competitive advantage through human resource


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Objectives Competitive advantage: what and why? How HRM activities may provide competitive advantage Identify needed skills


Page 1: Competitive advantage through Human Resource



By:Maged Elsakka

Page 2: Competitive advantage through Human Resource

Competitive Advantage Through Human Resources


• Competitive advantage: what and why?

• How HRM activities may provide competitive advantage

• Identify needed skills

Page 3: Competitive advantage through Human Resource

Competitive Advantage Through Human Resources

Competitive advantage

• Customer value

• Maintaining uniqueness

HRM as a competitive advantage

• HRM and strategy implementation

• HR and the capacity for change

• Human resources and strategic unity

Skills required for HRM Competitiveness

• General manager skills

• HRM professional skills

Page 4: Competitive advantage through Human Resource

Sample of Strategic Activities within HRM Domains

Organizational Design

• Formal/informal

• Independence and responsiveness

• Job design

• Processes used


• Criteria for bringing in new employees

• Procedures for recruiting and orienting

• Design of career paths and ladders

• Processes for succession planning

• Types of programs for terminated employees

Page 5: Competitive advantage through Human Resource

Sample of Strategic Activities within HRM Domains

Performance Appraisal and Management

• Types of standards set

• Types of performance review

• Processes used to ensure feedback

• Sources of data for measurement

Reward and Benefits Systems

• Types of financial incentives

• Linkage of rewards to strategic plans

• Individual vs. group incentives

• Structure of nonfinancial rewards

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Sample of Strategic Activities within HRM Domains

Employee Training and Organizational Development

• Desired outcomes of development

• Types of participants in development programs

• Content of programs and integration with strategic direction

• Delivery of programs

Health and Safety Issues

• Compliance with health and safety (OSHA)

• Reduce stress

• Reduce illness and accidents

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Sample of Strategic Activities within HRM Domains(continued)

Employee/Employer Relationships

• Types of information presented

• Types of communication channels

• Design of communication programs

Productivity Improvement Programs


• Design issues

• Assessments of outcomes/deliverables

• Customer based focus

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Analysis of SWOT

Organizational Environmental Capabilities Conditions

Strengths Opportunities

Weaknesses Threats

Effective Human Resource


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A Diagnostic Framework: Internal and External Consistency

1. Organization’s strategy

Distinguish from competition

Intended competencies

Differentiating features

2. Skills, abilities, attitudes and behaviors needed

3. Current or proposed policies on:




Career development


Employment security

Use of contract employees


Performance appraisal

Division of labor

Organization of work

4. Coordination of 1, 2 and 3 with organization’s strategy

Page 10: Competitive advantage through Human Resource

HR Competencies Needed for Strategic Business Partners

HRM Design and Delivery Competencies

• Organization design

• Staffing

• Employee training and organization development

• Performance appraisal and management

• Reward and benefits systems

• Employee/employer relationships

• Productivity improvement

• Health and safety

Business Competencies

• Financial or economic

• Strategic or product capabilities

• Technological

Management-of-Change Competencies

• Contracting

• Diagnosing

• Intervening

• Implementing

• Evaluating

• Influencing

Page 11: Competitive advantage through Human Resource

Seven Key Factors for Success in Making Change Happen

Key Success Factors for Change

Leading change (who)

Shared need (why)

Shaping a vision



(who else)

Questions to Assess and Accomplish the Key Success Factors for Change

Do we have a leader who champions?

who commits personally? who commits resources?

Do employees see the reason for and understand why the change?

see how it will help them?

Do employees see the outcomes of change?

get excited and understand how customers are affected?

Do the sponsors enlist support of all needed for the change to happen?

build a responsibility matrix?

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Seven Key Factors for Success in Making Change Happen(continued)

Key Success Factors for


Systems (how)

Monitoring (how measured)

Making it last (how long)

Questions to Assess and Accomplish the Key Success Factors for Change

Do the sponsors link change to other HR systems?

recognize the implications of the change?

Do the sponsors measure the success?

benchmark progress and implement process?

Do the sponsors know how to start and keep it going?

have a plan of adaptation?

Page 13: Competitive advantage through Human Resource

Human Resource Professional Staff Advisor

Internal Consultant

Change Agent

Provider of Personnel Services Controller of

Organizational Design Personnel Policies

Staffing Auditing

Employee and Organizational Stabilizing


Performance Appraisal

and Management

Reward and Benefits Systems


Relationships Liason RoleProductivity Improvement Coordination

Health and Safety Integration

Page 14: Competitive advantage through Human Resource

HRM Activities and Sample Issues

Major Activities of HRM Professionals

Organization Design

Job Design



Sample of Issues and Choices for

HRM Practices

Organization Design

How can we design jobs so that individuals within the organization work on tasks which are rewarding and self-reinforcing


What criteria do we set Short term vs. long term Full-time vs. part-time Contract vs. leased Job-focused vs. career focused Customer perspective

Page 15: Competitive advantage through Human Resource

The Competitive Advantage of Marriott Corporation


1. Identify HRM practices to create “employer of choice.”

2. Connect “employer of choice” with “provider of choice.”

Page 16: Competitive advantage through Human Resource

The Competitive Advantage of Marriott Corporation

Part A: Individual Analysis

Step 1: Generate a list of three HR actions to get to “employer of choice”

Step 2: Identify the top three actions and justify using:

• Marriott's competitive advantage

• Major HR issues

• Strategies

• Complete Form 2.2.1

• Complete Assessment Questions

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The Competitive Advantage of Marriott Corporation

Part B: Group Analysis

Step 1: As a group:

• Identify competitive advantage of accounting department

• Review individual 2.2.1 forms

• Reach consensus on top three issues

• Discuss how the activities could bring Marriott “employer of choice” and develop HR


• Identify benefits/drawbacks of each recommendation

Step 2: Consensus recommendations to class

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The Competitive Advantage of Marriott Corporation

Priority List

1. Survey new employees on job preferences

Justification: Relative importance of the various options

2. Study these data and run some cost figures

Justification: Which options financially feasible.

3. Increase the starting salary to the top of the competitive scale.

Justification: Direct compensation important

4. Look at indirect compensation

Justification: Total cost less than perceived value

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The Competitive Advantage of Marriott Corporation

1. To what extent do your recommendations generalize to other organizations other than Marriott?

Study preferences of potential employees generalizes to all organizations

Recommendation for the travel package is unique to Marriott.

Page 20: Competitive advantage through Human Resource

The Competitive Advantage of Marriott Corporation

2. What additional information would assist you in developing the most valid list of HRM activities?

List of all HRM activities now implemented

Statistics on the success ratio and cost factors

Current compensation policy

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The Competitive Advantage of Marriott Corporation

3. What other preparation could you have made for class discussion on the Marriott Corporation?

Strategic plans

Marriott's competitive position

Interviews with Marriott employees

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The Competitive Advantage of Marriott Corporation

4. What competitive advantage principle did you consider in compiling your priority list?

Financial capability enhances the "organizational capability" by:

attracting and retaining more effective employees

Page 23: Competitive advantage through Human Resource

1. What is meant by the term competitive advantage? Why is it important for an organization?

• Strategies to exploit profitable opportunities

• Perceived customer value and uniqueness

• Maximizing return on investment

• Necessary to survive and prosper

Page 24: Competitive advantage through Human Resource

2. How can HRM activities be used to assist organizations in becoming competitive?

• HRM activities:




Employee treatment

Employee commitment

• Competitive advantage through organizational capability

Manage organizational systems and people to match customer and strategic needs

Flexibility/adaptability in dynamic/turbulent environment

Continuity and stability in more stable environments

Page 25: Competitive advantage through Human Resource

3. To what extent do you consider corporate social responsibility when considering a product or service? Interview five friends to determine if any of them have considered social issues such as the environment or labor policies in their decision to purchase.

Customer value






Operational excellence

Customer intimacy

Product leadership

Diverse practices

Fair labor practices

Environmentally concerned

Page 26: Competitive advantage through Human Resource

4. Provide some recommendations for how general managers and HRM professionals can acquire the skills they need to utilize HRM programs effectively.

• Seminars, conferences/workshops, literature, networking

• Develop interpersonal and management skills

Self-paced learning

Case studies

Management games

Assessment centers

Page 27: Competitive advantage through Human Resource

Example of food manufacturing company in


• Characteristics

Controls 65% of local market


• Problems

Lack of HRM planning

Employees feel manipulated by


Low morale

Poor work scheduling

(no one has two consecutive days


• Possible HRM activities

Cross training


Job sharing

Compressed work weeks

5. Provide two examples of companies you are familiar with which are

not using their HRM programs to utilize HRM programs effectively.

Page 28: Competitive advantage through Human Resource

6. In the context of a SWOT analysis, evaluate the strategic state of Personnel Assessment Systems. What additional data do you need as a part of your SWOT analysis?

Strengths Opportunities

Scientifically valid testing International markets

Stable customers Mass marketing

Weakness Threat

Change in testing media (Internet) Behind on on-line testing

Additional data

“Mass market” test similar to “core business” test?

How far away PAS is from having web site?

Will test be offered in host country dialects?

What are the KASOC’s of the current personnel of PAS?

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