common thanksgiving meal mostakes


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Post on 24-Jul-2016




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Page 1: Common Thanksgiving Meal MoStakes


and how to avoid them

Page 2: Common Thanksgiving Meal MoStakes

Sidestep a Mo and meat tangoLET ’S TALK TURKEY

How to eat a leg with your hands:

1.) Firmly grasp the bone portion of the turkey leg with your dominant hand, place your other hand on the tip of the meaty portion of the leg

2.) Pinch the meaty portion to remove skin and avoid grease-bombing your Mo

3.) Open your mouth and bear your teeth in a growl


5.) Repeat

Slowly bring turkey leg to your mouth using your bottom lip as a landing pad, roll the leg upward into your teeth, curl your upper lip around to make a swift bite and keep your Mo clear of the meat

Page 3: Common Thanksgiving Meal MoStakes

Sidestep a Mo and meat tangoLET ’S TALK TURKEY

How to eat a leg with your hands:

1.) Firmly grasp the bone portion of the turkey leg with your dominant hand, place your other hand on the tip of the meaty portion of the leg

2.) Pinch the meaty portion to remove skin and avoid grease-bombing your Mo

3.) Open your mouth and bear your teeth in a growl


5.) Repeat

Slowly bring turkey leg to your mouth using your bottom lip as a landing pad, roll the leg upward into your teeth, curl your upper lip around to make a swift bite and keep your Mo clear of the meat

Page 4: Common Thanksgiving Meal MoStakes

Tackling the starchy sidesAVOID STACHED ’ POTATOES

How to scoop up sides:

1.) Scoop a bite-sized portion on mashed potatoes onto your fork

2.) Open the “airplane hanger”

3.) “Land the plane” – the golden rule is to come in low and avoid the Mo

WARNING: Gravy volcanoes are tougher on Mos. Take care when committing to a gravy-to-potato ration.

Page 5: Common Thanksgiving Meal MoStakes

Tackling the starchy sidesAVOID STACHED ’ POTATOES

How to scoop up sides:

1.) Scoop a bite-sized portion on mashed potatoes onto your fork

2.) Open the “airplane hanger”

3.) “Land the plane” – the golden rule is to come in low and avoid the Mo

WARNING: Gravy volcanoes are tougher on Mos. Take care when committing to a gravy-to-potato ration.

Page 6: Common Thanksgiving Meal MoStakes

Get through the carbs


How to eat dinner rolls:

1.) Select and butter your roll

2.) Use your forefinger and thumb to pinch off a bite-size piece

3.) Stick piece of bread directly onto tongue, retract tongue, chew and repeat

WARNING: Dipping your roll in gravy will add Mo complications.

Page 7: Common Thanksgiving Meal MoStakes

Get through the carbs


How to eat dinner rolls:

1.) Select and butter your roll

2.) Use your forefinger and thumb to pinch off a bite-size piece

3.) Stick piece of bread directly onto tongue, retract tongue, chew and repeat

WARNING: Dipping your roll in gravy will add Mo complications.

Page 8: Common Thanksgiving Meal MoStakes

Side action is tempting but don’t let your Mo get caught up


Green beans: Cut in half, insert into your mouth, letting them point the way.

Sweet potatoes: Enter with caution. Marshmallows in your Mo ain’t so sweet.

Roasted veggies: Put one fork in front of the other and eat a single veggie slice at a time.

Brussels sprouts: Cut ‘em in half. Don’t be tempted to pop in a whole one.

Pearl onions, broccoli or cauliflower: Stab, don’t scoop. If you can’t put in on a fork prong, you can’t maneuver it past your Mo.

Creamed spinach: Twirl around your fork and treat as cautiously mashed potatoes.

GUIDE TO GENERAL MUSTACHE ET IQUETTEHere are the Most important rules

Cut the strays in you sweeper:Prior to eating make sure your Mo is properly groomed. �is will greatly help avoid the Dine ‘n ‘statche situations outlined in this guide.

Avoid occupancy:When your Mo becomes a food motel, swipe your napkin in a downward motion to dislodge food.

Steer clear of smear:Your tongue has limited reach and will only act to further smear food into facial hair.

Always take a Moment:Each forkful contains a cornucopia of complications. Remember to think about each bite, better to be Mo-prepared than not.

Check Moself:After your meal it is suggested you perform some mouth brow maintenance. Check a reflective surface to assess the damage.

Page 9: Common Thanksgiving Meal MoStakes

Side action is tempting but don’t let your Mo get caught up


Green beans: Cut in half, insert into your mouth, letting them point the way.

Sweet potatoes: Enter with caution. Marshmallows in your Mo ain’t so sweet.

Roasted veggies: Put one fork in front of the other and eat a single veggie slice at a time.

Brussels sprouts: Cut ‘em in half. Don’t be tempted to pop in a whole one.

Pearl onions, broccoli or cauliflower: Stab, don’t scoop. If you can’t put in on a fork prong, you can’t maneuver it past your Mo.

Creamed spinach: Twirl around your fork and treat as cautiously mashed potatoes.

GUIDE TO GENERAL MUSTACHE ET IQUETTEHere are the Most important rules

Cut the strays in you sweeper:Prior to eating make sure your Mo is properly groomed. �is will greatly help avoid the Dine ‘n ‘statche situations outlined in this guide.

Avoid occupancy:When your Mo becomes a food motel, swipe your napkin in a downward motion to dislodge food.

Steer clear of smear:Your tongue has limited reach and will only act to further smear food into facial hair.

Always take a Moment:Each forkful contains a cornucopia of complications. Remember to think about each bite, better to be Mo-prepared than not.

Check Moself:After your meal it is suggested you perform some mouth brow maintenance. Check a reflective surface to assess the damage.

Page 10: Common Thanksgiving Meal MoStakes


1.) Select a slice of your chosen pie and place a fork in it

2.) Place the fork to your lower lip

3.) Drag the fork upward to enter your mouth, repeat

Page 11: Common Thanksgiving Meal MoStakes


1.) Select a slice of your chosen pie and place a fork in it

2.) Place the fork to your lower lip

3.) Drag the fork upward to enter your mouth, repeat

Page 12: Common Thanksgiving Meal MoStakes

�e ‘Mo • ‘Stache • Mouth Brow • Nose Neighbor • Face Furniture• 6 O’clock Stalker • Stubble Stumble •

Starter ‘Stache • Cookie Duster • Soup Strainer • Lip Tickler • Muzzy • Face Fungus • Snot Mop

• Lip Hat • Smoke Filter • Lower Brow • Dirt Squirrel • Grass Grin • Lip Spinach •

Molestache • �e Dirty Hairy • Bristle Batons • Caterpillar • Crumb Catcher • Flavor Savor •

Crustache • Lady Tickler • Manometer • Pushbroom • Upper Lipholstery • Whiskers • Mouser