coporal punishment

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Post on 10-Apr-2018




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  • 8/8/2019 Coporal Punishment


  • 8/8/2019 Coporal Punishment


    Childhood is an extremely unique and critical stage oflife.

    Children all over the world share the same basic needsfor safety, health and dignity.

    There are many programs committed to supportingchildrens development, respecting individual

    differences, helping children learn to live and workcooperatively; and promoting children's physical andmental health, self-worth, education, self-control, andresponsibility

  • 8/8/2019 Coporal Punishment


    Story of a Child

    When son had turned five, he had misbehavedand the mother decided to give the child its firstspanking.

    She told him to leave the house to search for aswitch. The child did not return for quite a while.

    When he finally returned, he said to his mother,Mama, I couldnt find a switch, but heres a rockthat you can throw at me. (No Spanking Page)

  • 8/8/2019 Coporal Punishment


    The Perception of a spanking visually must beconfusing and disturbing for children.

    They can never be sure what meaning theirparents are expressing when this violent type ofpunishment takes place.

    Parents give children primary exposure to

    concepts of right and positive. In addition,Parents behavior influences childrensperceptions about what love looks and feels like.

  • 8/8/2019 Coporal Punishment


    Corporal punishment is an ineffective discipline strategywith children of all ages and furthermore, that it isdangerous. It conflicts with these goals and has no place inany child's life.

    Corporal punishment most often produces in its victimsanger, low self esteem and resentment. It teaches thatviolence and revenge are solutions for problems.

    When a child is a victim of corporal punishment they willoften feel very degraded, it also contributes to the feelingof helplessness and humiliation.

  • 8/8/2019 Coporal Punishment


    There are various consequences and reasons for why itsunacceptable.

    robs a child of their self-worth and self-respect, and can lead to

    withdrawal and aggression.

    increase the risk of child abuse.

    does not decrease a childs aggression or delinquent behaviors;

    it just erodes the trust between a parent and a child.

    Its important to remember that all children act differently andneed different levels of attention. For this reason some parentmay see corporal punishment as the proper way to discipline a

    child and put them into shape.

  • 8/8/2019 Coporal Punishment


    Parents believe that a child who is spanked

    when they have done something wrong will

    learn not to do it again in the future.

    In reality, the child will be afraid to do

    anything wrong in the future, which will

    eventually create distance between the parent

    and the child

  • 8/8/2019 Coporal Punishment


    Therefore Childhood is an extremely unique and criticalstage of life.

    Childrens development should always be respectedbecause of their individual differences. Corporalpunishment fits nowhere in this rule

    It can and most likely will affect them as they grow up,

    and maybe even in their adult lives. You hear offamilies having certain traditions passed down. Butwhat kind of family tradition is corporalpunishment?