corazon aquino

CORAZON AQUINO Corazon Aquino (1933-2009) was the first female president of the Philippines, and is known for leading the People Power Revolution in 1986 which restored democracy to the country. She was named TIME’s Woman of the Year in 1986. As president of the Republic of the Philippines between 1986 and 1992, she led her country's eventful transition from dictatorship to democracy. In a few turbulent years, she gained a presidency which she had not wanted, and which came to her at the cost of the death of her husband. She was thrust into power by his assassination and by the passion of the millions who took to the streets to sweep away the regime of Ferdinand Marcos. Cory’s ascension to the office of president signaled a new era for Filipinos. During the first few months of her presidency, the Philippines experienced radical changes and reforms. Cory immediately created a Constitutional Commission in charge of drafting a new constitution, and created the Presidential Commission on Good Government which went after Marcos’s ill- gotten wealth. The new Corazon Aquino Administration gave strong emphasis and concern for civil liberties and human rights, and peace talks with communist insurgents and Muslim secessionists.

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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CORAZON AQUINOCorazon Aquino (1933-2009) was the first female president of the Philippines, and is nown for leadin! the People Power "e#olution in 19$% whi&h restored demo&ra&' to the &ountr'( )he was named *+,-.s /oman of the 0ear in 19$%(As president of the "epu1li& of the Philippines 1etween 19$% and 1992, she led her &ountr'2s e#entful transition from di&tatorship to demo&ra&'( +n a few tur1ulent 'ears, she !ained a presiden&' whi&h she had not wanted, and whi&h &ame to her at the &ost of the death of her hus1and( )he was thrust into power 1' his assassination and 1' the passion of the millions who too to the streets to sweep awa' the re!ime of 3erdinand ,ar&os(Cor'.s as&ension to the offi&e of president si!naled a new era for 3ilipinos( 4urin! thefirst few months of her presiden&', the Philippines e5perien&ed radi&al &han!es and reforms( Cor' immediatel' &reated a Constitutional Commission in &har!e of draftin! a new &onstitution, and&reated the Presidential Commission on 6ood 6o#ernment whi&h went after ,ar&os.s ill- !ottenwealth( *he new Corazon Aquino Administration !a#e stron! emphasis and &on&ern for &i#il li1ertiesand human ri!hts, and pea&e tals with &ommunist insur!ents and ,uslim se&essionists( Cor' was also a lifelon! mem1er of the Coun&il of /omen /orld 7eaders, an international or!anization of former and &urrent female heads of state and !o#ernment that helps to mo1ilize women world leaders to tae a&tion on issues &riti&al to the leadership, empowerment and de#elopment of women( 8illar' Clinton said that Aquino was 9admired 1' the world for her e5traordinar' &oura!e: in leadin! the fi!ht a!ainst di&tatorship( Pope ;enedi&t e&tion of #iolen&e and intoleran&e(:Cor' was an amazin! woman who had a hu!e impa&t on the freedom and welfare of millions of people( )he a&&omplished so mu&h in her life and was 1elo#ed 1' man' people(