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  • 7/30/2019 Conference draft2.doc


    The Real Che Guevara and His Politics Today

    The Real Che Guevara and His Politics Today

    Gerald A. Azul

    University of Central Florida


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    The Real Che Guevara and His Politics Today


    The subject of my research is Che Guevara. My purpose of this essay is to create an

    objective analysis of Che Guevara. The majority of writings about Che lean left or right, leaving

    no middle ground or an objective view, each article seems to have an objective. For me to create

    this middle ground, I gathered multiple articles from an online database provided by the UCF

    Library and analyzed each article. I looked at the authors background for possible bias, their

    argument, how they support their argument, and the journal the articles purpose. These articles

    are a genre for the political science discourse community and a method of communication for

    political scientists to participate in the field and receive feedback. I analyze this genre to also

    understand the political science community since I am an aspiring political scientist. This

    research is to also help me learn to participate in this community.


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    The Real Che Guevara and His Politics Today


    I chose my topic since here at a college campus, you see many Che Guevara shirts and

    memorabilia. In my first semester I had an international relations class where he was briefly

    mentioned. In the same class the professor assigned a miniature paper that allowed us to research

    anything we wanted more closure on in the class, of course I chose Che Guevara. I wanted to

    know what the shirts meant. In political science Che Guevara is a controversial political figure

    and folk legend. The Che most people have come to love is based upon folk legend and a cult of

    personality. My objective is to separate fact from myth and analyze Che as the political figure he

    truly is.

    To accomplish this I first accumulated multiple sources on Che Guevara. With the

    sources I analyzed them by scrutinizing the venue of article, and the author. From my sources I

    concluded that the authors political ideology polarizes the legacy of Che Guevara. Writers either

    love him or hate him. Writers wrote about Che as a personality (Fontova, 2007; Minogue, 1972;

    Harris, 1998,), aspects of Che (Payne, 2011; Yaffe, 2009; McCormick, 1997), being subjective to

    Che (Petras,1998; McLaren, 2001), and opposing Che (Fontova 2007).

    Fontova, a Cuban exile and political scientist wrote a book called, Exposing the Real

    Che Guevara. This book opposes Che Guevara by presenting him as a communist propaganda

    campaign, tyrant, and terrorist which is contrary to popular support for Che (Fontova 2007). His

    book even though it is mainly an editorial opposing Che, being a Cuban exile is a reflection of

    what Cubans think of Che, he doesnt have the hearts of everybody. Minogue is in his essay

    Che Guevara written in Prophetic Politics attempts to separate fact from myth that surrounds

    Che Guevara (1972). His analysis concludes that Ches passion is the core of his legacy

    (Minogue 1972). He comes to this conclusion by presenting Che neutrally, unlike many other


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    The Real Che Guevara and His Politics Today

    authors. Harris in his article Reflections On Che Guevaras Lgeacy, on the other hand bases

    his analysis from other writings of Che. This sounds good, yet his sources are purely subjective

    towards the political figure, the writer may not necessarily be biased but his sources are. His

    conclusion is similar to that of Minogue, passion is what Ches legacy consists of ( Harris 1998).

    Payne in his article, Building the Base: Al-Quaedas Focoist Strategy, asserts that modern

    terrorists groups are utilizing Ches guerilla foco theory (2011). Ches theories make modern

    insurgents more sophisticated than they seem. He is neither subjective or opposing Che Guevara,

    but stating an observation/claim. Yaffe in his article, Che Guevaras Leagacy: Not the Foco but

    the Theory of Socialist Construction, analyzes Che from an economic standpoint rather the

    clich analysis of guerilla warfare. He asserts that Che Guevaras policies are great, yet he

    implemented them at the wrong time (Yaffe 2009). McCormick like Payne in his article, Che

    Guevara: the Legacy of a Revolutionary Man analyzed guerilla warfare. He asserted that Che

    Guevara is not worth all the hype since he only implemented basic military strategy and brought

    upon his own downfall with simple mistakes (1997). Payne and McCormick analyzing Che

    Guevara in the specifics of their field took Che Guevara at face value, creating an objective

    analysis. Petras in his two articles, Thirty Years After Che and Che Guevara and

    Contemporary Revoulutionary Movements is in the attitude of the common slogan El Che

    Vive! His articles are completely subjective to Che when referring to his influence on Latin

    American politics. McLaren on the same note asserts that Ches legacy was created by capturing

    the hearts of young impressionable people, yet does not question this practice as indoctrination

    (2001). His passion for Che is blinding.


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    The Real Che Guevara and His Politics Today

    These sources show how the political science community communicates. The primary

    genre for political scientists to participate and receive feed back is academic journal. Political

    scientists both read and write articles playing off of one another.

    Che As A Personality

    Che Guevaras legacy is based upon folk legend and mystique. More specifically, his

    legacy is a cult of personality (Fontova 2007). In order to understand any controversially figure,

    you must separate fact from myth (Minogue 1972). Minogue, in his essay for Prophetic politics

    asserts that Che Guevaras passion is what created his following or cult of personality (1972).

    For example, he states in his essay, The passion Che followed was less universal than that of

    many another saint (Minogue 1972). Harris in his article asserts a similar argument of Ches

    personality. He states, It is impossible to think of a true revolutionary without this quality. . .

    .Our vanguard revolutionaries must idealize their love for the people (Harris 1998). Harris in his

    article analyzing Ches legacy based off other biographers of Che and he pulls his own analyses

    from the gap. This shows how the love for Che is spread beyond the sources I have accumulated.

    Many writers have spread the love for Che, yet the cult of personality also stems from the

    personality itself, Che Guevara. He has many writings, but the favorite amongst the masses is

    The Motorcycle Diaries. Reading articles and books about Che give the writers interpretation of

    Che, but his personal diaries show the real Che. The personality of love and passion for the

    people every writer addresses can be found in the last passage of his diary. He states, I knew

    that when the great guiding spirit cleaves humanity into two antagonistic halves, I will be with

    the people (Guevara 2003). This shows there is some truth to every legend, for a legend

    reaffirms a groups common values.


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    The Real Che Guevara and His Politics Today

    With Che being a political figure, much controversy arises around him. Political

    polarization skews his image from being a saint, to heartless monster. Fontova is his book asserts

    that Che Guevara nothing more than a terrorist (2007). He puts him along the lines of Osama Bin

    Laden. Fontova presents evidence that is neglected or has never been heard before. For example

    few are aware that Che planned an attack on the statue of liberty during his visit to the United

    Nations. Ches legacy is polarized left or right, never in between.

    With the controversy of Che Guevara being so skewed from passionate freedom fighter

    to monster, I say Che Guevara is a pure monster and the people love him for it. In the world of

    politics almost nothing is certain, but Che Guevara is. No one truly knows where a politician

    stands. For example Fidel Castro and Mitt Romney are quite obscure. Mitt Romney has changed

    his political platform more than four times in 24 hours. Fidel Castro on the same note was not

    even communist. He just used the communist revolution as a way to remove Fulgencio Batista

    and make a Cuba for Cubans, in a way that makes him right winged and opportunist. Che

    Guevara is consistent throughout. He was more popular than Castro himself in Cuba. The

    question for Che Guevara is not who he truly is, but do his ends justify his means.

    Fontova defines Che as a terrorist, while Harris defines him as freedom fighter for the

    people (2007; 1998). Both different definitions are two of the same. A guerilla fighter fighting in

    the name of peoples rights can be seen as a terrorism. Che ends are peoples rights, but his means

    are uprising and killing in the fight, then executing the remaining who oppose his views. Do the

    ends justify the means? I find that Che being so consistent in his socio-political views and

    actions are the reason he has a cult of personality. Its not the freedom fighter or politician the

    people, but the fact he is a straight up guy who stands behind himself. He exemplified the

    principles of individual sacrifice, honesty, dedication to cause, and personal conviction in his


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    The Real Che Guevara and His Politics Today

    beliefs (Harris 1998). My analysis shows that schools should teach proper research. Most of the

    sources that are polarized is done so by the writers personal bias. Of course a Cuban Exile will

    hate Che, and of course a Latin American would most likely love Che since Latin America is

    quite leftist. From the polar opposites I had to establish a middle ground that Che is a pure

    monster and the people love him for it. In politics I find that polarization only leads to framing

    sources into the writers ideology. Writers should always a middle group or objective standpoint

    in their writing.

    Aspects of Che

    The writers who went more specific into Che for example analyzing him as a guerilla

    fighter or policy maker; are actually the most objective. Being experts in a more specific field

    allowed these writers to take the evidence of that aspect at face value. For example Yaffe, an

    economist analyzed Ches socialist construction policies rather his famous guerilla foco theory

    (2009). He asserts that Che enacted good economic policies to create socialism, but enacted them

    at the wrong time (Yaffe 2009). Marxists believe it or not actually like capitalist, but only as a

    prerequisite for communism. Karl Marx himself believed that the most advanced countries

    would have a communist revolution; not countries like Russia, China, and Cuba. Especially in

    Cuba, with country not modernized yet, Che implemented socialist construction to early (Yaffe

    2009). Since socialist construction was implemented before the country modernized, Cuba has a

    problem with innovation (Yaffe 2009). The purpose of capitalism is to create competition for the

    economy to innovate. The dilemma in communism is how to innovate without the incentive of

    capitalism (communists reject consumerism). In turn, Raul Castro in 2008 began enacting

    capitalist policies (Yaffe 2009). This shows how Che Guevaras policies are no longer relevant,

    they do not work if Cuba wants to be competitive in the international economy.


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    The Real Che Guevara and His Politics Today

    McCormick, a Department of Defense analyst and instructor at a Naval postgraduate

    school analyzes Che from military point of view. He asserts that Che Guevara is not worth all the

    hype, as in Che never brought anything new in to strategy and theory, he simply implanted basic

    military strategy (McCormick 1997). Che Guevara is known as guerilla fighter and the fame

    stems from his part in the Cuban Revolution. Che fanatics disregard his revolutionary attempts in

    other countries afterwards. They see his personality as passionate, not his failure. For example in

    Bolivia where he was executed he implemented basic strategy and committed the most crucial

    basic mistakes. At first Che attempted to implement the Cuban Revolution in Bolivia

    (McCormick 1997). Secondly, he ignoring cultural differences between Latin Americans,

    Bolivia is not Cuba (McCormick 1997). Finally he didnt have the same support in Bolivia as he

    did in Cuba (McCormick). Che could be a great man to some, but he is his own greatest enemy.

    He brought his downfall upon himself.

    Payne also analyzes Ches guerilla fighting, but emphasizes his foco theory. In his article

    Payne asserts that Al-Quaeda is implementing Ches guerilla foco theory. This is where a

    guerilla/paramilitary group vanguards discontent and creates popular support for a revolution.

    Payne asserts Al-Quaeda is using this for their global jihad, as in Al-Quaeda vanguards Muslims

    for global jihad (2011).

    When analysts scrutinize a subject specifically related to their field, it enables them to

    take evidence at face value. The analyses I have accumulated show only that Che Guevara is still

    relevant today, whether you love or hate him. This has influenced leftist politics highly. I find

    that if writers researched subjects more in depth into the individual aspects the analyses can be

    more objective. When writing writers should take all their sources at face value, not frame it to

    their own ideology.


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    The Real Che Guevara and His Politics Today

    Subjective to Che

    Political polarization skews any analysis of a subject, including Che Guevara. From the

    sources I have accumulated, two authors are exclusively subjective to Che. Petras, a political

    scientist and political activist who leans left, asserts that Che has a lasting influence on Latin

    American politics. Latin America is a refuge for leftist politics. Petras states, I would argue that

    Ches relevance to contemporary revolutionary politics is found in his general analysis of politics

    and his reflections on political action and economic structures rather than the tactical ideas he

    applied to specific conjunctural circumstances (1998). Basically Ches politics remain relevant

    today. This articles analysis seems similar to Yaffes article, but other articles by Petras provide

    more evidence that he is subjective to Che, besides his political standing.

    In his article, Thirty Years After Che, he analyzes Che legacy based on his guerilla

    warfare rather his politics. He asserts that Ches ideology for guerilla lives on today. He states in

    his article, The figure and ideas of Che Guevara have been influential and prescient in shaping

    the revolutionary debates and understanding their potentialities (1997). His evidence for this

    claim are presented by waves of revolutions after his death. McCormick analyzed Ches

    guerilla warfare, but in micro level of analysis. Payne did the same with guerilla theory but on

    the macro level. Payne and Petras may have some common ground, yet Petrass attitude is more

    subjective to Che Guevara. He states in his article, The CIA may have killed the man, but his

    ideas today are more pervasive than ever in ethics, politics, and culture (Petras 1997). This

    statement is similar to a common slogan El Che Vive (the Che lives).

    McLaren in his article is blatantly subjective to Che. It is visible in the title of the article,

    Che Guevara, Paulo Freire, and the Politics of Hope: Reclaiming Political Pedagogy. The

    emphasis of the article is Che as a symbol of Hope. The introduction of the article states, I


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    The Real Che Guevara and His Politics Today

    noticed that he was wearing a Che T-shirt with the inscription iChe Vive!; A fleeting sensation

    of plaintive connectedness overcame me, and I managed to give him a quick thumbs-up gesture

    of affirmation (McLaren 2001). The subject of the article is Ches pedagogy, which is the

    teaching of children. McLaren in his article also states, Che is not sympathetically portrayed in

    school extbooks, and because strong social movements against oppression are woefully lacking

    in the United States, we therefore should not place too much faithin the relevance of Ches

    message for our current condition (2001). In Cuba, kids start their day in school by pledging,

    We Will Be Like Che. McLaren is for this practice. Arguably, this practice can be called

    indoctrination as well. Che and the Cuban government are creating a communist impression on

    impressionable children. There is no mention in the article that the practice within the article

    could be indoctrination of any sort.

    From these three articles I have come to the conclusion that passion is blinding. Petras

    and McLaren have a blatant subjectivity to Che Guevara. They are blinded and disregard any

    evidence or hold to one interpretation of it. The synopsis of each article is El Che Vive. The

    writers only mention Ches successes and how they live on in history, yet briefly mention if not

    at all his failures. The writers views Che as a good man, these writers contribute to the cult of

    personality that has created Ches legacy. Writers should take the tone of historians, neutral.

    When you read these articles you can feel the emotion the writers has for Che. It should be

    taught that writers should only present the evidence and their analysis based upon the evidence at

    face value. This would remove much of the polarization and skewing of analyses, especially

    around controversial figures in general.

    Opposition to Che


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    The Real Che Guevara and His Politics Today

    Just as complete subjectivity to Che Guevara skews the analysis, complete opposition to

    Che does the same. Fontova, a Cuban exile and political scientist wrote a book that exposes the

    real Che Guevara. He asserts that Che Guevara is a propaganda campaign, tyrant, and terrorist.

    Che Guevaras diaries were published by the propaganda bureau of a totalitarian regime

    Might there be some embellishment or omission (Fontova 2007). Fontovas sole purpose in this

    book is to debunk the legend of Che, and show who he truly is, the epitome of a totalitarian

    regime. For example he has a chapter titled, Jailers of Rockers, Hipsters, and Gays (Fontova

    2007). The Majority people who love Che know him as a guerilla or freedom fighter, those terms

    are sometimes two of the same. Yet to others on the opposition to Che would find him as a

    terrorist. Much like Al-Quaeda today, to them they are protecting the world Muslim community

    or Ummah. To the United States Al-Quaeda is a terrorist organization. Che Guevara is in the

    same situation. Fontova states in the first chapter of his book, New York Fetes the Godfather of

    Terrorism, he was referring to when Che addressed the United Nations (Fontova 2007).

    Out of all the sources that I have accumulated only one purely opposed Che Guevara.

    This also emphasizes Ches cult of personality. There is a widespread support of Che Guevara

    in some shape or form. It seems books that opposed che are not highly praised. In Fontovas

    book he presented evidence that many disregard or was never aware of. The rest of article do not

    address Che as a tyrant, terrorist, and propaganda campaign. Fontova looks at Che as if he were a

    pure monster. There is no middle ground to this analysis, only rebuttals to common perceptions

    of Che.


    My sources analyzed Che Guevara as a politician and guerilla fighter. The writers of

    these sources wrote about specific aspects of Che as a politician and guerilla fighter, or were


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    The Real Che Guevara and His Politics Today

    subjective or opposed to Che. They analyzed his theories, socialist construction and influence to

    other socialist constructions, and actions as a guerilla fighter or terrorist to some.

    To completely understand Che Guevara, you cannot only look at what his profession was,

    but his home life. The love and hate for Che stems from his profession as a revolutionary. But

    who was this guy at home? If I were researching this subject professionally I would interview his

    eldest daughter Aleida Guevara and colleagues who remain in Cuba and those who are exiled

    here in the United States.

    The analysts who scrutinized hum by profession where skewed politically by

    polarization. Polariztion leads to framing of sources, facts, and half truths. So in reality there is

    no way to analyze Che Guevara objectively with the current system. Writers have been catering

    to their own biases, and the most objective analyses were Yaffe and McCormick who analyzed

    Che in their specific field (2011; 1997).

    From my sources I have to conclusion that Che Guevara is not worth the hype he

    receives. As a guerilla fighter, he brought nothing new to strategy, he only implemented basic

    military strategy and theory. His famous guerilla foco theory is based on French Focalism, so its

    nothing new. He only did basic strategy so his basic mistakes were crucial and brought upon his

    down fall. Che Guevara initiated his own downfall. His freedom fighting can easily be

    interpreted as terrorism, as Fontova has written in his book (2007). His legacy is purely based on

    his passion for his own interpretation of freedom. Passion is blinding so it led to the

    impracticality of his own socialist construction, for he was too impatient wait upon the right time

    to implement socialist policies (Yaffe 2009). Che Guevara is nothing more than a cult of

    personality, a symbol of rebellion, and a possible propaganda campaign by Cuba.


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    The Real Che Guevara and His Politics Today


    Fontova, H. (2007).Exposing The Real Che Guevara: And The Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him.

    New York, NY: Penguin Group

    Guevara, E. (2003). The Motorcycle Diaries. New York, NY: Ocean Press.

    Harris, R. (1998). Reflections On Che Guevaras Legacy.Latin American Perspectives, 25(4),


    McCormick, G.H. (1997). Che Guevara: The Legacy of a Revolutionary Man. World Policy

    Journal, 14(4), 63.

    McLaren, P. (2001). Che Guevara, Paulo Freire, and the Politics of Hope: Reclaiming Political

    Pedagogy. Critical Studies: Cultural Methodologies, 1(1), 108-131.

    Minogue, K. (1972). Che Guevara. In Maurice Cranston (Ed.),Prophetic Politics (pp. 17-48).

    New York, NY: Touchstone.

    Payne, K. (2011), Building the Base : Al Quaedas Focoist Strategy. Studies In Conflicts and

    Terrorism, 34(2), 124-143.

    Petras, J. (1997). Latin America: Thirty Years After Che.Monthly Review, 49(5), 8-21.

    Petras, J. (1998). Che Guevara and Contemporary Revolutionary Movements.Latin American

    Perspectives, 25(4), 1-3.

    Yaffe, H. (2009). Che Guevaras Legacy: Not the Foco but the Theory of Socialist Construction.

    Latin American Perspectives, 36(2), 49-65.
