complex training influence on body composition and somatotype

Influencia de un Entrenamiento Combinado Sobre la Composición Corporal y Somatótipo En Jugadores de Balonces de Elite Master’s in High Performance Sport: Strength and Conditioning Candidate: BSc Marko Pantović Advisor: Dr. D. Alejandro Martínez Rodríquez Murcia, Spain November, 2016.

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Page 1: Complex Training Influence on Body Composition and Somatotype

Influencia de un Entrenamiento Combinado Sobre

la Composición Corporal y Somatótipo En Jugadores

de Balonces de Elite

Master’s in High Performance Sport: Strength and Conditioning

Candidate: BSc Marko Pantović

Advisor: Dr. D. Alejandro Martínez Rodríquez

Murcia, Spain November, 2016.

Page 2: Complex Training Influence on Body Composition and Somatotype

Handball – In general

Handball – worldwide known sport

Team sport, consisted of lot of pulling of players’ dresses, jumps, changes of directions, short sprints etc.

• 167 Federations

• 790 000 teams

Cherif M. et. al (2012)


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Back court players; pivots; wings; goalkeepers

6 outfield players and 1 goalkeeper

2 referees;

Passive play;

Maximum 12 players;

Duration: 2 x 30 minutes;

d. 10 minutes break between halftimes.

Playing Positions and The Most Important Rules


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Motor dimensions / biomotor abilities

o Throwing strength;

o Accuracy;

o Movement speed with the ball;

o Ball handling;

o Movement speed without the ball.

Pavlović S. et. al (2013)


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Objective and Hypothesys

The aim of this study was to compare pre and

post effects of complex training on body composition variables such as somatotype, fat mass, muscle mass, bone mass, residual mass, body mass index and waist to hip ratio in elite handball players in Spanish 1st. Divison.

Hypothesis of this study was that there will be some changes in body composition and somatotype in the hanbdball players after the 7 – week treatment. 5

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Body composition

• Quite important in all sport activities

• Many scientific studies have been written on morphological optimization in sports…

• But…

• Nikolaidis PT et. al (2013) have shown that morphological optimization beetwen players’ positions does matter.


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Can we talk about body composition in general?

• Wings show a tendency to vary from any other position, in particular from pivots and goal keepers from back court players.

Ghobadi H et. al (2013); Srhoj. V et al. (2002)

• Body composition also differs either between player positions and sports.


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Anthropometry measures (The most common ones)








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… in order to calculate following variables

Body Mass Index

Waist to Hip Ratio

Bone Mass

Fat Mass

Muscle Mass

Residual Mass



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Advanced equipment

M a g n e t i c r e s o n a n c e


P l e t h y s m o g r a p h y


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Strength Training

Maximum (absolute) strength training or plyometric training?

• Absolute strength training requires high loads (>85%) 1 RM and firstly was employed by Russian coaches in early 1960’s.

• Plyometric training refers to those activities that make possible a muscle to reach maximum force within the shortest possible time.

Haff GG, Triplett NT (2016) 12

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Complex Training

• Complex training is one of the most effective types of trainings which is emplyed in order to improve sports performance in atheletes.

Consists of heavy loads (> 85%) of 1RM and explosive movements such as different types of jumps, medicine ball throwings etc.


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Additional to CT

Complex training is based on PAP effect and there are a lot of studies written on complex training influence on sports performance.

But then…

Beside these two methods (absolute strength and plyometric - dynamic method), there is another method which is called - contrast training method (invented by Gilles Commeti). 14

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Joshua Miller et al. Effects of Power-based Complex Training on Body Composition and Muscular

Strength in Collegiate Athletes. American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2014)







4x per week

BF% and Fat Mass

Muscle Mass


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Experimental Group

6 participants



5 participants

The research

In total 11 participantes


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The groups features

Age - 25,33 ± 4,45

Heght - 180,35 ± 5,14 cm

Weight - 84,98 ± 7,32 kgs

Experimental Group (n = 6)

Control Group (n = 5)

Age - 25,20 ± 8,10

Height - 183,66 ± 6,16 cm

Weight - 81,56 ± 6,47 kgs


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7 – week training program


Split squat

Horizontall leg press

Bench press

Push ups

CMJ (Counter Movement


Jumping lunge

Drop jump

Frontal medicine ball


Floor above the head

medicine ball launch

Cooling down part took 5 minutes on bycycle ergometer at low intensity and passive stretching exercises.

Warm up parts were done on the bycycle ergometer and lasted for 10 minutes, the same refers to joint mobility exercises and ballistic streching.


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Intensity and Rest Periods

80% 1RM

2 minutes recovery between sets


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WHR - Waist to Hip Ratio

FM - Fat mass

BM- Bone mass

RM - Residual mass

MM - Muscle mass

BMI - Body mass index


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Variables Mean value

Weight (Kg) 85.30

Weight (Kg) Post 84.95

Waist min. (Cm) 84.67

Waist min. (Cm) Post 84.67

Hip max. (Cm) 100.08

Hip max. (Cm) Post 100.08

MM 49.33

MM Post 49.18

BM 12.83

BM Post 12.78

Variables Mean value

WHR 0.83

WHR Post 0.87

BMI 26.26

BMI Post 26.15

RM 20.57

RM Post 20.48

BF 9.90

BF Post 9.36

Descriptive statistics for measured variables – Experimental group


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Man – Whitney’s test values and its importance

Mann-Whitney U p value

Weight (Kg.) 11.000 .465

Weight (Kg.) Post 10.500 .410

Waist min. (Cm.) 13.000 .715

Waist min. (Cm.) Post 13.000 .715

Hip max. (Cm.) 10.000 .361

Hip max. (Cm.) Post 10.000 .361

MM 14.000 .855

MM Post 14.000 .855

BM 13.000 .715

BM Post 12.500 .647

WHR 13.000 .687

WHR Post 9.000 .246

BMI (Exp.) 4.000 .045

BMI Post (Exp.) 4.000 .045

RM 10.500 .410

RM Post 10.500 .410

BF 14.000 .855

BF Post 13.000 .714 22

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The significance of differences before and after testing in experimental and control group

Experimental Control

p values *Weight Post - Weight (Kg) .066 .593

Waist minimum Post - Waist minimum


1.000 1.000

Hip maximum (Cm) Post - Hip maximum (Cm)

1.000 1.000

*MM Post - MM .066 .655

BM Post - BM .581 .109

WHR Post - WHR .102 .655

*BMI Post - BMI .066 .593

*RM Post - RM .066 .655

BF Post - BF .144 .465


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Somatotype equations

o Endomorphy = - 0.7182 + 0.1451 (X) - 0.00068 (X squared) + 0.0000014

(X cubic) Where: X = (sum of triceps, subscapular and supraspinal skinfolds) multiplied by (170.18 / height (cm)

o Mesomorphy = 0.858 x humerus breadth + 0.601 x femur breadth + 0.188

x corrected arm girth + 0.161 x corrected calf girth – height 0.131 + 4.5

o Ectomorphy = 0.463 HWR - 17.63

where: HWR presents Height – Weight ratio


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Somatotypes - values

Man – Whitney’s test values and its importance

Man-Whitney ‘s p value

Endomorphs 12.500 .647

Mesomorphs 6.000 .100

Ectomorphs 3.500 .035 (Control)


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Figure 1. Pre - intervention somatochart of the players in the control group.

Figure 2. Post - intervention somatochart of the players in the control group.


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Figure 3. Pre – intervention somatochart of the players in the experimental group.

Figure 4. Post – intervention somatochart of the players in the experimental group.


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Due to which factors have we gotten these results?

Training frequency

Training duration

Training intensity

Rest periods (days)

Rest periods (sesion)


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Practical Application - Part I

Duration Joshua Miller et al. (2014)

Frequency Joshua Miller et al. (2014)

Recovery (Rest periods) Thomas M. et. al (2006)


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Practical Application – Part II

At least 3 times a week

Longer rest periods (sets)


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¡Gracias por sus atención!


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