compleet howto install a cccam server compleet with scripts

28 Compleet howto install a CCcam server compleet with scripts !!!!! a compleet howto install a CCcam server compleet with scripts and a lot of tips!! hello to all, I saw a lot of questions on howto do some things. So I have made a Howto for making a succesfull stable CCcam Server, I use the Ubuntu 8.04.1 or 3 LTS is a good stable release. Code: a compleet howto install a CCcam server compleet with scripts and a lot of tips!! hello to all, I saw a lot of questions on howto do some things. So I have made a Howto for making a succesfull stable CCcam Server, I use the Ubuntu 8.04.1 or 3 LTS is a good stable release. Code: But you can also use other versions. when you have installed Ubuntu and given it a static IP address this is very important!! and after that do the things written below. first open the therminal. then type sudo –i fill in your password when you see this # written it means do as root. (sudo –i) Install SSH; [/url]# apt-get install openssh-server # vim /etc/apt/sources.list remove all the # infront of the deb # deb……… (close with :wq enter) Update de sources.list; code; # apt-get update

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How to install CCcam


Page 1: Compleet Howto Install a CCcam Server Compleet With Scripts

Compleet howto install a CCcam server compleet with scripts !!!!!a compleet howto install a CCcam server compleet with scripts and a lot of tips!!hello to all,I saw a lot of questions on howto do some things.So I have made a Howto for making a succesfull stable CCcam Server,I use the Ubuntu 8.04.1 or 3 LTS is a good stable release.Code:

a compleet howto install a CCcam server compleet with scripts and a lot of tips!!hello to all,I saw a lot of questions on howto do some things.So I have made a Howto for making a succesfull stable CCcam Server,I use the Ubuntu 8.04.1 or 3 LTS is a good stable release.Code:

But you can also use other versions.when you have installed Ubuntu and given it a static IP address this is very important!!and after that do the things written below.first open the therminal.then type sudo –ifill in your passwordwhen you see this # written it means do as root. (sudo –i)

Install SSH;[/url]# apt-get install openssh-server

# vim /etc/apt/sources.listremove all the #infront of the deb

# deb……… (close with :wq enter)

Update de sources.list;code;# apt-get update

Install FTP server;# apt-get install proftpd (standalone&undefined)

Make directory’s;code;# mkdir /var/etc# mkdir /var/keys# mkdir /var/script# mkdir /var/config# mkdir /var/backup# mkdir /var/cccamlog

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make yourself owner of the directory’s;code;# chown usernaam /var/etc# chown username /var/keys# chown username /var/script# chown username /var/config# chown username /var/backup# chown username /var/cccamlog# chown de username /usr/local/bin (home directory for CCcam.x86)Put CCcam.x86 in; /usr/local/binCCcam.cfg, CCcam.channelinfo, CCcam.providers in: /var/etcMake CCcam.x86 bootable with chmod;code;# chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/CCcam.x86Make CCcam startup with every time you start/restart the Pccode;# nano /etc/rc.localwrite in rc.local;/usr/local/bin/CCcam.x86This does CCcam.x86 boot when you start the Pc/ distro

then place the scripts written below this post copy past wth linux i a text fileand name the file like is written on top of the scripts (scriptname=)the scripts are attached under the postplace the Scripts in /var/scriptMake them booteble;code;# chmod 755 /var/script/CCcamCheck.shdo this with all the scripts!what I do is restart the CCcam every morning because of the automatic configupdateI stop the server every night then it has enough time to install the new config and restartCCcam, the reason why I do it like this is that sometimes the card reader can/will not be detectedthis way it always works. And te reason I start this at 3:56 it has to be done in 4 minutes becauseof the CCcamCheck script. it would restart CCcam when the yob is not done yet.that’s why we need to make a Cron job ;# crontab -e56 03 * * * killall CCcam.x8657 03 * * * /var/script/ ****/var/cccamlog/configupdate.log 2>&158 03 * * * /var/script/ ****/var/cccamlog/keyupdater.log 2>&159 03 * * * /usr/local/bin/CCcam.x86*/5 * * * * /var/script/CCcamCheck.sh01 04 * * 1 /var/script/ ****/var/cccamlog/LogCleanup.txt 2>&1save = ctrl X yes enterInstall Apache2# apt-get install apache2Install PHP5;# apt-get install php5then the server is ready to start

the howto is attached under this post.

Now the server is running maybe some of you are thinking !? no firewall ??I say no,but this does not mean that I don’t need to use a firewall, yes I use one but not in the server.

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A firewall is not always needed,for this you have more on a few good tips then installing more software then needed.

a few of these are very important :1. Do not take every share test his ping and card good .2. Do not take more then 2 / 3 good cards from same provider /channels.3. Do not take more then 2 hops away from you, best is only take the local hop1.4. When you want to take a good exclusive card at hop3 then filter the cards you want to have.see explaination in (10) below.5. When you share your card, only share the local with max 2 down hops (local only is best to do)6. When you filter your incoming shares (C lines) then you reshare only good cards to your peers.7. But there is a possibility to show the CCcam from your peer what cards you have by filtering.see explanation in nr (3) below.8. When you have tried a share and he was not good in your eyes note his IP and don’t removehis F line instantly but set the line to F: user pass 0 0 0 { 0:0:0 } ! Why not delete him?when you delete him and he dos not delete your C line then you will have a lot of bad logins in your warningstext,and what you have this way is control if he has delete your line ore not.If his line not showing up after two weeks you can delete hime .9. And one of the best tips I can give you is, stick whit your peers and do not delete him aftera few days offline ore when a card dos not work direct or like with the sky italy peers who sufferfrom some actions taken by provider.

Now some explanation of how to setup some good F lines and C lines

F: <username> <password> <uphops> <shareemus> <allowemm> ( { caid:id(:downhops), caid:id(:downhops), ... } { caid:id:sid, caid:id:sid, ... } { begintime-endtime, ... } ) hostname/ip address

this is the explanation from the orginal config for the F line and if you read it well this says it all.And this is the same with the C line.

C: <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <wantemus> ( { caid:id(:uphops), caid:id(:uphops), ... } )

Let us do first the F line

this is how the best looking F line looks likeF: user pass 0 0 0 { 0:0:2 } this line gives only your local card and gives the peer rights to share 1 hop furterthis F line nr 2 gives2 F: user pass 1 0 0 { 0:0:2 } this line gives the peer the local shares you get.with the next line you make the peers to use your best cards only.3 F: user pass 1 0 0 { 0:0:0, 0500:022610:2, 1722:0:2, 0500:020710:2 }what I did is give in the first place { 0:0:0} and then give the caid:id:downhops fromcanalsat, sky germany, HTB this way you give only the best card with extra reshare and no other cards.I took special for this explanation 2 cards with the same caid nr, this explains that you need some timesto give the id in the F line and is not always a 0 { caid:id:downhops }. for the sky germany card is 0 enough.4 F: user pass 0 0 1 { 0:0:2 } here do you give your local card first nr = 0 and with the third nr = 1 thatgives your peer the rights to send EMM’s to your card ant update the entilements on your card.5 F: user pass 0 1 0 { 0:0:2 } same as befor gives the rights to your peer to take emu keys but hasto set behind the C line you gave him (yes) when he filters the line it will not work anymore because he needsto add no behind the C line.

Now how to filter the C lines you get to get good shares / cards,

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C: <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <wantemus> ( { caid:id(:uphops), caid:id(:uphops), ... } )

6 C: someserver.somedomain 12000 user1 pass1this is how a normal C line looks without the emu’s this will give you all the cards to get.7 C: someserver.somedomain 12000 user1 pass1 yesgives you the emu if the share has set the F line as I have written in example (5)8 C: someserver.somedomain 12000 user1 pass1 no { 0:0:1 }this is the best line to use only take the local cards what your peer has.9 C: someserver.somedomain 12000 user1 pass1 no { 0:0:2 }this is a good line when you have not to much peers with locals so you want to use other cardsfrom them till hop2 for furter share/viewers is it hop310 C: someserver.somedomain 12000 user1 pass1 no { 0:0:1, 1702:0:3 , 0100:00006a:2, caid:id:uphops }in this case you take only local cards and all the 1702 sky germany cards till hop3 and all the cards from dutch Canal digital till hop 2 and furter you can take all cards that you have tested and you want to have .

then some basic settings for a good working config ( but this is very case sensitive)SERVER LISTEN PORT : 15835 -------->never use defaut port 12000 everyone knows that port!ALLOW TELNETINFO: yesALLOW WEBINFO: yesWEBINFO USERNAME : user ?WEBINFO PASSWORD : pass ?TELNETINFO USERNAME : user ?TELNETINFO PASSWORD : pass ?TELNETINFO LISTEN PORT : 16000WEBINFO LISTEN PORT : 16001ZAP OSD TIME : 0#OSD USERNAME :#OSD PASSWORD :OSD PORT : 80SHOW TIMING : yesDEBUG : noNEWCAMD CONF : noDISABLE EMM : yesEXTRA EMM LEVEL : noMINI OSD : yesSOFTKEY FILE : /var/keys/SoftCam.KeyAUTOROLL FILE : /var/keys/AutoRoll.KeySTATIC CW FILE : /var/keys/constant.cwCAID PRIO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.prioPROVIDERINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.providersCHANNELINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.channelinfoSERIAL READER : /dev/ttyS0 --------------> this is very case sensitiveSMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/ttyS0 3580000B: /dev/ttyS0 00BOXKEY: /dev/ttyS0 00 11 22 33EMM THREADS : 1# SECA HANDLER: 1 --------> for the dutch new seca3 cards.#MINIMUM DOWNHOPS: 1 ---------> this is a good option for Pc servers to block cards with no reshareLOG WARNINGS : /tmp/warnings.txt

this is basic config but it is very case sensitive. depending on what cards you use.

Page 5: Compleet Howto Install a CCcam Server Compleet With Scripts

when you download a new CCcam version set then there is always a default config read that very carfull !!

Now the scripts we have to place in the /var/scriptsbecause of every script writes his own log it will fill up some space on your HDDand to not let it go full this script cleans the log and it writes his own log to see if CCcam did have problems.This script cleans your logfile ones a week , every mody at 4:01 AM

OWNER= yourusername frome the distro you use

#############################################scriptname =!/bin/sh# Script to cleanup log files# Script written by Youknowhoo.


echo && dateif test -f $TARGETDIR_1/$FILE_1 ; thenecho "warning text present!"chown $OWNER $TARGETDIR_1/$FILE_1rm $TARGETDIR_1/$FILE_1elseecho "No warning text present?!?! Nothing to remove"fiif test -f $TARGETDIR_2/$FILE_2 ; thenecho "Check File present!"chown $OWNER $TARGETDIR_2/$FILE_2rm $TARGETDIR_2/$FILE_2elseecho "No Check File present?!?! Nothing to remove"fiif test -f $TARGETDIR_2/$FILE_3 ; thenecho "CCcam Debug Log precent!"chown $OWNER $TARGETDIR_2/$FILE_3rm $TARGETDIR_2/$FILE_3elseecho "No! CCcam Debug log present, CCcam did run perfect !!"fiif test -f $TARGETDIR_2/$FILE_4 ; thenecho "Configupdate file present!"chown $OWNER $TARGETDIR_2/$FILE_4rm $TARGETDIR_2/$FILE_4elseecho "No Configupdate log present?!?! Nothing to remove"

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fiThanksThe Following 3 Users Say Thank You to antox For This Useful Post:hal8000 (11-01-2012), pinky2 (21-01-2010), tuicaru44 (06-05-2011) #7 Report Post Old 03-01-2010, 20:50 - Add Post To Favorites Translate from English to Italian Translate from English to French Translate from English to German Translate from English to Spanish Translate from English to Dutch Translate from English to Greek Translate from English to Portuguese Translate from English to Russian Translate from English to Russianantox's Avatar antox antox is offlineSenior Member

Join Date: Dec 2009Posts: 92Thanks: 93Thanked 168 Times in 51 PostsCountry: Country FlagDefaultThis script checks if CCcam is still running.this script is running every 5 min do not change that its more then enough.

This script checks if CCcam is still running.this script is running every 5 min do not change that its more then enough.


#!/bin/sh#Script to check if the CCcam's are running.#Script is written by Youknowhoo.process=`ps auxwww | grep CCcam.x86 | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`if [ -z "$process" ]; thenecho "Couldn't find CCcam.x86 running Restarting CCcam Server" ****/var/cccamlog/cccam.checkecho && date ****/var/cccamlog/cccam.check/usr/local/bin/CCcam.x86 -d ****/var/cccamlog/CCcamDebug.logelse echo "CCcam.x86 is still OK!" ****/var/cccamlog/cccam.checkfi----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This script is for your config update every morning at 3:57 AM after CCcam is shut down at 3:56it updates only ones a night so that no body suffer some freezes from the config changes you make.when you add a F line and make a Cline for a Peer/ Client then ask him to add it the next day because of the bad logins you get when he add’s you before. He will try to login but he can’t because of you did not add theF line in the config jet, ore maibe he uses the same sort script and there is no problem.When you add some changes you have to add the custommised CCcam.cfg in the directory /var/config !then the script will check if there is a config present, if yes he will backup the actual one and remove the old backup and place the new config in the /var/etc after that, the crontab will restart CCcam at 3:59 .What the config also does is make a log file in /var/cccamlog

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#############################################scriptname=!/bin/bash#Script to process new config and backup old one#Script designed and written by CC_ShareSOURCE=/var/configTARGET=/var/etcFILE=CCcam.cfgBACKUPDIR=/var/backupCONFIGOLD=CCcam.oldif test -f $SOURCE/$FILE ; thenecho "New Config Present"if test -d $BACKUPDIR ; thenif test -f $BACKUPDIR/$CONFIGOLD ; thenecho "Removing OLD config file from backup directory"rm $BACKUPDIR/$CONFIGOLDelseecho "No OLD config to remove."fiif test -f $BACKUPDIR/$FILE ; thenecho "Renaming Backup to old config"cp $BACKUPDIR/$FILE $BACKUPDIR/$CONFIGOLDrm $BACKUPDIR/$FILEelseecho "No Backupfile present yet"fiif test -f $TARGET/$FILE ; thenecho "Copying Original config to Backup directory"cp $TARGET/$FILE $BACKUPDIRrm $TARGET/$FILEelseecho "No Original Config File Present!?!?"fielseecho "Backup directory does not exist."echo "making new directory"mkdir $BACKUPDIRif test -f $TARGET/$FILE ; thenecho "Copying Original config to Backup directory"cp $TARGET/$FILE $BACKUPDIRelseecho "No Original Config File Present!?!?"fifiecho "Moving New config file to "$TARGETcp $SOURCE/$FILE $TARGETrm $SOURCE/$FILEelseecho "No New Config present, Nothing to process"fiexit

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the last script is for the key updates that is be done every night ones at 3:58 AM

you have to change some * to make it comlpeet!I can and will not post complete links.



wget -qO /var/keys/SoftCam.Key http://w**p?file=SoftCam.*eywget -qO /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key http://w***hp?file=AutoRoll.K*y


when you use a program to add the scripts please use the program WinSCP because you get problems with the scripts.ThanksThe Following 2 Users Say Thank You to antox For This Useful Post:pinky2 (21-01-2010), tuicaru44 (06-05-2011) #8 Report Post Old 03-01-2010, 20:53 - Add Post To Favorites Translate from English to Italian Translate from English to French Translate from English to German Translate from English to Spanish Translate from English to Dutch Translate from English to Greek Translate from English to Portuguese Translate from English to Russian Translate from English to Russianantox's Avatar antox antox is offlineSenior Member

Join Date: Dec 2009Posts: 92Thanks: 93Thanked 168 Times in 51 PostsCountry: Country FlagDefaultI will try to compile in one thread what I found related to Smargo, compiled from different sources.I'm not the author, I will just add comments from what I discovered testing this amazing device.

First of all, a short presentation of this device.

- Powerfull ARM® 91 Thumb® Processor

- High-performance 32-bit RISC Architecture

- High-density 16-bit Instruction Set

- 64 Kbytes, organized in 512 Pages of 128 Bytes (Single Plane)

- 16 Kbytes Internal High-speed SRAM, Single-cycle Access at Maximum Speed

Page 9: Compleet Howto Install a CCcam Server Compleet With Scripts

- Low-power RC Oscillator, 3 to 20 MHz On-chip Oscillator and one PLL

- Supports 3.20, 3.43, 3.69, 4.00, 4.36, 4.80, 5.34, 6.00, 6.86, 8.00, 9.61, 12.0 and 16.0 MHz for smartcards

- Supports standard ftdi_sio driver for Windows and Linux applications

- Developer guide available.

- Works on all Dreambox Models with USB connection

- Works with most softcams (e.g. Newcs, CCcam ect.)

- Can be cascaded with more SmartReaders using a USB Hub.

- No power supply required

developer/ manual

Smartreader+ integraters manual

* Smartreader modes

The Smartreader+ had two modes, command mode and data mode.Till the CMD mode is entered the smartreader+ is working as a phoenix device at 3,57Mhz.After entering CMD mode and returning to DATA mode the reader is configured as Smartreader+and will probably not work as a phoenix till the next time it's cold started by removing the device from the USB port.In the CMD mode it's possible to program the settings like frequency, protocol, etu, N and inversion.

* Mode selection

To enter the CMD mode set the reader to 5 databits.


/* set smartreader in CMD mode */struct termios term;tcgetattr(deviceFd, &term);term.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE;term.c_cflag |= CS5;tcsetattr(deviceFd, TCSANOW, &term);

To enter the DATA mode set the reader to 8 databits.


/* set smartreader in DATA mode */

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struct termios term;tcgetattr(deviceFd, &term);term.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE;term.c_cflag |= CS8;tcsetattr(deviceFd, TCSANOW, &term);

The Smartreader+ doesn't switch by itself so it's to the user to make sure that setting all the right valuesyou exit CMD mode and enter DATA mode for receiving/sending data to the smartcard.

note: Settings are activated by leaving CMD mode!

* Settings

setting nr payload response1 FF FF DD sets Fi and Di factors2 FR EQ sets the frequency3 NN sets the N value4 PR sets the protocol5 IN sets inversion on(1)/off(0)

there is no response from the Smartreader+ after accepting the settings.

Example: Smartreader+ settings for ISO7816 t=0 smartcards:

sr+ <-- CMD MODEsr+ <-- 01 01 74 01sr+ <-- 02 0D FBsr+ <-- 03 00sr+ <-- 04 00sr+ <-- 05 00sr+ <-- DATA MODEsr+ <-- toggle resetsr+ --> ATR

* Available frequencies

3.20, 3.43, 3.69, 4.00, 4.36, 4.80, 5.34, 6.00, 6.86, 8.00, 9.61, 12.0 and 16.0 MHz

The user can selected any freqency. The Smartreader+ will selected the nearest available.

Second Part

This tutorial assumes the user has a DM7020 or a DM800. The tutorial can be used as is, or adapted easily for a standard Linux setup.

How to set smartreader operating mode using Windows

1: Install the windows drivers found here Smartreaderplus Drivers2: Open smartreader.exe3: Plug the smartreader into a usb port4: Select Autoswitch or fixed mode5: Select Normal or Dreambox kernel

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6: Make sure it returns with "writing settings successful"7: Done

DM7020 dreambox installation with PLI Iolite/Jade

1: Telnet to your dreambox run "ipkg update"2: Run "ipkg install kernel-module-ftdi-sio"3: Exit4: Rename your original bootup file in /etc/init.d/ incase you have a problem*5: Replace the bootup file in /etc/init.d/ with this one Smartreaderplus Drivers the bootup file is in the zipfile.6: Reboot7: Plug in the smartreader8: Insert your card. Make sure the chip on the card faces the same direction as the lights on the reader.9: Done

* The latest PLi Jade Final image appears to already have the usbtoserial configured in the bootup file. So no need to replace the bootup file.

DM800 dreambox installation with PLI Iolite/Jade1: Enter the download menu2: Search for USBtoSerial drivers3: Download4: Reboot5: Plug in the smartreader6: Insert your card. Make sure the chip on the card faces the same direction as the lights on the reader.7: Done

DM7020/cccam.cfgCCcam configuration sample:

SERIAL READER : /dev/usb/tts/0 smartreader+SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/usb/tts/0 6860002SERVER LISTEN PORT : 20000WEBINFO LISTEN PORT : 21000WEBINFO USERNAME : usernameWEBINFO PASSWORD : passwordSHOW TIMING : yes

It is possible to add a usb hub to the DM7020. To incorporate a 4 port hub into the config insert the following:

SERIAL READER : /dev/usb/tts/0 smartreader+SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/usb/tts/0 6860002SERIAL READER : /dev/usb/tts/1 smartreader+SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/usb/tts/1 6860002SERIAL READER : /dev/usb/tts/2 smartreader+SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/usb/tts/2 6860002SERIAL READER : /dev/usb/tts/3 smartreader+SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/usb/tts/3 6860002

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DM800/cccam.cfgCCcam configuration sample:


The DM800 comes with 2 USB ports already. However if you wish to add a usb hub you can.

The above cfg's assume that the reader is set to autoswitch mode and dreambox kernel.

You can choose any of the following frequencies: 3.20, 3.43, 3.69, 4.00, 4.36, 4.80, 5.34, 6.00, 6.86, 8.00, 9.61, 12.0 and 16.0

Examples:SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/usb/tts/0 6000002 runs the card at 6mhz.SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/usb/tts/0 6860002 runs the card at 6.86mhz.SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/usb/tts/0 8000002 runs the card at 8mhz.SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/usb/tts/0 9610002 runs the card at 9.61mhz.

Most cards run at 6000002 or 6860002.

Ofcourse the reader can be used with other images such as Gemini etc. Feel free to experiment

Smartreadplus download..Code:

ThanksThe Following 3 Users Say Thank You to antox For This Useful Post:1lang (13-02-2012), pinky2 (21-01-2010), tuicaru44 (06-05-2011) #9 Report Post Old 03-01-2010, 20:54 - Add Post To Favorites Translate from English to Italian Translate from English to French Translate from English to German Translate from English to Spanish Translate from English to Dutch Translate from English to Greek Translate from English to Portuguese Translate from English to Russian Translate from English to Russianantox's Avatar antox antox is offlineSenior Member

Join Date: Dec 2009Posts: 92Thanks: 93Thanked 168 Times in 51 PostsCountry: Country FlagDefaultLinux server with Ubuntu and a Smargo smartreader+ with CCCam

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set it up like this:

Run command: srp_tools_x86smartreader+ version v1.3MODE autoswitchFREQ 3.69 MhzKERNEL normalT_MODE t = 0EGT 0

SERIAL READER : /dev/ttyUSB0 smartreader+SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/ttyUSB0 3580000

CCcam.cfg as this################################################### Config ###################################################SERVER LISTEN PORT : 10000ALLOW TELNETINFO: yesALLOW WEBINFO: yesWEBINFO USERNAME :WEBINFO PASSWORD :TELNETINFO USERNAME :TELNETINFO PASSWORD :TELNETINFO LISTEN PORT : 16000WEBINFO LISTEN PORT : 16001ZAP OSD TIME :0OSD USERNAME :rootOSD PASSWORD :####OSD PORT :80SHOW TIMING : yesDEBUG : noNEWCAMD CONF :noDISABLE EMM : noEXTRA EMM LEVEL : yesMINI OSD : yesSOFTKEY FILE : /var/keys/SoftCam.KeyAUTOROLL FILE : /var/keys/AutoRoll.KeySTATIC CW FILE : /var/keys/constant.cwCAID PRIO FILE : /var/keys/CCcam.prioPROVIDERINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.providersCHANNELINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.channelinfoLOADBALANCE : /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyUSB1SERIAL READER : /dev/ttyUSB0 smartreader+SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/ttyUSB0 3580000MINIMUM CLIENT VERSION : 2.0.1EMM THREADS : 1MINIMUM DOWNHOPS: 0

Because many forum readers was asking me what I used for testing, here's the answer:Ubuntu 8.10 AMD64, on Intel platform (E8500, 4GB RAM);NewCS 1.62 64bits;

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CCcam 2.0.11 64bits;

I tested also several other versions of CCcam (including "regular" versions of 32 bits), all of them was also working stabile.

The only unstable command (including on 64 bits version) was when trying to use CCcam with -t option, when the system is freezing after few hours of operation.

The best option seems to be CCcam -dv

************************************************************ ******************************************************How I install Smarg0 usb card readerviaacess smart card!!!!!write this in cccam.cfg:

SERIAL READER : /dev/ttyUSB0 smartreader+

Start the CCcam in telnet with the command:

CCcam_2.0.11 -dv &ThanksThe Following 4 Users Say Thank You to antox For This Useful Post:1lang (13-02-2012), ddrolle (08-08-2010), dereyn (03-01-2010), pinky2 (21-01-2010) #10 Report Post Old 03-01-2010, 21:23 - Add Post To Favorites Translate from English to Italian Translate from English to French Translate from English to German Translate from English to Spanish Translate from English to Dutch Translate from English to Greek Translate from English to Portuguese Translate from English to Russian Translate from English to Russianantox's Avatar antox antox is offlineSenior Member

Join Date: Dec 2009Posts: 92Thanks: 93Thanked 168 Times in 51 PostsCountry: Country FlagDefaultHow to make Gamma card work on CCcam

Step by step

1. external serial reader at 6 Mhz. Keep in mind, once programmed, the card cannot be read in the internal card reader of the eagle

2. Valid file. You need a working file for the target bouquet.

3. Gamma Loader. Use the Gamma Loader to connect to the card and program it. Don't worry if you get no ATR. Just reconnect and try again.

4. Program it.

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5. CCCam: you need this in the cfg file:



CAMKEY: /dev/tts/0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

CAMDATA: /dev/tts/0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

TRY ALL CHIDS : /dev/tts/0

6. Put the programmed card in the serial reader, turn on CCCam, switch to a channel of the target bouquet, leave it on a few minutes until image appears. VoilÃ*.

7. Sit back and enjoyThanks

Cards that work with CCcamProvajderi smartcard koji rade samostalno na CCcam (bezNEWCS)( sve kartice rade, ali neke kartice bez update )NOVAVersion : 4 & 5 & 6 smartcard mit CCcam :

PREMIERECAID 1702 Betacrypt ASC 384CAID 1702 Betacrypt ACS 383S01 smartcard mit CCcam :

ARENA / TIVIDICRYPTOWORKS ( bios rev 5 )samo radi dobro sa CCcam verzijom 2.0.1





SSR SRGVIACCESS 2.6( no EMM update sa verzijom 2.0.4 )

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DIGITAL+SECA 2 / NAGRA ( tunneled ) CAID : 0100 > 4001 & 4101( no EMM update sa verzijom 2.0.4 )








SKY ITALIACCcam 2.0.X***/VIDEOGUARDsamo sa "starom" verzijom CAID 919

SKY UK***/VIDEOGUARD( aktivizacija u original Sky box )




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Evo za sve buduce korisnike CCcam, ali i sve one koji nevide neku karticu na hop1, spisak trenutno poznatih kartica koje rade direkt u cccam ili pod CCcam read direct..- Sky(Germany, Nagra3, Rom 181)- Sky(Germany, ***, V13)- SRG (Viaccess 2.6)- ORF (Cryptoworks, REV3)- Sex On Tv (Viaccess version?)- Sex On Tv (Irdeto version?)- SexView (Viaccess version?)- SexView (Irdeto version?)- SexView (Conax version?)- Dorcel / FreexTV / Xdream (Viaccess)- Private Spice (Viaccess version?)- Private Spice (Irdeto version?)- MTV Unlimited (Conax version?)- Nova (Irdeto version?)- MCT (Viaccess version?)- MCT (Irdeto version?)- ArenaSat Cryptoworks (Problem sa Youghtprotection Code)- Bulsatcom (Irdeto2 Caid 604 ACS 605)- Canal Digitaal (Netherlands, Seca 3 v10)- TV Vlaanderen (Netherlands, Seca 3 v10)- KabelDeutschland (Germany, Nagra3, Rom?)- Cyfra+ (Poland, Seca3 v10)- Digital+ tunneled Seca (aka v10)- BSkyB (UK, ***, cita direktno na DM 500, 7000, 7020 i 7025 i sad takodjer DM800 i 600)- HRT (Viaccess 3.0)- Svt Europa 9E (Viaccess)- Digiturk (Cryptworks? )- Digiturk (Irdeto2 v5.4 card revision acs607, novi acs608 NE RADI u nijednom cardsharing)- Digitalb (Conax)- TotalTV ( Serbia, *** )- Bis TV ( viaccess France )- Viasat 5E (Scandinavia, NDS2, CAID 90F)

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- SkyLink 23,5E (Cryptoworks Rev6, CAID D03)- ABS-CBN (Irdeto2, CAID 0604 ACS605)- Sky Italia (Italy, *** 2, CAID 0919)- ART 7W (Irdeto, CAID 604, ACS 505)- Orbit 26W (Irdeto, CAID 668, ACS 606)- Showtime 7W (Irdeto, CAID 604, ACS 605)- AlJazeera Sport (Irdeto, CAID 603, ACS 606)- DigiTurk 7E (Cryptoworks, REV5, CAID d00)- ART international (North Africa, viaccess 2.6, 500:21110)- JSC Sport (North Africa, viaccess 3.0, 500:30700)- Canalsat + TPS (France, viaccess 3.0, CAID 0038)- HTB (Russia, radi ok sa obe CCcam version 10 i 11)- Sky Italy (Italy, NDS3, radi direktno na cccam od version 2.1.0)- ITV Partner (Cryptoworks card bios rev 3)- Meo (Portugal, Seca3 V10)- Canal+ (France, Viaccess 3.0)- Kabelkiosk (Conax)- Martens (Conax)- Dolce TV (Romania, ***)- Focussat (Conax) at 0,8W, make AUCards wich work CCcam just with NewCS:- Polsat (Poland, N3, Rom 142?)- DigiTV (Romania, N3, Rom 142?)- NTV+ (Russia, Viaccess 2.6?)- Zon Tv Cabo (Portugal, N3, Rom 142)- D+ (Spain, N3, Rom 180)- Tring (Albania,Conax)- RUV (Iceland 0b01)

Syntax : C: <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <wantemus> { caid:id:uphops, caid:id:uphops, ... }

In a cline we can have :

* Instructions where to look for a server <hostname>* Which port that server is using <port>* Username to connect to that server <username>* Password to connect to that server <password>* If you like to recieve Emulator shares from keys <wantemus> (only if set to 1 if set to give emus on the f line from the server you are getting )* Limiting what to get from that particular server { caid:id:uphops, caid:id:uphops, ... }


A basic C line that most users will use :C: 12000 username password

A C line that is more appropriate if you do not want to recieve key Emulators:C: 12000 username password no

A C line that is more appropriate if you want to recieve key Emulators (Not highly recommended) :C: 12000 username password yes

A Cline that will limit to receive all shares that are only up to 2 hops away (Recommended):

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C: 12000 username password no { 0:0:2 }

A Cline that will get all shares but does not get a specific provider:C: 12000 username password no { 0:0:2, 093b:0 }

A Cline that will get all shares but does not get specific providers:C: 12000 username password no { 0:0:2, 100:3, 100:4, 100:5, 100:9, 100:A, 100:c }

Default What other setings i can put in F: line ?Syntax :F: <username> <password> <uphops> <shareemus> <allowemm> ( { caid:id(:downhops), caid:id(:downhops), ... } { caid:id:sid, caid:id:sid, ... } { begintime-endtime, ... } ) < hostname/ip address>

In an F line we must have (mandatory) :

* Username that your friend will use to connect to you server <username>* Password that your friend will use to connect to your server <password>


* How much your friend is allowed to re-share your shares <uphops>* Let your friend use your emu key files <shareemus>* Allow your friend to send you emm's to update your local card trough network <allowemm>* What your friend will get from you and gives only number of hops away from you { caid:id(:downhops), caid:id(:downhops), ... } { caid:id:sid, caid:id:sid, ... }* What time is your friend allowed to get shares from you { begintime-endtime, ... }* From which ip/dns your friend can connect to your server <hostname/ip address>

Defaults if you leave the optional fields out

* <uphops> = 5* <shareemus> = 1 (yes)* <allowemm> =1 (yes)* { caid:id(:downhops), caid:id(:downhops), ... } { caid:id:sid, caid:id:sid, ... } = No limits ( will get all the shares from you )* { begintime-endtime, ... } = No time limit (24hrs ON)* <hostname/ip address> = can connect from any IP/DNS


* <Username> length max 20 characters* <Password> length unlimited* <allowemm> if set to 1 (yes) your friend will get you key emu but he can not re-share it

Examples:Quote:F: username password

Basic F line with nothing else specified so all the default values will be set automatically

F: username password

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Quote:Typical F line,

F: username password 2 1 1 { 0:0:1 }

* Your friend will get all the shares from you that are up to 2 hops away from you* He will be allowed to use your emu keys* He is allowed to send emm's* He will get any share available on your server and he is not allowed to give any of them to anybodyQuote:Typical F line if your friend has a linux server,

F: username password 2 1 1 { 0:0:2 }

* Your friend will get all the shares from you that are up to 2 hops away from you* He will be allowed to use your emu keys* He is allowed to send emm's* He will get any share available on your server and he is allowed to re-share them but his friend is not allowed to share them againQuote:Another typical F Line

F: username password 2 1 1 { 0:0:3 }

* Your friend will get all the shares from you that are up to 2 hops away from you* He will be allowed to use your emu keys* He is allowed to send emm's* He will get any share available on your server and he is allowed to re-share them, his friend is also allowed to sahre them once againQuote:Advanced F line

F: username password 2 1 1 { 0:0:3, 093b:0:1 }

* Your friend will get all the shares from you that are up to 2 hops away from you* He will be allowed to use your emu keys* He is allowed to send emm's* He will get any share available on your server and he is allowed to re-share them, his friend is also allowed to share them once again* He will get provider 093b for him self only and he is not allowed to re share itQuote:Advanced F line

F: username password 2 1 1 { 0:0:3, 093b:0:1 } { 0100:000080:15df }

* Your friend will get all the shares from you that are up to 2 hops away from you* He will be allowed to use your emu keys* He is allowed to send emm's* He will get any share available on your server and he is allowed to re-share them, his friend is also allowed to share them once again* He will get provider 093b for him self only and he is not allowed to re share it* He is also not allowed to view or share channel 0100:000080:15dfQuote:

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Time limited F line

F: username password 2 1 1 { } { } { 12:00-17:00, 19:00-20:00 }

* Your friend will get all the shares from you that are up to 2 hops away from you* He will be allowed to use your emu keys* He is allowed to send emm's* Your Friend will get shares from you only between 12:00-17:00 and 19:00-20:00

Note you can add share limits as described earlier as wellQuote:An F line that can connect from a specific IP/DNS only

F: username password 2 1 1 { } { } { }

* Your friend will get all the shares from you that are up to 2 hops away from you* He will be allowed to use your emu keys* He is allowed to send emm's* Your Friend can only connect from the specified dns

Note you can add share & time limits as described earlier as well