corbell chronicle - amazon web services€¦ · corbell chronicle what is sage? sage stands for...

Weldon Corbell Elementary | 11095 Monarch, Frisco, TX 75033 “Where Stars Shine Bright” Corbell Chronicle December 2014 | Volume 50 What is SAGE? SAGE stands for Special and Gifted Education.Our collective goal is to promote communication and cooperation be- tween educators and parents of diverse learn- ers in hopes of benefit- ting ALL children in Frisco ISD. We also strive to bring awareness and inclusiveness to our schools, so that our unique learners feel ac- cepted, helping them reach their full potential; and those students in general education learn the value of differences and common ground. SAGE sponsors work- shops and classes throughout the year, and provides resources and support to families. To stay up-to-date on up- coming events, please request to be added to our newsletter by email- ing sagenews- [email protected]. You can also visit sage or join our Face- book group Frisco ISD SAGE. December Birthdays 5th—Cynthia Davis 5th—Kellie Swanson 20th—Laura Flynn 26th—Lanelle Jones The student directory will be released very soon!! Dont forget—One of the great benefits of becom- ing a PTA member is so you can have access to the Student Directory!! Sign up now home/join_the_pta Student Directory Inside this Issue Please Help Our School Transportation changes must be sent to the teacher AND the front office by 2pm . Please Remember If your child is going to be absent from school: 1. Please email the school at garci- [email protected] or call the office at 469- 633-3550. 2. Send a handwritten note or a doctors note when your child returns to school. Sick Cowpoke? Upcoming Events Nov 24-28 Fall Break Dec 1-5 White Ribbon Week (Inclusive Schools Week) Dec 2 Diverse Abilities Day Dec 9 Spirit Night—Spring Creek BBQ [5-9pm] 3623 Preston Rd, Frisco Dec 19 Winter Classroom Parties Dec 22-Jan 2 Winter Break Big Thanks! As I think about our last 3 months of PTA events and activities, I am re- minded how generous our Corbell Community is and am so grateful to our hard working PTA Board and wonderful parents who have gra- ciously stepped up to help make our school a wonderful place to learn and grow. Working to- gether we have accom- plished a lot in just 3 months. We have ex- ceeded our goals for Wild Walk and Fall Book Fair, hosted several teacher luncheons, family events and spirit nights, had amazing attendance and participation at Do- nuts with Dads and the Watch Dogs Dad kickoff and sent an extraordinary amount of candy and notes to our service men and women through Op- eration Gratitude. And thats just a few of the accomplishments weve completed this year! None of these events could have been realized without the support of our many parent volun- teers. So as we head Angela Mason, PTA President PTA sends out weekly email blasts to help remind you of up- coming events. If you aren't receiving those reminders and would like to, please contact Olivia Ogren at Pub- [email protected] "LIKE" us on Face- book to stay in- formed Dont forget that all school zones are a no cell phone zone REMINDERS Multicultural Minute Did you know there are 311 different languages spoken in the U.S. and that there are 14 million households where English is not the primary lan- guage? We would love to find out how many are spoken in our Corbell Family! We will be celebrating Corbells diversity through a Multicultural Minute during some of our assemblies. This year we will be filming students in a private setting and the video will be shown at the assem- blies. Students may dress in their countrys attire (optional) and will say Good morning Corbell, my name is _____” in their native language. These students will also be featured in Corbells Multi- cultural Minute bulletin board in the main hall- way. We are looking forward to learning about many different cultures and languages! If your child would like to participate in the Multicultural Minute, please fill out the form here and return it to your childs teacher. We will contact you to schedule a filming session, which will be on selected Mondays at 3:10 pm in the library. If you have any questions about Multicultural Minute please contact the chairperson at [email protected]. Healthy lifestyles November: Turkey Trot Challenge Challenge your family to a Turkey Trotor other physical activity during the holiday weekend. The increased amount of calories consumed on Thanksgiving can serve as fuel for activity. After the football games are over and the food is off the table, enjoy some family time by taking a walk around the block or playing a game like football at a park or in the yard. Remember participating in physical activity is not only healthy, but can be an energy boost for the long holiday weekend! Thursday, November 27, 2014 in Frisco, TX at Frisco Square North Texas Turkey Trot 5k/10k Monthly Fun Family Activity Challenge Beef & Bean Chili Adding beans to this meat chili helps to lower the fat and cholesterol in each serving. Ingredients: Nutritional Facts: Calories: 274 Total fat: 10 g Saturated fat: 2 g Cholesterol: 65 mg Sodium: 159 mg* Yield: 9 servings-- Serving Size: 8 oz Directions Brown meat in a large skillet with half of vegetable oil. Add water. Simmer covered for 1 hour until meat is tender. Heat remaining vegetable oil in second skillet. Add garlic and onion and cook over low heat until onion is softened. Add flour and cook 2 minutes. Add the garlic-onion-flour mixture to the cooked meat. Then add the re- maining ingredients to the meat mixture. Simmer 1/2 hour. * To cut back on sodi- um, try using "no salt added" canned kidney beans, or use beans prepared at home without salt. 2 lb lean beef stew meat (trimmed of fat), cut in 1- 3 Tbsp Vegetable Oil 2C Water 2 tsp Minced garlic 1 large Onion, finely chopped 1 Tbsp Flour 2 tsp Chili powder 1 Green pepper, chopped 2 lb Tomatoes, chopped (3C) 1 Tbsp Oregano 1 tsp Cumin 2C Canned kidney beans* Recognize that you have more control than you might think. You can turn off the TV and video games. You can park your car farther away from the store. You can give your family more vegetables with dinner. Think about immediate bene- fits. If reducing future heart dis- ease risk seems a bit abstract, focus on the good things that can hap- pen right now. You won't feel so full if you have a smaller portion of dessert, or have a piece of fruit in- stead. Going hiking with your teen- ager might lead to a wonderful talk that neither of you anticipated. A vegetable salad tastes great and looks beautiful. Dancing with your spouse is lots of fun and can give you a great workout. Make small chang- es over time. It's easier and more appealing to start out with some new approaches to nutrition and physical activity that the whole family is will- ing to try. For example, shoot some baskets after dinner a few nights a week instead of turning on the TV. Start your weekend by taking a walk with your family or a trip to a local farmer's market. And, instead of chocolate cake with frosting, en- joy sliced strawberries over angel food cake. Try a variety of strategies. No one will notice if you use part-skim mozzarella cheese instead of whole -milk mozzarella in your lasagna, but you'll be reducing the number of calories and fat for everyone who eats it. Combine "invisible" strategies like this with strategies that actively involve other family members: See whether everyone will commit to eating healthy din- ners at least four times a week. Get your children involved in the pro- cess of shopping for and preparing these healthy dinners. Make a plan with your child to walk to school to- gether or to walk after dinner 2 days a week. Family Resources: Strategies for Real Life If you're interested in jump-starting your family on a healthy lifestyle by making some nutrition and physical activity changes, here are a few strate- gies to get you started: For more information and tips on eating healthier at home, read "We Can! Families Finding the Balance: A Parent Handbook" (available online at Ms. Schettler, music Saturday evening, December 6 th in Frisco Square (arrive @ 5:00 pm for 5:25 pm performance) This event will be featuring 25 Frisco ISD Elementary Schools, and our per- formance will be on the Snowflake Stage on the far eastside of the pla- za. Parents are responsible for transportation. Please plan to have students wear the 2014-2015 Blue and White Corbell Clubsshirt and jeans for the event. Coats will be given to parents before we perform unless it is as cold as last year. You may al- so wear any holidayitems, such as, Santa hats, reindeer antlers, scarves, mittens, etc. 24 th Annual Frisco Square Merry Main Street Upcoming Events: We will be celebrating diver- sity during Disability Awareness Week, De- cember 1st - 5th, in the Corbell library. We en- courage you to talk to your child about what theyve learned that week and to help answer their questions. Let them know its okay to talk about and celebrate dif- ferences! And next in the Learning Togetherseries from PATH, Contents of the IEPon December 3rd (contact Heather Brown at friscosagepro- [email protected] for details). Hope to see you soon! Ms. Gonzales, Art Teacher The art room is collecting items that are different textures. Our active learning classroom will be creating some artwork using a variety of textures over the next few weeks. If you would like to contribute please bring in a small item that can be glued to a sheet of paper. (Something to represent bumpy, soft, smooth, rough etc.) Please do not go out and purchase anything. Some examples could be a small piece of sand paper, sponges, or a small piece of fabric. Be creative! Lets help these students explore the sense of touch! Thank you for your help! Ms. Thompson, Library Corbell Library offers several exciting reading programs for our students! 2x2 Reading Program for Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2nd Grade Read or listen to the 2x2 books at home or at school. Look for the Parent- Child Activity label inside of each book for fun reading ideas. Copies of 2x2s are available at the Corbell Library and Frisco Public Library. The Frisco Pub- lic Library keeps one in-house set of 2 x 2 books to read while in the library. The 2x2 Reading List is an annual list of 20 great books for children, age two to grade two. Please visit their website to learn more: http:// Bluebonnet Reading Program for 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade Join Corbell's Bluebonnet club! Read or listen to at least 5 of this year's bluebonnet nominees. The Frisco Public Library keeps one in-house set of the current bluebonnet books to read while in the library. The Bluebonnet Voting Party is in January. Any student that reads (or listens to) at least five books by January is invited to the voting party. The voting party will be in January. The Texas Bluebonnet Award reading program is for students in 3rd-5th grade to encourage Texas children to read more books and explore a varie- ty of current books. Students from across the state vote for their favorite book each year from 20 nominees and the winner is announced in the spring. Please visit their website to learn more: nominees Caldecott Award Books (K-5) The Caldecott Medal was named in honor of nineteenth-century English illustrator Randolph Caldecott. The medal is awarded annually by the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association, to the artist of the most distinguished American pic- ture book for children. Please visit their website to learn more about current and previous medal winner and honor books: bookmedia/caldecottmedal/caldecottmedal Corbell runners Dont forget to Register!! We are so excited about this awe- some session for the Corbell Run- ners! Dont forget to register for the Frisco Frosty 5k and Merry Mile (team name: CORBELL RUN- NERS)! The Frosty 5k and Merry Mile is on Saturday, December 13 th at 8:00 am, and benefits Frisco Family Services. The Corbell Run- ners won Most Spiritedlast year at the race!!! All Corbell students and families are welcome to join us that day whether you are a part of the Corbell Runners or not! Lets get out and get fit together!!! Saturday, December 13, 2014 in Frisco, TX at Frisco Square Pages/Frosty5KMerryMile.aspx Frosty 5k & Merry Mile Stay in the kitchen when you are cooking on the stove top so you can keep an eye on the food. Stay in the home when cook- ing your turkey and check on it frequently. Keep children away from the stove. The stove will be hot and kids should stay 3 feet away. Make sure kids stay away from hot food and liq- uids. The steam or splash from vegetables, gravy or coffee could cause serious burns. Keep knives out of the reach of children. Be sure electric cords from an electric knife, coffee maker, plate warmer or mixer are not dangling off the counter with- in easy reach of a child. Make sure your smoke alarms are working. Test them by pushing the test but- ton. Thanksgiving Safety Tips If you host a party, set the table with cloth napkins and reusable dishes, glasses, and silverware. After holiday festivi- ties, put leftovers in recyclable containers, and share them with family, friends, or oth- ers. Show your guests where to put recyclables such as alumi- num, glass, and plastic bever- age containers. After parties, fill your dish- washer to capacity before running it. You will run fewer cycles, which saves energy. Buy products in con- centrate, bulk, or in refilla- ble containers. If you're going away from home for the holi- days, to save energy, turn down your thermostat and put lights on timers. Thanksgiving Recycling Tips Environment & Safety Time to order your Yearbook!! Click on the image above to order now! Dont Forget! into the Thanksgiving holiday, Id like to thank all the PTA volunteers for your continuous help in doing so much for our school. And thank you, thank YOU, THANK YOU to the hardworking PTA Board members whose dedication and diligence is so appreciated. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Angela Mason Corbell PTA President Please feel free to con- tact me at any time at presi- [email protected]. Collect Box Tops Don't forget to start collecting Box Tops for Education. Simply cut them out and send them with your student to school in a baggie with their name, teachers name and grade. At the end of the year the class with the most turned in will receive a special reward!! This year we will also be rewarding the top three students with the highest number of box tops brought in with a special prize!! Remember, each box top is worth money to our school. Link Your Target Red Card Calling all Target REDcard users!!! Whether you have the Target debit card or credit card. If you link your card to Corbell...we will earn an automatic 1% of your total purchas- es. It is really, really simple to add. Have your card handy and go to https://www- Scroll down until you see on the right hand side of the screen an area that says "Search for your school", at the bottom you will see the "Search" button, to the right side of that it has a link that says "select by Target school ID" on that! Our school ID# is 124077. You will then be directed to a screen where you can verify our school infor- mation. Enter your name and REDcard# on that screen and click on en- roll!!! Link Your Kroger Plus Card Kroger Rewards is a great way to help Corbell raise money. Simply go to communityrewards. Register your card, then click on the "community" link and "community rewards", enter Corbell Ele- mentary's code 84069 or search for Wel- don Corbell Elementary and link it to your card. That's it!!! We will auto- matically start earning a percentage of all the purchases you make with's an amazingly easy way for our school to earn money for our kids. Even if you previously linked your card during other school have to re-authorize the school each year. You can also call the Kroger Community Rewards number at 1-800-576- 4377 and they can assist you. Thank you to everyone that has contributed their time, energy, talents and/ or donated items to the PTA sponsored events we have had at Corbell so far this school year. We have had a great response to our call for volunteers for Corbell Corral, Wild Walk, Book Fair, and the teach- er appreciation snacks and meals. These events have been hugely suc- cessful because of the wonderful volunteers like you!! Each December, we like to treat the Corbell staff to a Cookie Extravagan- za. So, if youre ready to do some holiday baking, please consider making a few extra treats to con- tribute to this fun event. Click this link to sign up: http:// go/10c0d4aa4ac2ca3fa7- corbell5 Volunteers Needed You can recycle batter- ies, cell phones and accessories, grocery bags, printer cartridges and even shoes in the bins in the Corbell foy- er. Shoes in good condi- tion are donated, so you're not only helping the environment, you're also helping a family in need! Did You Know? WATCH D.O.G.S. ® is an innovative program be- ing used by schools across America. It helps the schools to be posi- tively impacted by the committed involvement of fathers and father- figures in their students' lives. Our goal is to have you spend at least one day this year at the school to be a posi- tive male role model and to help promote a safe and positive school environment. Questions? Schedule Shift Order Watch DOGS shirt Join Watch D.O.G.S Cultural Arts And the Reflections Winners are…... The PTA Reflection winners are in! These talent- ed young artists will go to Council on Dec 4th. Ella Chalfant—Visual Arts in Primary Isaac Myers—Photography in Primary Rajas Ketkar—Literature in Intermediate Emma Houck—Photography in Intermediate Mallory Peek—Visual Arts in Intermediate Hasan Khan—Visual Arts in Intermediate Thank you to all that submitted entries this year!! Congratulations to all of our winners!! What is SAGE? Ms. Youngblood, Principal Upcoming Events Ms. Gonzales, Art Ms. Schettler, Music Ms. Thompson, Library Healthy Lifestyles Corbell Runners Environment & Safety Angela Mason, PTA Pres. Cultural Arts Please Help Our School THANK YOU!! Thank you to all those that provided for the Give Thanks Bagel Breakfast for our wonderful Corbell Teachers & Staff! Next opportunity to treat our teachers will be our Cookie Exchange Dec 17th. Click this link to sign up: http:// go/10c0d4aa4ac2ca3fa7- corbell5 is for Determination Children need to hear their parents say that making an effort, working hard, and planning ahead are important. We need to encourage children to set reasonable expectations, and celebrate with them when they make progress toward their goals. Many times we over look the little accomplishments that children make along the way. Children need to learn that struggling with learning a task is part of their job as students. The school setting has changed a lot over the years and the demands are great. We appreciate your help in the learning process. See you in the hallways, Brenda Youngblood Ms. Youngblood, Principal

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Page 1: Corbell Chronicle - Amazon Web Services€¦ · Corbell Chronicle What is SAGE? SAGE stands for “Special and Gifted Education.” Our collective goal is to promote communication

Weldon Corbell Elementary | 11095 Monarch, Frisco, TX 75033

“Where Stars Shine Bright”

Corbell Chronicle

December 2014 | Volume 50

What is SAGE? SAGE stands for “Special

and Gifted Education.”

Our collective goal is to

promote communication

and cooperation be-

tween educators and

parents of diverse learn-

ers in hopes of benefit-

ting ALL children in

Frisco ISD. We also strive

to bring awareness and

inclusiveness to our

schools, so that our

unique learners feel ac-

cepted, helping them

reach their full potential;

and those students in

general education learn

the value of differences

and common ground.

SAGE sponsors work-

shops and classes

throughout the year, and

provides resources and

support to families. To

stay up-to-date on up-

coming events, please

request to be added to

our newsletter by email-

ing sagenews-

[email protected]. You

can also visit

sage or join our Face-

book group Frisco ISD


December Birthdays

5th—Cynthia Davis

5th—Kellie Swanson

20th—Laura Flynn

26th—Lanelle Jones

The student directory will

be released very soon!!

Don’t forget—One of the

great benefits of becom-

ing a PTA member is so

you can have access to

the Student Directory!!

Sign up now—


Student Directory

Inside this Issue

Please Help Our School

Transportation changes

must be sent to the

teacher AND the front

office by 2pm .

Please Remember

If your child is going to

be absent from school:

1. Please email the

school at garci-

[email protected] or

call the office at 469-


2. Send a handwritten

note or a doctor’s note

when your child returns

to school.

Sick Cowpoke?

Upcoming Events

Nov 24-28 Fall Break

Dec 1-5 White Ribbon Week (Inclusive Schools Week)

Dec 2 Diverse Abilities Day

Dec 9 Spirit Night—Spring Creek BBQ [5-9pm]

3623 Preston Rd, Frisco

Dec 19 Winter Classroom Parties

Dec 22-Jan 2 Winter Break

Big Thanks!

As I think about our last

3 months of PTA events

and activities, I am re-

minded how generous

our Corbell Community is

and am so grateful to

our hard working PTA

Board and wonderful

parents who have gra-

ciously stepped up to

help make our school a

wonderful place to learn

and grow. Working to-

gether we have accom-

plished a lot in just 3

months. We have ex-

ceeded our goals for

Wild Walk and Fall Book

Fair, hosted several

teacher luncheons, family

events and spirit nights,

had amazing attendance

and participation at Do-

nuts with Dads and the

Watch Dogs Dad kickoff

and sent an extraordinary

amount of candy and

notes to our service men

and women through Op-

eration Gratitude. And

that’s just a few of the

accomplishments we’ve

completed this year!

None of these events

could have been realized

without the support of

our many parent volun-

teers. So as we head

Angela Mason, PTA President

PTA sends out weekly

email blasts to help

remind you of up-

coming events. If you

aren't receiving those

reminders and would

like to, please contact

Olivia Ogren at Pub-

[email protected]

"LIKE" us on Face-

book to stay in-


Don’t forget that all

school zones are a no

cell phone zone


Multicultural Minute

Did you know there are 311 different languages spoken in the U.S. and

that there are 14 million households where English is not the primary lan-

guage? We would love to find out how many are spoken in our Corbell

Family! We will be celebrating Corbell’s diversity through a Multicultural

Minute during some of our assemblies.

This year we will be filming students in a private

setting and the video will be shown at the assem-

blies. Students may dress in their country’s attire

(optional) and will say “Good morning Corbell,

my name is _____” in their native language. These

students will also be featured in Corbell’s Multi-

cultural Minute bulletin board in the main hall-

way. We are looking forward to learning about

many different cultures and languages!

If your child would like to participate in the Multicultural Minute, please

fill out the form here and return it to your child’s teacher. We will contact

you to schedule a filming session, which will be on selected Monday’s at

3:10 pm in the library.

If you have any questions about Multicultural Minute please contact the

chairperson at [email protected].

Healthy lifestyles

November: Turkey Trot Challenge

Challenge your family to a

“Turkey Trot” or other physical

activity during the holiday

weekend. The increased amount

of calories consumed on

Thanksgiving can serve as fuel

for activity. After the football

games are over and the food is

off the table, enjoy some family

time by taking a walk around

the block or playing a game like

football at a park or in the yard.

Remember participating in physical activity is not only healthy, but can

be an energy boost for the long holiday weekend!

Thursday, November 27, 2014 in Frisco, TX at Frisco Square

North Texas Turkey Trot 5k/10k

Monthly Fun Family Activity Challenge

Beef & Bean Chili

Adding beans to this meat chili helps to lower the fat and cholesterol in each



Nutritional Facts:

Calories: 274

Total fat: 10 g

Saturated fat: 2 g

Cholesterol: 65 mg

Sodium: 159 mg*

Yield: 9 servings--

Serving Size: 8 oz


Brown meat in a large skillet with half of vegetable oil. Add water. Simmer

covered for 1 hour until meat is tender.

Heat remaining vegetable oil in second skillet. Add garlic and onion and

cook over low heat until onion is softened. Add flour and cook 2 minutes.

Add the garlic-onion-flour mixture to the cooked meat. Then add the re-

maining ingredients to the meat mixture. Simmer 1/2 hour.

* To cut back on sodi-

um, try using "no salt

added" canned kidney

beans, or use beans

prepared at home

without salt.

2 lb lean beef stew meat (trimmed of fat), cut in 1-

3 Tbsp Vegetable Oil

2C Water

2 tsp Minced garlic

1 large Onion, finely chopped

1 Tbsp Flour

2 tsp Chili powder

1 Green pepper, chopped

2 lb Tomatoes, chopped (3C)

1 Tbsp Oregano

1 tsp Cumin

2C Canned kidney beans*

Recognize that you have

more control than you might

think. You can turn off the TV

and video games. You can park

your car farther away from the

store. You can give your family

more vegetables with dinner.

Think about immediate bene-

fits. If reducing future heart dis-

ease risk seems a bit abstract, focus

on the good things that can hap-

pen right now. You won't feel so

full if you have a smaller portion of

dessert, or have a piece of fruit in-

stead. Going hiking with your teen-

ager might lead to a wonderful talk

that neither of you anticipated. A

vegetable salad tastes great and

looks beautiful. Dancing with your

spouse is lots of fun and can give

you a great workout.

Make small chang-

es over time. It's easier

and more appealing to

start out with some new

approaches to nutrition

and physical activity that

the whole family is will-

ing to try. For example, shoot some

baskets after dinner a few nights a

week instead of turning on the TV.

Start your weekend by taking a

walk with your family or a trip to a

local farmer's market. And, instead

of chocolate cake with frosting, en-

joy sliced strawberries over angel

food cake.

Try a variety of strategies. No

one will notice if you use part-skim

mozzarella cheese instead of whole

-milk mozzarella in your lasagna,

but you'll be reducing the number

of calories and fat for everyone

who eats it. Combine "invisible"

strategies like this with strategies

that actively involve other family

members: See whether everyone

will commit to eating healthy din-

ners at least four times a week. Get

your children involved in the pro-

cess of shopping for

and preparing these

healthy dinners. Make

a plan with your child

to walk to school to-

gether or to walk after

dinner 2 days a week.

Family Resources: Strategies for Real Life

If you're interested in jump-starting your family on a healthy lifestyle by

making some nutrition and physical activity changes, here are a few strate-

gies to get you started:

For more information and tips on eating healthier at home, read "We Can!

Families Finding the Balance: A Parent Handbook" (available online at

Ms. Schettler, music

Saturday evening, December 6th in Frisco Square

(arrive @ 5:00 pm for 5:25 pm performance)

This event will be featuring 25 Frisco ISD Elementary Schools, and our per-

formance will be on the Snowflake Stage on the far eastside of the pla-

za. Parents are responsible for transportation.

Please plan to have students wear the 2014-2015

Blue and White “Corbell Clubs” shirt and jeans for

the event. Coats will be given to parents before we

perform unless it is as cold as last year. You may al-

so wear any “holiday” items, such as, Santa hats,

reindeer antlers, scarves, mittens, etc.

24th Annual Frisco Square Merry Main Street

Upcoming Events: We

will be celebrating diver-

sity during Disability

Awareness Week, De-

cember 1st - 5th, in the

Corbell library. We en-

courage you to talk to

your child about what

they’ve learned that

week and to help answer

their questions. Let them

know it’s okay to talk

about and celebrate dif-


And next in the “Learning

Together” series from

PATH, “Contents of the

IEP” on December 3rd

(contact Heather Brown

at friscosagepro-

[email protected] for

details). Hope to see you


Ms. Gonzales, Art Teacher

The art room is collecting items that are different textures. Our active

learning classroom will be creating some artwork using a variety of textures

over the next few weeks. If you would like to contribute please bring in a

small item that can be glued to a sheet of paper. (Something to represent

bumpy, soft, smooth, rough etc.) Please do not go out and purchase

anything. Some examples could be a small piece of sand paper, sponges, or

a small piece of fabric.

Be creative! Let’s help these students explore the sense of touch!

Thank you for your help!

Ms. Thompson, Library

Corbell Library offers several

exciting reading programs for our


2x2 Reading Program for Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2nd Grade

Read or listen to the 2x2 books at home or at school. Look for the Parent-

Child Activity label inside of each book for fun reading ideas. Copies of 2x2s

are available at the Corbell Library and Frisco Public Library. The Frisco Pub-

lic Library keeps one in-house set of 2 x 2 books to read while in the library.

The 2x2 Reading List is an annual list of 20 great books for children, age

two to grade two. Please visit their website to learn more: http://

Bluebonnet Reading Program for 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade

Join Corbell's Bluebonnet club! Read or listen to at least 5 of this year's

bluebonnet nominees. The Frisco Public Library keeps one in-house set of

the current bluebonnet books to read while in the library.

The Bluebonnet Voting Party is in January. Any student that reads (or listens

to) at least five books by January is invited to the voting party. The voting

party will be in January.

The Texas Bluebonnet Award reading program is for students in 3rd-5th

grade to encourage Texas children to read more books and explore a varie-

ty of current books. Students from across the state vote for their favorite

book each year from 20 nominees and the winner is announced in the

spring. Please visit their website to learn more:


Caldecott Award Books (K-5)

The Caldecott Medal was named in honor of nineteenth-century English

illustrator Randolph Caldecott. The medal is awarded annually by

the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American

Library Association, to the artist of the most distinguished American pic-

ture book for children.

Please visit their website to learn more about current and previous medal

winner and honor books:


Corbell runners

Don’t forget to Register!!

We are so excited about this awe-

some session for the Corbell Run-

ners! Don’t forget to register for

the Frisco Frosty 5k and Merry Mile

(team name: CORBELL RUN-

NERS)! The Frosty 5k and Merry

Mile is on Saturday, December 13th

at 8:00 am, and benefits Frisco

Family Services. The Corbell Run-

ners won “Most Spirited” last year

at the race!!! All Corbell students

and families are welcome to join us

that day whether you are a part of

the Corbell Runners or not! Let’s

get out and get fit together!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2014 in Frisco, TX at Frisco Square

Frosty 5k & Merry Mile

Stay in the kitchen when you

are cooking on the stove top

so you can keep an eye on

the food.

Stay in the home when cook-

ing your turkey and check on

it frequently.

Keep children away from the

stove. The stove will be hot

and kids should

stay 3 feet away.

Make sure kids

stay away from

hot food and liq-

uids. The steam or

splash from vegetables, gravy

or coffee could cause serious


Keep knives out of the reach

of children.

Be sure electric cords from an

electric knife, coffee maker,

plate warmer or mixer are not

dangling off the counter with-

in easy reach of a child.

Make sure your

smoke alarms are

working. Test them by

pushing the test but-


Thanksgiving Safety Tips

If you host a party, set the

table with cloth napkins and

reusable dishes, glasses, and


After holiday festivi-

ties, put leftovers in

recyclable containers,

and share them with

family, friends, or oth-


Show your guests where to

put recyclables such as alumi-

num, glass, and plastic bever-

age containers.

After parties, fill your dish-

washer to capacity before

running it. You will run fewer

cycles, which saves energy.

Buy products in con-

centrate, bulk, or in refilla-

ble containers.

If you're going away

from home for the holi-

days, to save energy, turn

down your thermostat and

put lights on timers.

Thanksgiving Recycling Tips

Environment & Safety

Time to order your

Yearbook!! Click on the

image above to order


Don’t Forget!

into the Thanksgiving

holiday, I’d like to thank

all the PTA volunteers for

your continuous help in

doing so much for our

school. And thank you,


to the hardworking PTA

Board members whose

dedication and diligence

is so appreciated. Have a

wonderful Thanksgiving!

Angela Mason

Corbell PTA President

Please feel free to con-

tact me at any time at


[email protected].

Collect Box Tops

Don't forget to start collecting Box Tops

for Education. Simply cut them out and

send them with your student to school in

a baggie with their name, teachers name

and grade. At the end of the year the

class with the most turned in will receive a

special reward!! This year we will also be rewarding the top three students

with the highest number of box tops brought in with a special

prize!! Remember, each box top is worth money to our school.

Link Your Target Red Card

Calling all Target REDcard users!!! Whether

you have the Target debit card or credit

card. If you link your card to Corbell...we will

earn an automatic 1% of your total purchas-

es. It is really, really simple to add. Have your

card handy and go to https://www- Scroll

down until you see on the right hand side of

the screen an area that says "Search for your school", at the bottom you will

see the "Search" button, to the right side of that it has a link that says

"select by Target school ID" on that! Our school ID# is 124077. You

will then be directed to a screen where you can verify our school infor-

mation. Enter your name and REDcard# on that screen and click on en-


Link Your Kroger Plus Card

Kroger Rewards is a great way to help

Corbell raise money. Simply go


communityrewards. Register your card,

then click on the "community" link and

"community rewards", enter Corbell Ele-

mentary's code 84069 or search for Wel-

don Corbell Elementary and link it to your card. That's it!!! We will auto-

matically start earning a percentage of all the purchases you make with's an amazingly easy way for our school to earn money for our

kids. Even if you previously linked your card during other school

have to re-authorize the school each year.

You can also call the Kroger Community Rewards number at 1-800-576-

4377 and they can assist you.

Thank you to everyone

that has contributed their

time, energy, talents and/

or donated items to the

PTA sponsored events

we have had at Corbell

so far this school

year. We have had a

great response to our

call for volunteers for

Corbell Corral, Wild Walk,

Book Fair, and the teach-

er appreciation snacks

and meals. These events

have been hugely suc-

cessful because of the

wonderful volunteers like


Each December, we like

to treat the Corbell staff

to a Cookie Extravagan-

za. So, if you’re ready to

do some holiday baking,

please consider making a

few extra treats to con-

tribute to this fun

event. Click this link to

sign up: http://





You can recycle batter-

ies, cell phones and

accessories, grocery

bags, printer cartridges

and even shoes in the

bins in the Corbell foy-


Shoes in good condi-

tion are donated, so

you're not only helping

the environment, you're

also helping a family in


Did You Know?


is an

innovative program be-

ing used by schools

across America. It helps

the schools to be posi-

tively impacted by the

committed involvement

of fathers and father-

figures in their students'

lives. Our goal is to

have you spend at least

one day this year at

the school to be a posi-

tive male role model

and to help promote a

safe and positive school



Schedule Shift

Order Watch DOGS shirt

Join Watch D.O.G.S

Cultural Arts

And the Reflections Winners are…...

The PTA Reflection winners are in! These talent-

ed young artists will go to Council on Dec 4th.

Ella Chalfant—Visual Arts in Primary

Isaac Myers—Photography in Primary

Rajas Ketkar—Literature in Intermediate

Emma Houck—Photography in Intermediate

Mallory Peek—Visual Arts in Intermediate

Hasan Khan—Visual Arts in Intermediate

Thank you to all that submitted entries this year!!

Congratulations to all of our winners!!

What is SAGE?

Ms. Youngblood, Principal

Upcoming Events

Ms. Gonzales, Art

Ms. Schettler, Music

Ms. Thompson, Library

Healthy Lifestyles

Corbell Runners

Environment & Safety

Angela Mason, PTA Pres.

Cultural Arts

Please Help Our School


Thank you to all those

that provided for the Give

Thanks Bagel Breakfast for

our wonderful Corbell

Teachers & Staff!

Next opportunity to treat

our teachers will be our

Cookie Exchange Dec

17th. Click this link to sign

up: http://



is for Determination

Children need to hear their parents say that making an effort, working

hard, and planning ahead are important. We need to encourage children

to set reasonable expectations, and celebrate with them when they make

progress toward their goals. Many times we over look the little

accomplishments that children make along the way. Children need to

learn that struggling with learning a task is part of their job as students.

The school setting has changed a lot over the years and the demands are

great. We appreciate your help in the learning process.

See you in the hallways,

Brenda Youngblood

Ms. Youngblood, Principal