core classes for 7th graders middle school transition

Middle School Transition Core classes for 7th graders

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Middle School Transition

Core classes for 7th graders

Placement Criteria for Advanced English & Math

Meet 2 of 3 criteria Advanced Math 7 Advanced English Language Arts 7

1. Class grade (6th grade, first semester average, a minimum of 75 or higher is required regardless of standardized test scores

80% or higher in 6th grade math course

80% or higher in 6th grade English Language Arts course

2. 6th grade Fall Scantron Performance Series Scores

2609 or higher in math 2854 or higher in reading

3. 6th Grade Winter Scantron Performance Series Score

2667 or higher in math 2883 or higher in reading

Placement Criteria for Advanced History & Science

Meet 2 of 3 criteria Advanced Life Science Advanced Civics/Geography

1. Class grade (6th grade, first semester average, a minimum of 75 or higher is required regardless of standardized test scores

80% or higher in 6th grade science course

80% or higher in 6th grade social studies course

2. 6th grade Fall Scantron Performance Series Scores

2609 or higher in math 2854 or higher in reading

3. 6th Grade Winter Scantron Performance Series Score

2667 or higher in math 2883 or higher in reading


● Course registration and advanced placement letters will be distributed to students the week of April 8th

● Course registration and advanced placement letters are due to your current school by Friday, April 26th

● Students interested in courses that require auditions or applications are responsible for keeping up with the announced due dates for those courses

Academic Intervention for

Regular Education Students

READING STUDIES: Guided Reading Includes book study clubs, community building and four steps which deliver rich information about students' reading interests, motivation along with their current proficiency in word knowledge, phonics, spelling, fluency, and comprehension. Data driven instruction is provided in a systematic approach.

MATH STUDIES: Voyager Sopris-TransMath“Transmath is a comprehensive math intervention curriculum that targets middle and high school students who lack the foundational skills necessary for entry into algebra and/or who are two or more years below grade level in math. Using a dual-topic approach, Transmath emphasizes fewer topics in greater depth while accelerating students to more advanced math, from number sense to rational numbers, to understanding algebra. Transmath offers explicit instruction and multisensory strategies deepen conceptual understanding and build problem-solving proficiency.

Reading and Math Intervention classes are added to student’s schedules based on NEED.

The following data points are considered:

1. Scantron scores2. Previous grades in reading and math3. Teacher input

Gifted Social Studies

Gifted Studies: Gifted Social StudiesPlease know this is NOT Project Jubilee. It is a core class that takes

the place of their Social Studies class and is delivered at an

advanced level. Grades count!

Gifted Social Studies (per BCBE Gifted Education Annual

Objectives) includes:

Language, Reading, 2-4 novels, 2-4 non-fiction texts, and articles,

Writing/Research (At least one research paper/project-minimum 5

pages annually), Public Speaking, 3-5 class presentations annually,

and Listening

Gifted Studies: Gifted Social Studies

Expected Workload:

Students will learn all grade level material (Civics & Geography) at a faster pace. They will not only meet state standards, but also gifted standards.

Gifted Social Studies will also have:

Out of Class Projects: 1 per quarter (including SS Fair)Novel Studies: 1 per semester

Gifted Studies: Gifted Social Studies

If your child has been identified as gifted, they will automatically

be placed in Gifted Social Studies.

If you feel that this program of study is not for them, you may

suspend their gifted services and they will be placed in either

regular or advanced Social Studies. Please contact Mrs. Antinarella

at [email protected] to discuss this process.

Math Courses


 Advanced Social Studies

* Advanced Social Studies operates at a faster pace in terms of assignment due dates,

rigor of the assignment and stricter late submission consequences.

* An assignment in regular SS may be given a 5 day class period span. The same assignment for advanced might be 3 days and may be multiple choice, fill in the blank or even matching. In advanced classes, the depth of knowledge is often set at a higher level (3 & 4). Instead of a multiple choice or fill in the blank students may be asked to

create, explain, identify, build, formulate, etc. Hands on learning in the form of projects are VERY common. Posters, 3D models, papers, bibliographies, verbal discussion, oral presentations, technology oriented projects are common place in advanced. Students may be given a collaborative project on Wednesday & might be due before the end of

class on Friday. This would require students to work independently at home as well as use the class period to their advantage

* Late work in regular classes may be allowable with only a small penalty. Late

work in advanced deducts 50% off if late in any capacity. This does not include absences. (3 days are issued for late work to be submitted after absence)

Students in Gifted & Advanced SS are required to participate in the SS Fair. The assignments for preparation for the fair includes journal writing, a paper (500 words or more), annotated bibliographies, tri fold board, extensive research as well as the ability to print and turn in the research and project in on time.

According to current students: 1. A LOT of projects2. Work in advance of the work week (work ahead)3. Don’t procrastinate4. Time management is a MUST5. The acclimation process was hard the first quarter, but I

got the hang of it after that6. I would drop down to regular, too much work7. If you like a challenge, I recommend it8. I have learned a lot, I would take this class again

English Language Arts

Advanced/General ELA 7 Similarities

ELA 7 (English Language Arts)

● Follow Alabama Course of Study Standards

● Some shared novels● Weekly vocabulary● High academic standards● Rigorous coursework

Advanced/General ELA 7 Differences

Advanced ELA 7

1. Some more complex novels

2. Mostly based on A+ College Ready Laying the Foundations Lessons and Coursework

3. More rigorous usage of skills such as writing, analysis, research, etc.

4. Shorter due dates5. More assignments

General ELA 7

1. Some different novels/short

stories/poems2. Partially based on A+ College

Ready Laying the Foundations Lessons and Coursework

3. Less rigorous (but still requiring time and effort) usage of skills such as writing, analysis, research, etc.

Life Science

7th Grade Life Science

Course Requirements:

● Follow Alabama Course of

Study Standards● Weekly assessments● Lab reports & data● High academic standards● Rigorous coursework

Year Objectives:

● Scientific Processes & Cells

● Human Body● Genetics ● Ecology● Plant Growth● Unity & Diversity (Fossils &


Life Science

Class Resources:

● Moodle/Google Classroom

● Remind● Digital Online Textbook

○ Practice material○ Videos○ Online tutor

● Interactive Notebook

Lab Requirements

● Signed parent/student safety

contract.● If a student does not follow lab

safety rules then they will be removed from the lab and will complete a virtual lab. If a student continues to misbehave, then they will be removed from lab indefinitely and complete virtual labs for their grade.