contents research

The image is of the professional rap artist ‘Ice Cube’. The facial image is close up to show the aggressive expression on his face, which in a way portrays the kind of rap music the artist does, it shows seriousness, anger and aggression. The artist face is being faded by the dark background. The photographer and creator have decided to do this because they want to show the dark side of hip hop (Rap). Name of the magazine has been put at the bottom instead of the top. The creator has done this because they want the audience to be more attracted to the image instead of the masthead. The source’s way of saying contents page is the master plan. This may have been done because one of the names of the artists (Ice Cube) songs is called master plan. The date and issue number has been

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Contents research

The image is of the professional rap artist ‘Ice Cube’. The facial image is close up to show the aggressive expression on his face, which in a way portrays the kind of rap music the artist does, it shows seriousness, anger and aggression. The artist face is being faded by the dark background. The photographer and creator have decided to do this because they want to show the dark side of hip hop (Rap). Name of the magazine has been put at the bottom instead of the top. The creator has done this because they want the audience to be more attracted to the image instead of the masthead. The source’s way of saying contents page is the master plan. This may have been done because one of the names of the artists (Ice Cube) songs is called master plan. The date and issue number has been added in small print as this doesn’t need to take much room. Half of Ice cubes face has been cleverly covered with red transparent text strip. The source can afford to do this to his face because his face is symmetric, so both sides look the same. The original logo has been abbreviated to a single letter; this is because the intended audience already know what the magazine is called. This abbreviated logo has been placed at the bottom of the page as well. House style is very dark and deathly. These set of colours match with hip hop unforgettable sell line hip hop is dead. This caption has also been a name of a song and album.

Page 2: Contents research

Large ‘V’ to indicate that the ‘V’ in Vibe magazines is important. This makes vibe magazine symbolic. Vibe magazines logo also includes the issue of the magazine underneath. The title Contents has been placed in a different approach to other magazines. This makes the magazine more unique. The use of the white in this text makes the title contrast with the dark red background. The background colour is a dark red to red gradient. This makes the rap artist stand out even more. It also makes the spotlight on him, showing he’s the main focus on the contents page. Topless rapper to show body tattoos. This suggests that tattoos are a strong part of the rap stereotype. The artist is holding a mask to possibly suggest that he wants to gain a unique image that he isn’t afraid to mask from the public. Sub headings located in capitals to make it easier for the reader to find what they are looking for. The title ‘features’ is a curved fancy text. This looks like a classical text for a rap magazine due to its originality.

Page 3: Contents research