contenidos beta2015.pdf

Upload: raul-marihuan-gonzalez

Post on 03-Mar-2016




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    Topic 1 Personal Information (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)Topic 2 Letters and Numbers (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)Topic 3 Colors and Numbers (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)Topic 4 Greeting People (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)Topic 5 Actions (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)Topic 6 Famous People and Personal Information (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)Topic 7 Alphabet (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)Topic 8 Going Shopping (Numbers and Items) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)Topic 9 Actions People are Doing (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)Topic 10 Animals, Fruits and Vegetables (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)Topic 11 Professions (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)Topic 12 Actions People are Doing in Different Countries, Nationalities (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)Topic 13 Uses of TO BE (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)Topic 14 Describing People, and Actions (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL)


    Topic 1 Clarification (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 2 What People Are/Are Not Doing (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 3 The family (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)Topic 4 People in different countries (audio) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)Topic 5 Actions in the City (in-on-at) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 6 Locations (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 7 Possessives (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)Topic 8 Cooking and instructions (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)Topic 9 Places in Town (prepositions of location) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 10 Connecting Ideas (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 11 The human body (REQ LABS 1-7, EVAL 1)Topic 12 What we do with our belongings (audio) (REQ LABS 1-7, EVAL 1)Topic 13 Actions, Prepositions (object pronouns) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 14 Questions, Who you are doing actions with (at-with-to) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 15 Clothes (REQ LABS 1-9, EVAL 1)Topic 16 Frequency adverbs and daily habits (REQ LABS 1-9, EVAL 1)Topic 17 Prepositions of Direction (going into, coming out of) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 18 Describing People and Places (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 19 Likes and dislikes (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1+2)Topic 20 Outdoor Recreation (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1+2)Topic 21 Questions and Answers (what and where) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 22 Giving directions (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 23 Actions people do (compare pres cont with simple present) (REQ LABS 1-7, EVAL 1)Topic 24 Going to the doctors (REQ LABS 1-7, EVAL 1)Topic 25 Are you talking to me? Object Pronouns (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 26 What people are not doing (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 27 Your things, and things that are theirs (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)Topic 28 What you do first, next, and after that (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)



    Topic 1 If ... future (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)Topic 2 What we can/can not do (audio) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)Topic 3 The weather (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 4 Professions and occupations (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 5 Actions in the future (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)Topic 6 Invitations (audio) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)Topic 7 Rooms of the house (plus CAN) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 8 Possibilities in the present (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 9 Quantities (present) (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1+2)Topic 10 Social events (audio) (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1+2)Topic 11 The time (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 12 Daily routine (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 13 Abilities in the future (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1)Topic 14 Much and many (audio) (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1)Topic 15 Invitations (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 16 What people do every day (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 17 Locations (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1)Topic 18 Countable and uncountable nouns (audio) (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1)Topic 19 Locations (at-in-on-between-above-below-under-over) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 20 To be in the past (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 21 Abilities in the present and in the past (and future) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)Topic 22 Possibilities in the future (audio) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)Topic 23 Abilities (plus was/were) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 24 Where our things are (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 25 What always happens, and what will happen IF (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)Topic 26 Pronunciation of Vowel Pairs I (audio) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)Topic 27 What you are doing now, what you were doing yesterday (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 28 Pronunciation of Vowel Pairs II (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)


    Topic 1 If ... conditional (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 2 About the family (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 3 Frequency of actions (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1)Topic 4 Comparing what you did (audio) (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1)Topic 5 Actions people have done (REQ LABS 1-11, EVAL 1+2)Topic 6 Experiences (audio) (REQ LABS 1-11, EVAL 1+2)Topic 7 Conditional (uses of WOULD) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 8 Possessions (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 9 Actions people did (+pronunciation, time expressions) (REQ LABS 1-9, EVAL 1)Topic 10 Frequency of actions in peoples lives (audio) (REQ LABS 1-9, EVAL 1)Topic 11 Actions people have been doing (+for and since) (REQ LABS 1-15, EVAL 1+2+3)Topic 12 What you do and what you did (audio) (REQ LABS 1-15, EVAL 1+2+3)Topic 13 Quantities in the past (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 14 Giving directions (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 15 Actions people were doing (when and while) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)Topic 16 Activities in the past (audio) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)Topic 17 Indefinite pronouns (REQ LABS 1-12, EVAL 1+2)Topic 18 Abilities in the present and the past (audio) (REQ LABS 1-12, EVAL 1+2)Topic 19 Directions (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 20 Choices with WOULD (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 21 Actions in the past (love-like-hate and feelings) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)Topic 22 Feelings in the past (audio) (REQ LABS 1-8, EVAL 1)Topic 23 Abilities in the past (+present/future, and reflexives) (REQ LABS 1-14, EVAL 1+2)Topic 24 Have you ever? (audio) (REQ LABS 1-14, EVAL 1+2)Topic 25 Dates (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 26 Clothes for different occasions (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 27 Comparisons (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1)Topic 28 What you were doing and what you did (audio) (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1)Topic 29 Food (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1+2)Topic 30 Unreal situations (audio) (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1+2)Topic 31 If...will and If... would (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 32 Holidays, festivities and important dates (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 33 Present, past and future (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1+2)Topic 34 Comparing and contrasting people (audio) (REQ LABS 1-10, EVAL 1+2)Topic 35 Present Perfect v/s Simple past tense (REQ LABS 1-13, EVAL 1+2)Topic 36 Quantities in the past (audio) (REQ LABS 1-13, EVAL 1+2)Topic 37 Contrasting Quantities in Past and Present (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 38 Pronunciation of Consonants - Contrasts (audio) (REQ LABS 1-5, EVAL 1)Topic 39 What you do and what you did (REQ LABS 1-7, EVAL 1)Topic 40 Talking about your life in the past (audio) (REQ LABS 1-7, EVAL 1)Topic 41 Asking questions about the past (REQ LABS 1-12, EVAL 1+2)Topic 42 Using indefinite pronouns (audio) (REQ LABS 1-12, EVAL 1+2)