connecting framework manager to cognosbi.docx

Connecting Framework Manager to Cognos BI 10.2 with Oracle Database. (Note: The Cognos BI Servers must also have Oracle 11G Client Linux installed and can connect to Cognos BI) In order to connect Framework Manager installed in to Cognos BI it is needed to install Oracle Client XG 32 bit to the framework users. - Copy the tnsnames.ora and paste it to oracle_folder/network. - Copy the ojdbc5.jar/ojdbc6.jar(depending on jre version you are using) and paste it to framework_folder/webbapps/lib.  2.1. Go to Start Menu, All Programs and IBM Click the Framework Manager. Click Create a new project  2.2. Uncheck the "Use Dynamic Query Mode" then clik Ok 

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8/14/2019 Connecting Framework Manager to CognosBI.docx 1/10

Connecting Framework Manager to Cognos BI 10.2 with Oracle Database.

(Note: The Cognos BI Servers must also have Oracle 11G Client Linux installed and can connect to

Cognos BI)

In order to connect Framework Manager installed in to Cognos BI it is needed to install Oracle Client XG

32 bit to the framework users.

- Copy the tnsnames.ora and paste it to oracle_folder/network.

- Copy the ojdbc5.jar/ojdbc6.jar(depending on jre version you are using)

and paste it to framework_folder/webbapps/lib. 

2.1. Go to Start Menu, All Programs and IBM Click the Framework Manager. Click Create

a new project


2.2. Uncheck the "Use Dynamic Query Mode" then clik Ok 

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2.3. Wait until the verification is finish. Then click OK.

2.4. Select Data Source and click Next

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2.5. Click New to Create New Data Source

2.6. Click Next

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2.7. Set a Name for your Connector and click Next.

2.8. Click type and select Oracle.

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2.9. For SQL*NET connect string:

- just type your TNS name

- check the UserID, Password and Create a new Signon that the

Everyone group can use.

- type the user name and password.

- click test the connection and click test again.

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- you will if see your connection is succeeded or failed.

- click close then close again and click next.

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  2.10. Select Service ID, for the Server name type the IP address of the Oracle

DB, for the Port number type the port use by the Oracle DB, for Oaracle Service ID just type the SID.

Then click test the Connection.

- you will if see your connection is succeeded or failed.

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  2.11. Select the data source that you created and click Next.

2.12. Check all the tables that you need.

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  2.13. Click Import and wait for the database to load.

2.14. Click Finish.

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  2.15. The Oracle DB has been loaded.