without going through the state police academy. to be certified.

"He doaen~ feel !Ike he wants to do the academy," Warth sa;d Wed-

. nesday. "That's why we're soliciting res~ea and applications for both poeitions. Lance can reapply and be considered with everyone else."

Warth said he disagrees with the interpretation that the police chiefmuet be a certified law otlicer.

For the past three years, 8s mayor, he also has-served as chief.

"I have all the power .necessary to run it," he said. "In my opinion, it's ridiculous to' have a two-man department with ·a pollee chief, but there's this undercunent. The trustees and mys.~lf agree, we will try this."

A spokeeman for the State Pollee A-cademy, contacted Wednesday, agreed with Warth.

''The mayor is the person who oversees tha operations of the vii~ !age end can consider himself the chief of police, .. the spokesman said. "But he can't wear a weapon or hand out tickets in the ·streets."

In other business, the board of trusWes:

. -budgeted $600 for Capitan's

contribution to the Economic Devel­opment CorpOTation of Lincoln County. ~awarded a contract to provide

diesel oil for 73-cents a gallon from J&ROil.

-awarded a contract to Pat L. Huey for base course at $11.90 for up to four miles delivered and $10.90 loaded at the yard. Huey ex·

cop· p\l!ln«a t)lat the uga Is $1 bi!lher a lill!'$!>11\Uie the contract d\)os not: -~ 'a guarantae. of 5,~00 yards Uk~the laateontraot. · · •.

-rehired J. Robott Beauvtliil as vU!age ~ttorney on the same terms as his previous · Qontraet. David Thomsen · auhmitted the' other proposal.

--adoptecl a new open meetings resolution to retlect sl;rieter provi· sions enacted by the State Legisia· ture earUar this year. To eliminate some abue .. in calling emergepcy meetingS, which .require lees notifi· cation, Beauvais explained that the legislature bas dellned emergencies aa life threatening or resulting in significant loss in human Ute or in property.

-approved an amendment to the buJineas license ordinance remoVing the charge for garnge sales.

:-announced that in the future to save time, zoning applications will go directly. to the planning and zoning board instead of b~ing sent to the truatees to be referred to that board. · -contingent on approval by the state announced that E.P. & L. Construction of Deming was the low bidder for the hydrant installa· tion project. The engineer estimated the project at $210,415. The nine bids auhmitted rangod from the low of$188,194 to a high of $277,848. The excess money can be used to replace some of the old water, lines with new six·inch lines, Warth said. The project is financed by tha Community Development Block Grant program.

-heard a report on the wetlande sewage filtration aystam baing built at the edge It's about one~ third finished', volunteer consultant Dr. Bernie. Reimann said. Warth said the city ofTatnm hae oparated a similar system for two yeBI'B.

.. ~-


Capitan superintendenltackles repairs~. by DIANNE STALLINGS Ruidoso News Staff Writer

A Ust of nearly $116,000 in repairs, furniture and site improve­ments proposed by Capitan's new school district superintendent met with a favorable reaction from the school board last Thureday.

"The costs are a11 estimates," Su­perintendent Diana Sonnamaker told The Ruidoso News.

Although the temporary budget was figured at $150,000, the actual dollars are closer to $176,000, she said.

Topping the list is a $2,000 water line repair to the third grade wing, followed by installation of radiant heating in the old gym­nasium lobby for $3,000.

That's not all she's s1ated for the old gym. Sonnamaker has budgeted $H>,500 to paint the walls and ceil­ing and another $176 to replace all the light bulbs.

Although the bulbs still ars burning, they have dimmed and the overall visibility in the gym would

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be enhanced with new bulbs and new paint, Sonnamsker said.

The most consistent repair com· plaint in almost any school district is roofing problema. Capitan is no exception.

A round figure of $20,000 has been set aside, but the actual cost will depend on whether the dis­trict's maintenance staff can handle the problem with pateh:ing or if a new roofis required.

During Sonnamaker's first regu­lar board meeting, she said roofs usually carry guarantees of up to 16 years. Unfortunately, the Capiten school roof only had a guarantee of three years when the school was built in 1980.

"There's no way it covers any­thing," she said.

The north wall of the high school needs to be sealed. Sonnamaker said. A berm will have to be pulled away, but neede to be replaced, be· eause it protects the wall from snow and watel' that otherwise would run down the slope right to the

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eehool. The project has been budl!:eted at $8,000.

An aephelt curb may be added to the interior track for. $5,600 to keep the gravel from eroding. A new vol· leybell system for $4,700 would eliminate dangerous guy wires and allow two courts to be set up for practice, converting to one for offi­cial play.

"It's on order and should be here in mid-AuKUst," Sonnamaker said.

One of the largest projects in terms of dollars is a $15,000 library system. which will replace Macintosh computers with a setup similar to what studenta will be using in collep. The equipment is budgeted at $10,000, soltwear at $4,600 and maintenance at $500.

High school furniture for the of. fice and loange is estimated at $9,065, a storage cabinet for the elementary school at $600, 35 stu· dent desi<s at $2,975 aod a Macintosh Computer , and printer for the gifted program at $3,000, in eddition to a few other items such

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as microscopes, room dividers and filing cabinets.

Sonnamaker said she also hopes to be able to buy a half-ton. four· wheel drive Suburban for under $22,000 to be need as an activity vehicle, and a used utility truck for $4,000.

Board members told her to get as many projects as possible started this summer.

"We will be cleaning the gym Monday in preparation for paint­ing," Sonnamaker said.

The board also approved some changes in the layout of the admin· istration portion of the new middle eehool.

"When I was talking to board members, I told them l personally prefer the superintendent's offiee to be more accessible," Sonnamaker said. The change will create an entrance into the administrative seeretary's otlice as a direct link to the superintendent, instead of put­ting the top otlicial down a long hallway.

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Rodeo rider Capitan rodeo play days give would-be cowboys and cowgirls a chance to hone their skills In the arena At top, Brand Franklin takes off while · mother watches anxiously and Chance Van­Winkle grabs the flag from the barrel. Above Van­Winkle and friend chase a steer, At left, Mike Dixson's steed rounds the pole.

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. Fl~urifon gQers (left) g~t together for the flrsi time In years and get' together to oatch on times. The cheer-leacjE>r~t from 1946-1963 · as a group before

. they lead fellow.class one last.RHS cheer. .. ' ' ' .. -

Reunion goers (clockwise, from bottom near left) have a little fun chowing down at the picnic brunch at La Junta guest ranch. Dean Holman sneaks off Into a corner for a quick bite to eat before most of ihe reunion goers arrive at Ruidoso Mid School. Former pollee dispatcher Betty. Ben­nett chats with a group of old friends about the past. People line up for the first night's dinner hosted by

ifij~~~f~~n~~~~!;~!~ 1~og:b~~!~t~o':dc ~a.s _b?e~·•· ~~tai.m•d.

Bring your trucks, Bring your trailers Bring CASH

Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only ·. . 9 :O.Q ·am - 6:00 pm

, All t-,e ac~eS$Ories to.furnish a two bedroom . ·_. -- \". .


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Second place: sharing family memories In AuguSt of 1992, lbrough* my

mother to Ruidoso fur vacation. It was a really fun and Bmotional trip for both of us. My father and mother had been faithful . sum­mertime visitors of Ruidoso for many years. They alwoYS brought their travE!l trailer and_ Spent several weeks each summer enjoy· ing the cool, mountain air, the anti· que shops, the horse races and everything else Ruidoso has to of· fer. ·

My dad passed away in October of 1990, and even though my mother was still a young woman at 59, she js disabled and is afraid to travel by herself.

So, l decided that it would be great for she and I to take a trip to Ruidoso, just the two of us, and revisit some of the plaees that she and dad used to enjoy so much.

. This was the first trip she and .I l'Olite and took out lawn eli~Ura and had ever taker) together as mother sat duwn close to the .fence 'at the daughter by ourselves. It .had. been raeds. With niom being dlsilbled,. years elnee I hod .been to Ruidoso · this time we sat in the Turf Cl!lb so myself and I was amased at how ehe could ride the elevator 1111d not much it had changed. When we have to cllinb any et!lirs. Everyone were just ldds my whole family wois so ldnd and helpful • .We had a· would go to Ruidoso in the sum· · grset time! We didn't win any

· mers. n brought hock so many money, but we were olb impressed memories of the times w~ ca,me as a by the service we received and the family and stsyed in cehill8 way up frisndliness of e•ery!me. We had so in the mountainS, rode horseback, much fun that summw that ·we played Putt-f'!tt and, of course, ~back to l!uidaso thisiSUlUIDer, went to the races (~hat was our fa- too. We came up on Memorial Day vorite). Mom wanted to show me all weekend Bnd that's when I saw of the places she and Dad had your ad for this contest. This time stayed when they had visited we rentad a eabin about'three miles Ruidoso, their favorite restaurants, up in the mountainS with the mOSt the antique shops they loved to beautiful view from the deck. We visit and we went to the races two would get a cup of eoft'ee in the doYS. This time was a little <lif· morning and sit out on the deck ferent, though. When we wereldds and Just onjoy the seenery and the we <lidu't have a great deal of wonderful weather. W. aleo made money, so we went the economy the _races while we were there and

Runner-up: getting together again with the kids It was 1966, and our young fam·

ily vacationed in Ruidoso. The boys were 10 and six, perfect age to get "hooked" on Billy the Kid lore, an interest they continued to share as brothers and we as a family long after many miles and other life tri~

als physically separated us all. This year - so many years having passed since the "are we there :Yet?" stage - they've both arrived, each in bis own way.

My young men, now 37 and 33, and I again walked in Billy's foot-

Runner-up: refreshing interlude

steps -and our own of long ago! Because it was the start of So

many _treasured family memories, the 1966 Ruidoso vacation wins as my favorite, but only as a photo ftn· ish with the fun time we all just ehared here as a family reunion.

-·.;·, ., l-, '

oQe nigljt we w.nt to the loo·llf*"". MOuntain ~da to visit .tlleir ~· oasit)O', We3!mt:.jlad a ball theiel W& ·· had never. played slot u!lllibinas he-'. fore; 11!1 we ware ~ ltiat with new. to)'!!. Needless to say, we have de· cidad to. . ;make. • our little mother/daughter··tl'ips ·an annual· eV.nt. We.hepe··to llOl!l8 back fur ll few ·days llJIII!n .this s.ummel' befoie · school starts and bripg my eight. year.old son. He has never baen and I know he wo.,Ud e!ij(ly. the horsehaek riding, the new go-cart track and all the other new thingll tbm have been added. (M leaSt they 1!1'0 new slilee we wore !tide.) You have a wonderful community and should be very proud of the famlly-orien*-d atmosphs.. you have thers.

lJelen'McLeod Snyder, Tems

Even without "tha !tid" history in common, there were so many,varied things to du in Ruidoso, so our fam· l1y again became .bondad closer to· gether.

Mrs. B. Fishel · Con-ales

. · ..

The be.ars The Rogers of San Angelo, Texas, remember the sum­mer of 1988 as their ·favorite vacation when the family al' i most made friends with the bears In and around RullfoFo. Le 'Anne Rogers poses with a bear (at left) and anothet bear takes time for a snaok (above). "Bes­ides the most b!!autlful scenery anywhere, y()u also have some of the friendliest

including the wrote Sandy

Every time I think of Ruidoso, l remember my favorite vacation.

Both my husband and l are in the military and were previously stationed in a much colder climate than New Mexico, a couple of.years ago. This was our first move so we wer(! nervous about what to expect. Thp drive was long, the weather was hot, but the people of Alamogordo were friendly.

some softball fielde with gemes being played. Both bsiug fans of the sport. we thought it would be fun to watch. The team members were so friendly and though they <lidu' know us, I felt as though they had. One team even loaned my husband a glove and let him practice with them. It was so much fun. We then rented a room downtown and noth­ing could have been more relaxing than having a pool to lounge around in.

My Favorite Vacation· Contest

Very shortly after our arriva1 my father died unexpectedly, before l ever had a chance to tell him about our new home. Soon after that my unit informed me that I had a few days lefl; before l would deploy to · Saudi Arabia for an unknown amount of time. At the time, the events in Southwest Asia were all over the news, so I was very con· cerned about how my family would fee.

Since my husband and l only had a few days, we decided to get away and be alone. We <lidu't know where we wanted to go, so we drove around the area to find a place. As soon as we drove into Ruidoso we decided not to drive any father. It was beautiful. The tall trees and cool climate immediately reminded me of a safer, happier time in my life - this was exactly what l needed to feel.

We spent our first day walking around downtown looking in all the wonderful shops. I couldn't believe how beautiful and unique every­thing was. This was a much more pleasant introduction to New Mexi· co. We ran across a barbecue place called Circle J's. The food was f~bu· lous and the service couldn't have been better. They kept bringing us !leah, hot rolls that were absolu*-lY delicious. Normally lilY husband would hu1'l')f up and eat his food so that he can help himsel£ to mine, but this time be couldu't. For once ho was 11etually 1\dl and after lunch we drove through town and found

We heard from some of the ball players about some fishing lakes and decided to check them out in the morning. Fishing is our favorite pastime so we brought licenses and quickly drove home to get our pol&s. We spent all day at the lake talk· ing, fishing and enjoying each other on our vacation. I know my dad would have loved it. Even though we didn't catch many fish, the ones we did cateh tasted great over an open fire with butter and lemon. We spend the night alone in our room and ordered a pizza for din­ner. It seems like the most simplest times can be the most enjoyable times.

The next day happened to be our second anniversary. We slept in un· til cheak-out, Since we skipped breakfast, we decided to try that great barbeeue place again. It was even bstter ths second time. l didu't want the day to end, but I knew It w~ time to go back home.

Although the vacation was over, the feelings of peace, . clllnfort and happiness etayed' with me tho next few chaotic doYS.

For me, Ruideeo io much m6re than just· a nice place to get away.! will always remamber it as my ill· vorite vacation and Ruidai!O will aJ. ways hold a special place in my heart:

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;tmtty vacation vacation.

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. .

:·.· ()ur latE!st project, My Favorite vacation, was In paitn~;~rshlp with the Ruidoso VallElY Chamber of Com-

: rnEitQE!. Through our Summer VlsltOf!! Guide, we gave .f:iacpl!i' thE! opportunity to tell us about their favorite Va.oation·, with the top two entriEis receiving tree vaca­tions ·courtesy of. generous chamber of cpmmerce members. This project, designed to promote this touril!lt area using the words of our happy visitors, was a grea,t success, and choosing a. winner from among the entriea was a challenge. It was enllghtenhig to read a!Jout our community's strengths in letters irom ·tourists~· and It was a pl~;~asure joining with the cham- : bar to present the two winners their tree return trips. We're looking forward to meeting the winners, and you can read their letters on Page 12A today.


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'fltli. FoRI:~ , M'C' e.ov ... U$lt '*- F~E.! . IT WU.I- li!!AII· '1'01) 0\)'1" 01'" n.\S MO$,. Oi&I"ER.t.T& $\TUAnoN.

The Hubbard Foundation, tor the second year In a row, provided funds tor our Newspapers In Education project. For three months, the Hubbard Foundati.on and The Ruidoso News provided newspi!lpers three times a · week .for each sixth grader In Mescalero, Ci!lpitan, Carnzo:zo, Corona and Hondo. Both the Hub­bard Foundation and this newspap1;1r are committed to Reader turned off by city fathers & weather a future generation that can read - and wants tol TO THE EDrroBr paper; and the wimps who signed a

. . petition need to be on the funny United New Mexico Bank joined us in painting the Just a few lines to notitY you farm. Imagine a Mwspaper in any

to'/itp gold,. 'iln~)!'lith the. b!ink's flnailci!if help anc! the . that I will not renew mr subsoriP: city putting only the good news in . ·0\let-Wii&tn'lll'l~'li!IIPPDif·'Of the people· sf..thiS area,. we - J111!~1.~»~ }l~\!l .. %'J!1.~~~~s!~t .J ¥!l~.l!l'~~.~pl•lba~ ednawoniyin '"d'"""'"'·t· ·d Eib t 5· 000.' fd pe dff thl ·aan enJoy Y01JI'. newspaper. · o·~tn~ua..,. ".lnllSe peo e ne o ., . '"'"uu e ou , go en as n see ngs s please hold on. .· · · .''' ·. · 'i-eaatheghdsric!ubnews.

· summer. Over the next few years, thbse trees will For years! have been ln.alld out Next, what a wonderful thing literally turn gold for our annual Aspenfest celebration. of your village and.thought I woll!d yon do fbr the Humane Society. All United New Mexico and this paper supported this pro- · like to live in the vicinity. Sol . .s®- 'thoae pictures are heart warming j&ct T<nowing that It will enhance the area's natural scribed to your paper for a year. and should make anyone adopt beauty for locals and tourists, too. At one time, I was a sehool those orphans.

teacher in New Mexico, living in Al~ Now for the downside of Ruidoso buquerque, Cedar Creek and that I found out through your

The News joined the Ruidoso Board of Realtors In sponsoring that group's annual golf and gin tourna­ment last month. It was our first chance to work close" ly with the l'lealtors to raise funds for Ruidoso Care Inc. and Casa Esperanza. It was great to join these hard-working folks for a day on the golf course i!lnd an evening of tun, and we were pleased to be able to pres~;~nt two valuable sets of golf clubs to two of the golfers. It was quite .,_ day, ood we're already looking foiWllrd to next yei!lr.

Of course, we have an ongolng.relatlonshlp with the Humane Society of Lincoln County. We support them· in editorials, stories, pictures, our annual special sec­tion· and through our yearly garage sale. Over the two years The News has raised about $2,000 Humane society spay and neuter tund. Tha ~s:~.J n!!WSPEIPii!r sJ)®e given to 1he· Humane .

• ,,.. worth about.$.20,000 a year If It was paid it1g - buHt's par! of our contribution to a better com·

. munlty and a better world. Donations arE! being col· ll!tifEid nciw tor thts year's. garage sale set for Friday and Saturday,· July ao and 31 , here at The News.

-~ ~.: --

. . Community journalism Is a heck of a lot more than ·collaring m.eetlngs, . pictures, writing editorials ani;! keef)lng<1he public · It's a commitment to a community the is .lntegl"i!ll part

· · wott!'lwhll!;l of com•

the other -' ..

Estancia. paper. First, how could people elect First of all, you have a g-ood the clown who was mayor? Next,

It's time to speak out TO THE EDITOR;

When will it ever end? That js the question that each and every New Mexican must ask. When will our legislature etop its huge ap­petite to tax and spend New Mexicans to death. The latest strain to be put on the working man of our Stall> was Senate Bill 366 which raised ti>Xl!S on gasoline six more cants per gallon.

And who were the culprits be­hit~d Ibis regrei!Sive tax, you may ask? 39 DOII!octats &lid one Repub­lican from the House and 26 Demo­crats and zero Republicans from the Senate. Included in those num­bers were both of our legislators, Representative John Underwood anCI Senator Pete Campos. · And why you may ask is this

BC Bulls is 'gteat place

to .~ecent now BO

ealled a regressive tax? The answer is that this is just one more exam· pie where the poor and middle class who consume more gasoline for travel and work than do the rich get hit hardest with this tax.

lf you hate paying more for gaso­line, don't blame your local gas sta· tion, rather send a strong signal to our legislators and cal1 or write to them asking for a special session of the legislature to repeal the gas tax.

It's time to make our state gove:rmnent more responsive to the needs of the people in our state and less responsive to the special inter­ests who are running it.

Mike Kakuska, Chairman Republican Party of Lincoln County

there seems to be a problem of visitors and tourists who take over the town during racing sea"Son, summer and winter skiing. Too much traffic~ ...

'I'lum maybe it is too coJd for me anymOre during the winter. AJso, the crime problem and unruly chil· dren seem to be ever in your area.

I alSo can't understand why the fire department does not get any publicity. You would think that would help them. But I could not believe once when I read that the fire department was dead last as a priority with the library, so said the

village counc:il. A few pictures of Bonito and San Patricio, but that was all. The fire department is to blame. I've he!m a volunteer fire mall.. utQI!ti. ,,JI£,11Jl1' life, UIJllllllc ~m' Long Island, New York, where aJl villages are 100 percent volunteer. 10,000 men and women in Nassau County, population 3,000,000. All calls are in the paper each day. This makes the public aware of their fire department ....

Good luck to you all.

James Cosgrove Escondido, California

The Ruidoso News encourages letters to the editor, especially about local topics and issues.

Each letter must b~ signed and must include the writer's tele~ phone number and address. The phone number and street or mailing address will not be printed, however the author's hometown wm be included.

Tho telephone number will be used to verifY authorship. No lettpr will be printed without the writer's name.

Libelous letters are not protected by the rules of privilege or fair comment and will not be printed.

I'IALJON PUBLISHING INC. Jacl<. Kent Cooke, Chairman of the Board

sammy M. Lopez, Publisher Frankie Jarrell. Editor & General Manager

Copyright 1993, Raljon Publishing Inc. Mailing Adefress: P.O. Box 128, Ruidoso, NMSS$45


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3·5 p.m.-FAMILY MOvtE, "The Lion,. the Witc:h and thQ Wardrobe," at the Ruidoso Pl!bllc Li· braey. ·

6:30. p.m.-''LAST ESCAl'E OF BILLY THE KID" practice begins at pageent grounds. Practice will be eVery Tueeday and 'l'hnrsday night.

. 7 p.m.-FAMILY CRISIS CENTER training sBries, session two. at Family Practice Associates at 304 Sudderth Drive. For further information, call 257-7712.

54TH NOGAL ME~ ~'SCAMP MEETING daily services in the tabernacle :will be at 11 a.m., 8 and.B p.m.; meals are served~ 6·8 a.m., 12:30 and 6:30 p.m. Group prayer meetinge are at 5 p.m. Direction signs are posted on U.S. 380 west of Capitan and east of Carrizozo and on State Road37. ·

10 a.m.~Dusk-ART FEST USA. Historical Footsteps multi·media show and bookstore showing the rich New Mexico history at Art Fest USA 440 Highway 70 East across from· RuidoSo Downs Race Track. The Museum of the Horse exhibit and tribute, showing· a part of the extensive Anne C. _ Stradling Collection, will be on exhibit at Artfest USA through July 30. Admission, $2, adults; $1, youth 12- 18; younger than 12, free. Far further information, call378~8020 or 336-4744.

11:30 a.m.-EDUCATIONAL RETIREES UNIT in Lincoln County at K-Bob's. For reserva­tions, call Charlotte Jarratt at 257-6522 or Genevieve Duncan at 257-3168 before noon July 14.

6:30 p.m.-SERTOMA BINGO benofit for the Ruidoso Ski Team. Young skiers invite the com­munity to play Bingo BD:d get your duck race tickets at the Sertoma Bingo hall on U.S. Highway 70.

9 a.m.-AARP Flea Market at the Ruidoso_ Senior Center. Donations will be used to support the Chapter's Community Service Projects.

9 a.m.-CHRISTMAS IN JULY at Episcopal Church of the Holy Mount with crafts, baksd goods, candy and a luncheon. Lunch will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m .• and. a drawing will be con· ducted at the end of the day for a handmade quilt and a Victorian stuffed doll.

BILLY THE KID OUTLAW GANG ffiSTORI· CAL SOCIETY Sixth Annual Billy the Kid·Pat Garrett Historical Days in Ruidoso. For more in· formation, call 855·9935.

a,m,-.1 ·. p.m.-JIAS().' Lincoln pageant

9 a.m.·noon-MINING FOil 'l'JWASURE at the Ruidoso Public Library. Bring plenty,¢' change for a--.chance to _dig for 'Jewels" and. "pt-ecio."S met­als" in the library mine. Proceeds will bensfit the ilbildren:s slimmer fun. . ·

10 a.m.:::..LEAGUE OF WOM!i:N · VO'l'EitS hoard meeting and ~gnlar membership meeting at the Episcopal Church of the Holy Mount. The hoard meets at 10 a.m. and the membership at 11:80 a.m. For more information, contact Suzy Skinner at 267-7395. . .

• 7 p.m.-W"'H...,I'l""'E· MOUNTAIN SEARCH AND

. RESCUE in the Ruidoso High School public meet- ·. ing. room; o_pen to the pub:Jic and anyone interested . in becoming a member. For more infannation~ clil) 268-3560.

9 a.m. noon-FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Vacation Bible School for ages 8 through grade 6. Registration etarts at 8:30 a.m. For further information, call 258-4250.

10:30 a.m.-RUIDOSO GAliDEN CLUB at Enchantment Inn. Luncheon and workshop on growing prize-winning flowers presented by Master Judge Chulotte Long.

3 p.m.-zoo TO YOUI at the Ruidoeo Public Library. Animals from the Rio Grande· Zoo will be the stars. ' ·

Noon-HUMANE SOCIETY OF LINCOLN COUNTY meeting at the Texas Club.

7 p.m.-FAMILY CRISIS CENTER training series, session three, at Family Practice Associates at 804 Sudderth Drive. For further information, call 257-7712.

7 p.m.-MUSEUM OF THE HORSE welcomes back Van Ann Moore presenting the story of the in· famous Dona Tules. For information and reserva­ti'ons, call3784142.


%is Saturr.fay, :July t/U 1 7tli

at ttf)e ffpi~topal Cd::f)urc-1) OP'E9(;Jt'T 9:00 .Jl[.!M;

L'lJ!NC!l{.S'Ell{!)I"ElD 11:00 JII.M. • 2:00 '.P.!U

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'l'h~ been,inllited to perl'ort!l for the .Santi! N1no da Atoeha feast day at 1'Juje l:Uvero; and·· in the Santa. Bita:Fiestiil MIIBB and corona· · tion · cerj!Jj)lllliq. :

. On Sunday, the gl'oup will dance· at Fred Ol)avei'Park. ·

Santa Rita Dancers, formed in April, is made up of 32 Clll'!'i»ozo sehi>ol age cli!ldren who ·perform ·;Hi~~P,a~c folk> dances. Before school

· ended m l\lay1 the dancers per­formed at a Cinco de Mayo asaemb· ly at Oarriz~o schools, at the school's annual spring program and at se.., chnrth related evants at Fred Obavez.

The . group .bae performed La Marcbe ds Zacatecas and La Raspa. !l) · for the Rita.

Fiasta, they beve besn practicing meniber .or Santa Rita Catholic La Costilla and Las Chiapanecas: Church.

· Ohavez ~aid she had always The dance. ~up, ccnnpriaed of wlll)ted·.tn promote the ·ttadltional

Santa Rita parish .children, was dance atyle to help link studen,ls to organize" by Pi>ll;v E. Cl)avez, a . their Hiapanic ®itural roots.

. Dance instruction help.,..s are LuciaVega and Carmen R~z.

The pre-school .through saventh grade ago de!u:ers include 'Bianca Baca, Simon ' Beltran, Stephanie Brewer, Stella Brewer, Nathan Chavez, Lisa Duggar, Anthony Ep· person. Miniquei Jiron and Brandon Morales.

Dancars include Mon!que Morales, 't"'guel No,jar, Melissa Nov!!, Jeanetta Nowak, · Lynn Nowak, Veronica Pacheco, Samantha Portillo, Renee Reel, Sofia Ramirez, Steve Rowin, .Cerelia SO!Ilbrano, Libby Sam­breno, Holljr· S~larb, Amber Val· lejos, Ariel· Vallejos and Christopher Vallejos.

Dance troupe members also in~ .elude .Christopher .Vega. Kimberly


· and partner, Zamora, are ·fol' Matti~ yentQra.liMJlanie Whittllker • ~:~::~~~~· . . ., ,, .•. ., .. . . . .:Veea..&DYJI! YN~~><Kalit .V:Iultllia>•·" · Bl•inc:a ·elac:a and Katie Ventura. and Adrian Zamora.

Fiesta unfolds this week Santa Rita Fiesta '93 unfolds

this weekend in Carrizozo. The fiesta queen will be crowned

at the 6:80 p.m. mass on Satnrday, July 17, and a lleata queen danca will follow at 9 p.m. at Club Car­rizo. Music will he by The Remedy.

Queen candidates are Julie Gal­legos and Anita Aldas.

The fiesta. continuas Sunday with mass at 11 a.m. in Fred Chavez Park. Bishop Ramirez will r-ecite that mass.

Afternoon events include a horeeshoe tonrnament with a


tr~eling trophy, and entertaiJi. ment, including the Santa Rita Fiesta Dancers, the Hondo .Fiesta Dancers and l'rank Herrera and the Roswall Folklorico.

Also on the program will he the Medina Family, Krystal Roybp) and Bethany Rsy Sanchez.

Games and booths Will include Dragon Kids, Santa Rita Hall din· ner, the EMS ring toss and blood prassiD'8 testing, arts and crafts, food and soft drink, moon walk, re~ ligious goods and a cake walk.

Fiesta Bingo will begln at 3 p.m. in Santa Rita hall.

!toms to ba. in.,Juded in the Coming Up section of The News must be received liy 1 p.m. Tues· day to be published the following 'l'hureday, and by 1 p.m. 'l'hnre· day to be published in the follow· ing Monday edition. Writ~ submissions may be

!Jl&I1ed to The Ruidoso News, P.O. Box 128, Ruidoso.. NlVJ

or dropped oft' at 104 Park Writtart notice is

but information. may by calling . The


" . -· . . . '· ' ' .

Appearing Jtl(y .14 thrqugh Aui/IJI$1 6 ··. · ·1n The Ina Da Lounge Showtopm•~~~~~f , ...

Doors,B:30 pm • ~arid ·· . p;m. . . ' -

Bflnli · •, '·

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Mws·~G;i,an.Ji¥es·to his own beat • • . • ', .• : <:yl.-. '

~~ff1t 6

. t ' ~~ ~son, a Dallas sub·

PYouiian thii excitement in •Hltdtogotllacktoplayin,g'reg· his. volee When)~ teJis you tb,at for · ular ~~ I j<!ined a swing band that the past two lfll~ bs l>M been able played the Big Band sounds." · to earn a Jiving by doing what bs He did COI!Unuliity benefits and Hku to do tbs most - pley the toured . throughout Texas . and di.um11- Louisiana, etoppil)g at many small

This was no small .....,pllilh· colleges along the way. He stayed mont for the11p and coming 31-year )lith the program for a. oouJ.>l~ of old musicill!ll to. like many others, years as lui added to his. mUSical tbs nad he has traveled has besn repertoire o.f stylea and s<iimds. rocky. Hil will tell :You that hs was . He credits the · Deep l!llum nolsn ove>night Blicoess. eounds and style for Increasing his

Meet Dlinny'Greasp. awareness of uniqueteclmiquss. He bsgan playing the. drums in "Deep I!Uum is an area In Dallas

the sevenlhilrade .and later became wbsre original music ;,. played. a part nf the Cadet Band in his Saldom · does anyone do this for hometown of Portales. In high profit. The clnbs aro not art dsco, school ·he playsd the set drums in j11St cement floors and bare brick the concert band. walls," he eltplalns. "Or . at least

In 1977, Cresap joined the stage tbsy were in the bsginning." band wbsre bs was in attendance Now there ars more than 200 at Eastsm New Mexieo Uliiversity; clubs with Clob Dade responsible and on the side, he was a msmbsr for changing the eonfiguration of of the Voltz Rock Band. . the area. . ·

But bs always liked eoUillry for · "There are often two stsgss and a· nuinber · of reasons, One was an ou1:door courtyard - theSe' are simple economiea. He got more gigs differsnt, hut what is not different playing the all-time favorite typs of is thay {clubs) still cater to original music which then allowed him to music," Cresap continues. "There becouie professional some 10. years are no cover bands there, no one later. pleying donee tnnos that everyone

There were decisions to .make recognizes; every musician aspires and-J>.ordi.S til ·con~ H .. movBd ·to bs songwriter.'' . to DsllaSi Texas, lAid' did vaiicius Still fllinkl!d by hopes and jobs, one of whieh led him to being dreams, he was told that he bad only 10 hours away from a degree been accepted at the University of in prscision optics. North Texas, known world-wide for

its percussion department. He All the while he hoped to stay in· tssted out at the sophomore level,

valved with music, but the rock and he could get in-state tuition. band scene was hard to join. "I felt comfortable this time in

fflJ'h.e groups were very elickish, my decision to attend ·because but I knew I had to get back to tsaching there is at the highest music," Cresap reminisced. His ini- level of instruction - almost con· tial objective m going to Texas was servatory based and my iliitial in· to get into the Ulii:versity of North timidationhadvaniilbed,"hesays. Texas in Dsnton, Texas, but it was Some of the greatest bands have too expSIISive; and whe11 helearnsd stemmed from North Texas includ· thst many of his credits didll~ ing Exhibit A, Ten Hands, Good transfer, be knew he would haw to Feet and one of the moot famous, sock alternatives. the· New Bohsmians ·made up of

llstahlishing residsncy was one many from the Arts Magnet School of them. Hil also enrolled in in Dallas. More recently, the Richland Commuliity Collage in Cbromaties have emerged from the

cree country Club

Restaurant and lounge now hlriii!I.IUH &. pan-time

fOr ail poshlon,llarlemJDra, nne cooke a. dltlhWashel!l.

257-2'133 . tor appolrihnent and rntarvrew.

"Stock Traders!" Are you tired of high ticket

charges on your trades?

Cost plus $25 on all trades - no matter

+ howlarga. New Mexico Financial Investment sarvrces

. Ray or Judy P!!nloh - rt • .

Teacher: C. Morgan ".N' Honor RoB

Kristen McAllister, Katrina Smith, Jesse Anderson, Brandon Ortiz. Erika Dunn, Jordan Jensen

.. -,. ,·· .,

11AIB" Donor ROii Zak Lutterman, ,Justin Apachito,

Priscilla. Hilys, Eric Flores, Elizilbeth .Soto, Matt . Warren, Kawallney Beck

Perleet Attendance Jilric Ccrnelius, . Katherin Fay,

Cade Hall, Christy Morrison, Justin Apachlto

Teacher: Selgmann ·~··Honor Roll Teacher: Debra Lovett

Josh Jensen, Ben Raterman, "A" Honor Roll Selina Stee4 Keith Bassett, Logan HendersOn

"AlB" Honor Roll 11AIB11 Honor RoD Cindy Aranda, April Gould, Rachael Bailey, Ksra Cervantes,

David HightoW$', Brandon Stokes, Deanna Morrison, Evan Philip Ruasell, Elizabeth Silva, McClendon, Collin May, Flor Reyes Misty Longwlll, . . . Perlec.Ji Att!!Ddance

~,!~~~Scljmcei"'S· d ·· cr .:,.:,~j\er;!li.":t~Wl}~ll,li· ... !il~o.p.; :; ~a ~ ..... z, m r an ovw· ·· ""lvrevren"i1tm; .1y ·""'w ngs. cU~S· ·· • •• · ~ sica Silva, Irene Enriquez, Jeremy

Teacher: S. Keeton Taylor, Collin May

~' I '. ' I I



"Some like 't h t 1

11 I 0 ....

Author of these


"Whole Chile Peppers Book"

"Fie~j~ppeOz~rs" "Fiery Culsllles" "Just North of the


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cal( :Z.57·4001 ()r

FAX 257-'7053 ·

lesue. ·

1 Announcemen~ 2'Thehlr:You ;I Pltf&Oft;.IS 4 Lq' and Found $-l.,tlnd IDrS..Ie 6 Hcnases tor Sale 7 Cabins lor S&le fii.Real Ealate Trades 9 Real Escate ·

-\9 p,op-.;.y Mahf;gement 11,J $i"<tt~~- Sp~j~.U,- lOr Rent 21-\Y~i:IIO R~t 22-:Ptie•u, FINI 23 ~1.1111?'8-fDI Sale

. 24 .PI,:=k~p• - Trucks 2S Van& for Sale 26 'Aotufoyclee lor sate a'7 At.IIQ Piirts

-·--·· ,. .',

·::. "•,.:_

DEADLINES FOR ALL DISPLAY ADS::,. 5 p~m. tor the Mon· day laaue; Tuesday, 5 p.m. fOr th• Thursday Jesu•. 10 Mot,Jifl HoPnt's lor &al•

t 1 Busln~sa Opportunithta 12 Houses tor Flenl

. 2811.v.:•trnd Trj\lal Traile(S 29 .Lhre&toc.k and Hotees-~ F.arm. Equ.lpmedJ

DEADUNES FOR ALL LEGAL NOnCES : Wedn~~~Jaday, ·s p.m. for the Monday Issue; Mondayj 5 p.m. for thif' Thur$day lssuL

1.3 Apartments lor Rent 1'4 MobileS for ft_ent

31 Feed".lind Grain 32 Pfoduce alfd Plants 33 Pels anct Strpplles 34 Ya..Cf$81es

• 15 Mobile Spaces for Rent te Rent to Share

. 11, A:~JnouncemcJtts

11 Busbies& Rentals 18 Resorl Re-nl,ala

PUBLISHER'S NOTICE - All real · FOR SALE - 640 acres, 38 miles estate advertising in this news- North of Ruidoso, :rhone elec· P:B~er is subject to the Federal tricity, water, access .off County Fmr Housing Act of 1968 which Road. Call354-2806. 20-D-73'tfc makes it illegal to advertise "any AIRPORT WEST - One ecre p~f~ren~, limitation or dis· Mobile lot, level, septic twik and cn~~nation based ~n race, ~~91'~ drive way. For information, call rehg10n, · sex, hendicap, fBIIllhru 258-5050 16-M·99·tfc ~tatus1 or national ongin, or an · FOR SALE _ Lot in Agua Fria. mtent10~ t~ m~ke any ~u~ ~ef- Restricted against mobile e.ren7e, h~ntation or di~~mina- homes·Call378~8003 M~S~98-tfc tion. ' This newspaper Wlll not · · · . . . knowingly accept any advertis- FOR SAJ:E - Two .adJolrung ing for real estate which is in mountmn lots, Quarns Acres, violation of the law. -Our readers Cloudcroft. NM. $7,~900 for both. are hereby informed that all 915-863-2127. lV1•0-105-45tp dwellings advertised in this news_paper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To com­plain of discnmination, call HUD toll-free at 1-800-424-8590. For the Washington, DC area please call HUD at 426-3500. The toll·free telephone number is 1-800·543-8294. R-62-tfc

ELKS LODGE BINGO ·- every Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m.,

Bird 6:30 p.m. Kitchen open - come out & play &

· E-R-81-tfnc

at 1-437-8680 (collect). M-55-tfnc YOU CAN GIVE the gil\ of sight

by being an eye donor. Contact any Lion or call 257-2776 for details and a donor card. Do it now; there is a tremendoUB need for eye tissue. L·87·tfnc

MAGODO CREEK ESTATE - ad­jacent lots. 6.013 acres $12,000. 5.455 acreo $10,900. Or buy both for $21,500. Call Vin 257-2631. 19-P-3-tfc

ALTO FULL MEMBERSHIP Lot. Paving leen paid. $14,500. with financing. Call Bill TOP BRASS REALTORS, 257-6327. 16-T-4-tfc

ALTO GOOD BUILDABLE - lot. Full membership. $14,500. No realtors. 336-4839. M-W-10-tfc

LARGE MOBILE HOME LOT $12,500. All services available. Phone Peter 257-6511 or 257-2815.. ••M"'c

213 ACRES Sierra Bldnca view, lot neer Texas Club, $16,!)00. 258-5090. M-G-16-8tptt4tp

RAW LAND 81 plus with irriga-tion well, northeast of Tularosa, recent survex $63,150, owner financing, Bill Smith Realty, 257-2727. 20-B-18-1tc

TRYING TO REACH MORE -people than our local market? How about 213,000 readers in 29 hometown newspapers all over New Mexico. For $96.13 your 25 r---A:-::l=l='BN.==,=,=.,..,,..=--, word ad will reach 29 pap~rs """" :z outside of Albuquerque. Ci11l The Conbac:toJS & BuDdem Ruidoso News at 257-4001 for more infonnation. R·92-tfnc Level, knltbem expo5ID'e

FAMILY CRISIS CENTER - 24 lot-easy, amesSibJe hour crisis line. Answered by wllb cit¥ IIIW6es.. Ruidoso Police. 257-7365. Aoldng $9,000

M.J-99-tfnc ormakoanoll"er KNOW A CRIPPLED - or burned

child? Call Shriners for free help. 257-7333 days, 258-5880 evenings or 257-4871, 257-2079.


Hours 9-12:30, 2pm to 4pm, Highway 70 wes~ 2"57-2600. M­B-7-tfe

HIV + SUPPORT GROUP - meets the 2nd Monday of each month. For infomu1.tion call 257-2286 or 1-800-573-AIDS. M-7-H-tfne

LOVING OTHERS SUPPORT group for friends or relatives of HIV + meets the 3rd Tueedsy of each month. For information call 257-2236 or 1-800-573-AIDS M· H-7-tfnc


CBII Taml Mantes 257-4001

Monday - Frid~V 8 am - 5 pm

G. Houses for Sn1e

BY OWNER - UPI'er Canyon, near river.-Four bedtoom, three bath. large den. Call 605·267· 4504. M-B-60-tfc

LARGE - Four bedroom, three bath, large family/kitchen erea, two fireplaces, two cat garage, thirteen acres~ river frontage, 24x60 barn,good Well ll!ld h!n'Se stalls, 1 l/2 mlll!ll from race · track. $195,000. Call 878·8008 or realtor of your chOice.


35 Househotd Goods 36 ~':'~icallnett~nts

FOR SALE OR 'MADE -lllJLierge FOUR BEDROOM - four bath home in Ruidoso for Las Townhouse. Furnished. $17


VmAT'A VIEW!- four be~oom, three .batli, 3000 square feet1 h'llge gam.eroOin, two na~w rock fireplaces, JJ's Real Estate ·

Cruces area 'Or looking for busi·· down. Assume no g\Ullity oan. ness, rental property. Call 257• Call. Bill ·rop BRASS 6317. 17-D-104-tfc REALTORS ~57'6327. 18-T-4-tfc 258-4879. 20.J-1.5-4tcR~tc

BRICK 8-2-2 . . University BUY "'EAL EST''TE - Don't be Heights, Levellend1 Texas. Will "' n KE trade for comparaole home in mislead! Get. the faets. Be our -W~\J;~EIPURCM._gE . TO Ruidoso. Call (806) 894-6448. M- R.E. partner. . 1 Use our ll-16-4tpR2tp · money/credit to buy. 1-800-830- house/conde .priced up to low

8953. 20-N-11-Stp $&o,ooo•s Muet be good value, preterably flll'llished, · poesible 9. Jtcal Bsfat~

FOR S~ BY OWNER - Two bedroom, two bath furnished condo m lh!lshrook V11lege, #216. Reasonable offers consid~ ered. 258-5598. M-G-102-tfc

GREAT PRICE! two bBdroom, owner financing. Will lease for two bath, ·Jarge living area. six months with pay:m:ents going Corner lot with easy· access. toward pUrchase ~ee or. down

. "CompletelY furnished! JJ's Rsal psymept. Damage depoeit avail• Estate 258-4379. 20.J·15· able. Call 258-5411 and leave 4tcR2tc meesege. 48-B-107-tfc

EX~UISITE. ~ UniqueBradJt Oan­,Yt>n 2 112 eorea W1th stremn )'lln­lling through the middle of prop- · ~' huge trees, as new· nioblie: home in very private s~tqng. Goul~ be mQbllo or RV pa!!k.

. $83,Q00. wm . trede for lot 'lith. . fuU membership in Alto or .what

have :you. Phone Peter at 257' . 2816 or 257-7341. 46-Y,IOI!-tl'c

MOUNTAIN RESORTS ELITE -week 62, bonus free week. 1·602-797-35k M-C-15-4tpR2tp

.ALTO LOT with full golf ID8DI· bership. Flat and easy accese. Call 836-9616 or 1-746-3941. M· S-16-8tpR4tp



"Listen To Tbe River" from the deck of this Upper Canyon Masterpiece. 1bis 3 bedroom/Zbatb river home features a large mas· ter suire wilh fireplace, aprofesiionally decorated furniwre package, hot tub, and a 1 bedroom/1 bath guesthouse with full kitchen. Beautiful landscaping and easy access too. Call for more infonna· lion and an appolnlmenL

Bill Hirschfeld • John Reynolds • 258-4574-

eMEfrCtALt.Y ZONED BUSINE$9 ob BESWENCEf lUnerous posdbl!ltfes for lhls c:ommetdal propeny on

&FipioxfmalbJy SA acteB lncJUd'mg a bedroom, 1 bath ha.rne with g&l'ag:& and slarage bulldingt. Paved easy accaas with Highway frontage. $1 '1!5.000

MM~ •


P.O. Box 4330 .Ruidoso, Now Mexico 88345


can Rod f·SS5-!1247 or1-2G3-1638

Alto VIllage Deer P;ark HC!me Full membership, 3 bedro4m, 8 bath, level entry, 2 flre­pJaoe&. wooded aomer fot. separate &lonl!le rQOm, double jacuzzi, water treatment S"f<J· !em, large living and r~cre­atrona! atea, dining· !11'8a, new tool. $170,000. ·

. . (:all ' Wyler Reid. atate

. 3211-41:20 -OWner/A- : .· · •

'. ',:,


. :: -.

. ·.

~100 REWARD - foi: thii safe '· re- of a Nikop 35-135mm · zornnl~ns!Ost In the vieillitY'lJt: the ll'oretit !,awn Cemetery fu · Ruidoso. Call the Ruidoso ~e!VII

-·i '

257-4001. 28.SJ/·t1'11~. 6. • " .. , ... .,.,., ~'WO FEMALE YELLOW .,.. LIUJ.B, .

Midland TexM tagS, lost June . 16, ill tfpper .~!1 ate!\, ;{.la11 915·683·'1740, collect. ' 11-$,.15· 4tpR2tp . • . . ·.

• . . . . . .. ~- . . . ·J.&t2z "'tWO ltOOM -log cabin, I.O~bT •. ~. '!'J) "--~d leas·· :..71 · · full ·batl!. Nelldil tO' bf Moved •

• et>n""" n mun PJA • ""' ~5't\)DO. 0)!(), -257•1500~:.: 8li4· · . 281".@51f. ·: M·B•18·2W aoot, . M'A.l8-4>Jlft2tp

·-. .

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''• ,, . .

todo,y · __ ]!!state,

.. _., ,,,

14XGO MOBIJ,E - on 112 acre. Mini RVfMR Pack on Highwey

t:~=. !f5J!ouitlt.~:~~ . $39,600. ·Open 2-G"pm, 386;9"653. Owner{Agejlt. , 26·P·18-1tp

REMODELED'- Three bedroom, one a11d on&-hOlf b@ths, un­furllished ·mobile, good lot and location, ~_overed·· deck,· storage, $36<500; Bill Smith l!ealty, 257· 272'1. 22-ll'18-lte

·:, ·:-

WJn<fowo, VIews, Qecfm, SRJ!ct By owner, White Mountain Estates, 308 Racquet CoL!if#S, ~·2,_ 1750 sq.ft. plus 416 sq. ft. decks, larglfl Walk in.cloSets, storage, 4th bedi'Qom/den/ utility, natural gas, fireplace, 4 c:elllng fans, super

180° valley views, new metal roof and exterior paint. $85,000 $39 sq. ft. No AssQCiatlon fees. • $howil by appo_intment only25&-411$.


' :;

. ·: '.

11. Busin;_:ss Oppo1·t,uniUes

AFFORDABLE BUSINESS - for sale. Make it full or patt time. Serious inquiries onlyt please. 2674386. M·B-17-2tp

· ARI!l YOU HUNGRY- for suecess? Would you like to develop a steady. income of approximately $6,000. month. 505-257-2648.17-W-184tp . ·

ONLY $1 EXTRA - gete your reader ad in The Ruidoso Reporter, following _one or more p_!lblications in The Ruidoso News.


·No r .............. ; ...... LY u Problem

-"' .. •'

• . . ~· •,

J ... . ... ·

> • ' -

NICE TWO BEDRO"OM - fur­.Ushed, easy accessed. near Y, HUD welcome. Call 318-44911 or 378-6496. M.C-ll-8teR4te

HONEST' RESPONSIBLE ma· ture man or couple to rent nice two moDile for 40 hOUTS worl!; a month, Capitan .364' 3364. 20,0-154tpR2tp

15. J.\'Iohik Spnc(~ fo1· Hc .. nt ,

RETAIL SPAcE - or office apace for rent in newly decorated Adobe Plaza. Call 2574081, eve.Ungs, 2574300. 16-S-12-tfc

WAREHOUSE - for lease. 1800· square feet. Heated, located be­low State Farm Insurance. Ac­cess from Upper Terrace Dr. $400. monthly. 257-5866 days. 17-C-97-tfc

PlUME RETAIL LEASE - space :::0,::.:0.1-!. · . lziJ.!Mid•toWn ·'."Legsnd9 BUild­- ing." 1,101);'1!'(1, ft. AV.Ulable Sep·

tember 15. 33"6-4978. M-I-16-4tc



Whispering 13iluff Canda 211 Fum 60000 + utll

Nice House Secluded 211 Fum 425"' + utH

"Cabin North of Alto 211 Fum 4&0= water paid

Super Neighborhood 812 $500"" + utll

North of Town, 812 Fum $625 water paid

Expect the best.™ Csll Ronnie or Donna

257·511 or D0-626-9213

l:l. ApaJ.'tmcnts 1\)1• Itc-nt

OFFICE SPACE - approximatOly 500 s~. ft. $275. peqnonth plus electnc. 850 sq. ft. $450. per month nlus electric. Located in The l>aildock. Call Remax, 258· 5888. 23·R·l8·3tp

280 HIGHWAY 70 EAST -Commercial building, excellent highway exposure on corner lot. $400 Jl!us bills. Call Cindv. Gary Lynch Realty, 257-4011. M-L-18-1tf

CORNERSTONE SQUARE Formerlr. Charleston Squlli'EI. Mi.U Swtes in Office Mall, $175, ub1ity bills included. Suite J · 1,000+1- sq. tt. $600 plus bills. Call Cindy, Gary Lynch Realty, 2574011. M-L-18-ltf

COMMERCIAL AT THE "Y' -Lots of square footage. Formerly EZ TV. Call for details, Cindy, Gary Lynch Realty, 2674011.

21~ Want~d to Hcnt

TWO BEDROOM HOUSE - or mobile homa. One adult, one child. Employed, excellent references: 257-8738, even-ibgs. 16-G-16-4tpR2tp

2:~. Autos fo.t' S:l.l<•

. '· -.





'92 FORD RANGER 11r 01111~onlng, low.ralles

. '84 CHEVY SUBURBAN ·"loW mllel,loedld

'87 FORD F·150


low mills, ORIIMIMif

'90 FORD TEMPO 4 X 4, automldlc



1979 MALLARD- cam_P trailer. 25 foot. Good condition. Storm windows, sleeps 9. $3450. Call 3364896. M-J-104-tfc

FOR SALE Self-contained, 16ft. camp trailer. Call 378-5416 ask for Oscar. M-N-105-tfc

27 112 FT. FIFTH WHEEL rear kitchen, full bath, queen bed, extra storage. Great condition! 257·2641, 200 Kansas City Road. 18-W-18-1tpRltp

2~J. J..<ivestoclc and llol'sos

HORSE BOARDING - seven acre pasture, covered stalls, hot walker, riding area. Call more information, 354'3124. M-G-87· tfc

FERNCO SPORTSMAN SUPP-LY announces opening of The Tack Room for the Horseman's needs. 142 Bishop next to Bus Station, 267-6625. 20-J-14·

rot~ - 12 year old AQHA . Sorrel, Golding. Goes back to Rocket Bar and Three Bar8. Good all around horse. COli 336· 8023. 22-K-15-tfnc

HORSESHOEING race horses, ranch horses, and trail horSes. Call267-7013. M·V·l7-4tp

SHEEP FOR SALE - a few gOod black face mommas and ba6ies.

· 364·2521. M-R-18-ltp

a0. J<'.fit'I'rl )~quipn).(•nt

CAT'ltlil SPRAYER - p<il'table 12V !I,YB!am $80. Brandilig~' s, number set; o tbru · 11 · · So. 386-4376. M-S-18'4 . tp

. ' . ' . ..

l. r ' !

.. ;

; ' " ' ' . ,.

Classified · . . .

' ~····· '. -: ' ... · '• ,_. . '·' ' ' ~ .. - ··.:· ····' ' . ' .. ' '-· ' '"· '··-·,>"' -' ,. :;t ,' -•. ,~-~--· .. i _-'. ', . -t •


:14. Yru·d Snles -la.Jielp w~\nlcll 42. \V;:nttcd (o Hu,v

GARA~E sAlJllJ ~ '1105 :)l.p;,n; . PJ:At:tO UPIUGH'l'• Hdl\US!ni- ::.. ' ~I) ''t'lW ·•WiJ'i.'RO:til\.''';:.,;3··· 4i. ~'!;0 J behind Dan Fendel'. From 9am- . wttb matching -bOllom. · $11ooo; · re$;cl ~-·:With ·llr.U.s ·.or ?1. Saturday, July 17 only. M·M· 258-4144. · M•B·l:l~tr -wood&~~moriling gl<!l'Y horn 0r a · 18-1tp · ·· · · · · . fi)'Under jJlayor With hom. Ask

FLEA MARKET- Saturday, July for Joe, day$'257-4001, etenlnl@ 17, 9:00am - ? Bargains Gulorel 878-4841. · M-J4tfc Ruidoso . Seni~r Center. THlUFT . SHOP - LOMO AtJxu.... LOOKING FOR KIDS - . nicelY Sponeored by Lmooln County IARY. Open· Monday tlu-ough used .clothing sizaa 0-6x:. PJeaee Chap~er 11~12 of AARP. Y~ur Satu~,10em io 4pm. 140 NOb Ollll Cindy,, 5pm-10pm, 3'30;4598 donations wtll be use~ to SUPP!"t !lill Drive. Telephone 257-7051. or leave message. 1S.V-18-Chaptor's Commuruty Sel'Vlos YOur donations of usable 4tpThurs · Projects. 29-J-18-1tp household and clothing· items ·

·GARAGE SALE -'-' Friday and Sat- ere appreciated. Let us soU your urday, 8:00-5:00 Friday, 8:00· "!reasures". We are non-profit: 12:00 Saturday. Unit #1

1 th~ money is U$ed to better

Ruidoso Transfer and Storage, equip our hospital, M·T·89•tfuc Aqua Fria, Ruidoso Downo. 20- MOUNTAIN SALVAGE - buying M-18-1tp wrecked cars, custom eshaust

HUGE MOVING SALE - Satur· system!!. mechanic on duty. day, 7:30-? 415 Second S!reet in Three Drlles east of traek. 378-Capitan. Lot of books, nice clo- 8110. 17-B-78-tfc thing, dishes, household items ALL · BRAND - of Major ap- · and much much more. 22-G-18- pliances servicsd. ·We & your 1tp problem ·not sell you a NEW

FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . - ONE! AFFORDABU SERVICE 9:00am-6:00pm. Large truck tool 1925 Sudder\h or call 257-box, two man hoat, trailer and 4147. M-A-43-tfc motor, sofa, chair; bed, ice box, HUMANE SOCIETY .Thrift sink, fiberglass shower, Shop 629 Sudderth (next to lots and ends. Storage . Arb~s wbite stucco building in

come'r of Gavilan rear). 257~5463. Open Wednes~ Meander Drive. No day, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

new Friday and Saturday, 9am, Canyon Drive tum right at Story Book Cabins, left on Perk Canyon. 26-S-18-ltp

CARPORT SALE Friday and Saturday, 8 to 5, 301 Mechem Drive (rear). Couches, chairs, tables, bar stools, clothing. 16-H~ 18-1tc

SATURDAY, JULY 17-8:00-4:00 421 Barcus. Unfurnished pine banquet table, log bedframe, two gray sofas, _peacock chair, TV, two wingback chairs, windsurfer · with two sails, skiS, rowing ma­chine, and much more furni­ture. 30-S-18-1tc

MOVING SALE - Friday and Sat­urday, 10-4. Furniture, clothes, household_ goods. Devon Co\lrt oft ·Cree Meadows· Drive. Look for signs. 19-S-18'lte

MOVING! ALL MUST GO -Bikes, two Qoys bikes, one girls, single speeds, $45. each OBO. One mountain bike, mens 26", $100. One towing 10-speed, mens 24", $100. Antiques, cherry dresser $400. Oak dr88ser $500. Oak chest of drawers $225. Mis­sion rocker $400. Walnut floor lamp $150. Cedar Chest $300. Custom coffee table $300. 4ft. x 6ft. dining table with chairs, solid walnut, $1500. Custom book shelves, end table, linens, odds and ends, all OBO. 336-4223. 58-S-18-1tp

JOYCE'S ANTIQUES- used fur­niture, a_ppliances. We buy sell and tmde. 650 Sudderth. 257-7575. M-J-65-tfc

NOW OPEN WOLLERS MAINSTREET, furniture and so forth. Located at 1000 Sud­derth. Buy, Sell and !rade. Call 257-3109. M-M-102-tfc

BUYING AND SELLING - good used furniture and appliances or anything of value. Call 878-8439 or 378-4794. M-P-103-tfe

PORTABLE DISHWASHER - 30" electric range, pine corner cup­boards, piano, knotty jline wainscotting, twin mattress box spring, little used. 258-5020, 354-3323. 20-M-16-4tpR2tp

WHIRLPOOL REFRIGERATOR -21.2 cuhic ft. $75. 10 years old. Call257-9250. M-V-16-4tpR2tp ·

FOR SALE - Gold Sears Colds~ot Refrigerator. TOo freoer, 1ee maker. $250. Calf257-2647. M­M-17-4tp

12pm-4pm Come and browsa. Also, dOn't fo~et us if you ·have

serviceable household items donatWn. If you could

v~;:e·~· a few hours a week, p call 257-7661 or -257-


OLDEST ONE OWNER SHOP -in town! Bennetts Indian Shop, 9-12:80, 2pm to 4pm. Highway 70 west, 257-2600. M-B-7-tfc

SPECIALIZING IN OLD - Indian Jewelry. 9-12:80, 2pm to 4pm, Bennetts Indian Shop, Highway 70 west. 257-2600. 16-B-7-tfc

WOLFF TANNING BEDS - New commercial-home units from $199. Lamp~. lotions, acces­sories. Monthly peyments loW as $18. call tod&~ fr\\8 nOVj' color catalog 1-800;462-~197. M'N-18-2tf

JAPANESE BOY 17 - anxiously awaiting host family. Enjoys sports, reading1 computere. Other ScandinaVIan, European high school students arnving August. Call Maryann 505-299-9298 or 1-800-SIBLING. M-N-18-

, --1:1. H<>lp \Vanted

NOW ACCEJ:'1JNG - applications for wait p,ersons. .:o.kS; bus per. aons, te ephone operators imd delivery persons. Apply Pizza Hut, both locations.


- Wanted experienced Broiler cooks. $6.50 an hour to ·start. Full time work, benefits avail­able. Interviews Tuesday and Thursday, t-8pm. No llhone calls

. please. . l!5-C-43-tfc HELP WANTED - All positions

available. App)y in person at Cattlemans on Hwy. 70 West, next to Wal-Murt. M-C-65-tfc

NEEDED - Bus person and dishwasher needed, part time or full time. Appl;y in pereon The

Wall of China 2913 Sud· · M-G-106-tfc

SUPER 8 - Now accepting ap-

~'cations fllr housekeeping. ply in person at Super 8

otel. ., M-8-7-tfc WORK FORCE OF RUIDOSO -is

now accePting laborers, house clarical ·

PARK RANGER! - Game War­Park PoUce. $6 - $20/HR

round , · positions, WIU !rain. 1-800-R1206. 24 hi's. 20-

LIVE IN - or part live in housekeeper and cere of two shildren, Full. room and board plus auloey. On cattle ranch in Hondo Valley. 653-4102.21-T-17-

. 4tpR2tp . .. .

Canyon, across M-1-18-tfc

BECOME A PARALEGAL - Join America's fastest growing profession. Lawyer instructed home study. The finest_~aral~

r.rogram available. P.C.D.I., Jl.t­anta, Georgia. Free catalogue.

800-362-7070 Dept. LH713. 26-N·l8-2tf

HIRING BEST QUALIFIED maintenance, mechanical, electrical trainees. No experi· encs required. Paid training for HS diplomagrads17-30.£uperb pay/benefits. Must relocate. 1· 800-354-9627, Mon-Fri. 24-N-18-2tf

WANTED FULL TIME - year round, dependable employee to train as manager in top·notch retaU store. Top pay and bene-fits. 257·7912 · 20-H·18-4tc

SAN PATRICIO Senior Citizens Center is accepting appJ:ieations for one Ptr summot youth ~erson .. Pick-uJ,J apPlications at the San PatriCio Senior Citizen

.· Center. E~uul Opportunity, ADA. Deadline tor apPlications _is 7·22-98. I!!-L-18-2tplUtp

•' '' ·•·• ' ::' .• ! .-, ·-" -· ' ., .. ,· -~ ... _;:.• -~.

-'· . :t,

. -.-.... ·, .-· .. .

~.::.. :,_ ·-~· ;_ .--::_ ---~- -_. ___ ·.:*~'·-·· -~~.:: ... :· .:::·~-~-~- ~~:-~~----- -~- ~~-~~:. .. ~~~-~'--~.'~--~~~-: .. _~_ -:~.~-~_;_::._. __ >:. ~:-' .::·~· ... _.~ .~: ~:-~--~ ----~· . ~~~~' -- - ·--~".

:.' ,.,_ •

ASPEN AlRE CARPET CARE -!_',Our cerpet and uphol~ ... eaninq Profesai9J)a]s. Call for free estimate, 2~7-7714.

SHARPENING - Chain saws, .. Mower repair. McCullough

Dealer. Pro-Seroire.. 257-5J7~. HANDYMAN .

Painting,· interior/exterior, ceramic. and floor tile, carpentry ~~air, minor plumbing, Ole cal house cloani~g. References. ciii! 257-4449 16-K-14-tfc

FREE ESTIMATES -TV's, VCR's, stereos. Only __ ~uthorized service on both TV's & . VCR'S in ..

, Ruido110.' M.F.ORDAIIJ;E ·SER-'> VICE> . 19~5 .. Suddlll'th;, 257-4147. M-A-6-tfc

AUTO AND ELECTRICAL REPAIRS - Seven days, car, truek or dissel. FOr prompt ser­vice and competitive rates phone 257-7341. M-Y-83-trc

DECK lil!:STORATION For all your dack repairs call 257-

4449. M-K-92-tfc


SERVICE ··., (501i!2SH147


·-,' ·--: . •'· ,·

,•' -·' ··.·--.·;-'

- ·, .. ; ·,

PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE Therapy. Swedish Awpressure, reflexology. and D.euromuseutar -Jf!f/!!i\~J,~:?·~Jil!l~ . · f&tl.6ft ui'ie 1#92'4. • "'ow:ri ' Tnesday-SatUi'diiY, clossd ~~~~~­daY and Monday. Leave message 25'7-7992. . . 27-T·18·4tc

WILL DO IRONING - Piek-up and deli'I(Ol'lr service available. Please co,il257-9175.

TENNiS USSONS - $15. an hour. Beginning and intermedi­ate levi!i.-Award ·winning in­strQctor. Call 257·9836,_ !save messafll!. , M-<i-7-tfuc

•17. liousP ~itting

'HOuSE Srri'ING - available. Call Sue at 257.1/777 have · references. M-K·18-4tpR2tp

WANTED BABYSITI.'ER- for two clu1dren (2 .& 8). PreferablY in my home. 8-4 dl!18 a wee!L References needed. Call 257· 3745 alier 5pm. 20·B-18·2tp

50. Enf(•t'fainnwnt '


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. I . <


L~ALN<>~h INVITa.'l'lt>.IIT · K .

. lUP\!i , .· . · .


s~aled. billa will' be · Ofllae 10¢llle>4 a~ 105 rei'Oived ·by the Un<:ic>bl-' X1!11•as · e\ty . R<>$<1, Cpunty Ma-t ac the .. immedla101y behind

'Liricoln County . 'ViJiaso Hilll,lll Ruidoso. · Co~rthQuse, _P.o.- -;p.ox .A.O-J3NDA 71-1, Carri¥ozo·. -Nf>w- J. C4LJ,.. ro·ORI>BR Moxloo 811301', until II. 1!-0):.J.. CAU. • ·· i-0:,00 A;.tJI., July 1ll. ~VALOF 30,1~93, for the MJ:NUTBS. lbUowing: IV. PI.JBLlC HI!ARlNG BID NO. 93.1: MINI· ru.tuest for Z,oning PUMPER - Cllenge j'rgQl C·l BID NO. 93-2: MINI~ VAl~)', Cmnmotclal to· TheL'---•- Co a~ R·MP·RosidOntial ........ '!P'Y. ...... . of Conimisslonor• will Mob.Je Home Park review and mal<e llielr .final .Ill: Joseph Miller, dOtemunali<>n· during lheir Twin Spr~~ee Mobile regular cOmmission HomeParkand. meeting Scheduled for9:00 'variance to sotliack A.M., ~sday, August 3, requileJ!Ienl$. 1993. . . . . V. l>ISCUSSION Invitation for ;&ids with Pmposod--S)Ie<;if'ICations ~-availlib)e ments to tho at tho Offloe of the COunty .RuJdoso·Lincoln Manger, L~ln Ci:ounty County Zoning Courthouse, Carrizozo. or -OtdinanQo. by ealUD/lMartbaGuevara ~ ADJOURNMENT at 505/648-2385. . Legal #8?'41 11(7) 15

All bids mu$t be clearly marked on . the outside of the sealed envelope with LEGAL NOTICE the bid number shown PUBLIC -NOTICE above. The Ruidoso-Lincoln

tho'Qgl\~;;~or • '''Zo;Ci; eommts~;;lll. ~l\1 Cnnn-·~"',...11" 'h• BJOtraterr'--..."'

all or any part of any ld, hold their ~ meet111g waive minor ~alities _ oR Monday, August 9.



-·' J:o . serve as NoJPina$lg UGAL .NOtiCE

be sigoed . fi)Ut.~C -~·~ · .at . llll"' tell· ~~~ible Tbe Lllleoln CQIDitY B!>,

voters lind returruid to the 1-1 l)lstrlct· BQ!Il"d wiU above address ~Y August meet on July 21, 1993, at S, 1993'. Noll!~• of 10:00 A.M., in_ the perso-.s with nominating Ruidoso Po-lic;:o p.Bti\\ons WiJl appeer on . Department ConferenCe bal. lOts._· ... In a. ddition, d · R id. ...;, ""' M

i ro m m u o'""'• -.. ..,~ .

DOJ1il. natio_ns .will be the. meet.ina is open to· the alloWed fton'a. the floor. -p public, . ~ All owners of lfUld within An·· agenda for the

lho tJi>per flondo Soil and mO<>ting win ~· ~vallable "Water Conservation at the Lincoln County Di~tdct.,JU"C eligible to _Manager's office in

.. )or. vote. '~ons may be Carrizozo. N.M. and can

~~·~ .. ~~~~~~!~ asked hY electkJn· Officials be -obtained. twentj..:four to piovide a tax receipt or other docurnentBtion of (24) hours prior to the

meetl;ng. LEGAL NOTICE land ownership to verify Le J #8735 1t(7) 15

ELECTlON NOTICE eligibility to. "vote. ga . (l11rit NOtii'O) Absentee bllllots win be

UPI'ER llONDO ~i!U:cl! • LEGAL NOTICE SOU. AND WATER 1) By .Mall. Abaentee .USDA FOREST CON\!ilt~VATlON baUots will be available 10 SERVICE

»:(STRICT perliOns reqbestlng them SMOJI:EY Bli:AR 'lb all owners of land by l1iai1 between Angnst 6 RANGER DISTRICT

sitUated in the Upper and August 16. The LINCOLN ·COUNTY, Hcmdo Soil and W- district Wlll mall requested NEW MEXICO Conservation District, ballots by August 20th. on· July ·.12, 1993, .counties of."Lincoln and Absentee ballots returned Smokey Bea.r Ranger Cbaves, State of New by mail and received by DiStrict Ran~er (Jerald Mexico: the district on election day Hawkes Signed a Decision Noti~ is hereby given Ol'·before will ·be coUnted. Memo to implement the.

that on tho 2nd day· of Absentee ballots received Cedar Cieek/Big Bear FISh .September, 1993 at the after el®tion day will not Habitat Improvement hour of 7:00 p.m. a· be counted. Project. These projects meeting will be beld lO 2) In Person. Absentee will involve the elect three supervisors of ballots will be available to installation of ten the Upper Hondo Soil and persons requesting them in sttuctures (root wads. tree WirtOr Conservation pe:rson from the person cover structures, boulder _District in accordance with shown at the bouom of structures, and one log the New Mexico SoU and this · notl.ce between dam) to create cover and ·"\\hter Conservation AugJ,ISt io and September pool habilat along section -District Act. Location of 1. of each creek.

~~~=~n:!~ ~~:..:-.;~~FRO it i:lf~'. c!.fkc:!:~::: Highway 70-. MilePost RBOARDINO TliiS the Sacramento Mountain :lSUS, San Patricio, New BLBCTION CONTACT: Range in T.llS, R. 13E., - . . -

.... - ' ...

1\IUIJ!Ilr Mechem·, 88345. .

and in

will bo accepted .by lhe Lincoln County , lloa·rd of CommissiO:nora at t:bo L"iucO·ln . ·County "courth~>use. -P.O. Box 711,. Carrizozo, New

·. MCxicQ_ . 88.301, until 10:00 A.M. , July 26, 1993. ' .ANI>UWC. WYNHAM LINCOLN COUN'IY MANAOBR

Legal #8738 U (7) 15, 19

.to or urotest:s.

Provided, hOwever. that the state of Ne:w: Mex.ico or Q.ny- of its btaneh~. -agencies, dopartmen.ts; board~. . instrQJnental!..ti:es or lnstltutlcms. lind all i'OIItloal subdiVIsions of the -state and their agoncles, llllittwnentallties and lnslltudon.o shall have •tandina to file. objections or-prores~ Tbe Jl!')iest or objec1ion sbell -be in writing lind·- ... (orlh all protestani"s or

This Decision is subject to apPeal in accordanc:e with 36 CPR 217. A Notice of Appeal mQ$1 be in writing lind clearly siate tluat it is a Notice of Appeal being filed pursiJODI to 36 CPR :217. Appeals must be fully .consistent with 36 CF'll 217.9~" Con""'t ofNotleo of Appeal", lind muSt be tiled with Lee Poaglitl, Pomst Supervisor, Llllcoln N•tional Forest,· 1101 New· York Avenue. Alamogordo, NM 88310, and simultaneously sent to Gerald M~ Hawkes, District Ranj!OI'. Smokey Boar Rtmger District, 901 Mechem, Ruidoso, NM 88345, (505) 257-4095; or Lincoln National Forest Supervisor. HOI New Yo _r k Avenue, Alamosordo, NM 88310 •. (5()5) 437-6030:

---------- obJecaor's l'llOIIODB why ""' application should not be

Legal #8736 lt(7) 15

LltGAL NOTlCE NOTlCB Is boreby given

lhet on iuly 2, 11193, City of Alamogor4o, NM 88310, f!ie<l application numllc;R:d T-2408, with tho STATB BNGINBBR for penult to -oj>rlate 100 acre--feet pPr annum of the

LEGAL NOTICE ground water of the The Lineoln County Tularosa Underground

BOilrd of COmmissioners VW.ter Basin by driiJ:ing a arc hereby accepting well 1000 feet in depth for nomination to the Lincoln· 8-inch casing to loc:ated in

approved and must -be filed,· in triplicate, with Bliucl L. Martinez, State Engineer, 133 Wyatt Drive, Suite 3,. Las Cruqes, New Mexico 88005, witlrin ten (10) days after the date of the last pq:blieadon of this notiCe.

Legal #8737 3t (7) 15, Z2., 29

Historic Preservation the SE1/4Sl3.1/4/SW1/4 of Board for one member to Section l6, Township 20 LEGAL NOTICE fill a vacancy. Nominee South, Range 9 Bast, Ruidoso State Cmpomtion shall be a property owner N.M.P. M. • f 0 r will hold an annual residing within Lincoln consuuctlon of land fill shareholders _.eeting July County. Nominee must be and daily use for dust 19. 1993 at·1:30 P.M. at domlciled- registered ro oontrof- daily cover. tile main ollloo ofRulclnso vote within Lincoln Any person, firm. or State Bank 1710 Sudderth i;lQ"''ty· ,. . .. ~,·· o~on <>r pther eatity . Driv» •l\uidoso New

Nomination s6"all ~\?,;. objecting that the granting ·~ .88345. ~ · · m,ad_e in writing to the of the application will be Legal 118730 3t (7) 8, Lmcoln County Board of detrimental to the 12, 15


Let.' e· Ruidoso New-s


·. ,_· -'< ' .

:,_ •' . ..•.

· ... _ .. ·> .. :. ··-.-· : - : '-. ~.·:-~ :

. ,. '• . •.· . ..,·. ' '.

',_ . ;_.·-·. .·. '·' . ' .

Yo.ur Lincoln Count.y New-spaper

Broaden Yobr Hori7;ons!! Guaran~eed Circulation of 5,196*

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A~;~j;;~~'- .. , Mur;::.n:,.

Do.ql\ld Pettc_y,. pastOr . 1lclqlh9m;:61l-4747

Sunday Scbool~:4S n:.,m. Swadllf worsb.ip~I0:4S·uu. 7 p.m. Wednecd")' scivi~,.tt.p.ln.

First Assembly of God 1S9·m Pnso aorut. Ruidos~;a

Lewis Fm,nkUn, pASIOI' Sundl')' Sch~;~ol-9:45 a.m. . Sundii)'WOnbjp-1.'1:30 ".nh6 p.m. W~dne&day IOI'Via!IH5:30 p.m. R<Jfal R~gers Minist~y-6:30 p·.m. Wedlte6day _

Spanish Bible Study 7 p.m. Thunctar

BAPTIST First Baptist Church

Carrizozo Hayde11 Smidt, Pastor

Sunday Schaol-9:45 a.m. Sw1day worship-I 1 (l.Ql., 7:15p.m. Onudtlraininc.-6~0 p.m. Sunday

First Baptist Church Ruidoso

420 Mechem Drive D. Allen Cearley, Pru~tOf'

Sunday Scbool-9:30 a.m. SundBy W(JJ'Sbip-1 0;45 a.m. •• 6 p.m. We<tncadoy aervlc::es-7 p.m.

First Baptist Church RuidOllo Downs

Mikc'Basb, Pnstm' Sunday School-9!30 a.m. SWlday won:hip-11 ll.m., 7 p.m. Church lmining-6 p.m. Wednesday services~? p.m.

First Baptist Church llnnic

BUl Jones, Pallor Sundn)t School-9:45 a.m. Sunday worship· I I n.m.

Mescalero Baptist Mission M....tcn>


James HllSC, Pa.slor Sunday ScltOoJ.(Q a.m. Sunday wonbip-11 a.m., 7:15p.m. Tmining Union-6:30p.m. SUoday Wednesday servio::s-6:30 p.m.

Ruidoso Bapttst Church 126 Cluud• Drive Palmer Gateway

Wayne Joyce. Ptu"IOr Randel Widenor, Auociale PastoT

SundpY Scbool-9:45 a.m. Sunday won:blp-10:45 a.m •• 6 p.m. Wednesday Dible study-7 p.on.

Trinity Southern Baptist Church

CapltRn (south on Highway 48) flqy6 OOOllloe. Paaor

Sunday SebOQJ.-9:45 li.Jllo

S~tndl')' worship·ll a.m., 6 p.m. For Information, ci!.I13S4·3119


Ruidoso Arid Group Meets a1 the Stroud Buildlns. Lower Level, rear entnmce. Sundpys--8 p.m. open ladies and num1 stag mc.ning. M011dn~oon AA rneellnC•- and 8 p.m. SlcpStudy. Tuesdays-B. p.m.<t AA and AJnnon. Wednesdays--Noon AA meelings nnd 8 p.m. elwed AA and Beginner's nisht and AJanon Step Study. TI1un:days--Noon open women·s meet· ing and 8 p.m. Social open and Alanon. Fridays-Noon AA meetings and 8 p.m. Book Study. Sl'l.lurday-8 p.m. AA open. Birthdays. lui SIIJUrday. Phone nwubar 258-3643

Ruidoso Area Group Mcel!l ln d1e Community Uni'ed Meth­odist Chwch. 220 Juncalon Road. AA and Alanon, 7 p.m. The&daym.

Co-Dependents Anonymous

Meets at Te:xaM·New Mex.ico Power Company. Step nudy meeting, 7 p.m.. Tuesdays.

Narcotics Anonymous

SerunitY Moun14in Group. Meets at St. mennor'• CcnhoUc OturclJ at 700 p.m. every Thundny nipt. Fornune Inform"• lion call Susan nl 258·3149, evenings only.

ALL AMERICAN DUPLICATE ~RIDGE CLUB Meets at the Ruidwo Senior Citizens Center at I p.m. SattndB)"S• Open gc\me. Novicc playen Welcome. For lhfonna­tion, caD Rub)l Greenhaw 2.57·7411.


.· .-·

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CATt:IOLIC St.l!l<lanbr

CB!hoi!C Churqh RWdDJo

~d Richard Cldnoaah SDCI,.nlant or Pen~qmRiny 6 .p.m. w by appofocmeJU, . Saturday I\4RSS•7.:30·p.m •. Sundqy .M'PIJ4'-10 a.m. <Bns:Ush}

11:30; (n.ilinguo)) SUndny M~. Jude "Onu:14ew,

San Patrfclo-8 4.QI,

w~·· Oal~-7 p.m. lhc tblrd Moudlt)l KnJatu:~i of Cot_umbu!l-

7 p.m. 2od and 4th Tuesday.

sacred Heart CBthollc Church

· Capluua S01urday ~~~:i~ p.m. Sunday Mnss-9 n.Ql, Ladl"l!!Sroup-lQ a.m. llw. la$l Thursday

Sal11a Rita Catholic Church

"""'~ PPtber Dllve lf.erg .. .Piwtor. Saturda)o Mnsl-·6:30 p.m. Swut~ Maas~ll a.m. ~ies aroup-3 p.m. altem"to tint Sun­dnyolmd 7 p.m. flnt MondAy

St. Theresa catholic Church

Corona Sunday MIQ~ p;m.

St. Joseph Apache Mission Mo111clilero ~

PD!IIer Tom Herbst.; Pastor Sundoy Mus--1 0::30 a.m.

our Lady of Guadalupe B~•

FaahorTom, Pnstor Std.unlay Mas•-6p.m. Sun~ Mu~ a.m.

CHRISTIAN Flr$1: Christian Church (DISCiples of Christ)

BW Kennedy, PIISior Hull110d GcMlan Canyon Road, Ruido.<~o Sunday Scbool-K•l2/Adult--9:30 a.m. Regulnr Sunday ·wonhip-10:45 a.m. Omncel. Cholr-Wedm~•day-.7 p.m. Youth Oroup--Snndll)'--6 p.m.


Hia,hWny48 James "SMJtY" Winfield. Minister

Sunday Bible IJtudy-JO a.m. Y.. Sunday wcmhip·ll 11.m.~ 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible study-7 p.m.

. AMERICAN LEGION Robert J. Hagee, Post 79

Meets 111 1 p.m. the thinl Wedne~day in the American Legion Buildin~~o at U.S. Highway 70 and Spring Road in Ruido:<o Downs. For moru information, CQU 2S1· 5796.

B.P.O.E. No. 2086 mk·s meets in the Blk"s Lodge Building on U.S. Highway 70. 7:30p.m. first and thinl TIUJ,.days.

B.P.O.OOES Does. meet in the Blk"s Lodge Buildins on U.S. Higb_,y 70. 7:30p.m. second and fourth TIJursdays.

BETA SIGMA PHI Pour chapten11 meet Jn momben· home$. 7:30 p.m. aecond and follnh MondAy.. Par information. 257-5368, 257-4651.


Troop 59: 7-8:30 p.m. Mondays at. the • Epls:copnl Church of the Holy Mount.

SocotmasterStova Norbusy, 258-3417. Cob Scams: Ruidoso ptlCk mee11ng at 2 p.m. the dtird Sunday. For lllf'onuntion, in Lincoln County. cnU 258-4152.

RUIDOSO CHESS CLUB 7-10:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday at Pizza Hut on Medlent. No dues or fees. Por infonnatlon. call Ron At· 257-7023.


Gateway ChUrCh of Christ · R.,tido:tllo

. :JbJuuyspo~no.MJnl~ter. . . Sunday BJble "~d,Y--9;30 Q,m .. _ · Sunday-momin' won:bip-10:30 a.m. · Sunifoyevenins WQ~ ~· Wcdoesday-CJuis_tiftn •crvtcc. 2-4 p.~. W~d~-Dible srudy·? p.m.


SAINTS Church of Jesus ChrlstLDS

Ruid050 Branch 12 miJea J)C)rth of RuidOso

on Hlgbway 48 on eo.t IIJdo' bcltweea mile potts 1_4 nnd IS.

336-43$9 or258·9138 SliDdl\)': $uu4ay Scbool-J·O a.m. ~rieslhood Reliof Socloty-1 1 q.m. Primary &..Young Women-11 il.m. ~acmment meetins~Qon •.

Church of Jesus ChrlstLDS Me8Calero BrD11cb

Mnrvin.Ha,•sea, Pn.ldeitt 434..()098

Sunday: Prieslitood & Relief Society rneedng· 11:30 B.m. Stl! Scltoql & prinuuy-Doon Bocmment nleetfns•I0:30 a.m.

EPISCOPAL Episcopal Church of the

Holy Mount 121 Mes,qlero TmU, Ruidoso P~tt,her Jolut W. Penn, Rector­

Sunday Bueharlst·8 & 10:30 a..IQ. Wedn~Rday: Daughten of King-noon Bucbnrist &. healing-5:30p.m. Choir pmctice-7 p.m.

Episcopal Chapel of san Juan

Lincoln Sunday: Holy Bucbaris:t l 0:30 a.m.

.st. Anne•s Episcopal Chapel

Olenc:oo Sunday: Holy l!uchnrist-9 a.m.

St. Mstthlas I!P!!'C!!J?,l!! 911!/P." 6lh & B Streca. Carrizozo

Sunday: · Holy Su~riar-9:30 a.m.

, Sim ~tm=io Sunday Sch(K)l·l.O a.m. BvonliJ8 soivfceS·7:30 p.m. Sunday. nio•day ..,d· Friday

Pouer•s HpUS:e Christian Center

441 Sudderth Drive Juper Abeyta. Pnstdr

- 43+.4817 .... .,..2 p.m. • ' 111umlay 1:30 p.m.

JEHOVAH'~ Wft:NESS RUidoso-Kln!fdpm Hall

106 Alpille Vlllap Rbad. Hisbway 48 . 258~3659.,2$8..3277

Swutny public talk-1;30 p.m. S110day Wt\tchtower;24Qp.m. Tueadny Bible sludy~7:3Q p.m. Thursday wlni•lry sd.qo1·7::50 p.m. 'lllursday se.vicO:mect-8~ p.m.

COngregaolon Hlspana de los Testfgos d$ Jehova 106,#\lplnc Villaac Road. Highway 48

258-3659.)36-7076 Reunion publica Dom.-10 a.m. B11udlo de Ia. Atalaya Dam.-tO:S(}. a.m. &audio de libro .P·ID•- , .. .Bscuelp. dd mini!derio teocmlico

Mier.-7 p.m. Reunion de s:anc:lclo Mhrr:-7:50 p.m.

LUTHERAN Shepherd of the Hills

Lutheran Clluroh 1210 &U Road

258-4191, Z57.$296 Kevin [... Kmbn, Pastor

ill!IJ~IIIt """""' 1000..... ,., . ·'""' ·Sqnday SchOOl. and· A<f!J]c Blblo Clal11 9r!O-a.m. · A membe-r of die MJstoUtf Synod


POLICE LODGE #26 Mec:b nl K·Bo~s Steak House Reatoumnt nt noon eve')''Thun:day.

· FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Millets nt the Ruido$o Publir: Libru.ry. 4 p.m. first Monday.

GOLDEN AGE CLUB Mecu at tho Ruidoso Sunlor Cidzena Center behind the Ruidoso Library nt noon first and lhinf Wednesdays for cov· ered dish lunch and games.


meets the the second Monday. Lovins OJhen Support Gtttup for friend. and family of HIV+ meets. tho lbird 'Tuesday. For infonnntjon. call 257·2236 or (1-800)573-AIDS


meat& at noon the rhlrd Wednaday IU Tlr.u• Club.

KIWANIS CLUB Meeunw.K-Bob"s in the American Room at ·110on Theadays. Visidng JOwams nteJI~ben wekomo.


VOTI!RS Meets at J 1:30 .a.m. the third Monday at tlm Bplscapal ehun:h of the Holy Mount. liaard meets aa 10 a.nt. bclloro the resulor meetina. Presidenl Su&(ln Skinner. Par Information, wrile to Box. •705. Ruidoao NM 88345.


AUXILIARY . Meets In lhe hospital ctmfereoce room 111 9:lb a.m. finl Tue•dnY-


Meett a.f'the U.a»Jn CoWJI)' FaJr BuDd­login O!pltan at 3 p.m. the fint Sunday. Ptealdent Joe Smith. .336-4755.


MeetS in the Lions Hut (In SkiiDnd be­bifid Mountain LGmtdty 1'uctdAy. for •upPer.


NAZARJ;NE Angus Church

otth!> Nazarene AJ Benito Palk N~o Conference Center. Anprs, 12 mlb north of

Ruidoso on Hl&llway 48 Charles HaU. ~

~6-8D32 Sunday ScbooJ-9:45 a.m. Sun~ay won:hip-.10:45 a.m. &. 6;30 p.m; Wed~a)P followsbip·6:30 p.m.

PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian ChUrch·

RuidOSO, Nob Hill 257-2220

Bill Scholes. Interim POSICN' Cbun:b school-9:30a.m. Sunday woishiP-11 Pollack fellowsiJip luucb after wonbip 1bo .lblrd Sunciay.o Wotrum "s BlbJc stud)' nnd brown ba,s funCh Ill, noon tbe second· Tuesday.

Mountain Mlnletry Partsh Comm.Wlh.)' United P~leJ:iM Oturcb

of Aneho. · S110day ~n:bip-9 tL.rU. Sunday Sehool.-lOa.m. • ~na Pres:byterlllli Church W~l~Jtl.v,h). ·~, ·•l·"' ... ·~ '• _ ·, ND&"'-PRI~o,fan Church

Adtih S.-ri:riay Sdto01-lo a.m. WOll'tdp-11 a.m.


Ruidoso Chapter il65 M~• In the~ SUir BuUdlns .fn ll.c l'almer·qatewt~y arina at 7:30p.m. sec- · Qftd Thunday. Visiting· memben: wei· COI'nu.


Meat• tho line M~da.Y of eacb month az 6 p.m. Anyone inte~ .. welcome. Par hllormlllim call 2S84231 or 257-2440.

ROTARY INTERNATIONAL Rul(loso Hondo Valley Club Me~ets at the Bull Rit\3 R~taumnt at, noorJ Tue~dnys. ·


M-. In tho Ruidoso OaR! Qllaftr dbdna · I"Oflln a."t._ 12;15 P.IJI· ·abbd 'Tit.UI"$dciy ·for f,je lWlcfa with 24•hOUr'adVAI1Ce I'OSti!I"VA· lions. 1:15' _p.m. pro&nlnt·fOr pntlel'lil!; and guesu, 'EvelfOile weleome.

-~:::~:::::~~~~·9~.&~ · - Cornerstone Ch

•.' · Quu~OSIOR Squctre, Sl! ' '. -613 Sudderth Drh

H.D.-1-:Iauner. PUle $undJJY •ervicos lOl:l.m. &. 6

·· Wedoesday-7 p.sit. ·

PeaceOhapE Universal Life 0~ LOcoted ot POncbci de PAl

On•.nan Canyon :Road. 112 • .P!m:tlon at H~!JWit)l' 48

OavDq,,ri Clmyon Ro ·. . Jcamsfe''Price,. Pastel

33"6-7015 Monifn& dlapel-6;40 a.m. U.m~~&b. Prkflt.y. Sundq .e1 "D.iltl.· .evel)" week at Petlca: Cba tho tim Sund4y ot the monal .servi9e is:Al10:1Ji ~m. as RA CentOr. Ve~~pe~7:1'S p.m.-3Pl

. Ruldoilo WqJ"d Min, Ruldqso.J)owa.t

Aland Marty lAne, Pa! 3'7&8464 .

ChUd~'s MiniS1ries-9:30 a.u Svnday wol'lhfp·1~' ~.m. Wcdnesd~&Y i11m'ic:e~·? p.m.

. Trlitlty MO!Jnta! Fellowship

1108 Oavllan Cqnyop ~

s.;.a;;. ,;..;OO!i~~. ~Wlshi.Pt Jo~{ii'S.k.m. W-OQ~Pilo-30 ~~otn;.fwon

. -- ,_ ... ' '' '··'


LIBRARY 9 a.m. II) 7 p.m. Monda)' lh1 day; 9 a.m. co 5 p.m. Fddo)'; p.m. S..tUnlny. Coll257-433

RUIDOSO SHRINE Meets at ciou Meadow$ F 6:30 P•n"l• fo1Prlh WcdneH t'omuuioo; call 2.58-3348. : !36-4125~

SERVICE CLUB 0 Mcew al t<:.:.aob•11, noou. d1 dtLy OAclt monlh.


Meets !lt lhc Dd Hou11e at! daya. . 'Por lnfannntion. iUiode.ll, ~7-2135; ot Dick 5610.

SIERRA BLAIII DUPLICATE BRIDCl Meets a1 the. Senior CitJun bind Ute Ruicfojo PptiJjc -kly- ... """'"' .. MOIT!IIIyl- iui.d" 11tbt .. 'tuesdca,:

"(QN>\L )iia..Y

·noon. ·Mon~

"' w ........ ~-· ', . ' - -

irMtJ.Y•-1\t""dayil niiV

w ... ' Dp.m.

Urch lifO c -.. p.m.

~ IU"l'h tmreat nile eD.u of n011h ond .... "

Monday rVIcc-10i15 :pe!. axcept 1 when the •idoeo Cmv I 'lln:•r.sday







......,.,.,.,.._ ; 10 a.m. to 2.

•• ;CLUB lcataunuu a1. lay, For In· 336-4175 or

OUNCIL .e fin' Mon-

lOA >.CLUB !) am. :SDtW"­oaD. Dullty Shaw, 257-

ICA IE CLUB s Ce.Qb!r be­.Libnuy to~ ~.?.p.m. ys.





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