constitutional law ii - dienes - fall 2008

I. Historic Perspective a. Or iginal Cons ti tuti on i. Na tu ra l Rights 1. If the gov ’t exercises one of its del egat ed power s or the stat es exer cise the ir rese rved powers, soe express or iplied constitutional , statutor!, or coon law liitation ust "e found if the gov’t action is to "e successfull! challenged #. Calder v . $ull %1&'() * ex post fact o provision of Const itution a pplies onl! to crii nal, not civil law a. +. Cha se -I c annot su "scr i"e to th e onip oten ce of a ta te /eg isla ture, o r that i t is a"solute and without control0 although its authorit! should not "e expressl! restrained "! the Const., or fundaental law, of the tate.  ". +. Iredell r e2ected the power of a court, in the a"sence of an! const’l re straints, to d eclare the law void 3. 4le tche r v. Pe c5 %1(16 ) 7 Corru pt leg. gi ves land g rant for ch eap to copan! who se lls to "ona f ide  purchasers. u"se8uent leg . passes law r epealing sale a. +. 9ars hall 7 -:; <he stat e of =eorg ia was res trai ned, eit her "! gene ral prin ciple s which are coon to all our free institutions, or "! the particular provisions of the const. of the >nited tates, fro passing a law where"! the estate of the plaintiff in the preises so  purchased could "e const’ll! and le gall! ipaired and rendered null and void.  ". Propert! as a n atural right % see ?! nehaer ) ii . @x pr es s Rig ht s 1. Art. I , B ' * prohi "its su spens ion of the wr it of ha"e as corpu s except in c ases of re "ell ion or invasion prohi"its ex post facto laws #. Art. I , B 16 * prohi"its s tate law that ipair s o"ligat ion of contra cts prohi "its ex po st fact laws 3. Art. I II, B # * gua rant ees tri al "! 2ur ! in cri ina l case s excep t ipe achent D. Art. III , B 3 * r e8ui ree nts fo r con victi on of t reason E. Art. I F, B # * g uarantees eac h state’ s citi Gen privilege s and iun ities in other state s . Art. FI, B 3 * pr ohi"i ts use of r elig ious te st as a 8ua lifi cati on for pu "lic of fice &. 4ede ral gove rnen t o nl! give n e nuer ated powe rs  ". $ill of Ri ghts i. E th  Aendent ue Process 1. ?! nehaer v. Peop le %NJ 1(E) 7 / aw for" id sale a nd stor age of l i8uor a. +udg e Cost oc5 * -;here ar e soe a "solu te pri vate ri ghts "e !ond a 2ori t! rea ch, and aong these the constitution places the rights of propert!. #. cot t v . tanford % 1(E&) a. Chie f +usti ce ;an ne! * -Powers ove r perso n and pro pert! a re not on l! not gr ante d to Congress, "ut are in express ters denied, and the! are for"idden to exercise the. ii. $arron v. $altiore %1(33) 7 $ill of Rights are applica"le onl! t o the 4ederal governent, not t he states 1. Cons titu tion was cr eate d "! people of the >nit ed tate s, each stat e has it’s o wn const itution #. Aen dent s were crea ted agai nst appre hend ed encroa chen ts of the gener al gover nent , not local governent iii. 9ost guarante es of the $ill of Rights appl! to the s tates as pa rt of the -li"ert! pr otected "! the 1D th  Aendent ue Process Clause c. Ci vi l ?ar Ae nde nt s i. 13 th  Aendent %1(E) 1. B 1 * lav er! and inv olu nta r! s ervitude a. Narrow co nstru ed to lii t fo ral "onda ge an d fo rced la"or #. B # * @nforce e nt Clause a. 1( Ci vi l Rig ht s A ct i. Aied at racial discriination ii. Can congress legislate against private racial discriinati onK 1. No, not acc ord ing t o Civ il Rights C ase s iii. till applica"le through D# >C B 1'(1, 1'(# 1. Allowed thro ugh e nfor ceent ag ains t "ad ges of slaver! ii. 1D th  Aendent %1(() 1. B 1 a. >. . CitiG ens hi p

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