congregation ahavath sholom · year on my school’s track team. at times i wasn’t sure if i was...

Congregation Ahavath Sholom A Family of Families Bringing God and the Community Closer Together A Conservative Synagogue affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism June 2019 27 Iyar to 27 Sivan 5779 Vol. 83—Number 10 Tikkun Leil Shavuot Study - Saturday, June 8 at 9:00 PM Topic: “Chaos and Commentary - How the Torah Views Extremism” followed by a cheesecake reception. 1st Day of Shavuot Morning Service - Sunday, June 9 at 9:00 AM Evening Service - Sunday, June 9 at 6:00 PM 2nd Day of Shavuot Morning Service, including Yizkor Monday, June 10 at 6:55 AM Additional Yizkor service (only) at 10:00 AM Evening Service - Monday, June 10 at 6:00 PM

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Page 1: Congregation Ahavath Sholom · year on my school’s track team. At times I wasn’t sure if I was running towards the finish line or ... and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) Daily we

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Congregation Ahavath Sholom A Family of Families

Bringing God and the Community Closer Together A Conservative Synagogue affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

June 2019 27 Iyar to 27 Sivan 5779 Vol. 83—Number 10

Tikkun Leil Shavuot

Study - Saturday, June 8 at 9:00 PM

Topic: “Chaos and Commentary - How the Torah

Views Extremism”

followed by a cheesecake reception.

1st Day of Shavuot

Morning Service - Sunday, June 9 at 9:00 AM

Evening Service - Sunday, June 9 at 6:00 PM

2nd Day of Shavuot

Morning Service, including Yizkor

Monday, June 10 at 6:55 AM

Additional Yizkor service (only) at 10:00 AM

Evening Service - Monday, June 10 at 6:00 PM

Page 2: Congregation Ahavath Sholom · year on my school’s track team. At times I wasn’t sure if I was running towards the finish line or ... and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) Daily we

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During high

school I

competed for a

year on my

school’s track

team. At times I

wasn’t sure if I

was running

towards the

finish line or

merely circling the track with no real

destination in mind. Life and existing

are often thought of as being the same.

However, in my mind the two are not

synonymous, rather they are polar

opposites. So what is the difference?

The difference can be summed up by

realizing that we are either, “Running

for the life or running away from the

Life!” (Bharath Mamidoju) In other

words, when we live we are running

towards life’s experiences, while merely

existing and going through our days in

order to just survive another day is

running away from life.”

Let us remember that living life is what

God has intended us to do. For as the

Prophet, Jeremiah, teaches us, “For I

know the plans I have for you,” declares

the LORD, “plans to prosper you and

not to harm you, plans to give you hope

and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) Daily

we should reinforce our purposes in life

and begin to “live” them instead of

merely “existing” within them.

The questions being: “How do we do

this? How do we live?” Before we

answer that in the positive, we can rule

out living our lives by waiting for

someone to knock on our doors and tell

us how to live. Unfortunately in today’s

society too many people wait their

whole lives looking for opportunity to



Clergy & Professional Staff:

Rabbi Andrew Bloom

Michael L. Linn

Executive Director


President Jerry Stein

1st Vice President

Harry Labovitz

2nd Vice President Foster Owen

3rd Vice President

Kal Silverberg

Treasurer Stephen Kaye


Zoe Stein Pierce

Parliamentarian Dr. Nancy Faigin

Board of Directors: Ava Beleck

Steven Brown Dan Sturman

JR Faigin Suzanne Herman

Rebecca Isgur Dan Karpman William Landy Rivka Marco Jay Martin Alex Nason

Charles Norman Michael Reznikoff Naomi Rosenfield

Karen Savitz

Catering Department

Maria Loya

Office Staff

Suzi Gardner Bookkeeper

Cameron Chrestensen Administrative Assistant

Janitorial Staff Antonio Contreras Gabriel Sanchez

If you would prefer to not

have your information published in the CAS

directory, please contact Cameron at

[email protected] or call 817-731-4721.

So what should we do instead of waiting? I

suggest that we listen to Thomas Edison who

once said, “The reason a lot of people do not

recognize opportunity is because it usually goes

around wearing overalls looking like hard


Working hard in our case has a double mean-

ing. On the one hand it means that we need to

work hard at our jobs/professions/schools and

on the other hand we must work hard on our-

selves. Ourselves? Yes. This we can do by

working on our attitude and outlook whereby

we become happy within our own skin. For

once we discover our inner contentment we

will then be able to summon up “opportunities”

instead of waiting for them to knock on our


Now that we know how and what we can’t wait

for, let us look at how we should embrace life

and run towards it. As a history major in my

undergraduate studies, I look backwards for an

answer to my question of living and find the

base of my answer in the words of Marcus Au-

relius, the Roman Emperor (161-180 CE) who

once said that we should, “Waste no more time

arguing what a good man should be. Be one.”

In other words, the essence of a person and liv-

ing his life is in his “being.” Being present in

life and functioning as an upstander instead of a

bystander. Living begins with a single choice

and that choice is ours alone. Thus as we head

out on our summer vacations and embrace our

free time let us “be” people of character and

life instead of a “debater” of what “good char-

acter” should be.

For as the Talmudic Proverb teaches us, “Do

not be wise in words-be Wise In deeds.”

Let me wish everyone a safe and enjoyable

summer. I look forward to seeing you in the

synagogue and out in the community living life

and being an upstander.

B’shalom and Friendship,

Rabbi Andrew Bloom

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PRESIDENT’S DESK This is the time of year that most of

us begin to think about vacations,

time away from work, home, or just a

change in environment. I had a

chance to begin a bit earlier as our

grandson turned two in the middle of

May. What a nice break, and an

opportunity to relax (although the

calls and text messages never stop)

and spend time with family. For many years in my

professional life, I had been involved with addressing

developmental milestones and creating alternative programs

to work through or around developmental issues as we

assisted many children in achieving success at various

levels. This time, I sat back and marveled at how far we

have moved in providing educational environments and the

technology that leads to increased learning opportunities.

The simple cell phone, that years ago existed only for Dick

Tracy, is now a miniature computer capable of not just

communications, but entertainment and engagement. I

continue to be distracted and at the same time encouraged at

how far we have moved in the past forty years in creating

and developing a vast array of educational possibilities.

However, the ubiquitous cell phone that does so well in

keeping us in contact with family and friends, also remains

as the one continuous tool that maintains almost constant

communication with coworkers and the expectation of

almost immediate responses.

We know that around the Memorial Day weekend, children

will be out of school and parents will be seeking assorted

ways of providing a safe environment. Many children

attend summer camp, group travels, visit grandparents, or

attend specialized classes. Sending a child to a camp in

many ways provides parents with a vacation while

remaining at home. I know that I will manage to take some

time away from the office, no longer need to worry what we

can do with our children but will have the ability to spend

additional time with family. On those days or weekends

that we cannot travel to visit our family, we anticipate

finding the time to relax on the water. Sailing allows one to

concentrate on the movement of clouds and wind, and has

the magical ability to erase the tensions of the world.

I hope that you will find the time to re-group, re-coupe or

relax and enjoy the opportunity to re-focus on the direction

you chose to head.

Michael Linn


Sholom. Spring transitions to summer quickly in North Texas.

It’s a time of rapid change in the weather and at the synagogue.

My best wishes to everyone.

Congratulations to all CAS students for completing a great year

at our Learning and Engagement Center (LEC) and those

completing the Confirmation program. I also want to send my

best wishes to all students graduating at all levels: high school,

college and graduate school. Well done students, parents and


I am very optimistic about the future of CAS. I look forward to

working with a new set of Board members and officers. During

the 2019-2020 term, we plan to roll-out significantly more

programs designed to meet the wide range of interests of our

members. Our long-term calendar will include a good balance

of events that meet the needs of our current membership and

attract new families. Some programs will be free while others

will be designed to raise funds. Some will be educational, some

will be pure fun. Lots of volunteer opportunities will be


During the next few months, it is likely that you will receive

one or more phone calls from synagogue volunteers. We will

not be selling new roofs, health insurance policies or asking

your preferences for federal election candidates. We want your

opinion on our current operations and our future. We will also

invite you to celebrate simchas at the synagogue and join us at

services for yahrzeits. We need your input and participation.

Construction of the new elementary school has begun. This is

very exciting and may result in several new, positive

opportunities. Acutely, the construction will create challenges

for our members and visitors. Please look out for changes in the

parking lot: new traffic patterns and limited parking spaces. We

are actively working with the FWISD, the construction

contractors and our neighbors to protect our property and meet

the needs of our members. The project is targeted to be

completed in one year. I request your patience and


Regarding our own Building Project, a Request for

Qualifications (RFQ) is being developed seeking architectural

firms with the expertise needed to develop plans for a new

building or major renovation. As stated last month, the input

received from current congregants in 2017 and 2018 will be an

important element in our planning. We must also think about

new members and our long-term plans.

As always, your ideas and questions are welcome. Let me hear

from you.

Jerry Stein

CAS President


Page 4: Congregation Ahavath Sholom · year on my school’s track team. At times I wasn’t sure if I was running towards the finish line or ... and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) Daily we

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Certified Travel Consultant Robin Tirsun

Phone: 817-263-8131

Fax: 817-263-8132

6945 Mesa Drive

Fort Worth TX 76132

Email: [email protected]

For All Your Travel Needs


Dr. Julian Haber will soon begin work on Volume 3 of They

Were Soldiers in Peace and War. These are his areas of focus:

Veterans who were not covered in Vol. 1 or 2. Even a

relative’s interesting experiences in the military from

WWII and onward, and/or pictures would also be helpful

as would soldiers currently serving.

Allied veterans: Israel, England, France, etc, - Dr. Haber is

looking for Jewish persons that served in the old Soviet

Union Army for a prospective of how they were treated as

a Jewish person in the armed forces.

An additional section will be letters to the home front for

the time period of WWI forward.

All these veterans may have served in peacetime or in war.

Please contact Dr. Haber, or call the shul office at



The FWISD will begin demolition of part of the

parking lot the last week of May. It is possible that the

entrance of the parking lot will be relocated to the same

driveway as the exit. Caution is advised.

There will also be a fence erected in the middle of the

parking lot, reducing the number of spaces that will be

available. Again, caution is advised.

Parking in the Fire Lane next to the building is not

permitted and will result in vehicles being towed.

Street parking on Briarhaven is permitted.

Page 5: Congregation Ahavath Sholom · year on my school’s track team. At times I wasn’t sure if I was running towards the finish line or ... and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) Daily we

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Read2Win . . .

Volunteer to Help a child succeed!

If you would like to be part of a program that makes a

difference—this is it! Help Westcliff Elementary students learn to

read. Please contact Rabbi Andrew Bloom at 817-731-4721 to

volunteer. Thank you!

Volunteers Needed

The Synagogue would greatly benefit from

contributions of your time on a Committee and/or a

specific activity. We need help. You can make a one-

time commitment for a specific event or make a

longer-term commitment.

Committees Needing Help:

○ Membership / Welcoming, Communication /

Marketing, Cemetery, Catering, House,

Ritual, Programming / Fund Raising,

Security, Chesed / Social Action, Personnel,


Specific Activities:

○ Preparing the monthly Bulletin for


○ Shabbat Greeters

○ Office assistance

Core Skills Required of Everyone:

○ Smiles

○ Good attitudes

○ Compassion / Empathy

○ Patience

Special Skills Required for Some Assignments:

○ Social Media (Facebook and Twitter)

○ Web-Site

Please contact Jerry Stein (817-909-2001) or Michael

Linn (817-731-4721) if you have any questions or

wish to volunteer your time.

Please use the School Entrance to enter the

synagogue. The North Entrance can be

used during morning and evening services.

Please contact the office if you need the code



CAS Annual

Congregational Meeting

4:00 PM Sunday, June 2, 2019

Election of Officers and Board Members

for 2019-2020 and

By-Law Changes

Page 6: Congregation Ahavath Sholom · year on my school’s track team. At times I wasn’t sure if I was running towards the finish line or ... and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) Daily we

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Thanks to the Kiddush Luncheon Hosts..

Dr. Elizabeth and Robert Azerad

in honor of their son

Zachary’s Bar Mitzvah

Linda and Michael Webberman


Linda and Ebrahim Lavi

in honor of the Aufruf of

Brock Webberman and Sara Lavi

Our Delicious Cake Provided by..

Kay Lynn Tuck Dubinsky

in Memory of

Rebecca and David Tuck

Melissa Morgan and David Saul

in Honor of

Dr. Bernard Zilberg’s 93rd Birthday

Bimah Flowers Donated by:

LaJean and Dan Sturman

in Honor of

Andrea and Cantor Jeffrey Weber

Eagle Mountain International Church

Kenneth Copeland Ministries

in memory of

Pearl McFarland

Ezat Lavi, Charlotte Webberman

and Celia Weingarten

in honor of their grandchildren,

the Bride and Groom,

Sara Lavi and Brock Webberman

Kay Lynn Tuck Dubinsky

in Memory of

Rebecca and David Tuck

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Jewish Family Services of Fort Worth and Tarrant County has many services available for your

congregants. One extremely helpful service is no cost transportation to medical appointments.

This service has been very successful in helping community members go to physical therapy

appointments, doctor appointments, and surgery centers. The service is available, free of

charge, for persons without need for a special mobility device as well as those who use

mobility devices such as a walker or a motorized wheelchair.

If you would like to register to participate, please contact Lynell Bond, case manager, at 817-

823-0476. Once you have enrolled in the program, you will need to schedule appointments at

least 48 hours in advance.

We want everyone in our community to know about the transportation to medical

appointments so they can participate if needed. Please encourage your congregants to take

advantage of this wonderful service. Also, Lynell Bond is happy to help you with any

questions you may have about services that may be available to help you.

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Thank you for your generosity and kind donations.

Catering Fund

In honor of:

Rachel and Yoseph

Yaacobi’s Anniversary

Rachel Yaacobi

Terri and Rich Hollander

Jim Stanton

For the recovery of:

Elsie Blum

Cookie and Jerry Wise

In loving memory of:

Marian Goelman

Rachel and Yoseph Yaacobi

Elaine Silverberg

Bootsie Coggan

Chevra Kadisha Fund


In loving memory of:

David Saxon

Louise and Judd Vermillion

Morton Miller

Robin and Dan Tirsun

Ruth and Irving Napoleon

Sheryl, Aaron and Seth


Rabbi Garsek Patriot

Garden Fund

In loving memory of:

Elaine Silverberg

Patty and Elliott Garsek

General Operating


In honor of:

Anita Davidson’s Birthday

Vicky and Sal Mitrani

In loving memory of:

Elaine Silverberg

Rhoda and Howard


Jim Stanton

Charwynne Hazelwood

and Barry Schneider

Sheila Stocker

General Operating

Fund (continued)

In loving memory of:

Marian Goelman

Sophia and Alex Nason

Carol and Steve Kline

Jim Stanton


In loving memory of:

Sima Kisin

Inessa and David Kisin

Madlyn Barnett

Rhoda and Howard


John Queen

Karen and Rick Savitz

Helene Marcus

Karen and Rick Savitz

Leah Greenberg

Shirley Schuster


Endowment Fund

In loving memory of:

Marian Goelman

Robin and Dr. Jerry Stein

Elaine Silverberg

Robin and Dr. Jerry Stein

Religious Education


In honor of:

Anita Davidson’s


Carol Bulbrook

Sehila Stocker

Katrina Diaz and Neil

Bailey’s New Home

Etta and Bruce Miller

Religious Education

Fund (continued)

For the recovery of:

Linda Paddack

Etta and Bruce Miller

In loving memory of:

Marian Goelman

Dr. Lauren Eisenberg and

Adam Rosenfield

Rebecca and Stuart Isgur

Karen and Rick Savitz

Shirley Rosenberg

Etta and Bruce Miller

Elaine Silverberg

Etta and Bruce Miller

Karen Kaplan

Rebecca and Stuart Isgur


In loving memory of:

Jerome Green

Louise and Judd


Sarah Weitzer

Sheila Stocker

Elaine and Dr. Harold


Sheila Stocker

Rosalyn Tirsun

Robin and Dan Tirsun

Barbara Lippman

Barbara and Dr. Dennis


Sol Flamholz

Regina Rog

Building Fund


In loving memory of:

Natalie Cohn

Caren Cohn Nogen and

Michael Nogen

Elaine Stanton

Caren Cohn Nogen and

Michael Nogen

Dave Klimist Cemetery

Beautification and

Maintenance Fund


In loving memory of:

Alexander Boksiner

Claudia Boksiner

Prayer Book Fund


In loving memory of:

Ruth and Irving Napoleon

Sheryl, Aaron and Seth


Rabbi’s Discretionary


Marcia and Dr. Harold


Jerry Weinstein

In honor of:

Daniel Bloom’s


Dr. Phillip Cohen

The Birth of Chaya Tikva


Dr. Nancy and Richard


In loving memory of:

Marian Goelman

Jeane and Izzy Bloomberg


In loving memory of:

Herbert Bergman

Richard Weisberg

Judith Pressberger

Dr. Emily Isaacs

Barbara Weisman

Cookie and Jerry Wise

Norman Richard

Sondra Richard

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Telephone - Office: 731-4721; Fax: 731-4724; Kitchen: 731-4431; visit our website at

Schedule of Services

Kabbalat Shabbat (Friday)

Shabbat Morning (Saturday)

Monday - Friday Morning

6:00 pm

9:30 am

6:55 am

Sunday and National Holiday Morning

Sunday - Thursday Evening

Rosh Chodesh (New Month)

9:00 am

6:00 pm

6:45 am

All Services for Children start at 10:30 am on Saturdays, Shabbat Morning

New Stars (of David)—ages birth to 3 years of age; Davening Dynamos—Pre-K through 2nd Grade

Shul Scholars—4th Grade and up

Jun-01 Rhonda Krupp Jun-11 Judy Weinstein Jun-22 David Nudleman

Jun-03 Ruth Berkowitz Jun-12 Israel Shafir Jun-23 Marilyn Rubin

Jun-03 Sheryl Ross Jun-13 Frances Gratch Jun-24 James Stansbury

Jun-05 Dr. Paul Solomon Jun-13 Nancy Stansbury Jun-25 Steven Brown

Jun-05 Jayna Sosland Jun-16 Sandra Luskey Jun-26 Jetti Cole

Jun-06 Daniel Karpman Jun-17 Hannah Smiley Jun-26 Laura Fierer

Jun-07 Shirley Givant Jun-18 Dr. Ilan Kiselstein Jun-27 Philip Gressel

Jun-09 Joseph Mintz Jun-22 Harriette Gachman Jun-28 Dr. Myron Krupp

Jun-29 Richard Savitz

Jun-03 Charlotte Levi Jun-19 Benjamin Vanderveer Jun-27 Lily Goldberg

Jun-11 Adam Ostrinsky Jun-19 Ahnyela Williams Jun-30 Abigel Vanderveer

Jun-19 Adam Knitel Jun-22 Keira Butler

Jun-01 Chad and Martis Herman 23 Jun-17 Arnold and Ethel Schectman 68

Jun-02 Michael and Patricia Linn 40 Jun-18 Dr. Ariel and Gillat Brautbar 22

Jun-03 Morton and Dr. Barbara Herman 19 Jun-18 Richard and Terri Hollander 47

Jun-07 Mitchell and Annette Smith 32 Jun-18 Dr. Dennis and Barbara Schuster 52

Jun-08 Dr. Don and Judith Peska 44 Jun-19 Dr. Charles and Lisa Paley 37

Jun-08 Drs. Don and Emily Rosen 22 Jun-20 Elliott and Patricia Garsek 47

Jun-12 Walter and Vanessa Listig 23 Jun-20 Jeffrey and Barbara Gilbert 48

Jun-13 Glenn and Eszter Vandaveer 8 Jun-23 Aaron and Melissa Cohen 6

Jun-14 Aleksandr and Lyubov Gershengoren 39 Jun-24 Michael and Debra Schwanz 11

Jun-14 Neil and Pat Rosenzweig 32 Jun-26 Dr. Irwin and Myra Schussler 53

Jun-14 Jack and Marilyn Rubin 55 Jun-28 Edward and Malea Balmuth 24

Jun-15 David and Elisa Nudleman 34

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Sat., June 1

27 Iyar

Louis Glasser

Bobby Leff

Sarah Weitzer

Sun., June 2

28 Iyar

Mort Werner

Max Reisberg

Godfrey Kaftan

Sarah Levine

Betty Klapp

Mon., June 3

29 Iyar

Sam Sturman

Ruth Napoleon

Rose Herman

Sarah Foreman


Loucille Davidson

Mae Drasnin

Ruth Napoleon

Leah Greenberg

Tue., June 4

1 Sivan

Harold Radetsky

Bernard Marcus

Josephine Tills

Helen Raker

Jennie Chicotsky


Jennie Levenson


Helen Raker

Jennie Levenson


Wed., June 5

2 Sivan

Abram Kisin

Jack Walensky

Sydney Axelrod

Helene Ruth


Thur., June 6

3 Sivan

Gerhard Herzog

Jeffrey Baitman

Madlyn Brachman


Mamie Dworkin

Helen Lewis Blanc

Anna Lender

Fri., June 7

4 Sivan

Dr. Sidney Lane

Rosalyn Tirsun

Reisel Brand

Sat., June 8

5 Sivan

Larry Karlin

Rosalie Freed

Sun., June 9

6 Sivan

Andrew Scherman

Lena Bockstein

Edith Salzman

Fay Ochman

Abby Rothschild

Mon., June 10

7 Sivan

Dr. Meyer Greenfield

Samuel Miller

Michael Polonetsky

Nathan Shturman

Avram Goikhman

Herman Nass

Jack Ellis

Sadie Raffel

Ida Gresky

Tue., June 11

8 Sivan

Morton Miller

Eva Perlman

Wed., June 12

9 Sivan

Eva Bailin

Thur., June 13

10 Sivan

Dora Ginsburg

Fri., June 14

11 Sivan

Guta Lubin

Sat., June 15

12 Sivan

Hyman Schriber

Stephen Sepp

Lillian Neuman

Nessa Griver

Rose Antweil

Esther Davis

Sun., June 16

13 Sivan

John A. Queen

George Ginsburg

Beatrice Benkov

Mon., June 17

14 Sivan

Nathan Schessler

Irby Bodiford

Marcel Kirschner

Nathan Lubin

Marcel Kirschner

Rose Ray Blumenthal

Pearl Corbin

Hortense Charlotte


Pearl Corbin

Tue., June 18

15 Sivan

Joseph I Dworkin

Sam Anton

Jan Stanton

Jerome Green

Wed., June 19

16 Sivan

Gary Luskey

Paul Nudleman

Ismael Lobato

Joseph Meyer Cristol

Phyllis Weiss

Wed., June 19

16 Sivan


Jenny Bornstein

Grace Goodman

Jenny Bornstein

Thur., June 20

17 Sivan

James Gregory


Morris Kruger

Oscar Rosen

Sarah Malofsky

Margaret Johnson

Noami Katz

Fri., June 21

18 Sivan

Audrey Mathis


Hanna Gubina

Sat., June 22

19 Sivan

Henry Weil

Ida Aranow Esakov

Miriam Landy

Ruth Cohn Roberts

Sun., June 23

20 Sivan

Dave Chicotsky

Mort Kessler

Lowell Anton

G.H. Himelhoch

Blanche Thoma

Mon., June 24

21 Sivan

Isidor Israel


Abe Pozez

Frank Schumer

Sylvia Salicoff


Etta Remer Sosland

Tue., June 25

22 Sivan

Emile Lax

Wendell Morgan

Irma Howard

Mary Corbin

Helga Hoffner

Wed., June 26

23 Sivan

Ruben Rovinsky

Sam Weisblatt

Fritz Glazer

Minnie Engelberg

Thur., June 27

24 Sivan

Meyer Zeff

Alice Coplin

Fri., June 28

25 Sivan

Max Lobel

Norman Bailin

Pavel Ungerleider

Herbert Bergman

David Saxon

Rebecca Leva

Rose T. Wolin

Cheryl Berlin


Sat., June 29

26 Sivan

Elias Brachman

Joseph Gurkoff

Nathan Liebling

Dorothy Bromley

Sun., June 30

27 Sivan

Alvin Louis

Norman Richard

Judith Pressberger

Jennie Feldman

Estelle Cortes

Elinore Udell

Martha Litman

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Can you help the Archives identify anyone or anything about this group photo taken in the 1960’s at a

Regional BBYO conference in Fort Worth?

Rabbi Isadore Garsek is standing in the front row on the far left. Teenagers hold up bumper stickers

that say, “Israel Peace.”

There is Hebrew writing on many t-shirts.

If you have any information, please email Hollace Weiner at

[email protected].

Thank you.

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