convoluted · relevant past lives, great...

27 Convoluted Regression Sessions Transcribed and Released By Ras Namaste (Chris) on Thurday, 2 January 2014 at 04:01 Revised and Released 11 June 2014 © 2014 – Ad Infinitum. All rights reserved I would just like to add the fact that I have never had a QHHT session for healing (until recently – which was a profound success that I will eventually add to this Document), I only “went in” out of pure curiosity, Dolores says that if we're just curious we may get more than we bargained for, and this was most definitely the case. It has taken me over a year to digest the information and put it all into place and I'm still getting useful life information now when I read the material, which I'm sure will continue. The most amazing thing is the fact that there's a parallel story running in each of our lives, and this relates to our individual missions. I had the most fantastic questions and the received the most incredible answers, My conscious scientific and analytical mind could do nothing to convince me that what I had found was not real. The accounts that have come out have been all connected in such a way that I cannot dispute the information, I am a truth loving person and see it quite impossible for me to make this all up, prior to the session these Mantis (type) people were completely unknown to me, I have only witnessed an amber orb UFO

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Page 1: Convoluted · relevant Past Lives, Great Healing, Infinite Power and Knowledge that everybody is a part of, then we will do

Convoluted Regression

Sessions Transcribed and Released By Ras Namaste (Chris) on Thurday, 2 January 2014 at 04:01 Revised and Released 11 June 2014 © 2014 – Ad Infinitum. All rights reserved

I would just like to add the fact that I have never had a QHHT session for healing (until recently – which was a profound successthat I will eventually add to this Document), I only “went in” out of pure curiosity, Dolores says that if we're just curious we may get more than we bargained for, and this was most definitely the case. It has taken me over a year to digest the information and put it all into place and I'm still getting useful life information now when I read the material, which I'm sure will continue. The most amazing thing is the fact that there's a parallel story running in each of our lives, and this relates to our individual missions.I had the most fantastic questions and the received the most incredible answers, My conscious scientific and analytical mind could do nothing to convince me that what I had found was not real. The accounts that have come out have been all connected in such a way that I cannot dispute the information, I am a truth loving person and see it quite impossible for me to make this all up, prior to the session these Mantis (type) people were completely unknown to me, I have only witnessed an amber orb UFO

Page 2: Convoluted · relevant Past Lives, Great Healing, Infinite Power and Knowledge that everybody is a part of, then we will do

once with a few others... All I know is that if you Love concepts to do with; Science Fiction, Crop Circles, Meditation, Healthy Living, Light work, Truth, Sun Gazing, Herbalism, True Justice, Working for the good of all, Healing, Ancient Sites, Reincarnation, UFO's, ET's, ED's, The new Earth, Other Dimensions, Spirituality, Past Lives, Magic, Purity, Quantum Physics and anything Metaphysical, then you too have a story to share with the world!

It seems that no matter how many times I have a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) session, I always seem to go back to the Mantis (type) people/beings or I seem to be connected to them in one way or another. The following accounts are my own (Ras Namaste 's) and anyone reading them will need to either, 1. Have a very open mind, or 2. See it as Science fiction and go with the flow (the concepts are very interesting) – I started to transcribe my own QHHT accounts because not only did I feel an intense urge and the enthusiasm to share the information that I was being given, but I also wished to know if simply reading the material would also help continue healing and understanding for “me” as a Client. I conclude that reading them still works wonders for me even now (3 years later), and I'm positive transcribing my Clients QHHT accounts has helped them also. For me it's much easier and more pleasurable to open a web browser or document (printed or otherwise) and simply start reading. I have also found that every time I start to read any of the accounts I have shared (My clients accounts also) I cannot seem to stop reading until I get to the end, and then it all feels like waiting for Convoluted Universe 5, or Dolores' next book to come out... I have great patience but I know there are not enough Dolores Cannons in the world to quench my thirst, I simply cannot wait that long!, Dolores has trained thousands to become practitioners and the only way for me to get more of her books/knowledge fast was to have my own sessions, read other practitioners accounts and or, learn QHHT and get my own clients in the hopes that they may have a fantastic story to tell the world and I must say that so far, all of my clients have had incredible Soul journeys, if only you could know how Epic you really are! Dolores had an 8 year waiting list and our job is to takesome of her work load, this is at Dolores' Request. And I am blessed with success and honoured to carry on this Enlightening, Energizing, Healing and Pure Tradition. I am very selective on the information I share and I always must ask permission to use any of my Clients material – I intend to carry on this tradition and put together E-Books to share this knowledge for free on our website page Client Stories and facebook group (link below)

These sessions were conducted by 2 amazing Level 1 QHHT practitioners, in my own experience and others, we know that level does not matter in the slightest, it is our willingness to learn, fully understand the process and assist others in the best way we can without letting money get in the way, that is the key, if we have a pure intention to help facilitate a clients access to the relevant Past Lives, Great Healing, Infinite Power and Knowledge that everybody is a part of, then we will do our job perfectly. Money is secondary, People mean much much more! I am myself a humble Level 1 practitioner, and in my personal experience,that alone is enough to carry on Dolores Tradition... All of my Life has recently made complete sense because of QHHT and I wish the same for all (although I would never impose that wish on anyone). You deserve to know who you are, where you came from, and what you're meant to be doing in such a crazy part of Earth's history, it is now your birth right! Still, the choice has always been yours... May all of your choices be Wise.

This first account may seem a little bit sketchy at first to some, but have a little patience and it will all make sense in a very very short while... In Joy!

Image from

Praying Mantis (UFO) - Sentient Species Pt 1.

(Planet Reconnaissance - QHHT Past Life Regression)

Client: I'm the cloud again, I'm flying, (I was floating above a Cigar shaped cloud that appeared to be shooting through the clouds at high speed, but when I recalled the imagery it was more like a stormy cigar shaped cloud that was stationary because the landscape was not moving, and the clouds were shooting by very fast, the cigar shaped cloud was a cloaked craft) shooting over the landscape...

QHP: What landscape, what can you see?

Client: Rocky landscape, jaggedy rockedy landscape (laugh) ... Jaddy.... Rocky Landscape... Rocket... Rocket, it's like I'm in a rocket but I'm sure it was a cloud just a minute ago (I had sensed that there was more to the cloud than meets that current bandwidth of perception, plus I was outside of the rocket looking down and my form was in the craft, talk about simultaneous time.)

QHP: Are you moving fast?

Client: Why am I outside of it?... Why can I see outside of it?

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QHP: Outside of the cloud?

Client: It seems more like a rocket but it's only because it seems like it's going real fast, it's not really got a rocket jet on the end (it was silvery grey in colour, the back end appeared rounded but flat – Cigar Shaped) it's got a (rounded) point on the end (front end facing into oncoming clouds)

QHP: Can you explain it, what does it look like?

Client: It's like a bullet, a long bullet shooting over rocky landscape, clouds are... dark... (sensing something's there but all appeared barren) It's not what it is!,.. Looks like a lifeless planet.

QHP: Is it a very big planet?

Client: HUUUGE!!!.... Um, yeah, I'm going to get on the ship I think, or whatever it is...

QHP: You're on the ship? What can you see?

Client: (Laugh) It's not sinking into the mind... It doesn't like it… it doesn't um...

QHP: You're completely safe... (Interrupted)

Client: It's not that, everything is perfect but... (Laugh) - It's the computing... feels like I've just read a Dolores book! (even though I hadn't read anything about These beings at all, it was just the fact that I was in a Space Craft)

QHP: Is there anything else on the ship, what are the ships functions?

Client: Looking more at the people...

QHP: Are there any other people there with you?

Client: (partially laughing) With huge heads! (picture below)

QHP: You can see someone with a huge head?

Client: With um... They got light, for eyes... Light eyes (very bright), yeah there's lots of seats 'n' that but they... have Big funny head, different head, it's like you could have 2 brains in there! (There were no seats at all! Mantis People don't need seats, I seemed to be avoiding anything and just absorbing to understand what I was seeing)

QHP: Do they have any other facial features?

Client: They have long and thin chins (pause... Laugh!) If you did (continued thinking: If you did come across one of these, people would definitely be scared! This being appeared to be checking to see if I was ok and moving in a strange fashion with its head slowly moving from side to side as if curiously observing me - Nervous type laughing inside)... This feels like I shouldn't be reading the Dolores books, it's like straight out of one... Nothing to do with any descriptions I've seen or heard or read... They've got... 2 brains, 2 brains in there. (I had a very subtle flash thought, maybe telepathic but it said "3, what about the other one?" I had forgot about the middle brain apparently) Skinny long...

QHP: Are they very tall or are they short?

Client: It's almost Insectoid but... I don't know, maybe I'm seeing through something now... Maybe that other form was... Closely related, maybe they can shift what I see...

QHP: Are you seeing something different now?

Client: Well, when I looked at the head it looked like a praying Mantis but... It looked more like a praying mantis when I stopped thinking about it, stopped judging about it, it's more like that. (they could shift the image I was seeing so as I wasn't too shocked. Maybe many beings would appear to us if we did not fear, our unconscious fear will trigger their illusionary masks)

QHP: What are they doing?

Client: They're just flying over this planet...

QHP: Are you still in the craft?

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Client: I am now, I think they knew I was there...

QHP: Are you one of them?

Client: Because of the way they looked at me... I think they were aware, I...(confused still) For some reason I could just pass through the ship...

QHP: Can you communicate with them?

Client: I wouldn't know what to communicate...(it didn't feel right to disturb the Peace with random thinking)

QHP: Can you ask them what they're doing? (1)

Client: (long pause - I was communicating telepathically, no wonder my mind was so quiet!) AAAAH!.... AHAAA!... It's um... strange.... they're just looking at the planet I think, just flying over it (skating over the question because the way they communicated fascinated me) it's how they communicate was strange...

QHP:How did you communicate?

Client: Because I had to transmit from that, back to this brain and it made this brain in this body “feel”... I could “feel” the brain... I could “feel” the brain. (Going back to the previous question (1)) Yes, they're checking for life aren't they?

QHP: You didn't ask them then?

Client: Yep, they told me, just checking the planet... It's quite barren I'm not sure it's ready for life yet...

QHP: Do they do this on other planets?

Client: They do it everywhere they go, that's their job.

QHP: And what are you doing there, are you an observer or are you helping?

Client: I think the conscious mind is interfering too much, it judges too much, it needs to be clear... I guess I was just flying along, found myself outside a ssss, cloud?, craft? It's almost as if the image shifted to cushion the blow level by level... 1st the cloud, then the rocket ship, then a “not” rocket ship but a space-craft, then the beings that looked really weird anyway but the 2 brains weren't 2 brains, they were 2 eyes... 2 Huge eyes!

QHP: Where are you now?

Client: I think they're Insectoid type, um...(I could see clearly now that they were indeed a Sentient Praying Mantis (type) species, I was having trouble believing what I was seeing) I wish I hadn't of read some of the (Dolores Cannon) books because my mind keeps on... (Interfering)

QHP: Can you tell me what you're seeing?

Client: I need to know why I'm there, I need to know why I'm there

QHP: Can you communicate with the creatures again? Is the craft still going really fast? (Psychic interruption)

Client: Yep!

QHP: Really fast? Have you passed around the planet yet?

Client: Oh it's huge! It's vast!

QHP: And you have to check every part of the planet?

Client: I suppose because it's the density, we can withstand the density, I think that's what's so good about an exoskeleton maybe... Uh? I said we!

QHP: Can you communicate with the creatures again?

Client: That's the only good thing a mind is good for that is, that was useful (maybe you can see but I'm still working this one out but I guess it's; "understanding" or simply by being aware of what one dimension is doing and saying whilst I was in the other)

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QHP: Can you ask if you have a purpose here?

Client: We have just scanned the planet for life, we're looking for life.

QHP: You're helping them?

Client: Silence....

QHP: What's below you what's on the floor?

Client: Rocks, jagged rocks, it's lifeless, there doesn't seem like there's any water or anything, we've got a chemical analysis but I'm not sure that's my job, we just know that it's life....less... (strong intuitive feeling) Maybe it's not though, it can form everywhere that's why it needs to be checked, it is everywhere... Life everywhere!

QHP: Life is everywhere?

Client: It needs to be checked!

QHP: On the planet?

Client: It needs to be checked, it seems lifeless but we know life is everywhere

QHP: Do you have an exoskeleton?

Client: I am one of them but I don't know how I come to be outside the ship

QHP: Are you inside the ship now? (psychic interruption - the thought is faster than the words)

Client: Yep!

QHP: What are you doing inside the ship?

Client: Data, just looking at data

QHP: How do you look at data?

Client: On screens... this mind...(laugh) would get a headache trying to transmit that, switching that communication off.... Silence.

Additional info: At one point I felt pressure all around me, I guess that was the point of re-entering the Mantis Craft, as if our ship itself was very pressurized inside. This planet was nowhere near the pressure we could handle but many races cannot even withstand that pressure/density so we were best suited to that particular job.

The lights I thought were eyes were in fact nose holes, they're in fact Beings of Light encased in a physical Omni-Dimensional exoskeleton that is just as capable as light (you) is at travelling into many different dimensions and being stable. One could easily call them Omni-dimensional with senses that span and scan more than one dimension..

Although the planet looked lifeless, we had a very strong sense that there must be life there because we know life is everywhere, even in the most unlikely places and sometimes things really are not what they appear to be. I think this is why I leftmy body (it was my job) I could go out through the ship and sense and scan even through multiple dimensions. I felt life or sensed life was there. In this no-body form I had super magnified awareness, this was a way better way to observe and scan the planet than using a simple mechanical device in a linear fashion, or even quad-linear. Because we know how to transfer information by thought, our technology can also receive & transduce the information we upload into them through thought.

“Our transfer bandwidth is vast compared to human technology and our ability to sense things beyond the range of materialsenses is very fine tuned.”

Attempting to absorb the information on the screen and transduce it with a human mind resulted in the start of a small headache, (which was immediately removed) the thing was, the 2 screens I looked at appeared blank 0_o I know information was embedded in there but maybe just was not allowed to see it, I tried but it was giving me discomfort, then the communicationwas literally severed. They already seem to know the intention of the consciousness' in the craft.

In that form, the mind was at total peace, if it were not so there would be a constant chattering of voices both conscious & unconscious going on, current humans becoming psychic would result in chaos due to the fact that not many can shut their minds up, although Buddhists and many holy men would do very well... “If you wish it, our advice would be to all humans.

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Meditate, Focus on your breathe with a single pointed focus to still the mind, “shut up the monkey”, then you will have access to the fabric of all Creation. It is very simple.”

The planet we visited appeared lifeless with no water (only in that dimension), if there was one plant& animal on this planet, man he may well have destroyed himself long ago through pollution. The more plants there are the more opportunity there is for your survival, you have always been given what you need to survive for free, we showed you how to survive many tragedies without causing harm to your environment and now you actually pay money for your own planets destruction... What will you do when the last plant is dead? --- Love and cherish your planet, it is alive! Cherish all life upon Earth, all of Creation is our gift to you and always has been. For you, like us are now Keepers of the Garden. You also are omni-dimensional beings, with the same ability to phase shift yourselves into a much higher vibration than this lower, more mundane density... By Virtue, Creativityand Curiosity, this is how we were able to transcend many many Dimensions – What you see in your mind and feel in your Heart will manifest into the world, whether by Love or fear... Seriously, choose Love, practice it unconditionally, feel extra ordinary... Because you are extra ordinary! We are you, you are us, brothers and sisters of Light, the ONE. You have the power of the Omni-verse in you, it's time to activate this dormant 95% of your mind. The time for sleeping is over, you are the Light, see yourself shine, you are God, make a wish! One tip, the most powerful wish is one you could make for the whole Omni-verse!

Additional info - Updated 27/10/2012

If am am indeed a Mantis (type) being, I have never witnessed myself entering into one. All I know is that as an omni-dimensional entity, I would leave the craft, this seemed normal and easy, I would move out of the (silver grey cigar shaped) craftto perform planet reconnaissance, the craft is normally disguised as a cloud. All the time I had this strong sense that something was there, I believe the link below is what we found after I did a Omni-Dimensional area scan, in which I sent out a directional radial pulse into the area (mountain) that was below me and I saw a small town appear in the mountain as if a video image overlay had been dropped onto the mountain for approx' 6 seconds and then faded out, I then phased my consciousness to the correct dimensional parameters for a closer observation (adjusted my consciousness frequency & went there), as a timeless being we have all eternity to learn, the account below will explain more... Enjoy.. _/\_

“What we think is nothing, what we feel is everything”

A rough Sketch of the image I saw in the cigar shaped craft – Chris (Ras Namaste)

Practitioners Web Site:

The next story has already been released on its own but it follows on chronologically from the story youhave just read, now some parts may make a little more sense

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Praying Mantis (UFO) - Sentient Species Pt 2 - A Garden in Heaven & the Book of Life. (QHHT Past Life Regression)

As I had never had a human Life, I had to go and practice at being a human, in this account I find myself learning about manifestation and walking about in a humanoid Light Body, in what can only be described as a Heavenly Garden in a realm of Light with a presence all around. This was an incredible experience, everything about the scenery was epic – I feel the Source had sent me to this place to learn about being in a human form prior to coming to earth for a few lifetimes, when your consciousness focussed on anything in this heavenly place of Light your gaze would transfix you in the realization that we are part of something beyond human words and something only credible from within. Everyone who comes to Earth (the realm of forgetting) to take a human form has to go through a similar training, whether that be in lifetimes or imprints of lifetimes. Regardless, our Core Being, or Divine Spark comes from the Light, the Highest Aspect, and in that infinite state of consciousness we can enter into any form (just as our Souls do, no exceptions), everyone still has this ability, Virtue, Focus andPurity will activate it fully. I hope you enjoy this small glimpse into the heavenly realm, I am both blessed and honoured to be able to share this with ALL--- In Joy --- QHP = Quantum Healing Practitioner

QHP: What do you see?

Client: Trees, Sunshine, Fields...

QHP: Are you in a (interrupted)

Client: Light, lots of light seems to be emanating from everywhere... everything... Everything's shining.

QHP: Are you on a different planet?

Client: It is way different yes. It's way different from that desolate... "looking" (still sensed something was there, even in that place)....

QHP: Are you still in the craft?

Client: No, this is nowhere near, you don't need a craft, not in this place, it's perfect Light, Perfect Trees, Light, everything's Light, it's all got Light emanating off of everything, Bright White Light, Shining...

QHP: What else can you see?

Client: Shining Fields and a mist... Just... Incredible!... Everything!!! (I was gobsmacked at the image I was beholding, for even though I carry on speaking about looking around, I could not take my eyes from the image I was seeing and the Loving Awe-struck transfixed gaze I was in, I was not going to turn away from such a sight!, it was as if I was looking into Gods eyes, Perfect Creation! The trees on the horizon appeared stunning poking out of the mist across the meadow and the mountain top behind them against the shining blue sky with perfectly epic clouds, all shining with white light! It simply took my breathe away! Iwas AWE-STRUCK!)... If you wanted to look, on any angle... I think if I turn around, it might just look as perfect because,everything you look at no matter what way you look at it looks incredible!!!... Light!

QHP: What are you standing on?

Client: Grass.

QHP: Look down at your feet, have you got any shoes on?

Client: (small laugh) Yeah sandals, looks like sandals (side note: for some reason I don't actually like sandals :¬/ )... It'sjust a... Looks more like a flip flop (LAUGH) I don't wear flippin' flip flops.. (I like them even less - how bizarre)

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QHP: Between your toes flip flops?

Client: Yes, it's a bit of string though, with a flat hard bottom and that's it.

QHP: What clothes are you wearing?

Client: Looks like a... (surprised) White robe!

QHP: Do you feel male or female?

Client: Male

QHP: Young or old?

Client: I don't know that that... Is a concept.

QHP: Does the body feel healthy?

Client: Feels light... Feels light...

QHP: Are you glowing also?

Client: Everything here glows... Everything…

QHP: Are you carrying anything?

Client: A Book, in my left hand funnily enough.

QHP: What's the book about?

Client: (Silence)....

QHP: Do you feel like you belong there?

Client: (Long Pause - Orienting myself in that realm) If I just sit there... Submerse

QHP: Is there anybody around?

Client: There are people but I don't know that it's a seeing thing... I don't know...

QHP: Do the people (interupted)

Client: You know, you just know somebody’s there... I don't know that it's a seeing thing, yeah you could look but you just know anyway. ( I saw 2 beings in my minds eye, one to my left & one to my right, they appeared as 2 points of bright white light that made all three of us appear in a straight line with me being in the middle (= 3 Points of Light))

QHP: What are you doing there, with your book?

Client: I'm just sat down... Umm Cross legged... And I've got the book open... (pause) For some reason there's a block... Maybe my mind isn't how I notice, maybe my mind can't comprehend what's in the book because my mind sees nothing!... Like no pages on the book... I think I'm that. (I had not gone to Life yet for any experiences but it did appear also that the future was affecting the past and that's why page pages of the past appeared in the book.. There isafter all only one time, "NOW")

QHP: It will become clearer, what's in the book?

Client: Yes.

QHP: Can you see a picture?

Client: Yeah, I can't seem to make it out though, it's um... I don't know, I'm not sure I can do it... There's writing there.

QHP: There's writing & a picture?

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Client: There's writing in the book... I don't know... The pictures got dark... Hang on... Hold on, I don't know, I can't describe it, it's like nothing I've ever seen ever, I don't know what you call that! (I found out that it was the picture on the cover of "Convoluted universe book 4 - Dolores Cannon" No wonder I couldn't make the image out, I still don't know what it is, lol - It wasn't even out until December 2011 and it was only October 2011, was I looking at my future?!?0_o - It turned out that there was essential "Multi-Dimensional" information in the book that I needed for the next step of my Multi-Dimensional lifes journey)

QHP:Where are you sat? What's around you?

Client: I'm sat on the grass, in my robes, with the book in my lap, the book's got raggedy edges! And it has got a gold seem but.. The writing & the picture, or that particular picture on that particular page... I'm not sure it's meant to be transmitted in that way.

QHP: Is there anyone around that can help you with the book?

Client: It's like we all got a book, We've all got one... We all got a book, maybe it's unwritten pages, if I flip backwards as well because it seemed like the stuff formed on that page, as I was just going through it. There are words all throughit, I think they're all just symbols

QHP: Can you explain what's on that page?

Client: No you just get a feeling in your body, I think it was an experience.

QHP: What are you feeling? What's the Experience?

Client: I don't know, a density or pressure ( I think this feeling was the next Life as a Sentient Mantis being in the following account "link below")... Yeah... It does something to my head anyway... This physical head. (I could feel the density they endure as "the norm" with my own skull)

QHP: Can you get up & move around?

Client: Yup... Yes instantly!, I'm quite light (laugh) "I just shot up in a split second as if I had no body at all!"

QHP: Are there any buildings around?

Client: No need for buildings nope.

QHP: Do you feel like you belong there?

Client: It could be but there's more to learn.

QHP: Where do you go to learn?

Client: To Life..... To Life... To Experience, you go to Life... (long pause) I suppose it's time, not everybody stays.

QHP:What are you doing there then?

Client: Studying, I am studying... I think I was studying how the book is written by each step of life, every step information is recorded into the book, and every time, every second that passed, every millisecond, there's more stuff appearing in the book.

QHP: Is that your book?

Client: I think it may well be yes, I think that's why everybody's got one.

QHP: You should be able to understand your book.

Client: It's an experience. the past was for learning yes.

QHP: Does this book hold every past in it?

Client: Every millisecond is recorded.

QHP: Of every life?

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Client: Of every experience... Of every Time, of every segment of time. (Time = Life)

QHP: Is it a very big book?

Client: (LAUGHING) It's the biggest book yeh... It's the biggest! Although it can fit into your hands, it's like an infinite book, it's an Infinite Book! It keeps on growing with more pages but the thing never actually grows any bigger, but when you get all the books together, you can see the "One"

QHP: Where does the book come from?

Client: I think that's... more like a recording device, reeaally, I think the book might be metaphore, I think it's just a recording device.

QHP: And why do you think you were there with your book?

Client: To understand how the recording goes on (how the future is made manifest), to see how it's done, to see, to see, to witness how the book is formed itself.

QHP: Are you gaining that knowledge?

Client: The Knowledge was gained, the experience was had, the book was written... The book... Is Infinite... it grows, it'sa living book... It could be part of a living tapestry, all the books weaving in & out of one another would form the Akasha I guess, a living tapestry of books all interwoven, it'll be the same.

QHP: So you can open your book again, flip back some pages & tell me what you see.

Client: No it's what do you feel? I think it's what you feel & not what you see, the words don't actually mean anything but they are in fact half of the (unrecognizable word and interrupted)

QHP: How are you feeling in that moment in your book?

Client: Very light, very heavy (Mantis density), very energized... I do not know what life powers from... but it's...

QHP: Do you remember the feeling?

Client: It's warm, warm & electric.

QHP: Can you remember that moment? Do you feel that memory?

Client: Yep, you wait for the feeling first, the first feeling is it, you don't read the book, you don't look at the book, you just open the pages and then feel, what's in the book, then you experience the feeling, I suppose if you tuned in to it you could look at it other ways, you could look at it but I'm not sure... You just get it anyway, you could practice focusing by looking at it I suppose... Symbols would mean NOTHING, um but the FEELING would mean everything.

The Image above is nowhere near as amazing but it is as close as I could find, it simply does not shine.

The Mantis People - CONTINUED... Life in other Dimensions...

This section is a continuation from the Mantis Beings and demonstrates their Omni-Dimensional abilities, I later realized that thispart, although we hear nothing about the craft and the Mantis Beings I can confirm that this is indeed a Mantis Reconnaissance mission to see how things are going in another dimension – As I have come to learn more from this experience it feels as if “one lifetime” to one of these beings (Mantis) is more like one day, even a second of a day, and it is over in the blink of an eye. Itseems as if only Pure Consciousness can enter into Pure Realms or Dimensions and this is the essence of Ascension into the higher frequencies. To ascend one needs to purify both Mind and Body with purified rainwater and natural foods. Healing Herbs span more than one dimension – Eating flesh appears to bind us to a world of slavery, animal abuse, war and slaughter. Do no harm, either mentally or physically to any being and magic will manifest in everyone’s Life.

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(QH = Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapist)

QH: What do you see?

Client: It's like a mountain is trying to appear!

QH: A mountain?

Client: A snow capped mountain.... Semi-snow capped mountain...

QH: What else is around you?

Client: I don't know, it looks quite cold

QH: Is it a big mountain range or one big mountain?

Client: It's huge.

QH: What else is around you?

Client: I don't know, there's a coldness about it but it just feels rich in Life.

QH: What are you standing on?

Client: I'm not standing on anything, Im up in the air again...

QH: Are you travelling in something?

Client: I might be that... Device again, why do I?.... How come I can see myself outside of where I am? (my body was in the craft, I was outside)

QH: Are you travelling in something?

Client: I'm just there at the moment... (floating above a mountain) There's a.... There's a feeling...

QH: What's the feeling?

Client: A feeling that there is Life... A sense that there is Life for some reason... It might be the mind again, expecting stuff... but for some reason...

QH: Do you have any instruments to look at?

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Client: I'm not in the craft anymore; I'm not on that craft... Um, I am... Submersing... I am... Sensing... Sensing, I know there's something there, something (I seemed to have a map of a town in my head, I felt it was approx' 100ft below me but there was nothing but a mountain top)... Maybe it's like a memory of what used to be there, it couldn’t be because it looks nothing like it used to be if that's the case, but the thing is, there's a sense of a place being here without... You can't actually see it, it's like you know it's there but you can't see a thing, just misty white clouds with mountains underneath it

QH: Can you turn around? Are there mountains all around?

Client: Yeah, it's pretty... (Mountainous) Yeah,.... I can spin 'round and it actually feels quite good, maybe it's funny, fun...

QH: Can you move around?

Client: Very precisely yeah!... very precisely! I feel as if I can spin on a needle head!... 'Round & round... ( I was enjoying this bit, spinning super fast with no giddiness!:)

QH: Can you get to the top of the mountain?

Client: Yep. (when I've stopped spinning, I thought)

QH: What can you see from up there?

Client: Just... What can I sense? (long pause - Remembering I was actually there for a reason)... I dunno, it's like a memory overlay, it's like... Something is there... But that something might only be a memory... There's nothing here now! But it feels like there is, all I can see down on is Jaggedy rocks, misty clouds, (I was getting vague flashes of a place in my mind, it was meant to be right there below me but all I saw in that dimension was Mountains)

QH: Can you see up, is there anything above you?

Client: It's clear blue sky but, and a few clouds are in there but um... (long pause)

QH: Can you move up passed the clouds?

QH: Yeah, I can get into 'em

Client: Can you move up?

QH: Yeah, I'm above the clouds...

Client: What form are you in?

QH: I don't think I have a form, I think I'm like an energy ball but that's only just almost like to make myself into something (to explain myself), just an energy ball, focussed Energy

QH: You can travel anywhere

Client: It would appear so yes.

QH: What are you doing there?

Client: I'm up above the clouds, just above... Looking down... I don't know, maybe it's out of my observation; maybe it'sout of my spectrum... I can't see what's there but I can sense...

QH: Do you know why you're there?

Client: It's like there's a city, and the city is pretty amazing, a nice balance between um (Nature and Civilization), Aaah see, so there! That's how you see it! (I'd somehow did a pulse scan through all spectrums of dimensions and for a few seconds a small town appeared just below where the mountain top was, in the mountain - as if the mountainous dimension overlay'd the small town)

QH: Is it becoming clearer?

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Client: Yeah! It's got tall spires, it's like imagination land, looks like something out of a fairy story really... I don't know how it can just be there. (still confused about how both the mountain and the town occupied the same space at the same time)

QH: What on it's own, one city?

Client: Just in the mountain, it looks like a mountain, if you climbed the mountain you wouldn't even know this place was there!

QH: There's lots of places like that hidden away.

Client: This is not hidden, you cannot see it it is not perceivable by any eye (in this mountainous dimension), it is only perceivable by pure consciousness.

QH: What goes on in that city in the mountain?

Client: There's just Life, the normal "Perfect" Life, I don't know how they do it, it's like 2 different dimensions overlapping, one’s rocky mountains and the other one's a village... (Occupying the same space and time, just different dimensions, I just phased from one to the other)

QH: A village?

Client: City? Village? It's not that big... It's a Village-City (“Town” was the word I was looking for)

QH: Is there anything going on inside the village?

Client: Yes, loads of people all down there,

QH: People?

Client: yeah there, all down there, there's cobbled streets as well I can see yeah, little thin alleyways, it's pretty um mystical. (the place had a magical timeless feel to it)

QH: What are the people wearing?

Client: Dunno - Funny enough somebody with a funny long hat, like a ummm, I dunno, like something you'd see a bloody gnome wearing... Gnome!!! (my mind struggled with the fact that this was becoming more like a fairy story thana QHHT regression)

QH: What are the people doing?

Client: They got big buckles! Some with, you know, BIG Buckles! Buckles on everything I think (laugh) They're just being... Straaaange!... (they had buckles on everything, even the doors! The bigger the buckle the bigger the status, or wisdom)

QH: Are you going to move down to the village?

Client: I'm in it, I'm on it, I'm there... You know I don't think they can see me, I'm not sure that I am one but then again I was outside the craft earlier on... Yeeaah!

QH: Does the place look familiar to you?

Client: It's just one of those places, um, I suppose there's a lot of Peace here & a lot of generosity, it's just... Yeah, nobody wants for anything, (so there's) no such thing as dis-ease but... Still I can't understand how it looks like a mountain, when you look at it & when you go into it it's.... (this part which was not understanding was the conscious mind - the energy ball knew exactly what it was doing, only it was being asked questions along the way, it never seemed too distracted from its mission)

QH: Can you communicate with any of the people?

Client: I'm not sure... If I was to become one of the people... I think it's just a merge, merge yep.

QH: Can you become one of the people?

Client: Yep

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QH: Are you one of the people?

Client: Silence...

QH: What are you stood on?

Client: Coble stones, buckled shoes, strange (laughing) even the shoes have buckles, there's buckles everywhere!!!... (Buckles as doorknobs, buckle buttons, on jewelry, belts, shoes)

QH: Have you got anything on your head?

Client: Everybody seems to have a hat, ooh somebody doesn't, but, yep, I think that's coz he's got big ears (laughing) huge ears! Yeah, either... yeah, they got clothes, just clothes, um they got buckles on 'em so it looks all, it makes them look different, when you don't have so many buckles...

QH: Do you feel male or female?

Client: I don't feel any... I... Merged... Female... (Starts laughing again) Yeah, an Alien female (a human alien considering I had just come from a race of Mantis People, considering I am currently playing a human, it's very convoluted)

QH: Do you have any jewellery on?

Client: Something on the right wrist, a square, on like a chain a square...

QH: Are you carrying anything?

Client: (Starts laughing again) A Book! Wooaah!!

QH: Is it the same book? Is it your book?

Client: It looks the same book, can't be the same book, it's smaller (because I was a small girl). Maybe the book grows, (with time) maybe you get a new book for every life. (In Life maybe but not in the higher realms, the book is one size but growing and infinite)

QH: Are there buildings around you?

Client: Yes.

QH: Do you live in one of those buildings?

Client: No.... I merged! But the body does, the body does, yeah, it lives in one of those, it's got memories yes.

QH: Do you know the memories of the body you merged with?

Client: It's got memories of um (deep breathe) yeah, well it's sort of, you go down a step, it's quite dark but it's still quite well lit up from the outside (windows all around letting the light in), even downstairs (down a few steps, not stairs), it's just like a little... ummm cellar? Cellar but the light, there's all lights (windows, for some reason I lose many human concepts) all around but I suppose it's just letting the light in...

QH: What's down there in the cellar?

Client: It's not really like a cellar, it's more like a kitchen actually, just looks more like a sunken kitchen, there's a room over there to the left, should just sit 'round in the communing room or something but...

QH: How many people live there do you know?

Client: I think it's a man & two kids.

QH: Is there any food in the kitchen?

Client: Yes, there's a fruit (on a wooden table), it looks like a pear but it looks weirder, it's more pointy, and I'm sure theapples not an apple, I'm sure it's there to build a mind construct, not sure if the apples an apple...

QH: What else is in the kitchen?

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Client: Just a wooden table, a fire place, looks like Beams, maybe it's not Oak, not even sure if it's on this Earth, and if it is, it's well hidden!

QH: Do you think they're your children?

Client: (Laugh) Yeah, I think they are yeah, it's some sort of dwarf people or something, I feel really small if I compare them with this mind. (about 3 and a half feet, kids felt just over 1ft, my husband was around 5ft, he was tall, lol)

QH: What's your purpose? What do you do with the majority of your time?

Client: Just house-work, yeah, just look after the house & sort the food out.

QH: What does the man do?

Client: He works, in the hay fields.

QH: The hay fields on the mountain?

Client: In the fields, not on the mountain, the mountain, issss, nope, the mountain doesn't exist (in that dimension), it's not real (here).

QH: Are the fields below the mountain?

Client: The fields are “IN” the mountain! The mountain is not real! The mountain is a shield, to protect this civilization. (maybe not so much a shield but as I could see both the mountain and the town simultaneously it looked like there wasa transparent mountain over the town, it just looked like one when looking at it like that)

QH: To protect the village?

Client: They are invisible (to other dimensions normally, a different frequency - 2 places occupying the same space in the same time frame)

QH: Why do they need protecting?

Client: They're invisible, they're just a higher frequency, they don't have negativity, they're invisible! It's the doors to another dimension because in one dimension you see mountains, jaggedy mountains that seem impassable, you can't go anywhere, you can't do, it's just impassable, nobody would go there, but in another dimension that is not so, the mountain is not even there! (but it is the same place) I'm not sure that I wasn't between dimensions but the mountain isnot there, maybe I was just crossing dimensions, maybe I had to pull myself into the next dimension consciously, I could sense it was there, I knew it was there without thinking, because that's how you do it, without thinking, and then I saw, then I knew... I could sense it, then I tuned into it, then I would be able to merge with a... Silence...

The Ending of that Life:

QH: What is happening, what do you see?

Client: Silence...

QH: Are you very old?

Client: I don't know.... I don't think we die like that, I'm not sure...

QH: What do you see?

Client: What do I feel?.... That this is a place of rest... It's a place of rest...

QH: A place of rest?

Client: Yes, a place of no thought

QH: Do you know what they did with the body?

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Client: I think it just dissipates, I don't think they do anything, I think they're like... Although it looks like they have form, I think they just... Puffed off into a puff of smoke, all, all sparkly! Just floated off! The whole body just went, JING!! Just floated off in sparkles like butterflies, 1000s & 1000s of butterflies! Sparkles, floating off! (I could see her dissipate into myriad sparkles from the crown to the feet, as if 1000s of sparkly tiny butterflies swarmed heavenward)

QH: What was the purpose for showing this?

Client: Another perfect life, that's what it was, another perfect life.

QH: Where are you now?

Client: The place of rest

QH: Do you know how long you rest for?

Client: I'm sure it won't be long, but it could be forever... I don't think so... No time...

QH: Is there anyone there to help you?

Client: No, you're totally taken care of, it knows where to send you.

QHHT Practitioners Web Site:

Convoluted Regression

This account is directly linked to all of the previous QHHT Sessions, this session was to give extra information and confirmations, all of which I’m sure you’ll find very interesting indeed

- QHT=Quantum Healing Therapist -

QHT: Where are you now, Do you have a body?

Client: I don't know wha.... (laugh) I was going to say "I don't know what that is"... But I do.

QHT: What's your environment like?

Client: I don't know the concepts, maybe a... Long pause....

QHT: How are you feeling within the space you're in?

Client: Emptiness

QHT: Totally empty?

Client: It's nothing... And yet, it is everything.

QHT: You like this place don't you?

Client: I think it's where I sleep... It's a recharge... Implode... And I don't exist in it.

QHT: Do you feel like you're being recharged while you're there?

Client: I don't exist in the 3rd dimension when I am here... Recharge, Rebalance & Regenerate.

QHT: How long do you stay here for to re-energize?

Client: As long as it takes normally...

QHT: And then where do you go?

Client: (laugh) Back to Earth I was going to say, back to the 3D is what I was going to say... Strange words...

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QHT: And in this space you don't have to be anything, you'll just be?

Client: Just balance, everything.

QHT: How do you know the time is right to move on from that space?

Client: The energy reaches a certain level then you have to go.

QHT: Can you feel that energy now?

Client: Then we wake up, maybe this is why it's hard to be here as I've already re-energized.

QHT:, We moved to another day, what do you see now?

Client: Looks Victorian, big hats, big... Looks Victorian (Victorian clothing but a more magical dimension as there were no control freaks and no "have to's", just perfectly lovely people co-creating a perfectly lovely dimension)

QHT: Can you see people then?

Client: I see a big hat, I see a big hat sticking out... Big hat.

QHT: Top hats?... Pause... What else are they wearing?

Client: I'm seeing that woman again that I saw in the first regression, it's a big hat... Burgandy, I'm in that place again, that woman with the Burgundy suit dress.

QHT: Burgundy?

Client: Suit Dress.

QHT: Is this with the buckles?

Client: No, this is the first. (I'm sure now it must have been “Buckle Town” but the buckles seemed less pronounced)

QHT: I wasn't there, can you explain to me what you're seeing? Where are you?

Client: Names? (the question “where are you?” seemed to require the name of the planet from my perspective) Why would we call it a name? I think it's just information, all of it's just information but I'm not sure how to name, I wasn't meant to get a name.

QHT: I didn't ask for a name.

Client: No, the Planet... It' not named

QHT: The planet's has not been named?

Client: Not named, I'm not sure the people there name.

QHT: So you're not on earth.

Client: No, No, it's in the weird place with the weird trees, I think I'm here again (huge mushroom shaped trees)

QHT: Do you have feet?

Client: No!... Well, I'm head height so that makes me suspicious.

QHT: Can you look down?

Client: Yes.

QHT: What are you stood on?

Client: I might have merged, I might have merged again.

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QHT: What are you stood on?

Client: I got shoes on and they have buckles (laugh!!!). It's not the buckle place! It has a different buckle. (Trying to convince myself I wasn't wearing buckles and again I still wasn't realizing or I was ignoring the fact that it was the buckle place)

QHT: Have you trousers on?

Client: Strange, yeah, and funny shoes, like Victorian, with white socks, funny shoes (with a buckle)... Ugh, I don't wearthat stuff! And funny trousers!!!...

QHT: What do the trousers look like?

Client: I don't know, the mind, the ego, in this brain is... Is having a bit of a problem... It doesn't like the clothes it's wearing.

QHT: Just tell me what you see

Client: Well, stupid trousers 'n' that! Stopping just below the knees and they're like "Puffed out", (annoyed) Puffed out legs!! All puffed out thighs!

QHT: Are you male or female.

Client: (assertively, still annoyed at the trousers) Male! (calmly) Definitely male.

QHT: Young or old?

Client: I'm stood next to this woman that I was floating above in my first regression (she had a big hat and burgundy suit dress)

QHT: Do you know this woman?

Client: I don't know, I haven't melted into this persona fully.

QHT: Are you carrying anything?

Client: I'm trying to resist the "Book" word (The Book of Life and the Buckle-Town book were similar books. I thought Iwas seeing the book because of the memory I had of the Heavenly garden. In that world they were aware that their Life time was being recorded into the book, they also knew that they manifested their own reality, because of this they all attempted to make the most amazing story – Humans are generally unaware that they all have a book that is recording every nano-second of their life) and a walking stick, my mind is overlapping, this information that appears, a slight confusion between two worlds.

QHT: Do you have a hat on?

Client: I don't think so no, but then... Everybody had a hat on last time except one person with huge ears.

QHT: What are you stood on?

Client: Cobbled street.

QHT: So you're on a cobbled street with a woman?

Client: Loads of people there.

QHT: Do you know what you're doing there?

Client: Standing, there's a fountain to my left.

QHT: Can you ask someone what's going on?

Client: I'm not sure, everyone’s just going about their business.

QHT: What about the woman, what's she wearing?

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Client: A burgundy suit dress and a big hat.

QHT: Suit dress?

Client: Or a dress suit, yeah suit top and dress bottom (matching burgundy) or what ever you call it.

QHT: How long is the skirt?

Client: To the ankles, you can see the shoes poking out.

QHT: Is she carrying anything?

Client: Looks like an umbrella but I don't think there's any rain here, not unless it's needed.

QHT: Does she have any jewellery?

Client: Like a charm bracelet I guess

QHT: Do you wear any jewellery?

Client: The first thing I want to see is a watch, but they don't know anything about time here, no time here, must be not a watch, it must be something else.

QHT: Do you know where you are?

Client: It's another civilization.

QHT: Have you come here before?

Client: Feels like the same time, not sure of the merge, the consciousness download hasn't been fully activated... Observe... I suppose I can just merge with anyone or anything... Keep an eye on things.

QHT: What else can you do?

Client: I can do anything, I can go anywhere... I just shot out of the body.

QHT: You shot off to where?

Client: I just shot up in the sky... The thing is, I have an omniscient... (confused by the word) Perspective, I can, and it doesn't matter where I am, I can see and I can shift my perspective, I can even shift my perspective & look back on myself, because I feel like I'm everywhere, that's how I can get places so quick, because I am in all places simultaneously, it's just a command away...

QHT: So you can go to any planet you wish to?

Client: Yes, I think so.

QHT: Any dimension?

Client: Yeah, easy yeah, even dimensions. I think that's one of my main... Scan... I can scan multiple dimensions, I can see what's really there

QHT: Could you go to another dimension now?

Client: I might be able to scan a memory, because all time is now, yes, and there's nothing outside of it, the past and the future from my perspective are “Now”, so I might be able to call upon a memory.

QHT: Of another dimension?

Client: Of other Worlds, yeah I can flick... I can see those ummm, Insect Beings

QHT: You can see them?

Client: Well, the memory is, when you call upon the memory you can see it.

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QHT: Can you go back there with them?

Client: I am - I merged... I merged, that's how I got in it, I think I was sent out to see how things were going.

QHT: What's happening?

Client: Scanning the planet for life, checking the planet, checking every crevice, I was asked I think to come in and helpthem, because our information relay centres are the same, we can transmit and receive information the same, I could even control one of their craft if I wanted to, it's not necessary but if I was asked to do that job then I could.

QHT: So how do you help them?

Client: By going outside of the craft and just scanning, and then I'll go back and take the information and just plant it in(into the crafts neural centre)... It's as though it's their intention, so I am the Energetic device created (by source) so as they can do it

QHT: And how do you plant the information back?

Client: Just by sitting in the middle brain

QHT: Can you sit in the middle brain?

Client: I can merge with anything

QHT: In their brain?

Client: I can merge with anything!

QHT: You merge with their brain?

Client: Yep, that's the relay centre, that's how they communicate

QHT: So are there any other beings that can do this too?

Client: Any telepathic being I could instantly communicate with, they would know I was there.

QHT: How about humans?

Client: Humans are stupid! (Sorry Humans, the comment did not make me feel good) They don't function the same, they don't work on it, they don't remember the middle brain, they can't see it, they don't know it's there.

QHT: Some humans are open and aware

Client: It's atrophying, It's been open a long time, it's atrophying, they haven't used it enough, they focus too much on the left brain I suppose, left, Money, digits, dadgets, serial numbers, it's all rubbish, all useless, all destructive to the consciousness, we're not serial beings, we're multidimensional entities with multi-dimensional consciousness, there's no single line of anything, it's just ridiculous training, every minute, every day, every second, serial word sentences are useless, to me I can operate way better like this, way better! Way, way, way, way, infinitely way better! Limitation, that's what humans are there for, to experience, and to learn.

QHT: How do humans start waking up this 3rd brain?

Client: Silence, unwind...

QHT: Silence &?..... (pause of silence - The client knew the QHT was experiencing emptiness in that moment, the mind always does that when it's waiting for a reply, it searches for a memory it can't find, it searches the emptiness first (Silence), if the memory is more useful than the emptiness it is given back)

Client: (experiencing the Namaste moment also)..... That's it, then they can breathe out again... That was it, that was just it, that was nothing... Pure nothing.

QHT: There must be some humans you can communicate with in this way

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Client: Everybody can do it, everybody does it continuously, everybody does it continuously "but", with the lack of Trust and the lack of Truth it is actually breaking the device, it just breaks it, it cracks it, it can't function because it's a crystalline transmitter receiver, it can't function, it's the 3rd eye, it's the imagination, it's the centre brain.

QHT: And why do you help these beings with their work?

Client: It's just that this is their intention, they're not doing any harm, the One allows them the device, you know, it's just instantly available, it's an energy that is available for them to use, they intend it, they believe that they have it, so they use it and they're allowed it, it is decreed (This normally means decreed by Heaven and or the council of the Universe)

QHT: And why do they need to scan the planet... for life?

Client: I think they are Ancient, I think they are Aeons, I think that's their Job & that's what they’ve done forever.

QHT: As you can download information straight to them can't you get information straight off of them too?

Client: If needed if necessary yes, that's not normally my job buuut, information will be taken back to source.

QHT: Could you get any information now for us?

Client: Needed for what?

QHT: Information for you.... You're back on this planet, why are you back on this planet?

Client: It was to show that I could, once I am in my space, that I am Limitless again, and that, when I am in my space, I am everywhere again... Pure... Flowing Energy... Space, void, nothingness, no-mind, this is why it's breaking, this is why it's not being used because silence, there's too much noise, not enough silence... Too much distortion, not enough silence... It must be fixed!

QHT: Is there any way you could help fix it?

Client: It functions in this one but does not.... It shuts down, it shuts down to protect itself... The world is violent! In this One, it shuts down, the violence, the mind (of others) No, it can't handle it, it shuts down, has to switch off, cannot be subject to that! It shuts down... It protects itself, I am it! It protects itself, it's strong... It could just shoot out if it wants right now & go back Home but that's not what it's here for.

QHT: What is it here for?

Client: Transmit

QHT: To transmit?

Client: (Chuckle) This mind is finding it humorous...

QHT: Finding what humerus?

Client: Perfect use! (it meant perfect use of consciousness using humour to overcome problems) it's from the pure space, I think it's a transmission from the pure, pure space. It took a while I think to get hold of this vehicle & over-ride all of its "thinking"! Because it was damaging itself but... It... Worked... I dominate, it's thinking... The monkey, I dominate its thinking (laugh) I think it resents that, I should be able to heal & regenerate, regenerate.

QHT: Well if it sits over there it may just learn something.

Client: Yes, I dominate... I am.

QHT: Do you know why you keep going back to the nothingness?

Client: I'm not sure whether it's rest or whether it's home but, it's certainly a good place to wait for the next mission because there's actually nothing to think, there's nothing to do, there's only pure beingness in the purest of all senses,the silence of silence, it is... it is.... it is home I think but I'm not sure, I might be shown home in a different sense but I think essentially everybody comes here.

QHT: And why are you showing the Victorian scene on a different planet, why were you shown that twice?

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Client: Because there were unresolved... It was in there to assure unresolved information, still whys and questions, now, realization.

QHT: Do you understand why you were shown that scene?

Client: I can merge... I can merge... I am localized and I am sure, as I said, that I can get out of this body, this monkey but I am merged, I think I am here for a time, time! (Time = Life time) This is why I was reading the book... The Book of Life was there to show me how to manifest... It showed me this... Life... Possibly this life... And, I think it might be a wayof imprinting, I'm not 100% sure

QHT: Imprinting what?

Client: Life times, personas... It is experiences.

QHT: And what about the alien species? Why have you been shown that twice?

Client: To prove that I can go where I want to go, when I want to go there, even back to that time, I seem to understand "Time", that it is an Illusion, and I seem to understand distance, that it too is an illusion, I seem to understand space, because that, is where I come from... I live in pure space.

QHT: Can you explain how these things are illusions?

Client: Because when we see ourselves for what we really are we know for sure "what is real & what is not real. Even though the other is almost as if it's a conscious metaphor to describe to the brain "All that is" Buuut, All is infinite, is indescribable, it is formless, it is complete, it is pure, it's the pureness in everything. If humans could Perfect every aspect of their thinking and align it towards this pureness, something strange and magical would happen to this reality... Strange & Magical... It would be mind blowing, and it will probably dissipate the body as well because they'll vanish into Light (giggling)... When every thought, every action, every reaction is of pureness then a magic explosion will happen, but I'm not sure if it won't take the whole world with it. I think that's how the Buddha’s... They understood too, the Ancients, they knew, that's why they ascended... Now it's our time

QHT: It doesn't just affect the world though does it?

Client: It affects all things in all universes

QHT: In all dimensions?

Client: Yeah, That's what I mean by Universes because they're almost layered one on top of the other but there's more than one, there's higher, the higher, now we have the higher frequency active, the grids fixed (earth grid), yeah, it's causing change alright! This is the time, we know this.

QHT: Are we raising frequency now?

Client: Absolutely!... Yep, I can feel that now, I can do that, I can do that to this heart.

QHT: Raise the frequency? Send out Healing?

Client: It gets sometimes attacked, so it retreats sometimes... I might be able to shield it.

QHT: Shield what?

Client: The Heart... I can shield it... There, I've fixed a bubble around it & it's shielded, it might be allowed to grow... Interrupted.

QHT: Unintelligable

Client: I'm not sure, the frequency, I can't raise it too high, people need help, the mission, that would be as good as mission aborted... I'm not… I can't… It's not that way, it's not the job, it's not the purpose. (I would have Ascended to s higher dimension without you guys)

QHT: Not done what way?

Client: If I just raised my own frequency & vanished, it would be... That would miss the point, that's it! Leave everyone behind? No, Not the mission, not the job, not the mission... Stay... Help, Raise... Ahh! These maintaining distractions, distractions, distraction, mind distractions... They do not serve the Heart well, only Love serves the Heart well, that's

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the frequency we all must align to... Not possible otherwise, no ascension otherwise, maintain frequency, maintain, difficult. AAAHHA!...

QHT: What's difficult?

Client: Humans, the influences, they are positive & negative, fluctuations on the Earth, sometimes certain waves, certain input, it's caused by the input, what we see, what we hear, what we receive, like positive waves being pushed through the ocean, so too are the negative... We need shields!

QHT: People need shields?

Client: We all do (laugh) Activating shields... (deep breathe followed by a giggle) They got sparks on, they got sparks because the negative... It can't penetrate, (giggle) I can fix it.

QHT: You've put shields on everyone?

Client: I've put a shield on you, I put a shield on me, I can fix it, it's got sparks coming off of it where the negatives trying to... That's what's causing the sparks... Aaaah!

QHT: Can you put shield on anyone else?

Client: I might have to.... I'm not too sure I'm meant to manifest & over-ride the body, I'm not sure... Help, Serve, is the mission, I'm not sure but I think ascension is the mission.

QHT: The mission is Ascension, why have you been sent to this mission?

Client: Hold the frequency, Protect the people, project the frequency... Protect...

QHT: Protect?

Client: That's why I stick Buddha’s around everyone, it's the activation codes, they’re in the timeline, the activation codes are in the timeline, they're in the timeline... Can they be missed? That's what's happening, people are missing the codes in the timeline.

QHT: How do they miss the codes?

Client: Distractions! It's the world, it's trying to pull them ( deep breathe) Somebody wants them pulled the other way.

QHT: Timelines come around again though don't they?

Client: This is special.

QHT: What a special place?

Client: Special timeline, we're in the special timeline, we're in the special timeline now, the information was absorbed in order to be relayed. Nothing I say is, most of it can be found I guess, in the books... Not the shield, no... Need experience, it will spread, the work, the good works, never give up the good works... Need a way to frequency maintain,frequency hold, frequency Heart, the Love.

QHT: Is there anyway you can download that information?

Client: We have it stored, it's called "first Love", it's not connected to the person, it's connected to our own hearts, it's our own hearts, the other person had nothing to do with it. It's our own hearts, hold the Love, hold the vibration, and raise the frequency to match Love.

QHT: 1st Love vibration?

Client: That is the sense, in a sense it's unconditional & unattached, it is the essence of the Heart frequency, and this is what it should be at. Humans have trained to direct it at one another separately into a single individual, they say "I Love you" without sharing it with anyone else, massive division... Massive division! It was planned.

QHT: So if you direct it inwards.

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Client: You are it, we are it, there is nothing that is not “IT”! Tuning into that part of ourselves again, as I say again, not the person, the Heart feeling at that time should be enough to transmit to the external world, hold it... Entities, entities,..

QHT: What entities?

Client: They're energies, they're not really entities, they're the same as I am, they are energies that are allowed in thought process's that are accepted as real, and yet are absolute self created illusions. (fear, anger, hatred, greed, jealousy, etc.)

QHT: Some of these things have been programmed from birth though.

Client: This is the problem and this is why we're here to fix it, here to hold, here to raise & protect... Yes, from birth yes... Past forgive.... Everything.

QHT: Forgive?

Client: Everything! Forgiveness, forgive, that's how we move on, that's how we leave “that” behind.

QHT: And keep our frequencies high?

Client: It's difficult, too much pollution

QHT: Yes but by forgiving the past it helps.

Client: It helps 1000% yes. The emotional body is affected severely by such thoughts and especially by feelings, yes, it's our choice, we choose. We choose it's up to us, we choose, it's cool.

QHT: Some people feel they don't have a choice.

Client: Exactly! It's a limitation, it's an illusion, there is only Love, there's only pure, pure, pure... I can't say how many pureness’ it is, that's all there is, everything else, is an illusion. This was just made for us to experience that which we could not experience in our truest form, we can't experience separateness from source in that form (Spirit form), we can't experience emotions in that form because there's only one emotion in that form, this time now is the transition time, this time now is when this form, is reuniting with the One and realigning with the One, thought by thought, action by action, reaction by reaction.

QHT: Without leaving the body?

Client: We are here, we help & we protect... Always! Until the death of this physical form, which is absolutely... I mean death! (Laughing) The word flies in the face of infinite and immortal, if death were possible immortality would not be possible, there is no such thing, there is only change, transformation... Death is a word that should be chucked in the dustbin.

QHT: But the physical body ceases to function no more.

Client: No need, no, the vehicle...

QHT: We go back to source anyway.

Client: Sometimes we get to visit, it depends if we're on the study, if we've done our thing here, then we might like to go on & study more, we might go to the realm of light to study more. The realm of light was almost like a kinder gardenfor advanced souls really, just to teach them that they can create their own reality, and that every choice, and every thought, and every action & every reaction does indeed create our reality. It's very slow here, people get boring because every-thing's so blooming slow, it's the time span. It's amazing what's happened here really, the time that it takes to actually manifest a thing can be frustratingly long but with absolute belief it is on the doorstep within a matter of seconds or days. So belief & Faith are the activators of this ascension also. Belief, even if we're retarded beyond imagination, and we had the single (chronic) belief that we are super intelligent, that is exactly what we become...

~ This part is more about those materialists not knowing which way to go, the transition for the Light-Workers is very different. Regardless, I can safely say we're no longer in that timeline as Heaven is about to manifest on Earth!;¬)

Client: As long as we are accepting and as long as we are maintaining that frequency and that belief system, it's all there, all the tools, people are lazy, they need to go careful if there's too much coming, too much warnings too many warnings, too much distractions... We will have to adjust after the wave of Peace on the Earth.

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QHT: What is the wave of Peace?

Client: It's started, it started a little while back, a very little while back, transition is... Almost complete, there are the few that still cling, these are words that have been spoken before, they cling, they cling, we wait for them they still cling to the old ways to the hatred, to the thinking they've got an enemy, thinking... Thinking! That's what they do... This is a malfunction! Now they have been rebooted and are starting to function correctly, the whole Earth is being rebooted, the 1st wave... Air... The second wave, hopefully it does not get out of control, is fire, fire, the rage of the people! But if the rage gets too high, the water needed to purify that rage will also be too high! Outrage by all means but Peace always! Or it will not be a slow & gradual process of rising waters, the anger of the people shall lift up in the waves & purify & cleanse this whole planet, person by person bit by bit, and those that are aware will be saved or safe, this is why the Galactic Brothers are putting forward recommendations and actually getting involved in Earth affairs for the first time, it is real, it is very real.

QHT: How will the people who are aware be saved?

Client: Those that are aware will know where to go "if" they need to go anywhere, those that are going to be saved & are in dangerous positions, their bodies are being prepared, to become lighter, to become light bodies, just as long as they maintain a light, everything is Light, the lighter we are the better, less is best, the lighter we are the better, the dense forms cannot be transported correctly, teleportation of cows & pigs will result in death, this is a known fact. With too much of that genetically entwined in the system we become dense, we will be hard to teleport; it will have to be done a different way.

QHT: Teleport to where?

Client: To the craft that are going to be waiting to turn up when or "IF" the sea gets too hectic, it's already been done, tsunamis have come & people thought 1000's had died but also 1000s were saved. That's what they can't tell people because of the lack of communication, Star brothers & Sisters, I mean they were just saved, them as well, they will become star brothers & sisters, that's it, anyone that's born on a craft from here (earth) will be a star brother, its a total union of the whole universe, it's ridiculous that the information is hidden... Ridiculous! But soon we'll see, we'll see.

QHT: Information is flying around the Earth much faster these days.

Client: Hmmm, that's what caused the change yep... Partly, obviously there was a slight inspiration there, for people to pick that up, yes, this is helping, Passive, it's the only way! No Violence! Yeah they lie, the government try to hold on, they lie, they can't help it, they're just scared, that's why the tables have turned, we'll look after them, this is the job.

QHT: Who looks after them?

Client: We all do, we all should, we are One, there's no separateness between anyone or anything, we will look after them.

QHT: Who's them?

Client: The dark ones, we should look after them also... If we wish to ever return to the "One", we must be unconditional, there are no conditions, it's un-conditional! It doesn't matter what they've done, they all return to source. They've caused so much change on the earth they should be thanked, for being absolute darkness, they caused the change, they should be thanked, not hated, Hate begets hate, we know this, human functions not real, anger? Human function not real. Illusion is being removed, the veil is lifted, soon craft everywhere, that is a fact, we're on time.

QHT: Craft with the Insectiod type creatures in them?

Client: Hopefully, hopefully. Well it's a matter of us raising our frequency, they're not coming down that low, I'm not sure they're willing to come down that low. Most beings & Souls would actually fear coming down this low. This is whycertain devices were created & put into use so as they could actually withstand, but still the mind, the mind of the monkey rules.

QHT: What devices are these?

Client: Physical Living or spiritual etheric consciousness devices, everybody has a consciousness, this is merely a device, it's a device, it's just a device. The Heart is a device, it has a resonance, the Earth itself is a device, that too hasa resonance that we're matched to. We are One with All things, we are the Universes... (long Pause and deep breathe) Energized! Too much neutralness in the heart, too much neutralness, energize is that normal? No, should be lifted, should be raised frequency should be not distracted... Raise Frequency.

QHT: Of the people?

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Client: Of this body, needs to raise its frequency, its heart resonance, needs to be maintained needs to keep there.

QHT: What at the moment or all the time?

Client: It dipped, I noticed it dipped, when I looked back to it it dipped, it's a neutral, I'm not sure... Zen, I'm not sure if that's useful, needs to raise, maintain (deep breathe) Can't maintain a shield!... No!.... Eternal Shield Activation... Eternal shield, Eternal shield... Aah, the whole being... Oh my God!, It's too difficult! I don’t know how humans are alive!

QHT: What's too difficult?

Client: To maintain a shield within this realm! There's continual sparks, the bombardment of negativity WHEN we are distracted, if the shield is not infinite it becomes destroyed! It becomes shrapnelled, fragmented, smashed, bombarded, obliterated and the form will suffer, the form WILL suffer, NO! Shield whole being, it needs to shield the whole being, the energy is too low... Connect to grid... (a geometric grid of white light that surrounds the Earth)

QHT: How can you raise the energy?

Client: Connect to Grid, it's Gold, it's a Golden point on the grid, it's connected.

QHT: What happens when you connect to the golden point on the grid?

Client: Everyone is aligned, it's kind of a neutral heart on the grid also, not sure that that needs raising… (second thoughts) maybe we need to pump that, I'll pump it.

QHT: Can you do that?

Client:.... (Long pause) ... The whole being, feels like the whole being would implode to use up all of its electrons & nucleus’s.

QHT: It has infinite energy

Client: Yes, it forgot that.

QHT: Zero Point infinite energy.

Client: (whispers) Is everywhere! No need to use the form. No need to deplete the form... Cosmic! It's everywhere... Access Granted, yes, excellent, I don't know how you can keep a body feeling like this for very long, I don't know I don't want to vampire (accessing the golden point on the Earth grid) Phewww.... Wooaahh!

QHT: How are you feeling?

Client: Like I've just had a spring clean. (feeling really good)

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QHT: An internal spring clean?

Client: (Laughs) Yeah

QHT: A mental spring clean?

Client: Ummmm, consciousness stabilized, body enlightened... (deep breathe) The conscious thing, its an intention, the whole body needs to go into the intention, I felt the whole body sensing the grid, it is a good grid, there's lots and lots of energy there but the energy also re-crystallizes I think.

QHT: Is it healing for this body?

Client: I think it is.

QHT: We need this body to be healed, we'd also like to cut any karmic chords that were made in past lifetimes that may be causing problems in this life can you do that?

Client: It is done! The trouble is, I do not want to float away, in a cocoon. I am in a cocoon, I am a cocoon, I know that because I can see myself from the outside (laugh) Floating, all attachments severed... Need one - Earth, Protect & Serve. (I saw myself as a cocoon inside a cocoon, it looked fleshy and organic and I was held in the centre by tendon type strands which all snapped when the Karmic connections were released or severed, I became free floating and would have had no strings attached to earth and therefore no reason to be here so I swiftly reattached a few important ones to centralize myself again)

QHT: Protect & Serve?

Client: Hold it, I'm realigning, I broke too many connections. Earth, Peace, Protection,.. Yes!

THE END. (… of the beginning)

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Dedication: I would like to thank everyone who has inspired me, used me as a QHHT Guinea Pig, all of my incredible clients, those who'veencouraged me and helped me both near and afar, seen and unseen, future and past, you will know who you are, YOU are the true Heroes

and Heroines! Stay Shining!

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