communication response model

3 Communication Response Models

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3Communication Response Models

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© 2005 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited

Chapter Objectives

• To understand the basic elements of the communication process and the role of communication in marketing.

• To examine various communication response models.

• To analyze the response processes of receivers of marketing communications, including alternative response hierarchies and their implications for promotional planning and strategy.

• To examine the nature of consumers’ cognitive processing of marketing communications.

• To summarize an integrative communication response model from a theoretical and managerial perspective.

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The Communications Process

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• Sender or source of communication is the person or organization that has information to share.

• A source can be:– An individual – A nonpersonal entity

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• Contains the information or meaning the source hopes to convey. – Verbal or nonverbal– Written, oral, or symbolic

• Developed as a result of the encoding process.– Encoding involves putting thoughts,

ideas, or information into symbolic form.

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There are many forms of encoding


• Pictures

• Drawings

• Charts

• Pictures

• Drawings

• Charts


• Spoken Word

• Written Word

• Song Lyrics

• Spoken Word

• Written Word

• Song Lyrics


• Arrange-ment

• Instrum-entation

• Voices

• Arrange-ment

• Instrum-entation

• Voices


• Action/Motion

• Pace/ Speed

• Shape/Form

• Action/Motion

• Pace/ Speed

• Shape/Form

VerbalVerbal GraphicGraphic MusicalMusical


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• The study of the nature of meaning, asking how our reality – words, gestures, myths, signs, symbols, products/services, theories – acquire meaning.

• Advertising and marketing researchers are interested in semiotics to better understand the symbolic meaning which might be conveyed in a communication.

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The Semiotic Perspective

ObjectBrand such as


ObjectBrand such as


Sign or symbolrepresenting

intendedmeaning (Cowboy)

Sign or symbolrepresenting

intendedmeaning (Cowboy)

Interpretant/intended meaning (masculine,rugged


Interpretant/intended meaning (masculine,rugged


ObjectBrand such as


ObjectBrand such as


Sign or symbolrepresenting

intendedmeaning (Cowboy)

Sign or symbolrepresenting

intendedmeaning (Cowboy)

Three Components to every marketing message

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What is the symbolic meaning of the Snuggle bear?

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Images encoded in pictures powerfully convey emotions

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• The method by which the communication travels from the source or sender to the receiver.

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Channels of Communication

Personal ChannelsPersonal ChannelsPersonal ChannelsPersonal Channels

Nonpersonal Channels

Nonpersonal Channels

Personal Selling

Word of Mouth

Print Media

Broadcast Media

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• The person or people with whom the sender shares thoughts or information.

• Generally consumers in the target market or audience.

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Levels of Audience Aggregation

Figure 3-2

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Marketing to Different Audience Groups

Mass Markets Mass Communication

Market Segments Variety of relevant media

Niche Markets Personal selling or highly targeted media

Small Groups One message and


Individuals Personal


Niche Markets Personal selling or highly targeted media

Market Segments Variety of relevant media

Mass Markets Mass Communication

Small Groups One message and


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• Transforming the sender’s message back into thought.

• Heavily influenced by receiver’s frame of reference or field of experience.

• Effective communication more likely when parties share some common ground.

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• Unplanned distortion or interference.• Examples include:

– Errors or problems during message’s encoding

– Distortion in radio or television signal– Distractions at the point of reception

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Response vs. Feedback

Response• Receiver’s set of reactions after seeing,

hearing, or reading the message.• Feedback is the part of the response

communicated back to the sender.– Closes the loop in the communications

flow and lets sender monitor how encoded message is being decoded and received.

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Models of the Response Process

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1. AIDA Model

• Developed to represent the stages through which a salesperson must take a customer in the personal selling process.

• Buyer is depicted as passing through Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action stages.– Action stage involves closing the sale,

which is the most difficult stage, but most important to the marketer.

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2. Hierarchy of Effects Model

• Paradigm for setting and measuring advertising objectives.

• Shows the process by which advertising works, and that advertising’s effects occur over a period of time.

• Consumer passes through a series of steps in sequential order, from initial awareness of product or service to actual purchase.

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3. Innovation Adoption Model

• Represents the stages a consumer passes through in adopting a new product or service.

• Potential adopters must be moved through a series of steps before deciding to adopt a new product.

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4. Information Processing Model

• Assumes that the receiver in a persuasive communication situation is an information processor or problem solver.

• Steps of being persuaded constitute a response hierarchy.

• Steps are similar to the Hierarchy of Effects sequence.

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Traditional Hierarchy Models are useful because:

• They outline the series of steps potential purchasers must take to move from unawareness of a product or service to readiness to purchase.

• Potential buyers can be identified as present at different stages in the hierarchy.

• Advertiser can identify different communication problems based on each stage of the hierarchy.

• They can be used as intermediate measures of communication effectiveness to guide future communication decisions.

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Alternative Response Hierarchies

High Low















Learning Model Low Involvement Model

Dissonance/Attribution Model






Topical Involvement

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Computers are high-involvement, highly differentiated products.

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Clever ads encourage low involvement learning

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Alternative Response Hierarchies

Figure 3-5

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Implications of Alternative Response Models

IMC programIMC program

Likely response sequence

Likely response sequence


• Communication situation for their product or service

• Involvement levels and product/service differentiation

• Consumers’ use of information sources and levels of experience with product or service


• Communication situation for their product or service

• Involvement levels and product/service differentiation

• Consumers’ use of information sources and levels of experience with product or service

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The Cognitive Response Approach

Figure 3-7

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Cognitive Response Categories

Counter ArgumentsCounter Arguments Support ArgumentsSupport Arguments

Source DerogationSource Derogation Source BolsteringSource Bolstering

Thoughts Aboutthe Ad Itself

Thoughts Aboutthe Ad Itself

Thoughts Aboutthe Ad Itself

Thoughts Aboutthe Ad Itself

Source BolsteringSource BolsteringSource DerogationSource Derogation

Support ArgumentsSupport ArgumentsCounter ArgumentsCounter Arguments

Affect AttitudeToward the AdAffect AttitudeToward the Ad

Product/Message ThoughtsProduct/Message Thoughts

Source-Oriented ThoughtsSource-Oriented Thoughts

Ad–Execution ThoughtsAd–Execution Thoughts

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Product/Message Thoughts

Counter ArgumentsCounter Arguments Support ArgumentsSupport ArgumentsSupport ArgumentsSupport ArgumentsCounter ArgumentsCounter Arguments

Product/Message ThoughtsProduct/Message Thoughts

• Recipient thoughts opposing message of ad.

• Recipient thoughts opposing message of ad.

• Recipient thoughts affirming message of ad.

• Recipient thoughts affirming message of ad.

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Source-Oriented Thoughts

Source DerogationSource Derogation Source BolsteringSource BolsteringSource BolsteringSource BolsteringSource DerogationSource Derogation

Source-Oriented ThoughtsSource-Oriented Thoughts

• Negative thoughts about spokesperson or organization making the claims.

• Negative thoughts about spokesperson or organization making the claims.

• Positive reactions to spokesperson or organization making the claims.

• Positive reactions to spokesperson or organization making the claims.

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Ad-Execution Thoughts

Ad-Execution ThoughtsAd-Execution Thoughts

• ?• ? • ?• ?

Thoughts Aboutthe Ad Itself

Thoughts Aboutthe Ad Itself

Thoughts Aboutthe Ad Itself

Thoughts Aboutthe Ad Itself

Affect AttitudeToward the AdAffect AttitudeToward the AdAffect Attitude Toward the AdAffect Attitude Toward the Ad

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Elaboration Likelihood Model

Focuses on the way consumers respond to persuasive messages based on the amount and nature of elaboration or processing of information

Focuses on the way consumers respond to persuasive messages based on the amount and nature of elaboration or processing of information

Peripheral route to persuasion • Low ability and

motivation to process a message

• Receiver focuses more on peripheral cues rather than message content

Peripheral route to persuasion • Low ability and

motivation to process a message

• Receiver focuses more on peripheral cues rather than message content

Central route to persuasion • High ability and

motivation to process a message

• Close attention is paid to message content

Central route to persuasion • High ability and

motivation to process a message

• Close attention is paid to message content

Routes to attitude change

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Celebrity endorsers can be peripheral cues

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Implications of the ELM

• Level of involvement of consumers in target audience:– HIGH an ad or sales presentation

should contain strong arguments that are difficult for the recipient to refute or counterargue.

– LOW peripheral cues may be more important than detailed message arguments.

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Theoretical Approach to Understanding How Consumers Respond to Advertising

A framework for studying how advertising works.

Advertising InputMessage content, media

scheduling, repetition

Advertising InputMessage content, media

scheduling, repetition

FiltersMotivation, ability,


FiltersMotivation, ability,


ConsumerCognition, Affect,


ConsumerCognition, Affect,


Consumer BehaviourChoice, consumption,

loyalty, habit, etc.

Consumer BehaviourChoice, consumption,

loyalty, habit, etc.

Advertising InputMessage content, media

scheduling, repetition

Advertising InputMessage content, media

scheduling, repetition

FiltersMotivation, ability,


FiltersMotivation, ability,


ConsumerCognition, Affect,


ConsumerCognition, Affect,


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Managerial Approach to Understanding How Consumers Respond to Advertising

Processing and Communication EffectsFigure 3-10