contents analysis of magazine

Use of rules of thirds The rule of thirds is used in this contents page. One of the main areas that our eyes automatically look at is the top left corner. On this page this is where some of the main content points are placed and the main part of the picture. This agrees with the rules of thirds nicely. The second place you look is the top right corner and on this contents page this is where the headline is placed which reads ‘CONTENTS’ In big bold white writing, which is different to the rest of the writing used on the Design symmetry The design symmetry of this page is fairly equal . This is due to the only and main image being placed right In the centre of the page. As he has his arms up they both come directly on the left and right side of the article with his body going straight down the middle. On the left side of the page near his left arm are the content points. These are done so they go around his arm neatly so that they can be seen clearly but also outline the main image well. On the right hand side it changes the more symmetrical look Design balance There is design balance in this contents page. You can see this from both of the sides being symmetrical as the picture spreads across the whole page symmetrically. On the Imagery The picture represents the style of the magazine well. As Vibe magazine is a pop and rap magazine the picture is of a rap artist. It shows him wearing no top with many gold and jewelled chains around his neck. It also shows him with a diamond watch on as well as many bracelets. He is also wearing a hat which shows his style well. He also is not wearing a tshirt and you can see all the tattoos on his body which also fits the genre well. He is also House style The house style for this contents page matches the genre of the music very well. One main reason why I think this is due to the logo of vibe being used at the top right corner. I think the logo looks bold and makes a statement just like a lot of the artists that are featuring in this magazine. It also matches the main picture on this page very well as this artist is making a statement with all his jewellery and tattoos. The text that is used is also cool and makes a VIBE MAGAZINE

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Post on 28-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Contents analysis of magazine

Use of rules of thirds

The rule of thirds is used in this contents page. One of the main areas that our eyes automatically look at is the top left corner. On this page this is where some of the main content points are placed and the main part of the picture. This agrees with the rules of thirds nicely. The second place you look is the top right corner and on this contents page this is where the headline is placed which reads ‘CONTENTS’ In big bold white writing, which is different to the rest of the writing used on the contents page. This matches the rule of thirds as this will be the second place you look next due to the bold writing and the rest of the main picture being in this area. The second to last area you look is in the bottom left. This matches the rule of thirds the last content points are placed here. Also the bottom right corner has nothing in it.

Design symmetry

The design symmetry of this page is fairly equal . This is due to the only and main image being placed right In the centre of the page. As he has his arms up they both come directly on the left and right side of the article with his body going straight down the middle. On the left side of the page near his left arm are the content points. These are done so they go around his arm neatly so that they can be seen clearly but also outline the main image well. On the right hand side it changes the more symmetrical look the other parts of the magazine has as it only has writing at the top. This writing is the headline and It reads ‘Contents’ broken up into letters. Another thing that is different about this writing is that it is in bold font which makes it stand out as it needs to make a statement as it is the headline.

Design balance

There is design balance in this contents page. You can see this from both of the sides being symmetrical as the picture spreads across the whole page symmetrically. On the other hand the headline is a bit out of balance and looks different to the rest of the page as this has been made to stand out.

House style

The house style for this contents page matches the genre of the music very well. One main reason why I think this is due to the logo of vibe being used at the top right corner. I think the logo looks bold and makes a statement just like a lot of the artists that are featuring in this magazine. It also matches the main picture on this page very well as this artist is making a statement with all his jewellery and tattoos. The text that is used is also cool and makes a statement as it is white against a red background the font used is also easy to read and it is clear what the magazine is trying to say. I think that the shade of red they have used in the background is a royal red and this matches the genre of music well as a lot of the artist rap about money, wealth and status.


The picture represents the style of the magazine well. As Vibe magazine is a pop and rap magazine the picture is of a rap artist. It shows him wearing no top with many gold and jewelled chains around his neck. It also shows him with a diamond watch on as well as many bracelets. He is also wearing a hat which shows his style well. He also is not wearing a tshirt and you can see all the tattoos on his body which also fits the genre well. He is also wearing gold plates on his teeth. This also matches the genre very well. This is typical of a rap artist and it matches the genre of the music magazine very well. It also makes the magazine look interesting and it is in the main centre of the page whicgh draws attention straight away.


Page 2: Contents analysis of magazine

Use of rules of thirds

The rule of thirds is used in this contents page. One of the main areas that our eyes automatically look at is the top left corner. On this page this is where some of the main content points are placed and also the headline. This agrees with the rules of thirds nicely. The second place you look is the top right corner and on this contents page this is where the main image is placed. This would be the second place you look due to the colours and images normally grab the reader’s attention. The second to last area you look is in the bottom left. This matches the rule of thirds the last content points are placed here. The last place you will look is the bottom right corner due to this bit being overshadows by the other areas. On the other hand this area does have a picture as well as text so could contradict the rule of thirds as this may be the third place you look.

Design symmetry

There Is no real design symmetry to this contents page. One reason why I think this is due to all the elements being in different sixed boxes around the page. There is also no real order to them and they could look quite random compared to other magazine contents pages which are completely symmetrical.

Design balance

There is some balance to the contents page as the different areas of the page do look like they are in boxes with some sort of order. Also all the boxes fit around each other nicely and make it look neat.

House style

The house style of this magazine matches the genre well. As Q magazine is more to the side of indie and mainstream music, the red mixed with littler dull colours matches it well. The main picture takes up most of the page but looks effective as it shows one of the bands that will be featured in the magazine. All of the members of the band look similar which matches the genre of the music magazine. The layout of the magazine looks very organised and everything is in boxes and easy to read. This makes the magazine look sophisticated and neat.


The main image is of ‘The Courteeners’ who are a boy band. One way in which we can establish the genre of their music is through the way that they dress and their hairstyles. They are all dress quite indie and all have a similar long hair cut which does establish that the band is for the younger generation as many people wear their hair like this.