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1 Company & Product Overview Asia Pacific • Canada • Europe • Mexico • Middle East • South America • United States Expansion Joint Systems, Inc.

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1C o m p a n y & P r o d u c t O v e r v i e wAsia Pacif ic • Canada • Europe • Mexico • Middle East • South America • United States

Expansion Joint Systems, Inc.

COVER 2/4/05 2:02 PM Page 1

Expansion JointSystems

Our name says it all. Expansion Joint Systems

(EJS) designs, markets, and manufactures

expansion joints and piping solutions. EJS pro-

duces every style of metal and fabric joint. We

are the expansion joint professionals.

For two decades the name Expansion Joint

Systems has meant quality, state of the art tech-

nology and worldwide service. Today, we contin-

ue to offer consistent customer value, building on

the foundation that has made us one of the

industry leaders. The EJS team is dedicated to

providing our customers with high quality prod-

ucts at competitive prices.

EJS is a member of EJMA (Expansion Joint

Manufacturers Association) with representatives

serving on both the technical & management

committees. We hold a current ASME Boiler and

Pressure Vessel Section VIII, Division 1 certificate.

EJS is also an UOP approved manufacturer.


Our commitment to quality starts at the quo-

tation stage. Utilizing state of the art computers

and software, including Finite Element Analysis

& Parametric Technology, we can help you speci-

fy and layout the correct joint for any given

application. All expansion joints are computer

designed using software developed by EJS engi-

neers over the past 20 years. We analyze effects

on pipe, restraint loading, and develop the most

cost effective and thoroughly tested designs in

the industry. The EJS team is always testing new

methods, analyzing cause and effect, and devel-

oping new bellows technology.

The EJS Commitment doesn’t stop with the

design and manufacturing of the unit. We are

available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week for any

emergencies. Many joints can be replaced or

repaired in as little as 24 to 48 hours. Call EJS at

anytime to get your plant up and running again,


MarketsExpansion Joint Systems continues to build

alliances with our customers in the power, oil and

petrochemical, pulp and paper, industrial & heavy

equipment suppliers, and a variety of OEM mar-

kets. With installations found in hundreds of

plants worldwide, EJS has truly become a world

leader in the industry.

Today we supply most types of metal and fab-

ric expansion joints, but we have become special-

ists in highly engineered units such as:

FCCU (Fluid Catalytic Cracker Units): Lined,

Unlined, hot wall, cold wall, self equalizing

and multi-ply monitored bellows.

CCR (Continuous Catalytic Reforming);

These units require detailed analysis due to

the light wall, high alloy shell design.

GTX (Gas Turbine Exhaust); High tempera-

ture fabric expansion joints, including Hot to

Cold, Cold to Cold and Hot to Hot designs.

Styrene: These expansion joints incorpo-

rate solution annealed 800H bellows to

accommodate extremely high tempera-

tures without refractory lining.

LNG: Cryogenic designed expansion joints

with vacuum jacketed piping.


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Expansion JointSystems

Our design and engineering team uses the

most innovative technology and design software

available today. All EJS production drawings are

produced using Parametric Technology that pro-

vides a 3-dimensional model of the

expansion joint. We can translate our

drawings into the most commonly

used formats, and transmit all the

information electronically to our cus-


EJS also uses Finite Element

Analysis (F.E.A.) as a standard part of

our design process. We have the abil-

ity to provide our customers with

F.E.A. of all hardware attachments

and shell stress levels. Imposed shell

stress is an area where precise analysis

is often overlooked, but is a common area of fail-

ure on larger diameter units.

As part of our standard design process we run

F.E.A. shell analysis and provide our customers

with full color imagery of the stress levels

imposed by the joint’s hardware. Piping analysis

is also available and is dis-

cussed on page 7.

As a technologically pro-

gressive company, EJS‘s main

production plant utilizes state of

the art welding technology with all

personnel qualified to ASME stan-

dards. The bay shown in this photo

has the ability to lift 20-

ton units and has a hook

clearance of 30 feet. EJS is quali-

fied to produce ASME section VIII,

Division 1 expansion joints and

vessels. And because we take pride in providing

quality products, we incorporate in process and

final inspection on every part with various NDT

procedures utilized as standard practice. Hydro

testing, vacuum testing and x-ray are commonly

used methods at EJS. This type of attention to

detail pays great dividends assuring our cus-

tomer of a well-designed, completely functional

expansion joint, with no surprises in service.

EJS also supports projects worldwide through

our EJS global offices and manufacturing facili-

ties. In addition to our main manufacturing facil-

ity in the United States, we also have manufac-

turing capability in Canada, Malaysia, Romania

and Venezuela. More details about our EJS glob-

al can be found on page 9.

Customer SeminarsThe EJS team has produced various presenta-

tions and lunch & learn seminars on applications,

in-depth engineering and special product discus-

sions. We would be pleased to visit your facility

to present an educational training seminar for

your engineers, planners and purchasing person-

nel. Our company also offers customized soft-

ware that you can use to help develop your

designs and piping layouts.

3D model of a 26-3/8" (67cm)

diameter universal round to rec-

tangular expansion joint with 2 ply

testable indicators for a major


Expansion joint after final



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Whether you need hundreds of 6” (15cm)

diameter penetration seals for your boilers or a

104” (2.5m) flue gas expansion joint for your

refinery, EJS can supply simple to the most com-

plex expansion joints. We manufacture both

metal and fabric expansion joints from 2" (5cm)

nominal diameter to 240” (7m), process temper-

atures from -3250F (-198C) to 2,5000F (1371C)

and pressures from full vacuum to 2000 psig.

(140 kg/cm2) bellows of single-ply, multi-ply,

root ring, equalizer ring and toroid designs are


EJS has many sole source agreements for our

standard expansion joints, but our expertise is in

the highly engineered expansion joints that are

typically exposed to extreme conditions such as

high temperature, high pressure and large move-

ments. These types of expansion joints are gen-

erally found in petrochemical and oil refineries,

styrene processing plants, C.C.R. and gas turbine

exhaust applications. EJS works directly with

engineers and constructors, consultants as well

as the end user to design the best expansion

joints for their system.

Materials of construction include, but are not

limited to such exotic materials as Rene,

Hastalloy and all of the often used Inco Alloys.

The more common materials, 300 series

Stainless Steel and Iconel 625 are stocked by

Expansion Joint Systems for emergency deliver-


Fluid CatalyticCracking Unit

Expansion JointsExpansion joints used in FCCU service are some

of the most critical and complex types of expan-

sion joints manufactured. For this reason, the

choice of manufacturer should be carefully con-


EJS has 20 years of experience designing and

manufacturing FCCU expansion joints. These

expansion joints are exposed to high tempera-

tures (over 1400F/760C), high pressures, large

movement conditions, aggressive media. Great

attention and expertise is required in designing

the bellows and hardware to ensure that the

units perform well in service. Failure of FCCU

expansion joints during operation can be

extremely hazardous to personnel and very

expensive to the end user.

Since there are no standard “off the shelf”

FCCU joints, all units are designed specifically for

each application. Today’s predominant specifica-

tion for FCCU joints is the UOP specification. EJS

is an approved UOP manufacturer and has many

years experience building FCCU expansion joints

in accordance with the UOP specifcation.

Specifications created by other refineries and

engineering companies are also supported by EJS.

There are various types of expansion joints

used in FCCU applications: Tied Universals, Hinge,

Gimbal, and Pressure Balanced. All of these fall

into 3 major categories: Cold Wall, Hot Wall, and

Unlined FCCU joints. The bellows membrane

design for all three categories are similar,

although the bellow membrane can be single ply,

multi-ply, redundant ply and reinforced. Other

accessories and hardware such as monitors, pres-

sure retaining covers, control rods, sampling

pipes, pantographic linkages, hinges, floating

hardware and refractory are commonly installed

on FCCU, CCR, and other types of expansion

joints for extreme applications. EJS also provides

repair, refurbishment, and replacement of exist-

ing FCCU expansion joints including online

clamshell installations with standard and emer-

gency deliveries.

Expansion joints for styrene applications must

also be designed and manufactured to endure


Hex mesh inside a hot

wall FCCU expansion joint

Refractory lined cold wall

FCCU expansion joint with


*NEW DESIGNS HOR. 2/4/05 2:08 PM Page 4

extreme temperatures. Recently EJS supported

one of the largest Polystyrene producers in the

world by supplying 24 expansion joint assemblies

and piping networks with floating hardware.

These units were designed to endure tempera-

tures over 1600F (871C) and pressures up to 75

PSIG (5kg/cm2) without refractory lining.

ASME HeatExchanger Expansion


EJS has been designing expansion joints for

heat exchanger applications, specifically shell and

tube or floating head, for many years.

Considered an expert in this application, EJS

manufactures all code joints in accordance with

ASME Section VIII, Div 1. and all our welders are

ASME qualified. Appendix 26 requires a special

code analysis that is provided with these high-

pressure expansion joints and a third-party

source inspection ensures the expansion joint is

manufactured per code. When complete, all parts

receive either a "U" or an "R" stamp depending on

new construction or repair and a U-2A partial

data report.

The convolutions on the bellows may be U

shaped or toroidial depending on the design con-

ditions. Design pressures range from full vacuum

to 2500 psig (175 kg/cm.sq.) with temperatures

from -3250F (-198C) to 16500F (899C). As a

minimum, all code joints require 100 percent dye

penetrant examination of the bellows longitudi-

nal seams and attachment welds along with a


All code joints are manufactured from a variety

of SA and SB materials stocked at EJS. These

materials require mill test reports and tracking

so each part can be stamped with a unique seri-

al number. This serial number contains a com-

plete history of the expansion joints' materials

and construction. For more information about

toroid expansion joints visit and

search on "toroid".

EJS is a company dedicated to providing qual-

ity products and services backed with a complete

guarantee. With one of the most comprehensive

quality assurance programs in the industry, our

products are inspected and evaluated extensively

through each stage of production.

EJS is capable of performing all types of non-

destructive testing such as radiography, ultra-

sound, mass spectrometer, magnetic particle,

hydrostatic and liquid penetrate inspection. We

can also include cycle testing, spring rate testing,

hardness testing, impact testing, pneumatic test-

ing, helium leak detection and positive material

identification (PMI) as part of our program. All

inspectors are certified to ASNT-TC-1A with mul-

tiple Level II and III inspectors in house.

The design, quality assurance, and manufactur-

ing practices at EJS are in compliance with the

following codes and standards: EJMA, ASME

Section VIII and IX, ANSI B31.1, B31.3 and other

major industry standards such as UOP and ISO

9002 (in process).


Installed refractory lined FCCU

expansion joint in a flue gas line at

a major Texas refinery.

18 ft. (5.4m) long cross

over tied expansion joint

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High TemperatureFabrics

Expansion Joint Systems is also an established

manufacturer of fabric expansion joints. As a

leader in high temperature fabric expansion

joints, EJS remains closely tied to

some of the world’s top manu-

facturers of fabric expansion

joints including

ISO 9001 certi-

fied manufactur-

ers. These rela-

tionships enable

Expansion Joint

Systems to bring

quality, innovative

fabric technology to our customers worldwide.

The introduction of fabric expansion joints has

changed the way engineers solve thermal

growth problems in gas transfer applications.

Fabric expansion joints will normally accommo-

date large movements over relatively short

installation lengths.

Their use in large dusting systems in place of

metallic units reduces cost and weight, as well as

enables fast, simple replace-

ments. EJS designs fabric

joints to meet your serv-

ice requirements and

we offer a range of

multi-layer fabrics

for low to high

t e m p e r a t u r e


Gas Turbine ExhaustAfter many years of research, development

and testing. EJS has created one of the best GTX

expansion joints on the market today. Our fabric

GTX expansion joints offer good performance

and longevity. They are available in your choice of

frame design and fabric material depending on

the severity of the service.

The choice of fabric depends upon flow condi-

tions; a standard membrane (GTX-A) heavy-duty

membrane (GTX-B) and severe service mem-

brane (GTX-C).

Additionally, we have developed a series of

frame designs that can accommodate every

application in the gas turbine field.

Basic Frame Types

Hot to Hot - when both of the mating flanges

have to operate at the exhaust gas temperature.

Hot to Cold - when one of the flanges operate

at the exhaust gas temperature and the cold end

can have interfaced or standalone type liners.

Cold to Cold - when both flanges are attached

to internally insulated ducting.

All standard designs can be modified to suit

any application; however, EJS will not compro-

mise our basic design philosophy to accommo-

date a requirement that may reduce the life or

safety of a unit.

Contact EJS for more information about GTX

product lines.

EJS also manufactures standard fabric expan-

sion joints including low temp FLEX 250 and fab-

ric PenSeal Plus boiler seals.


105" (2.6m) diameter

weld end refractory lined

fabric expansion joint for a

major refinery.

120" (3.5m) diame-

ter Hot to Hot GTX

Expansion Joint

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Standard ExpansionJoints

EJS offers standard expansion joints in both

metal and fabric.

PenSeal Plus penetration seals were devel-

oped to address the many problems associated

with penetrating the shell of a boiler or similar

pressure casing. PenSeals offer a complete seal,

which eliminates the leakage of heat and other

emissions, reduces noise and protects mainte-

nance personnel. Because they are designed to

accept axial, lateral and angular movement these

joints lower the stress on the tubes and pipes

they are attached to. PenSeals are available in

one or two piece clamshell models and in both

metal and fabric material,

Low TemperatureFabric

Our FLEX-250 is a high quality fabric expansion

joint that can withstand temperatures up to

4800F (2500C) with short peak tem-

peratures to 5720F (3000C) for 16

hours accumulated. FLEX -250 is

available in both round and rec-

tangular designs from 12”

(30.48cm) to 160” (406cm) in

diameter and to the limit of the

truck shipments for rectangular

joints. The fabric belt HD-250, used on this

series of expansion joints, is a high strength,

lightweight flouroplastic material with the ability

to resist the chemical attack of sulfur dioxide and

most other chemicals.

EJS Online To improve customer service around the clock,

EJS has built an innovative website Our website gives users

increased interactivity, search capability, technical

information and more importantly, online pricing

and ordering for standard and ASME Code

expansion joints. The company’s long-term plan

is expected to provide 24-hour

access to EJS for our cus-

tomers worldwide. Our

website has been

designed to help engi-

neers coordinate expan-

sion joint specifications

with their purchasing

department to reduce turn-around time, redun-

dant paperwork, and correspondence. The site

provides online design tools and also feature

credit card and traditional purchase order trans-

action capability for quick and easy processing.

Visitors can also create customized accounts,

save and edit inquiries, review history as well as

price and order additional types of expansion

joints such as ASME Section VIII Code expansion

joints, boiler seals, and eventually expansion

joints for GTX and FCCU applications.

It is the vision of EJS to provide the best cus-

tomer service experience by extending many

convenient channels to customers worldwide.


Clamshell bellows offer a

quick and easy solution to

boiler seal replacements

Rectangular Flex-250 fabric

expansion joint for a chemical

processing plant

*NEW DESIGNS HOR. 2/4/05 2:08 PM Page 7

Piping AnalysisIn 2003 Expansion Joint Systems, Inc. (EJS)

teamed up with Piping Analysis Inc., (PAI) to pro-

vide complete expansion joints and comprehen-

sive analysis of your expansion joint, and piping

system. PAI is a full-service mechanical, machin-

ery, and engineering compa-

ny that specializes in piping,

mechanical machinery, and

civil/structural design prob-

lems. PAI has vast experi-

ence in analyzing the flexi-

bility of and stresses associ-

ated with piping and related

structures. Their expertise

combined with their propri-

etary programs, written

and developed by PAI, have

consistently produced reliable

answers to complicated prob-

lems for many satisfied cus-


Pipe StressThe analysis of piping stress

and flexibility is a crucial ele-

ment of a successful and efficient plant design.

We realize that unexpected mechanical problems

requiring frequent maintenance or even shut-

downs are often caused by an insufficient level of

quality in the

design of the

connected pip-

ing system and

related struc-

tures such as

expansion joints.

Efficiency, and

therefore prof-

itability suffer,

leading ulti-

mately to permanent

damage and high

costs for repair and

maintenance. PAI

offers expansion joint

and spring support

surveys as well as a

wide range of engi-

neering services from

system design to project scheduling.

Finite ElementAnalysis

For detailed analysis of piping components

such as expansion joints, tube sheets, nozzle con-

nections, flanges, lifting lugs, or any other object,

structural or otherwise, which may be under

undesirably heavy loads and/or stresses, we use

finite element techniques and software. PAI also

creates 2D and 3D models to predict mechanical

stresses due to pressure, temperature, and other

applied loadings, as well as vibrational frequen-

cies and heat transfer calculations.

Heat Transfer andCDF/Fluid Flow

To aid in process analysis and mechanical stress

related problems, PAI provides heat transfer

analysis. PAI have the capability, through experi-

ence and PAI proprietary programs, to use

proven analytical methods as well as the latest

computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer


PAI-PIPEFLOW is PAI’s proprietary program

used to calculate liquid, gas, or steam flow rates,

pressures, pressure drops, flow velocity and total

lengths of piping for pipe elements inside or out-

side of networks.

VibrationsVibrations can play a large role in maintenance

costs and lead to expansion joint, machinery, and

piping system failures. Through years of experi-

ence, training, proprietary techniques, and spe-

cialized software, PAI has the capability to solve

problems. For more information about Piping

Analysis Inc. please visit their website at


*NEW DESIGNS HOR. 2/4/05 2:08 PM Page 8

Other EngineeringServices

In addition to failure analysis, PAI offers plant

design; including civil and structural analysis, con-

struction drawings, design review, project sched-

uling, and construction follow up.

Global Piping AnalysisAs a global company with manufacturing facil-

ities around the world, EJS strives to offer many

value-added services to complement our prod-

ucts. Our relationship with PAI allows us to

extend our services beyond our expansion joints

to better support our customers worldwide.

Originally serving the local Gulf Coast region

(Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi), PAI has seen

tremendous growth in its business and now

solves complex engineering problems all over the


Field Services,Emergency Delivery,and Refurbishment

In early April of 2003

Expansion Joint Systems,

Inc. (EJS) was contacted

by a large refinery in

Texas City to provide a

solution for a leaking fab-

ric expansion joint

installed in the flue gas

inlet duct to the flue gas

cooler. The catch was the

repair had to be complet-

ed while the refinery was

in operation.

The flue gas line was a

90” (228.6cm) diameter

refractory lined duct with

a skin temperature of approximately 2500F

(1210C). The leaking joint was installed at a 450

angle at an elevation of around 15ft. (3.8m)

above ground level. The fabric was leaking in one

area at the top of the joint; catalyst and 12000F

(649C) flue gas was escaping from the failed


EJS designed a

tandem bellows

clamshell that com-

pletely enclosed the

leaking fabric expan-

sion joint while

allowing the flue gas

duct to cycle without

interruption. The

confined location of

the expansion joint

determined that the

replacement joint

had to be installed in

sections over the

existing joint. The

complete clamshell (shown below) was dropped

down over the fabric and welded in place. Total

installation time was 14 days, working 10-hour

shifts by an installation team comprised of local

contractors, refinery staff, and EJS technicians

and engineers.

EJS has the engineering, manufacturing, and

installation teams ready to address your repair

needs immediately. Service. It’s not just a word at

Expansion Joint Systems; it’s our way of doing



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For two decades EJS has established alliances

with world leaders in the petrochemical, oil,

refining, power, marine, industrial fabrication

industries as well as a variety of OEM manufac-


These relationships have evolved into what is

recognized today as EJS Global Sales and

Manufacturing; a network that extends into

nearly every region of the world.

EJS Global Sales and Manufacturing consists of

international sales and engineering offices

around the world combined with local manufac-

turing by specialized sub-contracting facilities.

The sales and engineering offices are staffed with

direct EJS personnel reporting and liaising with

EJS-US. The staff, sales and engineering support

are predominately local personnel to provide

easy communication with customers and the

facilities within their territory. Each international

office controls their regional sales force located in

smaller territories within the international


Going global doesn't mean we are sacrificing

quality or our commitment to customer satisfac-

tion. EJS-US continues

to retain all

design, engi-

neering, and


for our inter-

n a t i o n a l

offices while

providing the

more special-

ized components

of the expansion joint assembly directly from

our U.S. manufacturing facility. Complex and spe-

cial bellows are always supplied for final fabrica-

tion by EJS-US as well as other complex struc-

tures when required.

Each product carries the EJS label and all

responsibility for the final product including war-

ranty remains with EJS-US. Although each inter-

national office is entirely its own entity (incorpo-

rated or registered in it’s operating country), EJS

has financial, technical and legal authority over

each office. Privately owned and operated, the

various fabrication

facilities used

by EJS and

our inter-

n a t i o n a l

offices are

chosen for

their ability

to provide

quality fabrication

within the industry and produce EJS

products of the highest standards.

Long standing agreements are established to

provide fabrication of our products using typical

EJS processes and techniques. Each manufactur-

er is ASME certified. EJS provides project engi-

neers and quality control staff to each facility for

every project that is fabricated providing a

smooth completion of the project to EJS stan-

dards and ensuring our customers complete sat-


From quotation to design through inspection

and shipment, EJS provides superior service to

our customers worldwide.

Our international clients receive the same

design and engineering specialists required for

their project from the USA design team while

benefiting from lower fabrication costs offered

by local manufacturers. Our customers can feel

confident that EJS will be involved directly in the

fabrication facility throughout the manufacturing


EJS CanadaEJS Canada manufacturers many large, com-

plex expansion joints such as our Cat Cracker

expansion joints for many of our customers in

Canada, South America and the United States.

EJS Canada, located in Quebec, offers unlimited


*NEW DESIGNS HOR. 2/4/05 2:08 PM Page 10

transport access to an

international seaport. This

ASME certified facility offers

limitless fabrication capacity

and quality workmanship at

competitive prices. EJS Canada/Valtech

Industries is a world leading custom metal fabri-

cator specializing in FCCU equipment, refractory,

pressure vessels, and many other related struc-


Our sales and engineering office for EJS

Canada is located in Ontario. This facility pro-

vides smaller standards fabrication for EJS-US

and operates its own bellows fabrication facility.

EJS Asia Pacific(EJSAP)

EJSAP has main sales & engineering offices

located in Sydney, Australia and Singapore. Each

office manages various territorial sales agents

throughout the Asia Pacific region with manufac-

turing in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Our EJSAP

manufacturing partner has several facilities

throughout Southeast Asia and provides quality


ucts and services for their customers

in the oil, gas, petrochemical, and power gen-

eration industries.

EJSAP manufacturing is an ASME Section

VIII manufacturing facility providing

equipment to most oil companies in

the area and beyond Malaysia. Their

modern and well-managed facilities

rival any high standard manufac-

turer in the region. Together with

EJS supervision, the expansion

joints fabricated in this facility are of

the finest quality and EJS is proud to

have these products bear the EJS



Our main European office in Florence,

Italy manages our Western

European, Middle Eastern and

Russian sales offices providing a

direct link to EJS-US.

Our Eastern European sales offices

have been trading in the region for over 22

years and include offices in the Czech Republic,

Croatia, Hungry, Poland,

Yugoslavia and the

United Kingdom. These direct

offices located throughout

Europe, provide an excellent

channel to EJS-US.

Manufacturing for EJS Europe and the Middle

East is provided by our partner located in

Bucharest, Romania. Established in 1897, this

ASME facility is a globally recognized manufac-

turer of process equipment: reactors, heat

exchangers, columns, air coolers, and large pres-

sure vessels.

The company's facilities consist of several

office buildings, workshops and warehouses on

30 acres (122,500 sq.m) providing limitless

fabrication capacity.

EJS SouthAmerica

EJS-SA sales and manufacturing is

located in Valencia Venezuela. Since

1976 this 2.7 acre (11,000 sq. m.) facility

has been manufacturing pressure vessels and

related equipment in accordance with the ASME



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Expansion Joint Systemsis represented worldwide by experienced and qualified sales and engineering specialists who

will be pleased to offer assistance on the selection and application of any EJS products


Australia - Telephone: 61-2-9838-4456 • Fax: 61-2-9838-4457 • E-mail: [email protected] • Website:

Europe (Italy) - Telephone: 39 (055) -2349635 • Fax: 39 (055) -2349914 • E-mail: [email protected]

Europe (UK) - Telephone: 44 (1332) 700053 • E-mail: [email protected]

Canada - Telephone: (519) 822-1301 • Fax: (519) 822-1128 • E-mail: [email protected]

United States - Telephone: (619) 562-6083 • Fax: (619) 562-0636 • E-mail: [email protected] • Website:

ABB - PT Pal Indonesia

Alstom Power (Australia, Indonesia, USA)

Baharat Heavy Electricals

Bariven S.A.

Bowman Power Systems

Bechtel Corporation

BP Refinery

Bufete Industrial

Cia. Cervecera De Zacatecas

Cerrey S.A. De C.V.

Chennai Petroleum Corp


Daelim Engineering Co. Ltd.

Dahbol Power Plant

Doosan Machinery

Deltak Corporation



Hyundai Heavy Industries

Irving Oil

John Zink Company

Kawasaki Heavy Industries

Kellogg/Brown & Root

Larsen & Toubro

Nhumo S.A. De C.V.

Pertamina Refinery


Philipinas Shell Petroleum

PT Heat Exchangers Indonesia

Reliance Petroleum

Salcon Power Corp

Siemens Westinghouse

Stone & Webster Engineering

Sumitomo Heavy Industries


Thai Polycarbonate

Thai Petrochemical Industries

Valero Refining

Vogt Power International

Customers Worldwide

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Kathy Tyson