conventions of factual media formats

Conventions of Factual Media Formats As you can see on your left the screen shot shows the main presenters who are presenting the news to. However the presenters of the news are wearing suits which shows their identity. This is effective because it makes it look much more reliable to the viewers. Also it shows that they are talking their jobs really seriously.

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Conventions of Factual Media Formats

As you can see on your left the screen shot shows the main presenters who are presenting the news to. However the presenters of the news are wearing suits which shows their identity. This is effective because it makes it look much more reliable to the viewers. Also it shows that they are talking their jobs really seriously.

Now there's is a mid shot of someone who is being interviewed about the boom in Boston. So therefore the mid shot grabs viewers tension.

There's is also text and title in a very bold big heading to show audience what the interview is about. This is effective because it makes that audience more clear and engaged what the interview is all about.

Here is a video of the London marathon security. However there is another title in a big red heading , this is effective because it will drawn audience tension and make them feel busy to watch the video.

Here is a mid shot of the presenter showing a map on the screen to show where the boom took place. For this purpose this grabs audience tension because the mid shot gives more close details about the boom which makes it look very important for the audience to watch.

Above as you can see there is an editor who is reporting about about they way people are injured during the explosion in Boston.

However there is also title and text to show audience directly what the news is about. Therefore this makes it appealing for the audience. Also this is a mid shot of the reporter, as a result this helps the audience to drawn more tension on what the reporter importantly has to say.

Now there is a long extreme shot of a clip in Boston where the explosion has happened. It also shows how people are terrified and how people are badly injured. Therefore the extreme shot makes it more stand out to the audience to what is happening in the video.