condesign powerful portfolio planning

Powerful Product Planning & Portfolio Management Projektverktygsdagen 27/5 2010 Torbjörn Grahn, Condesign AB [email protected]

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Powerful Product Planning &

Portfolio Management

Projektverktygsdagen 27/5 2010

Torbjörn Grahn, Condesign AB

[email protected]

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• Condesign & Planisware, who we are…

• Vattenfall and PPM

• Why PPM ?

• The seven deadly sins of PPM

• An implementation process

• Summary & Thoughts

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Information Knowledge since 1984

• Founded in Göteborg 1984

• 200 employees

• Offices at 9 different sites

• Business Areas:

- Engineering

- Communication

- IT/Operations Support









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Condesign is a partner

Planisware is a global leadning supplier of PPM (Project Portfolio Management) systems since


Planisware 5 is a system for PPM (Project Portfolio Management) that supports the organizations

complete project scope: from the operational level to the strategic level.

Focus on NPDI (New Product Development and Innovation)

Stage-Gate-certified – Best Practice for NPDI is integrated in the tool

Planisware’s PPM-system is used by more than 200 organizations worldwide with +200 000 users

in market segments such as: Pharma, Energy, IT, Aerospace & Defence, Automotive

A few examples:

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The Powerful perspective ...

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Vattenfall is Europe's fifth largest electricity

producer and the largest heat producer.

Vattenfall acts in all parts of the electricity

value chain: generation, transmission,

distribution and sales. Vattenfall also

generates, distributes and sells heat.

Operations are conducted in Sweden,

Denmark, Finland, Germany, Poland,

Great Britain, Netherlands and Belgium.

Vattenfall has more than 40 000


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Vattenfall - Geographics

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Portfolio Management

Which projects do we run ?


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From the Project Tunnel …

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… to the Project Funnel !

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Strategic project planning

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The vision with PPM – key benefits

• Shorter Time to Market

• High project efficiency – low failure rates

• Many Successful projects

• Supporting the Business Strategy

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The seven deadly sins

of PPM

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Sin I – Narrowly defining the portfolio

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Sin II – Investments decisions are like

New Year’s resolutions

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Sin III – Decibel-driven versus

data-driven decision making

”Acoustic prioritization”

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Sin IV – Too many metrics, not enough time

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Sin V – One-Size-Fits-All Portfolio Management

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Sin VI – ”If we install this software, then we will be

able to optimize our corporate portfolio.”

”A fool with a tool

is still a fool”

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Sin VII – Driving without rear mirrors

Close the loop !

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A suggested implementation


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A four step approach





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• How are we doing with regards to PPM?

Process and discipline

Organizational behavior

Attitude and readiness

• Which are our challenges (weaknesses)?

• Which are our strengths?

Unconsciuosly Competent

Consciously Competent

Consciously Incompetent

Unconsciously Incompetent

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• Build a business case for the PPM effort

• Educate and get organizational buy-in

Leverage Your champion

Build a coalition

Do not confront sceptics

Win small, win early, win often

• Get senior sponsorship and commitment

• Change organizational behaviour on

an ongoing basis

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Standardize financial, strategic and risk evaluation methods

What is an investment/project/portfolio/... ?

Which metrics are important? – and which are not !?

Modelling of investment projections?

Investments that do not generate returns?

How is the data collected?

How often should the data be collected?

How to evaluate qualitative factors such

as risk and strategic benefit?

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Optimize – setting up the first Portfolio Review

• Understand the current portfolio

• Define the short-term goals

• Get approval for the goals by the sponsor

• Educate the stakeholders in the review process

• Develop a hypothesis – what if scenario?

• Refine and resolve

• Implement recommendations and decisions

• Do a review on the Portfolio Review itself

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Summary & Thoughts

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The main realms for Governance

Business Guiding Principles

IT integration

Business processes definition

Strategy alignment

Aggregation level of data

Systems requirements

Systems integration

Systems security

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The level of Governance

Key cluster specific models**

The challenge is to find the right balance between what needs to be managed in a common

structure and what needs to be managed according to unique local requirements

Transparent portfolio management,

however, limited possibility to

adapt to local business


Too centralized setup

Local adaptations

Right balance

Company level

Top level aggregation model*

Local specific info Cluster specific info Top level specific info

Too decentralized setup

Locally adapted portfolio

management, however, limited

holistic portfolio management

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Some final thoughts ...

• Think big – start small

• Engage the decision makers (sponsors)

• Know your organisation – the culture and behaviours

• Encourage the ambassadors

• Define the nomenclature and the metrics

• Find a good ambition level for governance and aggregation

• Find and build a success story

• Think change management

• Iterate and improve continuously

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• Portfolio Management for New Products

Robert G Cooper

Scott J Edgett

Elko J Kleinschmidt

• Product Leadership

Robert G Cooper

• Project Portfolio Management

Harvey A Levine

• Advanced Project Portfolio Management and the PMO

Gerald I Kendall

Steven C Rollins

• Optimizing Corporate Portfolio Management

Anand Sanwal

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Thank You !

Torbjörn Grahn, Condesign AB

[email protected]