conditionals wishes unreal past

8 Conditionals IWishes I Unreal Past ---' ffi n"phr"r. tlre following in as manr wals as possible using the words from the list below' onty it, otherwise, as long as, unless, providing, on condition that, if 1 Should you go to Rome, you mustseelhe Colosseum. 2 You can swimbut theremust be an adult with you 3 Drive carefully so thatyou won't have an accident' 4 He will get a bonusif productivity increases' 5 l'!l lendtou the money, but you must pay me back soon. rr can ie omittea in f.chuses'ln thiscase should, were and had (Past Perfect) come belore the lfi;i. ff ;;;;;lJ "'; tni ice' trc'tr te verv .nappv' - sh,outd he win themce' he'tt be vetv happv' i I iere vou, t woutdnt tott him ' werct you' I wouldn't te hin' ''ir'riiiiiJ,li ii t'"u, i'a nave carca ti potice. ' Had t known thetunh, t'd have catted thepotice' 'fllffi, n"rurit" t u fo llowing sentences omifting "if"' lf I were vou, I would think twice before accepting hisofier' -- ...Wc;; i vou, t would thlnk twlaa bcforc zaccPtinghia offer' .. . lf vouha; brought more money with you wecould have gone on holloay ii i*"r" you, f'o re"u" an hour earlier to be sure of getting there on time' iivou g"ithtough tq tnetheatre, could youreserve four tickets tortonight's performance? iivJ" iiii p"iJ,r," t"r"phone bill on time' your phone wouldn't have been cut otf' 1 2 3 AIItypesof conditlonals is Dossible il the context permits it' ll-clause fype 2 lf thev were wo*ing a dav, OheY were wotkng alt dav ft I were You' (You arc not me lype2 ll he were a beftet cliveL (He is not a goocl dnvet luge g I she had finished eattiet, (Shedidn't linish earliel Malnclause they wlll be tied now. so they aretircdnow.) ! woutd have acceqted the iob. so vou didn't acceqt the iob.) he wouldnl have cftshed the cat. so he cnshed the cal) Type 1 Type 3 shewoutd be golng to the party tonighL so she isnl gping to the palty.) fype 2 W nu,nritu th" following as mixed anditiotat sentences as in the example: He is not an honest person so he didn't tellthe truth' ' -ii)-ii"" in noiout per6on, hc would have told thc truth' They were awakeall niglit so they are tired now 2 I >124

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8 Conditionals IWishes I Unreal Past ---'

ffi n"phr"r. tlre following in as manr wals as possible using the words from the list below'

onty it, otherwise, as long as, unless, providing,on condition that, if

1 Should you go to Rome, you must see lheColosseum.

2 You can swim but there must be an adult with you

3 Drive carefully so that you won't have an accident'4 He will get a bonus if productivity increases'5 l'!l lendtou the money, but you must pay me back


rr can ie omittea in f.chuses' ln this case should, were and had (Past Perfect) come belore the

lfi;i. ff ;;;;;lJ "';

tni ice' trc'tr te verv .nappv' - sh,outd he win the mce' he'tt be vetv happv'

i I iere vou, t woutdnt tott him ' werc t you' I wouldn't te hin'''ir'riiiiiJ,li ii t'"u, i'a nave carca ti potice. ' Had t known the tunh, t'd have catted the potice'

'fllffi, n"rurit" t u fo llowing sentences omifting "if"'lf I were vou, I would think twice before accepting his ofier'

--...Wc;; i vou, t would thlnk twlaa bcforc zaccPting hia offer' .. .lf vou ha; brought more money with you we could have gone on holloay

ii i*"r" you, f'o re"u" an hour earlier to be sure of getting there on time'

iivou g"ithtough tq tne theatre, could you reserve four tickets tor tonight's performance?

iivJ" iiii p"iJ,r," t"r"phone bill on time' your phone wouldn't have been cut otf'




AII types of conditlonals is Dossible il the context permits it'


fype 2 lf thev were wo*ing a dav,OheY were wotkng alt dav

ft I were You'(You arc not me

lype2 ll he were a beftet cliveL(He is not a goocl dnvet

luge g I she had finished eattiet,(She didn't linish earliel

Maln clause

they wlll be tied they are tircd now.)

! woutd have acceqted the vou didn't acceqt the iob.)he wouldnl have cftshed the he cnshed the cal)

Type 1

Type 3

she woutd be golng to the party tonighLso she isnl gping to the palty.) fype 2

W nu,nritu th" following as mixed anditiotat sentences as in the example:

He is not an honest person so he didn't tell the truth'' -ii)-ii"" in noiout per6on, hc would have told thc truth'They were awake all niglit so they are tired now2



8 Conditionals /Wishes / lJnreal past4 He didn't get the job because he was late for the intetuiew.

would lf he hadn't been late for the interview, he job









I only learnt to drive because you taught me.never | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . drive i f you hadn,t taught me.You'd better see a doctor.were lf ,-. . .-.-. , . . . . . . ._.._ see a ooclor.Tim will be able to operate the machine but somebody must show him how.only Tim wil l be able to operate the machine ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._... . . . . how.She didn't take an umbrella so she got campletely soaked.have lf she had taken an umbrella, she ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . soaKeo.I will buy a new car but I must save encugh money Provided ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ._... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l i rst, I wil l buy a new car.She broke her leg so she couldn't go skiing.broken lf . . .-. . . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . .-. . : . : . . . . .-.-. .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . leg, she could have gone ski ing.Kay can'l be at home, otheMise she would have answered the oho;e.would I f .ay .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . huu"

"nswered the phone.

I would be gratefulto receive any inlormation you may have.could I would be grateful ..._................. any infomation you may have.Karen can make the pie but she must have the recipe.lgnS Karen can make the pie .......... the recipe.lf you see [,,liles, can you ask him to contact me immediatelv?See Should .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ask him to contact me tmmectiately?Chris wants to phone his boss but he hasn,t got the number.would l f Chris .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . phone his boss.l ,

I|llll r

I wish (ll only)(wish/.egret about the p,esent)

+ Past tense rvlsh/.egret about a presentshratbn we tvant to be different

wlsh/regret In the preseniconceming lac* of ability

regret that somethinghappened or dldn't happenIn lhe past

I wish (if only) + coutd + bare lntinltive(wlsh/regfet aboul the pres€ot)

I wish (it only) ,(regret about lhe f,as0

Past Perlect

I wish (if only)(hposslble wlsh toro tuture change)

+ subiect + would + bare inf wish for a ftrture change(a. n{ish" and ,tvould" shoutd have unlikely to happen or irish toa dltterent subJect. We neve. say express dissaiisfaction:

etc pollte request implyingb. wish + Inantmare subj€ct + woutd Oissattacfion oi licklfls uaed to oxpress the speakei6 hopelack of hope or dlsappolntnent

Alter I wigh we chn use wcnt Instead of wa8

B Conditionals /Wishes / unreal paffiYou didn't tell me earlier so we are not going to the cinema tonight.




She didn't cancelthe milk so the milkman keeps deliverino it.

The ship left Plymouth yesterday so it will be in Spain now.

They were painting the house all day so they are covered in paint now.

She didn't do her homewo* so she's in trouble with her teacher.7




She is so disorganised that she missed the deadline.

The children were playing in the garden all day so they are very dirty now.

He doesn't take his job seriously so he wasn't promoted.

# Complete the following sentences with an approp ate conditional clause,1 Should you go to London, you ...mu6t vi6it tha Houoa? of Parllamant, ...2 l f he doesn't practise more, he -.. .-. . . . .- .3 Unless you get permission, .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Only if we ban the hunting of whales .. . .....5 lf I could afford it,6 lf you had booked a table in the restaurant,7 Should you meet George, .-. .-. . . . . .-. . . . . . .I Were she in my shoes, .. . . . . . . . . . ._.._... . . . . .I The fire wouldn't have started if ....-.....

'10 Butforhis money, she ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Had you tol lowed myadvce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Only if we stop cutting down trees -.....13 Were she more sincere, .. . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . .-. . .14 l f you had watered the plants, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ffi corpt"tu tt e sentences using the words in bold. IJse two to fNe words.1 | would have lent you my car but I didn't know you needed to borrow it_

had ll ...1 had known you.. needed to borrow my car, I would have lent it to you.2 As long as you are very careful, you can use my CD player.

provided You can use my CD player . very careiul.3 lf there isn't an interpreter at the conference, she won t be able to understand the speakers.

unless She won't be able to understand the speakers .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._... . ._... . . . . . at the conference.


ILJlr fc. l l i ' . is l

The Simple Pasl can be used to lalk about i rnaginary. unreal or improbable si luat ions in ihe

present;nd the Pasl Perlect can be used to talk aboul imaginary unreal or improbable si tualrons

in the past. This is cal led Unreal Past lJnreal Pasl is used as lol lows:

Pasl SimP.

Condi l ionals Type 2 (unreal in the present)

lf I were yau I woulch! da lhai

wish (present)l ,rrsh she were moe coa?etative

l 'd rather/sooner sb.. . (Present)I d ather yoL) paid me tadaY

Suppose/SupposingSuppose your father caughtyou snaktng what

as i f las though (unhue si tuat ion jn the presenl)

She Dehaves as I she were th-a Queen

i ls (aboul/high) t ime.. .]t s time you stafted wark.

Pasl Perfect

. Condit ionals Type 3 (unreal in the past)lf he had warned ne, thisvlaulaht t have happen€o

. wish (past)lf anly I hadnl last all ny money last ntghl

l 'd rathetsooner sb.. . (Pasl)ld ather you had nol told everyane

Suppose/SupposingSuppose he had left befare the boss came,what wauld have happened?

as iflas though (untrue situation in the past)Saon after being tntoduced they were talktng taeach otter as it ney had been ]nends lar year\

would ralher = l'd prefer

a rarher - Present bare inf init ive (presentrtuture reference)pertecl bare inf init ive (past relerence)

1 d rathet play tenns. I'd rathet nol have gone outwnh htm yestetclay

when the subject of wou,C-:!rn,rr is also ihe sublectof the lol lowing verb

. , when the subiect of lvou d ld rather sb + Pasl Simple (present/ luture relerence)ratr er is di f lerent f rom the pasl Perfecl (past telerence)

subiect of the fof lowing vetb 1d rather you stopped snakfg.l d rather Vou hac! mentioned ihat belote

prefer + gerund,houn + lo + gerundrnoun tgeneta) I prefer (d nking) tea to (drinking) cofteei preler + ful l inf ini t ive + rather lhan + bare inf ini t ive (general prefelence)

I prefet to dtink cat'fee tathet than (clrink) tea. would prefer + ful l in l in i t ive + ralher lhan + bare inf ini t ive (specif ic preterence)

I d Welet Io live in Londan rcthet than (live ln) Swanseawoufd rather ' bare infinitive + lhan + bare infinitive. I'd rather fly ta lr|unich than gothere by car'

had better = should

I had better + present bare inl (present future reference)He had beaet consult a laryer I he shauld cansult a lawyer )ll would have been better ii + Past Perfecl (past reference) /l lvorlld have been better if yor hacln'ttalked ta James last night (= fau shauidn t have talk-'.1 to Janes last n)ght )



8 Conditionals /Wishes / IJnreal past

Deor Jenny,Sorru I didn't onswer gour lost lett€r. f t 1) ...had rcattacd... (reolised) how serious thes' luotron wos, J would hove wri l lpn to gou skaightowag. you obviouslg need mg odvi.e. I onlg wisht.1 . : . . . . . . . . . {Dp./ wtth gou now lo help gou. I think i t .s obout t ime qou 3) .. . . . . . . . . . .l teave) Vaut job and 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (stort) to lookJor o new one. { gour boss 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . .(rnsis0 on treoting gou so unJoirlg, then gou have very little choice. yol ioq lhct qou.d rother: l

. . . . . (hove) ojob,gouhoterhonnojobaiol l ,bur is tht t real ig t rue? f gou-.-. \oq worneo about moneg, don t be, you con come home and l ive withgour Jathe. ond me lor a while. td rother gou {i) . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ai""l necr"r-fro*"

angwog. Your old boss at the librory,-Mt creen, sogs gou could hove Uout old jo;h back iJ goulr^; . . . . . . .-. . (wanU. i t . you could hove been Heod Librorion b9 now iJ goul9J .; . . . . . . . . . : ; . . . . . . . . : . . . : . , . . . . (not/ leove)! AngwoV, I ' l l let gou know iJ I t t) . . . . . . . . .-. . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . (heor)ooout ong other suitoble jobs. Toke core ond let me know iJ gou,lA ...r-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (moke)ong declslonS;l+', , , , , , . l


1i, - i , j i : , i i t t , " : , , , :


t fW Co-p!"f" the senterc€s using t re words in bold. lJse two to five wods.I didn't pass my exams and now I can,t go to university.wish | ...wigh lhaa pa9sca.. my exams; then tcoutd go to unjvefsity.I was about to'buy the painting, when I realised it was a iake.if I would have bought the painting it was a fake.I didn't see the TV programme because I didn't know it was on.known lf -. . . . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the TV programme was on, I would have seen it .I think you should go on holiday.were 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._. . ._. . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , lwould go on hol iday.You shouldn't have lold Sally my secfet.

Put the verbs in bracke& into the co ect fom.

You'd think he was a poli t ician


12 Why did I listen to John? He alwavs telts ties.


.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sally my secret.told

though He behaves ... ._... . . . . . . . ._.._... . . . . a ooli t ician.You should be in beo now. lt s late.went l ts. . . . . . ._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to bed.It would have been better if you had passed on the message.only l f . . . . . ._... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the messaqe.lf the teacher asked you to answer that question, what would you say?asked Suppose.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._... toanswerthatquestion,whatwouldvousav?It s a pity i t s.aining.10




.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .__. rarntng.She couldn't tell you because she didn't know.would Had.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . told you.

l istened |f. . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . to John. He atways tel ls t ies.13 We should have left by now if we don't want to miss the bus.

I would have liked you to have inlormed my parents about my change of plan.rather I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . my parents about my change of plan.It would have been better if they had got the earlier train.only

16 You ought to have set a wedding date by now.time lt 's . . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a weddina date.


8 Conditionals lWishes I lJnreal Past

[99 prt rh" uorb. in brackets into the correcl form

Suppose they...hal canccllcd.. (cancel) the llight How would you have got home?

we d ramer you (take out) separate holiday insurance

inutu ii*r'"n yo, "p""k

to me as if | (be) a child

She'd rather " " (novshow) him her passport'

It's high time he (face) up to his responsibilities'

l f only | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . {novleave) the window open!

lf they ... . . . . . . . .-. .-. . . . . . . . . . . (go) out less, they'd have more money

ohns p.erers (work) mornings rather than evenings'

irppo." Het"n . (invite) your ex-boyfriend, would you still go to the paqn

l'd rather sam {novplay) his music so loud

svtvia wishes she (have) tong hair.

Sle had onlv hved there three months but she spoke the language as if she (live)

there longer.Tom's m;ther made him go to school ahhough he would rather " " (stay) at home

I feel a bit sick now. I wish I ...... . ....-.-. .. (eat) so much

He much prelers .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . ( l lsten) to CDs to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - (go) to l ive concerts'

I'd prefer ...................... (ride) my bicycle to the shops rather than .. .. . :I (take) the bus'

l 'd;ather... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( l ive)alonethan.... . . . . . . . . . . . (share) aflatwith a stranger'

I prefer .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (talk) with fr iends rather than . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . (watch) television

tf she ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (work) harder, she wouldn't have fai led her exams'

You'd better .. . . . . . .-. . (go) to bed as we have to be up early tomo(ow

4 (-.)ZliHfi co-plete the settetces usirg tfie words in bold. a/se two to five wotds'

7 | should have taken that job in Canada last year'

Your mother's worried about you. You should phone her.better You ...had bcttar phona.. your mother as she's worried about you

Wilt you ever think about findidg a flat of your own?time lt 's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . about f inding a f lat ol your own'Look at how he lives - he thinks he's a He lives a millionaireThis summer, I would rather book a holiday in lvlonaco than LyonsDrefer This summer, | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - a holiday in Monaco rather than Lyons'Why didn't you tell me yoursell that you were leaving?rather I 'd -.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - me yoursell that you were leavingShe wants to be more like her mother.wishes She.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . --. . . . . . more l ike her mother'







that job in Canada last year.

I You should have checked the oil before you set outbetter l t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you had checked the oi l before you set out '

fl99 ,rr, ,, ,o" ruo s with the apptoptiate auxiliary verb.1 He hasn't got a yacht but he wishes he ..rral... .2 She can't atlord a maid but she wishes she3 | didn't pay attention in class but I wish I4 He had his hair cut really short but now he wishes he ... . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . .5 He's going to the dentist this afternoon but he wishes he6 She made a terrible mistake but now she wishes she ... .-.. -... ... ... . .7 They probably won't change their minds but I wish they . --. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 He always brings his dog to my house but I really wish heI I forgot to enclose the cheque but I wish I

10 He won't let me leave early but I wish he


8 Conditionals I Wishes I lJnreal Past

'W r^n "ntt

io braclcrb hb the correrltense'

l: ffi' writ" runtences as in the examPle:

t,'it"'i',"ii)ffi\!i"""I?."i1#)',!lTi"""lt!,oil,li7t niun" ^iuu"a w end'' btrtkaav P?rtv'You got up late and you missed the train

iiu weren't ottereo te iob because you weren't qualiied'

ii";r" ""i " """i", "t"tt

member so you can't use the car park-

i;;l;;li ilto.i;;;;ii"g "" v"' lid";t t'""' "bour

the saretv Inspection'

' ' . . . : '

i"ti *l"ii" g;, ;*iv ror the weekend bul you ve got lots of homework

' . . . . : -You want a pet but you're allergic to animals'

' . . - . . ' ' ' . . . , ' . . . . . ' ' :: ':

i", J"."il,J in" "io"o

because you didn't know how to connect it'






You like chocolate but you're on a diet'

dfrP' comPlete th e senlencu using lhe wotds in bold' IJse two to five wods'

1 lt s a DiW I can't go to the beach today but I have to stay at home and study

coufd I wish ...1 could 4o to tiJ l"iin ... rcau\, tut I have to stay at home and study.

2 tf it weren't rainins, we -ro

n" *.:.:]:l:'... .. so we coutd so on a picnic.,\

,stoo lwish :s ltls i shame we Oion t see the exhibition'

had We wlsn - the exhibition

+ Cl-org" n""0" "

n"w car but he can t afford to buy one'

could George wshes - : - " - anewcar' '

i"u ""iov

pruving ,""nrs but you have twisted your ankle

s ltla pity..lenny wasn't invited to the party ..............., to the party. i

been Jenny wrsrEs - 'u iu'Ji""n on"r"d.iob in Paris but I can't speak French'

::".f"" Tffffii:-:.:1.::::: :::1.:..j:-- -- .-.. , 0""","' t'u" been orrered a lob in Paris - l'




Conditionals lWishes I lJnreal PastGeorge never arrives on time when we arange to go our'

only l f . . . . . . . . . . : : 'I would really like to be lying on the beach now'

I ju5t hod to droP.firit ofd

...1 wish I ha^nt haa euoh a tcrribla day ycatt ay.-

on time when we arrange to go out.

on the beach now.




were 1. . . . . . . . . . . .

fl99 prt t r" u"rb" io brackets into the ap4opriate form'

Marv was tellinq Julie about her planned trip to a tropical island lt sounded wond-erlul 'lt I were you l

1\ 'waDtd bc---- lbe\ so excited, Jul;e said. "l am'" replied Mary'' but I wlsh you z) '

##;;il;;; w;st.-..... .. . . (have) such lun!" "l know lf onlv | 4) :- ' (know) earll

ii. i si......................... (novspend) all my money on redecorating the kitchen Anyway' what clolhes are

Vou pLnning to tut" *iin yorZ" "W"tt, t't noping to buy some new oT:,-liLo'6) " 'itniJtr) *ortie"r|y tooay, tie z1 ...... ... .. .. ... . (ao) shopping in town " "lf | 8) . {be) vou'iji .ir,.

"ri" i t,i"r, rig'hi clothes and lots of insect repellent. what 9) : :rI : ; . (you/do) when

uo, o"t tf'"r"f" "Sunoithe, swim and go for long walks on the beach " "Make sure you 10) " '

iseni) me a po"tcard and take lots of pictures " "Don't worry, I will "

W *** * ,*", using wishes or if4auw as in the uanple:

. 'D€or christin;;.

ffi co,npLt" the following sentences.








lt only I had kept my appointment with the dentist yesterday, ..1 woulanV havc toothaahc now"

I wish I had paid my electricity bill,

lf it rains tomorrow,Pete wishes he had worked harder at school,Sarah wi l lgo to the party i f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Liz wishes she had got up earlier, .. ... ... ... .. ..lf only Jo hadn't locked her keys in the car, ... " : - " - -lf John gets a promotion at work, . .. ...'.. ..lf the government bans smoking in public areasllonly I hadn'tshouted atJul ie, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ll Jenny had locked the front door, ... ... ...... .lf you are late for a job interview, ........-...... .. .lf you have a headache

,#ltl.r f

Consolidation $u.J-J Fi l l in the (orrc. l part idett l .

1 lve been looking . . lor. . rr ]y diamond rngeverywhere.

2 The hotel manager w l l ook . . . . . . your conrp a nt.3 I musl look . . . . . . . thrs essay beiore han{l i t n


4 Now that he's rch, he ooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a hrslr iends who stl lwork at the faclory.

5 He looks his lather who he cons ders10 0e a nero

6 Look ...-. . . . . . . . for sharks when you goswrmming.

7 Look . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . her phone number inlhe directory if you can't remernber it

I John looks -.. .-. . . . . . .-.-. . the children wh le I\ ,4arygoes to work.

I ' r ,Lre he mdd- l l_e whole slory10 | rrdt. . . . . fo'gett ing our ar-ive sary.11 We decided to make .. . .-. ihe nearest beach12 He made ... . . . . . . . the cheque to me persona ly.13 Your writ ing is so bad, I can't make ... . . . . .

what you've written.14 She spends hours making hersel{ . . . . . . . . every


lilit Complete the settet ces usirS tfie words in bold lJse two to five wotds.

1 Although his mother warned him, the boy continLled to play in the road.despile The boy conlrnued to play in the road deoPitc bein1/havihq been warned W his nalhet.

2 The r garden ls much b gger than ours.nearly Our garden is . . thelTs

3 He could read belore he was three years He ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . before he was three years old

4 She h red a professional gardener to prune the trees.had She a profess onal gardenef

I won't go with you unless you let me pay my ofrn wayif ! won t go wth you ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ne pay my own wayI regfet ever te l ing her about rny plans.wish I her about my p ans

7 He can t to erate his ne ghbours' behaviour much longerput He his neighbours' behaviour much longer



She started io rlde when she was ten years oldbeen She ... . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . she was ten years o d'You r€ally shoLr dn't have said that lo her," he sa d to mecriticised He that to her.They hlred hirn because of his excellent qualf icatlonsdue They hired h m had excellent qLral i f lcationsHe was late every day so he lost his iob.result He was laie every day . . . . . . . . |ost his job.

{n general, l 'd much rather walk lhan ride a b ke.waik ing In general , I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a b keHe hasn't signed the contract yet.

I Phrasal Verltslook afler: take care oflook down on: desp se (opp lookupto)look for: search forlook forward to: anl crpaielook into: investigatelook on: I oe a \p.

'dro 2 ocr. d lonsider

look out (for): walch oullook over: inspect carelrr lylook through: stLrdy carefully (sth written)look up: 1) Look for an address, name, elc in'_e releva']l bool o lisr. 2) v sir sb afler a lapseol lime (specially sb living at some dlslance)

make for: move quickly lowardsmake up: 1) invent (story, poem etc),2)make an amount complete, 3) compose.4) reconcile, 5) prepare (by mixing)make oneself up: put cosmetrcs onmake up for: compensate lormake oul: 1) comp etei l i I n, 2) dist inguish,3) understand


sti l l

133 <

B Conrtitir;nals .'/ wi.shes I Unreal Past-J Q.:!i rind thc word which should not bc ,r tfie setlerce.

1 Unless you not know the deta ls, you can t reach a dectsion

2 l f thcy wi l f in ish lhis ass gnrnent on t ime they' l l be rewarded.

3 Even i l he of lered to nake up ior the damage, otherwise lwouldn t accept.4 Tf were I had accepted the job, i would be earning a lot of money now.

5 l f she were be ne she would have done exact ly the same.

6 You won l be a lowed to ai tend lhe recept ion unless you wiI receive an invi tat ion7 | wlsh r f ihey woLrld stop cr i t crsing our ei forts to change things

I | | give them my new address in case th€y w ll want to forward my post.

9 l l o- ly he had bFe_ rakpn o- 'advi(10 As long as you s/i I prom se lo behave yourseli, you can stay overnight at your iriend's.11 lwish lor Sarah wou d give up her dream ol becoming an opera s nger.12 He looked as ii that he hadn t slept ior days-13 lt's trme they had decded what they want to do.14 She d belter to take a course in French before she moves to France.15 l'd rather lhey had stayed at a hotel the next time lhey're in town.16 John woLrld rather to bLrv a new caf than a second-hand one.17 Shewould cre 'a ' :o hav€'vest the moneyfatherthar spend l l18 Unless we wil have the car repaired we won t be able to make our journey

19 Don't you wish you were being someone tamous?20 Had i f I wated longer, lwould have seen lhe parade.

'I not234567I9'10



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