comp science notes2


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Introduction A Computer is an electronic device that processes raw data to meaningful information.

The most common type of computer is the Microcomputer also referred to as a Personal computer (PC). The figures below shows different types of PCs.

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UoN Types of PCs

Desktop PCNotebook PC

Pocket PC

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UoN Elements of a computer system:

A computer system consists of three main elements. Hardware Software Liveware

HARDWARE Physical parts such as the system unit and peripheral devices. Peripheral devices connect to the system unit. They include:

•Input devices - Keyboard, mouse, joystick, scanner, digital cameras etc.

•Output devices – Monitors, Speakers, LCD projectors, printers etc.

•Storage device – Floppy disk, flash disks, memory cards, hard disks, CDs, DVDs etc.

•Central processing unit (CPU) – This is the brain of the computer located inside the system unit. Examples of CPUs are Intel Pentium, Intel Celeron (Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and Cyrix Processors.

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UoN Elements of a computer system cont….


Software also referred to as programs is a set of instructions that directs a computer what to do. Software adds live to the hardware components.

The two main types of computer software are:•System software•Application software

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UoN Elements of a computer system cont….

System softwareDoes fundamental tasks such as computer boot up and maintenance. Examples are operating system ( Windows, Linux, Macintosh), Networking software and Antivirus programs.

Application softwareThey are used to perform specific user tasks such as typing, calculations, publishing, drawing, presentation etc. Examples are word processors, spreadsheets, Databases, Presentation, Accounting software etc.

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UoN Introduction to Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Windows is the most common type of operating system. Other operating systems include Linux, Macintosh, Unix, Novell etc

There are various versions of Windows. They include Ms Windows 98, 2000 (2k), Millennium (Me), XP, 2003 and currently Vista.Basically all these Versions have common features and with knowledge in one, you can easily learn and use any other version.

Starting WindowsOnce you switch on the computer, it undergoes a process referred to as boot up. This involves checking on whether all the basic input/output devices are working properly and then loads the operating system.

Windows DesktopOnce Windows in successfully loaded, a login dialog box may be displayed. You enter your user name (ID) and password in order to access the desktop tools.

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UoN Windows desktop features

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UoN Desktop features cont….

The main features of the desktop are:• Icons – Graphical objects that represents commands and


• Taskbar – The strip mainly located at the bottom and consists of:– Start button,– Task manager where running tasks buttons are placed – System tray where applications running in the background

are placed.

• Background – This is the empty screen where the icons and running applications spread.

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UoN How Windows organizes information

Windows organizes information into:1. Drives2. Folders/Directories3. Files

DrivesStorage devices are treated as drives and given labels from A to Z as follows:

Drive A & B – Floppy disks Drive C – Hard disk Drives D, E, F – Extra hard disks and/or CD/ DVD

drives. Drives …. To Z – More physical and logical drives.

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UoN My computer window

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UoN How Windows organizes information cont….

FoldersA folder also referred to as a directory in some operating systems is a named storage location used to organize files for easy access . Folders are mostly in yellow and resembles a typical manual folder . A folder inside a folder is called a sub-folder. The figure below shows folders of drive C:

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UoN How Windows organizes information cont..

FilesA computer file is a collection of data or information stored for future use. Files aremainly created using application programs. A file has a unique name and an extension. For example Report.doc - Word document file Budget.xls – Excel spreadsheet file Students.mdb – An Access database file ICT Workshop.ppt – A PowerPoint presentation fill

Therefore it is possible to know the type of file by looking at the extension and its icon.

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UoN Managing folders and files

To manage folders and files, you need to display the Windows explorer using My Computer or Start menu.

Using My Computer

3.Right click My Computer

4.Click Explore

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UoN Managing folders and files

Using the Start menu2. Click Start, Point to Programs then Accessories3. Click Windows Explorer

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UoN Creating folders

In the Explorer Window:2. Open the drive where the folder is to be created3. Click File menu, Point to New 4. Click Folder5. Replace the Temporary New Folder name with your

choice6. Press Enter.

NB: To create a sub-folder, first open the folder where the subfolder is to be created and proceed with steps 2 to 5.

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Creating folders

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UoN Creating files

You create files from Programs menu but you can first create files from the Windows Explorer.In the Explorer Window:

• Open the drive where the file is to be created• Click File menu, Point to New • Choose a file type from List of files types below the seperation line.• Replace the Temporary file name with your choice• Press Enter.• Double click the New file Icon to Lauch the application.• Add information to the file then from File menu, click Save.• From File menu of the application window, click Close then Exit.

NB: To create a file from Start menu: Click Start, point to Programs then select the Application Program from the sidekick menu.

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UoN Renaming files and folders

In the Explorer Window:

2. Open the drive where the folder is located

3. Right click the file or folder to be renamed

4. From the Shortcut menu, click Rename

5. Replace the current folder name with a different name

6. Press Enter.

NB: To Rename folder using File menu, Click File then Rename. Proceed with steps 4 & 5.

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UoN Deleting files and folders

In the Explorer Window:2. Open the drive where the folder is located3. Right click the file or folder to be deleted4. From the Shortcut menu, click Delete5. A Message is displayed asking you to confirm the

deletion6. Click Yes.7. Files & folders deleted from the hard disk are sent to the

Recycle BinNB: Files and folders deleted from removable drives ie diskettes, flash disks are not held in the recycle bin but are completely lost.

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UoN Copying and moving files & folders

To copy is to create a duplicate while to move is to transfer a file or folder to a new location.

To copy a file or folder:• Right click the file or folder• From the Shortcut menu, click Copy• Open the Drive or folder where you want to place a copy• Right click an empty space, then click Paste.

To move a file or folder:• Right click the file or folder• From the Shortcut menu, click Cut• Open the Drive or folder where you want to move the file/folder• Right click an empty space, then click Paste.

NB: You can use Edit menu to Copy and Move files and folders..

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UoN Practical ExerciseCreate the following folders on drive A:2. Tutors3. Students 4. Support Staff

In the Students folder, create the following subfolders:1. Exams2. Fees3. Accommodation

Create a word processor file named Exams Reports.doc in the Exams subfolder

Copy Exams Reports.doc to Students folder

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UoN Searching for files and folders

In case you are not sure where you created or the name you gave a file or folder, use the search menu.

1. Click Start, poit to Search then click For Files or Folders

2. In the Search window/dialog box, specify the search criteria.

3. Click the search button. See the figure below.

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UoN Searching for files and folders

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UoN Managing storage media

Managing storage media involves formatting disks, scanning for errors and virus and creating backups.

Formatting disks

Before you use a new disk, you must first format it. Formatting checks for back areas on the disk and erases any existing data.

To format a disk:

•Double click My Computer icon

•Right click the drive to format•From the Shortcut menu, click Format…•In the Format dialog box, specify the capacity and volume label •Click start

Warning!!!!!: Never TRY to format Drive C or any other drive holding system files

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UoN Formatting a disk

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UoN Scanning for problems


A disk may develop some problems such as physical damage. You need to check for problems before you use it.

To scan a disk:• In My Computer, right click the drive

• From the Shortcut menu, click properties• In the Properties dialog box, click Tools tab• Click Check Now button the check options • Click start

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UoN Scanning a disk

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UoN Scanning for viruses

A virus is a malicious program that causes a computer to malfunction. The three types of malicious programs are the viruses, Trojans and worms. A computer must be installed with the latest antivirus program such as Norton, McAfee, AVG etc.

To scan for viruses:• In My Computer, right click the drive• From the Shortcut menu, click Scan With……• The Scan process is initialized• Heal, delete or quarantine the infected files.

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UoN Scanning for viruses

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UoN Backing up files

Data and should be backed up information stored on the hard disk regularly.

To backup a disk:•In My Computer, right click the hard drive•From the Shortcut menu, click properties•In the Properties dialog box, click Tools tab•Click Backup Now. •The backup wizard guides you through the process.

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UoN Backup wizard

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UoN Practical Exercise

Perform the following operations:2. Format your USB/Flash disk3. Scan for viruses on the disk4. Backup some selected files from drive C into a

USB/Flash disk.