comparison of india with other countries using world development indicators

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Post on 29-Oct-2014



Economy & Finance

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Comparison of world development indicators of India with China, Brazil, Bhutan, Singapore, Germany and United States.China was selected for comparison because of the tight competition in which India and China is being engaged in for becoming a developed nation. Brazil for having a similar economic structure and also because of being a friend in BRICS. Bhutan was selected to see the comparison between two neighboring country, one being very small and other one little big. Singapore was being selected because it was staying ahead in many lists indicating the development. US, Germany and Brazil was selected to have a comparison with the developed countries. Parameters selected for comparison were GDP, GDP per Capita, GDP growth, Population Growth, Exports, Imports, Ratings on Corruption, Crime rate, Income Inequality, Easy of Doing Business, Gross Happiness Index and Happiness Index.


  • 1. Presented by Abhishek Sharma Abirami K. Anagha Jayakumar Aneesh Ankit S. Nair Comparison of India with other countries using World Development Indicators

2. GDP GDP per Capita GDP growth Population Growth Exports Imports Ratings on Corruption Crime rate Income Inequality Easy of Doing Business Gross Happiness Index and Happiness Index India China Brazil Bhutan Singapore Germany United States World Development Indicators Country Selected 3. GDP GDP GDP PER CAPITA 4. GDP Growth (Annual %) 5. EXPORTS ( % OF GDP) IMPORTS (% OF GDP) 6. Population 7. Corruption Perception Index Crime And Safety Index 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 CPI(2012) score CPI(2012) score 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 India singapore china brazil germany United states Crime rate Safety rate 8. Income Inequality GINI Co-efficient 9. Need to measure India's income inequality has doubled in 20 years TheTimes of India (Dec 7, 2011) Inequality in US 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 1978 1983 1988 1994 2005 2010 Income share held by highest 10% Income share held by lowest 10% 10. EASE OF DOING BUSINESS RANKING 11. GNH index uses sufficiency threshold and overall happiness threshold 12. Happiness Planet Index (HPI) Domains are Life expectancy, happiness and environmental sustainability Questions: If they had been well-rested? treated with respect? If they smiled or laughed a lot? Whether they'd done or learnt something interesting? 13. R = 0.7563 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 INDIA CHINA BHUTAN BRAZIL GERMANY UNITED STATES SINGAPORE GDP per Capita in 100 $ HPI 14. SINGAPORE: 1st Rank Ease of doing Business High GDP per Capita Low Corruption and Crime rate Low HPI (90th Rank) Least emotional people Least happy people Hong Kong, in 102th position, is the onlyAsian nation that is ranked lower than Singapore.