construction-adding title graphics

Construction Adding Title Graphics Created by: Hannah Philpott and Elidona Niklekaj (Blue Sky Production)

Upload: blueskyproduction

Post on 05-Aug-2015




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Construction Adding Title GraphicsCreated by:

Hannah Philpott and Elidona Niklekaj (Blue Sky Production)


In this presentation we are going to be showing you how to add title graphics to a film using Adobe Premiere editing software. It’s going to be a simple step by step guide that anyone can follow.

Step 1

Firstly, you have to open up your project on Adobe Premiere. Go to the section of the film where you want to add title graphics. Take your curser up to the tool bar and select title. A drop down list will appear and you need to select “New Title”. A second list will appear, as you can see from the print screen to the right, and select “Default Still…”. This will lead you onto the next step.

Step 2

Secondly, you can see a new table appear. You have to rename the title graphics that you want to add in the selected area on your two minute psychological thriller sequence. As you can see from the print screen on the right, we named our one tester just for an example. Make sure you don’t change any of the settings as they are already set for you to use, just change the name and click ok for the next step.

Step 3

This is the exciting section of the whole procedure. You can let your creative juices flow as you can select where to place your title graphic/s, font colour, font style and font size. As you can see from the print screen, there is a variety of styles of font to choose from. We decided to a black and white, subtle font as we wanted the audience to focus on the action in the film.

Step 4Finally, when you have created your title graphics you have to add the most important title , which is the title of the film. To do this you have to follow the whole procedure again and open a new title, you can do this by following the first three steps. As you can see from the print screen on the right, we choose to place our main title at the end of our psychological thriller. We choose to have a black background, red and white font in the centre. This is so that it stands out to our target audience and makes it look more dramatic.