confession of shop

Angelica N. Rellon BSN 3-A 1. Discuss the statements of Mr. Luke Brandon * “Cost and Worth are two different things.” Cost is the actual amount paid for something. Worth is what people are prepared to pay for something or how they value it in their hearts or minds. * “Security means differently for different people.” The security of a person is different from the security of other person. For example, when you go to mall, you feel secured for a day if you wear beautiful clothes. * “I don’t want to be defined by clothes, or labels or family. I want to succeed on my own terms.” This means that he/she doesn’t want other people to tell him/her that clothes define them. He/ She are still herself/himself regardless of what they wear. They don’t want to be labelled because it doesn’t define them. Labelling someone is just saying that you are too lazy to get to know someone. They do not want to be defined by family meaning they do not want to be known in their own positive way. No stereotyping. 2. What makes Ms. Rebecca Bloomwood a Shopaholic? Ms. Rebecca Bloomwood is a shopaholic because she cannot ignore the sale sign. She tried cutting back, she even tries making more money, but her effort was useless. Rebecca’s mind setting was to buy herself something, a little something. She will do anything just to get what she wants. 3. What is the one lesson from the movie that you have learned? “Always confront your problems, including your debts.”

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Page 1: Confession of shop

Angelica N. Rellon BSN 3-A

1. Discuss the statements of Mr. Luke Brandon

* “Cost and Worth are two different things.”

Cost is the actual amount paid for something. Worth is what people are prepared to pay for something or how they value it in their hearts or minds.

* “Security means differently for different people.”

The security of a person is different from the security of other person. For example, when you go to mall, you feel secured for a day if you wear beautiful clothes.

* “I don’t want to be defined by clothes, or labels or family. I want to succeed on my own terms.”

This means that he/she doesn’t want other people to tell him/her that clothes define them. He/ She are still herself/himself regardless of what they wear. They don’t want to be labelled because it doesn’t define them. Labelling someone is just saying that you are too lazy to get to know someone. They do not want to be defined by family meaning they do not want to be known in their own positive way. No stereotyping.

2. What makes Ms. Rebecca Bloomwood a Shopaholic?

Ms. Rebecca Bloomwood is a shopaholic because she cannot ignore the sale sign. She tried cutting back, she even tries making more money, but her effort was useless. Rebecca’s mind setting was to buy herself something, a little something. She will do anything just to get what she wants.

3. What is the one lesson from the movie that you have learned?

“Always confront your problems, including your debts.”Do not hide from debt collectors and make excuses just to avoid paying, because it’s actually more of a hassle since they will always find a way to track you. List all of your bad debts and declare when your freedom day will be. And, in doing so, avoid borrowing money from another party (and this includes your parents and friends!) just to pay because it will be the same. So, the best thing to do is work hard for it by yourself.

“Learn how to manage your money appropriately.”Learn how to budget properly. Impulsive-buying can only provide you a brief moment of pleasure, but it won’t save you from problems or anything else; instead, it might even bring you down. Learning how to manage your money properly can help you spend more without sacrificing anything verily essential in your living.