communication enhancement training seminar

Welcome to Communication Enhancement Training Improve your skills and deliver effective professional workplace communication with ease and confidence.

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Welcome to Communication Enhancement Training Improve your skills and deliver effective professional workplace communication with ease and confidence.

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Let’s Get Started

What are the most common workplace communication problems you deal with?

Share your experience.

Common Problems in

Workplace Communication

CostsCausesProblems for you What’s it costing


What do these cause for you?MiscommunicationLack of esteemConfusionFrustration!

What are the costs?ConflictLost productive timeIncreased management involvement timeDecreased quality of work environmentDecreased customer appreciationEmployee turnover

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This session will help you

Identify communication intent and develop an arsenal of productive replies!

• Deal with people you can’t stand – Learn what they’re really asking for.

• Be a Success at Workplace professionalism! – Learn the tools to engage in success and rewards that accompany effective professional communication skills.

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We will learn:

1. 3 Parts of Communication

2. 4 Communication Styles3. How to identify Communication

Intentions and then Styles4. How to reply according to

Corporate Communication Expectations*Performance Reviews will now be based on demonstration of the CCEs.*Bonuses and raises will be determined by adherence to the CCEs.

Social Responsibil


Seek to Understand

Preserve Dignity

Empower Solutions

Speak with Integrity

Encourage Relationshi




on Expectations

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Corporate Communication Expectations

Social Responsibility – All corporate communications must uphold our highest aim. We are here to improve lives.

Seek to Understand – Before responding, always listen and seek to understand where the other is coming from.

Preserve Dignity – In all situations, preserve the dignity of the person you are speaking to.

Empower Solutions – Approach any company communication from the standpoint of “How can I help?” Be part of the solution.

Speak with Integrity – All communications will be professional and respectful of the receiver’s time and position.

Encourage Relationships – Relationship and reputation management are the key to company success. Guard both well!

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The Three Parts of Communication

The Sender The Message Itself The Receiver

Multiple communication breakdown possibilities exist at each of the three points. Let’s identify these.

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Based on Intent• As intent changes, so does behavior.

Based on Two Axes• Task or People focused?• Passive or Aggressive approach?

The Lens of Understanding• Task focus, aggressive: Get it Done• Task focus, passive: Get it Right• People focus, passive: Get Along• People focus, aggressive: Get


The Four Styles of Communication

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The Intentions behind Communication

Communication within the “Cooperation Zone” is pretty normal,Sometimes getting into the “Gray Zone” when intensely focused.

• Task focus, aggressive: Get it Done Controlling

• Task focus, passive: Get it Right Perfectionist

• People focus, passive: Get Along Approval Seeking

• People focus, aggressive: Get Appreciated Attention Getting

But… When intent is threatened, people can move into …The Danger Zone.

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DANGER ZONES! • When intent is threatened, people can move

outside the Gray Zone and into Danger Zones,becoming difficult people to deal with.

• This can happen to any of us under stress.Preserve Dignity and Empower Solutions.

• Seek to Understand and Speak with Integrity

to bring out the best in a stressful situation.


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Get it Done

• When you need to get something done, finished, and behind you.

• Focus is on the task at hand, people are peripheral. • Tends to speed up rather than slow down, act rather than think,

assert rather than withdraw. Words are short and to the point.• When urgent, may become careless and aggressive, doing or

speaking before thinking.

Brinkman & Kirschner, DWPYCS 2012, pg. 18.

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Get it Right

• When it’s more important to avoid making mistakes – to be certain every detail is accurate and in place.

• Focus is on doing everything possible to complete the task without mistakes. Backs up statements with supporting facts.

• Tends to slow down and withdraw, becoming very absorbed in the task and unwilling to take risks.

• May refuse to take action at all out of a particular doubt about consequences.

Brinkman & Kirschner, DWPYCS 2012, pg. 19.

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Get Along

• This is necessary if you want to create and develop relationships.

• May be less assertive and put others’ needs above own. Tends to hedge words with care about others’ feelings.

• Personal desires are less important than the intent to get along.• When focused on getting along, people may agree with or make

commitments to others even when they don’t actually agree.

Brinkman & Kirschner, DWPYCS 2012, pg. 19.

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Get Appreciated

• Requires a higher level of assertiveness and a people focus, in order to be seen, heard, and recognized.

• Tends to be an elaborate speaker, attention seeking, talks about self.

• Motivated by a common human force, the desire to contribute to others and be appreciated.

• “Studies show that people who love their job, as well as husbands and wives who are happily married, feel appreciated for what they do and who they are.”

Brinkman & Kirschner, DWPYCS 2012, pg. 19-20.

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Listen for IntentYou can hear where people are coming from…

• Get it Done – “I don’t care what it looks like, I needed this done yesterday.” “What’s the matter, can’t you just get this done?” “Just do it, what’s next?”

• Get it Right – “I can’t afford another mistake like that. I’ve got to focus until I get this done right.” “I don’t have time for that right now! I’ve got to check these figures over again!”

• Get Along – “I don’t care, where do you want to eat?” “Sure, I can do that for you.” “Of course I can help today, I’ll be there at 1:00”

• Get Appreciated – “I know the best place to take you, it’s fantastic. You’ll love it.” “People thank me for this all the time, it’ll be great!” “That reminds me of a great story…”

…and speak with integrity to address their intent, successfully bringing out the best in stressed people!

No one cooperates with anyone who seems against them.

BLEND toward their intent to show Shared Priorities.REDIRECT toward the “Cooperation Zone”

• Get it Done – Reassure the effort to get the task done. “Yes, Jack, we need to get this done, but standing there yelling won’t fix it. Let’s do this…” Be assertive.

• Get it Right – Reassure the efforts to get the task done right, then redirect toward getting the job done, or getting along with others. State the facts behind your request.

• Get Along – Reassure the relationship, then redirect toward committing to a task. Stress the importance of getting the task done, and state losses if not done.

• Get Appreciated – Affirm and recognize the individual. Affirm their impressive contributions. Then redirect toward getting the task done or getting along.

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Identifying Intent◦When he says… he means◦ I think we should do it, and I’ll tell you why. My

granddaddy used to tell me, “Son, if you snooze, you lose.” That reminds me of a joke…”

◦ Uh… given the figures from the past two years, and taking into account inflation, fractionation of markets, foreign competition, I think it would be to our best advantage to explore the problem fully before making a decision.

◦ I feel, and tell me if you disagree because I value your opinions… if everybody agrees, then maybe we should really do it? Is that what everyone wants to do?

◦ The answer is clear, we just need to move ahead with this. What’s the next item on the agenda?

◦When she says… she needs◦ ______________________________

◦ ______________________________

◦ ______________________________

◦ ______________________________

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Where are you on the Grid?◦Can you identify yourself on the Axes?◦Which phrases would you say? Which sound most calming to you?

Most appealing?◦Which phrases would not work for you? ◦Are you more often in one or another quadrant in particular?

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Appropriate Workplace Communication Examples

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Phrase-Match Game◦When she says… she needs◦ Forget it, we tried that. It didn’t work.◦ Listen up, because I don’t intend to repeat

myself. Stop wasting time and get back to work!

◦ You think that’s good? You should have seen this one time, when this one guy did this one thing (way better than your story)!

◦ I didn’t select anyone because I didn’t want to offend anyone. I’m not sure when I’ll make a decision, I just can’t leave somebody out!

◦ No, I don’t want any dinner. I don’t have time for this right now, just pick one! I’m going to have to guess at some of these figures…

◦ You don’t love me. If you really loved me, you would have noticed all the things I do for you!

◦When he says… he means◦ Oh, nothing is right, everything is wrong… why

didn’t they just take more time before making this decision? (proceeds to whine…)

◦ Hey, how was your weekend? How is the family? I bet your mom is having a great time in…

◦ I don’t know why I even bother! No one appreciates just how hard it is for me.

◦ Sure, I guess I could do that by 1:00… (mumbles, I’ll just have to rearrange my doctor appointment for another day…).

◦ I don’t know why we need to go over this again. I said let’s do it, so let’s just do it!

◦ You got a question about that, or anything else, you just ask. I know exactly what we need. Of course, for me, knowing is a piece of cake!

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Now you Play!

Using what we’ve learned about communication, volunteers will role play examples of ineffective workplace communication.

As a group, discuss, decide, and demonstrate the correct, appropriate communication methods for the intent of the message.

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There are 3 parts of communication to consider.

There are 4 styles of communication intentions.


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Successful Communication:

Listen first and consider

intent behind the message before you respond.

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Corporate Communication ExpectationsYou are responsible to know the six CCEs at your next performance review:

Social Responsibility All corporate communications must uphold our highest aim. We are here to improve lives.

Seek to Understand Before responding, always listen and seek to understand where the other is coming from.

Preserve Dignity In all situations, preserve the dignity of the person you are speaking to.

Empower Solutions Approach any company communication from the standpoint of “How can I help?” Be part of the solution.

Speak with Integrity All communications will be professional and respectful of the receiver’s time and position.

Encourage Relationships Relationship and reputation management are the key to company success. Guard both well!

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Your Turn!

How does this affect


When is the best time to use this skill?

Where can I find more

information about



Can I talk with you

when I have questions?

Who benefits most when

today’s skills are

implemented in the


What types of QUESTIONS

do you have for me?

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Learn to: Complete a 5Q communication diagram Select the correct communication recipient

using the inter-office communication matrix

Describe the importance of confidentiality in business communications

Prepare basic examples of professional communication

Today was a great experience. Looking forward to working with you next time!